RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#479: Peeping

„Others naturally are busy at other matter, not work Fellow Daoist Feng took the trouble.” Xiao Jinhan light saying. “其他人自然在忙别的事情,就不劳封道友费心了。”萧晋寒淡淡的说道。 It seems like Palace Master Xiao the chance is this time significant, the harvest is many. Your excellency usually all was left Yongyou the variety, now the solitary person, pouring makes to seal/confer some not be used.” Feng Tiandu said slowly. “看来萧宫主此番机缘匪浅,想必收获颇丰。只是阁下平素俱是左拥右簇,如今孑然一人,倒让封某有些不习惯了。”封天都缓缓说道。 Actually Xiao likes coming and going freely, some burdens, instead are sometimes easier to show skills, doesn't Fellow Daoist Feng feel?” Saying that Xiao Jinhan coldly. “其实萧某人更喜欢独来独往,有时候少一些累赘,反而更容易施展拳脚,封道友不觉得吗?”萧晋寒冷冷的说道。 Hehe, sealing somebody is not so natural like Xiao Jinhan, thought that the person are more, handling matters relatively is also more convenient.” Feng Tiandu said with a smile. “呵呵,封某人可不像萧晋寒这般潇洒,还是觉得人多一些,办起事来也相对方便一些。”封天都笑着说道。 your sect really overwhelms with numerical strength. Evidently, is it possible that has Fellow Daoist Feng planned to integrate the Concealed Tower Sect territory this Supreme Unity Palace?” Xiao Jinhan glanced distant place Southern Dark Race, Daoist Hu Yan and the others, saying shifting to a new subject. 贵宗果然人多势众。看样子,封道友莫非已打算将这太乙殿纳入伏凌宗的领地了?”萧晋寒瞟了远处南黎族,呼言道人等人一眼,话锋一转的说道。 Palace Master Xiao this word is bad, the Supreme Unity Palace itself is place of without owner, naturally anybody can come. Especially Palace Master Xiao one, making to seal/confer feel more relaxed.” Feng Tiandu hears word, shakes the head to say. 萧宫主此言差矣,太乙殿本就是一处无主之地,自然任何人都可以来得。尤其是萧宫主一来,让封某觉得轻松多了。”封天都闻言,摇了摇头说道。 Xiao Jinhan smiles lightly, several people looked at one toward Feng Tiandu behind, then transfers to look to the white jade, suddenly lifts the hand. 萧晋寒淡淡一笑,朝着封天都身后几人看了一眼,然后转首看向白色玉璧,突然一抬手。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! A white light flies to shoot from his palm, forms a clear long arrow, shot above the light cover. 一道白光从他掌心飞射而出,形成一支晶莹的长箭,射在了光罩之上。 Pā dā! 啪嗒”一声! The clear long arrow disrupts accordingly, the light cover was only the surface flashed slightly two, immediately then restores the original design. 晶莹长箭应声碎裂,光罩只是表面微微闪动了两下,立刻便恢复原样。 Good tenacious restriction.” The Xiao Jinhan vision flashes, said. “好坚韧的禁制。”萧晋寒目光微闪,说道。 Palace Master, these Concealed Tower Sect people had just attacked this restriction with joint forces, but it is impregnable, it seems like wants to open the entrance is not an easy matter.” Ouyang Kuishan said in a low voice. 宫主,刚刚那些伏凌宗的人已经合力攻击过此禁制,但其却固如金汤,看来想要打开入口绝非易事。”欧阳奎山低声说道。 Xiao Jinhan hears this words, the look is invariable, is only slightly nodded of showing neither approval nor disapproval. 萧晋寒听闻此话,神色不变,只是不置可否的微微点了点头。 Palace Master does not need to be worried, by subordinate observation, the white light in this stone wall covers restriction to have present two times of thick, does not know why has actually been thinning slowly, so long as after a period of time, believes that will become thinner, will vanish, when the time comes perhaps then can break open it.” Ouyang Kuishan said. 宫主也不用担心,以属下的观察,这石壁上的白色光罩禁制原本有现在的两倍厚,不知为何却一直在缓缓变薄,只要再过一段时间,相信就会变得更薄,甚至消失,到时候或许便能将其破开。”欧阳奎山说道。 „, Takes seriously?” The Xiao Jinhan look moves, said. “哦,当真?”萧晋寒神色一动,说道。 Subordinate does not dare to lie. Palace Master is perceptive of the finest detail, so long as makes the observation slightly, can know.” Ouyang Kuishan is busy at saying. “属下万万不敢撒谎。宫主明察秋毫,只要稍作观察,便可知晓。”欧阳奎山忙说道。 Xiao Jinhan hears word, deep looked at Ouyang Kuishan one, sees the opposite party to lower the head to lower the head hastily, then put aside the vision, on selfish arriving nearby big stone, flings the lower hem sat, close eyes maintains mental tranquility. 萧晋寒闻言,深深的看了欧阳奎山一眼,见对方连忙低头垂首,便移开了目光,自顾自的走到一旁一块大石上,一甩衣摆的坐了下来,闭目养神起来。 Sees this situation, the Feng Tiandu pupil shrinks slightly, along with, even if put aside the vision, after Concealed Tower Sect and the others still looked at several mutually, sits cross-legged to sit. 见此情形,封天都瞳孔微微一缩,随即便移开了目光,身后的伏凌宗等人也互望了几眼后,也纷纷就地盘膝而坐。 Presents others to see this, silently was sitting same place. 在场其余人见此,也默默的在原地坐了下来。 The silence piece, the atmosphere seems somewhat strange. 现场肃静一片,气氛显得有些诡异。 Time points pasts, passed the less than half double-hour in an instant. 时间一点点过去,转眼间过了小半个时辰。 In the Xiao Jinhan eye white glow flashes, slowly nod. 萧晋寒眼中白芒闪动,缓缓点头。 The light in stone wall covers restriction, truly became thin a point compared with before. 石壁上的光罩禁制,确实比之前变得稀薄了一点。 ...... …… At this moment, the mountain valley distant place, in a covert cave, high short two person's shadows stand shoulder to shoulder, motionless, impressively Han Li and Golden Child. 此时此刻,山谷远处,一个隐蔽的山洞之内,一高一矮两个人影并肩而立,一动不动,赫然正是韩立金童 The two do not know that used what secret technique, the body aura has not sent out tiny bit, if some people have swept here with divine sense, seems completely empty general. 二者也不知动用了什么秘术,身上气息一丝一毫也没有散发出来,若是有人用神识扫过此处,就仿佛空空如也一般。 Slits of Han Li among by two big stones, looks toward the distant place people, in eye blue glow twinkle. 韩立透过两块大石间的缝隙,朝着远处众人望去,目中蓝芒闪烁。 When the distant place stone wall sends out the astonishing phenomenon, he actually in nearby not far away, can say the side that he rushes to is early, only compared with Ouyang Kuishan they late a bit. 远处石壁发出惊人异象时,他其实就在附近不远处,可以说他赶到的极早,只比欧阳奎山他们晚了一会而已。 However after seeing Ouyang Kuishan and other people, he brings Golden Child to use the secret technique to hide immediately. 不过看到欧阳奎山等三人后,他立刻带着金童施展秘术躲藏了起来。 Person were getting more and more, listening to them just saying that was here a named Supreme Unity Palace entrance, where Supreme Unity Palace is? Can cause Xiao Jinhan unexpectedly, competition that Feng Tiandu these people so manipulate strategically. Is it possible that......” in the Han Li heart wonders secretly. “人越来越多了,听他们刚刚所言,这里是一处名为太乙殿的入口,太乙殿是什么地方?竟然能引得萧晋寒,封天都这些人如此勾心斗角的争夺。莫非……”韩立心中暗暗纳闷。 In addition, Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni also arrived here, making in his heart center slightly peaceful. 此外,呼言道人云霓也来到了这里,让他心中心中稍安。 No matter how said, Daoist Hu Yan his teacher as well as friend, these date and time he has quite worried about it, at this moment sees its is well, he also on relax/rest assured several points. 不管怎么说,呼言道人同他亦师亦友,这些时日他一直对其颇为担心,此刻看到其平安无事,他也就放心了几分。 Golden Child somewhat bored standing in the one side, opens the mouth suddenly lost does not know that the same anything entered the mouth, thump, sound, although was not big, actually has a scare Han Li. 金童有些无聊的站在一旁,忽的张口丢了不知道一样什么东西进了嘴里,“咯噔”一声,声音虽然不大,却将韩立吓了一大跳。 Is more careful, do not make the sound, making these people discover that we troubled.” The Han Li complexion changes, voice transmission said. “小心些,别发出声音,让那些人发现我们就麻烦了。”韩立面色微变,传音说道。 They have prepared luckily early, covered the sound and aura, in addition is away from is far enough, Xiao Jinhan and the others concentrating on looks at the stone wall, divine sense has no way to notice here again. 幸好他们早有所备,掩盖了声音和气息,加上距离够远,萧晋寒等人又都在全神贯注的看着石壁,神识再强都没法注意到这里。 Has hidden here is really bored, Uncle, when do we want to hide?” Golden Child purses the lips voice transmission to say. “一直躲在这里真是无聊,大叔,我们要躲到什么时候?”金童噘嘴传音道。 Again patient wait/etc..” Saying that Han Li does not return. “再耐心等等。”韩立头也不回的说道。 These person and do you have a grudge?” Golden Child small eyebrow one pressed, voice transmission asked. “那些人和你有仇吗?”金童小眉毛一蹙,传音问道。 Some, is.” Saying that Han Li shows neither approval nor disapproval. “有一些,算是吧。”韩立不置可否的说道。 Which is your personal enemy?” Golden Child rubs the fist to rub the palm, takes a step then the strategic place to go out. “哪个是你的仇人?”金童磨拳搓掌,迈步便要冲出去。 First waits, they overwhelm with numerical strength, we only have two, hitting not necessarily is their opponents, secondly these people seemed like also manipulating strategically, wait for real restriction to break open perhaps them to hit.” Han Li hurried holds on Golden Child, voice transmission said. Wants the character of coming Golden Child and Qu Ling is too together long ruled by force. “先等一下,他们人多势众,我们只有两个,打起来未必是他们对手,二来那些人看起来也在勾心斗角,等真的禁制破开说不定他们自己就打起来了。”韩立急忙一把拉住金童,传音道。想来金童渠灵一起太久本来就霸道的性格更甚了。 Right.” “对对。” Golden Child first is one happy, thinks, suddenly also said: If they do not hit, we waited for them to separate, we chased down again, this was fairy intelligent. 金童先是一喜,想了想后忽然又说道:“要是他们不自己打起来,我们就等着他们分开了,我们再追杀上去,本仙女聪不聪明”。 Golden Child is really intelligent.” Han Li touched under the head of Golden Child, said. 金童真是聪明。”韩立摸了下金童的头,说道。 Good, pushes someone take on a difficult job again, patient and other.” Golden Child patted clapping, sat, is resting the head on the head with two arms. “好吧,就再勉为其难,耐心的等一下吧。”金童拍了拍手,坐了下来,用两条胳膊枕着脑袋。 Han Li shouted the one breath lightly, continued to look toward the distant place. 韩立轻呼一口气,继续朝着远处望去。 In an instant, is several double-hour passes, Golden Child actually fell asleep unknowingly. 转眼间,又是数个时辰过去,金童却是不知不觉睡着了。 The light in stone wall covers on restriction the white light twinkle, at this moment is only left over light one/1st level/layer. 石壁上的光罩禁制上白光闪烁,此刻只剩下薄薄一层 These days, without others comes this, but including Xiao Jinhan, Feng Tiandu everyone stood at this moment, the vision closely is staring at the white stone wall. 这段时间内,没有其他人来此,而包括萧晋寒,封天都在内的所有人此刻都站了起来,目光紧紧盯着白色石壁。 In stone wall the white light cover glitters gently, still in thinning of slowly bit by bit. 石壁上白色光罩轻轻闪烁,仍旧在一点一滴的缓缓变薄。 Many people start to look the tense color, within the body raise within the body immortal spirit strength, only waits for the light to cover restriction to weaken to lowly, then sends out the thunder to strike immediately. 不少人开始面露紧张之色,体内提起体内仙灵力,只等光罩禁制减弱到最低,便立刻发出雷霆一击。 Preparation at the same time, the people on the scene alert mutually. 准备的同时,在场众人更是互相戒备。 senior brother, restriction has become very thin, gathers our strengths, should be able break/solve, whether immediately make a move?” Side Feng Tiandu, the Qi Tianxiao lip moves slightly, voice transmission said. “师兄,禁制已经变得很薄,集合我们所有人的力量,应该可以破解,是否立刻出手?”封天都身旁,齐天霄嘴唇微动,传音说道。 Again wait a minute, when restriction changes to is weakest said again. Moreover we cannot patronize restriction, must be careful Xiao Jinhan.” Feng Tiandu sinking sound rumor. “再等一会,等禁制变到最弱时再说。而且我们不能光顾着禁制,更要小心萧晋寒。”封天都沉声传言。 Yes, Senior Brother relax/rest assured.” In the Qi Tianxiao eye none flashes, slowly nod. “是,师兄放心。”齐天霄眼中精光一闪,缓缓点头。 In the distant place cave, the Han Li also vision sparkles to stare at the white stone wall, in the eye the blue glow is flashing, look suddenly moves. 远处山洞内,韩立也目光闪闪盯着白色石壁,眼中蓝芒闪动,眼神忽的一动。 At this moment, already thin to as if a white light cover of white paper, suddenly flashes, above appears the innumerable say/way white slender gassed thread, the crazy beat, the white light cover suddenly starts to thicken. 就在此刻,已经稀薄到仿佛一张白纸的白色光罩,忽的一闪,上面浮现出无数道白色纤细光丝,疯狂跳动,白色光罩突然开始变厚。 The people see with own eyes this scenery, the complexion big change, as if by prior agreement outrageously make a move. 众人眼见此景,面色大变,不约而同悍然出手 Xiao Jinhan wields, the electricity of dazzling white light from his hand shoots together, seems like immortal artifact of pointed cone appearance. 萧晋寒手一挥,一道刺目白光从其手中电射而出,看起来似乎是一根尖锥模样的仙器 White lightnings beat on pointed cone immortal artifact, sends out gratingly wū wū howl with the sound of thunder and lightning thundering strangely, the thorn coats to the white light ruthlessly. 一道道白色闪电在尖锥仙器上跳动,发出刺耳的呜呜怪啸和雷电轰鸣之声,狠狠刺向白色光罩上。 Ouyang Kuishan three people of shout loudly, respective wielding a golden color flying sword, on the sword hilt had an animal head to swallow the mouth, resembles dragon non- dragon, resembles the beast non- beast. 欧阳奎山三人大喝出声,也各自祭出了一柄金色飞剑,剑柄上有一个兽头吞口,似龙非龙,似兽非兽。 Sword blade both sides, inscribe at the same time the mountains and rivers design, the other aspect inscribing vast starry sky. 剑身两面,一面铭刻着山河图案,另一面铭刻浩瀚星空。 Three flying swords present the product glyph, blooms the dazzling incomparable sword light, condenses in the same place, divided to the white light cover. 三柄飞剑呈现出品字形,绽放出耀眼无比的剑光,凝聚在一起,劈向了白色光罩之上。 Southern Dark Race ancient old man and white-haired old woman lifts, in hand two golden walking sticks immediately burst. 南黎族古稀老者鹤发老妪手一抬,手中两个金色拐杖立刻点射而出。 The scary golden light erupts from two walking sticks, flashes changes into two headage ten zhang (3.33 m) Gold Dragon, the whole body golden light is sparking, as if the golden casting is ordinary, lends the sharp incomparable aura, hits coats to the white light. 骇人金光从两根拐杖上爆发而出,一闪化为两头数十丈长的金龙,全身金光闪亮,仿佛黄金铸造一般,散发出锋利无比的气息,打向白色光罩上。 Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni respective wielding immortal artifact, is a scarlet flying sword and at the same time the blue flywheel, grade seems also ordinary, but also sends out to soar to the heavens the ray respectively, against the wind suddenly rising several times cut ruthlessly to the light cover. 呼言道人云霓也各自祭出仙器,却是一柄赤红飞剑和一面蓝色飞轮,品阶似乎一般,但也各自散发出冲天光芒,迎风暴涨数倍的狠狠斩向了光罩。 However presents in everyone, is Concealed Tower Sect the attack power and influence of launch is most astonishing. 不过在场所有人之中,还是伏凌宗的发动的攻击威势最为惊人。 Sees only Concealed Tower Sect everyone to stand at this moment, although is sparse, scandalous, the concealment is mysterious, seems like magical array. 只见伏凌宗所有人此刻站成一圈,虽然稀稀疏疏,不成体统,却隐含玄妙,看起来是一个法阵 All people put black light greatly, immediately concentrates, changes into thick black light beams, as if black big pythons are common, each other links, gathered on Feng Tiandu finally all. 所有人身上黑光大放,随即一凝,化为一根根粗大黑色光束,仿佛一条条黑色大蟒一般,彼此连接在一起,最后尽数汇聚到了封天都身上。 The Feng Tiandu body rises fiercely the big several points, the body ballooning gets up, above appears thick blue veins, as if the earthworm wriggles generally. 封天都身躯猛地涨大几分,皮肉都鼓胀起来,上面浮现出一道道粗大青筋,仿佛蚯蚓一般蠕动。 The aura that he lends rises sharply, one covered had presented everyone, making the Xiao Jinhan complexion also unconsciously slightly change. 他散发出的气息大涨,一下盖过了在场所有人,让萧晋寒面色也不觉微微一变。 Finally after it deeply inspires, in the mouth mumbled fast, the body changed impressively fast, the skin became azure black withered, the hair also became withered and yellow incomparable, changed into a dry corpse shape instantaneously. 结果其深吸了一口气后,口中飞快念念有词,身体赫然飞快变化,皮肤变得青黑干枯,头发也变得枯黄无比,瞬间又化为一具干尸形状。 Huā lā lā 哗啦啦 A series of resounding chains collision sound spreads from Feng Tiandu within the body, immediately before its, void black light flashes continually, thick black chains appear, fully dozens, dense and numerous, rolls up and pushes along just like the whisker up and down. 一连串响亮的锁链碰撞声从封天都体内传出,随即其身前虚空中黑光连闪,一道道粗大的黑色锁链浮现而出,足有数十根之多,密密麻麻,宛如触须般上下卷动。 Above each chains, black rune of some innumerable grain of rice sizes wind around, flashes, sends out frightening great principle fluctuations. 每一根锁链之上,都有无数米粒大小的黑色符文缭绕,闪动间,散发出一股股令人心惊的宏大法则波动。 In the distant place cave, the Han Li double pupil shrinks slightly. 远处山洞内,韩立双瞳微微一缩。 Although to quite far, the aura that but he feels Feng Tiandu to call these black chains that lends clearly, in that two Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain with his hand is impressively exactly the same. 虽然相距颇远,但他还是清晰感受到了封天都唤出的那些黑色锁链所散发出的气息,赫然和他手中的那两根隔元法链一模一样。 This person is......” his vision flashes, in the mouth muttered one, in the heart has understood. “难道此人乃是……”他目光一闪,口中喃喃一声,心中已然明白。 ( Afternoon has matter, forgot language only to be able today one.) (下午有事,忘语今天只能一更了哦。)
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