RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#478: Palace mouth

Position that Palace Master, just Ouyang Kuishan referred, wasn't happen to just had the abnormal movement direction? So, mostly real.” Xue Ying stood in the one side waited for a bit, could not bear say. 宫主,刚刚欧阳奎山所指的位置,不是正好是刚刚发生异动的方向吗?如此看来,多半是真的。”雪莺站在一旁等了一会,忍不住说道。 „It is not anxious, if there is really the Supreme Unity Palace entrance, how not to have the restriction guard? Even if others rush, wants is not perhaps easy.” Xiao Jinhan shakes the head to say. “不急,若那里真的是太乙殿入口,岂会没有禁制守卫?就算其他人赶到,想要进去恐怕也不容易。”萧晋寒摇摇头说道。 Your meaning is, did Ouyang Kuishan just say the false? This is unlikely, if he has that guts to dare to deceive us, will not betray Baili Yan.” Xue Ying slightly one surprised, immediately in the eye flashes through contemptuous saying. “您的意思是,欧阳奎山刚刚所言有假?这不太可能吧,他若有那个胆量敢欺骗我们,也就不会背叛百里炎了。”雪莺微微一愕,随即眼中闪过一丝轻蔑的说道。 „The words of Ouyang Kuishan these people cannot all believe that many one point of dike State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter will not be wrong.” Xiao Jinhan said slowly. 欧阳奎山这些人的话不可全信,多一分堤防总不会错。”萧晋寒缓缓说道。 Saying, he counts on the fingers to a array disk point. 说着,他屈指对阵盘一点。 On array disk appears the one/1st level/layer dazzling ray, immediately spreads to go toward the surroundings, forms magical array again. 阵盘上浮现出一层耀眼光芒,随即朝着周围扩散而去,再次形成一个法阵 magical array flashed two, the central location ray flashes, a person's shadow appears, is actually Lu Yue. 法阵闪动了两下,中央位置光芒一闪,一个人影浮现而出,却是卢越 Subordinate pays a visit Palace Master, suddenly summoned, what matter but there is to tell?” Lu Yue good a ritual, respectful asking. “属下拜见宫主,突然召见,可是有什么事情吩咐?”卢越行了一礼,恭敬的问道。 „Can you where, what just have to feel at this moment?” Xiao Jinhan asked. “你此刻在何处,刚刚可有感觉到什么?”萧晋寒问道。 Subordinate present the southeastern region of our separation place, was just not previously having sense/telepathy to anything.” Lu Yue hears word, returns said. “属下现在正在先前我们分开处的东南区域,刚刚并没有感应到什么。”卢越闻言,回道。 Got it, you continued to search for thereby, if some discoveries, prompt reply.” Xiao Jinhan nods, told. “明白了,你继续在那附近搜寻,若有发现,及时回复。”萧晋寒点点头,吩咐道。 Yes.” Lu Yue nods, interrupted the communication. “是。”卢越点了点头,中断了通讯。 In the Xiao Jinhan hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, will stimulate to movement array disk again. 萧晋寒手中掐诀,正要再次催动阵盘 On at this moment, his body appears black light together. 就在此刻,他身上浮现出一道黑光。 The complexion changes, immediately waves. 其面色微变,立刻一挥手。 Black array disk appears in his hands, sends out black light, a fuzzy black person's shadow stands in black light. Previous time with the person of his private talk. 一个黑色阵盘出现在他手中,散发出一圈圈黑光,一个模糊黑色人影站在黑光之中。正是上一次和他密谈之人。 Palace Master Xiao, Supreme Unity Palace entrance already presently. Feng Tiandu had also discovered, is daring to go toward there, we already according to plan, all prepares.” The black person's shadow opens the mouth to ask. 萧宫主,太乙殿入口已现。封天都也已经发现,正在朝那里敢去,我们已经按照计划,将一切布置好了。”黑色人影开口问道。 Xiao Jinhan hears word, the eyeground deep place flashes through a happy expression, but flashes not to have. 萧晋寒闻言,眼底深处闪过一丝喜色,但只是一闪而没。 Supreme Unity Palace where?” He slightly hesitates, opens the mouth to ask. 太乙殿在什么地方?”他略一沉吟,开口问道。 The black person's shadow waves, in the hand condenses black light, changes into at the same time the map, above has a mark, with place that just Ouyang Kuishan said that basically agrees. 黑色人影一挥手,手中黑光凝聚,化为一面地图,上面有一个标记,和刚刚欧阳奎山所说的地方,基本一致。 Good, I pass immediately.” Xiao Jinhan nods, immediately says. “好,我立刻过去。”萧晋寒点了点头,立刻说道。 The black person's shadow un, interrupted the communication. 黑色人影嗯了一声,中断了通讯。 Walks!” Xiao Jinhan pinches finger joints with the thumb wields, the white light shoots to go toward the forward flight. “走!”萧晋寒掐诀一挥,白光往前飞射而去。 In the Xue Ying eye a loosen, in the hand also waves to make a ray, injects under the white light. 雪莺眼中一松,手中也挥手打出一道光芒,注入身下白光之中。 The white light fly speed, speeds up immediately. 白光飞遁的速度,立刻加快一些。 The group toward the forward flight the moment, the blue light appeared right front one group of together, rapid incomparable flying shot to come, suddenly to at present. 一行人往前飞了片刻,一道蓝光在一行人右前方浮现而出,迅疾无比的飞射而来,眨眼间到了眼前。 A Xue Ying brow wrinkle, hand during technique urged, to stop the white light under body definitely, is wanting to open mouth to scold, was actually stopped with the look by Xiao Jinhan. 雪莺眉头一皱,手中法决一催,停下了身下的白光,正欲张嘴呵斥,却被萧晋寒用眼神止住了。 The front blue light collects, appeared one line of forms, is one crowd of dark blue class/flow palace cultivator, is the person of head, is Palace Master Luo Qinghai. 前方蓝光一敛,现出了一行人身影,是一群沧流宫修士,为首之人,正是宫主洛青海 Palace Master Xiao, Vice-Palace Master Xue, I and others may really be predestined friends, will meet unexpectedly here. Looks so hasty, does not know that is where wants?” Luo Qinghai cups one hand in the other across the chest to Xiao Jinhan and the others, said with a smile. 萧宫主,还有雪副宫主,我等可真是有缘,竟会在这里相遇。看诸位这般急冲冲,不知是想要去什么地方?”洛青海萧晋寒等人一拱手,笑着说道。 Great Palace Master Luo, has the words to speak frankly.” The Xiao Jinhan look is invariable, light asking. 洛大宫主,有话就请直说吧。”萧晋寒神色不变,淡淡的问道。 Hehe, Palace Master Xiao is really straight talk from a straightforward person. I did not conceal anything, some, in the front discovered a vestige, inside had restriction is quite hard to deal with, I and others had tried several days, still cannot break open it, expected had important treasure inevitably. Passed by Palace Master Xiao, does not know that can be interested in having a look together?” Luo Qinghai asked with a smile. “呵呵,萧宫主真乃快人快语。那我也不隐瞒什么了,洛某在前方发现了一处遗迹,里面有一处禁制颇为难缠,我等已经尝试了数日,仍然没能将其破开,料想其中必然藏有重宝。恰逢萧宫主路过,不知可有兴趣一起去看看?”洛青海笑着问道。 Where doesn't important treasure...... know?” The Xiao Jinhan vision flashes, asks. 重宝……不知在什么地方?”萧晋寒目光一闪,问道。 In front not far away, only then less than the distance of half day.” When Luo Qinghai toward coming a direction finger/refers, said. “就在前面不远处,只有不到半日的距离。”洛青海朝着来时的方向一指,说道。 Xiao Jinhan refers to the direction looking following the opposite party, discovered its refers to is not the Supreme Unity Palace entrance direction. 萧晋寒顺着对方所指方向望去,发现其所指的不是太乙殿入口方向。 According to my observations, under that restriction perhaps is an ancient grave, although does not know what burying is, but definitely is person of the there's a long story behind this.” Luo Qinghai is saying, took out a blue jade symbol. “据我观察,那禁制之下恐怕是一处古墓,虽然不知埋葬的是谁,不过肯定是个大有来历之人。”洛青海说着,取出了一块蓝色玉符。 Under wields the golden sign, the jade symbol blooms immediately the bright blue light, condenses at the same time the mirage, inside appears the wilderness that strong winds howl, the sandstorm tumbles. 一挥之下金色牌子,玉符顿时绽放出明亮蓝光,凝聚成一面水镜,里面显现出一片狂风呼啸的荒野,风沙翻滚。 In a ground the giant yellow light cover, presents the oval shape impressively, a bludger heavy feeling. 一处地面上赫然有一个巨大黄色光罩,呈现出椭圆状,给人一种混混沉沉之感。 Under the light cover, can see a giant mausoleum indistinctly, as if a giant beast crawls on the ground, can still feel the threatening imposing manner that due sends out by the mirage. 光罩之下,隐约能看到一座巨大陵墓,仿佛一头巨兽匍匐在地上,透过水镜仍然能感受到期散发出的逼人气势。 It seems like the Great Palace Master Luo luck is really correct/good. However such as the this treasure place, your dark blue class/flow palace is alone is how could it not be better, why can invite us?” Xiao Jinhan looked at mirage two, nods, immediately also asked. “看来洛大宫主运气真是不错。不过如此宝地,你们沧流宫一家独得岂不更好,为何要来邀请我们?”萧晋寒看了水镜两眼,点了点头,随即又问道。 Palace Master Xiao, some had just said that restriction outside this mausoleum is quite fierce, we use dark blue class/flow palace all strengths, attacked for several days, cannot open. Delays again, perhaps will bring in coveting of other influences, therefore then asked Palace Master Xiao to go together, your my two united efforts to break open restriction, divided equally inside treasure, how?” Luo Qinghai lowers several points of sound, saying of grave expression. 萧宫主,洛某刚刚已经说了,这陵墓外的禁制极为厉害,我们倾尽沧流宫所有的力量,攻打了几天,还是没能打开。再耽搁下去,恐怕会引来其他势力的觊觎,所以这才来请萧宫主一同前往,你我两家协力破开禁制,平分里面的宝物,如何?”洛青海压低几分声音,神色凝重的说道。 restriction that even Dark Blue Stream Palace Palace Master cannot break open, Xiao only feared that is also helpless.” The Xiao Jinhan vision flashes several, shakes the head to say. “连苍流宫宫主都没能破开的禁制,萧某只怕也是无能为力。”萧晋寒目光闪动几下,摇了摇头说道。 About this, Palace Master Xiao relax/rest assured, some studied that magical array freely on several th, although cannot break open it, but also thought of the method of break/solve. The method of this break/solve needs together has six Golden Immortal make a move, can display, therefore invited Palace Master Xiao.” Luo Qinghai said with a smile. “关于这个,萧宫主尽管放心,洛某研究了那法阵几日,虽然没能将其破开,不过也想到了破解之法。只是这破解之法需得有六位金仙一起出手,才能施展,所以才来邀请萧宫主。”洛青海笑道。 Xiao Jinhan hears this words, slightly hesitates, at once turns around to look to Xue Ying, said: Since only needs six people, your dark blue class/flow palace has five Golden Immortal, so long as were many then enough. Xue Ying, you have their several, along with Palace Master Luo walks one.” 萧晋寒听闻此话,略一沉吟,旋即转身看向雪莺,道:“既然只需要六人,你们沧流宫有五位金仙,只要再多一位便够了。雪莺,你就带着他们几个,随洛宫主走一趟吧。” But Palace Master, you did not suspect that...... you go, if he......” Xue Ying hears this words, complexion anxious voice transmission said. “可是宫主,你不是怀疑那……你独自一人前去,万一他……”雪莺听闻此话,面色一急的传音说道。 You do not need to worry, my own discretion.” Xiao Jinhan beckons with the hand, interrupted Xue Ying this words, said. “你不用担心,我自有分寸。”萧晋寒摆了摆手,打断了雪莺此话,说道。 Xue Ying hears Xiao Jinhan this words, then has not said anything again. 雪莺听闻萧晋寒此话,便没有再说什么。 Has Vice-Palace Master Xue Ying to go , is the same. Vice-Palace Master Xue, matter cannot be delayed, our then.” Luo Qinghai hears word, urged. “有雪莺副宫主前往,也是一样的。雪副宫主,事不宜迟,我们这便出发吧。”洛青海闻言,催促道。 Said that this words, he waves to send out together the blue light, wraps Dark Blue Stream Palace one group to fly to shoot toward the front to go. 说完此话,他挥手发出一道蓝光,包裹住苍流宫一行人朝着前方飞射而去。 Palace Master, my then.” Xue Ying to a Xiao Jinhan slightly nod, the flying boat that turns the hand a wielding flying swallow shape, is carrying others. 宫主,那我这便去了。”雪莺萧晋寒微一点头,翻手祭出一个飞燕形状的飞舟,载着其他人。 relax/rest assured goes, assists Great Palace Master Luo well.” The Xiao Jinhan light instruction said, in two characters aggravated several points of tone at assistance. 放心去吧,好好协助洛大宫主。”萧晋寒淡淡吩咐道,在“协助”二字上加重了几分语气。 Xue Ying hears word, no longer says anything at once much, pinches finger joints with the thumb. 雪莺闻言,旋即也不再多说什么,掐诀一点。 flying swallow flying boat flies toward the front, in an instant vanishes in the distant place horizon. 飞燕飞舟朝着前方飞去,转眼间消失在远处天际。 Xiao Jinhan looks that looks in two groups of person going far away directions, the vision twinkle, until opposite party body figure vanishes, this body figure suddenly changes into a spoken parts rainbow , to continue to go toward the front. 萧晋寒看着朝着两拨人远去方向望去,目光闪烁,直至对方身形消失,这才身形蓦的化为一道白虹,继续朝着前方而去。 After several days, a white light from the distant place flies to shoot, but, fell sky over a giant canyon, appeared the Xiao Jinhan form. 数日后,一道白光从远处飞射而至,落在了一处巨大峡谷上空,现出萧晋寒的身影。 He is reciting backwards from the end both hands, still had the cold wind of howling to blow its clothing flap flap to make noise, the vision looks toward the surroundings. 他倒背着双手,仍有呼啸的冷风吹得其衣衫猎猎作响,目光朝着周围望去。 According to Ouyang Kuishan and that shadow previously referred to the position, should here neighbor. 欧阳奎山和那个黑影先前所指位置来看,应该就在这里附近了。 Long time, his eye suddenly one bright, body figure the electricity shoots immediately, silent flies in a canyon direction. 半晌,他眼睛忽的一亮,身形顿时电射而出,无声无息的朝着峡谷一个方向飞去。 ...... …… Under the canyon, the giant square shape white stone wall, have several the hundred zhang (333 m) size impressively fully, the surface smooth is incomparable, seems like some resembles front doors. 峡谷下方,赫然有一面巨大方形白色石壁,足有数百丈大小,表面光滑无比,看起来有些像一座大门。 In stone wall from left to right, inscribed impressively a mountains and rivers design, lifelike. 石壁上从左到右,赫然铭刻了一副山河图案,栩栩如生。 Above white stone wall, appears at this moment the one/1st level/layer thick white light screen, flashes. 白色石壁之上,此刻浮现出一层厚厚白色光幕,闪动不已。 The white stone wall front, had gathered many people impressively, was divided into four waves unclearly. 白色石壁前方,赫然已聚集了不少人,隐然分成了四波。 And biggest one group of people are the Concealed Tower Sect people, almost all enters the people of mystical place here, besides Feng Tiandu, beyond simultaneous/uniform Tianxiao, other three Golden Immortal. Seemed like short of 1-2 True Immortal cultivator, it is estimated that was fallen in Immortal Residence somewhere. 其中最大的一拨人是伏凌宗众人,几乎其所有进入秘境之人都在此处,除了封天都,齐天宵外,还有其他三名金仙。看起来只是少了1-2真仙修士,估计是陨落仙府某处了。 Concealed Tower Sect people not far away, is standing one crowd of alien race cultivator, is Southern Dark Race these people. 伏凌宗众人不远处,站着一群异族修士,正是南黎族那些人。 However Southern Dark Race four Golden Immortal, at this moment only that ancient old man and white-haired old woman two people here, another two Golden Immortal actually disappear, the True Immortal cultivator quantity also be only original half, do not know that is they fans out in two groups to go forward, is another passer-by already fallen. 不过南黎族的四位金仙,此刻只那个古稀老者鹤发老妪两人在此,另外两个金仙却不见踪影,真仙修士数量也只有原先的一半,不知是他们兵分两路前进,还是另一路人已经陨落 Another two groups of cultivator population are least, one group is Ouyang Kuishan and other Torch Dragon Dao Golden Immortal. 另外两拨修士人数最少,一拨是欧阳奎山等三个烛龙道金仙 Another group of population are less, only then a man and a woman two people, stand in the distance people farthest place. What male is old man who wears the black robe, must the black hair, a bursting with life, female yellow skirt, the looks be beautiful black. 另一拨人数更少,只有一男一女两人,站在距离众人最远的地方。男的是个身穿黑袍的老者,黑须黑发,神采奕奕,女的则一袭黄裙,姿容姣好。 If Han Li here, when may recognize, two people of Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni. 若是韩立在此,当可认出,二人正是呼言道人云霓 In the meantime, in the midair golden light flashes, form silent reappearing, the face is upright, the lip lives the silver to, gold/metal Wenbai a robe is calm. 就在此时,半空中金光一闪,一个身影无声无息的浮现而出,面孔方正,唇生银须,一袭金纹白袍无风自动。 Comes the person, although has not spoken, and body does not have the tiny bit aura escape, makes on the scene with deep veneration one static, everyone felt that an invisible pressure arises spontaneously. 来人虽然没有说话,且身上也没有一丝一毫的气息逸散而出,却让在场肃然一静,所有人都感觉一股无形威压油然而生。 This white robe man, is Xiao Jinhan. 这白袍男子,正是萧晋寒 His sudden appearance, lets the people on the scene one startled, only then Ouyang Kuishan and other people look the happy expression, move forward to meet. 他的突然出现,让在场众人一惊,只有欧阳奎山等三人面露喜色,迎了上去 Pays a visit Palace Master.” “拜见宫主。” You this time make the great merit, waited for Immortal Residence, enjoyed layer on layer/heavily.” Xiao Jinhan looked at three people of one, nods. “你们此番立下大功,等出了仙府,重重有赏。”萧晋寒看了三人一眼,点了点头。 Many thanks Palace Master.” Ouyang Kuishan three people one happy, the nod said, then arrives at the one side, relaxes the hands to stand. “多谢宫主。”欧阳奎山三人一喜,点头道,然后走到一旁,垂手而立。 Xiao Jinhan transferred toward Southern Dark Race and Daoist Hu Yan, Yun Ni and the others looked at one, wrinkled the wrinkle that the brow slightly cannot be checked. 萧晋寒又转首朝着南黎族呼言道人,云霓等人看了一眼,眉头微不可查的皱了皱。 Palace Master, these people previously should also in the , see after the celestial phenomenon, caught up in these days one after another.” The Ouyang Kuishan limelight Xiao Jinhan facial expression, voice transmission answered hastily. 宫主,这些人此前应该也在附近,看到天象后在这几日里陆续赶了过来。”欧阳奎山注意点萧晋寒神情,连忙传音解释道。 Xiao Jinhan nods slightly, without answering. 萧晋寒微微颔首,没有回话。 The Ouyang Kuishan three people see this, a complexion slightly loosen. 欧阳奎山三人见此,面色微微一松。 Originally was Palace Master Xiao. Cannot think you also come is so quick, but how only then your one person, other Immortal Palace several fellow daoist?” Feng Tiandu looked, asking of eyebrow raise. “原来是萧宫主到了。想不到你也来的这么快,不过怎么只有你一个人,仙宫其他几位道友呢?”封天都看了过来,眉梢一挑的问道。
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