RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#477: Phenomenon

Palace Master, before Lu Yue them the news that passes on, that side Dark Blue Stream Palace as if also has no sound, until now is also spinning everywhere, had not found Supreme Unity Palace true in...... as for Concealed Tower Sect, temporarily has not obtained what news actually.” Xue Ying said respectfully. 宫主,根据卢越他们之前传回来的消息,苍流宫那边似乎也没有什么动静,至今也是在四处打转,并未找到太乙殿的真正所在……至于伏凌宗,暂时倒是没得到什么消息。”雪莺恭敬说道。 As long as the rare treasure reveals itself, must have Heavenly omen to show it. Calculates, from the day of Heavenly Furnace opening how much time, in the mystical place will not soon have started to have abnormal movement presents. Now everyone seeks for Supreme Unity Palace actively, for then catches up before this abnormal movement appears arrives there, camouflages this Heavenly secret extraordinary image|reaction, is good to occupy the situation.” Xiao Jinhan said slowly. “但凡异宝出世,必有天兆示之。推算下来,距离天炉开启之日已经没有多少时间了,秘境之中用不了多久就会开始有异动呈现。现在所有人积极寻找太乙殿,为的便是赶在这异动出现之前到达那里,将这天机异像遮蔽起来,好占据先机。”萧晋寒缓缓道。 Lu Yue they had been investigating full power, believes that soon can find......” Xue Ying to say. 卢越他们已经在全力探查了,相信用不了多久就能找到……”雪莺说道。 Ouyang Kuishan they?” Xiao Jinhan eyebrow slightly raise, asked. 欧阳奎山他们呢?”萧晋寒眉头微挑,问道。 Investigates before that hill region that us passes through, Supreme Unity Palace must not there.” Xue Ying thinks, said. “在我们之前经过的那片丘陵区域探查,太乙殿应当不会在那里。”雪莺想了想,说道。 „The tour of this Immortal Residence, they , if honest, no action, later postpones out of the ordinary actually to their controls. Later each 5 - 6 hundred years have struck then.” Xiao Jinhan told. “这次仙府之行,他们若是老老实实,没有什么出格举动,之后倒是暂缓对他们的管束。以后每过五六百年敲打一下即可。”萧晋寒吩咐道。 If the governing person boils eagle fishing, is fastidious about a relaxation to have, by does not restrain by force constantly, as him of lord of Northern Cold Immortal Palace, naturally understands this field of endeavor. 御人如熬鹰钓鱼,都讲究个张弛有度,并非是靠一味强压,作为北寒仙宫之主的他,自然深谙此道。 Yes.” Xue Ying should say busily. “是。”雪莺忙应道。 You first get down, this lord wants here the living alone moment.” Xiao Jinhan look slightly different, suddenly said. “你先下去吧,本座想在这里独处片刻。”萧晋寒神色微异,忽然说道。 Xue Ying naturally does not dare to disobey, asks to be excused hastily. 雪莺自然不敢违逆,连忙告退下去。 She leaves this cliff, under the cliff bank has covers the person's shadow in black smog together, suddenly raised from the canyon, before grazing the Xiao Jinhan body . 她才离开这片山崖,崖畔下方就有一道笼罩在黑色烟雾中的人影,忽然从深谷之中升起,飞掠到了萧晋寒身前。 After it bows, then by the voice transmission secret technique, talked with Xiao Jinhan. 其躬身下拜之后,便以传音秘术,与萧晋寒交谈起来。 Us all have arranged appropriately, Sir Palace Master completely relax/rest assured.” End, that black person's shadow saluted toward it submissively, said. “我们这边一切都已安排妥当,宫主大人尽可放心。”末了,那黑色人影又朝其拱手施了一礼,说道。 Xiao Jinhan has listened to him saying that in the surface the look does not have many changes, finally also nods gently, waves to that person's shadow, hints him to leave. 萧晋寒一直听他说着,面上神色始终没有多少变化,最终也只是轻轻点了点头,冲着那人影挥了挥手,示意其离开。 The black person's shadow grazes immediately, falls into the canyon, changes to one group of black smokes, vanishes to disappear. 黑色人影立即飞掠而下,落入深谷之中,化作一团黑烟,消失不见了。 Xiao Jinhan shot a look at its disappearance place, curls the lip, appears some interest is wanings. 萧晋寒瞥了一眼其消失的地方,撇了撇嘴,显得有些意兴阑珊。 At this moment, left not long Xue Ying to come back suddenly, in the eyeground is glittering several points of extraordinary splendor. 就在这时,才离开没有多久的雪莺突然又回来了,眼底之中闪烁着几分异彩。 Found?” Xiao Jinhan looked, asked directly. “找到了?”萧晋寒一眼就看了出来,径直问道。 „The Ouyang Kuishan signalling comes, said that side them.” Xue Ying nods, said. 欧阳奎山传信过来,说在他们那边。”雪莺点了点头,说道。 Walks.” In the Xiao Jinhan pupil none flashes, promptly said. “走吧。”萧晋寒眸中精光一闪,当机立断道。 Then, two people then form rainbow grazed, vanishes above the cliff bank. 说罢,两人便身影化虹飞掠,消失在了崖畔之上。 ...... …… Less than half month later. 小半个月后。 One group of azure light speed along in the midair, proceeding rapid fly goes, is Azure Glede Flying Boat. 一团青光在半空飞驰,往前迅疾飞遁而去,正是青鸢飞舟 Below ground still presented the red, the terrain also and basically had no change from the beginning, everywhere was a desolated plain, no sign of life. 下方的地面仍然是呈现出红色,地形也和一开始基本没有什么变化,到处都是一片荒芜平原,毫无生机 Some only changes, are in the midair start to reappear bunch of red clouds, some greatly some are small, static float in midair, on the wind with wilderness does not walk randomly, looks somewhat strange. 唯一有些变化的,是半空中开始浮现出一团团红云,有的大有的小,静静悬浮在半空,也不随着荒原上的风游走,看起来有些诡异。 Above the flying boat, Han Li sits cross-legged to sit, in the hand takes together jade memo, pastes on the forehead. 飞舟之上,韩立盘膝而坐,手中拿着一块玉简,贴在额头上。 This jade memo is a map, he had read Lu Yuqing that Immortal Residence map on the same day, draws by memory tracing, although does not have definitely not to compare the original map, but also has 70-80% to resemble. 玉简是一副地图,他当日看过陆雨晴的那副仙府地图,凭借记忆临摹画出的,虽然没有肯定比不上原图,不过也有七八成相像。 He observes the surrounding terrain, while is comparing the map, attempts position that found here to be, what a pity had looked for these days, is unable to find this red wilderness to be on the map. 他一边观察周围的地形,一边对照着地图,试图找到此处所在的位置,可惜已经找了这些天,始终无法在地图上找到这红色荒原所在。 His brow slightly wrinkle, took down jade memo of forehead. 他眉头微皱,取下了额头的玉简 Could not find and had what relations, wants anything not to know that is interesting!” Golden Child somewhat listless lying down in the one side, had a yawn, said. “找不到又有什么关系,正是要什么都不知道才有意思呀!”金童有些无精打采的躺在一旁,打了一个哈欠,说道。 Han Li has not paid attention to Golden Child, looks the color of hesitation. 韩立没有理会金童,面露沉吟之色。 He may not have Golden Child that mentality. 他可没有金童那种心态。 Now although he advancement Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, the strength enters greatly, but in this mystical place does not know that also has what danger, he does not dare to be negligent slightly. 如今他虽然进阶金仙中期,实力大进,但这秘境之中不知还有什么危险,他可是丝毫也不敢大意。 After he slightly hesitates, received jade memo, turns the hand to take out together scarlet transmit/message array disk, initially Daoist Hu Yan gave him the thing. 他略一沉吟后,将玉简收了起来,翻手取出一块赤红传讯阵盘,正是当初呼言道人给他之物。 Han Li two pinch finger joints with the thumb, magical formula submerge in array disk in abundance. 韩立两手掐诀,一道道法诀纷纷没入阵盘之内。 Scarlet array disk surface spirit mark shine, sends out the intermittent bright red light, interlocks to wind around, formed scarlet red miniature magical array. 赤红阵盘表面灵纹一圈圈的亮起,散发出阵阵明亮红光,交错缭绕间,形成了一个赤红色的微型法阵 His lip moves slightly, sends out transmit/message. 他嘴唇微动,发出一条传讯 Scarlet array disk rotates gently, magical array ray twinkle, but always has no response. 赤红阵盘轻轻转动,法阵光芒闪烁,但始终没有任何回应。 The Han Li brow wrinkles, waved to receive it. 韩立眉头微皱起来,挥手将其收了起来。 transmit/message array disk has not responded, does not know that is Daoist Hu Yan there has problems, is here environment is special, isn't able to use transmit/message array disk? 传讯阵盘没有回应,不知是呼言道人那里出了什么问题,还是这里环境特殊,无法使用传讯阵盘 Han Li silent, no longer takes the trouble to think these things. 韩立沉默了一下,不再费神想这些事情。 Since relation on Daoist Hu Yan, that first does not act alone as before for the time being, by his strength at this moment, even if encounters what danger, can still resist one or two/just a little. 既然依旧联系不上呼言道人,那就姑且先独行吧,以他此刻的实力,就算遇到什么危险,也能够抵御一二了。 At this moment finished also many date and time from the mystical place, this region should be inquired about for these years for the first time, perhaps can also have anything to harvest also still do not know. 此刻距离秘境结束还有不少时日,这片区域这么多年来应该还是首次被人探寻,或许还能有什么收获还犹未可知。 with this thought, in his hand urges to pinch finger joints with the thumb, Azure Glede Flying Boat immediately again one bright, will pick up the speed. 一念及此,他手中一催掐诀,青鸢飞舟顿时再次一亮,正要加快速度。 At at this moment, a loud sound suddenly transmits from the distant place, the surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5 km), entire Heaven and Earth rocked faintly. 就在此刻,一声巨响忽的从远处传来,方圆万里之内,整个天地都隐隐晃动了一下。 Han Li raised the head suddenly, seeks the sound to look in a direction. 韩立豁然抬头,寻声朝着一个方向望去。 Sees only the distant place horizon to reappear the bunch of dazzling white multi-colored sunlight, the tumbling is uncertain, has one intermittent as if goes full steam ahead the loud sound. 只见远处天际浮现出一团团耀眼白色霞光,翻滚不定,发出一阵阵仿佛万马奔腾般的巨响。 The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy also trembles, the tidal tumbling, miraculous glow as if great big wave impacts come, and starts intermittent dreadful hurricane, sweeps across Heaven and Earth. 天地灵气也为之震颤,潮水般翻滚,一道道灵光仿佛巨涛般冲击而来,并且掀起一阵阵滔天飓风,席卷天地 A huge pressure came from that direction transmission, even Han Li at this moment, still some hearts startled, the pupil cannot help but shrinks. 一股庞大威压从那个方向传递而来,即便是此刻的韩立,也有些心惊,瞳孔不由得一缩。 He wields single-handed, Azure Glede Flying Boat stopped. 他单手一挥,青鸢飞舟停了下来。 However at this moment, the multi-colored sunlight of distant place sky suddenly fluctuates again. 不过就在此刻,远处天空的霞光忽的再次波动起来。 This time and was just different, is not the outward diffusion, but is the heavy drinker absorbing water contraction goes. 这次和刚刚不同,并非往外扩散,而是长鲸吸水般收缩而去。 During 1-2 breath, all rosy clouds of distant place horizon vanish without the trace all, does not leave a trace. 1-2呼吸之间,远处天际的所有云霞尽数消失无踪,不留一丝痕迹。 The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy of tumbling also quickly returned to normal, as if just heaven-shaking phenomenon has not happened generally. 原本翻滚的天地灵气也很快恢复平静,仿佛刚刚的惊天异象没有发生过一般。 A Han Li brow wrinkle. 韩立眉头一皱。 Golden Child also jumped at this moment, stared in a big way the eye to look toward the distant place. 金童此刻也跳了起来,瞪大了眼睛朝着远处望去。 Just the good astonishing celestial phenomenon, is it possible that is what rare treasure was born? Han Li, our go over and take a look!” The Golden Child eyeball turning round revolution, as if thought of anything, said. “刚刚好惊人的天象,莫非是什么异宝出世?韩立,我们过去看看!”金童眼珠子滴溜溜一转,似乎想到了什么,说道。 Watches this sound, does not seem like the rare treasure born, in these multi-colored sunlight as if contained the strength of many space, seemingly was more like and has what mystical place to appear.” Han Li has not left immediately, discrete saying. “看此动静,不像是异宝出世,那些霞光之中似乎蕴含了不少空间之力,看起来更像是又有什么秘境出现了。”韩立没有立刻动身,谨慎的说道。 Manages his anything born, we do not go in any case, was forestalled by others!” Golden Child shouted to shout. “管他什么出世,反正我们不去,就被其他人抢先了!”金童嚷嚷道。 That has a look, but a little, cannot act rashly. Moreover, before the person, cannot shout my given name.” The Han Li vision flashes, slightly one hesitates, nods. “那就去看看吧,但有一点,不许轻举妄动。另外,人前不许呼我本名。”韩立目光闪动,微一沉吟,点了点头。 So the phenomenon, he had anything to there, is very curious. 如此异象,他对那里发生了什么,也很是好奇。 Knew, Uncle, walks quickly!” Golden Child hears word, returning of lighting up with pleasure said. “知道了,大叔,快走吧!”金童闻言,喜笑颜开的回道。 Han Li speechless, after shaking the head, an under foot flying boat, the Azure Glede Flying Boat ray puts greatly, flies to shoot to go toward there. 韩立一阵无语,摇了摇头后,脚下一点飞舟,青鸢飞舟光芒大放,朝着那里飞射而去。 ...... …… Sky over a scarlet hill, one group of clear white lights proceed to speed along to go. 一处赤红丘陵上空,一团晶莹白光往前飞驰而去。 Above the white light is standing one group of people, is the Northern Cold Immortal Palace people, Xiao Jinhan, Xue Ying, several other Northern Cold Immortal Palace cultivator stand above. 白光之上站着一群人,正是北寒仙宫众人,萧晋寒,雪莺,还有其他几个北寒仙宫修士站在上面。 Well!” Xiao Jinhan complexion suddenly moves, waves to make together magical formula. “咦!”萧晋寒面色忽的一动,挥手打出一道法诀 The clear white light stopped suddenly, he looks in the left front direction. 晶莹白光忽的停了下来,他朝着左前方一个方向望去。 Palace Master, how?” Xue Ying asked. 宫主,怎么了?”雪莺问道。 Just that direction, as if had what abnormal movement.” Xiao Jinhan said. “刚刚那个方向,似乎有什么异动。”萧晋寒说道。 abnormal movement?” Xue Ying hears word is startled, she had not detected. 异动?”雪莺闻言一怔,她一点也没有察觉。 In her eye appears the one/1st level/layer white light, looks in that direction. 她眼中浮现出一层白光,朝着那个方向望去。 „The abnormal movement place is too far from here, by your realm is sense/telepathy. And that abnormal movement has vanished at this moment, only continued several breath.” Xiao Jinhan shakes the head to say. 异动的地点距离这里太远,以你们的境界感应不到的。且那异动此刻已经消失,只持续了几个呼吸。”萧晋寒摇头说道。 Is it possible that...... is Supreme Unity Palace reveals itself finally?” Xue Ying look bright saying. “莫非……是太乙殿终于出世?”雪莺眼神一亮的说道。 Others hear this words, the body shake, look to Xiao Jinhan. 其他人听闻此话,身体都是一震,看向萧晋寒 The Xiao Jinhan brow slightly wrinkle, looks the color of hesitation. 萧晋寒眉头微皱,面露迟疑之色。 Just although he sensation to abnormal change of distant place, but the distance was too far, he cannot sense/telepathy not be clear. 刚刚他虽然感知到了远处的异变,但距离太远,他也没能感应不清楚。 On at this moment, the Xiao Jinhan body appears a white light, flashes to pass. 就在此刻,萧晋寒身上浮现出一道白光,一闪而逝。 His eyebrow raise, single-handed. 眉梢一挑,单手一点。 Whiz, one group of white lights appear, is actually together transmit/message array disk, sends out a white light, forms magical array. “嗖”的一声,一团白光浮现而出,却是一块传讯阵盘,散发出一圈白光,形成一个法阵 A magical array slightly fluctuation, virtual image appears, is Ouyang Kuishan. 法阵微一波动,一个虚影浮现而出,正是欧阳奎山 Palace Master, we found the Supreme Unity Palace entrance to be at!” Saying of Ouyang Kuishan face great happiness. 宫主,我们找到了太乙殿的入口所在!”欧阳奎山一脸大喜的说道。 „, Where? How do you discover?” On the Xiao Jinhan face has not revealed many happy expression, asked. “哦,在哪里?你们是怎么发现的?”萧晋寒脸上没有露出多少喜色,反问道。 In just, entrance there erupted one group of abnormal movement, I just in the , discovered by luck, as for position, here.” Ouyang Kuishan said, simultaneously waves, a ray flies to shoot, changes into a chapter of map. “就在刚刚,入口那里爆发了一团异动,我刚好在附近,侥幸发现,至于位置,就在这里。”欧阳奎山说道,同时一挥手,一片光芒飞射而出,化为一章地图。 On the map, the azure luminous spot is beating. 地图上,有一个青色光点在跳动着。 The Xiao Jinhan vision flashes, since the map looks like, the entrance that Ouyang Kuishan said is, abnormal movement direction that he just sense/telepathy arrived. 萧晋寒目光微闪,从地图看来,欧阳奎山所说的入口所在,正是他刚刚感应到的异动方向。 Good, I knew. You defend that entrance well, I then pass later.” Xiao Jinhan told. “好,我知道了。你们好好守住那入口,我稍后便过去。”萧晋寒吩咐道。 Sir Palace Master, that abnormal movement although at this moment has vanished, but the sound was just enormous, you are about to catch up, if otherwise has the others of influence on come here, we may be unable to block.” Ouyang Kuishan said. 宫主大人,那异动此刻虽然已经消失,不过刚刚动静极大,您还是快些赶来,否则若有其他势力之人来到这里,我们可拦不住。”欧阳奎山如此说道。 My own discretion.” Xiao Jinhan complexion slightly cold, said. “我自有分寸。”萧晋寒面色微冷,说道。 Yes.” Ouyang Kuishan nods. “是。”欧阳奎山点点头。 Xiao Jinhan pinched finger joints with the thumb immediately interrupts transmit/message, the Ouyang Kuishan form trembled to vanish. 萧晋寒当即掐诀中断了传讯,欧阳奎山身影一颤消失。 He stands in same place, knits the brows to hesitate does not speak, seems considering anything. 他站在原地,皱眉沉吟不语,似乎在考虑着什么。
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