RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#476: Undercurrent

„, Has collected so many......” “不知不觉间,已经收集到那么多了……” Middle-aged man chuckle, leisure hung that three masks in hand after the wooden frame respectively, this nods satisfied, then wielded the sleeve, received the wooden frame. 中年男子轻笑一声,慢条斯理的将手中的那三张面具分别挂在了木架上后,这才满意地点了点头,而后一挥袖,将木架又收了起来。 After receiving, the middle-aged man has not instantly left, but turned the hand to take out a shining hollowing out disc, previous threw toward the body. 收好之后,中年男子并未立即动身,而是又翻手取出了一个金灿灿的镂空圆盘,往身前一抛。 After seeing only the disc departs beyond several chi (0.33 m), immediately the ray twinkle, rises in a big way to the round table size, above various type complicated rune/symbol Wenliang, give birth to together the dazzling golden light from center, such as holds up a day of great column general, direct impact vault of heaven deep place. 只见圆盘飞出数尺外后,立即光芒闪烁,涨大到了圆桌大小,其上各式繁复符纹亮起,从正中处生出一道炫目金光,如擎天巨柱一般,直冲天穹深处。 Soon, around the golden disc a miraculous glow gathers, appears gradually three fuzzy person's shadows, body gold/metal light streams overflows, cannot see original feature. 不多时,金色圆盘四周点点灵光汇聚,渐渐浮现出三道模糊人影,身上金光流溢,丝毫看不出本来面目。 Gongshu Jiu, weren't you do an inspection Dark Cold Immortal Residence? What matter suddenly contacts with me and other behavior?” And the a person's shadow shoulder shivers slightly, opens the mouth to ask. 公输久,你不是去巡查冥寒仙府了么?突然联系我等所为何事?”其中一道人影肩头微微颤动,开口问道。 Moreover two person's shadows, then also turns the head to look to the middle-aged man. 另外两道人影,遂也转头望向中年男子这边。 Gan Jiuzhen, at this moment also in this Immortal Residence.” The named Gongshu Jiu middle-aged man, says slowly. 甘九真,此刻也在这仙府之中。”名为公输久的中年男子,缓缓开口说道。 „Is determination she? This female's status in Samsara Palace is very mystical, is Gan Jiuzhen this name, not necessarily is real, in addition matches the mask to replace frequently, how you confirmed that is she?” A that person shadow slightly vibration that previously opened the mouth, asked. “确定是她吗?此女在轮回殿中的身份十分神秘,就是甘九真这个名字,都未必是真,加之所配面具经常更换,你如何确认是她?”先前开口的那道人影略一抖动,问道。 „The solid evidence had not shown, but strikes the memories of several Unusual Alliance members killing from us, this time that leads Dark Cold Immortal Residence Flood Dragon 3, the style quite conforms to Gan Jiuzhen this female.” Gongshu Jiu shakes the head, said. “没有确凿的证据来证明,不过从我方才击杀的几名无常盟成员的记忆来看,这次领头进冥寒仙府的那个‘蛟三’,行事风格颇符合甘九真此女。”公输久摇了摇头,如此说道。 Such being the case, this time on laborious Fellow Daoist Gongshu, must capture alive it. Her secret is worth unearthing well.” Disc left side a person's shadow body slightly leans forward, tone including saying with a smile. “既然如此,此番就辛苦公输道友,务必将其活捉回来。她身上的秘密可是值得我们好好挖掘一番。”圆盘左侧的一道人影身子微微前倾,语气含笑道。 The middle-aged man nods silently, when is wanting to receive the gold rate, remembers the incident suddenly, duplicate/restores also said: 中年男子默然点了点头,正欲收起金盘时,忽又想起一事,复又说道: Right, previously also discovered in this Immortal Residence also some people to use Divinity Cultivation Forbidden Technique, seemed like at least already cultivation to three/3rd level above.” “对了,先前还发现这仙府之中还有人使用了炼神禁术,看起来至少已经修炼到了三层以上。” Cannot think that completely prohibits for many years, some people fierce did not fear, forcefully breaking a prohibition. This person does not need to capture alive, may execute a captured offender on the spot.” That person shadow that had not spoken opens the mouth suddenly, said sternly. “想不到禁绝多年,仍有人悍不畏死,强行违禁。此人不必活捉,可就地正法。”一直没有说话的那道人影忽然开口,厉声说道。 Gongshu Jiu nods, the sleeve robe wields, the golden disc collects on the ray, contracts originally big or small, flew to shoot in his sleeves. 公输久点了点头,袖袍一挥间,金色圆盘就光芒一敛,收缩成原先大小,飞射回了他的衣袖之中。 Then, it controls Green Jade Flying Vehicle to shoot up to the sky, plunders to go in a direction. 而后,其驾驭着碧玉飞车冲天而起,朝着一个方向直掠而去。 ...... …… Is distanced with this does not know in far another region upper air. 与此相距不知多远的另一片区域高空中。 Han Li is grazing with Golden Child rapidly, body figure stops suddenly, looks out to go in some direction. 韩立正与金童急速飞掠,身形忽然一止,朝着某个方向遥望而去。 What's wrong?” The Golden Child doubts asked. “怎么了?”金童疑惑问道。 Just now as if felt that side has an extremely powerful fluctuation, in the penetration the vault of heaven, this little while also did not have probably.” Han Li looked some little time, shook the head to say. “方才似乎感觉那边有一股极其强大的波动,贯通上了天穹,这会儿好像又没有了。”韩立看了好一会儿,才摇了摇头说道。 Powerful fluctuation...... our go over and take a look did not know!” Golden Child looks an exciting color, is eager to try to say. “强大波动……咱们过去看看不就知道了!”金童面露一丝兴奋之色,跃跃欲试道。 First do not cause complications, later must have must meet with the powerful enemy.” Han Li was naturally clear that she has what idea, shakes the head to say. “先别节外生枝了,之后少不了要与强敌碰面。”韩立自然清楚她打得什么主意,摇头说道。 boring.” Golden Child small mouth one honk, disappointed say/way. 没劲。”金童小嘴一嘟,失望道。 Han Li shot a look at that side one, brow slightly pressed, bringing Golden Child to continue to escape to go. 韩立又瞥了一眼那边,眉头微蹙,带着金童继续远遁而去。 ...... …… In a preserved complete palace architectural complex, four men and women who wear the Dark Blue Stream Palace clothing, are stimulating to movement a treasure respectively, in collaborating restriction outside break/solve palace. 一片保存完整的宫殿建筑群内,四名身着苍流宫服饰的男女,正分别催动一件宝物,在联手破解一座宫殿外的禁制 When must succeed shortly, side ancient mirror that center the palace lintel is hanging, the superficial miraculous glow flashes suddenly, projects together the snow white bright, hit instantaneously in one of them chest. 眼看就要成功之际,宫殿门楣正中悬挂的一面古镜,忽然表面灵光一闪,从中射出一道雪白亮光,瞬间就打在了其中一人胸膛。 Only listens to that person of one to shout miserably, the chest place breaks open a round hole immediately, poured face up. 只听那人一声惨呼,胸膛处顿时破开一个圆洞,仰面倒了下去。 Bang a sound! “砰”的一声响! break/solve magical array that azure light blasting open, four people arrange jointly, collapses instantaneously. 一片青光炸裂,四人联手布置出的破解法阵,也瞬间崩溃开来。 Is that white-faced scholar body figure of head in a flash arrives at that to fall to the ground by the person, turns the hand to take out golden medicine pill to take to that person, and by own immortal spirit strength guides, helping his accumulated melt the efficacy. 为首的那名白面书生身形一晃的来到那倒地之人身旁,翻手取出一枚金色丹药给那人服下,并以自身仙灵力引导,帮其蕴化开来药力。 Quick, that person of chest then breaks the bone to be long, the flesh lives, returned to the original condition, but still the big mouth panted for breath. 很快,那人胸膛便断骨长,血肉生,重新恢复了原状,但仍大口喘息不已。 Others see this, a look slightly loosen, but still frowned does not unfold. 其余人见此,神色微微一松,但仍是蹙眉不展。 We and Palace Master they lost the contact half a month to have, cannot continue sleepily here, must break through the formation immediately, perhaps Palace Master they had found that place.” white-faced scholar grave expression, says. “我们与宫主他们失去联系已经半月有余了,不能继续困在这里,必须立即破阵出去,说不定宫主他们已经找到那个地方了。”白面书生面色凝重,开口说道。 Yes.” Another three people make noise to say hastily. “是。”另外三人连忙出声应道。 Rests a moment later, they then arrange the detonation to ban magical array. 歇息片刻之后,他们便重新布置起破禁法阵来。 ...... …… In Dark Cold Immortal Residence, on burned black hump, braves continuously the white smog a everywhere everywhere. 冥寒仙府内,一处遍地焦黑的山岗上,到处冒着缕缕白色烟雾。 In here underground dozens zhang (3.33 m) deep place, the mausoleum chamber deep palace, inside is suspending spacious black stone chair, above is sitting a big man who wears the grey robe, its complexion blue and purple, described withered, was Concealed Tower Sect first elder Feng Tiandu. 在此处地下数十丈深处,有一座地宫深殿,里面摆着一张宽大的黑色石椅,上面正坐着一个身着灰袍的高大男子,其面色青紫,形容枯槁,正是伏凌宗大长老封天都 At this moment, in the ground before his body, is scattering black giant stones everywhere, seems like guarded here main hall puppet wreckage. 此刻,在他身前的地面上,到处都散落着一块块黑色巨石,似乎是原本守卫此处大殿傀儡残骸。 The Feng Tiandu look stares at the wreckage on tread drearily, above the facial features the wrinkle comes up in great numbers and from all sides, the muscle is obvious, looks even more seems like a fierce zombie. 封天都神色阴郁地盯着地面上的残骸,面容之上皱纹横生,筋肉明显,看起来越发像是一具狰狞僵尸。 At this time, outside the palace suddenly had footsteps sound, similarly wore the thin man of grey robe to walk from outside, one eye that only remained looked to the man on stone chair, bowed to salute. 这时,殿外忽然有脚步声响起,同样身着灰袍的一名削瘦男子从外面走了进来,仅剩的一颗独目望向石椅上的男子,冲其躬身施了一礼。 senior brother, the people of taking to bring in have dispersed, including two teams of temporary connections, the surplus people are also searching at present, had not found Supreme Unity Palace.” Qi Tianxiao says. “师兄,带进来的人都已经分散出去了,其中有两队暂时联系不上,剩余的人目前还都在搜索中,尚未找到太乙殿。”齐天霄开口说道。 Has Immortal Palace and news of Dark Blue Stream Palace these people?” Feng Tiandu catches the eye to look to him, asked. “有仙宫苍流宫那些人的消息吗?”封天都抬眼看向他,问道。 Some news, but was inquired yesterday, now Japan transmitted. Immortal Palace and Dark Blue Stream Palace person, with our almost/the same, dispersed the manpower, has no clue evidently.” Qi Tianxiao said. “有些消息,不过是昨日才打探到的,今日方传递了过来。仙宫苍流宫的人,跟我们差不多,也是将人手都分散了出去,看样子也没有什么头绪。”齐天霄如此说道。 According to the estimate, opens from Heavenly Furnace, but also some date and time, we, if can first step find its is, can arrange the method ahead of time, when the time comes then can occupy the situation.” The Feng Tiandu sinking sound said. “按照估算,距离天炉打开,还有些时日,我们若能先一步找到其所在,就能提前布置手段,到时候便能占据先机了。”封天都沉声说道。 senior brother relax/rest assured, I will always pay attention to all trend.” Qi Tianxiao holds the fist in the other hand and says. “师兄放心,我会随时注意各方动向的。”齐天霄抱拳道 ...... …… An all nature look bleak, does not see above the red soil wilderness of living creature, the big man who two wear the Southern Dark Race clothing, is grasping two golden walking sticks, is flying in the upper air rapidly. 一片满目荒凉,不见活物的红土荒原之上,两名身着南黎族服饰的高大男子,手持着两根金色拐杖,在高空之中急速飞行着。 In it behind, closely follows three to wear the Sobbing Ghost Sect clothing to be solid, is the Ten Regions Pavilion cultivator men and women. 在其身后,紧紧跟随着三名身着鬼泣宗服饰实,则为十方楼修士的男女。 Why does not know, these two sides actually do not have a conflict, instead seems like that three people to follow front two people general. 不知为何,这两方竟然没有起冲突,反而似乎是那三人正追随着前面两人一般。 Flies in the frontline two big man, the complexion is sallow, the look is wooden, seeming like as if ordinary on the puppet, does not say a word all the way, but hurries along earnestly. 飞在最前方的两名高大男子,面色焦黄,神色木然,看起来就仿佛傀儡一般,一路上不发一言,只是埋头赶路。 After the group have plundered half quarter, in the line of sight end, saw red soil ruins of city appearance, the acceleration rushes over toward that side hastily. 一行人一直掠去半刻钟后,才在视线尽头,看到了一座城池模样的红土废墟,连忙加速朝那边冲了过去。 ...... …… Rough terrain that some Dark Cold Immortal Residence mountain range fluctuates, the middle is mixing with or the deep or shallow mountain valley. 冥寒仙府某片山峦起伏的丘陵地带,中间夹杂着一座座或深或浅的山谷。 Some forests luxuriantly lush green, some have the rivers chan rock to be densely covered, some narrow like Yixiantian narrowly, some malarias fill such as the burning sun valley...... dissimilar in shape and form, to mention just a few. 有的林木茂盛青翠欲滴,有的中有河流巉岩密布,有的狭窄逼仄如一线天,有的瘴气弥漫如毒火谷……形态各异,不一而足。 And situated in mountain range, seemingly common small-scale mountain valleys, does not have the rock malaria, does not have the jungle river valley, is highly also the mountain valley that is more neighboring than the both sides, on short three points. 其中位于山峦中部,有一座看起来毫不起眼的小型山谷,既无怪石瘴气,也无密林河谷,就是高度也比两侧相邻的山谷,矮上三分。 In the mountain valley, is having three person's shadows to gather together, is whispering in a low voice anything. 在山谷之内,正有三道人影聚在一起,低声私语着什么。 At this moment, look on each face, seems somewhat dignified. 此刻,他们每一个人脸上的神色,都显得有些凝重。 In these three people, what is the head is one wears the purple robe, the middle-aged man of aspect thin eyebrow, its makings are unique, in scholarly the feelings of many dignity, is Torch Dragon Dao Golden Immortal Dao Lord Ouyang Kuishan. 这三人中,为首的是一个身着紫袍,方面细眉的中年男子,其身上气质独特,儒雅之中不乏威严之感,正是烛龙道金仙道主欧阳奎山 Fellow Daoist Ouyang, previously we spread the position of Dark Cold Immortal Residence entrance, has caused the suspicion of Immortal Palace, if this time informs Daoist Hu Yan again ahead of time they, will only fear by the crime of Immortal Palace solid rebelling.” One of them said. 欧阳道友,先前我们将冥寒仙府入口的位置散布出去,已经引起了仙宫的怀疑,这次若再提前告知呼言道人他们,只怕会被仙宫坐实反叛之罪吧。”其中一人说道。 What relations now has this responsibility for an offense also to have? How many did Immortal Palace comply with our things to cash in initially? In our present clear(ly) was scoffed by entire Northern Cold Immortal Territory for two surname house slaves, is dark receives Northern Cold Immortal Palace to impede everywhere, might as well put together jade entirely burn initially.” On the Ouyang Kuishan face flashes through a sorrowful color, said slowly. “现在有没有这项罪责又有什么关系?仙宫当初答应我们的事情兑现了几件?我们如今明里被整个北寒仙域耻笑为‘两姓家奴’,暗里处处受北寒仙宫掣肘,还不如当初拼个玉石俱焚。”欧阳奎山脸上闪过一丝悲哀之色,缓缓说道。 Initially we can also continue for Torch Dragon Dao, unavoidablily betrayed Dao Lord Baili, after all that is we pours into sect that half a lifetime the painstaking care developed. Now ends up this appearance, could not complain about behind others to ridicule.” Another person, the forced smile said. “当初我们也是为了烛龙道能够延续下去,才不得已背叛了百里道主,毕竟那是我们灌注半生了心血才发展起来的宗门。如今落得这副模样,也怨不得别人背后嘲笑了。”另一人,苦笑道。 After this one time, I was wants to understand thoroughly, when this Northern Cold Immortal Territory, only then oneself strength was strong enough, was insufficient by the person about the destiny. This time is also a turning point, Immortal Territory these big influence all mixed here, we do not need to be that person who takes the lead, so long as is muddy the atmospheric conditions just before a rain, lets Northern Cold Immortal Palace in this turbid water, a multi- buckle several points of strength is good. So long as on their strength buckle a point, to our immobilizations, can on a weak point.” In the Ouyang Kuishan eye flashes through luminous, said. “经此一遭,我算是彻底想明白了,在这北寒仙域,只有自身实力足够强时,才不至于被人左右命运。此番也算是一个契机,仙域这几大势力皆混杂此处,我们也无需做那出头鸟,只要将水搅浑,让北寒仙宫在这浑水之中,多折损几分实力就好。只要他们实力折损上一分,对我们的钳制,也就能弱上一分。”欧阳奎山眼中闪过一丝光亮,说道。 correct/good, told Hu Yan in any case their one, Immortal Palace could not find the evidence, the proof was we discloses.” Another person echoes to say immediately. 不错,反正只是告诉呼言他们一声,仙宫也找不到证据,证明是我们透露的。”另外一人随即附和道。 After the idea decides, three people take out together ancient bronzes array disk of octagon simultaneously, pieces together toward the center, the Torch Dragon chart mark that above engraves, shone the red ray simultaneously. 计定之后,三人同时取出一块八角形的古铜阵盘,朝着中央一拼凑,上面镌刻的烛龙图纹,同时亮起了赤色光芒。 The mountain valley deep place, one/1st level/layer such as the void camouflage of water general light membrane in the valley, above is rippling the intermittent ripples, making the person line of sight fuzzy, looked at not the clear that light/only membrane later scene. 山谷深处,一层如水一般的光膜将谷内虚空遮蔽,上面荡漾着阵阵涟漪,令人视线模糊,看不真切那光膜之后的景象。 ...... …… Under backdrop that lead clouds hang down, is standing and waiting for a long time a azure black Senjouzan peak. 一片铅云低垂的天幕下方,伫立着一座青黑色的千丈山峰。 Close to peak, the area big open cliff, Xiao Jinhan of white robe stands in the cliff edge, no matter what the mountain breeze sways clothes sleeve to sway, the look is looking into the distance complex. 临近峰顶处,有一座面积不小的开阔山崖,一袭白袍的萧晋寒站在山崖边缘,任山风吹拂着衣袂飘摇,神色复杂地眺望着远方。 At this moment follows in his body side, only then a pretty woman who wears the blue palace clothing, naturally Xue Ying, this Northern Cold Immortal Palace vice-palace master. 此刻跟在他身侧的,只有一个身着蓝色宫装的貌美妇人,自然正是雪莺,这位北寒仙宫副宫主了。
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