RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#475: Courting death

Yeah, Golden Child......” Han Li smiles bitterly. “哎,金童……”韩立苦笑一声。 Finally in the Golden Child tooth will soon touch the long blade, Golden Child stopped suddenly, the small head lifts, grins to say with a smile to Han Li: „Do you mean what he says?” 结果就在金童牙齿即将触及长刀之时,金童突然停了下来,小脑袋一抬,冲韩立咧嘴笑道:“你说话算话?” Nature.” “自然。” Han Li is startled, at once nods to say. 韩立一怔,旋即点头道。 On the Golden Child face revealed a self-satisfied color, the small hand loosened the purple long blade. 金童脸上露出一丝得意之色,小手松开了紫色长刀。 Han Li shakes the head, waves, the long blade, and golden silk screen, the white decorative archway received, after preparation and other later left here, again slowly distinction. 韩立摇了摇头,一挥手,将长刀,以及金色丝网,白色牌楼都收了起来,准备等以后离开此处后,再慢慢鉴别。 Well, this is......” “咦,这个是……” Han Li suddenly is single-handed a move grasped a thing, is actually a radical zhang (3.33 m) silver spirit bamboo, sends out the remarkable spirit strength fluctuation. 韩立突然单手一招的抓起了一物,却是一根数丈长的银色灵竹,散发出惊人的灵力波动。 The aura of this silver bamboo, the silver bamboo root that digs out from that medicine garden is exactly the same as him. 这银色竹子的气息,和他从那药园中挖出的银色竹根一模一样。 By the silver bamboo, some precious spirit grass, looked that the physical appearance just picked. 银色竹子旁边,还有一些珍贵灵草,看品相都是刚刚采摘的。 The Han Li look flashes, it seems like, that arrived in the medicine garden initially beforehand, clinches the Profound Heavenly treasure(s) person, truly Qu Ling. 韩立眼神微闪,看来,当初那个事先抵达药园,摘走玄天之宝的人,确实正是渠灵了。 Profound Heavenly treasure(s) on that Profound Heaven immortal vine, that only Emerald Green Bottle Gourd. 那个玄天仙藤上的玄天之宝,想必正是那只翠绿葫芦 The small half day time passes by an instant, in the main hall thing everywhere had been received. 小半日时间转眼过去,大殿内满地的东西都已经被收掉。 In the Han Li eye full is the happy expression. 韩立眼中满是喜色。 Qu Ling treasure, far surpass his expectation. 渠灵身上的宝物之多,远超他的预料。 Various precious materials, the spirit grass did not say, solely is immortal essence stone, 100,000, this may can be a great wealth absolutely, can perhaps be as good as many sect influence many years hid. 各种珍贵材料,灵草不说,单单是仙元石,就有十万枚之多,这可绝对算得上是一笔巨财,恐怕抵得上不少宗门势力许多年的所藏了。 In addition, could say the name and cannot say precious medicine pill of name, as well as all kinds of ancient books were also many. 除此之外,一些说得出名字和说不出名字的珍贵丹药,以及各式各样的典籍也不少。 However obtains by search some low rank spirit treasure that from Qu Ling, majority entered the belly of Golden Child. 不过从渠灵身上搜到的一些低阶灵宝,大部分都进了金童的肚子。 Golden Child this moment aura has restored all, two arms also returned to normal, this moment face satisfied appearance, before body aura, had big striving. 金童此刻气息已经尽数恢复,两条手臂也恢复了正常,此刻一脸满足的样子,身上气息较之前也有了不小的精进。 This naturally is the result that Han Li tacitly consents. 这自然是韩立默许的结果。 The Devourer Golden Immortal evolution still becomes now the appearance, has not changed the gluttonous problem as before, but actually is also its unique promotion cultivation base way, when lets the Han Li anxiety, quite feels several points of gratified, after all Golden Child can strength of many several points of self-preservation, to him also be the good deed. 噬金仙进化至今成为如今模样,依旧没有改掉贪吃的毛病,不过却也不失为其一种独特的提升修为方式,让韩立肉疼之余,也颇感几分欣慰,毕竟金童能多几分自保之力,对其而言也是好事。 Today laborious two.” Han Li received the thing of ground, turns the head to look to relaxing the hands the vertical Demon Light two people, nods to say. “今日辛苦二位了。”韩立将地上的东西收了起来,转头看向垂手而立的魔光二人,点了点头道。 Your I am a body same life, said that these make anything, Fellow Daoist Han will have anything in the future, although told.” Demon Light said with a smile, then the body flashed black light, introduced in Han Li Shadow again. “你我乃是一体同命,说这些做什么,韩道友日后有什么事情,尽管吩咐。”魔光笑道,然后身上黑光一闪,再次引入韩立影子内。 Han Li brow tip trimming, performance of Demon Light this coming out, looks before entirely different. 韩立眉梢微调,魔光此次出来的表现,看起来和以前大不相同。 Daoist Crab is saying a word arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to Han Li, the change golden light that later the body turns, submerged Han Li within the body together. 蟹道人则是一言不发的冲韩立拱了拱手,随后身体一扭的化为一道金光,没入了韩立体内。 Han Li put in order the clothing, lifts the step to go out of the main hall, toward looked at the moment, lowering the head suddenly looks to both hands. 韩立整了整衣衫,抬步走出大殿,朝着四下望了片刻,忽的低头看向双手。 In his hand, takes a blue picture scroll at this moment, is Dark Cold Mountains and Rivers Chart, found from Qu Ling storage magical artifact. 他的手中,此刻拿着一副蓝色画卷,正是一副冥寒山河图,是从渠灵储物法器之中找到的。 However this moment picture scroll surface blue light vanishes all, opening a common drawing seems to be ordinary, does not have a previous intelligence again. 不过此刻画卷表面蓝光尽数消失,开起来仿佛一副寻常图画一般,再无一丝先前的灵性。 Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, looked at picture scroll two, turned the hand to receive it quickly. 韩立眉头微皱,又看了画卷两眼,很快翻手将其收了起来。 Walks.” “走吧。” Han Li to following to say after behind Golden Child, waves to send out together the azure light, picks up two people bodies, flies to shoot to go toward front. 韩立对跟在身后的金童说了一声,挥手发出一道青光,托起两人的身体,朝着前面飞射而去。 ...... …… Dark Cold Immortal Residence somewhere. 冥寒仙府某处。 In stretch of destruction extremely serious palace ruins, three wear the waistcoat shirt, the head binds the alien race men and women of black turban, walks on blue stone street that in a weed grows thickly, facial colors are cloudy, in the facial features full is the exhausted color. 一片毁坏极其严重的宫殿废墟中,三名身着马甲短衫,头裹黑巾的异族男女,走在一条荒草丛生的青石街道上,一个个面色阴沉,眉眼之中满是疲惫之色。 This time was really on Flood Dragon 3 this fellow worked as, arrived at this Immortal Residence mystical place with him, the treasure had not found many, the dangerous single layer then single layer, I thought actually he was deceives us to come to work as the cannon fodder.” A short black skin female, resentful say/way. “这次真是上了蛟三这家伙的当了,跟着他来到这仙府秘境,宝物没找到多少,危险倒是一重接着一重,我看他就是骗我们进来当炮灰的。”一名身材矮小的黑肤女子,愤懑道。 Yeah, previously rushed to Bright King Palace time, he runs a lot you also to see quickly! Where managed us, now was person's shadow does not have.” Another thick eyebrow guy, says. “可不是么,先前闯明王殿的时候,他跑得多快你们又不是没见着!哪里管我们死活了,现在更是连个人影儿都没了。”另一个粗眉大汉,也开口说道。 Now said that these are not useful, is good has not dispersed because of our three people, then I looked that did not need to look for Flood Dragon 3, we look for other chance, waited for the time to arrive, left here safely then.” The remaining skinny old men, are rubbing dry several goat beards, said slowly. “现在说这些也没有什么用了,好在咱们三人没有分散开,接下来我看也不用去找蛟三了,咱们自己找找别的机缘,等时间一到,安然离开这里便是了。”剩下一个干瘦老者,搓着干巴巴的几根山羊胡子,缓缓说道。 Other two hears word, in abundance the nod name is. 另外两人闻言,也纷纷点头称是。 They are speaking, in the upper air Green Jade Flying Vehicle speeds past suddenly, from the sky has delimited a circular arc, circled, hovering before three people above. 他们正说话间,高空之中忽然有一辆碧玉飞车疾驰而过,在空中划过一个圆弧,绕了过来,悬停在了三人身前上方。 Sees only above long and narrow flying vehicle, standing is slender, the appearance simple and elegant middle-aged man, in the hand is holding appreciatively small white jade Pixiu, the seeping color slightly yellow, is exuding the mild gloss. 只见狭长飞车之上,站着一个身材修长,容貌清雅的中年男子,手中把玩着一个小小的白玉貔貅,沁色微黄,泛着温润的光泽。 Also is standing behind two golden armor men in it, the facial features are stereotypical, the Lifeless air/Qi, obviously is two puppets. 在其身后还站着两个金甲男子,面容呆板,毫无生气,显然是两具傀儡。 Three people took a look at man on a flying vehicle, the pupil deep place flashed through color of being vigilant, but saw it True Immortal Late Stage cultivation base, just now felt at ease several points slightly. 三人打量了一眼飞车上的男子,瞳孔深处都闪过一丝警惕之色,但见其不过真仙后期修为,方才稍稍安心几分。 May I ask three fellow daoist, can once see the person of Northern Cold Immortal Palace? Knows them now where?” On the middle-aged man face is hanging the genial happy expression, inquired to three people calm and composed. “敢问三位道友,可曾见到过北寒仙宫之人?或者知晓他们现在何处?”中年男子脸上挂着和煦笑意,神色自若地向三人询问道。 Three people of hears word, no one has opened the mouth, in the heart actually somewhat feels strange. 三人闻言,谁都没有开口,心中却是有些奇怪起来。 At present this person of cultivation base is not high, when facing their three people, although the speech tone is gentle, actually gives them faintly a keeping aloof feeling, made person very not happy. 眼前这人修为不高,在面对他们三人时,说话语气虽然平和,却隐隐给他们一种高高在上的感觉,令人十分不爽 Has not seen.” The skinny old man vision flashes, opens the mouth to reply. “不曾见过。”干瘦老者目光微闪,开口答道。 Can enter Dark Cold Immortal Residence, no one is the foolish person, naturally cannot only realm cultivation base that presents from the surface, judges a true strength of person, the old man three people to this sudden unexpected visitor, the alert are more. 能够进入冥寒仙府的,没有谁是痴傻之人,自然不会仅从表面呈现出的境界修为,去判断一个人的真正实力,老者三人对这突然出现的不速之客,戒备还是更多一些。 Naturally what is main, when previously entered Immortal Residence, does not seem to see this person, expected that had what method to change the appearance. 当然最主要的是,在此前进入仙府之时,似乎并未有见过此人,料想是有什么手段改变了容貌。 Thank your for your hospitality.” The middle-aged man said lightly, turns around to control flying vehicle, goes toward the upper air. “叨扰了。”中年男子淡淡说了一句,转身驾驭飞车,朝高空而去。 Looks that its back goes far away, the thick eyebrow guy looks to the old man, asked: How to say?” 看着其背影远去,粗眉大汉看向老者,问道:“怎么说?” Looks at the bearing not like the average person, but my spirit eye magical powers, cannot see what way, should be True Immortal Late Stage cultivator is not false.” Skinny old man routine traces the beard on chin, said slowly. “看气度不像普通人,可我的灵目神通,没能看出什么门道,应该是一名真仙后期修士不假。”干瘦老者习惯性摸了摸下巴上的胡须,缓缓说道。 I, if has not misread, under his body that flying vehicle is a good thing.” The black skin female said suddenly. “我若是没看错的话,他身下那飞车可是个好东西。”黑肤女子忽然说道。 Her words say, in thick eyebrow guy and skinny old man eyes, flashes through an inexplicable happy expression. 她此话一说出口,粗眉大汉和干瘦老者眼中,也同时闪过一丝莫名笑意。 storage magical artifact first did not say, I want in his hand that piece of jade.” The thick eyebrow guy hehe, said. 储物法器先不说,我要他手上那块玉。”粗眉大汉嘿嘿一声,说道。 On him that magical robe turned over to me.” The skinny old man loosens the beard under jaw, the sinking sound said. “那他身上那件法袍归我了。”干瘦老者松开颌下的胡子,沉声道。 Three people cannot bear that read eventually corruptly, want to depend the person to be many, do a murder to seize the valuable the deal. 三人终究还是没能忍住那一丝贪念,想要仗着人多,干一趟杀人夺宝的勾当。 From three people are about in the upper air dozens li (0.5 km) away, that flying vehicle faces forward slowly fly. 距离三人不过数十里之外的高空中,那艘飞车慢悠悠地朝前飞遁着。 The middle-aged man stands above, on the face is hanging the genial happy expression as before, is rubbing jade Pixiu in hand, muttered: cultivation is not easy, why......” 中年男子站在上面,脸上依旧挂着和煦笑意,揉搓着手中的玉貔貅,喃喃自语道:“修行不易,何必呢……” It finishes speaking, the third-class light has dodged, keeps off before his body. 其话音刚落,三流光就已经一闪,挡在了他的身前。 What's wrong? Is it possible that remembered the person of Immortal Palace where, but also please inform one or two/just a little, appreciated below.” The middle-aged man looks to three people, grins to say with a smile. “怎么?莫非诸位又想起仙宫之人在何处了,还请告知一二,在下不胜感激。”中年男子望向三人,咧嘴笑道。 The skinny old man looks at happy expression on the middle-aged man face, does not know why feels some palpitations unexpectedly inexplicably, decides on at heart secretly the attention, once the matter has the contingency, my humble home other two flee immediately. 干瘦老者看着中年男子脸上的笑意,不知为何竟莫名感到有些心悸,心里暗暗打定注意,一旦事有不虞,就立即舍下另外两人遁走。 The thick eyebrow guy and black skin female look at each other one, in the hand shine a ray respectively, takes out a black stone ax and silver long sword respectively. 粗眉大汉与黑肤女子对视一眼,手上各自亮起一道光芒,分别取出一柄黑色石斧和银色长剑。 The skinny old man takes out seven/7th level golden pagoda directly, gives birth to one group of golden light screens, enlarges thousand times, covered together with that middle-aged man the three people together. 干瘦老者则直接取出一座七层金塔,从中生出一团金色光幕,放大千倍,将己方三人连同那中年男子一同笼罩了进去。 Thing that false spirit domain is not continually, feels all right with?” The middle-aged man look transfers suddenly coldly, shakes the hand of jade Pixiu to grip suddenly tightly. “连伪灵域都算不上的东西,也好意思拿出来?”中年男子神色忽然转冷,握着玉貔貅的手骤然攥紧。 In skinny old man three people of hears Yanxin is startled, but also without clarifying the condition, the feeling all copious great strength engages in factional strife in all directions. 干瘦老者三人闻言心中一怔,还没弄清楚状况,就感觉四面八方皆有一股沛然巨力倾轧而来。 The light screen that seven/7th level golden pagoda releases disrupts with a crash! 七层金塔释放出的光幕砰然碎裂! They see oneself four limbs and torso, under the oppression of this strength, cuns (2.5 cm) breaks to extrude toward own neck, covered with blood, breaks the bone obvious. 紧接着,他们就看到自己的四肢和躯干,在这股力量的压迫下,寸寸断裂着朝着自己的脖子下方挤压过来,血肉模糊,断骨可见。 Three people of heads are perfect, the body has actually turned into one group of blood bone mixed meat group. 三人头颅完好无损,身躯却已经变成一团血骨混杂的肉团。 All these happen in the wink of an eye! 这一切发生在瞬息之间! Sees only three golden light to shoot up to the sky, three people of Nascent Soul, escape to leave in three directions startled tacitly rapidly. 只见三道金光冲天而起,三人的元婴惊慌而出,默契地朝着三个方向急速遁离。 The middle-aged man sees that is only conveniently in one revolution toward void, partly visible translucent giant palm appear out of thin air, pulls to exude the fold ripples the pan sky together, one grasped that three people of Nascent Soul. 中年男子见状,只是随手朝虚空中一转,一道若隐若现的半透明的巨大手掌凭空浮现,直将板面天空扯得泛起褶皱涟漪,一把就将那三人的元婴抓了回来。 Forgives, forgives! villain/tiny person does not realize somebody's highposition or merits......” skinny old man three people of Nascent Soul to struggle, implored urgently. “饶命,饶命啊!小人有眼不识泰山……”干瘦老者三人的元婴挣扎不已,苦苦哀求。 The middle-aged man turns a deaf ear, in both eyes shines an extraordinary splendor, looks to three golden villain/tiny person. 中年男子充耳不闻,双目之中亮起一阵异彩,望向三个金色小人 You had not previously lain actually, it seems like really does not know. However, somewhat surprised happy......” looked at the moment actually, the middle-aged man muttered, the fingertip miraculous glow flashed, rubbed the flying ash that three people of Nascent Soul. “你们先前倒是没撒谎,看来是真不知道。不过,倒是有些意外之喜啊……”看了片刻,中年男子喃喃说着,指尖灵光一闪,就将那三人元婴搓成了飞灰。 He raises conveniently, diamond dust then sprinkled from the upper air, dissipate in Heaven and Earth. 他随手一扬,一片金粉便自高空洒落,消散在了天地间。 Then, the middle-aged man puts out a hand a move, on that three people of pitiful skeleton three azure is luminous, a deer owlet apes and monkeys, three masks strip from his head, flew in his hand. 而后,中年男子伸手一招,那三人的凄惨尸骨上三道青光亮起,一鹿一枭一猿猴,三张面具从其头颅之上剥离而下,飞到了他的手中。 He sized up next three masks, wields conveniently, before the body, void then appear out of thin air has a giant multi-layered wooden frame, above hung all over Unusual Alliance various type masks dazzlingly, the monsters and freaks, dragon tiger Hoki, to mention just a few. 他打量了一下三张面具,随手一挥,身前虚空中便凭空浮现出一个巨大的多层木架,上面琳琅满目地挂满了无常盟的各式面具,牛鬼蛇神,龙虎凤龟,不一而足。 Under counts, has more than thousand unexpectedly! 细数之下,竟足足有千余个之多!
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