RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#474: This is my!

The Han Li opens the mouth spouts a azure light, submerges in the bottle gourd. 韩立张口喷出一股青光,没入葫芦内。 Above Emerald Green Bottle Gourd, exuded the one/1st level/layer green and lustrous ray immediately, above had tiny rune circulations to keep faintly, was ordinary just like the trickle, like the water, rippled to go toward the surroundings gently, a vitality abundant feeling. 翠绿葫芦之上,顿时泛起了一层绿莹莹的光芒,上面隐隐有一枚枚细小的符文流转不停,宛如涓涓细流一般,柔和如水,朝着周围荡漾而去,给人一种生机盎然之感。 In the gentle green light, sends out a light power of magical principle fluctuation. 柔和的绿光之中,散发出一股淡淡的法则之力波动。 In the Han Li eye reveals a happy expression, oneself and between this Emerald Green Bottle Gourd, are unexpectedly indistinct, had a mind to relate. 韩立眼中露出一丝喜色,自己和这翠绿葫芦之间,竟隐约间,产生了一丝心神联系。 His intention moves, a drop of essence and blood flies to shoot from the fingertip, drops on Emerald Green Bottle Gourd. 他心念一动,一滴精血从指尖飞射而出,滴落在翠绿葫芦上。 But the blood actually cannot integrate, rolled on the bottle gourd, fell. 但鲜血却没能融入其中,在葫芦上滚了一下,掉落了下去。 Han Li sees this situation, has not shown the facial expression that loses, instead eye one bright, nodding, this Emerald Green Bottle Gourd is really Profound Heavenly treasure(s). 韩立见此情形,没有露出失落的神情,反而眼睛一亮,点了点头,这翠绿葫芦果然是玄天之宝 Although before he, has Profound Heavenly Spirit-Slaying Sword, but the understanding Profound Heavenly treasure(s) are not many, after Immortal World, from various types of ancient books, understood the information about Profound Heavenly treasure(s) gradually. 他虽然以前拥有玄天斩灵剑,但对玄天之宝的了解并不多,到了仙界之后,才渐渐从各种典籍上,了解了一些关于玄天之宝的信息。 Profound Heavenly treasure(s) is Heaven and Earth is pregnant the thing of raising, the inborn day raises, is entirely different from general immortal artifact, an important indicator is unable to use essence and blood sacrificial refining, but can only by own immortal spirit strength slowly warm support, gradually the refined control, but this refined time will be quite long. 玄天之宝是一处天地孕养之物,天生天养,和一般仙器大不相同,其中一个重要标志是无法用精血祭炼,而只能以自身仙灵力慢慢温养,逐渐炼化掌控,不过这个炼化时间会相当漫长。 Han Li initial Profound Heavenly Spirit-Slaying Sword was so, does not know that raised many years in within the body warm, slowly can achieve the control to be free. 韩立当初的玄天斩灵剑便是如此,不知在体内温养了多少年,才慢慢的能够做到掌控自如。 But once the Profound Heavenly treasure(s) master were killed, the treasure falls in another individual hand, that person can also stimulate to movement immediately, like some immortal artifact, does not need to drive out the essence and blood brand mark and slowly sacrificial refining, even appears unable to display completely the power situation. 玄天之宝的主人一旦被杀,宝物落在另一个人手中,那人也可以立刻催动,不会像有的仙器那样,需要驱除精血烙印并慢慢祭炼,甚至出现无法发挥出全部威能的情况。 Han Li is so thinking, deeply after inspiring, pastes Emerald Green Bottle Gourd on the forehead, wisp of divine thought extends reluctantly, submerges the bottle gourd. 韩立如此想着,深吸了一口气后,将翠绿葫芦贴在额头上,一缕神念勉强延伸而出,没入葫芦内部。 next moment, his eye opens slightly, reveals the surprised color. 下一刻,他眼睛微微睁大,露出惊讶之色。 The bottle gourd impressively is a large space, is filling the emerald green multi-colored sunlight everywhere, revolving, forms a huge incomparable green vortex slightly. 葫芦内部赫然是一个颇大的空间,到处弥漫着翠绿霞光,微微旋转,形成一个巨大无比的绿色漩涡。 The deep place of bottle gourd space is slurred, but as if also has other anything indistinctly. 葫芦空间的更深处模糊不清,不过影影绰绰似乎还有别的什么。 But in green rosy cloud vortex center, float a azure small sword, is his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 而在绿霞漩涡中央,悬浮着一柄青色小剑,正是他的那柄青竹蜂云剑 Han Li sees this, in heart secret loosen, retrieved own life source immortal artifact finally, otherwise in 72 flying sword, if were short of a , that may trouble big. 韩立见此,心中暗暗一松,总算是找回了自己的本命仙器,否则七十二柄飞剑之中,若是少了一柄,那可麻烦不小。 However he does not have to receive oneself flying sword immediately, but continues to control divine thought, goes toward the space deep place investigation. 不过他没有立刻收起自己的飞剑,而是继续控制着神念,朝着空间深处探查而去。 But when divine thought just spread to the green rosy cloud vortex edge, immediately bumps into an invisible strength, stopping divine thought to continue to go forward. 但当神念刚刚蔓延到绿霞漩涡边缘,立刻碰到一股无形之力,阻拦住了神念继续前进。 In the Han Li heart is somewhat surprised, slightly hesitates, also increased the strength of divine thought, the discovery is still not actually able the advance slightest. 韩立心中有些惊讶,略一沉吟后,又加大了神念之力,却发现仍然无法前进分毫。 His look flashes, has not continued the unproductive effort. 他眼神闪动,没有继续徒劳努力。 This invisible barrier, increasing the strength of divine thought seems to be useless, to thinks in addition other means can break through, it is estimated that must continue the sacrificial refining bottle gourd, until the control may truly. 这无形屏障,加大神念之力似乎没有用,须得另想别的办法才能突破,估计得继续祭炼葫芦,直至真正将之掌控才可。 However to him, this deep green bottle gourd is fierce mysterious, naturally is better. 不过对他而言,这碧绿葫芦越是厉害玄妙,自然是越好。 His intention moves, takes back divine thought, twines on the azure small sword, outward. 他心念一动,收回神念,缠绕在青色小剑上,向外一拉。 The azure light flashes, a small sword flies to shoot from gourd mouth. 青光一闪,一柄小剑从葫芦口飞射而出。 The gentle azure light sends out from Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, compared with beforehand gloomy several points. 柔和的青光从青竹蜂云剑中散发而出,比之前暗淡了几分。 A Han Li brow wrinkle, in the mind brand mark through flying sword, sense/telepathy to the flying sword internal change, the complexion was startled immediately immediately. 韩立眉头一皱,随即通过飞剑内的心神烙印,感应到了飞剑内部的变化,面色顿时一怔。 The ray that this flying sword sends out becomes gloomy, is not the spirit strength that among contains weakens. 这柄飞剑散发的光芒变得暗淡,并非是其内蕴含的灵力削弱。 In the flying sword the huge spirit strength has not had is weaken slightly, but is these originally somewhat disorderly spirit strength, pure many, is more reserved. 飞剑内庞大的灵力并未有丝毫减弱,而是这些原本有些杂乱的灵力,精纯了不少,更加内敛。 In the Han Li eye flashes through a pleasant surprise, he has not thought, this deep green bottle gourd really also has the function of pure spirit strength. 韩立眼中闪过一丝惊喜,他没想到,这碧绿葫芦竟然还有精纯灵力的作用。 He slightly hesitates, waves to make a azure light, submerges in the deep green bottle gourd. 他略一沉吟,挥手打出一股青光,没入碧绿葫芦内。 The gourd mouth green light flashes, spouts a deep green multi-colored sunlight, again cling flying sword, its received into. 葫芦口绿光一闪,喷出一股碧绿霞光,再次卷住这柄飞剑,将其收入其中。 Han Li this moment vision flashes again, waves again. 韩立此刻目光再次一闪,再次一挥手。 golden light flashes, a mini three/3rd level garret of lantern size appears, he previously in that Quiet Cold Palace found immortal artifact that has the surrounding restriction magical powers. 金光一闪,一座灯笼大小的迷你三层阁楼浮现而出,正是他先前在幽寒宫找到的一个具有困禁神通的仙器 Green multi-colored sunlight one volume, received the mini garret. 绿色霞光一卷,将迷你阁楼也收了进去。 Regarding the magical powers function of this bottle gourd, he must experiment again. 对于这葫芦的神通作用,他还要再实验一下。 Han Li turns the hand to receive the azure bottle gourd, the vision continues to look toward the ground, the brow wrinkled. 韩立翻手将青色葫芦收掉,目光继续朝着地上望去,眉头皱了起来。 Ground these treasure quantities are too many, moreover his majority do not recognize, reorganizes, perhaps did not have 1-2 days definitely not to complete. 地上这些宝物数量太多,而且他大多数都不认得,就这么整理,恐怕没有1-2肯定完成不了。 Han Li slightly hesitates, drank one in a low voice Demon Light. 韩立略一沉吟,低声喝了一声“魔光”。 The voice falls, his Shadow distortion rocks, elongated to periphery expanded several points. 话音落下,他的影子一阵扭曲晃动,向周围拉长扩大了几分。 Shadow sends out a slight abnormal noise, a dark person's shadow separates to leave from Shadow, stood fast, changes into the Demon Light form. 影子发出一阵轻微异响,一个黑乎乎的人影从影子中分离脱出,飞快站立了起来,化为魔光身影。 Fellow Daoist Han, what matter has to tell......, fellow daoist cultivation base also has big entering, how possibly, this how much time? The fellow daoist is really...... is really the rare talent, Immortal World is rare, Immortal World is rare.” Demon Light sense/telepathy to the Han Li aura, loses the sound said. 韩道友,有何事吩咐……咦,道友修为又有大进,怎么可能,这才多少时间?道友真是……真是奇才,仙界罕见,仙界罕见啊。”魔光感应韩立的气息,失声道。 He looks toward the surroundings, sees many things before Han Li body, nearby Golden Child, is startled again. 他朝着周围望去,看到韩立身前的诸多事物,还有一旁的金童,再次一怔。 Han Li has not paid attention to Demon Light, the hand wields. 韩立没有理睬魔光,手一挥。 Golden thunder light flashes, the Daoist Crab form appears. 金色雷光一闪,蟹道人的身影浮现而出。 Aura that Fellow Daoist Crab......” Demon Light sense/telepathy Daoist Crab lends at this moment, the facial expression again changes, shows some unnatural facial expressions. 蟹道友……”魔光感应蟹道人此刻散发出的气息,神情再次一变,露出些许不自然的神情。 Although he at this moment cultivation base restores all, but also only then in True Immortal the Late Stage strength, Daoist Crab is actually immortal lei of Golden Immortal level, nearby Golden Child has also been the Golden Immortal level, Han Li is true Golden Immortal, and has achieved Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, can say, he was flung by Han Li and the others by far in behind. 他此刻虽然修为尽数恢复,但也只有真仙后期的实力,蟹道人却已经是一具金仙层次的仙傫,一旁的金童也已经达到金仙层次,韩立更已经是一名真正的金仙,且已经达到金仙中期,可以说,他被韩立等人远远甩在了后面。 Just now I and Golden Immortal fight, cut after it killed, obtained this many things. These thing quantities are many, moreover my majority do not know. Two are more than this Han regarding the understanding of Immortal Territory, therefore wants to ask you to help me distinguish.” Han Li said directly. “方才我和一位金仙交手,将其斩杀后得到了这不少东西。这些东西数量不少,而且我大多数都不识得。二位对于仙域的了解都比韩某多,所以想请你们帮我鉴别一下。”韩立直接说道。 Originally is this matter, without issue. Below cultivation base, although is not strong, but followed before Ma Liang, the story is but actually vast.” Demon Light said with a smile. “原来是这事,没有问题。在下修为虽然不强,但之前跟着马良,见闻倒还算广博。”魔光笑道。 Daoist Crab also nods, was implicated in the Han Li body. 蟹道人也点了点头,在韩立身旁坐了下来。 First please two help me reorganize these things, simultaneously its origin use, carves on jade memo, facilitates me to search.” Han Li takes out two blank jade memo, gives Demon Light, Daoist Crab two. “先请二位帮我整理一下这些东西,同时将其来历用途,刻写在玉简上,方便我查找。”韩立取出两块空白玉简,递给魔光,蟹道人两个。 „, Many treasure!” At this moment, a clear sound transmits from side, is actually Golden Child does not know when stopped cultivation, walked, in the eye full is the happy expression. “呀,好多宝贝!”就在此刻,一个清脆的声音从旁边传来,却是金童不知何时停止了修炼,走了过来,眼中满是喜色。 Devourer Golden Immortal, many years does not see, your cultivation base strives ten thousand li in a day, Fellow Daoist Han has you to assist, another day can surely advancement Dao Ancestor, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Immortal Territory.” Demon Light said a hello to Golden Child, arched said with a smile submissively. 噬金仙,多年不见,你修为精进一日千里,韩道友有你相助,他日定能进阶道祖,纵横仙域。”魔光金童打了一声招呼,拱了拱手笑道。 You seem like the sneaking appearance to be loathful, gets out of the way quickly!” Golden Child is actually the small eyebrow one pressed, toward Demon Light ill-humored saying. “你看起来鬼鬼祟祟的样子就令人讨厌,快走开!”金童却是小眉毛一蹙,朝着魔光没好气的说道。 Demon Light hears word, on face smile one stiff. 魔光闻言,脸上笑容一僵。 Golden Child, should not be so impolite. In the past our ascended Immortal World, behind experienced a lot together respectively, today can gather together again, is the fate.” The Han Li sound sinks, scolds. 金童,不要这般无礼。当年我们一起飞升仙界,后面各自经历了很多事情,今日能再次聚首,也是缘分。”韩立声音一沉,呵斥道。 Golden Child looked at Demon Light one, snort/hum, had not said anything again. Immediately next moment, she by the ground dazzling assorted spirit treasure attraction, the big eye is stared looked. 金童看了魔光一眼,哼了一声,没有再说什么。下一刻,她立刻被地上琳琅满目的各色灵宝吸引,大眼睛直勾勾的看了过去。 Golden Child, our time harvests big.” Han Li sees this, said with a smile. 金童,我们这次收获不小。”韩立见此,笑着说道。 At this time what Golden Child could not as if have heard Han Li to say was anything, a cheek drum, the opens the mouth sent out together the golden light, on the cling not far away 7 - 8 golden color throwing knife, these throwing knife modeling were all of a sudden same, seems like complete spirit treasure. 金童此时似乎已经听不到韩立说的是什么了,腮帮子一鼓,张口发出一道金光,一下子卷住不远处七八柄金色飞刀上,这些飞刀造型一样,看起来是一副成套的灵宝 Each throwing knife sends out the astonishing spirit strength, obviously is extremely uncommon spirit treasure. 每一柄飞刀都散发出惊人灵力,显然是极为不凡的灵宝 The golden light shoots to return, is curling these throwing knives, flew into the Golden Child mouth directly. 金光倒射而回,卷着这些飞刀,直接飞入了金童口中。 The Golden Child mouth gathers, immediately ka ka chews, several chewed to swallow down these throwing knives impressively one after another, swallowed. 金童嘴巴一合,当即咔咔嘴嚼起来,赫然几口将这几柄飞刀一把接着一把嚼碎吞了下去,咽了下去。 This, lets Demon Light and Daoist Crab is startled slightly, on the Han Li face pulls out, however and said anything. 这一幕,让魔光蟹道人微微一怔,韩立脸上一抽,然而并说什么。 Sees only on Golden Child a golden light twinkle, then gathered on his both arms. 只见金童身上金光一阵闪烁,然后汇聚到了其双臂上。 Her both arms become concentrate more solid immediately again, the body aura also increases. 她的双臂立刻再次变得凝实一些,身上气息也随之一增。 The Han Li vision flashes, wants saying that anything's mouth closes again. 韩立目光微闪,本想说什么的嘴巴再次闭上。 The Golden Child whole face happy expression, the vision looks again toward the surroundings, concentrates quickly, stays on a silver heavy hammer, the opens the mouth sends out a stream of golden light, its volume before the body. 金童满脸喜色,目光再次朝着周围望去,很快一凝,停留在一柄银色重锤上,张口发出一股金光,将其卷到身前。 Golden Child acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner sat on the ground, holds the silver hammer in the bosom, the opens the mouth bites. 金童就这么旁若无人的席地坐了下来,将银锤抱在怀里,张口一咬。 Kā chā! 咔嚓 A silver hammer corner/horn was nipped by it, chews the sound, as if in eating the radish is ordinary, in nose even snort/hum some strange song. 银锤一角被其咬了下来,嘴嚼有声,仿佛在啃萝卜一般,鼻子里甚至哼起了某种怪异的小曲。 Han Li looked at that silver hammer quality above just throwing knife spirit treasure, did not miss many compared with general immortal artifact. 韩立看那银锤品质更在刚刚的飞刀灵宝之上,比起一般的仙器也不差多少了。 He lifted the hand, but put. 他抬了抬手,不过还是放了下来。 Ok. You are quicker the reorganization, after reorganizing, receives these things.” Han Li has taken two storage magical artifact, throws to the Demon Light two people, said. “好了。你们快些整理,整理好后,将这些东西收起来。”韩立取过两个储物法器,扔给魔光二人,说道。 Both comply with one, after looking at one mutually, at once reorganizes the ground fast the thing. 两者答应一声,互望了一眼后,旋即飞快整理起地上的东西来。 The Han Li vision one sweeps toward the surroundings, as if discovered anything, waves to send out together the azure light, a purple long blade, a golden silk screen, the white decorative archway curls up at the same time quietly, will receive. 韩立目光朝着周围一扫,似乎发现了什么,挥手发出一道青光,将一柄紫色长刀,一件金色丝网,一面白色牌楼悄悄卷起,正要收回来。 At this moment, a small hand extends like lightning from side, holds that purple long blade. 就在此刻,一只小手闪电般从旁边伸来,一把将那柄紫色长刀一把抓住。 This is my!” Golden Child greatly eager is looking at Han Li, shouts loudly. “这是我的!”金童大眼巴巴的望着韩立,大声嚷道。 Golden Child, here these treasures have many, you must eat many, but these three but immortal artifact, eats you to be not necessarily able to digest now, next time will give you again, is good.” Han Li waves, received the golden silk screen and white decorative archway, sees Golden Child not to drop, wraps the azure light of purple long blade not to take back, looks saying of forced smile. 金童,此处这些宝物还有不少,你要吃多少都可以,但这三件可是仙器,现在吃了你未必能消化,下次再给你,好不好。”韩立一挥手,将金色丝网和白色牌楼收了起来,见金童没有放手,包裹住紫色长刀的青光也没有收回,面露苦笑的说道。 Really mean-spirited!” The Golden Child small hand still firmly holds the long blade, does not have the meaning independently. “真小气!”金童小手依然紧紧抓住长刀,丝毫没有放手的意思。 Like this how, you give me this purple long blade, I guaranteed, cuts to kill Golden Immortal, brings Golden Immortal Nascent Soul to you, how?” A Han Li vision revolution, said. “这样如何,你将这紫色长刀给我,我保证之后斩杀一个金仙,给你取来一只金仙元婴,如何?”韩立目光一转,说道。 Golden Child this time has not replied Han Li, but lowers the head fiercely, the opens the mouth bit to the purple long blade on directly. 金童这次没有回答韩立,而是猛地一低头,张口直接冲紫色长刀上咬了下去。
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