RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#473: Inventory

Han Li hears Golden Child this words, the brow slightly wrinkle, immediately stretches. 韩立听闻金童此话,眉头微皱,随即又舒展开来。 Now although lost relation Daoist Crab, Golden Child and the others to look with one after another, but regarding the past the matter of occurrence was still fuzzy, and with the progress, he thought more and more matter some were not simple, oneself were possibly involved into what plot. 如今虽然与自己失去联系的蟹道人金童等人陆陆续续的找了回来,但对于过去所发生之事仍是模模糊糊,且随着事情的进展,他越来越觉得事情有些不简单,自己可能被牵扯入了什么阴谋之中。 In addition, oneself also offended some people, person who some previously could not provoke, and now mostly in this Dark Cold Immortal Residence. What is lucky, under oneself this time mistakes arising out of chance circumstances, resulted in a big chance, causing cultivation base can progress by leaps and bounds, becomes Golden Immortal. 此外,自己还明里暗里得罪了一些人,一些自己此前招惹不了的人,且如今大多都在这冥寒仙府之中。万幸的是,自己此番阴错阳差之下,得了一个不小的机缘,使得修为得以突飞猛进,一跃成为了一名金仙 Then, oneself also had the strength of self-preservation here, as for these memories, after waiting, is making the plan. 如此一来,自己在这里也有了自保之力,至于那些记忆,还是等出去后在做打算吧。 Han Li, we walk! We look for Golden Immortal that these you said to go! Just to help you coped with that ghost woman, I fell small realm!” Golden Child drew the Han Li sleeves, acts like a spoiled brat to say. 韩立,我们走吧!咱们去找那些你说的金仙去吧!刚刚为了帮你对付那老妖婆,我可是掉了个小境界呢!”金童拉了拉韩立衣袖,撒娇道。 Walks, this place is not suitable stays for a long time. Right, Golden Child, later cannot be victorious runs, do not use the secret technique forcefully.” Han Li nods, the grave expression injunction said. “走吧,此地不宜久留。对了,金童,以后打不过就跑,千万不要强行使用秘术。”韩立点了点头,神色凝重的嘱咐道。 Snort, I to save you!” Golden Child somewhat discontented mumbling. “哼,我都是为了救你啊!”金童有些不满的嘟囔道。 Han Li shows a faint smile, when the whole body azure light same place, is preparing to leave, the vision one sweeps toward the surroundings, brow immediately a wrinkle. 韩立微微一笑,周身青光一起,正准备动身之时,目光朝周围一扫,眉头顿时一皱。 Because of the reason of war, besides the golden palace, nearby all basically was just razed to the ground, spacious incomparable, then can see the end. 因为刚刚大战的缘故,除了金色宫殿之外,附近的一切基本被夷为了平地,空旷无比,一眼便能看到尽头。 A nearby region person's shadow cannot see, Lu Yuqing, where had not just known here unexpectedly. 附近区域一个人影也看不到,刚刚还在这里得陆雨晴,竟不知去了哪里。 Although oneself just now fight quite intensely with Qu Ling, but can under two big spirit domain cover, but can also be quiet 虽说自己方才与渠灵一战斗得颇为激烈,但能在两大灵域笼罩之下,还能悄无声息 „When Golden Child, just now I fight Qu Ling, you notice with my together that female, where did she go to?” Han Li looks to Golden Child, asked. 金童,方才我斗渠灵之时,你有没有注意到和我一起的那名女子,她去了哪里?”韩立看向金童,问道。 Female? The person who that and you come together, she just now first observes in the distant place, afterward displayed secret technique sneak into/submerge underground, disappears.” Golden Child is startled, saying that immediately not cares. “女的?哦,那个和你一起来的人呀,她方才先是在远处观战,后来就施展秘术潜入地下,不见了。”金童一怔,随即毫不在意的说道。 Ran?” Han Li hears word, a brow wrinkle. “跑了?”韩立闻言,眉头一皱。 Person who yes, you bring, I have not been blocking. Otherwise this fairy small hand wields, she naturally remained.” Golden Child winked the big eye toward Han Li, said with a smile. “是啊,你带来的人,我也就没拦着。不然本仙女小手一挥,她自然就留下来了。”金童朝着韩立眨了眨大眼睛,笑着说道。 Word sufficient ear of Han Li to the Golden Child has not heard general, but stands there silently, looks the color of hesitation, does not know that is thinking anything. 韩立金童之言充耳未闻一般,只是默然站在那里,面露沉吟之色,不知在想些什么。 Golden Child sees Han Li also to have the thought appearance, small mouth one honk, left the small head. 金童韩立又有所思的样子,小嘴一嘟,也将小脑袋别了过去。 But shortly, near her turns the head quietly, shot a look at Han Li with the corner of the eye split vision. 但没多久,她边悄悄侧首,用眼角余光瞥了瞥韩立 In the meantime, Han Li body figure in a flash flying figure, in the eye blue light suddenly flashes, appears two dazzling blue light, sweeps off toward the surroundings. 就在此时,韩立身形一晃的飞身而起,眼中忽的蓝光一闪,浮现出两道耀眼蓝光,朝着周围扫去。 A moment later, the Han Li both eyes blue light dissipates, the brow was pressed tightly. 片刻之后,韩立双目蓝光消散,眉头却蹙得更紧了。 He just neighbor will seek, has not discovered other cultivator aura, but after here does not have Lu Yuqing leaves , the residual aura. 他刚刚将附近寻找了一圈,并没有发现其他修士的气息,不过这里也没有陆雨晴离开后残留的气息。 Couldn't have walked? I was somewhat hungry!” Golden Child flew, two insert the small waist to say. “还走不走呀?我可是有些饿了!”金童飞了过来,两手插着小腰说道。 On this female has broken map about this place, I will come to here, then looks following her map.” Han Li said. “此女身上有一副关于此地的残破地图,我之所以会来这里,便是循着她的地图找来的。”韩立说道。 What he has not said that he felt like that Lu Yuqing is somewhat strange, particularly after having Quiet Cold Palace, this female behavior manner is even more strange, at this moment suddenly vanishes, a clue has not stayed behind, is unusual. 他没有说出口的是,他隐隐觉得陆雨晴有些古怪,尤其是出了幽寒宫后,此女的行为神态更是越发奇怪,此刻突然消失,一点线索也没有留下,更是反常。 Without our oneself looked.” Golden Child curls the lip, saying of caring at all. “没了咱们就自己找呗。”金童撇了撇嘴,满不在乎的说道。 Good. We walk.” Han Li nods, body figure changes into together the azure light, flies to shoot to go toward the distant place. Golden Child whole body golden light flashes, changed into golden light with. “好。我们走。”韩立点了点头,身形化为一道青光,朝着远处飞射而去。金童周身金光一闪,化为了一道金光跟了上去。 Two people toward the forward flight less than half double-hour, the front were still a ruins scene, nearby the palace that in -and-a-half collapsed fell. 二人往前飞小半个时辰,前方仍然是一片废墟景象,在一处半坍塌的宫殿附近落了下来。 Rests here.” Han Li in also calculates that in the complete side hall sits down, wields single-handed, dozens blue light fly to shoot, falls on various main hall places, opens blue magical array. “就在这里休息一下吧。”韩立在一间还算完整的偏殿内坐下,单手一挥,数十道蓝光飞射而出,落在大殿各处,张开一个蓝色法阵 Golden Child followed to sit by Han Li. 金童跟在韩立旁边坐了下来。 Han Li exhales the one breath lightly, close eyes revolution cultivation technique, medicine pill that refined previously took, the body appears the one/1st level/layer gentle azure light, covers up his body. 韩立轻呼出一口气,闭目运转功法,炼化先前服用的丹药,身上浮现出一层柔和青光,遮掩住他的身体。 The Golden Child big eye looked at Han Li one, immediately also closed the eye, the body appeared the one/1st level/layer golden light, cultivation got up. 金童大眼睛看了韩立一眼,随即也闭上了眼睛,身上浮现出了一层金光,也修炼起来。 The big half day time passes by, Han Li azure light dissipates, appears his body figure, the facial expression is usual, obviously within the body immortal spirit strength has restored all. 大半日时间过去,韩立身上青光消散,现出他的身形,气色如常,显然体内仙灵力已经尽数恢复。 Nearby Golden Child whole body was also covered by the one/1st level/layer golden light, the peripheral immortal spiritual energy gathers continuously was drawn in the small mouth by Golden Child. 一旁金童全身还被一层金光笼罩,周边仙灵气汇聚起来源源不断的被金童吸进小嘴中。 Han Li looked at Golden Child one, took back the line of sight quickly, wields single-handed. The ray flashes, before his body, are many two things, is actually that gray throne and puts the Qu Ling corpse the azure earthen bowl container. 韩立看了金童一眼,很快收回了视线,单手一挥。光芒一闪,他身前多出两件东西,却是那个灰色王座和盛放渠灵尸体的青色钵盂。 Han Li looks to that gray throne, waved to make a azure light to submerge. 韩立看向那灰色王座,挥手打出了一道青光没入其中。 The gray throne appears immediately the one/1st level/layer gray light, but is not bright. 灰色王座顿时浮现出一层灰光,不过并不怎么明亮。 His two magical formula change, the gray light that the throne sends out is gradually bright, three mirrors appear slowly, sends out the grey, black, white three rays respectively. 他两手法诀变化,王座散发出的灰光逐渐明亮起来,三面镜影慢慢浮现而出,各自散发出灰,黑,白三种光芒。 Han Li eye one bright, this gray throne quality is not low, but also above many immortal artifact on him. 韩立眼睛一亮,这个灰色王座品质可不低,还在他身上的诸多仙器之上。 Rarer is, this throne contains three entirely different power of magical principle, such immortal artifact, he had never seen before. 更为难得是,此王座蕴含三种迥然不同的法则之力,这样的仙器,他以前从未见过。 power of gray throne just also showed that the might is extremely strong. 灰色王座的威能刚刚也展现了出来,威力极强。 What a pity this treasure is Qu Ling life source immortal artifact, the interior contained extremely heavy life source brand mark, is unable to drive out, even sacrificial refining, at most can display power that 5 - 6 becomes reluctantly. 可惜此宝渠灵本命仙器,内部蕴含了极重的本命烙印,根本无法驱除,就算勉强祭炼了,最多也只能发挥出五六成的威能 Han Li sighed secretly, waved to receive the gray throne, looked to the azure earthen bowl container. 韩立暗暗叹了口气,挥手将灰色王座收了起来,看向青色钵盂。 He grasps void. 他虚空一抓。 Several rays depart from the earthen bowl container, fall before his body, is actually the small bag that four colors vary, a white jade belt, above mounted several hundred colorful gems, a pitch-dark ring. 数道光芒从钵盂中飞出,落在他的身前,却是四个颜色各异的小袋,一个白色玉带,上面镶嵌了数百颗五颜六色的宝石,还有一枚黑漆漆的戒指。 Before these things, on Qu Ling, had not just received with enough time. 这些东西之前都在渠灵身上,刚刚没有来得及收起。 Han Li has first taken four small bags, slightly reads, in eye immediately slightly one bright. 韩立先拿过四个小袋,略一翻看,眼中顿时微微一亮。 These small bags are not storage bag, but is spirit beast bag, each is quite uncommon, the inner space is enormous, seems a small-scale mystical place space. 这些小袋并非储物袋,而是灵兽袋,每一个都极为不凡,内部空间极大,仿佛是一个小型的秘境空间。 The spiritual energy of each space is quite rich, the weather environment varies. 每个空间的灵气都极为浓郁,气候环境更是各异。 Believes that must refine such spirit beast bag, paid price, perhaps under not refining grade not low acquired immortal artifact. 相信要炼制一个这样的灵兽袋,付出的代价,恐怕不下于炼制一件品阶不低的后天仙器吧。 This moment these four small bags are completely empty, 80% this bags are used to place these Golden Immortal ranks spirit beast, but that several Golden Immortal spirit beast had been killed. 此刻这四只小袋子都空空如也,八成此袋是用来安置那些金仙级别的灵兽,不过那几头金仙灵兽都已经被杀了。 In the Han Li eye the happy expression flashed, waves to receive four small bags. 韩立眼中喜色一闪,挥手将四只小袋收了起来。 These spirit beast bag he, although could not have used at present, but is the priceless treasures, after going out , even if sold to these to tame spirit beast cultivator or sect, can still trade many immortal essence stone. 这些灵兽袋他虽然目前还用不到,但都是无价之宝,出去后即便是卖给那些驯养灵兽修士或者宗门,也能换到不少仙元石 He took up that white jade belt immediately, slightly an investigation, eye again one bright. 他随即拿起了那条白色玉带,略一探查,眼睛再次一亮。 This white jade belt is also the thing of depositing spirit beast, above each gem is a space, this moment inside is depositing various spirit beast. 这白色玉带也是存放灵兽之物,上面每一个宝石都是一个空间,此刻里面存放着各种灵兽 Some spaces only then independent spirit beast, some spaces have more than thousand, even over ten thousand, are it may be said that all sorts of strange and unusual. 有的空间只有单独一只灵兽,也有的空间有千余只,甚至上万只,可谓千奇百怪。 However these spirit beast strengths are not high, as if even True Immortal Realm is also very scarce, mostly is below Great Ascension Stage. 不过这些灵兽实力并不高,似乎连真仙境的也十分稀少,大多是大乘期以下。 Moreover, in each space has a stele, above recorded characteristics and use that raises spirit beast, is not used to fight , some explorations, tracing wait/etc.. 另外,每个空间中都有一面石碑,上面记载了豢养灵兽的特性和用途,并非都是用来战斗,也有一些探索,追踪等等之用。 Han Li these years walked many places, the experience also calculated very vastly, saw that these spirit beast said that also felt to broaden the outlook. 韩立这些年走了不少地方,见识也算很广博,看到这些灵兽介绍,也觉得大开眼界。 However at this moment, spirit beast in jade belt space, fallen dies unexpectedly all, no is also living. 不过此刻,玉带空间中的灵兽,竟然尽数陨落而死,没有一个还活着。 This lets in the Han Li heart the surprise at the same time, is loudly shouts was a pity. 这让韩立心中诧异的同时,也是大呼可惜。 These spirit beast whole bodies are seamless, seeming like not because just the fight complementary waves caused them dead, this may somewhat be strange. 这些灵兽全身并无伤痕,看起来并非是因为刚刚战斗余波导致它们死亡,这可就有些奇怪了。 His slightly one hesitates, wields single-handed. 他微一沉吟,单手一挥。 A azure elk corpse appears, in the surface the seven orifices bleed to death. 一只青色麋鹿尸体浮现而出,面上七孔流血而死。 Han Li stretches out a finger, on the elk head, a tattooing light submerges. 韩立伸出一根手指,点在麋鹿脑袋上,一点青光没入其中。 A moment later, his complexion becomes somewhat ugly, waves and takes out a white ice silkworm corpse, the finger selects again on his head, the fingertip shines a tattooing light, submerges. 片刻之后,他脸色变得有些难看,挥手又取出一头白色冰蚕尸体,手指再次点在其脑袋上,指尖亮起一点青光,没入其中。 Han Li takes back the finger quickly, in the eye flashes through an angry look. 韩立很快收回手指,眼中闪过一丝怒色。 He has found out these spirit beast causes of death, dies of strength of the restriction. 他已经查出了这些灵兽的死因,是死于一种禁制之力。 Qu Ling in these spirit beast within the body, got down paragenesis restriction all, this restriction extremely evil and cruel, master fallen, these spirit beast will also die, may be called in all contract restriction, most overbearing one. 渠灵在这些灵兽体内,尽数下了一种共生禁制,此禁制极为歹毒,主人陨落,那些灵兽也会随之而死,堪称所有契约禁制中,最为霸道的一种。 Han Li shakes the head, turns the hand also to receive the white jade belt. 韩立摇了摇头,翻手将白色玉带也收了起来。 This jade belt value is enormous, by value perhaps also above that several high-level spirit beast bag. 这玉带价值极大,论价值恐怕还在那几只高级灵兽袋之上。 He takes up that black ring finally, its post in the forehead, divine sense submerges in, in the eye reveals the color of shock. 他最后拿起那黑色戒指,将其贴在额头,神识没入其中,眼中露出震惊之色。 Han Li waves, only listens to Huā lā lā, in the ground are many big bunch of things, almost fully occupied half main hall. 韩立一挥手,只听“哗啦啦”一声,地面上多出一大堆东西,几乎占满了半个大殿。 These things are very disorderly, all kinds, spirit grass ore, material magical treasure, has everything expected to find, sends out the assorted ray, the main hall shines upon well-illuminated that. 这些东西很是杂乱,五花八门,灵草矿石,材料法宝,应有尽有,散发出各色光芒,将大殿内映照的通亮。 These thing almost every contain the extremely strong spirit strength, the value not poor. 这些东西几乎每一件都蕴含极强的灵力,价值不菲。 After Han Li enters Immortal Residence, found many treasures, but on these things with Qu Ling compares, was actually well below. 韩立进入仙府后,也找到了不少宝物,但是和渠灵身上的这些东西一比,却是远远不如了。 However ground these things, many obviously are other cultivator things, obviously this female did many murders to seize the valuable the matter. 不过地上这些东西,不少明显是其他修士的东西,显然此女干了不少杀人夺宝的事情。 Han Li complexion suddenly moves, turns the hand to grasp a scarlet red token, above inscribed a scarlet vermilion bird design, is the mark of True Flame Sect. 韩立面色忽的一动,翻手抓过一个赤红色令牌,上面铭刻了一个赤红朱雀图案,正是真焰宗的标记。 His vision sweeps, such token, here also has 6 - 7. 他目光一扫,这样的令牌,这里还有六七个之多。 It seems like True Flame Sect and the others met Qu Ling, was cut to kill by it all. 看来真焰宗等人遇到了渠灵,被其尽数斩杀了。 Han Li shakes the head sighs lightly, regarding True Flame Sect everyone, his not many favorable impressions, but the person of peer suffers disaster, in his heart still somewhat sighed. 韩立摇头轻叹了一口气,对于真焰宗诸人,他并无多少好感,不过同行之人遭难,他心中仍然有些感叹。 Han Li waves to throw True Flame Sect and the others thing of on the ground , to continue to examine ground these things. 韩立挥手将真焰宗等人之物扔在地上,继续查看地上这些东西。 Finally shortly, his eyes one bright, waved to send out a azure light, the cling the emerald-green bottle gourd of not far away, his inspiration hand. 结果没多久,他就眼睛一亮,挥手发出一股青光,卷住了不远处的一只翠绿色的葫芦,将其吸入手中。 This thing Qu Ling this female once had previously used that only Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd. 此物正是先前渠灵此女曾使用过的那只玄天葫芦
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