RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#472: Cuts the spirit

Should finish......” “该结束了……” In the Han Li mouth muttered one, the both hands ten fingers pinches finger joints with the thumb fast, the dazzling golden light erupted from him suddenly, Precious Mantra Wheel stopped the reversal instantaneously, went toward forward revolving. 韩立口中喃喃一声,双手十指飞快掐诀,耀眼金光陡然从他身上爆发而出,真言宝轮瞬间停止了逆转,朝着正向旋转而去。 Buzz! 嗡! Crowded golden ripple erupt from treasure wheel, filled the surrounding thousand zhang (3.33 m) scopes instantaneously, five claw grey dragon envelop. 一圈圈密集的金色波纹从宝轮之上爆发而出,瞬间弥漫了周围千丈范围,将五爪灰龙笼罩在了其中。 By all that the golden ripple covers, immediately as if freezes generally, stagnated there. 被金色波纹笼罩的一切,立刻仿佛冻结了一般,停滞在了那里。 Five claw grey dragons are also same, in the surface is maintaining the color of shock, mouth slightly, the body is motionless. 五爪灰龙也是一样,面上保持着震惊之色,嘴巴微张,身体一动不动。 The Han Li vision flashes, waves the void racket under. 韩立目光闪动,挥手虚空一拍而下。 The azure light flashes, three Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords appear side five claw grey dragons, the superficial azure light winds around, gathers round the grey dragon body to twist like lightning. 青光一闪,三柄青竹蜂云剑出现在五爪灰龙身旁,表面青光缭绕,围着灰龙身体闪电般一绞。 The azure light interlocks, the bodies of five claw grey dragons succeed in giving up more than ten sections immediately, but has not actually separated, even blood has not splashed. 青光交错间,五爪灰龙的身体顿时断成十几截,但却没有分离开来,甚至连一丝血液也没有溅出。 Meanwhile, a time crystal silk does not know that appears from where, and flashes submerged five claw grey dragon mind. 与此同时,一根时间晶丝不知从何处浮现而出,并一闪的没入了五爪灰龙脑海。 A moment later the gray light flashes, the time crystal silk tied up a gray dragonet to fly, on the forehead also had a silver pattern, was Qu Ling Nascent Soul. 片刻之后灰光一闪,时间晶丝捆缚着一条灰色小龙飞了出来,额头上也有一个银色花纹,正是渠灵元婴 A golden ripple sends out from the crystal silk, covers grey Nascent Soul, imprisons it firmly. 一股金色波纹从晶丝上散发而出,笼罩住灰色元婴,将其牢牢禁锢。 Han Li exhales the one breath secretly, wields single-handed. 韩立暗暗呼出一口气,单手一挥。 Golden spirit domain flashes, changes into the big flake gold light, heavy drinker absorbing water flows in backward to return, submerges his within the body. 金色灵域一闪,化为大片金光,长鲸吸水般倒灌而回,没入他的体内。 The golden ripple of Han Li body week also slightly one flashes, flew to shoot to return all, submerged in turning round revolving Precious Mantra Wheel. 韩立身周的金色波纹也微一闪动,尽数飞射而回,没入了滴溜溜旋转不已的真言宝轮之中。 Precious Mantra Wheel flashed fast two, slowly dissipation. 真言宝轮飞快闪动了两下,缓缓消散。 At this moment, the Han Li mouth suddenly exudes one lightly, the intention moves, Precious Mantra Wheel stops dissipating, and condenses again, flies since him, falls on front. 就在此刻,韩立口中忽的发出一声轻咦,心念一动,真言宝轮停止消散,并且再次凝聚而出,从他背后飞起,落在前面。 Sees only Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel, at this moment impressively again more than ten groups become dim, dark, changed with previously Time Dao Mark dim exactly the same. 只见真言宝轮上的时间道纹,此刻赫然再次又有十几团变得黯淡下来,灰沉沉的,和先前时间道纹变黯淡一模一样。 This is......” in the Han Li eye flashes through surprised. “这是……”韩立眼中闪过一丝惊讶。 His intention moves, strength of the divine thought submerges soul-resting furnace, informed that old Daoist remnant soul this situation. 他心念一动,一股神念之力没入养魂炉,将此情形告知了那老道残魂。 This is natural, the spirit domain so fierce magical powers, you think that stimulates to movement it, so long as consumed immortal spirit strength enough? The one who displays the spirit domain main consumption is your power of Time Principle, extinguishing some Time Dao Mark is normal.” Saying that the remnant soul thinks otherwise. “这是当然,灵域这般厉害的神通,你以为催动它只要消耗仙灵力就够了?施展灵域主要消耗的是你的时间法则之力,熄灭一些时间道纹再正常不过。”残魂不以为然的说道。 Han Li hears this words, nods. 韩立听闻此话,点了点头。 He condenses entire ten Time Principle silk now, restores these more than ten groups of Time Dao Mark, as if also soon. 他现在凝聚出了整整十根时间法则之丝,恢复这十几团时间道纹,似乎也用不了多久。 with this thought, in his heart a loosen, then waves a move. 一念及此,他心中一松,然后挥手一招。 Among three Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords azure glow flashes to fly to shoot to return, stops before his body. 三柄青竹蜂云剑青芒间闪动飞射而回,停在他身前。 golden light flashes, inside silk of magical principle flies to shoot, integrates with his body. 金光一闪,里面的法则之丝飞射而出,融入和他的身体。 gold/metal of Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords sending out disappears immediately, the boundless incomparable aura also reduced greatly, restored the beforehand appearance. 青竹蜂云剑散发的金芒顿时消失,磅礴无比的气息也大减,恢复了之前的样子。 Han Li sees this situation, in the heart moves. 韩立见此情形,心中一动。 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords contains the spirit strength to be powerful, he integrates a time crystal silk temporarily, then can enable it to have power of Time Principle, power increases immediately, if later this sword contained the principle of match, power will not know to what degree in a big way. 青竹蜂云剑蕴含灵力强大无比,他临时融入了一根时间晶丝,便能使其具有一丝时间法则之力,威能立刻大增,若是以后此剑蕴含了匹配的法则,威能不知会大到什么程度。 with this thought, in his heart immediately fiery. 一念及此,他心中顿时一阵火热。 Han Li deeply inspires, returned to normal a state of mind, wields the sleeves, three azure great swords reduce fast, fly into his sleeve. 韩立深吸了一口气,平复了一下心绪,一挥衣袖,三柄青色巨剑飞快缩小,飞入他的袖中。 This time war, although his Time Spirit Domain peeps toweringly, with the coordination of Precious Mantra Wheel, almost without fee/spent many methods then struck to kill Qu Ling, but maintained spirit domain, to the consumption of immortal spirit strength was actually big, stimulating to movement Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords to the immortal spirit strength consumption was also very big. 此番大战,虽然他的时间灵域初现峥嵘,在真言宝轮的配合下,几乎没有费多少手段便击杀了渠灵,但维持灵域,对仙灵力的消耗却是不小,催动青竹蜂云剑仙灵力消耗也是很大。 Under two unify, even he advancement Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, some big feelings could not have endured now, this moment complexion somewhat was also pale. 两相结合之下,即便他如今已进阶金仙中期,也有些大感吃不消,此刻面色也有些苍白了。 From the observation, the spirit domain merit is the range is large at present, but its power relatively is limited, but the region of Precious Mantra Wheel release the range is small, but power is not weak. 从目前观察来看,灵域优点是范围颇大,但其威能还相对有限,而真言宝轮释放的区域虽然范围较小,但威能却不弱。 He turns the hand to take out under a scarlet medicine pill clothing/taking, will transport merit refined. 他翻手取出一枚赤红丹药服下,正要运功炼化 However on at this moment, time crystal silk gray dragonet Nascent Soul forehead the silver of king character pattern silver puts suddenly brilliantly, the body struggles furiously. 不过就在此刻,时间晶丝上的灰色小龙元婴额头的银色‘王’字花纹骤然银光大放,身体奋力挣扎起来。 The time crystal silk was also made unexpectedly again and again by it rocks, loosened several points faintly. 时间晶丝竟然也被其挣得连连晃动,隐隐松开了几分。 Does not know that grey Nascent Soul displayed what magical powers, power of Time Principle is not even able to affect its appearance unexpectedly. 不知灰色元婴施展了什么神通,竟连时间法则之力也无法影响到它的样子。 Also wants to escape!” The Han Li complexion sinks, counts on the fingers. “还想逃!”韩立面色一沉,屈指一点。 Time crystal silk immediately one bright, sends out a brighter ray, ties down grey Nascent Soul again. 时间晶丝顿时一亮,从中散发出更为明亮的光芒,再次将灰色元婴缠住。 In grey Nascent Soul mouth suddenly sends out a thorn to have keen ears the cry, the body inflates fiercely, thick 4 - 5 time. 灰色元婴口中忽的发出一声刺耳尖鸣,身躯猛地膨胀开来,粗大了四五倍。 The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, the time crystal silk ties up firmly on Nascent Soul, gets sucked into his body, this situation, it is more impossible to make him work loose. 韩立眉头微皱,时间晶丝牢牢捆缚在元婴身上,深陷其身体内,这种情况,其更加不可能让其挣脱而出。 However this Qu Ling Nascent Soul is strange, he is just about to pinch finger joints with the thumb, its thorough imprisonment. 不过这渠灵元婴古怪,他正要掐诀施法,将其彻底禁锢。 In next moment, grey Nascent Soul forehead silver pattern again one bright, then bang, grey Nascent Soul explodes suddenly, changes into a gray light, scatters vanishes. 就在下一刻,灰色元婴额头银色花纹再次一亮,接着“砰”的一声,灰色元婴猛然爆裂开来,化为一阵灰光,飘散消失。 The fuzzy dragon shadow flies to shoot from everywhere gray light together, is Qu Ling divine soul, around divine soul was covered by the one/1st level/layer extremely pale silver light, the speed quick astonishment, flashed to vanish in the field of vision end. 一道模糊龙影从漫天灰光中飞射而出,正是渠灵神魂,神魂周围被一层极淡银光笼罩,速度快的惊人,一个闪动消失在了视野尽头。 Han Li sees this to frown. 韩立见此眉头一蹙。 Qu Ling Nascent Soul was used the time crystal silk to tie up by oneself, properly speaking moves also to give up any idea of continually, can also have the means to work loose unexpectedly to escape. 渠灵元婴被自己动用时间晶丝捆缚住,照理说连动弹一下也是休想,竟然还能有办法挣脱逃掉。 It seems like even if these Golden Immortal only have Nascent Soul, the magical powers are not small, today was took a class to oneself. 看来这些金仙即便只剩下元婴,神通也绝不小,今日算是给自己上了一课。 He shakes the head, lifts the hand to wield, that time crystal silk also flies into within the body. 他摇了摇头,抬手一挥,那根时间晶丝也飞入体内。 Even if opposite party True Spirit, but is only left over only divine soul now, escaped no, after all here is not an outside world, even if will have what hidden danger in the future, now still have no time to take into consideration. 对方即便是真灵,但如今只剩下区区一个神魂,逃掉了没有什么,毕竟这里并非外界,即便未来有什么隐患,如今自己也无暇顾及。 Tricolor spirit domain that this matter, Qu Ling previously released trembled several, the dissipation vanishes fast. 此事,渠灵此前释放的三色灵域震颤了几下,飞快消散消失。 The corpse of inside five claw grey dragons, disintegrates immediately, crashes from the midair under. 里面的五爪灰龙的尸体,顿时分崩离析,从半空中坠落而下。 Han Li wields single-handed, azure earthen bowl container household utensils fly to shoot, a mu of flickering the size, catches the corpses of all five claw grey dragons all, has not left out together. 韩立单手一挥,一只青色钵盂般的器皿飞射而出,一闪变的亩许大小,将所有五爪灰龙的尸体尽数接住,一块也没有漏掉。 His hand move, the azure earthen bowl container flies to shoot to return, the halfway changes into originally big or small, falls into his hand. 他手一招,青色钵盂飞射而回,半途化为原先大小,落入他的手中。 Han Li looked at two toward the earthen bowl container , the look slightly revealed the color of satisfaction, turned the hand to receive the azure earthen bowl container. 韩立朝着钵盂里面看了两眼,神色略露出满意之色,翻手将青色钵盂收了起来。 He waves to send out a azure multi-colored sunlight, lost the control but still to hang not far away in the gray throne of midair binds received. 紧接着,他挥手发出一股青色霞光,将不远处失去控制但仍悬于半空的灰色王座一裹的收了回来。 After he slightly sizes up, then turning the hand will receive. 他略一打量后,便将之翻手收了起来。 At this moment, golden light flashes, the Golden Child form appears side Han Li, that copper gong had previously disappeared without a trace. 就在此刻,金光一闪,金童的身影出现在韩立身旁,此前那面铜锣已不知去向。 Han Li, only Nascent Soul you cannot watch unexpectedly, but also made her from exploding, was really the waste!” The Golden Child brow big wrinkle, mumbling of being unsatisfactory. 韩立,区区一只元婴你竟然也看不住,还让她给自爆了,真是浪费!”金童眉头大皱,大为不满的嘟囔道。 What's wrong, do you want Golden Immortal Nascent Soul?” Han Li looked at Golden Child one, somewhat strange asking. “怎么,你想要金仙元婴?”韩立看了金童一眼,有些奇怪的问道。 „Did this also with say? The Golden Immortal Nascent Soul vitality is abundant, moreover contains the strength of abundant divine soul, to this fairy, naturally was the same correct/good tonic!” Golden Child curls the lip to say. “这还用多说吗?金仙元婴元气充沛,而且蕴含充沛神魂之力,对本仙女来说,自然是一样不错的补品了!”金童撇撇嘴说道。 Han Li has not said anything, a single-handed slightly turn over, in the palm had/left a white jade box much, opens the lid, inside is black white two Nascent Soul, previously cut the white python and black strange fish that kills. 韩立也没多说什么,单手略一翻转,掌心之中多出了一只白色玉盒,打开盒盖,里面是一黑一白两个元婴,正是先前斩杀的白色巨蟒和黑色怪鱼。 Golden Child this also wants to say anything again, sees this eye immediately one brightly, immediately observes closely two Nascent Soul stubbornly. 金童本还想再说些什么,见此眼睛顿时一亮,立刻死死盯住了两只元婴 These two Nascent Soul I had the use, this time you help me put to death this Qu Ling to have lasting achievements, then restores the vitality to you.” Han Li is saying, handed over the jade box. “这两只元婴我本来另有用途,此番你助我诛杀这渠灵功不可没,便给你恢复一下元气吧。”韩立说着,将玉盒递了过来。 Calculates that you are conscientious! Since you said that sincerely, that fairy accepted on pushing someone take on a difficult job.” Golden Child with the Han Li polite meaning, one of the beaming with joy has not grasped the jade box slightly. “算你有良心!既然你说得那么诚心诚意,那本仙女就勉为其难的收下了。”金童丝毫没有和韩立客气的意思,眉开眼笑的一把抓过了玉盒。 She deeply inspires, immediately a opens the mouth, sends out a stream of golden light, the cling two Nascent Soul, inhaled in the mouth all of a sudden, the big mouth chews. 她深吸了一口气,随即一张口,发出一股金光,一下子卷住了两只元婴,吸入了口中,大口嘴嚼起来。 The Golden Child round small face, reveals the color of satisfied happiness. 金童圆圆的小脸,露出满足幸福之色。 Two water and fire do not invade, Golden Immortal Realm monster beast Nascent Soul that the sword does not enter, in this female mouth, as if delicious delicious feast, this lets Han Li somewhat speechless at the same time, the eyeground deep place actually flashes through the vision that several points favor to drown. 两只水火不侵,刀剑不入的金仙境妖兽元婴,在此女口中,就仿佛一顿可口的美味大餐,这让韩立有些无语的同时,眼底深处却闪过几分宠溺的目光。 At this time, on Golden Child appears the golden light that at once circulations keep, as if the wave flashes generally, finally goes toward her both arms gathering. 此时,金童身上旋即浮现出一道道流转不停的金光,仿佛水波一般闪动,最后朝着她的双臂汇聚而去。 She two translucent arms, became the congealing reality rapidly. 她两只原本半透明的手臂,迅速变得凝实。 After several breath, Golden Child raises head suddenly, the thing in the mouth swallowed the stomach, wiped the mouth with the newborn arm, but also hit a belch. 几个呼吸之后,金童蓦然一仰头,将口中之物咽了肚去,用新生的手臂抹了抹嘴,还打了个饱嗝。 Her golden light stopped the beat quickly, the arm also almost returned to the original condition. 她身上金光很快停止了跳动,手臂也几乎恢复原状。 Nascent Soul of it seems like that this Golden Immortal rank to you, truly is the correct/good tonic. The words saying that so many years have not seen, never expected that you turned into so the appearance unexpectedly.” Han Li nods, said. “看来这金仙级别的元婴对你来说,确实是不错的补品。话说这么多年没见,没想到你竟变成了这般模样。”韩立点了点头,说道。 What's wrong, isn't this fairy like this good? The words saying, if, this fairy injury can restore again. Is you! Otherwise had entire three Nascent Soul.” A Golden Child small eyebrow vertical stroke, stared Han Li one, still somewhat discontented saying. “怎么,本仙女这样子不好吗?话说,若是再有一只的话,本仙女的伤势就能全部恢复了。都是你!否则就有整整三只元婴了。”金童小眉毛一竖,瞪了韩立一眼,仍有些不满的说道。 Anxious anything, in Immortal Residence Golden Immortal converges now, even if I do not look for them, perhaps some people will still walk.” The Han Li vision shifts to some direction, light saying. “急什么,如今仙府金仙云集,即便我不去找他们,恐怕也有人会找上门来的。”韩立目光转向某个方向,淡淡的说道。 Also, that was good! Has fairy, in addition your spirit domain, taking care was called them to come but not return.” Golden Child laughs, stretches oneself, revealed a snow white row of denticle, haughty saying. “还有吗,那太好了!有本仙女在,加上你的灵域,保管叫他们有来无回。”金童嘻嘻一笑,伸了伸懒腰,露出了雪白的一排细齿,大模大样的说道。 This matter regardless of the time being. Golden Child, has a matter I to want first to ask you.” Han Li looks at Golden Child, facial expression suddenly becomes must be serious, asked. “此事姑且不论。金童,有件事我想先问一下你。”韩立看着金童,神情忽的变得严肃起来,问道。 „, What issue?” Golden Child by the Han Li sudden question was made is startled slightly, small face also somewhat anxious returning said. “哦,什么问题?”金童韩立突如其来的问话弄得微微一怔,小脸也有些紧张的回道。 In the past my ascended Immortal World, later met the powerful enemy by person beaten down to the lower realm, because of the reason of enemy principle, lost remembers. You may still remember that we before encountering powerful enemy, was how to pass in Immortal World?” The Han Li sinking sound asked. “当年我飞升仙界,之后遇到强敌被人打落下界,因为敌人法则的缘故,损失了很多记忆。你可还记得我们在遭遇强敌之前,是如何在仙界度过的?”韩立沉声问道。 Although learned from Tao Yu and side plate there some situations, he after ascended Immortal World, the matter still cannot clarify thoroughly, now after the inkslab explodes, the final clue possibly lost. 虽然从陶羽和方盘那里得知了一些情况,他对于飞升仙界之后,遇到的事情仍然没能彻底弄清,如今砚台爆裂后,最后的线索可能都失去了。 Why does not know, Han Li cares regarding this memory very much. 不知为何,韩立对于这段记忆很是在意。 I could not remember, must remember regarding Immortal World here, probably also from encountering that person named Fang Pan starts. Later I slightly execute the sub-total spirit pet that butchered that Fang Pan, after coming back, then could not find your trail , met that Qu Ling afterward unexpectedly, was caught by it. Then, this female is good at cultivating various spirit pet actually, has had to eat to drink the promotion, this fairy also for the time being empty with winding, remained.” After Golden Child thinks, the brow wrinkled in one, said. “我也记不得了,对于仙界这里得记忆,好像也是从遭遇那个叫方磐的人开始的。之后我略施小计宰了那方磐的一头灵宠,回来后便找不到你的踪迹,再后来嘛,竟遇到了那个渠灵,被其擒住。说起来,此女倒是善于培育各种灵宠,一直有吃有喝有升级,本仙女也就暂且虚与委蛇,留了下来。”金童想了想后,眉头皱在了一起,说道。
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