RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#471: The territory fights

The five claw grey dragons in distant place midair are motionless, calmly looks at present the scene, the both eyes gray light flashes. 远处半空中的五爪灰龙一动不动,静静看着眼前情景,双目灰光闪动不已。 At this moment, the tiny incomparable golden light appears from the black and white grinding pan central place suddenly, a as if nighttime firefly is tiny, exceptionally is simultaneously conspicuous. 就在此刻,一点细小无比的金光突然从黑白磨盘中央处浮现而出,仿佛黑夜里的一只萤火虫般渺小,同时又异常显眼。 golden light jumps, increases rapidly, opens toward the surrounding rapid proliferation. 金光一跳,迅速变大,朝着周围迅速扩散而开。 Void , the innumerable golden ripple ripple, continuously multi-colored sunlight beats the twinkle, lends vast principle aura. 虚空之中,无数金色波纹荡漾,缕缕霞光在其中跳动闪烁,散发出一股浩瀚的法则气息。 The surrounding white snow and ice and black lightning, touches this golden light slightly, immediately is slow several times. 周围的白色冰雪和黑色闪电,稍一触及这金光,立刻迟缓了数倍。 This is......” five claw grey dragons sees with own eyes this scenery, the both eyes gray light flashes, the mouth spits the person sound said. “这是……”五爪灰龙眼见此景,双目灰光一闪,口吐人声道。 The golden light spreads rapidly, in an instant proliferated 20-30 li (0.5 km) range, formed a giant golden region. 金光迅速扩散,转眼间扩散出了20-30里的范围,形成一个巨大的金色区域。 Five claw grey dragon looks change, the whole body gray light puts greatly, after broadminded flying upside down, is fuzzy, then appeared inside and outside dozens, danger dangerous had not been lived by the golden spirit domain cover. 五爪灰龙神色一变,全身灰光大放,豁然倒飞而出,一个模糊过后,便出现在了数十里外,险之又险的未被金色灵域罩住。 The white python and black strange fish responded that then does not have five claw grey dragons is so rapid, one was also covered by the golden region is one of them, the movement was slow immediately several times. 白色巨蟒和黑色怪鱼反应便没有五爪灰龙这般迅疾,一下也被金色区域笼罩在其中,动作顿时迟缓了数倍。 Whiz, illness/quick of a person's shadow from the snow and ice thunder and lightning shoots, is Han Li. “嗖”的一声,一个人影从冰雪雷电中疾射而出,正是韩立 His whole body, a scar does not have. 他全身上下,一丝伤痕也无。 But sees it without delay suddenly lifts the hand, flicking the fingers, Chī chī two! 但见其二话不说的蓦然抬手,屈指一弹,嗤嗤两声! Two extremely thin golden crystal light fly to shoot, just like cutting a void gold thread, cut to two spirit beast. 两道极细的金色晶光飞射而出,宛如划破虚空的一道金线,斩向了两头灵兽 On the white python and black strange fish face reveal the panic-stricken color, the body turn, want to move aside, but their moment speeds reduce greatly, compared with the golden crystal light, slow were too many. 白色巨蟒和黑色怪鱼脸上露出惊恐之色,身躯一扭,想要躲闪,但是它们此刻速度大减,和金色晶光相比,实在慢了太多。 golden light flashes, the golden crystal light sweeps from the white python and black strange fish. 金光一闪,金色晶光从白色巨蟒和黑色怪鱼身上一扫而过。 The body of python and strange fish immediately silent from beginning to end, was cracked two halves. 巨蟒和怪鱼的身体顿时无声无息的从头到尾,被裂成了两半。 That two split bamboo bodies still separated at very slow speed slowly, and followed previously the two direction that wanted to run away to go, is also slow including the blood that sprinkled. 那两爿身子仍以十分缓慢的速度慢慢分离,并遵循着先前二者想要逃遁的方向而去,连从中洒落的血液也同样迟缓之极。 But two golden crystal light speeds are astonishing, after the ray flashes, then vanishes baseless, next moment, appeared before the Han Li body. 但两道金色晶光速度惊人,光芒一闪后,便凭空消失,下一刻,出现在了韩立身前。 And above a crystal silk is tying up a white small snake, above another crystal silk, is twining a black small fish. 其中一根晶丝之上捆缚着一条白色小蛇,另一根晶丝之上,则缠绕着一条黑色小鱼。 These two Nascent Soul under crystal light fetter motionless, as if solidified generally. 这两只元婴在晶光束缚之下一动不动,仿佛凝固了一般。 The white snow and ice and black lightning, beats fiercely several, is defeated and dispersed slowly. 白色冰雪和黑色闪电,猛地跳动几下,缓缓溃散。 A series of things, suddenly, monster beast of two Golden Immortal ranks was then cut to kill as quick as a flash at the scene. 一连串的事情快如闪电般,眨眼间,两头金仙级别的妖兽便被斩杀当场。 Five claw grey dragons place outside the golden region, looks at this scenery in the eye, the pupil shrinks. 五爪灰龙身处金色区域外,将此景看在眼中,瞳孔一缩。 Fellow Daoist Qu Ling, the action of this probe exempted. Your excellency just visited the Golden Immortal Realm evil spirit by these, then thinks that can injure below slightest?” Han Li looks to five claw grey dragons, said lightly. 渠灵道友,这种试探的举动就免了吧。阁下凭借这些刚刚踏足金仙境的妖物,便以为能伤在下分毫?”韩立看向五爪灰龙,淡淡说道。 Speech at the same time, he waved to send out a stream of golden light, the cling two Nascent Soul. 说话的同时,他挥手发出一股金光,卷住了两只元婴 golden light flashes, two's Nascent Soul vanishes without the trace. 金光一闪,二者的元婴消失无踪。 You also grasped spirit domain unexpectedly! Is impossible, if that is right, how you will previously be stranded by my spirit domain! Is it possible that......” five claw grey dragons said slowly, the tone was obviously dignified. “你竟然也掌握了灵域!不可能,若是如此,你此前又岂会被我的灵域所困!莫非……”五爪灰龙缓缓说道,语气明显凝重了许多。 Hehe, right, said that this must be lucky your excellency.” Han Li blinks, said. “呵呵,没错,说起来这还得多亏阁下。”韩立眨了眨眼睛,如此说道。 The old Daoist remnant soul teaches to the method of his condense spirit domain, really does not have the false, making it condense truly own spirit domain smoothly, this time first displayed, it seems like effect also quite correct/good. 老道残魂传授给他的凝练灵域之法,果然没有假,让其顺利凝聚出了真正属于自己的灵域,此番初次施展,看来效果还颇为不错 What did you say?” Five claw grey dragons hear Han Li this words, as if understood anything, in the eye the anger flashes to pass. “你说什么?”五爪灰龙听闻韩立此话,似乎明白了些什么,眼中怒火一闪而逝。 Qu Ling, previously you depended the strength of spirit domain, nearly harmed my life. Now, makes us dispute again well one time!” Han Li sound one cold, two pinch finger joints with the thumb, the body figure electricity shoots. 渠灵,先前你仗着灵域之力,险些害了我的性命。现在,就让我们再好好较量一次!”韩立声音一寒,两手一掐诀,身形电射而出。 Body week huge golden color spirit domain also flies to shoot, as if piece of golden clouds howls rolling the advance. 身周庞大金色灵域也随之飞射而出,仿佛一片金云滚滚呼啸前进。 Han Li, tries harder again, kills that old sorceress for this fairy!” The distant place, Golden Child does not know puts out at the same time the copper gong unexpectedly from where, thunderclap pang lang is striking, the mouth shouts and wrangles. 韩立,再加把劲,替本仙女将那老巫婆干掉!”远处,金童竟不知从何处拿出一面铜锣,霹雳乓啷敲打着,嘴里大呼小叫。 Another side, Lu Yuqing float in midair, looks from afar to Han Li, beautiful pupil suddenly flashes. 另一边,陆雨晴悬浮于半空,远远看向韩立,美眸忽的一闪。 This is...... power of Time Principle......” in her mouth mutters, the beautiful pupil flashes continually. “这是……时间法则之力……”她口中喃喃自语,美眸连闪。 next moment, Lu Yuqing ray flashed, pulled soundless integrated below city, vanished does not see, has not brought to anybody's attention. 下一刻,陆雨晴身上光芒一闪,牵无声息的融入了下方的城池之中,消失不见,没有引起任何人的注意。 In the midair, five claw grey dragon whole body gray lights put greatly, shoots toward behind, does not make Han Li golden spirit domain touch itself. 半空之中,五爪灰龙全身灰光大放,朝着后面倒射而出,丝毫不让韩立的金色灵域碰触到自己。 Meanwhile it lifts the claw to wield, half being bounced cloud falls rapidly, covered its body. 与此同时它抬爪一挥,半空灰云迅疾一落而下,笼罩住了它的身体。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The grey cloud tumbles, suddenly also forms grey spirit domain, then spreads to go toward the surroundings fiercely, proliferated enough in 30 - 40 impressively instantaneously, wanted in a big way almost one time compared with Han Li spirit domain, instead one covered Han Li in inside. 灰云翻滚,眨眼间也形成一个灰色灵域,然后猛地朝着周围扩散而去,赫然瞬间扩散出了足足三四十里,比韩立灵域还要大了几乎一倍,反而一下将韩立笼罩在了里面。 In the Han Li eye reveals the startled color, Qu Ling previous and he fights, displayed spirit domain only then thousand zhang (3.33 m), although he guessed correctly that is not the Qu Ling spirit domain limit, but never expected that Qu Ling spirit domain range unexpectedly such big. 韩立眼中露出惊色,渠灵上次和他战斗,施展的灵域只有千丈,他虽然猜到那并不是渠灵灵域的极限,但没想到渠灵灵域范围竟然如此之大。 Was covered by grey spirit domain, his brow wrinkle, the whole body strength dissipates fast, in the meridians immortal spirit strength revolution some are not smooth. 被灰色灵域笼罩,他眉头一皱,全身力气飞快消散,经脉中仙灵力的运转也有些不顺畅。 Han Li light snort/hum, the body golden light puts greatly, forms a golden guard/shield, Time Principle flows, in within the body weak feeling is weaken immediately much. 韩立轻哼一声,身上金光大放,形成一个金色护罩,一道道时间法则在其中流动,体内虚弱之感立刻减弱不少。 At this moment what Qu Ling displays is true spirit domain, power of Time Principle is unable to offset the influence of opposite party spirit domain completely. 只是渠灵此刻施展的是真正的灵域,时间法则之力也无法完全抵消对方灵域的影响。 Five claw grey dragons shoot, but at the same time, the top of the head gray light flashes, that gray throne appears again. 五爪灰龙倒射而出的同时,头顶灰光一闪,那个灰色王座再次浮现而出。 On gray throne each spirit mark all bright, blooms the dazzling gray light, the back three mirrors appear again. 灰色王座上面的每一道灵纹都尽数明亮,绽放出耀眼灰光,背后的三面镜影再次浮现而出。 The first mirror is bright, sends out the dazzling gray light, but second and third mirror does not have gloomily up. 第一面镜子明亮无比,散发出耀眼灰光,而第二面和第三面镜子却是暗淡无光。 Grey dragon Taizhao directs, the crystal light flies to shoot together, submerges on the second mirror. 灰龙抬爪一指点出,一道晶光飞射而出,没入第二面镜影上。 Buzz! 嗡! The second mirror also immediately becomes bright incomparable, projects dazzling incomparable black light, changes into a black great sword, chops toward the Han Li overhead. 第二面镜子也立刻变得明亮无比,射出一道耀眼无比的黑光,化为一柄黑色巨剑,朝着韩立当头劈下。 The black great sword sends out powerful power of magical principle, principle that lets the person hysterical/frenzy. 黑色巨剑散发出一股强大法则之力,正是那股让人狂乱的法则。 However the black great sword enters the Han Li golden spirit domain range, the speed reduces immediately greatly. 不过黑色巨剑一进入韩立的金色灵域范围,速度立刻大减。 Han Li body figure in a flash, easily then hid the black great sword. 韩立身形一晃,轻易便将黑色巨剑躲了过去。 Really is the time decelerates......” five claw grey dragons to see with own eyes this scenery, in the heart sinks. “果然是时间减速……”五爪灰龙眼见此景,心中一沉。 At this moment, golden spirit domain of Han Li body week suddenly flashes, heavy drinker absorbing water rewinds to return, submerges his within the body all. 就在此刻,韩立身周的金色灵域忽的一闪,长鲸吸水般倒卷而回,尽数没入他的体内。 Did not have power of time to protect the body, in his mouth exuded one stuffily, looked color of the pain, actually clenched teeth to bear. 没有了时间之力护体,他口中发出一声闷哼,面露一丝痛苦之色,却咬牙忍住。 Five claw grey dragons see with own eyes this scenery, immediately is startled. 五爪灰龙眼见此景,顿时一怔。 Does not wait for him to respond, in the Han Li mouth read aloud fast recites the incantation, golden light flashes, Precious Mantra Wheel virtual image appeared, went against the flow to rotate. 不等其反应过来,韩立口中飞快诵念咒语,身后金光一闪,真言宝轮虚影浮现而出,逆行转动起来。 On Han Li the golden light puts suddenly again greatly, then body figure immediately becomes slurred, changes into together the golden remnant shadow, dusky flies to shoot to go toward front in one piece. 韩立身上陡然间再次金光大放,然后身形立刻变得模糊不清,化为一道金色残影,在一片灰蒙蒙中朝着前面飞射而去。 The distance of Han Li and five claw grey dragons, reduces fast, in an instant reduced more than 50%. 韩立和五爪灰龙的距离,飞快缩短,转眼间缩短了一半以上。 This......” five claw grey dragon complexion big changes, in the mouth rave, the whole body gray light puts greatly, will make anything. “这……”五爪灰龙面色大变,口中狂吼一声,全身灰光大放,正要做什么。 Han Li golden light a hold, spreads to go toward the surroundings immediately again, changes into more than 20 li (0.5 km) golden spirit domain instantaneously again, these crosses the rubicon, bold, one not and five claw grey dragon envelop of avoidance in inside. 韩立身上金光立刻再次一盛,朝着周围扩散而去,瞬间再次化为一个二十余里的金色灵域,这一下破釜沉舟,兔起鹘落,一下将未及躲避的五爪灰龙笼罩在了里面。 One lived by the golden spirit domain cover, five claw grey dragon speeds reduce immediately greatly, Han Li pursued quickly, the distance between both reduces fast. 一被金色灵域罩住,五爪灰龙速度顿时大减,身后韩立更快的追了上来,两者之间的距离飞快缩短。 Five claw grey dragon facial expression big changes, suddenly a opens the mouth. 五爪灰龙神情大变,蓦然一张口。 The gray light beam flies to shoot together, inside can see that faintly innumerable rune beat, integrates behind in the throne third mirror. 一道灰色光柱飞射而出,里面隐隐能看到无数符文跳动,融入王座后面的第三面镜影中。 The third mirror trembles, appears together the spoken parts light. 第三面镜影一颤,浮现出一道道白光。 Although these white lights are bright, no bright meteorology, the pale piece, as if the skeleton after decency was common, lends the rich death aura. 这些白光虽然明亮,却没有一丝煌煌气象,惨白一片,仿佛风化后的骨骼一般,散发出浓郁的死亡气息。 A grey dragon opens the mouth, spouts one group of gray essence and blood again. 灰龙再次一张口,喷出一团灰色精血。 This blood exit|to speak, changed into fog against the wind, contained nine gray crystal silk impressively, wrapped three mirrors respectively. 此血一出口,迎风化为了一片灰雾,赫然蕴含了九道灰色晶丝,分别包裹住了三面镜影。 Three mirrors tremble simultaneously, send out a swallowing strength, in an instant then does not remain fog one attracted. 三面镜影同时一颤,发出一股吞噬之力,转眼间便将灰雾一丝不剩的吸了进去。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 Greys, the black, white three-color light-pole sprays from the mirror surface, flashes changes into dozens tricolor dragon shadow. 一道道灰,黑,白三色光柱从镜面中喷射而出,一闪化为数十头三色龙影。 Each dragon shadow and five claw grey dragon sizes are similar, lend the powerful principle aura that three types far vary. 每一道龙影都和五爪灰龙大小相仿,散发出三种迥然各异的强大法则气息。 Whiz! 嗖! Having a nightmare dragon...... executes the immortal!” Five claw grey dragon dragon claw wield. “魇龙……诛仙!”五爪灰龙龙爪一挥。 Finishes speaking, dozens tricolor dragon Yingfei shoots, each other staggered, changes into mysterious great array, erupts the intermittent powerful aura, toward pursues the Han Li bombardment that comes to go extremely. 话音刚落,数十条三色龙影飞射而出,彼此交错,化为一座玄妙大阵,爆发出阵阵强大气息,朝着极追而来的韩立轰击而去。 The great array speed that these tricolor dragon shadow compose is extremely impressively fast, even by the golden spirit domain influence, compared with Han Li not inferior many, one were blocked unexpectedly in front. 这些三色龙影组成的大阵速度赫然极快,即便被金色灵域影响,比起韩立也不逊色多少,竟然一下拦住在了前面。 The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, then cold snort/hum, the sleeves wield. 韩立眉头微皱,然后冷哼一声,衣袖一挥。 Three hundred zhang (333 m) long azure great swords appear before his body, each sword blooms the dazzling azure light, as if three groups of azure Sun are common, is three Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 三柄百丈长的青色巨剑在他身前浮现而出,每一柄剑都绽放出耀眼青光,仿佛三团青色太阳一般,正是三柄青竹蜂云剑 The great sword surface appears thick incomparable golden electric arcs, lends destruction aura. 巨剑表面浮现出一道道粗大无比的金色电弧,散发出一股毁灭气息。 His moment cultivation base increases, the Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords quantity that can urge also increases, has been able to stimulate to movement three handles freely. 他此刻修为大增,能驱使的青竹蜂云剑数量也随之增加,已经能自如的催动三柄。 His flicking the fingers, three golden crystal silk fly to shoot, is Time Principle silk. 屈指一弹,三道金色晶丝飞射而出,正是时间法则之丝 Three Principle's Crystal Silk are actually a fuzziness, integrated in three Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 三根法则晶丝却是一个模糊,融入了三柄青竹蜂云剑内。 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, stagnates immediately in the midair, the dazzling azure light suddenly again bright several times on the sword blade sending out, and in the azure light appears the dazzling golden light, making people be hard to look straight ahead. 青竹蜂云剑立刻一顿,停滞在了半空,剑身上散发出的耀眼青光陡然再次明亮数倍,并且青光之中浮现出耀眼金光,让人难以直视。 Thick Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder on sword blade, fiercely one bright, changes into huge thunder and lightning rune, surrounds around the sword blade, the aura was huger than before. 剑身上的一道道粗大辟邪神雷,也猛地一亮,化为一枚枚巨大雷电符文,环绕在剑身周围,气息比之前更加庞大。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The azure great sword trembles suddenly, erupting one was more powerful than sword Qi of several times before, void also trembles to thunder. 青色巨剑陡然震颤起来,爆发出一股比之前强大了数倍的剑气,虚空也为之震颤轰鸣。 Han Li two pinch finger joints with the thumb, three thunder and lightning great swords shake immediately, transform thunder and lightning sword image, wraps dragon shadow great array, fierce twists. 韩立两手掐诀一点,三柄雷电巨剑顿时一震,幻化出一道道雷电剑影,包裹住龙影大阵,猛的一绞。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! With a series of heavenshaking bangs, these dragon shadow explode to open all, was swept away unexpectedly. 伴随着一连串震天巨响,那些龙影尽数爆裂而开,竟被一扫而空。 A Han Li slightly stay, next moment continues the proceeding electricity to shoot to go, the whole body golden light puts greatly, Precious Mantra Wheel reverses rapidly. 韩立只是略一停留,下一刻继续往前电射而去,全身金光大放,真言宝轮急速逆转。 His speed increases suddenly again time, after is fuzzy, then flew to shoot five claw grey dragon Shenqian counted the hundred zhang (333 m) place 他的速度再次猛增倍许,一个模糊过后,便飞射到了五爪灰龙身前数百丈处
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