RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#470: make a move

Han Li saw with own eyes that Golden Child is weak, body figure suddenly in a flash, then from vanishes without the trace same place. 韩立眼见金童已然不支,身形蓦的一晃,便从原地消失无踪。 next moment, his form flickers move to appears side Golden Child, in the sleeve golden light flashes, a fist searches like lightning, the five fingers make a fist pounds. 下一刻,他的身影瞬移般出现在金童身旁,袖中金光一闪,一只拳头从中闪电般一探而出,五指握拳的一捣而出。 On fist glittering, as if the pure gold builds general that becomes, above golden rune walk randomly erratically. 拳头上金光闪闪,仿佛赤金打造而成的一般,上面一枚枚金色符文游走不定。 "Hū"! “呼”的一声! The bucket thick or thin golden color light beam passes the fist to fly to shoot together, innumerable golden rune beats, sends out fearful Time Principle fluctuations. 一道水桶粗细的金色光柱透拳飞射而出,无数金色符文在其中跳动,散发出一股股可怕的时间法则波动 Bang! 轰! The golden light beams and three-color light-poles collided in one, had a loud sound. 金色光柱和三色光柱碰撞在了一起,发出一声巨响。 The nearby shakes void fiercely, ripple appear , but spreads to go toward the surroundings, lingers. 附近虚空猛地一震,一圈圈波纹浮现而出并朝着周围扩散而去,经久不散。 The three-color light-poles are resisted immediately, is unable to go forward one step, two crystal silk also stopped curvingly. 三色光柱立刻被抵住,无法前进一步,两根晶丝也停止了弯曲。 The Golden Child complexion faint loosen, transfers to look toward Han Li, in the surface the reveal surprised color, said: Well, your cultivation base......” 金童面色隐隐一松,转首朝着韩立望去,面上露惊讶之色,道:“咦,你的修为……” Qu Ling of midair looks at Han Li, sense/telepathy to the aura of huge Golden Immortal level it lends at this moment, in the eye also shows the inconceivable look. 半空的渠灵看着韩立,感应到其此刻散发出的庞大金仙层次的气息,眼中也露出不可思议的神色。 Han Li changes the fist is the palm, suddenly directs. 韩立变拳为掌,蓦然一指点出。 Buzz! 嗡! In the golden light beam the ray flashes, nearly transparent golden fine lace appears, looks very similar to the Golden Child crystal silk, the power and influence is vaster, sends out the huge incomparable power of time fluctuation. 金色光柱之中光芒一闪,一根近乎透明的金色细线浮现而出,和金童的晶丝看起来很是相似,威势却更为浩大,散发出庞大无比的时间之力波动。 The golden filament appears, entire sky immediately for it one gloomy. 金色细丝一浮现出,整个天空顿时为之一黯。 Whiz! The filament shoots to go toward the forward flight, behind is dragging a long golden afterglow, seems like extremely thin golden sword Qi, flashed to submerge in the three-color light-poles that passed, cut toward Qu Ling. “嗖”的一声!细丝往前飞射而去,后面拖着一道长长的金色余晖,看起来很像一道极薄的金色剑气,一闪而逝的没入了三色光柱之中,朝着渠灵斩去。 The golden filament place visited, the three-color light-poles silent cuns (2.5 cm) disappear to scatter immediately. 金色细丝所过之处,三色光柱立刻无声无息的寸寸泯灭飘散。 Goes!” “去!” Golden Child sees this, drinks one immediately tenderly, two pinch finger joints with the thumb. 金童看到此幕,也立刻娇喝一声,两手掐诀一点。 Two crystal silk also fly to shoot immediately, cuts toward Qu Ling. 两道晶丝也立刻飞射而出,朝着渠灵斩去。 Three Principle's Crystal Silk interlock in the same place, the three-color light-poles are defeated and dispersed is quicker, as if the snow bare hill collapses, was defeated and dispersed instantaneously most probably. 三根法则晶丝交错在一起,三色光柱溃散的更快,仿佛雪崩山塌,瞬间溃散了大半。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, the complexion changes, an under foot point, body figure shoots to go toward behind immediately. 渠灵眼见此景,面色一变,脚下一点,身形立刻朝着后面倒射而去。 In the Han Li eye none flashes, directs. 韩立眼中精光一闪,一指点出。 A golden filament fuzziness, suddenly integrates void, vanishes without the trace. 金色细丝一个模糊,忽的融入虚空,消失无踪。 Before next moment Qu Ling body, void humming sound trembles, the golden filament emerges out of thin air. 下一刻渠灵身前虚空嗡嗡一颤,金色细丝凭空出现而出。 The innumerable bright golden ripple send out from the filament, shortly will then cover nearby dozens zhang (3.33 m) scopes, covered Qu Ling in inside. 无数明亮的金色波纹从细丝中散发而出,顷刻之间便笼罩了附近数十丈范围,将渠灵也笼罩在了里面。 Qu Ling shoots, but body figure suddenly one slow, although will still be flying in the future, but speed slow over ten times, on the face cannot help but shows the panic-stricken look. 渠灵倒射而出的身形陡然一慢,虽然仍然在往后飞去,但速度慢了十倍以上,脸上不由得露出惊骇的神色。 The golden filament speed actually does not reduce, cuts toward the Qu Ling overhead under. 金色细丝速度却丝毫不减,朝着渠灵当头一斩而下。 Qu Ling complexion big change, body suddenly turns, the whole body appears a gray streak, as if gray scales. 渠灵面色大变,身体忽的一扭,全身浮现出块块灰色斑纹,仿佛一个个灰色鳞片。 The billowing gray mist gushes out from these streaks, sends out intermittent power of magical principle to fluctuate, by the influence of golden ripple, was not wrapped her body unexpectedly, changes into one group of several feet rich grey clouds. 滚滚灰色雾气从这些斑纹中涌出,其中散发出阵阵法则之力波动,竟然不受金色波纹的影响,包裹住她的身体,化为一团数丈大小的浓郁灰云。 Grey cloud just formed, the golden filament then flies to cut, submerges. 灰云刚刚形成,金色细丝便飞斩而下,没入其中。 Grey cloud this, was cut two halves, but after immediately a two grey cloud Lve tumbling, immediately melts for a body, returned to the original condition. 灰云“兹啦”一声,被斩成两半,但随即两片灰云略一翻滚后,立刻又融为了一体,恢复了原状。 Stuffy snort/hum from spreads in the clouds, then Pā dā, a section of arm fell, above dripping with blood, evidently an arm of Qu Ling. 一声闷哼从云中传出,然后“啪嗒”一声,一截手臂掉落了出来,上面鲜血淋漓,看样子正是渠灵的一条手臂。 The golden filament cuts the grey cloud , to continue to project the number hundred zhang (333 m) toward the forward flight, stopped. 金色细丝斩开灰云,继续往前飞射出数百丈,才停了下来。 The grey cloud tumbles suddenly fiercely, sends out the dazzling gray light, works loose from the golden ripple fiercely, flashes to fly to shoot outside the number hundred zhang (333 m), stopped. 灰云骤然剧烈翻滚,散发出耀眼灰光,猛地从金色波纹中挣脱而出,一闪飞射到数百丈外,停了下来。 This a series of changes are rapid, Han Li wants to prevent also without enough time. 这一连串的变化迅疾无比,韩立想要阻止也来不及。 His brow wrinkle, waves slightly a move. 他眉头不禁微微一皱,挥手一招。 Flying that golden filament such as the spirit snake flashes generally shot to return, submerged his within the body. 那根金色细丝如灵蛇一般一闪的飞射而回,没入了他体内。 Boy, never expected that you concealed cultivation base, even I previously also deceived to you. However do not think that this can before the old lady rampant, I killed Golden Immortal not to know many, dares to injure my hand and foot, redeemed with your poor life!” The ash resounds one to shout angrily in the clouds, a fiercer tumbling surges, size increases fast, in an instant changes into the number hundred zhang (333 m) size. “小子,没想到你隐瞒了修为,连我此前也给你骗了。不过别以为这样就可以在老娘面前嚣张,我杀得金仙不知多少了,敢伤我手足,拿你的小命来抵偿吧!”灰云中响起一声怒喝,更加剧烈翻滚涌动,体型飞快变大,转眼间化为数百丈大小。 Huge power of magical principle erupts from the ash in the clouds, the analogy was powerful almost time, tidal spreads toward all around. 一股庞大之极的法则之力从灰云中爆发而出,比方才强大了几乎倍许,潮水般朝着四周扩散开去。 The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy tumbles, void humming sound trembling cry, appears the layer upon layer naked eye obvious ripple. 天地灵气翻滚,虚空嗡嗡颤鸣,浮现出一层层肉眼可见的波纹。 Han Li was covered by this power of magical principle, suddenly feels a weak feeling to raid, moreover in the mind appears a being frightened feeling, as if crashed into the nightmare to be hard to extricate oneself general. 韩立被这股法则之力笼罩,顿觉一阵虚弱感袭来,而且脑海中浮现出一种惊惶之感,仿佛坠入了噩梦中难以自拔一般。 Nearby Golden Child brow is also a wrinkle, on small face some complexion faint blanches. 一旁的金童眉头也是一皱,小脸上面色隐隐有些发白。 The Han Li vision flashes, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the body the golden light puts immediately greatly, forms a golden light cover, covered two people. 韩立目光微闪,手中掐诀,身上顿时金光大放,形成一个金色光罩,罩住了二人。 In the golden light, is flowing power of Time Principle, isolated power of magical principle of grey cloud release outside. 金光之中,流淌着一股时间法则之力,将灰云释放的法则之力隔绝在了外面。 How to attack depending on the grey cloud principle, can never jump over thunder pond one step. 凭灰云法则如何冲击,始终不能越雷池一步。 The difference in Han Li body and mind vanished immediately, returned to normal. 韩立身体和脑海中的异样顿时消失,恢复了平静。 Nearby Golden Child facial expression is also a loosen. 旁边金童神情也是一松。 You first get down the rest, this person of I cope well.” Han Li looks to Golden Child, said. “你先下去休息,此人我来对付就好。”韩立看向金童,说道。 Wants you to mind others' business! This Qu Ling imprisoned me is so long, I planned for a long time, the plan put together the severe wound to have a low opinion of the enemy while it butchered her personally, although her strength was not weak, but was impossible to break open my defense. Now may be booing! The mess you yourself tidy up.” Golden Child actually curls the lip, snort/hum, then lifted hand one move. “要你多管闲事!这渠灵囚禁了我那么久,我谋划那么久,本打算拼着重伤趁其轻敌亲手宰了她,她实力虽然不弱,但根本不可能破开我的防御。现在可倒好!烂摊子你自己收拾吧。”金童却是一撇嘴,哼了一声,接着抬手一招。 That two crystal silk fly to shoot to return, integrate her body. 那两道晶丝飞射而回,融入她的身体。 Han Li smiles lightly, has not argued with Golden Child, transfers to look that clouds to half being bounced. 韩立淡淡一笑,也没有和金童争辩,转首看向半空灰云。 The principle that the ash sends out in the clouds at this moment fluctuates, in power of magical principle with beforehand spirit domain is roughly similar, but also has the difference slightly. 灰云中此刻散发出的这股法则波动,和之前的灵域中的法则之力大致相仿,但也稍有不同。 Qu Ling this female as if grasped several principles, under mutual union, unpredictable depth. 渠灵此女似乎掌握了数种法则,互相结合之下,难测深浅。 However Han Li at this moment also already advancement Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, not only the nearer one/1st level/layer of strength of mortal body under Great Cycle Star Essence Technique condense, its within the body immortal spirit strength is also rushes flowing, whole body is full of the strength, naturally female does not fear. 不过韩立此刻也已经进阶金仙中期,不仅肉身之力在大周天星元功凝练下更近一层,其体内仙灵力也是澎湃流动,全身上下都充满着力量,自然对此女丝毫不惧。 In his eye none flashes, will make anything. 他眼中精光一闪,正要做什么。 Half being bounced clouds a tumbling, suddenly dissipated to draw back toward both sides, appeared five claw grey dragons of headage hundred zhang (333 m) long size to wind to dance in the air in the midair, sends out the huge incomparable pressure. 半空灰云一阵翻滚,忽的朝着两旁消散退开,现出一头数百丈长大小的五爪灰龙在半空蜿蜒飞舞,散发出巨大无比的威压。 This dragon whole body cannot see a piece of scale, is covered with the thick hangnail everywhere, on the back several giant spurs, as if great lances, appear fierce incomparable, on five dragon claws depends the great sword sharp claws, looks that then makes people scared. 此龙全身上下看不到一片鳞片,到处长满粗大的倒刺,背脊上更有几根巨大骨刺,仿佛一根根巨矛,显得狰狞无比,五只龙爪上更是仗着巨剑般的利爪,看着便让人胆寒。 Above five claw grey dragon foreheads, appears silver king character pattern, sends out the gentle silver light, is actually entirely different from other places. 五爪灰龙额头之上,浮现出一个银色‘王’字花纹,散发出柔和银光,和其他地方倒是截然不同。 Really......” “果然……” Han Li is sizing up the present five claw grey dragons up and down, in the eye sparkling, reveals an exciting color faintly. 韩立上下打量着眼前的五爪灰龙,眼中闪闪发光,隐隐露出一丝激动之色。 It seems like you also looked, Qu Ling main body True Spirit Dream Demon . Moreover the bloodline was quite pure, was extremely strong, is not very good to cope. You listened to be clear to me, I will not follow successive defeats two next best people.” Golden Child shot a look at Han Li one, some saying of disdaining. “看来你也看出来了,渠灵本体正是真灵梦魇’,而且血统颇为纯正,实力极强,很不好对付。你给我听清楚了,我可不会跟着一个连败两次之人。”金童瞥了韩立一眼,有些不屑的说道。 Said that this words, the Golden Child braid flings, turns around to fly toward the distant place, in a flash falling stood firm in the distant place. 说完此话,金童辫子一甩,转身朝着远处飞去,一晃的落在了远处站定。 Dream Demon...... correct/good.” Han Li looks to the five claw grey dragons of distant place, said slowly. 梦魇……不错。”韩立看向远处的五爪灰龙,缓缓说道。 Finishes speaking, its whole body golden light puts greatly, body figure changes into gold/metal Hongfei to shoot suddenly together, dashes to five claw grey dragons to go. 话音刚落,其全身金光大放,身形豁然化为一道金虹飞射而出,直扑五爪灰龙而去。 Five claw grey dragons see with own eyes this scenery, in two Pū chī, ignites two groups of gray flame. 五爪灰龙眼见此景,两眼之中“噗嗤”一声,燃起两团灰色火焰。 Its big mouth, spouts one group of house sizes fiercely the gray fireball, hits toward the Han Li overhead. 紧接着它大口一张,猛地喷出一团房屋大小的灰色火球,朝着韩立当头打去。 On the fireball the grey flame tumbles, lends burning hot incomparable aura, but also is mixing with billowing power of magical principle. 火球上灰焰翻滚,散发出一股炙热无比的气息,还夹杂着滚滚法则之力 The gray fireball place visited, the void drastic fluctuation, the power and influence is astonishing. 灰色火球所过之处,虚空剧烈波动,威势惊人。 The Han Li complexion is slightly motionless, has not moved aside, wields single-handed. 韩立面色丝毫不动,也没有躲闪,单手一挥。 Buzz! 嗡! The dazzling azure light flies to shoot together, changed into a azure great sword, is Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 一道刺目青光飞射而出,化为了一柄青色巨剑,正是青竹蜂云剑 The azure great sword sends out huge azure sword Qi, sword Qi fills the air, void then trembles. 青色巨剑散发出一道道巨大青色剑气,剑气弥漫之间,虚空便为之震颤不已。 On the sword blade appeared compared with the former thicker golden color electric arc, destruction aura erupted to open. 剑身上浮现出一道道比之前更加粗大的金色电弧,一股毁灭气息爆发而开。 Nearby Heaven and Earth spiritual energy ebullition, the innumerable assorted luminous spots appear, interweaves to tumble in together, the nearby space as if changed into piece of Primordial Chaos. 附近天地灵气沸腾,无数各色光点浮现而出,交织翻滚在一起,附近空间似乎化为了一片混沌 After advancement Golden Immortal Realm, displays Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, did not have previously the strenuous performance again, displayed this sword true power. 进阶金仙境界后,施展青竹蜂云剑,再也没有了先前吃力的表现,发挥出了此剑真正的威能 Han Li pinches finger joints with the thumb wields, the azure great sword direct sword cuts, chops on the giant gray fireball. 韩立掐诀一挥,青色巨剑直接一剑斩出,劈在巨大灰色火球上。 Chī la, the gray fireball was easily cut two halves by the azure great sword. 嗤啦”一声,灰色火球被轻易青色巨剑斩成了两半。 Han Li body figure in a flash, flies to shoot from two halves fireballs directly. 韩立身形一晃,直接从两半火球中间飞射而过。 However at this moment, a white light and electricity from the two halves gray fireball shoots together black light suddenly, in tandem blocks Han Li instantaneously in the middle. 不过就在此刻,一道白光和一道黑光蓦然从两半灰色火球中电射而出,瞬间一前一后将韩立拦在中间。 The white light flashes, changes into a headage ten zhang (3.33 m) white python, the opens the mouth spouts boundless white fog, is mixing with the innumerable snowflakes, white are icy cold, send out the fearsome cold air. 白光一闪,化为一头数十丈长的白色巨蟒,张口喷出一股茫茫白雾,其中夹杂着无数雪花,还有一块块白色冰凌,散发出可怖之极的寒气。 The white mist flashes changes into several zhang (3.33 m) circular white snow and ice regions, drops from the clouds, one submerged the Han Li form. 白色雾气一闪化为一个数十丈大小的圆形白色冰雪区域,从天而降,一下将韩立身影淹没在了其中。 Black light broadminded changes, changes into jet black strange fish that a size is similar, body figure presents strip, the whole body covers entirely the black spot, in the mouth is covered with the sharp tooth, looks extremely vicious. 黑光豁然一变,化为一只大小相仿的漆黑怪鱼,身形呈现出条状,全身布满黑色斑点,口中长满锋利牙齿,看起来极为凶狠。 Pī Li Pā Lā! 噼里啪啦 The black spot of black strange fish body surface flies to project jet black lightnings, has the scary thunderous loud sound, in an instant forms a jet black thunder and lightning forest, from bottom to top , a lower hood lived in the body of Han Li. 黑色怪鱼体表的黑色斑点飞射出一道道漆黑闪电,发出骇人的雷鸣巨响,转眼间形成一片漆黑雷电森林,由下而上,也一下罩住了韩立的身体。 These two unusual animals hide in the fireball, is extremely near from Han Li, then completes all these instantaneously. 这两头异兽隐藏在火球中,距离韩立极近,瞬间便将这一切完成。 White snow and ice region and black thunder and lightning forest, as if two groups of giant grinding pans, being up and down clamps Han Li in the middle, shortly will submerge its body figure, huge power of magical principle that releases, resembling to it together with the Nascent Soul same place, be ground into dust thoroughly. 白色冰雪区域和黑色雷电森林,就仿佛两团巨大磨盘,一上一下的将韩立夹在中间,顷刻间淹没了其身形,从中释放出的庞然法则之力,似要将其连同元婴一起,彻底碾成齑粉。
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