RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#469: Instantly time

Time in a flash, over the past several years. 时间一晃,又过去数年。 Han Li of azure clothing, the hand holds a purple black incense burner, along deep and dark passageway, walks into a mausoleum chamber hall gradually. 一袭青色衣衫的韩立,手捧着一只紫黑色的香炉,沿着幽深甬道,缓步走入一座地宫大厅。 In the hall the ground shines continuously the golden light, has the intermittent warm feeling to give birth. 厅内地面亮起缕缕金光,有阵阵暖意生出。 „During younger generation eradicates the core, put in great inconvenience to Senior one temporarily.” Han Li stands firm in the mausoleum chamber business hall, was saying one to the incense burner. “晚辈破除核心期间,就暂时委屈前辈一下了。”韩立在地宫大厅中央站定,对着香炉说了一声。 That old Daoist remnant soul does not know that will soon be delivered from oppression, is somewhat impatient, has been used to Han Li to disrespect to his all sorts, at this moment has not made noise to talk back unexpectedly, but sat cross-legged peacefully in the incense burner. 老道残魂不知道是即将重见天日,有些迫不及待,还是已经习惯了韩立对他的种种不敬,此刻竟然没有出声还口,只是安安静静地盘坐在了香炉之内。 Han Li sees that smiles, the wrist/skill shook, took out two golden material qualities prohibiting talisman, one vertical one pasted horizontally above the incense burner, isolated the old Daoist remnant soul and relation thoroughly. 韩立见状,笑了笑,手腕一抖,取出了两张金色材质的封禁符箓,一纵一横地贴在了香炉之上,将老道残魂与外界的联系彻底隔离了开来。 After completing these, he raised the left hand, loaded in the incense burner the sleeve bag. 做完这些后,他才提起左手,将香炉装入了袖袋之中。 Sees only him deeply to inspire, gradually arrives by that stone platform of business hall, bent down to look at one to inlay in the moon sundial. 只见他深吸了一口气,缓步来到大厅中央的那座石台旁,俯身看了一眼嵌于其中的太阴日晷。 Unlike arrived here previous time, his these time obviously from felt power of Time Principle, but felt in those days with him was slightly different. 与上一次来到此处不同,他这一次明显地从其中感受到了时间法则之力,只是与他往日所感受到的略有不同。 power of time on sundial, if not use divine sense to touch on own initiative, its impervious to desires and passions, ripples will not then swing , when Han Li can feel it now, it then such as the rivers and streams tide generally to it rolling raids. 日晷上的时间之力,若不动用神识去主动触碰,它便古井不波,连一丝涟漪都不会荡起,可当韩立如今能够感受到它时,它便如江河大潮一般向其滚滚袭来。 In Han Li heart slightly different, both hands pinch magical formula, back gold/metal spout, Precious Mantra Wheel appears. 韩立心中微异,双手一掐法诀,背后金芒喷涌,真言宝轮浮现而出。 His look collects, both eyes close slowly, both hands pinch magical formula, center treasure wheel that golden eye immediately a revolution, above sprays together the golden ray, directly soars the moon sundial. 他神色一敛,双目缓缓阖上,双手一掐法诀,宝轮正中的那枚金色眼睛立即一转,其上喷射出一道金色光线,直奔太阴日晷。 Sees only that golden ray not to fall, strange appeared. 只见那金色光线尚未落下,奇异的一幕就出现了。 The moon sundial of stay still, trembled unexpectedly slightly, floated in the sky. 原本静止不动的太阴日晷,竟然微微一颤,当空漂浮了起来。 The center that black iron needle ray flashes, unexpectedly fast revolves turning round, and projects together the black electricity silk, hit with that golden ray oppositionally in one. 其中央那根黑色铁针光芒一闪,竟飞快的滴溜溜旋转起来,并从中射出一道黑色电丝,与那道金色光线针锋相对地撞击在了一起。 Pī pā sound of the electric current gets up. 噼啪”一阵电流之声响起。 The golden ray disrupts with a crash, changes to diamond dust to sprinkle, covered the entire stone platform. 金色光线砰然碎裂开来,化作一片金粉洒落而下,将整个石台笼罩了进去。 Han Li looks at this by Eye of Truth, in both ears actually as if resounded thunderous, made his whole person divine sense suddenly, entered in the boundary of that spatial knowledge again. 韩立透过真实之眼看着这一幕,双耳之中却仿佛响起了一阵雷鸣,令他整个人神识骤然一空,再次进入了那种空识之境中。 This time , he not only does not have five feelings to be unique, at present instead presents the illusion. 只是这一次,他非但没有五感超脱,眼前反而出现了幻相。 That matter level sprinkling diamond dust, rewinds suddenly on, is trickle ordinary like restless golden rivers, his whole person engulf. 那层层洒落的金粉,忽然倒卷而上,如同一条涓涓不息的金色河流一般,将他整个人都吞没了进去。 He only felt own body figure such as flies, seeming to go through in the time river is ordinary, the side has the golden crystal silk to pass to go unceasingly, he goes all out to hold, every searches the palm one time, actually falls in the vacancy. 他只觉得自己身形如飞,好似穿行在光阴长河一般,身旁不断有金色晶丝流逝而去,他拼命想要抓住,每一次探掌而出,却都落于空处。 In the Han Li heart somewhat is unconsciously anxious, revolves Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture cultivation technique to come, to hang silently in his behind Precious Mantra Wheel turning round revolving, above more than 400 groups of Time Dao Mark, shine the dazzling ray immediately simultaneously. 韩立心中不觉有些焦躁,不知不觉间又默默运转起真言化轮经功法来,悬在他身后的真言宝轮滴溜溜旋转而起,上面的四百余团时间道纹,顿时同时亮起耀眼光芒。 In time river he, above the palm shines flake gold glow, searches the palm again, actually one held a golden crystal silk, that Time Principle silk. 处在光阴长河中的他,手掌之上亮起一片金芒,再次探掌而出,竟然一把就抓住了一道金色晶丝,那正是时间法则之丝 After holding one, Han Li is delighted beyond measure, grasped toward another. 抓住了一根之后,韩立喜不自胜,又朝着另一根抓了过去。 Two crystal silk start, the entire time river trembles immediately fiercely, as if mountain flooding is ordinary, becoming hot tempered and swift and violent. 两根晶丝入手,整个光阴长河顿时剧烈震颤起来,就仿佛山洪暴发一般,变得暴躁而迅猛起来。 Han Li only felt oneself seemed drowns in the water, even breathed becomes difficult. 韩立只觉得自己好似溺在了水中,连呼吸都变得艰难起来。 He starts to struggle to sway from side to side, is actually not able to work loose the rivers. 他开始挣扎扭动,却始终无法挣脱出河流。 At this moment , the huge golden tide comes, pats toward his overhead. 就在这时,又有一道巨大的金色浪潮汹涌而来,朝着他当头拍下。 When Han Li struggles, in heart one horizontal, hits to go to the tide unexpectedly, both hands grasped toward the golden crystal silk of another two volumes in monstrous waves simultaneously. 韩立挣扎之际,心中一横,竟是冲着浪潮直撞而去,双手同时朝着另外两道卷于巨浪中的金色晶丝抓了过去。 Also two crystal silk start, the entire time river resounds heaven-shaking to be thunderous immediately, collapses thoroughly. 又有两道晶丝入手,整个光阴长河顿时响起一声惊天雷鸣,彻底崩溃开来。 Almost meanwhile, Han Li both eyes open suddenly, in the mouth pants for breath fiercely. 几乎同时,韩立双目猛然睁开,口中剧烈喘息起来。 He looked down both hands, saw only completely empty, somewhat was moved. 他低头看了一眼双手,只见其中空空如也,不禁有些怅然若失。 At this time, his sudden heart had a feeling, turned head to look suddenly toward Precious Mantra Wheel on. 这时,他突然心有所感,猛然扭头朝真言宝轮上望去。 Above sees only, has twined the entire ten golden crystal silk unexpectedly impressively! 只见其上,竟赫然已缠绕有整整十根金色晶丝! Just now that numerous out of phase, unexpectedly is not illusory, his short feeling/reflection, harvested enough four time crystal silk unexpectedly. 方才那重重异相,竟然不是虚幻,他这一次短暂感悟,竟然收获了足足四根时间晶丝。 Under Han Li is overjoyed, looked toward stone platform. 韩立大喜过望之下,又朝石台上看了过去。 Saw only the moon sundial to fall in the stone platform scoop channel, the above iron needle was still revolving rapidly, but above the inscribing 12 double-hour scratch, became blurs unexpectedly , has almost not been able to see clearly. 只见太阴日晷已经重新落回了石台凹槽内,上面的铁针仍在飞速旋转,但铭刻其上的十二时辰刻痕,竟然变得十分模糊起来,几乎已经无法看清。 In the Han Li heart moves, both hands pinch magical formula again, Eye of Truth shines the dazzling golden light again, powerful power of Time Principle spews out, poured into the stone platform scoop channel directly. 韩立心中一动,双手再一掐法诀,身后的真实之眼再度亮起刺目金光,一股强大的时间法则之力从中喷涌而出,直接灌入了石台凹槽之中。 This time, the moon sundial did not have any response, instead is in stone platform shines the golden trace, dense and numerous such as the spider web spreads generally, overspreads the entire hall ground instantaneously, subsequently extends passageway, extends to each corner of mausoleum chamber. 这一次,太阴日晷没有了任何反应,反而是石台上亮起道道金色纹路,密密麻麻如蛛网一般蔓延开来,瞬间铺满整个大厅地面,继而延伸出甬道,延伸到地宫的每一个角落。 Soon, in the ruins city outside mausoleum chamber, starts to spread to clear the way the golden trace, the entire mystical place reflected in a piece of within the golden light. 不多时,地宫之外的废墟城池之中,也开始蔓延开道道金色纹路,整个秘境映在了一片金光中。 In Han Li both eyes, the golden ray shines, both hands hold the stone platform edge fiercely, own power of Time Principle, pours into which crazily, Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel, also one group of then one groups extinguishes. 韩立双目之中,金色光芒亮起,双手猛地抓住石台边缘,将自身的时间法则之力,疯狂地灌入其中,真言宝轮上的时间道纹,也随之一团接着一团的熄灭起来。 Only hears ka a slight sound resounds, the stone platform surface, starts to reappear slender cracks, with the golden trace together, toward spreads in all directions. 只听“咔”的一声轻微声音响起,石台表面,开始浮现出一道道纤细裂纹,随着金色纹路一同,朝着四面八方扩散开去。 Han Li only thinks that in void in all directions, appears unexpectedly tiny heavy lines, interweaves to intertwine, is ordinary just like the spider web, and these heavy lines, as treasure wheel extinguishment on Time Dao Mark, becomes more and more thick, is getting more and more crowded. 韩立只觉四面八方的虚空之中,竟随之浮现出一道道细小黑线,交织盘错,宛如蜘蛛网一般,并且这些黑线随着宝轮上的时间道纹的熄灭,变得越来越粗,越来越密集。 In his heart sinks, immediately closes/obstructs dwell breathes, the whole body exudes one/1st level/layer just like the pale silver flowing light of essence, enabling the whole person to seem like the silver light to be radiant. 他心中一沉,当即闭住呼吸,周身泛起一层宛如实质的淡银色流光,使得整个人看起来银光璀璨。 In the meantime, extinguishment that also on Precious Mantra Wheel Regiment 60 Dao mark flashes, thunders heavenshaking resounds finally, 就在此时,真言宝轮上第60团道纹一闪的随之熄灭,一声震天轰鸣终于响起, Entire small mystical place loudly strenuous vibration! 整个小秘境轰然剧烈震动开来! Han Li both eyes narrow the eyes, during seeing only front is void, one group of diameter zhang (3.33 m) golden scorching sun appear out of thin air, and raises suddenly, blooms intermittently the golden light that absorbs the person heart and soul, then explodes loudly, the release made one is unable to regard the golden ray. 韩立双目一眯,只见前方虚空之中,一团直径丈许的金色骄阳凭空浮现,并蓦然升起,绽放出阵阵摄人心魄的金光,接着轰然爆裂开来,释放出令人无法视物的金色光芒。 Heavy line in all directions becomes the twist deformation in the golden ray, and toward Zhongjianyong, formed one group of huge black whirlpools unceasingly, and spreads an infinite suction, in all bricks and stones forests the entire mystical place attracts all, but, engulf. 四面八方的黑线在金色光芒之中变得扭曲变形,并不断朝中间涌去,形成了一团巨大的黑色旋涡,并从中传出一阵无穷吸力,将整个秘境内所有的砖石林木尽数吸引而至,吞没了进去。 Not and Han Li makes what action, its body is also similar to small boat in the Ye Feng violent, was pulled instantaneously. 未及韩立做出什么举动,其身躯也如同一叶风暴中的小舟,被瞬间拉扯了进去。 ...... …… Han Li only thinks after is dizzy, body figure instep qiang, then the present all become clear incomparable. 韩立只觉一阵天旋地转后,身形一个趺跄,接着眼前的一切变得清晰无比。 His vision sweeps fast, immediately stares. 他目光飞快一扫,顿时一愣。 Sees only itself to be at this moment, impressively before is a golden main hall , is dozens zhang (3.33 m) high golden palace door, but in not far away, is standing a having a beautiful face young girl, a face is tight, mouth slightly. 只见自己此刻所在,赫然正是一座金色大殿前,身后则是数十丈高的金色宫门,而在不远处,则站着一名眉目如画的少女,一脸紧张,嘴巴微张。 It is not Lu Yuqing this female, but who can also be? 不是陆雨晴此女,还能是谁? The front door distant place, a blonde girl of 8 - 9 year age is wearing the silver crown to wear the barefoot female of silver robe to confront with one. 大门远处,一名八九岁年纪的金发女童正与一名头戴银冠身穿银袍的赤足女子对峙。 The female turn ten zhang (3.33 m) gray light winds around all around, in the female above midair, huge gray dragon's head virtual image blood-stained mouth big, spouts together the three-color light-poles, but blonde girl both hands ruptured, change into two crystal silk to fly to shoot respectively, each other is going to the bang with that say/way three-color light-poles. 女子周遭有一圈数十丈大小的灰光缭绕,女子上方半空中,一只巨大的灰色龙头虚影正血口大张,从中喷出一道三色光柱,而金发女童双手爆裂,化为了两道晶丝各自飞射而出,与那道三色光柱正彼此对轰而去。 Two people of Golden Child and Qu Ling! 二人正是金童渠灵 All these all, unexpectedly the Han Li more than 2000 years ago when enters the golden front door exactly the same! 这一切的一切,竟和韩立两千余年前进入金色大门时一模一样! Stated differently, covered that matter golden color light membrane outside more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high golden palaces, now actually seems somewhat dim, lost the previous brilliance. 不同的是,原本笼罩在这座百余丈高金色宫殿外的那层金色光膜,如今却显得有些黯淡,失去了此前的光辉。 What's the matter......” Han Li tarries. “怎么回事……”韩立不禁呆住。 He treated in the world in palace front door was so long, outside world actually as if also stayed before he entered that moment. 他在宫殿大门内的世界里待了这么久,外面的世界却似乎还停留在他进入前的那一刻。 Other three people at this moment also notices to vanish flickered Han Li, looks the surprised color in abundance. 其他三人此刻也注意到了“消失了一瞬”的韩立,也都纷纷面露惊讶之色。 After Lu Yuqing is startled, will say anything. 陆雨晴一怔过后,正要开口说些什么。 Bang! 轰隆! The distant place flies to shoot respectively, but the three-color light-poles and crystal silk, the bombardment in one, had a loud sound of earth-shattering finally. 远处各自飞射而出三色光柱和晶丝,终于轰击在了一起,发出一声天崩地裂的巨响。 The dazzling incomparable ray erupts from the light beam and crystal silk, divides into two entire backdrop impressively. 耀眼无比的光芒从光柱和晶丝上爆发而出,赫然将整个天幕一分为二。 Side is the billowing tricolor brilliance, another side is the dazzling crystal light, the impact interwines ruthlessly, entire void rumble trembles, place that particularly both contact, void is the distortion shivers, as if possibly disrupts momentarily general. 一边是滚滚的三色光焰,另一边是耀眼晶光,狠狠冲击交织在一起,整个虚空都隆隆震颤起来,尤其是两者接触的地方,虚空更是扭曲颤动,仿佛随时可能碎裂开一般。 The ground vestige, stone and other thing by the sky were projected, but below ray shines, immediately as if the snow and ice dissolve generally, vanishes all, the ground also dissolves fast. 地上遗迹,石块等物被天空投射而下的光芒照射到,立刻仿佛冰雪一般溶解,尽数消失殆尽,地面也飞快溶解。 Lu Yuqing sees with own eyes this scenery, the elegant face changes, body figure in a flash, changes into the azure light to fly to shoot toward the distant place together, falls, in affected beyond the range. 陆雨晴眼见此景,俏脸一变,身形一晃,化为一道青光朝着远处飞射出去,落在了波及范围之外。 Han Li has not actually moved, in mouth lightly shouted. 韩立却没有动,口中轻喝一声。 His body surface appears suddenly the 36 group bright star light, immediately changes into one/1st level/layer, if has True Extreme Membrane of essence. 他体表骤然浮现出三十六团明亮星光,随即化为一层如有实质的真极之膜 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 Rays shine on his True Extreme Membrane, exudes the sound of grating friction, the True Extreme Membrane ray flashes, trembles gently, has not actually disrupted the sign that or has weakened slightly. 一道道光芒照射在他的真极之膜上,发出刺耳的摩擦之声,真极之膜光芒闪动,轻轻震颤,却丝毫没有碎裂或者减弱的迹象。 The Han Li flashing eyes look toward the midair, seeing only the three-color light-poles is getting more and more rich, crushed the crystal silk fast. 韩立目光炯炯朝着半空望去,只见三色光柱越来越浓郁,飞快将晶丝压倒了下去。 After crystal silk, the Golden Child complexion suddenly becomes ugly. 晶丝之后,金童的脸色骤然变得难看。 She drinks one tenderly, breaks the arm to locate golden light flashes, two arms condense again, but actually appears the translucent shape, two void push. 她娇喝一声,断臂处金光一闪,两条手臂再次凝聚而出,不过却是呈半透明状,两手虚空一推而出。 Two clear golden light project from his palm, and fuses together, golden light flashes, changes into together the golden crystal silk again. 两道晶莹金光从其掌心射出,并且融为一体,金光一闪,再次化为一道金色晶丝。 Two crystal silk intersect in the same place, keeps off before the three-color light-poles. 两根晶丝交叉在一起,挡在三色光柱前。 But in the three-color light-poles power of magical principle is turbulent, still crushed two crystal silk fast. 但三色光柱内法则之力汹涌,仍然将两道晶丝飞快压倒。 The situation becomes in imminent danger! 形势变得岌岌可危起来!
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