RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#468: spirit domain

At this moment, in the darkroom, such as the fog dim golden light, just like golden sea of tumbling, camouflages the entire room. 此刻,在暗室之内,如雾霭般的朦胧金光,宛如一片翻滚的金色海洋,将整个房间遮蔽。 The room center, Han Li close eyes sits cross-legged to sit, under the golden light bathes, the whole person seems a wear Jin Luyi, the whole body golden light is radiant, can only see a fuzzy shadow mark. 房间中央,韩立闭目盘膝而坐,在金光沐浴之下,整个人好似穿着一件金缕衣,全身金光璀璨,只能看到一个模糊的影迹。 Boundless such as the Heaven and Earth vitality of sea from converges in all directions, but, in room central revolving, changes into an vortex, sends out the intermittent tidal fluctuation, attacks to swing slightly restriction that Han Li supposes, for a very long time cannot cease. 磅礴如海的天地元气从四面八方云集而至,在房间中央旋转,化为一个漩涡,散发出阵阵潮水般的波动,将韩立设下的禁制都冲击得小幅摇摆起来,久久不能停息。 Passed several double-hour, this fluctuation gradually slows down, the momentum also gradually became small. 足足过了数个时辰,这种波动才逐渐减缓,声势也渐渐变得小了下来。 At this time, in the Han Li mouth exuded one to call out suddenly, both eyes opened the eyes suddenly. 这时,韩立口中忽然发出一声暴喝,双目蓦然睁了开来。 Inches gold/metal jumps to shoot from his pupil, just like the essence, lingers. 寸寸金芒从其瞳孔之中迸射而出,犹如实质,经久不散。 After long time, in his mouth long puts out foul air, subsequently the opens the mouth attracts, the full room golden light such as heavy drinker absorbing water gathers to go toward his mouth in immediately generally, was inhaled in the abdomen by him all of a sudden. 半晌之后,他口中长长吐出一口浊气,继而张口一吸,满室金光顿时如长鲸吸水一般朝他口中聚拢而去,被他一下子吸入了腹中。 Its throat below golden color luminous spot, appears immediately, bright incomparable, absorbs the Heaven and Earth vitality of periphery surviving unceasingly. 紧接着,其喉咙下方一个金色光点,随即浮现而出,明亮无比,不断吸收起周围残存的天地元气来。 Hence, enters Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage last immortal aperture, finally penetration. 至此,进入金仙中期的最后一个仙窍,也终于贯通。 Hū Hū Hū......” 呼呼呼……” A gust sound howls to resound, Precious Mantra Wheel from Han Li circles before the body behind, long float in the sky, revolves turning round. 一阵风声呼啸响起,真言宝轮韩立身后绕至身前,悠悠悬浮当空,滴溜溜旋转起来。 Han Li raises head to look, sees its golden light to be bright, above is circling to have more than 400 groups of translucent Time Dao Mark. 韩立仰头望去,就见其金光熠熠,上面正盘旋有四百余团半透明的时间道纹 His vision flashes, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe the happy expression, in both eyes the golden light are hidden, single-handed move. 他目光一闪,嘴角勾起一抹笑意,双目之中金光隐没,单手一招。 Above Precious Mantra Wheel, six golden crystal silk jump to shoot immediately, such as the sleeve arrows shoot at his palm generally straightly. 真言宝轮之上,立即有六道金色晶丝迸射而出,如袖箭一般笔直射向他的手心。 When close to his palm, the golden crystal silk sharply stops suddenly, by a shape of conditioning tying tight, pasted his fingertip to circle, fell into his palm. 临近其掌心之时,金色晶丝蓦然一个急停,由紧绷之状一阵软化,贴着他的指尖绕了一圈,落入了他的掌心。 These crystal silk are not the otherness, is Time Principle silk, besides originally that three, Han Li, in these year of pains dive to cultivate in " Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture » process, off and on condense had/left three. 这些晶丝不是他物,正是时间法则之丝,除了原先那三条之外,韩立在这些年苦心潜修《真言化轮经》的过程中,又断断续续凝练出了三根。 He thinks that this success cultivation to Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, at least can also condense have a time crystal silk again, finally actually cannot achieve wishes. 他原以为这次成功修炼金仙中期,至少还能再凝练出一根时间晶丝,结果却没能如愿。 In fact, more than thousand years, he has immersed in cultivation, in this period had also only waked up three times. 事实上,这千余年以来,他一直沉浸在修炼之中,期间也只堪堪醒来过三次。 Almost every time, fell into some type to be similar in cultivation to the boundary of former that spatial knowledge, will then then have occasionally obtained, congealed a time crystal silk. 几乎每一次,都是在修行之中陷入了某种类似于之前那种空识之境,然后便会偶有所得般的,凝出一根时间晶丝。 But with increase of each time crystal silk, his feeling/reflection to power of Time Principle as if even more is also profound, before comprehended in Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture four/4th layer cultivation technique the bottleneck, was so easily solved unexpectedly, cultivation also became smooth. 而随着每一根时间晶丝的增加,他对时间法则之力感悟也似乎越发深刻起来,之前参悟真言化轮经四重功法中遇到的瓶颈,竟然就这般迎刃而解,修炼也变得顺畅起来。 Thousand years years in a hurry, every world several degrees samsara. 千载岁月匆匆,凡世几度轮回。 But regarding True Immortal Realm threshold the person of cultivation, had flickered actually in a hurry, in the hearsay certain cultivation special cultivation technique immortals, can the big dream not awake, hit nap then over the past several thousand years. 但对于过了真仙境门槛的修行之人来说,其实不过是匆匆一瞬,传闻中某些修炼特殊功法的仙人,能够大梦不醒,打一个盹儿便过去数千年。 Therefore, Han Li can such quick advancement Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, let in his heart surprised at the same time, regarding «Profound Evil Dark Spirit Technique» this side door cultivation technique, even more expressed admiration. 所以,韩立能这么快进阶金仙中期,让其心中大为吃惊的同时,对于《玄煞暝灵功》这部偏门功法,也愈发啧啧称奇起来。 Naturally, in his heart somewhat is unavoidably disturbed, after all promotes the cultivation base fast promotion by evil Qi, the hidden danger numerous, but he previously made a connection with immortal aperture every time, will observe carefully, and breaks to test with many hands, outside coarse hand-reeled silk spun from wild silkworms that but these cannot linger except for immortal aperture on, as if at present has not discovered anything improper other. 当然,他心中难免有几分忐忑,毕竟以煞气促进修为快速提升,隐患重重,只是他此前每打通一个仙窍,都会细细观察一番,并用多种手断加以测试,但除了仙窍上那些萦绕不去的灰丝外,似乎目前并未发现有什么其他不妥。 Under the present situation, he can only first no matter what for the time being it, after for a long time cultivation to Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, he left here after all finally finally hopefully. As for other matters, after leaving here, makes the plan is not late. 在如今的形势下,他只能先姑且任之,毕竟历经那么久终于修炼到了金仙中期,他终于有望离开这里。至于其他事,等离开这里后再做打算也不迟。 After is uneventful, Han Li sets out immediately, receives all magical array under all around arrange/cloth, turned around the darkroom. 待一切风平浪静之后,韩立当即起身,将四周布下的所有法阵收起,转身出了暗室。 Goes to the old Daoist remnant soul that hall, has not passed through the gate, hears the speech sound that intermittent talked on endlessly broken on hearing, fuzzy did not listen clearly. 来到老道残魂所处的那座大厅,尚未进门,就听到里面传来阵阵碎碎叨叨的言语声,模模糊糊的听不真切。 Waits to arrive at the palace gate place, Han Li sees that old Daoist remnant soul, is floating leisurely in the midair, to own statue speech. 等来到殿门处,韩立就看到那老道的残魂,正悠悠浮在半空中,对着自己的雕像说话。 Oh, back then, said that master I how loose clean, does not raise that Immortal Monarch status, is the Daoist Lifeless sword immortal reputation, does not know that the favors of how many fairy maiden beautiful families can annoy? Now was stranded here does not know that many years, want to come certainly to have fairy maiden large bundle to shed tears sadly, broke the liverwurst......” “唉,想当年,道爷我何其风流倜傥,不提那仙君的身份,就是无生道人的剑仙名头,也不知要惹来多少仙子美眷的青眼?如今被困于此处也不知道多少年了,想来一定有大把大把的仙子要伤心垂泪,断了肝肠了……” The Han Li station a while, really some hears, coughed lightly, broke the old Daoist spoken language: „When correct/good that it seems like Senior restores, the spirit compared with saw initially did not know many times.” 韩立站了一会儿,实在有些听不下去了,就轻咳了一声,打断了老道的言语:“看来前辈恢复的不错,精神比初见时强了不知多少倍。” old Daoist hears word, turns around to look unexpectedly to Han Li, first stares, subsequently one startled, is one happy, on the face the facial expression changes richly. 老道闻言,蓦地转身看向韩立,先是一愣,继而一惊,紧接着又是一喜,脸上神情变化可谓丰富至极。 How...... possible? In the past then how long, your boy really cultivated Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage,......” the old Daoist brow selects suddenly, pinches the finger, somewhat scruple saying. “怎……怎么可能?这才过去多长时间,你小子真就修到了金仙中期,难道说……”老道眉头忽然一挑,掐动着手指,有些迟疑的说道。 What?” Han Li sees that thinks that what improper, frowns to ask. “难道说什么?”韩立见状,以为有什么不妥,蹙眉问道。 „, You are also same as the master, spiritual cultivation rare talent who through ancient times is difficult to see?” A old Daoist face serious look, said. “难道说,你也和道爷一样,是亘古难见的修道奇才?”老道一脸郑重神色,说道。 Han Li hears word, feels immediately somewhat speechless. 韩立闻言,顿时觉得有些无语。 This time comes, is to say goodbye to Senior, since I have become Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage cultivator, then can leave here. As for that soul-resting furnace, is not the rare thing, left Senior to treat as on point of departure the gift.” Han Li slightly holds the fist in the other hand to the old Daoist remnant soul, turns around to leave. “此番前来,是要向前辈告别的,我既然已经成为了金仙中期修士,便能够离开此处了。至于那养魂炉,也不是什么稀罕物件,就留给前辈当做临别赠礼了。”韩立冲着老道残魂略一抱拳,转身就欲离开。 But has not waited for him to turn around to lift starts, the back hears the old Daoist anxious cry. 可还不等他转过身抬起脚,背后就传来老道的急切叫声。 Han Li hears sound, stops the foot immediately, turns around then to look. 韩立闻声,随即停下脚,转身回头望去。 Yeah...... mixes the boy, don't you guide the master to walk together?” old Daoist is raising a hue and crying, before fluttering all of a sudden the Han Li body . “哎……混小子,你不带道爷一起走?”老道大声疾呼着,一下子飘到了韩立身前。 When younger generation had said can bring Senior to walk together?” The Han Li corners of the mouth bring back wipe the Qianqian (shallow) happy expression, asked. “晚辈何时说过要带前辈一起走?”韩立嘴角勾起一抹浅浅笑意,问道。 Hey, your ungrateful......” the old Daoist words told only half, stopped the thread of conversation hastily. “嘿,你个忘恩负义的……”老道话说到一半,连忙止住了话头。 A Han Li face indifferent expression, selected the raises eyebrow wool actually, seems encouraging old Daoist to continue. 韩立倒是一脸无所谓的表情,挑了挑眉毛,似乎在鼓励老道继续说下去。 Hehe, old Daoist I referred to going out say/way to you, you cannot me throw no matter here? Let alone once you ruin the mystical place core, this mausoleum chamber only feared that must not exist, how can old Daoist this wisp of remnant soul also detain?” The old Daoist tone changes, said pitiful. “嘿嘿,老道我好歹给你指了出去的道儿,你总不能把我扔在这里不管吧?何况你一旦毁掉秘境核心,这个地宫只怕都要不复存在了,老道这一缕残魂又怎么还留得住?”老道语气一变,可怜兮兮地说道。 Han Li hears word, makes the shape of consideration intentionally, seems somewhat awkward. 韩立闻言,故意做出思量之状,显得有些为难。 Senior said that probably is not groundless, but your I meet by chance eventually, but actually also cannot reach an agreement is the good reason, the bad karma...... is inferior to this, Senior you teach me the method of condense spirit domain, I then lead you to leave here, how?” After long time, he said slowly. 前辈所说好像也不无道理,但你我终究是萍水相逢,还说不好究竟是善缘,还是孽缘……不如这样吧,前辈你教我凝练灵域之法,我便带你离开此处,如何?”半晌之后,他才缓缓道。 old Daoist hears word, wishes one could to fling oneself cheeks immediately. 老道闻言,恨不得立马甩自己个嘴巴子。 He only regretted oneself previously to show off smelly, said itself once to call the Mo Yu condense spirit domain incident, at present this boy only fears at that time had been calculating, must oneself this army. 他只后悔自己先前为了臭显摆,说出自己曾叫墨雨凝练灵域一事,眼前这小子只怕那时候就已经盘算着,要将自己这一军了。 Saying the master can teach you method of spirit domain condense, but you, if reneges on a promise afterward, how should also?” old Daoist turns serious, said. “道爷可以教你灵域凝练之法,可你若事后反悔,又该如何?”老道神色一正,说道。 Younger generation proposes a feasible method, Senior, since worried, that is not willing to do that matter of forcing someone to do something against his will...... Han Li to reveal below even wipes the optional smile, said indifferently. “晚辈只是提个可行的法子,前辈既然有所顾虑,那就算了,在下也不愿做那强人所难之事……”韩立露出一抹随意笑容,淡然说道。 You...... you...... oh...... that proverb, the situation compared with person, have to, press the office that you said.” The old Daoist eye stares, immediately vertical saying. “你……你……唉……还是那句老话,形势比人强,不得不为,就按你说的办。”老道眼睛一瞪,当即立断的说道。 Senior is really a refreshed person.” Han Li then also sincere said. 前辈真是个爽快人。”韩立遂也正色说道。 About spirit domain, what you know?” In the old Daoist stomach the unstated criticism, remains silent to ask. “关于灵域,你都知道些什么?”老道肚中腹诽不已,闷声问道。 This...... the younger generation knowledge are not many, but also asked Senior to inform directly is.” Han Li shakes the head, said. “这个……晚辈知之不多,还请前辈直接告知便是。”韩立摇了摇头,说道。 old Daoist hears word, shows the whites of the eyes , to continue saying: 老道闻言,翻了个白眼,继续说道: „The function of spirit domain thinks that did not need old Daoist saying that you should experience too much. As for its essence, was actually cultivator when grasping some power of magical principle, release formed an influence range to the environment, its range size and influence strong and weak, grasped the power of magical principle degree to be related with cultivator.” 灵域的作用想必不用老道多说,你应该已经见识过不少。至于其本质,其实就是修士在掌握了某种法则之力之后,释放之时对周围环境形成影响的一个范围,其范围大小和影响强弱,都与修士掌握法则之力的程度有关。” Senior, spirit domain whether after must grasp power of magical principle, can display?” Han Li hears word, brow slightly pressed say/way. 前辈,灵域是否必须要掌握法则之力后,方能施展?”韩立闻言,眉头微蹙道。 He recalls suddenly, but year when Spirit World, Bao Hua has not grasped power of magical principle, can actually display spirit domain. 他忽然记起但年在灵界之时,宝花尚未掌握法则之力,却能够施展灵域 correct/good, grasps power of magical principle, whether to display the spirit domain premise. However pours is not absolute, some cannot grasp power of magical principle cultivator, through certain special treasures, coordinates special cultivation technique, can display spirit domain. This spirit domain is the imitating others to make a fool of oneself spurious goods, has many fatal defects, cannot enter the discernment of this master.” After old Daoist thinks, said slowly. 不错,是否掌握法则之力,是能否施展灵域的前提。不过倒也不是绝对,一些未能掌握法则之力修士,通过某些特殊宝物,配合特殊功法,也能施展出灵域。只是这种灵域不过是东施效颦的伪劣货色,存在很多致命缺陷,根本入不了本道爷的法眼。”老道想了想后,缓缓说道。 So that's how it is. Since this spirit domain and power of magical principle are closely linked. When that displays, is it possible that can also maintain by power of magical principle?” Han Li nods, asks. “原来如此。既然这灵域法则之力息息相关。那施展之时,莫非也要靠法则之力维持?”韩立点了点头,问道。 That is true, and spirit domain is whether stable, power is whether powerful, is also related with the grasping degree of cultivator to power of magical principle. The silk of magical principle quantity that if you grasp are more, but also to a certain extent, strengthens spirit domain power.” old Daoist continues to say. “的确如此,并且灵域是否稳固,威能是否强大,与修士法则之力的掌握程度也有关。如果你掌握的法则之丝数量越多,也可从某种程度上,增强灵域威能。”老道继续说道。 One after another, old Daoist the basic common knowledge about spirit domain, will tell to Han Li. 陆陆续续,老道将一些关于灵域的基本常识,讲述给了韩立 Han Li listens, while saw to compare with the past in the heart, in those days had doubts, was solves finally most. 韩立一边听取,一边在心中与自己往日所见对照,往日许多疑惑,总算是解去大半。 End, old Daoist looked to Han Li, said slowly: 末了,老道看向韩立,缓缓说道: I teach your cultivation technique, no special name, is the Immortal Territory most common one method of spirit domain condense, is valued in popularly, is, you listen devotedly.” “我教你的这门功法,没有什么特别名目,是仙域最为常见的一种灵域凝练之法,贵在最为普及,也最是,你悉心听好。” Then, he then starts that cultivation technique mnemonics, taught to the Han Li hear. 说罢,他便开始将那门功法的口诀,传授给了韩立听。 During the spoken languages said very ordinary this cultivation technique, said that anything most common, seems any thing of rotten avenue, but that is compared to his original Supreme Unity Jade Immortal level, regarding Han Li present realm, is uncommon. 其言语间将这门功法说得很是平凡,说什么最为常见,仿佛是什么烂大街的东西,但那是相对于他原先的太乙玉仙层次而言,对于韩立如今的境界来说,却并不常见。 In fact, he in Torch Dragon Dao cultivation, had once sought for related cultivation technique, although in the gate has the book reservation, only has Golden Immortal above cultivation base to exchange, afterward in Unusual Alliance searched , is also the selling price is extremely high. 事实上,他在烛龙道修行的时候,也曾寻找过相关功法,门内虽有典藏,却只有金仙以上修为才能兑换,后来在无常盟中搜寻时,也是售价极高。 What's wrong, remembered?” old Daoist shot a look at his one eyes, asked. “如何,都记下了吗?”老道瞥了他一眼,问道。 Remembered, the cultivation getting up difficulty does not seem big, but after also confirmation, knows.” Han Li nods, said. “记下了,修炼起来难度似乎不大,不过也得验证之后才知道。”韩立点了点头,说道。 Knows that after your boy affirms has practiced, is willing to believe.” old Daoist ill-humored say/way. “就知道你小子肯定得练过之后,才肯相信。”老道没好气道。 Should soon, ask Senior to wait a bit some date and time again.” Han Li said with a smile. “应该用不了多久,就请前辈再稍等一些时日。”韩立笑着说道。 Then, he then strokes the sleeves, selfish turned around the hall, kept old Daoist one person to read to keep there broken. 说罢,他便一拂衣袖,自顾自的转身出了大厅,留老道一人在那里碎碎念个不停。
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