RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#467: Congealing ghost break through realm

After less than half double-hour, Han Li arrived at the darkroom center again, exhibits a rush cushion, sat cross-legged to sit. 小半个时辰后,韩立再度来到了暗室中央,摆出一个蒲团,盘膝坐了下来。 He puts out a hand to search into the bosom, after taking out entered Immortal Residence, Daoist Hu Yan gives his storage bag. 他伸手探入怀中,取出了进入仙府之后,呼言道人给他的那个储物袋 After opening, took out on one to mount golden trace snow white jade memo from inside, divine sense is sinking to slowly, examined carefully. 打开之后,从里面取出了一枚上面镶嵌着金色纹路的雪白玉简,神识缓缓沉入其中,仔细查看起来。 In this jade memo records, is not the otherness, is «Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture» four/4th layer cultivation technique. 玉简之内所记录的,不是他物,正是《真言化轮经》第四重功法 Compares in 2nd layer and three/3rd layer cultivation technique, is the mountain valley mystical place, is white sparrow leads the way, is the incomplete stele, this four/4th layer cultivation technique must come solid was easier, this makes Han Li feel that some are not clear. 相比于第二重和第三重功法,又是山谷秘境,又是白雀引路,又是残缺石碑,这第四重功法得来的实在容易了许多,这让韩立自己都觉得有些不真切。 However, he also wants to understand afterward, the remnant tablet in that mountain valley mystical place, mostly is former three/3rd layer cultivation technique this volume that Torch Dragon Dao Lord obtained in the past, places there pulling the wool over people's eyes intentionally, misleading the person into thinking that Torch Dragon Dao only has this three/3rd layer. 不过,他后来也想明白了,那山谷秘境中的残碑,多半是烛龙道主当年得到的前三重功法本卷,故意放在那里掩人耳目,让人误以为烛龙道只藏有这三重 In the jade memo as for his hand , like 1st layer cultivation technique that before obtains, but is the replica. 至于他手上的这枚玉简,和之前得到的第一重功法是一样的,只不过是复制品而已。 four/4th layer «Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture» content, before comparing, three/3rd layer is longer, crabbedly is more difficult to understand, Han Li threw into to study assiduously for a month, read through entire cultivation technique finally. 四重真言化轮经》的内容,相比前三重更加冗长,也更加艰涩难懂,韩立一头扎进去苦读了一个多月,才总算将整个功法通读了一遍。 In having the three/3rd layer cultivation technique cultivation foundation, he also roughly understood this heavy cultivation technique cultivation mechanism merely, but middle was still some keys, he has not ravelled for a short time. 在有了前三重功法修炼的基础上,他也不过是仅仅是大致弄懂了这重功法修炼机制,但当中仍是有些关键之处,他一时半会儿还弄不明白。 However, a special place that discovers, makes him pleasantly surprised actually extremely. 不过,从中发现的一个特别之处,倒是让他惊喜万分。 Originally, starts from Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture four/4th layer, because cultivator within the body had saved many power of Time Principle, then can pass feeling/reflection in the cultivation process, condense has the silk of time. 原来,从真言化轮经四重开始,因为修炼者体内已经积攒了不少的时间法则之力,在修炼过程中便能通过感悟,凝练出时间之丝了。 Have many as for can condense, must look at human body of internal storage power of magical principle cultivation many, with it regarding the Time Principle feeling/reflection strong and weak. 至于能够凝练出多少,就要看修炼之人体内存储法则之力的多少,和其对于时间法则感悟强弱了。 In the following two months, Han Li has not started cultivation Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture eagerly, but before , three/3rd layer cultivation technique reviewed carefully, contacts with four/4th layer merit Deity Manifestation mutually, shone mutually was comprehending. 接下来的两个多月时间里,韩立并未急于开始修炼真言化轮经,而是又将前三重功法仔细温习了一遍,与第四重法相互联系,互相映照着参悟了一遍。 However this process is time-consuming, actually has little effect, regarding feeling/reflection of some critical places, still bogged down. 不过这一过程耗时不少,却收效甚微,对于一些紧要之处的感悟,仍是停滞不前。 Han Li is not accidental/surprised, there is a preparation at heart. Now since is unable to leave, calms the mind to advance would rather cultivation, at the same time promotes cultivation base, one comprehends cultivation technique again, perhaps will have the unexpected harvest. 韩立对此毫不意外,也有了充分的心里准备。如今既然还是无法离开,倒不如静下心来先行修炼,一边提升修为,再一遍参悟功法,或许还会有意想不到的收获。 On this day, he sitting in meditation half day after the darkroom, took after medicine pill that strove cultivation base, then started cultivation to have Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture. 这一日,他在暗室之内静坐半日后,服下了一枚精进修为丹药后,便开始修炼真言化轮经来。 His body the golden light surges a while ago, Precious Mantra Wheel is revolving leisurely, appeared. 其身前一阵金光涌动,真言宝轮悠悠旋转着,浮现了出来。 Han Li raises eyes looks, immediately eyebrow raise, reveals wipes the amazed color. 韩立举目一望,顿时眉头一挑,露出一抹惊诧之色。 Sees only above treasure wheel, one group of Time Dao Mark shine, is glittering the translucent ray. 只见宝轮之上,正有一团时间道纹亮起,闪烁着半透明的光芒。 The Han Li pupil shrinks slightly, in the heart flashes through doubts. 韩立瞳孔微微一缩,心中闪过一丝疑惑。 Before he has been busy with comprehending Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture, actually has not noticed completely. 之前他一直忙于参悟真言化轮经,竟然完全没有注意到。 Vanishes completely from beforehand Dao mark now, passed at most is about four months, properly speaking should not have the Dao mark restoration, was because were many that two Time Principle silk reason? 从之前道纹全部消失到现在,至多过去了不过四个月,按理说不应该有道纹恢复的,难道是因为多了那两道时间法则之丝的缘故? The time crystal silk is extremely really mystical, actually Han Li cannot ravel it to have what use, if its can the speed that speeds up Time Dao Mark to restore, actually full good news. 时间晶丝实在太过神秘,韩立至今也没能弄明白其究竟都有何用处,不过若是其能够加快时间道纹恢复的速度,倒是十足的好消息。 Han Li also thought clearly, then not to tidy up a mood for a while, started cultivation to have Mantra Transformation Wheel Scripture. 韩立一时也想不明白,遂收拾了一下心情,开始修炼真言化轮经来。 Sees only in its magical formula to pinch, in the mouth resounds sound of the recitation in broken bits. 只见其手上法诀掐动,口中响起一阵细碎的吟诵之声。 Hangs to ripple the intermittent golden halo on Precious Mantra Wheel before its, loafed to float him behind, hovering above his top of the head, started to blossom in radiant splendor. 悬在其身前的真言宝轮上荡漾起阵阵金色光晕,悠悠荡荡地漂浮到了他身后,悬停在他头顶上方,开始大放光明。 The golden ray that above projects, reflects completely the entire darkroom immediately. 其上投射出的金色光线,立即映满整个暗室。 ...... …… The time flies, in an instant then crossed for more than hundred years. 时光飞逝,转眼间便过了百余年。 In the darkroom, Han Li sits cross-legged to sit in meditation, as if a back statue is motionless, the body actually appears up and down the pale golden ray. 暗室之内,韩立盘膝静坐,仿佛一樽石像般一动不动,身体上下却浮现出淡金色的光芒。 Long time later, he opens the eye slowly, in the eye a light golden ray slightly twinkle, immediately hidden pleasant bottom. 良久之后,他缓缓睁开眼睛,眼中淡淡的金色光芒略一闪烁,随即隐入眼底。 Looked that this situation gets down, only feared that the millenniums are not necessarily able to make a connection with immortal aperture...... to be difficult to be inadequate smoothly really want cultivation that Profound Evil Dark Spirit Technique?” His brow is slightly pressed, the look somewhat hesitates, mutters. “看这种情况下去,只怕千年都未必能够顺利打通一处仙窍……难不成真的要修炼玄煞暝灵功?”他的眉头微微蹙起,神色有些犹豫,喃喃自语道。 The consideration a moment later, in his heart moves suddenly, drank one in a low voice Demon Light. 思量片刻之后,他忽然心中一动,低声喝了一声“魔光”。 Before his body , a Shadow distortion that was shone upon rocks, swayed from side to side forward was elongating several points. 他身前被映照出来的影子一阵扭曲晃动,向前扭动着拉长了几分。 A slight abnormal noise resounds in the darkroom, a dark person's shadow, separates to leave from Shadow before Han Li body, stood slowly. 一阵轻微异响在暗室之中响起,一个黑乎乎的人影,从韩立身前的影子中分离脱出,缓缓站立了起来。 A that person's shadow black robe, the flesh dark like black ink, the appearance somewhat is unexpectedly similar to Han Li, a black hair throws over after behind, the whole body has black demon Qi to wind around faintly, actually Demon Light. 那人影一身黑袍,肌肤黝黑如墨,容貌竟与韩立有几分相似,一头黑发披在身后,周身隐隐有黑色魔气缭绕,却正是魔光 Experienced so many year of recreation, it fully seems to have restored, the body aura still won formerly. 经历了这么多年时间休养,其似乎已经完全恢复,身上气息犹胜从前了。 Fellow Daoist Han, you resounded finally.” The Demon Light corners of the mouth bring back, reveal wipe the evil charm happy expression, said slowly. 韩道友,你总算响起在下了。”魔光嘴角勾起,露出一抹邪魅笑意,缓缓说道。 after speaking, he faints from fear the aura that on suddenly Han Li lends, the look suddenly changes. 一语说罢,他忽然惊觉韩立身上散发的气息,神色骤然一变。 Han Li looks at this change in the eye, has not had any performance, but said indifferently: 韩立将这变化瞧在眼中,却并未有任何表现,只是淡然说道: These years experienced many things, but were not suitable to make you appear. Today has the incident to inquire by chance, but also looks at Fellow Daoist Demon Light to advise.” “这些年来经历了不少事情,只是一直不适合让你出现罢了。今日恰巧有一事相询,还望魔光道友指教。” „After never expected that previous time has seen, Fellow Daoist Han now is Golden Immortal, it seems like Demon Light chooses the vision of master, compared with beforehand good many. Fellow Daoist Han has anything to ask that said.” Demon Light said with a smile. “没想到上次见过之后,韩道友如今已是一名金仙了,看来魔光挑选主人的眼光,比之前好了不少。韩道友有什么想要问的,就说吧。”魔光笑着说道。 Regarding the Grey World incident, how many you have to understand?” Han Li also asked. “对于灰界一事,你有多少了解?”韩立又问道。 Grey World? This has made every effort to keep secret in Immortal Territory, is Ma Liang, in the past should not participate in many, therefore I know are not many, only knows that is one with the Immortal Territory quite boundless domain.” Demon Light considered the moment to say. 灰界?这在仙域一直讳莫如深,就是马良,当年应该也没有参与多少,所以我知道的并不多,只知道是一处与仙域相当的无垠界域。”魔光思量了片刻说道。 Then regarding evil Qi? Can you understand?” Han Li is somewhat disappointed , to continue to ask. “那对于煞气呢?你可有所了解?”韩立有些失望,继续问道。 Speaking of evil Qi, your cultivator should compared with me understand that is. As long as there are line of slaughtering actions, will then form the air/Qi of evil spirit in within the body, when such as our Beyond-the-Heaven Demon Clan slaughters, can absorb demon Qi general. You usually in not obviously, only if some people slaughter really excessive, evil Qi empty is the reality, will reveal.” Demon Light answered. “说到煞气,你们修士应该比我更了解才是。但凡有行杀戮之举,便会在体内形成凶煞之气,就如我们天外魔族杀戮之时,能吸取魔气一般。只是你们平日里并不会显化,除非有些人杀戮实在过重,煞气化虚为实,才会自行显露出来。”魔光解释道。 You may once hear, can Immortal World have what promotes cultivation base cultivation technique through evil Qi?” Han Li nod of looking pensive, asked. “那你可曾听说过,仙界可有何通过煞气提升修为功法?”韩立若有所思的点了点头,问道。 As far as I know, this cultivation technique indeed has, but will not have cultivator initiative cultivation generally, it is said that will affect the cultivation promotion of some Late Stage stage, was equal to adding on a cultivation bottleneck to oneself imperceptibly, was the act of inviting trouble.” After Demon Light slightly hesitates, said slowly. “据我所知,这种功法的确是有的,只不过一般不会有修士主动修炼,据说会影响到后期某一阶段的修行晋升,等于无形中给自己加上了一个修行瓶颈,属于自找苦吃的行径。”魔光略一沉吟后,缓缓说道。 Han Li hears word, long time has not spoken, Demon Light also on calmly stands in the one side, is taking a look at him silently. 韩立闻言,半晌没有说话,魔光也就静静立在一旁,默然打量着他。 This time Thank you for the support, when the matter, I will narrate with the fellow daoist again.” Han Li looked up Demon Light, the sleeve robe wielded fiercely, Demon Light form then empty, integrated in his Shadow again. “此番有劳了,等此间事了,我会再与道友一叙的。”韩立抬头看了一眼魔光,袖袍猛地一挥,魔光的身影便再次虚化,融入了他的影子中。 Several tens of thousands years of years, really cannot wait......” “数万年岁月,实在等不起啊……” After Han Li sighed, both hands pinched strange magical formula, above the whole body black light dodge, everywhere evil Qi was turbulent immediately, camouflaged the entire darkroom. 韩立叹息一声后,双手一掐古怪法诀,周身之上乌光一闪,漫天煞气顿时汹涌而出,遮蔽了整个暗室。 As in its sound of recitation gradually resounds, the wild horse that evil Qi that the seemingly chaotic disorder such as the dark cloud surges, was restrained the reins suddenly probably, stopped spreading to the surrounding, instead started gradually to contract to gather. 随着其口中吟诵之声逐渐响起,看似混乱无序如乌云涌动的煞气,忽然像是被勒住缰绳的野马,停止了向外围扩散,反而开始逐渐收缩聚拢起来。 The color becomes more and more heavy, the haze also becomes the congealing reality more and more, attaches to go toward the Han Li body surface. 其颜色变得越来越重,烟气也变得越来越凝实,朝着韩立的体表附着而去。 After evil Qi concentrates is solid, to stain his skin, Han Li felt immediately the feeling of difference, in heart one tight, has not actually received the hand to stop, but continues to direct these evil Qi, goes toward oneself aperture. 煞气凝实之后再沾上他的皮肤,韩立顿时就感觉到了异样之感,心中一紧,却没有就此收手停下,而是继续引着这些煞气,朝着自己身上的窍穴而去。 Seeing only these evil Qi is ordinary like magical power, assembles one to go toward own rib next aperture place impact, aperture that is always entirely still, was captured by coming evil Qi immediately, has broken burst the sign. 只见这些煞气如同法力一般,集结一处朝着自己肋下一处窍穴处冲击而去,一直以来纹丝不动的窍穴,顿时被汹涌而来的煞气攻入,有了破溃迹象。 Han Li sees this, in the heart moves, immediately closes both eyes, cultivation gets up with concentration. 韩立见此,心中一动,当即闭上双目,潜心修炼起来。 Has not known how long, spread from Han Li along with a slight sound, the small-scale vortex appears together under its rib, attracts the surrounding Heaven and Earth vitality to come, floods into his to locate in aperture. 不知过了多久,伴随着一声轻微声响从韩立身上传出,紧接着一道小型漩涡浮现在其肋下,吸引着周围的天地元气汹涌而至,汩汩涌入他的那处窍穴之中。 After dozens breaths, after all golden light outs of phase vanish thoroughly, under the Han Li rib changes comes out a golden luminous spot. 数十息后,待所有金光异相彻底消失之后,韩立肋下变多出来一个金色光点。 This 37 th immortal aperture links up finally! 这第三十七处仙窍终于贯通! The Han Li intention moves, locates the immortal aperture investigation to go in toward that sees only besides condensing massive immortal spirit strength, but also is floating wisp of black evil Qi, looks very superficial, not too many differences. 韩立心念一动,朝着那处仙窍探查而去,只见里面除了凝聚着大量的仙灵力之外,还漂浮着一缕黑色的煞气,看起来十分浅淡,并无太多异样。 In his heart is slightly peaceful, the palm slightly wields, the Precious Mantra Wheel move before the body. 他心中稍安,手掌又略一挥动,将真言宝轮招至身前。 Sees only above treasure wheel, has restored besides many Time Dao Mark, in approaching the position of inner loop, came out two groups, the grand total got made 362 groups. 只见宝轮之上,除了不少时间道纹已经恢复之外,在靠近内圈的位置上,又多出来了两团,总计变作了三百六十二团。 Then, after advancement Golden Immortal, these years he is still not able to care about the matter of Heaven-Wielding Bottle, pours has not attempted to continue through the congealment crystal grain to increase Dao mark, only after having and other later left this place, then makes the plan. 说起来,自进阶金仙之后,这些年他尚无法顾及掌天瓶之事,倒还没有尝试继续通过凝结晶粒增加道纹,唯有等以后离开此地后,再做打算了。 Han Li is so thinking, in the hand magical formula changes, above stimulates to movement Precious Mantra Wheel to come, to see only the golden light silently to ripple, release layer upon layer golden ripples, all and originally not different. 韩立如此想着,手中法诀一变,默默催动起真言宝轮来,只见其上金光荡漾,释放出层层金色涟漪,一切都与原先没什么两样。 Later two during the day, Han Li has not continued cultivation, but is observing own condition devotedly, confirmed again after having nothing obviously exceptionally changes, gradual reassurance. 之后的两日间,韩立没有续修炼,而是悉心观察着自身的状况,再确认没有什么明显异常变化后,才逐渐的放下心来。 After having taken medicine pill, he then set off the cultivation journey. 服用过丹药后,他便又踏上了修炼的征程。 ...... …… Sits in meditation cultivation, the years does not know, in a flash unexpectedly is thousand years. 入定修行,岁月不知,一晃竟是千余载。 On this day, since Han Li break through realm has become Golden Immortal, quiet long time sky over ruins city, suddenly has the strong winds to blow the volume, the dark cloud rolls up and pushes along, the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy such as the rivers and streams tide is ordinary, in a botanical garden cohesion toward city wells up. 这一日,自打韩立破境成为金仙以来,已经沉寂良久废墟城池上空,忽然有狂风吹卷,乌云卷动,天地灵气如江河大潮一般,朝着城中的一个园林内聚涌而来。 In the dim weather, a surrounding area is almost bigger than the entire city spiritual energy vortex to produce baseless, like a giant funnel that links up Heaven and Earth, pours into the Heaven and Earth vitality the botanical garden in crazily pitch-dark large cave/hole. 昏暗的天色中,一个方圆几乎大过整个城池灵气漩涡凭空生成,如同一个贯通天地的巨大漏斗,疯狂地将天地元气灌入园林内一个黑漆漆的大洞中。 Wells up the Heaven and Earth vitality of entering crazily, fulls floaded operation entire passageway instantaneously, like be continuous unceasing rivers and streams, floods into the darkroom in mausoleum chamber deep place. 狂涌而入的天地元气,瞬间灌满整个甬道,如同一条绵延不绝的江河,涌入地宫深处的一个暗室之中。
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