RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#466: Side door

Chī la a sound! 哧啦”一声响! That black iron needle on slate trembles slightly, then leaps up together the poisonous snake black electricity glow, hit all of a sudden on the fingertip of Han Li. 石盘上的那根黑色铁针微微一颤,接着从中蹿出一道毒蛇般的黑色电芒,一下子打在了韩立的指尖上。 An sharp sensation of pain goes directly to divine soul, hurt him to hold breath cold air, the eyebrow pulled out slightly, retracted the hand. 一股尖锐痛觉直达神魂,疼得他不禁倒吸了一口凉气,眉稍不禁一抽,缩回了手来。 Hears inside sound, had restored several points of physical strength old Daoist remnant soul in soul-resting furnace, cannot bear sends out one taking pleasure in others' misfortunes quack strange laughter. 听到里面的动静,在养魂炉里已经恢复了几分气力的老道残魂,忍不住发出一阵幸灾乐祸的嘎嘎怪笑声。 Finally, has not waited for him to smile, soul-resting furnace had been curled by the azure light together, pulled into the hall. 结果,还不等他笑完,养魂炉就被一道青光卷过,扯入了大厅之内。 Aiyu, I said your small......” the golden ray in ground covers again, old Daoist exudes one to shout immediately miserably. “哎呦,我说你这小……”地面上的金色光芒再次笼罩过来,老道立即发出一声惨呼。 Han Li wipes conveniently, the circular light arc covered together immediately, wrapped entire soul-resting furnace, old Daoist that infiltrated the pitiful yell sound of person to stop. 韩立随手一抹,一道圆形光弧立即笼罩了上去,将整个养魂炉包裹了起来,老道那渗人的惨叫声才消停了下来。 Small...... boy, calculates you to suppress, back then said the master I......” the old Daoist look is grieved, said spookily. “小……小子,算你狠,想当年道爷我……”老道神色惨然,幽幽说道。 Said to look, this inside thing what's the matter?” Han Li holds the incense burner, in the sundial to stone platform selected raises eyebrow, broke asking of old Daoist spoken language. “说说看,这里面的东西是怎么回事?”韩立手捧着香炉,冲着石台上的日晷挑了挑眉,打断了老道言语的问道。 Said where the master knows...... yeah...... had the words to say well, left......” “道爷哪儿知道……哎……有话好好说,别……” His words have not said, sees Han Li to lift the hand to withdraw that matter light arc, immediately begs for mercy repeatedly. 他话还没说完,就见韩立抬手要将那层光弧撤去,立即连声讨饶。 „...... This is the moon sundial, is the core of here mystical place is, only then its thorough wrecking, may leave this mystical place.” old Daoist said worn out. “……这是太阴日晷,也是此处秘境的核心所在,只有将其彻底击毁,才有可能离开这处秘境。”老道有气无力说道。 So long as ruins it on the line?” Han Li hears word, in the eye flashes through being eager to try color saying. “只要将其毁掉就行?”韩立闻言,眼中闪过一丝跃跃欲试之色的说道。 „The master advised politely your one, depending on your boy that strength, is thinking now shook this thing hardly, fought a hopeless battle radically, once the Yin thunder of its release backlashed, fell a being frightened out of one's wits fate carefully.” old Daoist sneers to say suddenly, the tone is ten segregates unexpectedly heavily. “道爷奉劝你一句,凭你小子现在那点实力,就想着硬撼此物,根本是以卵击石,一旦其释放的阴雷反噬,小心落个魂飞魄散的下场。”老道忽然冷笑说道,语气竟是十分凝重。 Before you have said that if grasps the time or Space Principle, regarding the break/solve mystical place core is of great help right?” Han Li is hesitating asking. “之前你说过,若是掌握有时间或者空间法则,对于破解秘境核心大有裨益对吧?”韩立沉吟着问道。 That is natural , the time and Space Principle, are one of the Three Great Supreme Principles, the ordinary principle may compare can it be that! The Space Principle itself is the source that all space wall barrier and restriction have acts according, comes break/solve to belong to race to the source by this. As for Time Principle , because this moon sundial itself is a implication has power of time half immortal artifact......” old Daoist to answer directly. “那是自然,要知道,时间和空间法则,乃是本界三大至尊法则之一,岂是普通法则可比!空间法则本就是所有空间壁障禁制存在的本源依据,以此来破解属于追本溯源。至于时间法则,是因为这太阴日晷本就是一件蕴含有时间之力的半仙器……”老道侃侃解释道。 Han Li hears word, the brow tightened immediately pressed. 韩立闻言,眉头顿时紧蹙了起来。 Just now his probe, not from detects power of Time Principle. 方才他一番试探,可并未从其中察觉出时间法则之力来。 Senior, we might as well said a saying candidly. I exactly then am cultivation Time Principle, why when just now investigation, has not discovered on this sundial, what power of time there is?” Han Li spoke to break the verboseness of old Daoist, the sinking sound asked. 前辈,我们不妨开诚布公的说上一说。我恰好便是修炼时间法则,为何方才探查之时,并未发现这日晷上,有什么时间之力?”韩立出言打断了老道的絮絮叨叨,沉声问道。 What, your boy has not cracked a joke, are really you cultivation Time Principle? Do not fool a master I, and you said that but once did condense have the silk of time? There are several?” old Daoist hears word, is overjoyed immediately, stood from the stove all of a sudden, but then the surface reveals asking of doubt. “什么,你小子没开玩笑吧,你真是修炼时间法则的?你可别唬道爷我,你且说说,可曾凝练出时间之丝?有几根?”老道闻言,顿时大喜过望,一下子从炉子里站了起来,但接着又面露出一丝狐疑的问道。 Senior please first answer my issue.” Han Li is unemotional, said. 前辈请先回答我的问题。”韩立面无表情,说道。 Good, said that the master believes your for the time being! However, said that the master has seen your boy root bone to be elegant, the appearance is uncommon, wants to come to the non- average man...... as for unable to discover the fishy on moon sundial, evidently the silk of your time at most is about five, otherwise was insufficient unable to discover.” old Daoist smiles, first yes in wordy pulled one, finally said. “好吧,道爷姑且信你一回!不过话说回来,道爷早就见你这小子根骨清奇,面相不凡,想来必非常人……至于没能发现太阴日晷上的蹊跷,看样子你的时间之丝至多不过五根,否则不至于发现不了。”老道嘿嘿一笑,先是啰里啰嗦的扯了一通,最后才说道。 You were said that my Time Principle did grasp the degree to be insufficient?” Han Li hears word, saying of eyebrow raise. “你是说我时间法则掌握程度不够?”韩立闻言,眉头一挑的说道。 Like this said that what even if your cultivation is Time Principle cultivation technique, wants to ruin here core, must at least Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage above cultivation base, and grasps at least...... at least also takes six Time Principle silk, may achieve.” old Daoist continues to say. “这样说吧,即使你修炼的是时间法则功法,想要毁掉此处核心,也必须要至少金仙中期以上修为,并且掌握至少……至少也要六根时间法则之丝,才有可能做到。”老道继续说道。 Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage...... is open about the facts Senior, my Golden Immortal Early Stage cultivation base not yet thorough stable, if cultivation to Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage, does not have the ten thousand years years is impossible.” Han Li frowns to say. 金仙中期……不瞒前辈,我这金仙初期修为都尚未彻底稳固,若要修炼金仙中期,没有个万载岁月是不可能的。”韩立蹙眉道。 Young fellow, the tone may be really big, do 10,000 years think advancement Intermediate Stage? The important highway master I said, cultivation Three Great Supreme Principles, does not have 1 million years, do not want to bridge over this ridge! This, calculates toward few.” old Daoist both eyes stare, snort contemptuously to say. “好小子,口气可真不小,一万年就想进阶中期?要道爷我说,修炼三大至尊法则,没个百万年,你别想跨过这道坎!就这,还是往少里算的。”老道双目一瞪,嗤之以鼻道。 Han Li hears word, silent, the old Daoist spoken language did not say things just to frighten people, in without Golden Immortal came in handy under the assistance of medicine pill, he indeed has not grasped in several tens of thousands years, advancement Intermediate Stage. 韩立闻言,不由沉默了下来,老道的言语并不是危言耸听,在没有金仙合用丹药的辅助下,他的确没有把握在数万年内,进阶中期 Your boy should not be discouraged. Then, is your boy assigns/life, ran into a master I, said that the master my also has a method to be able to add on you, does not know, your boy does dare to use?” old Daoist sized up Han Li one up and down, provokes the intent flavor in a tone with a touch. “不过你小子也别气馁。说起来,也算是你小子命好,遇到了道爷我,道爷我这还有个法子或许能帮得上你,就是不知道,你小子敢不敢用?”老道上下打量了韩立一眼,语气略带挑衅意味道。 What method?” Han Li looks to that wisp of remnant soul, asked. “什么法子?”韩立看向那缕残魂,问道。 „The advancement Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage difficult place, lies on making a connection of 24 immortal aperture. This 24 apertures difficulty, is far from True Immortal Realm that 36 hole may compare, but said that the master I have one type to inspire evil Qi to attack the immortal aperture method, can shorten your cultivation time enormously.” old Daoist shook saying of head. 进阶金仙中期的困难之处,在于二十四个仙窍的打通上。这二十四窍的难度,远非真仙境三十六窍可比,而道爷我有一种引动煞气冲击仙窍的法门,能够极大缩短你的修炼时间。”老道晃了晃头颅的说道。 evil Qi? This side door way, after only fears the use, meets no end of trouble for the future?” Han Li frowned, sneered saying. 煞气?这种偏门路径,只怕使用之后,会后患无穷吧?”韩立眉头一蹙,冷笑了一声的说道。 Who didn't say? Otherwise said why the master I must first ask you do dare? You listened to a master I to say for the time being the words, as for must cultivate/repair, that was your boy own matter. Actually evil Qi is like magical power, itself has your within the body, is only generally, never obviously. If said that future trouble, is in immortal aperture that you make a connection with, will have evil Qi to preserve, as for the concrete influence, is different from person to person, old Daoist is unable to say insightfully.” old Daoist hehe, answered. “谁说不是呢?否则道爷我为何要先问你敢不敢?你姑且听道爷我把话说完,至于要不要修,那是你小子自己的事。其实煞气法力一样,本身就存在你体内,只是一般情况下,从不显化而已。若说后患的话,便是你打通的仙窍之内,会有煞气存留,至于具体影响,因人而异,老道也无法说得通透。”老道嘿嘿一声,解释道。 After saying, old Daoist recalls the incident suddenly, is busy at saying: Right, a drawback, was this method is like Divinity Cultivation Technique, was Heavenly Court does not accommodate. Once were discovered, likely draws on inspecting immortal envoy, but troubles.” 说完之后,老道忽又记起一事,忙说道:“对了,还有一个弊端,就是此法门与炼神术一样,为天庭所不容。一旦被发现,很可能招来巡察仙使,可是麻烦的很呢。” Han Li hears word, routine rubbed the nose, during is lost in thought. 韩立闻言,习惯性的揉了揉鼻子,陷入了沉思之中。 This method sounds such strange, the drawback definitely continues these that this old Daoist said that as for was not accommodated by Heavenly Court, he does not care, oneself cultivation Divinity Cultivation Technique, have repaired in any case same is accommodated, the difference/two kinds does not accommodate, no difference. 这法门听起来这么邪乎,弊端肯定不止这老道说的那些,至于被天庭不容,他倒不在乎,反正自己本身已经修炼炼神术,修一样是被不容,两样还是不容,也没什么区别。 If passes immortal aperture by this field of endeavor, how much time can shorten?” After long time, Han Li raised the head to ask. “若以此道通仙窍,能够缩短多少时间?”半晌之后,韩立抬起头问道。 This, is different from person to person, evil Qi thick...... in other words, was kills the immortal to be many, the nature was easy to link up immortal aperture. As for evil Qi sparse, the nature was slow on the speed. However, the master me, your appearance, should be strong according to eternal principles not, supports to pick up a time of speed, on correct/good. However do not despise this time of speed, even if top medicine pill, not necessarily has this effect!” old Daoist shot a look at Han Li one, chuckle said. “这个嘛,也是因人而异,煞气浓厚者……换句话说,就是杀得仙多了,自然容易贯通仙窍。至于煞气稀疏者,自然就速度缓慢了。不过,依道爷我来看,你这模样,应该浓厚不到哪里去,撑死加快一倍速度,就不错了。不过你可别小看这一倍速度,哪怕是顶级丹药,也未必有此功效!”老道瞥了韩立一眼,轻笑一声说道。 evil Qi is whether thick, how to examine?” Han Li has not paid attention to the old Daoist spoken language, asked. 煞气是否浓厚,如何查看?”韩立没有理会老道的言语,问道。 This ease in doing, said that the master I teaches you evil Qi to melt the secret art obviously, is good to be of pleasant to hear.” Then, old Daoist then read aloud strange mnemonics. “这个好办,道爷我教你一段煞气显化诀,好好听着。”说罢,老道便念诵了一段古怪口诀。 Han Li depends on the instruction of old Daoist, both hands is withholding strange magical formula, started to recite that mnemonics: 韩立依着老道的指示,双手扣出一个古怪法诀,开始了吟诵起那段口诀来: Disposition Yin-Yang, has three ghosts...... the evil spirit to gather the bubbling spring unreliably Yin, in the blood ghost closes in...... the ghost from the day spirit, melts such as the dusk spirit obviously!” “一气分阴阳,玄阴有三煞……凶煞聚涌泉,血煞内关驻……煞从天灵起,显化如暝灵!” Presently “现” Han Li orders, the single foot stamps fiercely, the entire hall also shakes. 韩立一声令下,单脚猛一跺地,整个大厅都随之一震。 Sees only smog appearances the black air/Qi, raises from its top of the head rolling, such as the dark clouds spread generally, camouflaged the entire hall vault, his body also one continuously thick black like black ink, concentrates the qualitative black haze to fill the winding truthfully. 只见一道道烟雾模样的黑气,从其头顶之上滚滚升起,如黑云一般蔓延开来,遮蔽了整个大厅穹顶,其身上也被一缕缕浓黑如墨,凝如实质的黑色烟气弥漫缠绕。 These black air/Qi appear from its within the body continuously, interweave the tumbling, thick just like ink. 这些黑气源源不断从其体内浮现,交织翻滚,浓稠宛如墨汁。 On the Han Li whole person the aura quite the same as changes, evil Qi soars to the heavens. 韩立整个人身上气息浑然一变,煞气冲天。 The old Daoist remnant soul treats in the incense burner, is looking at present just like Han Li of ghost god, mouth big, quite a while cannot close up, if not he does not have true body, this moment chin only feared that must be startled. 老道残魂待在香炉之内,望着眼前宛如一尊煞神的韩立,嘴巴大张,半天合拢不上,若非他没有实体,此刻下巴只怕都要惊掉了。 This, this...... is really splendid sight, splendid sight...... since your boy cultivation, actually to kill many people......” he to mutter. “这,这……真是蔚为壮观,蔚为壮观……你这小子修炼至今,究竟杀了多少人呐……”他喃喃自语道。 The Han Li feeling has not had many differences, but felt after these black fog apparent, oneself instead felt with ease, but also gave birth to nondescriptive vicious tendencies at heart. 韩立并未感觉有多少异样,只是觉得这些黑雾外显之后,自身反而觉得轻松了许多,但同时心里也生出了一丝难以名状的戾气。 My evil Qi how?” Under under a Han Li intention revolution, constrains the unusual form in heart, looked that asked to old Daoist. “我的煞气如何?”韩立心念一转之下,压抑下心中的异状,看向老道问道。 evil Qi rich rich such as you, old Daoist has seen much, but most bloody air/Qi are rich, presents the dark red color, your is very different, is black is so purely, is a promising young man, is really a promising young man. To come cultivation my method, the drawback at least also to subtract the larger part again.” old Daoist said. 煞气之浓郁丰厚如你者,老道见过不少,但大多数血腥气浓郁,呈现出暗红之色,你这却很不同,黑得是如此得纯粹,孺子可教,真是孺子可教也。想来修炼我这法门,弊端至少还能再减掉一大半。”老道啧啧称赞道。 Han Li hears word, how has not felt joyfully, in the hand magical formula receives, these were still assigned away from the capital, but the billowing black air/Qi, restrained his within the body immediately, vanished. 韩立闻言,并未觉得如何欣喜,手上法诀一收,那些仍在外放而出的滚滚黑气,顿时收敛回了他的体内,消失一空。 Why to be receiving anxiously? Has not been assigned away from the capital......” old Daoist somewhat to complain thoroughly. “干嘛急着收回去?都还没有彻底外放出来……”老道有些埋怨道。 Teaches me your cultivation technique.” Han Li says. “把你的功法教给我吧。”韩立开口说道。 „Does decision need to use? You may think, hehe......” old Daoist asked with a smile. “决定要用了?你可想好了,嘿嘿……”老道笑着问道。 Han Li has not replied, he has not decided to use this law immediately, but is thinking first takes cultivation technique, is used not to use specifically, the back sight cultivation condition said again. 韩立没有答话,他并未决定立即使用此法,只是想着先将功法拿到手,具体用于不用,之后视修炼状况再说。 Obtains that named «Profound Evil Dark Spirit Technique» evil Qi cultivation technique after the old Daoist place, he then its remnant soul, returns to that mausoleum chamber hall that he was. 老道处得到那部名为《玄煞暝灵功》的煞气功法之后,他便将其残魂,送回了他原先所在的那处地宫大厅。 In order to help its stable soul, then also placed there that only soul-resting furnace temporarily. 为了帮助其稳固魂魄,便将那只养魂炉也暂时放在了那里。 Although has not known in this old Daoist spoken language now somewhat the genuine and fake, but this person understands inevitably much Dark Cold Immortal Palace, expected that a wisp of remnant soul is unable to cause anything to threaten to oneself, remains would rather first. 虽然如今还不知道这老道所述言语中有几分真假,但此人对于冥寒仙宫必然了解不少,料想一缕残魂对自己也无法造成什么威胁,倒不如留下来先。 After completing all these, Han Li comes to another area big mausoleum chamber darkroom, closes after stone door, starts to take out method restriction magical array, arranges busily. 做完这一切后,韩立来到另一间面积不小的地宫暗室,将石门关闭后,开始取出一套套禁制法阵,忙碌布置起来。
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