RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#465: Core

Han Li is enduring in the heart surprised, listening to this old Daoist remnant soul to continue saying: 韩立忍着心中惊疑,听这老道残魂继续说道: Back then, this was called the Mo Yu grey immortal female, suppressed the realm aura to mix in my Dark Cold Immortal Palace in the mystique. I see its natural talent correct/good, then moved to read, his received into disciple, passed on her unsurpassed swordsmanship, gave her spirit domain secret technique. Result......” “想当年呐,这名叫墨雨灰仙女子,以秘法压制境界气息混入了我的冥寒仙宫。我见其天资不错,便动了凡念,将其收入门下,传她无上剑法,授她灵域秘术。结果……” At this point, old Daoist stopped the moment to continue: Finally, she actually attempts to take Immortal Palace as the entrance, opens passageway to Grey World, directing these Grey World lifeform to invade Immortal Territory. When the master I battle with it, already with Samsara Palace that Grey World acted in collusion, seized the chance to mount a large-scale attack Dark Cold Immortal Palace, eventually caused the war to lose control, aiya, but was really miserable......” 说到这里,老道停顿了片刻才继续说:“结果,她却妄图以仙宫为入口,打开通往灰界通道,引那些灰界生物侵入仙域。在道爷我与之交战之时,早已与灰界沆瀣一气的轮回殿,趁机大举进攻冥寒仙宫,最终导致战事失控,哎呀,可真是惨呐……” Dark Cold Immortal Palace was broken through, you defeated!” Han Li opens the mouth suddenly, added. 冥寒仙宫被攻破,你们败了!”韩立蓦的开口,补充道。 Defeated......, what advantage don't they decline finally? Pitifully my Dark Cold Immortal Palace well, making torn to pieces, only feared that many regions have lost thoroughly.” old Daoist somewhat regrets to say. “败了……哼,他们最终不也没落得什么好处?只是可惜我这好好的一处冥寒仙宫,给闹得个支离破碎,只怕不少地域都已经彻底失落了。”老道有些惋惜道。 In your Dark Cold Immortal Palace, can have a Vast Cold World such region?” Han Li recalls the incident suddenly, is busy at asking. “你这冥寒仙宫中,可有广寒界这么一块地域?”韩立忽然记起一事,忙问道。 Vast Cold World...... that naturally has, you asked that this does do really?” old Daoist remnant soul raises eyebrow, asked. 广寒界……那自然是有的,你问这作甚?”老道残魂一挑眉,问道。 Han Li hears this word, then understands, this Vast Cold World only feared was in the past that post-war, lost thoroughly, goes through many places to wander about destitute Spirit World, becomes a there side mystical place. 韩立闻听此言,便明白过来,这广寒界只怕便是当年那一战后,彻底失落,辗转流落到了灵界,成为了那里的一方秘境。 Words of such saying, oneself once Ten Thousand-Swords Chart that obtained from Vast Cold World, only feared that was also the Lifeless Sword Sect thing. 这么一说的话,自己曾经从广寒界中得到的万剑图,只怕也是原属于无生剑宗的东西了。 Boy, you asked so many wordy, is the yielding the way master also asks your several?” old Daoist sees Han Li not to speak, does not care, smiles asking. “小子,你罗里吧嗦问了这么多,是不是让道爷也问问你几句?”老道韩立没说话,也不在意,嘿嘿一笑的问道。 How that war concludes finally, how did you come here?” Han Li turns a deaf ear, asked. “那场战事最终如何收尾的,你又是如何到了这里的?”韩立充耳不闻,自顾自问道。 Oh, the situation compared with person, was really the young heart in the old days......” old Daoist is choked half dead, shook the head, the mouth while mumbled. “唉,形势比人强,真是人心不古啊……”老道被噎了个半死,一边摇头,嘴里一边嘟囔。 Han Li is unemotional, the long sword in hand had not received, at this moment hefted hefting slightly. 韩立面无表情,手中的长剑也一直没有收起,此刻又稍稍掂了掂。 Coughed...... the words saying that this war finally how, after I not clear...... Mo Yu Samsara Palace helped, said that master I by an enemy two, after severe wound them, what a pity was overwhelmed by sheer numbers, cannot avoid being defeated eventually, the mortal body was destroyed...... but, old Daoist I only escaped here by a wisp of remnant soul, oneself will prohibit, waiting rescue.” old Daoist coughed, said slowly. “咳……话说这战事最终如何了,我并不清楚……墨雨轮回殿强援来了之后,道爷我以一敌二,重伤他们二人之后,可惜寡不敌众,终究没能避免落败,肉身被毁……无奈之下,老道我只以一缕残魂逃到了这里,将自己封禁了起来,等待救援。”老道干咳了一声,缓缓说道。 „, Why the Heavenly Court not make a move rescue, aren't they always do not gather with Samsara Palace?” Asking that the Han Li brow tip selects slightly. “哦,为何天庭出手救援,他们不是一向与轮回殿不合么?”韩立眉梢微微一挑的问道。 Hehe, said the master I although in the past wielded Dark Cold Immortal Palace, was actually used to freely, is not willing to drop immortal in Heavenly Court, always was also listens to move to them does not listen to proclaim, at the last moment, they naturally were glad a mutual wounds, profited from another's strife again. Said the master, if has not guessed that wrong, present Dark Cold Immortal Territory, only feared that has been taken over control by Heavenly Court thoroughly?” old Daoist hehe, asked with a smile. “嘿嘿,道爷我当年虽然执掌冥寒仙宫,却是自由惯了,不愿意在天庭落下仙籍,对他们一向也是听调不听宣,事到临头,他们自然乐得等个两败俱伤,再来坐收渔利。道爷若没猜错的话,现在的冥寒仙域,只怕已经彻底由天庭接管了吧?”老道嘿嘿一声,笑着问道。 Dark Cold Immortal Territory has changed the name is Northern Cold Immortal Territory, present Northern Cold Immortal Palace, indeed by the Heavenly Court subordination.” Han Li nods to say. 冥寒仙域已经更名为北寒仙域了,如今的北寒仙宫,的确是由天庭统属了。”韩立点了点头说道。 old Daoist hears word, is startled slightly, no longer spoke, fell into long time silent good. 老道闻言,微微一怔,不再说话,陷入了良久的沉默良。 Where do these statues come?” Han Li sees that received Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, observed the situation surrounding, asked. “这些雕像都是哪里来的?”韩立见状,将青竹蜂云剑收了起来,环视了周围一圈,问道。 Idles the safe/without matter, makes a craftsmanship to live, kills the time, what kind of, but also correct/good?” old Daoist smiles suddenly, asked. “闲来无事,做点手艺活,消磨时间,怎么样,还不错吧?”老道忽然嘿嘿一笑,问道。 Since you prohibit here, hasn't left the going out leeway to oneself?” Han Li also asked. “既然你自我封禁在这里,就没有给自己留条出去的后路吗?”韩立又问道。 Here is a prison cell, said that the master I escapes in a hurry, where has the time to arrange the escape route?” A old Daoist raises eyebrow head, like looking at the idiot shot a look at Han Li one, said. “这里本就是一间囚室,道爷我仓促之间逃进来的,哪有时间安排后路?”老道挑眉头,像看白痴一样瞥了韩立一眼,说道。 Then, how should this small mystical place go out you not to know?” Han Li silent moment, asked. “这么说来,这处小秘境该如何出去你也不知道?”韩立沉默了片刻,问道。 He regarding at present this old Daoist, can only believe at most 50%, in the heart always thought that the opposite party has concealed, but for a short time, cannot pick up any obvious problem. 他对于眼前这老道所述,顶多只能信个50%,心中总觉得对方有所隐瞒,但一时半会儿,又挑不出什么明显的毛病。 old Daoist heard that the word sized up his several eyes up and down, shakes the head, said: „To go out relied on your present strength, said that the master I delivers you character- no way.” 老道闻言上下打量了他几眼,摇了摇头,啧啧道:“凭你现在的实力想出去,道爷我送你俩字-没戏。” „, Your excellency what has this word?” The Han Li doubts said. “哦,阁下何出此言?”韩立疑惑道。 „After this mystical place seals up, does not open from outside, to go out from inside, only then means that that breaks its revolution core directly. But this core and entire mystical place are connected, once were attacked, then can the Heaven and Earth spirit strength resistance of gathering entire mystical place implication. If said that master my beforehand cultivation base, does not have the issue actually, but your boy at best Golden Immortal Early Stage? Then on don't thinks, was staying honestly here, I keeps company with the master.” old Daoist smiles, said. “这处秘境封闭之后,不从外面打开,而若想要从里面出去,就只有一个办法,那就是直接打破它的运转核心。可这核心与整个秘境相关联,一旦受到攻击,便会集合整个秘境蕴含的天地灵力对抗。若是道爷我以前的修为嘛,倒是没问题,可你小子充其量不过金仙初期吧?那就甭想着出去了,老实呆这儿,和道爷我做个伴吧。”老道笑了笑,说道。 May I ask Senior passing cultivation base is what realm?” The Han Li title suddenly changes, asked. “敢问前辈过往修为是何境界?”韩立称谓忽然一变,问道。 „It is not high, is not high, said that the master I once was Supreme Unity Jade Immortal Late Stage.” old Daoist smiles, although is a wisp of remnant soul, on the face still showed the self-satisfied smile. “不高,不高,道爷我曾是一名太乙玉仙后期。”老道嘿嘿一笑,虽是一缕残魂,脸上仍是露出了得意笑容。 Although Han Li had guessed, but when hears the answer, cannot bear feel somewhat shocking. 韩立虽然对此已经有所猜测,但在听到答案的时候,还是忍不住感到有些震惊。 That pressed Senior saying that I only then achieved Supreme Unity Late Stage cultivation base, could break that mystical place core?” He opens the mouth to ask. “那按前辈所说,我只有达到太乙后期修为,才有可能打破那秘境核心?”他开口问道。 Poured need not Late Stage, Supreme Unity Early Stage should be OK, but your boy...... yeah, right, what your cultivation was what cultivation technique? Can have to grasp power of magical principle?” The old Daoist words saying half, suddenly asked. “倒也不一定需要后期,太乙初期应该就可以了,不过你小子……哎,对了,你修炼的是什么功法?可有掌握法则之力?”老道话说一半,忽然问道。 What relations does this with breaking the mystical place core have?” Han Li asked. “这跟打破秘境核心有什么关系?”韩立问道。 Relations may big! What if your cultivation comprehends is the ordinary principle, that naturally needs Supreme Unity......, if your cultivation is the time or space such Three Great Supreme Principles one of the, and can slightly become, that does not need cultivation to Supreme Unity Early Stage, Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage also to come in handy. However, how is this possible?” old Daoist assumes an air of self approbation answered. “关系可大了去了!若是你修炼参悟的是普通法则,那自然需要太乙……若是你修炼的是时间或是空间这样三大至尊法则之一,并能略有所成的话,那就不必修炼太乙初期了,金仙中期也就合用了。不过,这怎么可能呢?”老道摇头晃脑的解释道。 Is it possible that this mystical place core is related with these two principles?” Han Li hears word, has not given the answer eagerly , to continue to ask. “莫非这秘境核心和这两种法则有关?”韩立闻言,没有急于给出答复,继续问道。 Here mystical place core, the itself is the implication has Time Principle one thing. According to the master estimates, if breaks it by the brute force, needs Supreme Unity Early Stage cultivation base. If sets at variance by Space Principle, needs Golden Immortal Late Stage cultivation base. If by Time Principle break/solve, that only needs Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage cultivation base then.” old Daoist hear, some impatient say/way. “此处秘境核心,本就是蕴含有时间法则的一样东西。按照道爷估算,若是以蛮力破之,需要太乙初期修为。若是以空间法则解构,需要金仙后期修为。若是以时间法则破解,那就只需要金仙中期修为即可。”老道听完,有些不耐烦道。 May I ask the core situated where? Also looks at Senior to lead the way, allows to have a liking for below looks.” Han Li thinks, said. “敢问核心位于何处?还望前辈代为引路,容在下看上一看。”韩立想了想,说道。 The old Daoist remnant soul as if somewhat hesitates, quite a while has not spoken. 老道残魂似乎有些犹豫,半天没有说话。 What's wrong? But why not proper?” The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, asked. “怎么?可是有何不妥?”韩立眉头微皱,问道。 That place some restriction, said that the body of master my remnant soul...... is not suitable goes.” old Daoist afraid to say a word say/way. “那地方有些禁制,道爷我这残魂之躯……不宜进去。”老道吞吞吐吐道。 This ease in doing, puts in great inconvenience to Senior first to treat in my soul-resting furnace.” Then, the Han Li palm turns, takes out the exquisite incense burner that pitch-black turns purple, be only the palm of the hand size, by raising the soul wooden becomes. “这个好办,委屈前辈先待在我这养魂炉中。”说罢,韩立手掌一翻,取出一个乌黑发紫的精巧香炉,只有巴掌大小,是以养魂木制成的。 Good......” old Daoist sighed one lightly, form Ruyan (like smoke) shrinks into that incense burner generally. “好吧……”老道轻叹一声,身影如烟一般缩入了那只香炉之中。 Invited a Senior finger/refers of road.” Han Li holds the incense burner, said. “请前辈指路。”韩立手捧香炉,说道。 Left this hall, the secret door, goes after there, directly proceeds......” the old Daoist sound from the incense burner to transmit, appears some in a muffled voice. “这座大厅左边,有一个暗门,从那里进去之后,径直往前走……”老道的声音从香炉中传来,显得有些闷声闷气。 Han Li divine sense has been assigned away from the capital is investigating all around, as the direction of old Daoist, hurries to toward the mausoleum chamber deep place. 韩立神识一直外放探查着四周,并随着老道的指引,朝着地宫深处赶去。 In maze-like passageway, going around after going through roughly one double-hour, he went to out another mausoleum chamber hall. 在迷宫一般的甬道里,东拐西绕的穿行了约莫一个时辰之后,他来到了另一处地宫大厅门外。 Is here?” Han Li four size up, asks. “就是此处?”韩立四下一打量,问道。 Mystical place core in inside. The master I did not accompany you to go, you linked this stove to place out of the door the master become.” The old Daoist sound passed from the furnace. “秘境核心就在里面了。道爷我就不陪你进去了,你把道爷连这炉子放在门外就成。”老道的声音从炉内传了出来。 In Han Li both eyes shines the deep blue ray, takes a fast look around to go toward hall inside stone door, sees there emptily, and no restriction and spirit strength fluctuate. 韩立双目之中亮起湛蓝光芒,朝着大厅石门内扫视而去,就见那里空空荡荡,并无任何禁制和灵力波动。 His corners of the mouth check, lifts the hand to throw, in the palm that purple black small incense burner is rotating turning round, fell into the main hall. 他嘴角一勾,抬手一抛,掌中那只紫黑色的小香炉就滴溜溜转动着,落入了大殿之内。 Only listens to a "Pā" light sound. 只听“啪”的一声轻响。 The incense burner falls to the ground, above the ground is correct a gold thread to overflow immediately, sends out the innumerable say/way golden color light mark, shines upon bright the entire hall. 香炉落地,地面之上顿时有道道金丝流溢而出,散发出无数道金色光痕,将整个大厅都映照得一片明亮。 Mixes the boy, makes quickly the master, is late again, saying the master may probably be frightened out of one's wits......” to yell from the incense burner to pass on sad and shrill, the entire sound became twisted. “混小子,快把道爷弄出来,再晚点,道爷可就要魂飞魄散了……”一声凄厉叫喊从香炉之中传了出来,整个声音都变得扭曲了起来。 Han Li looks at the ground the gold/metal mark and dispersion in the air golden light, discovered that it is unexpectedly same as Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder, quite restrains to wandering soul ghost creature one kind, then sleeves one volume, pulled that incense burner. 韩立看着地上的金纹和散布空中的金光,发现其竟然和辟邪神雷一样,对游魂鬼物一类颇为克制,便衣袖一卷,又将那香炉扯了回来。 „............ Remnant soul in incense burner are crying out in grief aiyu aiyu, the body ray became dim, the whole person seemed like wants empty to disappear general, cursed the Han Li strength as if not to have continually. “哎呦……哎呦……”香炉中的残魂一声声哀叫着,身上光芒变得黯淡了许多,整个人看起来像是要虚化消失一般,连咒骂韩立的力气似乎都没有了。 Han Li has not spoken, the palm turns, the fingertip clamps a stable soul talisman, on a post toward the incense burner, will place outside the front door conveniently, oneself one step strided in the hall. 韩立也没说话,手掌一翻,指尖夹出一张稳固魂魄的符箓,往香炉上一贴,将之随手放在了大门外,自己则一步跨入了大厅之内。 Among enters, Han Li then thought that whole body one warm, this discovered that the flagstone in ground unexpectedly is Contain Yang Stone. 一入其内,韩立便觉得周身一暖,这才发现地面上的石板竟然全都是容阳石 This stone is the time to one of the Yang thing, the nature injures deeply to the ghost. 此石乃是时间至阳之物的一种,自然对幽魂伤害极大。 In the hall the area is big, but is very spacious, center besides the room has -and-a-half a person of high stone platform, does not have the otherness again. 厅内面积不小,但却十分空旷,除了房间正中处有一座半人高的石台之外,就再无他物。 Han Li walks up, looked toward stone platform. 韩立走上前去,朝石台上看了过去。 Sees only the square shape above stone platform, engraved to fill various type complex traces, has extended on the Contain Yang Stone floor in ground, in its center fell a circular scoop channel, inside is putting a white circular slate. 只见方形的石台之上,镌刻满了各式复杂的纹路,一直延伸到了地面上的容阳石地板上,在其正中陷下去一个圆形凹槽,里面盛放着一个白色的圆形石盘。 The slate inclines the laying aside, edge all around inscribes scratches, above is labelling the first four earthly branches and other double-hour, center sets upright one -and-a-half chi (0.33 m) to come the long black iron needle, unexpectedly impressively is a sundial. 石盘倾斜着放置,边缘四周铭刻着一道道刻痕,上面标注着子丑寅卯等十二个时辰,正中则竖着一根半尺来长的黑色铁针,竟赫然是一个日晷。 In Han Li both eyes the blue light flashes, examined the past toward the sundial above, but above seeing has quiet light streams to move indistinctly, such as under the moon/month the clear spring is ordinary, is swinging the silver light ripples. 韩立双目之中蓝光一闪,朝着日晷之上查看了过去,但见其上隐约有幽光流动,如月下清泉一般,荡着银光涟漪。 Looked at the moment, sees unable to look at what strangeness, his then palm lifts, touched toward the sundial. 看了片刻,见瞧不出什么古怪,他便手掌一抬,朝着日晷摸了上去。 Finally his hand just now searches into the scoop channel, but also without touching the slate, then the disciple has the accident! 结果他的手才刚探入凹槽,还没触碰到石盘,便徒生变故!
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