RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#464: The talent of having god-given wisdom

The Han Li vision sweeps, the brow tip selects slightly. 韩立目光一扫,眉梢微微一挑。 In the middle of these lifelike stone statues, especially installs the statue of female to be finest by old age Daoist priest and palace. 在这些栩栩如生的石头雕像当中,尤其以一尊老年道士和一宫装女子的雕像最为精致。 The old age Daoist priest appearance is thin, under the jaw is living wisp of goat beard, the body Daoist robe fold ripples line is obvious, as if in the governing wind the line, is seeming like clothes sleeve to sway, the stances of some quite features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 老年道士容貌清癯,颌下生着一缕山羊胡须,身上道袍褶皱涟漪线条明显,似乎正在御风而行,看起来衣袂飘摇,颇有些仙风道骨的姿态。 But that palace clothing female still wins the man tall, the facial features are quite actually good, is only the line is somewhat hale and hearty, seems valiant, palace clothing some that puts on that streamer that flutters with the body not to gather. 而那宫装女子身材高大犹胜男子,面容倒是颇为不俗,只是线条有些硬朗,显得英姿勃发,与身上穿着的那件飘带翻飞的宫装有些不合。 Han Li sees this, shakes the head slightly, if heart exchanges a Integration mail-armor and helmet, can perhaps set off its unique makings. 韩立见此,不由微微摇头,心道若是换上一身合体甲胄,或许更能衬出其独特气质。 Is hesitating, he lifts a palm suddenly, divided to hit toward the left side. 正沉吟间,他忽然抬起一掌,朝着左侧劈打了下去。 Hey aiyu......” “哎呦喂……” Only listens to a moan, along with a "Pā" resounding, the shining white such as the skeleton of jade was then mad by his make a move astral together, hits to fly upside down, fell layer on layer/heavily on the wall, dispersed the rack. 只听一声呻吟,伴随着“啪”的一声脆响,一道莹白如玉的骨架便被他出手的罡气,打得倒飞出去,重重摔在了墙上,散了架子。 Who are you?” Han Li looked that was hit the skeleton of smashing to that pile by him, shouted sternly. “你是何人?”韩立看向那堆被他打得粉碎的骨架,厉声喝道。 Sees only in the skeleton, the quiet green ray of twinkle star raises slowly, if the innumerable fireflies condense generally in the same place, collected skinny old Daoist dim virtual image, seemed like a wisp of remnant soul unexpectedly. 只见骨架之中,星星点点的幽绿光芒缓缓升起,如无数萤火虫一般凝聚在一起,汇集成了一个枯瘦老道的朦胧虚影,竟似乎是一缕残魂。 Han Li carefully looks, discovered that its appearance body figure, is impressively exactly the same as that clay sculpture statue. 韩立仔细一看,发现其模样身形,赫然与那尊泥塑雕像一模一样。 „, Your mixes the boy, a palm of the hand will say master my skeleton making into the fragment powder, after your yielding the way master me, where to reside temporarily?” The quite resonant sound resounds together, came from that say/way remnant soul unexpectedly. “嗬,你个混小子,一巴掌就将道爷我的这副骨架给打成了齑粉,你让道爷我以后寄居哪里?”一道颇为嘹亮的声音响起,竟是来自于那道残魂。 Actually are you who? Did not confess, no wonder I hit an ash to fly to annihilate you conveniently.” The Han Li brow tight wrinkle, remains unmoved , to continue to ask. “你究竟是何人?再不从实招来,莫怪我随手将你打个灰飞湮灭。”韩立眉头紧皱,不为所动,继续问道。 Snort, how old, is the tone so big? Back then said master my vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Dark Cold Immortal Territory time, your boy has not known where played the fireball......” a old Daoist virtual image fork waist, did not have to fear said. “哼,多大年纪啊,口气这么大?想当年道爷我纵横冥寒仙域的时候,你小子还不知道在哪儿玩儿火球呢……”老道虚影一叉腰,全无所惧道。 Dark Cold Immortal Territory...... are you Dark Cold Immortal Residence person?” In the Han Li heart moves, the sinking sound asked. 冥寒仙域……你是冥寒仙府的人?”韩立心中一动,沉声问道。 The old Daoist remnant soul sized up Han Li up and down, glimpses the long sword in his hand, said slowly: Looks at your boy with the sword, the Daoist Lifeless given name ought to hear?” 老道残魂上下打量了一眼韩立,瞥见他手中的长剑,缓缓说道:“看你小子用剑,无生道人的名号总该听说过吧?” „The Lifeless Sword Sect reputation outside, until now is also Immortal Territory large sect, the Founder-Ancestor reputation, I naturally know.” The Han Li look is invariable, says. 无生剑宗声名在外,至今也是仙域大宗,创派祖师的名头,我自然知道。”韩立神色不变,开口说道。 Bah! Your this boy also wants to deceive this old man to be inadequate, Dark Cold Immortal Residence has this accident, my Lifeless Sword Sect disciple is impossible also to have the inheritance, only feared that does not know for the bystander.” The old Daoist remnant soul flies into a rage to say. “呸!你这小子还想诓骗老夫不成,冥寒仙府出此变故,我无生剑宗门下绝不可能还有传承,只怕早已经不为外人所知了。”老道残魂勃然大怒道。 However after saying, he shakes the head saying: Is that collateral branch successor also has the inheritance?...... Is impossible, these fellows do not have prospects, can only bring disgrace on the reputation of master. Oh, is really the master gate misfortune, back then......” 不过说完之后,他又自顾自摇了摇头道:“难道是那支旁系传人还有传承?不……不可能,那些家伙有什么出息,只能辱没道爷的名声。唉,真是师门不幸,想当年……” The old Daoist remnant soul seemed to be brought back what not cheerful past events, unexpectedly selfish was verbose. 老道残魂似乎被勾起了什么不愉的往事,竟自顾自的絮絮叨叨起来。 Actually is your excellency who?” Han Li heard in the heart the suspicion more abundant, speaks to break thinking aloud of opposite party, asked. “阁下究竟是何人?”韩立听得心中疑窦更盛,出言打断了对方的自言自语,问道。 Boy you gave a master to listen, said that the master I was Lifeless Sword Sect Founder-Ancestor in your mouth, Daoist Lifeless.” The old Daoist remnant soul is straight the body, seeming like wants to exhibit some grandmaster styles, said loudly. “小子你给道爷听好了,道爷我便是你口中的无生剑宗创派祖师,无生道人是也。”老道残魂直起身子,似乎是想摆出些宗师风范,大声说道。 You kept on proclaiming you were Daoist Lifeless, how to show?” Han Li eyebrow raise, asked. “你口口声声说你是无生道人,如何证明?”韩立眉头一挑,问道。 Showed that who your Sir...... a master I am, serves a need to show to your junior?” The old Daoist remnant soul flies into a rage, asked. “证明你大爷……道爷我是什么人,用得着向你个小辈证明?”老道残魂勃然大怒,反问道。 Potential the truth that the person is stronger, you not?” Han Li smiles, raised the long sword in handle. “势比人强的道理,你不会不懂吧?”韩立嘿嘿一笑,提了提手中的长剑。 The old Daoist remnant soul shot a look at long sword in the Han Li hand, seemed somewhat afraid, tone soft, said: 老道残魂瞥了一眼韩立手中的长剑,似乎有些心虚了,语气软了下来,说道: How your important highway master I showed, the resided temporarily skeleton was scattered by you, can't make my remnant soul make this swordsmanship look to you?” “你要道爷我如何证明,寄身的骨架都被你打散了,总不能让我这残魂给你使一段本门剑法看吧?” Your Lifeless Sword Sect made besides ten thousand Jianxuan, what can have to inherit the rare treasure?” The Han Li hesitation moment, asked. “你们无生剑宗除了万剑玄令之外,可还有什么传承秘宝?”韩立沉吟片刻,问道。 old Daoist remnant soul hears word, shot a look at his one eyes, on the face revealed wipes the ridicule happy expression, said: 老道残魂闻言,瞥了他一眼,脸上露出一抹讥讽笑意,说道: Your this boy is really the chicken thief, digs a pit to the master everywhere. The thing of my Lifeless Sword Sect inheritance has the difference/two kinds, same is ten thousand sword iron signboard, in authentic inheritance by gate, same is the Lifeless sword guts, left the outer gate collateral branch.” “你这小子真是鸡贼,处处给道爷挖坑。我无生剑宗传承之物有两样,一样是万剑铁券,由门内正宗传承,一样则是无生剑胆,留给了外门旁支。” Han Li hears word, the look slightly is moderate. 韩立闻言,神色才稍稍缓和。 I, and asked you, now...... can Lifeless Sword Sect have the inheritance?” The old Daoist remnant soul also asked suddenly. “我且问你,如今……无生剑宗可还有传承?”老道残魂忽又问道。 Authentic inheritance indeed had broken, as for collateral branch lineage/vein, has declined......” Han Li to remember the Saint Puppet Sect Qi Hang elder, knew in the heart that this person mostly was Lifeless Sword Sect collateral branch successor lineage/vein, then frank said. “正宗传承的确已经断了,至于旁系一脉,也已经没落了……”韩立想起圣傀门齐珩长老,心知此人多半便是无生剑宗的旁系传人一脉了,便坦言道。 old Daoist remnant soul hears word, reveals some colors of losing, but was quick he to restore the original appearance, asked: That master I and Lifeless Sword Sect reputation how? Has is admired by ten thousand world, do ten thousand people praise?” 老道残魂闻言,也露出些许失落之色,不过很快他又恢复了本来的样子,问道:“那道爷我和无生剑宗的名头如何?有没有被万世景仰,万人传颂?” Since you said that you are Daoist Lifeless, why that will be prohibited here?” Han Li has not gone to meet the words of opposite party, opens the mouth to ask. “既然你说你是无生道人,那又为何会被封禁在此处?”韩立没有去接对方的话,又开口问道。 Who told you, said that the master I was prohibited here?” old Daoist stares, reprimands. “谁告诉你,道爷我是被封禁在这里的?”老道一瞪眼,斥道。 Han Li hears word, without the speech, feels some doubts at heart, if flustered for a wisp of remnant soul such big fee/spent, somewhat is indeed unreasonable. 韩立闻言,没有说话,心里也觉得有些疑惑,若只是为了一缕残魂这么大费周章,的确有些不合情理。 unable to discern? Said that master my wisp of spirit complete soul was prohibited, conceals here.” A old Daoist very body, said easely. 看不出来吗?道爷我这缕精神完备的魂魄是被自我封禁,藏在这里的。”老道一挺身子,悠然说道。 Why do you want to hide here?” Han Li eyebrow raise, asked. “那你为何要躲在此处?”韩立眉头一挑,问道。 old Daoist one hear of this hide the character, immediately wants the foaming with rage eyeball, but quick also sighed, said spookily: To not tidy up this woman......” 老道一听这个躲字,顿时又要吹胡子瞪眼睛,但很快又叹息一声,幽幽道:“还不是为了收拾这娘们儿……” „Who woman...... is she?” Han Li hears word, looked at a that tall palace clothing female, asked. “娘们……她是什么人?”韩立闻言,看了一眼那个身材高大的宫装女子,问道。 She is not the person......” old Daoist remnant soul eyes stares, ill-humored say/way. “她不是人……”老道残魂双眼一瞪,没好气道。 Stopped the moment, old Daoist shot a look at that palace clothing female one eyes, said: She came from Grey World , should be Supreme Unity grey immortal......” 停顿了片刻,老道又瞥了那宫装女子一眼,说道:“她是自灰界而来,算起来,应该是一名太乙灰仙……” Grey World? grey immortal?” Han Li hears word, even more doubts. 灰界灰仙?”韩立闻言,愈加疑惑。 Oh...... Heavenly Court has intentionally concealed existence of Grey World, your junior cultivator do not know that has such a side domain to exist, does not know that is the luck or the calamity.” old Daoist heaved a deep sigh to say. “唉……天庭一直刻意隐瞒灰界的存在,以至于你们这些小辈修士都不知道有这样一方界域存在,也不知是福还是祸啊。”老道长叹一声说道。 May I ask your excellency, is actually Grey World what?” Han Li tone slightly slow asking. “敢问阁下,灰界究竟是什么?”韩立语气稍缓的问道。 „, So many years no one spoke, today a master my mood also calculates correct/good, said a saying with you for the time being. This Grey World, actually with our True Immortal, is a boundless domain, inside is surviving all kinds of Grey World lifeform, their cultivation Dao Achievement can achievement grey immortal. As for this Supreme Unity grey immortal, naturally was grey immortal of Supreme Unity Jade Immortal rank.” old Daoist first sighed, later assumed an air of self approbation answered. “也罢也罢,这么多年没人说话,今日道爷我心情还算不错,就姑且和你说上一说吧。这灰界嘛,其实与我们真仙之界一样,是一片无垠界域,里面生存着各种各样的灰界生物,它们修炼得道便可成就灰仙。至于这太乙灰仙,自然就是太乙玉仙级别的灰仙了。”老道先是叹了口气,随后摇头晃脑的解释道。 The Supreme Unity rank...... the heaviness of these character weight/quantity, made in the Han Li heart shook slightly, he knit the brows knitting the brows, asked: 太乙级别……这几个字分量之重,令韩立心中的都微微一震,他皱眉了皱眉,问道: That Dark Cold Immortal Palace changes, whether is related with this female?” “那冥寒仙宫之变,是否和此女子有关?” Why are you to the matter of Immortal Palace, so interested?” old Daoist had not replied, but is thread of conversation one revolution, asked suddenly. “你为何对仙宫之事,如此感兴趣?”老道没有回答,而是话锋一转,忽又问道。 „Very simple, I am untrustworthy your excellency. Therefore, your excellency said matter of the past years listened with me, later I had the judgment.” Han Li sneered, said slowly. “很简单,我还信不过阁下。所以,阁下还是多说点当年之事与我听,之后我自有判断。”韩立冷笑了一声,缓缓说道。 old Daoist remnant soul hears word one stiff, the stance that also somewhat wants to foam with rage, may look the stance that Han Li this oil salt does not enter, must give up. 老道残魂闻言一僵,又有些想要吹胡子瞪眼的架势,可看韩立这油盐不进的架势,只得作罢。 After he sighed, probably fell into the remote recollection. 他叹息一声后,像是陷入了久远的回忆中。 Silent long time, he starts to tell that passing: Back then, said that the master I just became the lord of Dark Cold Immortal Palace, is it may be said that high-spirited, this woman......” 沉默半晌,他才开始讲述起那段过往:“想当年,道爷我刚刚成为了冥寒仙宫之主,可谓意气风发,这娘们儿就……” Finally, he an opens the mouth, is just now broken by Han Li. 结果,他才刚一开口,就被韩立打断了。 What did you say? Became the lord of Immortal Palace...... that your Dark Cold Immortal Monarch?” “你说什么?成为仙宫之主……那你岂不是冥寒仙君了?” What's wrong, who told your boy, can't Daoist Lifeless be Dark Cold Immortal Monarch?” old Daoist as if quite discontented Han Li broke itself, eyebrow raise asked. “怎么,谁告诉你小子,无生道人就不能是冥寒仙君了?”老道似乎颇为不满韩立打断了自己,双眉一挑的反问道。 Han Li hears word, brow tight wrinkle, a suspicion look of face. 韩立闻言,眉头紧皱,一脸的怀疑神色。 Snort, your ordinary people, how can understand that master type startled does pick certainly colorfully the talent of having god-given wisdom? Ok, said that the master spoke do not break again casually, the present young people more and more did not understand the custom!” The old Daoist remnant soul disdains to say. “哼,你们这种凡夫俗子,怎么能理解道爷这种惊采绝艳地天纵之才?好了,道爷说话别再随便打断,现在的年轻人是越来越不懂规矩了!”老道残魂不屑道。 Your excellency please says.” Han Li shrugs, an impartial appearance. “阁下请说吧。”韩立耸了耸肩,一副不置可否的样子。 Saw with own eyes Han Li this appearance, the old Daoist remnant soul snort/hum, immediately coughed lightly, then started to tell own experience verbosely. 眼见韩立这幅样子,老道残魂哼了一声,随即轻咳了一声,便开始絮絮叨叨讲述起自己的经历来。 According to this old Daoist, its given name is surnamed Lu, single-character personal name cloud character, is a Dark Cold Continent medium immortal cultivation old family a son, the aptitude is also general, did not attach great importance to by the family, therefore has not obtained various group of cultivation technique of family main story. 据这老道所述,其本名姓陆,单名一个云字,原是冥寒大陆一个中等修仙世族的偏支庶子,资质也是一般,本不受家族重视,故而也没有得到家族正传的各路功法 Therefore, in pouch shy he, in the ancient book that then in the family hides selected, no one wants the cultivation building up body ancient book to start voluntarily cultivation. 于是,囊中羞涩的他,便在家族所藏的典籍之中拣选了些,无人愿意修炼的炼体典籍开始自行修炼 Among the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, he then took the road of Profound Immortal, and discovered that these refine the body method is quite suitable oneself, more practices is more convenient, after trying the innumerable methods has built up the body, in an accidental situation, it looks up to the nighttime sky stars, has a feeling suddenly, created to refine the way of body with the star light always doing nothing but, finally great accomplishment of collection, created «Great Cycle Star Essence Technique», and progressed by leaps and bounds taking advantage of this cultivation base, cultivation to the Golden Immortal level. 阴差阳错间,他便走上了玄仙之路,且发现这些炼体法门颇为适合自己,越练越顺手,在尝试过无数方法炼体之后,在一次偶然的情况下,其仰望夜空繁星,突有所感,竟自创出了用星光炼体的路数,最终集之大成,创出了《大周天星元功》,并且借此修为突飞猛进,一路修炼到了金仙层次。 Later one time, he with the say/way of Profound Immortal, with Golden Immortal sword cultivator that is high his half realm fights, finally fights to a draw, takes as the entire life shame, then indignant changes external appearances only, starts the revolutions to cultivate the swordsmanship. 之后一次,他以玄仙之道,与一名高他半个境界金仙剑修交手,结果打成了平手,引为生平耻辱,遂愤而改头换面,又开始转修剑道。 Is quiet after more than 3000 years of years, finally he by the Daoist Lifeless status, stood in the Dark Cold Immortal Territory sword cultivator apex, established Lifeless Sword Sect. 历经三千多年岁月沉寂,最终他又以无生道人的身份,站在了冥寒仙域剑修的顶点,创立出了无生剑宗 Afterward, he was outstanding because of the strength, in addition many chance good fortunes, built Supreme Unity Jade Immortal eventually, coerced a boundary in entire Dark Cold Immortal Territory, thus without joining Heavenly Court, becomes Dark Cold Continent the lord of Immortal Palace. 再后来,他因实力卓绝,加上很多机缘造化,终究修成了太乙玉仙,在整个冥寒仙域之内压服一境,从而在不加入天庭的前提下,成为了冥寒大陆仙宫之主。 The old Daoist remnant soul said jubilantly, if not his not true body, only feared at this moment wanted the saliva to fly horizontally. 老道残魂讲得兴高采烈,若非他并无实体,只怕此刻都要唾沫横飞了。 In Han Li surface calm, in the heart is actually the shock. 韩立面上波澜不惊,心中却是震惊不已。 If this remnant soul said not empty, he may not be simple having god-given wisdom these four characters can describe. 若这残魂所说非虚,那他可就不是简简单单“天纵之才”这四个字可以形容了。
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