RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#463: Some other universe

It seems like this time, not only the Dream Hiding Talisman Mark core chart mark appeared, entire great array hidden array base, appeared.” Daoist Crab looks at a gold/metal ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) stone platform, to praise was sighing. “看来这一次,不仅梦隐符纹的核心图纹显现出来了,就连整座大阵的隐藏阵脚,也都浮现了出来。”蟹道人望着金芒万丈的石台,赞叹道。 Such being the case, how Fellow Daoist Crab has a look at break/solve......” Han Li hears word, shows a faint smile to say. “既然如此,蟹道友就看看如何破解吧……”韩立闻言,微微一笑道。 From the patching complete stamen and pistil place, should be in Dream Hiding Talisman Mark most special one nine having a nightmare marks, we do not have to use the brute force luckily constantly, once otherwise activates entire magical array, in this small mystical place only feared that must cloud over. However since clarified a foot, break/solve got up is quite many.” Daoist Crab stared at stone platform center to look at the moment, hesitated to say. “从修补完整的花蕊处来看,应该是梦隐符纹中最为特殊的一种九魇纹,也幸亏我们没有一味使用蛮力,否则一旦激活整个法阵,这处小秘境里只怕就要变天了。不过既然弄清楚了根脚,破解起来就好很多了。”蟹道人盯着石台中央看了片刻,沉吟道。 After saying, he then borrows broke through the formation with array flag and magical artifact with Han Li, body figure flashes, shuttles back and forth in the ruins city back and forth, arranges busily. 说完之后,他便跟韩立借了些破阵用的阵旗法器,身形一闪,在废墟城池中来回穿梭,忙碌布置起来。 Han Li waits in static of original position. 韩立就在原处的静静等候起来。 After passing roughly the quarter of an hour, in Daoist Crab grasps is carving the mark complicated white jade plate together, turned back stone platform. 过了约莫一刻钟后,蟹道人手里握着一块雕纹繁复的白色玉盘,走回了石台这边。 The Han Li eye narrowed narrowing the eyes, in the heart felt strangely, had not somewhat asked. 韩立眼睛眯了眯,心中觉得有些奇怪,却也没有多问。 Daoist Crab before stone platform, lifted the step to walk up later, lifts the hand that jade plate toward stone platform center, a that piece of blank region buckle that the Morning Glory Dream Flower pistil is, not too big nor too small, just put. 蟹道人在石台前顿了顿,随后抬步走上前去,抬手将那块玉盘往石台中央,梦昙花蕊所在的那片空白区域一扣,不大不小,刚好放了进去。 Original trace destroyed after all, this is I a substitute that uses the jade to make, hopes usefully.” Daoist Crab answered. “原本的纹路毕竟是毁了,这是我用玉石做的一个替代品,希望有用吧。”蟹道人解释道。 Then, in his hand pinched magical formula, after the mouth sent out chanted in a low voice, lifts the palm toward stone platform center to pat. 说罢,他手上掐了一个法诀,口中发出一阵低吟之后,抬起手掌朝着石台中央拍了下去。 Sees only in his palm together the golden light by the jade, enters in stone platform, the entire stone platform is fierce immediately shakes, subsequently shines one dazzling golden rays. 只见其掌心之中一道金光透过玉石,打入石台之内,整个石台顿时剧烈一震,继而亮起一片刺目的金色光芒。 Above Dream Hiding Talisman Mark brilliant rays erupted, one/1st level/layer golden light virtual image floats departs spatially, flutters toward the upper air. 其上的梦隐符纹光芒大作,一层金光虚影浮空飞出,朝着高空飘去。 Seeing only its more is rapidly high, the ray also gets bigger and bigger, finally changed to one to camouflage the huge flowered shadow of entire ruins city sufficiently, float sky over mystical place. 只见其越飞越高,光芒也越涨越大,最终化作了一道足以遮蔽整个废墟城池的巨大花影,悬浮在了秘境上空。 Under the nine flower petal the nodes on golden trace connection, is all corresponding array base mutually, but in these position Daoist Crab also already prepare array flag. 其九片花瓣上的金色纹路相互交汇的节点下方,全都对应着一处阵脚,而在这些位置蟹道人也早已经布置好了阵旗 When the Morning Glory Dream Flower shadow throws down several hundred golden silk threads, when with the array flag link of array base place, the stamen and pistil place of its center the golden light spout, hits together the golden light beam toward stone platform center immediately. 梦昙花影投下数百道金色丝线,与阵脚处的阵旗链接之时,其中心的花蕊处立即金光喷涌,朝着石台中央打下来一道金色光柱。 Bang a dull thumping sound. “轰隆”一声闷响。 Under shine of golden light beam, under stone platform spreads immediately one spider web golden traces, but these actually glittered time several, vanished. 在金色光柱的映照下,石台下方顿时蔓延起一片蛛网般的金色纹路,只是这一次却都只是闪烁了几下,就自行消失了。 The sound that a rock rubs resounds, the entire stone platform divides into two from the center, splits toward the two sides, revealed one five chi (0.33 m) to come the wide tunnel. 紧接着,一阵岩石摩擦的声音响起,整个石台从中央一分为二,朝着两边分裂开来,露出了一个五尺来宽的地洞。 Han Li sees that walks up to look, in sees black, only thinks that whistling the wind sound/rumor assails. 韩立见状,走上前去一看,就见里面黑黢黢的,只觉有一股呼呼风声吹袭而来。 His brow slightly pressed, wields conveniently, 7 - 8 human head size scarlet fireball appear out of thin air, fell in abundance, quick hit in the ground, bounced several, rolled to the tunnel deep place. 他眉头微蹙,随手一挥,七八人头大小的赤红火球凭空浮现,纷纷落了下去,很快就撞击在了地面上,弹跳了几下,滚到地洞深处。 Taking advantage of luminous that the fireball technique sends out, Han Li saw that the vertical depth of this tunnel is not too high, is about dozens zhang (3.33 m), under has the flagstone to pave, seems like has passageway, but does not leave the exit|to speak of this small mystical place obviously. 借着火球术发出的光亮,韩立看到这条地洞的垂直深度并不算太高,不过数十丈而已,底下有石板铺就,似乎是有一条通道,但显然并非是离开这处小秘境的出口。 „To leave here evidently, but must twists and turns.” Han Li sighed one lightly, said. “看样子想离开这里,还得一番波折。”韩立轻叹一声,说道。 Here supposes a block system by Dream Hiding Talisman Mark, inside decides however has the universe, perhaps, the big chance is waiting for the fellow daoist also to be able to know.” Daoist Crab said slowly. “此处以梦隐符纹设阵闭锁,里面定然另有乾坤,或许,还有大机缘在等着道友也有未可知呢。”蟹道人缓缓说道。 this Han does not care about what chance, the urgent matter, is wants the means to leave here as soon as possible.” Han Li smiles bitterly a sound said. 韩某倒不在意什么机缘,当务之急,是要想办法尽快离开这里。”韩立苦笑一声道。 Before for fellow daoist your protector, although does not have too to consume, but was detained ten when the outside world eventually for several years, I need to go back to convalesce, if then has the need, calls me to come out again.” Daoist Crab hears word, said. “之前替道友你护法,虽然没有太多消耗,但终究在外界滞留了十数年,我需要回去静养一阵,接下来若有需要时,再唤我出来吧。”蟹道人闻言,如此说道。 Many thanks Fellow Daoist Crab.” Han Li heartfelt say/way. “多谢蟹道友。”韩立由衷道。 Daoist Crab beckons with the hand, body ray one bright, changes to wisp of golden light, flew into the Han Li sleeve, vanishes to disappear. 蟹道人摆了摆手,身上光芒一亮,化作一缕金光,飞入了韩立袖中,消失不见了。 The Han Li vision concentrates, body figure leaps immediately, jumped to plunge into that tunnel. 韩立目光微凝,身形当即一跃,就纵身跳入了那座地洞之中。 After falling to the ground, he soon discovered, the under foot ground and wall are very smooth, leads to passageway of dark deep place in his dead ahead one crosswise, has two zhang (3.33 m) surplus fully, six chi (0.33 m) extend. 落地之后,他很快发现,脚下地面和身旁墙壁都十分平整,在他正前方则有一条横向通往黑暗深处的甬道,足有两丈余高,六尺来宽。 In his both eyes the water-blue ray shines, divine sense lets loose suddenly, goes toward the passageway deep place investigation. 他双目之中水蓝光芒亮起,神识骤然放开,朝着甬道深处探查而去。 Under this, Han Li discovered impressively, in this underground unexpectedly one, the area does not lose the giant mausoleum chamber of ground city. 这一查之下,韩立赫然发现,在这地下竟然有一座,面积不输地上城池的巨大地宫。 Previously all camouflaged because of Dream Hiding Talisman Mark, he is unable to investigate, then at this moment took in everything at a glance. 先前全因梦隐符纹遮蔽,他无法探查出来,此刻则是一览无遗。 Before the body passageway, Han Li forwarded several hundred steps, arrived at the path end, the front was a bare stone wall. 沿着身前甬道,韩立一路向前走了数百步,就到了道路尽头,面前便是一面光秃秃的石壁。 He lifts the hand according to stone wall, makes an effort to push backward. 他抬手按在石壁上,用力向后一推。 In passageway resounds one immediately rumble the sound, entire facing stone wall backing up several chi (0.33 m), reveal crosswise passageway slowly backward. 甬道里立即响起一阵“隆隆”之声,整面石壁缓缓向后倒退数尺,露出一条横向通道 Han Li stands in the passageway center, looked toward the two sides, toward right side that side walked over. 韩立站在通道中央,朝着两边看了看,朝着右侧那边走了过去 Right passageway is not long, but more than hundred steps also arrived at the end, but here does not have to present the road fork again, but has one and small room of common reception room general size. 右侧的甬道也不长,不过百余步也就到了尽头,只是这边没有再出现岔路口,而是有一间与寻常客室一般大小的斗室。 Han Li lifts the hand to shove open small room stone door, walked. 韩立抬手推开斗室石门,走了进去。 Unlike outside pitch-dark passageway, on the roof in small room, is mounting the fluorines of ten several palm of the hand sizes, sprinkles the next cold white ray, entire indoor photo a piece suddenly white. 与外面黑漆漆的甬道不同,斗室内的屋顶上,镶嵌着十数颗巴掌大小的荧石,洒下一片冷白色的光芒,将整个室内照得一片恍白。 The Han Li vision sweeps, the furnishing then gets a panoramic view. 韩立目光一扫,室内陈设便尽收眼底。 Small room corner is suspending a jet black wooden frame, is decayed looks awful, bottles of cans of that above deposits fell place, mixes up with the sawdust, sends out the flavor that is hard to describe. 斗室墙角处摆着一张漆黑木架,已经腐朽得不成样子,上面存放的瓶瓶罐罐摔了一地,与木屑混在一起,散发着一股难以言状的味道。 A Han Li move, just likes in the silt rotten wood departs a black porcelain bottle conveniently, hovering before his body. 韩立随手一招,恍若淤泥般的朽木中飞出一只黑色瓷瓶,悬停在了他的身前。 His finger to the previous check, the stopper of porcelain bottle then flies to fall, the inside strange medicines were then fragrant, passed on. 他指头向上一勾,瓷瓶的瓶塞便自行飞落,里面便有一阵奇异药香,传了出来。 Han Li frowned to smell, then sighed one lightly, the palm received, the cage returned to the sleeve. 韩立蹙眉嗅了一下,便轻叹一声,手掌一收,笼回了袖中。 That black porcelain bottle then crashes in the place straightly, resounds a clear sound, the bone rolls common to the one side. 那黑色瓷瓶便笔直坠落在地,响起一声清脆声音,骨碌碌滚向一旁。 And hid, originally is True Immortal period cultivator also useful medicine pill, because the time is too long, congealed the fragrance that does not send, now the overflow, the efficacy has actually dispersed obviously, no use. 其中原本所藏的,本是一种真仙修士也用得上的丹药,但因为时间实在太长,原本凝而不发的香气,如今却外溢而出,可见药力已经散了,没有什么用处了。 After the Han Li vision swept one carefully, discovered that in really no available thing, then turned around the small room, toward passageway another walked over. 韩立目光仔细扫了一遍后,发现里面实在没有什么可用之物,便转身出了斗室,朝着甬道另一头走了过去 Walked roughly half quarter, before he then arrived at a stone door, drills looked, in the discovery gate is engraving together plain complicated prohibiting rune. 走了约莫半刻钟,他便又来到了一道石门前,打眼一看,就发现门上镌刻着一道古朴繁复的封禁符文 He slightly one hesitant, in the hand the ray same place, five refer to above the end shining the five colors light group, pressed toward the gate. 他略一犹豫,手上光芒一起,五个指端之上亮起五色光团,朝着门上按了下去。 Sees only the five colors miraculous glow to hit to cross the threshold, that say/way almost proliferates the rune trace of entire stone door, then starts to the central retraction, finally changes to uniquely-shaped circular ancient mark. 只见五色灵光打入门上,那道几乎遍布整个石门的符文纹路,便开始向中心回缩,最终化作一个造型奇特的圆形古纹。 The Han Li palm presses that ancient mark again, stone door then rumble makes noise, lifted toward the above. 韩立手掌再一压那古纹,石门便隆隆作响,朝着上方抬了起来。 As stone door lifts, inside then shines through luminously. 随着石门抬起,里面便有一丝光亮透射出来。 The Han Li subconscious revolution of wrist/skill, in the palm azure light streams overflows, has come out Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 韩立下意识一转手腕,掌心中一阵青光流溢,就已经多出来一柄青竹蜂云剑 When stone door lifts completely, he discovered that in was still long and narrow passageway, was only in both sides stone wall, operated a stone cistern respectively, inside seems to be putting the fat of some flood dragon fish, slow combustion, release dim ray. 待石门完全抬起,他就发现里面仍是一条狭长的甬道,只是两侧的石壁上,各开了一道石槽,里面似乎盛放着某种蛟鱼的油脂,正缓慢燃烧着,释放出昏暗的光芒。 In the air filled light fishy smell, Han Li was wrinkling the nose, then lifted the step to continue to face forward to walk. 空气中弥漫着一股淡淡腥气,韩立皱了皱鼻子,便抬步继续朝前走去。 From here, minute of bifurcation along the way became a lot, dispersion small room side hall were also many, but inside mostly arranged crudely, almost any useful thing did not have. 从这里开始,沿途的分叉路就变得多了起来,散布其中的斗室偏厅也多了起来,不过里面大多陈设简陋,几乎任何有用的东西都没有。 Initially when Han Li will also investigate, to behind almost only took a fast look around with divine sense, if no special fluctuation, then does not pay attention, goes to next directly. 初起时韩立还会亲身去探查一番,到了后面就几乎只用神识扫视一下,若无特殊波动,便不加理会,直接去往下一处。 After several double-hour, Han Li goes out from a stone door, arrives at strip width three-ten feet straight passageway. 数个时辰之后,韩立从一处石门走出,来到一条宽达三丈的笔直甬道 The passageway end is a big palace gate, two leaves of zhang (3.33 m) permits tall door closely is closing, above separates fifty-fifty, the two sides are carving the head relief of half fierce unusual animals respectively, the traces of distortions extend from above, wrapped the trim door. 甬道尽头是一座高大殿门,两扇丈许高的门扉紧紧闭合着,上面对半分开,两边各雕刻着半只狰狞异兽的头颅浮雕,一道道扭曲的纹路从其上延伸而出,包裹了整片门扉。 Han Li does not recognize this beast, but can also see, it is not simple restriction rune/symbol mark. 韩立不认得此兽,但也看得出,其并不是什么简单的禁制符纹。 Therefore his then sleight of hand pinches, golden ray hold, used Eye of Truth to investigate greatly directly. 于是他便手诀一掐,身后金色光芒大盛,直接动用了真实之眼探查起来。 A moment later, he receives Precious Mantra Wheel, frowned to think deeply about one, then started make a move break/solve to get up. 片刻之后,他收起真言宝轮,蹙眉思索了一阵,便开始动手破解起来。 As magical formula depart hits above stone door, rune in gate starts to shine the one/1st level/layer dark yellow ray, the two eyes of that unusual animals head are also similar to the pearl to be common, shone. 随着一道道法诀飞出打在石门之上,门上的符文开始亮起一层暗黄色光芒,那头异兽头颅的两只眼睛也如同明珠一般,亮了起来。 Only listens to one to seem , if no shouts the sound to spread low and deep, unusual animals virtual image throws from stone door together, Han Li moved sideways to give way to traffic hastily. 只听一声似有若无的低沉嘶吼声从中传出,一道异兽虚影从石门上一扑而下,韩立连忙一个闪身避让了过去。 After unusual animals virtual image departs beyond several chi (0.33 m), then ray powder, vanishes to disappear. 异兽虚影飞出数尺外后,便光芒一散,消失不见了。 The symbol mark ray in stone door vanishes immediately, both eyes of unusual animals again are also dim. 石门上的符纹光芒随即消失,异兽的双目也再次黯淡下来。 Han Li walks up, lifts a palm to hold down a leaf of stone door, the arm catches up, then pushed that door goes to the inside slip, opened a several chi (0.33 m) wide slit. 韩立走上前去,抬起一掌按住其中一扇石门,手臂一发力,便将那扇门推得向内滑去,打开了一道数尺宽的缝隙。 By this slit, Han Li saw that in the main hall has the dark ray to show, cast fuzzy person's shadows indistinctly in the ground before his body. 透过这道缝隙,韩立看到大殿之内有幽暗的光芒透出,在他身前的地面上投下了一道道影影绰绰的模糊人影。 His brow is tight, the strength of divine sense searches into, after searching for one carefully next, has not actually discovered what unusuality. 他眉头紧蹙,神识之力探入其中,仔细搜寻了一下后,却并未发现有什么异常。 But when his body figure flashes, after entering the hall, some at the scene. 可当他身形一闪,进入大厅之后,不由有些愣在了当场。 Sees only in the hall, is placing everywhere almost with the person contour grey Bai Shi (white stone) resembles, on luminous of brazier taking advantage of the wall, Han Li counted sketchily, altogether has 7 - 8. 只见大厅之内,到处都摆放着一座座几乎与人等高灰白石像,借着墙上火盆的光亮,韩立粗略数了一下,共有七八尊。 Just now he in out of the door noticed that approaches the projections of hall stone door two statues. 方才他在门外看到的,就是靠近大厅石门两尊石像的投影。 Han Li walks toward the business hall, while sizes up these statues carefully, under examines carefully discovered, these statues as if is a support stone column of this main hall. 韩立一边朝着大厅中央走去,一边仔细打量起这些石像来,细看之下才发现,这些石像似乎都是一这处大殿的支撑石柱。 The carving is not what gods and ghosts person of great strength, is not the fierce unusual animals, but is the lifelike character statues, middle there are both men and women, is almost all maintaining the shape of standing out of respect. 其雕刻的并非是什么神怪力士,也并非什么狰狞异兽,而是一个个栩栩如生的人物塑像,当中有男有女,几乎全都保持着肃立之状。
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