RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#462: Shock

The Han Li intention moves, a body figure revolution, no longer flees, instead runs away in the Immortal Palace direction rapidly. 韩立心念一动,身形一转,不再遁逃,反而朝着仙宫方向急速遁去。 Since the time, he has naturally not wanted to waste, happen to seizes the chance to confirm something. 既然还有时间,他自然不想浪费,正好趁机确认一些事情。 First, wants to have a look whether to clarify the Dark Cold Immortal Palace accident actually how to happen, after all oneself main body still placed in the Dark Cold Immortal Palace vestige, has not known whether smooth break free. 一来,是想看看能否弄清楚冥寒仙宫的变故究竟是如何发生的,毕竟自己本体仍身处于冥寒仙宫遗迹之中,还不知能否顺利脱困 Secondly, why also wants to do clear Samsara Palace to mount a large-scale attack Immortal Palace, said that he is Children of Samsara, does not think muddleheaded was treated as the cannon fodder. 二来,也想搞明白轮回殿为何会大举进攻仙宫,说起来他可是轮回之子,可不想稀里糊涂的被人当做炮灰。 Moreover, is he wants the short distance to observe these spirit domain conditions of all forms. 三来,则是他想要近距离观察一下那些形形色色的灵域状况。 Actually regarding the spirit domain incident, he when Spirit World, has contacted to have been in fact, at that time what Bao Hua used is Profound Heaven spirit domain, at best can only be one type with the aid of false spirit domain of magical treasure release. 其实对于灵域一事,他事实上早在灵界之时,就已经接触到过,只不过那时宝花所用的是玄天灵域,充其量只能算是一种借助法宝释放的伪灵域罢了。 After Immortal World, Han Li had also once searched for the material about spirit domain, but can see with own eyes the true spirit domain opportunity are too few, since today has this opportunity personally to experience, he does not certainly want to miss. 到了仙界之后,韩立也曾搜寻过关于灵域的资料,只是所能亲眼见到真正灵域的机会太少,今日既然有此机会亲身感受,他当然不想错过。 The body of this Nascent Soul was quite good, after Han Li divine sense is in charge, the fly speed promoted several times. 这具元婴之躯原本就颇为不俗,在韩立神识入主之后,飞遁速度更是提升了数倍。 Soon, he had neared the battlefield. 不多时,他就已经抵近了战场这边。 Looks up, Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel has extinguished one less than half. 抬头看去,真言宝轮上的时间道纹已经灭了一小半了。 Not far away before his body, the one/1st level/layer brown halo everywhere camouflage, has not entered, can feel rich earth attribute aura to transmit. 在他身前不远处,一层土黄色的光晕漫天遮蔽,尚未进入其中,就能感受一股浓郁的土属性气息传来。 By the light screen, Han Li can see clearly, all trees constructions in this light screen, resulted in collapsing to crack by a great forcing. 透过光幕,韩立能够清楚看到,处在这片光幕之内的所有树木建筑,都被一股巨力压得坍塌崩裂。 The distant place can also see some cultivator extremely indistinctly, the whole body is shining the assorted ray, is resisting this pressure furiously, was actually obviously suppressed very much bitterly, the altitude flying is unable to achieve, almost pastes tread several feet high, is grazing slowly. 极远处隐约还能看到一些修士,周身亮着各色光芒,奋力抵抗着这股压力,却明显被压制得很苦,就连高空飞行都无法做到,几乎都是贴着地面数丈高,缓慢飞掠着。 In this light screen another ends, one silver spirit domain intersect with it, middle is shining the innumerable say/way bright as snow rays, seems innumerable sword Qi to spread across, middle void will cut torn to pieces, a fuzziness. 在这片光幕另一端,一片银色灵域与之相交,当中亮着无数道雪亮光芒,似有无数剑气纵横交错,将当中虚空都切割得支离破碎,一片模糊。 Again toward distant place, then more scopes are bigger, spirit domain that the ray wins, has the power and influence respectively, is not same. 再往更远处,则还有更多范围更大,光芒更胜的灵域,各有威势,自不相同。 Han Li looks secretly is flabbergasted, must take risk to enter hesitant, hears one suddenly just likes slating low roar, transmits from the distant place extremely. 韩立看得暗暗咋舌,正犹豫要不要冒险进入其中,就忽然听到一声恍若雷鸣般的低喝,从极远处传来。 Just likes the sound wave shake of essence together, pricks in his sea of consciousness without any hindrances directly, just like a holds up a day of great blade unexpectedly, wants to cut open general his sea of consciousness, divided to cut layer on layer/heavily. 一道犹如实质的声波震荡,毫无阻碍地直接刺入他的识海之中,竟恍如一柄擎天巨刃,想要将他的识海剖开一般,重重劈砍了下来。 Han Li sea of consciousness raises startled big wave monstrous waves immediately, the whole person thought unexpectedly divine sense must collapse to dissipate, cannot control the body again, crashed toward under. 韩立识海顿时掀起一片惊涛巨浪,整个人竟是觉得神识都要崩溃消散开来,再也控制不住身躯,朝着下方坠落了下去。 But, in his sea of consciousness Divinity Cultivation Technique revolves in the meantime silently, the one/1st level/layer black light spreads instantaneously, protected his sea of consciousness camouflage. 可就在此时,他的识海之中炼神术默然运转起来,一层乌光瞬间蔓延开来,将他的识海遮蔽保护了起来。 Is approaching hitting the ground previous flickers, Han Li divine sense finally again stable, the shock is controlling the Nascent Soul body, grazes to go toward the upper air again. 在临近撞地的前一瞬,韩立神识才总算重新稳固,震惊不已地控制着元婴身躯,重新朝着高空飞掠而去。 He then looked at a battlefield direction distantly, sees only there all spirit domain ten to have 7 - 8 to collapse, does not know that was shocked by that a moment ago directly, releases person of divine sense spirit domain to collapse, diverged spirit domain. 他回头遥遥望了一眼战场方向,只见那里所有灵域十有七八都已经崩溃开来,也不知是被刚才那一声直接震破,还是释放灵域之人神识崩溃,自行散去了灵域 The Han Li look changes again and again, unexpectedly is direct body figure one revolution, escapes to go in the direction that before fled rapidly. 韩立神色一变再变,竟是直接身形一转,朝着之前逃离的方向急速远遁而去。 The strength of just now in that low roar containing, Han Li is not strange, is the Divinity Cultivation Technique strength, it looks like strengthens Spirit Shock Stab of version, but did the might far more than enlarge hundred times? 方才那一声低喝中所蕴含的力量,韩立并不陌生,正是炼神术的力量,其就像是加强版的惊神刺,只是威力何止放大了百倍? Han Li is indefinite, if oneself continue to stay there, if that person releases again one time this, even stronger divine soul attack, own can divine soul be damaged? 韩立不确定,若是自己继续留在那里,若是那人再释放一次这样,甚至更强的神魂攻击,自己的神魂会不会受损? After the one breath grazes ten several tens of thousands li (0.5 km), the meaning that Han Li had not stopped, after has flown on a sea area, the speed slowed down several points slightly. 一口气飞掠出十数万里之后,韩立仍是没有停下来的意思,一直飞到了一片海域上后,速度才稍稍减缓了几分。 He caught the eye to take a fast look around a surroundings sea area, but saw on the deep and dark sea area of below not far away, floating one is counting the hundred zhang (333 m) to be high, island body long and narrow such as the slender island of willow tree leaf, above was sparsely vegetated, above the surface had the grayish white rock that exposed everywhere. 他抬眼扫视了一眼周围海域,但见下方不远处的幽深海域上,浮着一座不过数百丈高,岛身狭长如柳叶的纤长小岛,其上植被稀疏,地表之上到处都有裸露出来的灰白岩石。 „Isn't this islands that...... Cold Crystal Clan is at? Is here Black Wind Sea Territory?” A Han Li surprise. “这不是……寒晶族所在的岛屿?难道这里是黑风海域?”韩立一阵诧异。 Why also does not know, oneself ran up to Black Wind Sea Territory unexpectedly. 也不知为何,自己竟跑到了黑风海域 At this moment, in his mind suddenly is a murkiness, Jin Hai these incomplete memory fragments, actually appears again. 就在这时,他脑海之中忽然又是一阵昏沉,金海那些残缺不全的记忆片段,竟然再次浮现而出。 This memory, actually has nothing to do with this war time, but about a concealed treasure chart. 只是这一次的记忆,却与这场大战无关,而是关于一张藏宝图的。 Before this accident, this Jin Hai as if made, must leave master gate to inquire about the treasure to another Immortal Territory, has not left with enough time, met with the accident. 在这场变故之前,这金海似乎原本是与人约好,要离开师门去往另一处仙域探寻宝物的,乃是尚未来得及动身,就遭逢了变故。 This concealed treasure chart seems uncommon, he quite worries about and deeply feels regrettable, perhaps this also the memory about this appeared in the Han Li mind reason. 此张藏宝图似乎很是不凡,以至于他对此颇为挂怀且深感遗憾,或许这也是关于此的记忆浮现在了韩立脑海之中的缘故吧。 In the Han Li heart moves, divine sense searched into storage bracelet to investigate. 韩立心中一动,神识探入储物镯中探查了起来。 Also does not know that this named Jin Hai cultivator, for the preparation that to go out the long journey makes , because of the reason of sect accident, in storage bracelet the thing of hiding unexpectedly is very rich, not only some massive immortal essence stone, many magical treasure, medicine pill and old book. 也不知这名为金海修士,是为了出门远行做的准备,还是因为宗门变故的原因,储物镯中所藏之物竟是十分丰厚,其中不仅有大量仙元石,还有不少法宝丹药和古籍。 Regarding these magical treasure medicine pill, what Han Li is not clear is, what that several old books are he actually know. 对于这些法宝丹药,韩立并不清楚都是何物,但那几本古籍是何物他却知道。 In the Jin Hai memory, to these old book treasures, if the life, its middle records, is the exquisite sword techniques and various sword array changes that Lifeless Sword Sect inherits. 金海的记忆里,对这些古籍珍若性命,其当中记载的,无一不是无生剑宗传承下来的精妙剑术和各种剑阵变化。 Han Li knows oneself maintain this condition the time is too short, otherwise he wants to study actually, after all Lifeless Sword Sect concentrates on the swordsmanship , the reputation outside, in its hides the sword technique, tries under ask Heaven to use the person of sword, who doesn't want to study? 只是韩立知道自己维持这种状态的时间太短,否则他倒是很想修习一番,毕竟无生剑宗专注剑道,又声名在外,其门中所藏剑术,试问天下用剑之人,谁不想修习? Han Li in these goods, really found a material quality strange silk screen, it touches an icy coldness, above has the seven colors flowing light to flash faintly, looks apparent is not the thing of ordinary. 韩立在这些物品之中,果然找到了一块材质古怪的丝绢,其摸起来一片冰凉,上面隐隐有七色流光闪动,一看便知不是凡俗之物。 But above when his careful view looks at the trace, the discovery above brilliance twinkle is uncertain, anything does not see clearly, naturally cannot see any map line. 但当他仔细观瞧其上纹路时,却发现上面光彩闪烁不定,根本什么都看不清楚,自然也就看不出任何地图线路。 In the Han Li heart moves, hangs above Precious Mantra Wheel long one revolution, in Eye of Truth throws down a ray immediately, sprinkled above the silk screen. 韩立心中一动,悬于上方的真言宝轮悠悠一转,真实之眼中顿时投下一片光芒,洒落在了丝绢之上。 However, with the use of Eye of Truth, the Time Dao Mark spending rate on Precious Mantra Wheel, sped up again. 然而,随着真实之眼的使用,真言宝轮上的时间道纹消耗速度,再次加快了起来。 But currently, was left over few ten several groups. 而当下,也不过剩下寥寥十数团了。 Above sees only seven color ray one to ripple, such as the ink dyes generally from the central place corona, above appeared immediately a very complex colored terrain drawing. 只见其上七彩光芒一阵荡漾,就如水墨一般从中央处晕染开来,上面随即浮现出了一张十分复杂的彩色地形图画。 Han Li both eyes focus on the picture, swept each detail of everywhere chart carefully, inscribes it in own mind. 韩立双目紧盯画面,仔细扫了一遍地图的每个细节,将其铭刻在自己的脑海中。 Then, he looked at one only to remain several groups of Dao mark are also shining Precious Mantra Wheel, took back in the map storage bracelet, body figure stagnated, nearby the sea area direct impact toward that white islands, body figure such as the small-scale meteorite, pounded into the sea water together. 而后,他看了一眼仅剩数团道纹还亮着的真言宝轮,将地图重新收回储物镯中,身形一滞,朝着那座白色岛屿附近的海域直冲而下,身形如一块小型陨石,砸入了海水之中。 The body figure crash quick dive, draws together the snow white water line in the deep and dark sea water, goes toward the seabed straightly. 身形急速下潜,在幽深的海水之中划出一道雪白的水线,笔直朝着海底而去。 Hangs on top of the head Precious Mantra Wheel, Dao mark also in one group of then one group of extinguishments. 悬在头顶上方的真言宝轮上,道纹还在一团接着一团的熄灭。 Only when remains five groups, Nascent Soul tiny person has entered the sea thousand zhang (3.33 m). 仅剩五团时,元婴小人已经入海千丈。 When four groups, enters the sea several thousand zhang (3.33 m)...... 四团时,入海数千丈…… Three groups, enter the sea more than ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)...... 三团,入海万余丈…… ...... …… Golden villain/tiny person falls the seabed finally, lifts a palm, pricked in the seabed rock like the blade straightly, pulls out booklet in inside the deep hole, lost storage bracelet, subsequently lifts a palm, pats into cave entrance a rock. 金色小人终于落到海底,抬起一掌,笔直如刀般刺入了海底岩石之中,在里面掏出一个折形的深洞,将储物镯丢了进去,继而又抬起一掌,将一块岩石拍入洞口。 Bang a dull thumping sound. “嘭”的一声闷响。 Han Li also looked whether without enough time when the rock fits together perfectly cave entrance blocks, last group of Dao mark have extinguished. 韩立还来不及看岩石是否将洞口严丝合缝堵住时,最后一团道纹就已经熄灭了。 One group of vortex give birth from void in suddenly, in his mind was a sharp pain, divine sense then returns his within the body. 一团漩涡忽然自虚空之中生出,他的脑海中又是一阵锐痛,神识便重新回到了他的体内。 Looks that at present the crystal wall gradually dissipates, in the Han Li heart cannot be tranquil for a very long time, before the mind is recalling repeatedly, sees the scene, the look is somewhat disappointed. 看着眼前晶壁逐渐消散,韩立心中久久不能平静,脑海中一遍一遍回忆着之前看到场景,神色有些怅然。 After long time, he palm wields, three time crystal silk all appears, becomes gloomy, under he inspires, returned in Precious Mantra Wheel. 半晌之后,他才手掌一挥,三根时间晶丝全都浮现而出,变得黯淡无光,在他引动之下,又重新回到了真言宝轮之中。 The Precious Mantra Wheel also ray collects, by his received into within the body. 紧接着,真言宝轮也光芒一敛,被他收入了体内。 Han Li stands up, wields conveniently, brand-new azure magical robe on the neat clothing on the body, he put out a white jade hairpin conveniently, pulled own chignon, left. 韩立站起身来,随手一挥,一件崭新的青色法袍就整齐的穿戴在了身上,他又随手拿出一只白玉簪子,将自己的发髻一挽,别了上去。 At this time, a person's shadow from the distant place grazed, but, dropped the body, was Daoist Crab. 这时,一道人影从远处飞掠而至,落下身来,正是蟹道人 Congratulated Fellow Daoist Han, cultivation base went to the one/1st level/layer building.” Daoist Crab slightly cups one hand in the other across the chest, says. “恭喜韩道友了,修为又上了一层楼。”蟹道人略一拱手,开口说道。 Among these ten several years, laborious Fellow Daoist Crab continuously for my protector nursing.” On the Han Li face the happy expression is obvious, says. “这十数年间,辛苦蟹道友一直为我护法看护了。”韩立脸上笑意明显,开口说道。 Your my if one prospers, all prospers, is not no need to say these. Now since has cultivated to Golden Immortal Realm, the Mantra Wheel invincible might had also restored, how? Whether goes to Dream Hiding Talisman Mark in solution solution that stone platform?” Daoist Crab beckons with the hand, said. “你我一荣俱荣,不必说这些。如今既然已经修至金仙境界,想必真轮神威也已经都恢复了,如何?是否去解一解那石台上的梦隐符纹?”蟹道人摆摆手,说道。 Han Li hears word, before remembering , when enter the boundary of spatial knowledge, in that side feeling the unusual form , the vision collects, said with a smile: 韩立闻言,想起之前自己进入空识之境时,在那边感受到的异状,目光微敛,笑着说道: I am also having this intent......” “我也正有此意……” Then, he remembers Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel, has extinguished completely, cannot help but stagnates slightly. 说罢,他又想起自己真言宝轮上的时间道纹,已经全部熄灭,不由得微微一滞。 What's wrong, was why not proper?” Daoist Crab sees that asks. “怎么了,可是有何不妥?”蟹道人见状,问道。 All right, and attempts.” Han Li is smiling bitterly shaking the head, said. “没事,且去尝试一番。”韩立苦笑着摇了摇头,说道。 Then, two people then body figure flashed, arrived in that botanical garden. 而后,两人便身形一闪,来到了那处园林之中。 In the botanical garden, the vegetation is prosperous, as before as before, situated in jungle central that side stone platform, no change. 园林之中,草木繁盛,依旧如故,位于密林中央那方石台,也没有什么变化。 Han Li walks up, first was lets loose divine sense to investigate one toward stone platform in carefully, back gold/metal light streams overflowed, golden light shining treasure wheel appeared together, above all Time Dao Mark, completely became gloomy. 韩立走上前去,先是放开神识朝石台上仔细探查了一阵,紧接着背后金光流溢,一道金光灿灿的宝轮浮现而出,上面所有的时间道纹,全部变得黯淡无光。 His both hands magical formula pinches, above treasure wheel float golden eyeball immediately a revolution, projects together the golden ray, hit center stone platform. 他双手法诀一掐,身后宝轮之上悬浮的金色眼球立即一转,从中射出一道金色光线,打在了石台正中。 Above stone platform swung a ray, then quickly returned to the original condition, did not have any change again. 石台之上只是荡起了一阵光芒,便很快恢复原状,再没有了任何变化。 Really not good......” Han Li sighed, muttered. “果然不行……”韩立叹息一声,喃喃自语道。 after speaking, he considered the moment silently, both hands magical formula again changes. 一语说罢,他又默然思量了片刻,双手法诀再度一变。 Sees only three time crystal silk to fly to shoot from Precious Mantra Wheel, has delimited golden light in the midair, flew into above stone platform directly. 只见三根时间晶丝从真言宝轮之上飞射而出,在半空中划过一道道金光,径直飞入了石台之上。 This, entire stone platform gold/metal does in a big way, the golden light of dispersing spreads instantaneously, changes to a piece of dim splendid light, has extended from center, branches out crotch shapes the branches, extended outside the entire jungle. 这一下,整个石台金芒大作,散开的金光瞬间蔓延开来,化作一片朦胧华光,从正中处一直延伸开来,分出一道道树杈状的分支,伸到了整个密林之外。
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