RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#461: Principle it mysterious( fellow daoist, Mid-Autumn Festival is joyful!)

Nascent Soul situated in thunder pond, Han Li only thinks suffering that extremely at this moment each each quarter, crosses for a while, the short seven days of time, has looked like for 70 years. 元婴处于雷池之中,韩立此刻只觉每一时每一刻,都过的极其煎熬,短短七天时间,就像是过了七十年。 In this day and night, in upper air "Pi Li" crack! 这一日夜里,高空之中一声“霹雳”炸响! Thick, if the golden thunder light of Milky Way crosses the horizon, although flashes passes, actually reflects the entire curtain of night like the daytime. 一道粗若天河的金色雷光横贯天际,虽只是一闪即逝,却将整个夜幕都映得如同白昼。 With this loud sound, all electric lights stop, that golden thunder pond as if also goes with that golden Ray River turbulently, vanished in the vault of heaven thoroughly. 随着这一声巨响过后,所有电光收歇,那座金色雷池似乎也随着那条金色雷河汹涌而去,彻底消失在了天穹中。 3 - 4 inch high Nascent Soul tiny person descends slowly from the upper air, his facial features are ordinary, be with smile on the face, is glittering from top to bottom the dazzling golden ray, looks at as if a small golden Sun from afar. 一只三四寸高的元婴小人从高空中缓缓降落下来,其五官普通,面带笑容,浑身上下闪烁着耀眼的金色光芒,远远望去就仿佛一轮小小的金色太阳。 Sees only it to fall on the Han Li crown of the head slowly, after about looks around, stretches oneself, does not have to enter. 只见其缓缓落在韩立的天灵盖上,左右张望一阵后,伸了个懒腰,一没而入。 Has sat cross-legged close eyes Han Li, the eyes opens suddenly, the golden light that two just like the essence jumps to shoot from its, exsomatize three chi (0.33 m) long, seeming like quite somewhat is funnily strange. 一直盘膝闭目韩立,双眼霍然睁开,两道犹如实质的金光从其眼中迸射而出,离体三尺之长,看起来颇有些古怪滑稽。 However is good because of this condition has not continued is too long, his eyelid opened and closed up and down several, that golden light gradually restrains, finally submerges his eyeground to vanish thoroughly does not see, but the none in its actually even more concentrates to be solid. 不过好在这状况并未持续太久,他眼皮上下开合了几下,那金光就逐渐收敛,最终彻底没入他的眼底消失不见,只是其眼中的精光却是愈加凝实起来。 His intention moves, whole body gold/metal light streams overflows, Precious Mantra Wheel from the back appears, flying that and flashes before the body, hovering in midair, turning round revolving. 他心念一动,周身一阵金光流溢,真言宝轮从背后浮现而出,并一闪的飞至身前,悬停在了半空中,滴溜溜旋转不已。 Above sees only the bright light to shake, the Time Dao Mark ray twinkle that above concentrates is uncertain, original 360 groups of Dao mark have restored all, but above a treasure wheel round of body, three golden crystal silk windings, impressively Time Principle silk. 只见其上明光晃晃,上面凝出的时间道纹光芒闪烁不定,原先的三百六十团道纹已经尽数恢复,而在宝轮轮身之上,还有三根金色晶丝缠绕,赫然正是时间法则之丝 Han Li looks at these three golden crystal silk, the eyebrow is selecting slightly, reveals a happy expression. 韩立望着这三根金色晶丝,眉稍一挑,露出一丝喜色。 As if Golden Soul Pill after its previous clothing/taking, divine soul has that flash of change, oneself regarding placing the small space had a very marvelous feeling, but the feeling that because this being hard stated clearly, made its faint within are many a clear(ly) to become aware regarding power of Time Principle. 似乎就是在其此前服下金魂丹后,神魂产生变化的那一刹那,自己对于身处的这处小空间有了一种十分奇妙的感觉,而正是由于这种难以言明的感觉,让其隐隐间对于时间法则之力多了一丝明悟。 At that time, he then thought that within the body that Time Principle silk had a being ready to make trouble feeling, but because advancement Golden Immortal Realm neared, he has not thought. 当时,他便觉得体内那一根时间法则之丝有种蠢蠢欲动之感,但由于进阶金仙境在即,他也没有多想。 Finally in thunder pond bathing Nascent Soul these in days, his whole person be at a condition of quite suffering, it may be said that experiences one day like a year, the marvelous feeling that but previously that type had with this place space actually emerges again, power of time in within the body also had a delicate change, made it, condense two Time Principle silk unexpectedly again. 结果就在雷池洗婴的这几日里,他整个人处于一种颇为煎熬的状态,可谓是度日如年,但此前那种与此地空间产生的奇妙感觉却再次涌现,体内的时间之力也随之产生了一丝微妙变化,竟让其不知不觉间,再次凝聚出了两根时间法则之丝 He previously to condense first Time Principle silk, it may be said that took great pains, tried all possible methods, even violated the danger by the body swallowed green fluid in Heaven-Wielding Bottle to be unavailable, finally through refining Time Dao Pill directly can achieve wishes, now actually condenses two all of a sudden, in his heart pleasantly surprised could be imagined. 要知道,他此前为了凝聚第一根时间法则之丝,可谓是煞费苦心,尝试了一切可能的方法,甚至以身犯险的直接吞服掌天瓶中的绿液都不可得,最终还是通过炼制出了时间道丹才得以如愿,如今却一下子凝聚出两根来,其心中惊喜就可想而知了。 But at this moment, he wants to reappear the previous that condition again, how regardless of is actually unable to accomplish. 但此刻,他想要再度重现此前的那种状态,却又无论如何也无法办到了。 Possibly this is so-called fortune and destiny play tricks on people. 可能这就是所谓的造化弄人吧。 Han Li sighed gently, a finger check, three crystal silk such as the spirit snake was common immediately, flew to shoot to come from treasure wheel, to twine in his referring to carried. 韩立轻轻叹了口气,手指一勾,三根晶丝立即如灵蛇一般,从宝轮上飞射而来,缠绕在了他的指端上。 His divine sense investment in, feels intense Time Principle fluctuations to transmit immediately. 神识投入其中,立即感受到一股股强烈的时间法则波动传来。 At this moment, above Precious Mantra Wheel, shines a dazzling ray suddenly. 就在这时,真言宝轮之上,忽然亮起一片刺目光芒。 In the chest front clothing, the green glow shines together suddenly, dark green small bottle uncontrolled flying shoots, float in midair, brilliant rays erupted, changed to one group of green scorching sun. 其胸前衣衫之中,一道绿芒骤然亮起,墨绿小瓶不受控制的飞射而出,悬浮在了半空中,光芒大作,化作了一团绿色骄阳。 Under these two echo mutually, simultaneously sends out to fluctuate intermittently powerful. 这两者互相呼应之下,同时散发出阵阵强大波动来。 Only listens to whiz, entangles, in he points on three time crystal silk to fly away in abundance, straight such as the arrow common illness/quick shot to go, submerged in the dark green small bottle, flashed to pass. 只听“嗖”的一声,缠在他手指上的三根时间晶丝纷纷飞离而出,笔直如箭一般疾射而去,没入了墨绿小瓶中,一闪而逝。 Under a dull thumping sound, the Heaven-Wielding Bottle surface spirit mark flashes, the green light that blooms becomes dazzling dazzling, size also expands fast, quick changed to a round of emerald grinding pan. 一声闷响之下,掌天瓶表面灵纹闪动,绽放出的绿光变得刺目耀眼,体型也飞快扩张,很快就化作了一轮翡翠磨盘。 As above the bottle wall innumerable green rune fly to flash, one group of green mist condensed in bottle of bodies, forms green cloud vortex that turned fiercely wells up. 随着瓶壁之上无数绿色符文飞闪而出,一团绿色云气凝聚在了瓶身之内,形成了一个剧烈翻涌的绿云漩涡。 Rumble “轰隆隆” An intermittent special aura fluctuation spreads unceasingly, the green cloud in Heaven-Wielding Bottle changes to together the sturdy green light, will tear directly void, like ordinary previously, condenses that strange crystal wall. 一阵阵特殊的气息波动不断传出,掌天瓶中的绿云化作一道粗壮绿光,径直将虚空撕裂,如同先前一般,凝聚出了那面奇异晶壁。 Came......” “又来了……” Han Li looks at that group of green vortex that in the middle of the crystal wall gradually appears, in the heart moves, in the mouth muttered one. 韩立看着晶壁当中逐渐浮现的那团绿色漩涡,心中一动,口中喃喃一声。 It finishes speaking, has risen in a big way arrives in the house that big vortex, a huge and unusual suction gives birth suddenly, covered his whole person. 其话音刚落,已经涨大到房屋那么大的漩涡之中,一股庞大而奇特的吸力陡然生出,将他整个人笼罩了进去。 The strength of his divine soul detaches immediately, under flashed submerged in the vortex. 他的神魂之力顿时脱体而出,一闪之下就没入了漩涡之中。 Han Li only thinks that in the middle of mind a sharp pain, quick then eyes one black, completely lost the consciousness. 韩立只觉脑海当中一阵锐痛,很快便双眼一黑,完全失去了意识。 Absent-minded within, his ear bank has probably thunders the sound to get up intermittently, is accompanied by the intense howling wind sound/rumor. 恍恍惚惚间,他的耳畔好像有阵阵轰鸣之声响起,又伴有强烈的呼啸风声。 He terrified one startled, opened the eye hastily. 他悚然一惊,连忙睁开了眼睛。 This looked, he discovered oneself place in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air, is facing forward fly to go toward the front rapidly, that fierce bellow is transmitting from him unceasingly behind. 这一看,他才发现自己身处在万丈高空之中,正朝着前方急速朝前飞遁而去,那剧烈的轰鸣声正不断从他身后传来。 Had previous divine soul to pass through the experience time, this Han Li not extremely startled, he has not stopped fly, looked down on towards oneself. 有了上一次的神魂穿越经历,这一次韩立倒没有太过惊慌,他没有停止飞遁,低头朝自己身上看了过去。 This looked, making him unable to bear is startled fiercely, faces forward fly body figure also to be fierce trembles. 这一看,令他都忍不住猛地一怔,朝前飞遁身形都随之剧烈一颤。 His golden light misty, seems like like gold/metal Zhi constructs general, but the arm body, in the bosom is also holding aquamarine storage bracelet stubbily, unexpectedly not cultivator, but impressively is one Nascent Soul that flees desperately. 他的身上金光濛濛,看起来如同金汁浇筑一般,不过手臂身躯粗短不已,怀中还正抱着一枚碧绿色的储物镯,竟不似一名修士,而赫然是一只正在拼命遁逃的元婴 Han Li is startled slightly, in the heart a bitterness and astringency, the previous Ling Yunzi good and evil is a dying person time, this time unexpectedly directly is fleeing Nascent Soul. 韩立微微一怔,心中一阵苦涩,上一次的凌云子好歹是个垂死之人,这次的竟然直接是一只遁逃的元婴 However although Nascent Soul, this Nascent Soul the strength may compared with Ling Yunzi. 不过虽说是元婴,这元婴的的实力可比凌云子强多了。 The Han Li intention moves, then must try the memory of recalling this Nascent Soul, in mind if immediately has the startling thunderclap crack, buzz said. 韩立心念一动,便要试着记起这元婴的记忆,脑海之中顿时如有惊雷炸响,嗡鸣不已。 Incomplete memories and all sorts of complex difficult mood, swamp into his mind immediately. 一段段残缺的记忆和一种种复杂难名的情绪,立即涌入他的脑海。 In the Han Li mouth exudes one to shout lightly, the body crashed toward under. 韩立口中发出一声轻呼,身子不由朝着下方坠落了下去。 Is good because of this feeling is only the twinkling, he stood firm body figure quickly, but actually also stopped the footsteps, has not continued to flee to go again. 好在这感觉只是瞬息而已,他很快就重新稳住了身形,但却也停下了脚步,没有再继续遁逃而去。 His look strange reverse body, looks in the direction that is far away after behind. 他神色古怪的扭转身躯,朝着身后远离的方向望去。 Sees only there void, the sphere light screen that colors vary, is covering the big piece land and sky, spreads makes Han Li palpitation fluctuation intermittently, even if remote has separated such far, as before clearly. 只见那里的虚空之中,一道道颜色各异的球形光幕,笼罩着大片的土地和天空,从中传出阵阵令韩立心悸不已的波动,即使已经遥隔这么远,依旧清晰不已。 That is dozens types, even is about hundred types, sends out powerful spirit domain that intense power of magical principle is fluctuating, with his passing sees completely different spirit domain, or contains mutually, or dashes mutually, erupts intermittent heaven-shaking to fluctuate. 那是数十种,甚至是近百种,散发着强烈法则之力波动的强大灵域,与他过往所见完全不同的灵域,彼此之间或互相包含,或互相冲撞,爆发着一阵阵惊天波动。 Here is really Dark Cold Immortal Palace......” Han Li looks at that torn sky and broken land, muttered. “这里真的是冥寒仙宫……”韩立看着那片被撕裂的天空和残破的大地,喃喃自语道。 At this moment, he has clarified the Nascent Soul status that oneself resided temporarily immediately, its named Jin Hai, is a Lifeless Sword Sect Golden Immortal disciple, just fled from sect. 此刻,他已经弄清楚了自己当下寄居的这个元婴的身份,其名为金海,乃是所属于无生剑宗的一名金仙弟子,刚刚从宗门那边逃离了出来。 Han Li the memory fragment obtained from his there is very chaotic, mostly is the pictures of some frigid battles, as if will be some recent things. 韩立从他那里得到的记忆片段很混乱,大多都是一些惨烈交战的画面,似乎都是近期发生的一些事情。 Had the good consideration, Han Li to manage some trains of thought that but also was only some fuzzy guesses. 费了好一番思量,韩立才从中理出来了些许思绪,但也只是一些模糊猜测。 Why does not know, the Samsara Palace influence before 2nd, entered Dark Cold Immortal Palace suddenly on a large scale, Immortal Palace, although had the protection early, actually cannot repulse outside, was captured Immortal Residence. 不知为何,轮回殿势力在两日之前,突然大举杀入冥寒仙宫,仙宫虽然早有防备,却仍是没能拒敌于外,被攻入了仙府内部。 Lifeless Sword Sect as the Immortal Palace attached influence, naturally must accompany the Immortal Palace influence on resist at risk of life, must put together the sect foundation not to want, to start sword sea great array to give the enemy side to cause heavy losses, finally when great array starts, was actually achieved Supreme Unity Jade Immortal Realm great expert to release spirit domain by enemy cultivation base, surrounded entire sect. 无生剑宗作为仙宫附属势力,自然要随同仙宫势力拼死抵抗,原本是要拼着宗门根基不要,发动剑海大阵予以敌方重创,结果大阵发动之时,却被敌方一名修为达到太乙玉仙境大能释放灵域,困住了整个宗门 In the spirit domain is flooding inexplicable power of magical principle, can actually coerce boundless sword Qi in sword sea, making it unable to start, eventually caused sword array to expire. 灵域之内充斥着一种莫名的法则之力,竟然能够压服剑海中的磅礴剑气,令其无法发动,最终导致剑阵失效。 The Lifeless Sword Sect disciple has to tie to escape from Jade Immortal spirit domain, later encounters Immortal Palace and Samsara Palace cultivator war, Jin Hai fellow apprentices one after another fallen, some Nascent Soul flee, some relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 无生剑宗弟子只好结阵逃出玉仙灵域,之后又遭遇仙宫轮回殿修士大战,金海的师兄弟们一个接着一个陨落,有的元婴遁逃,有的形神俱灭。 He after was also intruding Golden Immortal Peak cultivator spirit domain, sword intent was stripped all, finally encountered the converging attack dead in battle at the scene, at the last minute that the life perished, he used the mystique to explode oneself life source flying sword, fled by the body of Nascent Soul. 他也在无意间闯入了一名金仙巅峰修士灵域之后,一身剑意被尽数剥离,最终遭到夹攻战死当场,在命殒的最后一刻,他动用秘法爆了自己的本命飞剑,才以元婴之身逃离了出来。 But only manages so, the body of his Nascent Soul has also been seriously battered, is on the verge of the collapse, if not for Han Li divine sense is in charge, at this moment only feared that must dissipate in Heaven and Earth thoroughly. 但仅管如此,他的元婴之身也已遭受重创,濒临崩溃,若不是韩立神识入主,此刻只怕已经要彻底消散于天地之间了。 Why can Samsara Palace attack Dark Cold Immortal Palace? Is losing of Dark Cold Immortal Palace related with this? In the Han Li heart the suspicion grows thickly. 轮回殿为何要进攻冥寒仙宫冥寒仙宫的失落难道与此有关?韩立心中疑窦丛生。 He hesitant, looked up left front one. 他犹豫了一下,抬头看了一眼左前方。 Sees only there float a fuzzy pale golden light wheel, is his Precious Mantra Wheel. 只见那里正悬浮着一个模糊的淡金光轮,正是他的真言宝轮 Above Time Dao Mark is glittering the translucent ray, but had more than ten groups of rays dimly. 上面的时间道纹正闪烁着半透明的光芒,只是其中有十余团的光芒已经黯淡了下去。 Han Li was light well, the feeling was somewhat strange. 韩立不禁轻“咦”了一声,感觉有些奇怪。 If according to the previous condition, had passed time at this moment absolutely at least 30 the time of breath, Dao mark at least should destroy completely 30 to be right, how be only will only more than ten groups lose the brilliance? 若是按照上一次的状况,此刻绝对已经过去了至少三十个呼吸的时间,道纹至少应该灭掉三十个才对,怎么会只有区区十余团失去了光彩? „......” Han Li eyebrow raise, is staring on Precious Mantra Wheel, observation that flickers. “难道说……”韩立眉头一挑,盯着真言宝轮上,一瞬不瞬的观察起来。 A moment later, his brow stretches, on the face revealed wiped the happy expression. 片刻之后,他眉头舒展开来,脸上露出了一抹喜色。 He discovered impressively, the time that each group of Time Dao Mark of present continue, as if from a previous breath together, turned into roughly three breaths together. 他赫然发现,如今的每一团时间道纹持续的时间,似乎从此前的一息一道,变成了约莫三息一道。 Perhaps, does this have three Time Principle silk to be related with own present? 或许,这与自己如今已拥有三根时间法则之丝有关? If so, each Time Principle silk can enable the time that Time Dao Mark can maintain to grow, as in the future Time Dao Mark on his Precious Mantra Wheel increases, Time Principle silk that as well as condenses increases, perhaps this time will also lengthen. 若真是如此,每一道时间法则之丝可以使得时间道纹所能维持的时间增长,往后随着他真言宝轮上的时间道纹增多,以及所凝聚的时间法则之丝增多,恐怕这一时间还会有所延长。 Also does not know, when Time Principle silk increases to the certain extent, again when divine soul shuttle, whether will cause what other changes? 也不知,当时间法则之丝增加到一定程度,再次神魂穿梭之时,是否会引起什么其他的变化?
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