RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#460: thunder pond bathing Nascent Soul

How in difference from hearsay?” Han Li sees this situation, in the heart one tight, does not know that is happy is sorrow. “怎么和传闻中的不一样?”韩立见此情形,心中一紧,不知是喜是忧。 However under examines minutely, he discovered that locates under the aperture black silk, a little selects the white light to shine through unexpectedly, haunched a white light umbrella general like inside, these black silk impediments outside. 然而细察之下,他才发现那处窍穴的黑丝之下,竟然有点点白光透射而出,如同里面撑起了一把白色光伞一般,将那些黑丝阻隔在外。 This is...... power of stars!” In the Han Li heart moves, mutters. “这是……星辰之力!”韩立心中一动,喃喃自语道。 Originally here immortal aperture, before him 36 that opens locates one of the profound aperture to superpose, how he has not thought that power of stars that in profound aperture contains, unexpectedly to resisting Aperture Decline has such effect. 原来此处仙窍,正与他之前开辟的三十六玄窍之一相重合,他怎么都没想到,玄窍中所蕴含的星辰之力,居然对抵抗窍衰有如此奇效。 Sees so, he felt relieved on the contrary, does not resort to the method eagerly, but is in the heart flashes through a thought that plans to continue to observe the Aperture Decline process of change. 一见如此,他反倒放下心来,并不急于动用手段,而是心中闪过一个念头,打算继续观察起窍衰的变化过程。 If this falls in the common True Immortal Realm cultivator eye, only feared that must be mad faints, some where people can deal with the tribulation of Aperture Decline with ease satisfied? 这一幕若是落在寻常真仙境修士眼中,只怕要气得背过气去,哪有人能这么轻松惬意地应对窍衰之劫? Sees only the power of stars in Aperture Decline black silk and profound aperture, at this moment is similar to two soldier mutual corners/horns to fight generally, when the former occupies the day, the latter occupies benefits, refuses to compromise there, seems like evenly matched. 只见窍衰黑丝与玄窍中的星辰之力,此刻正如同两个战士一般相互角斗,前者占据天时,后者占据地利,僵持在那里,看起来似乎是势均力敌。 But Han Li can actually discover, in tests of strength, the Aperture Decline black silk can always have the advantage of hair's difference, this said its strength actually not strongly really on power of stars, because of even profound aperture, is still the aperture range. 韩立却能发现,在一次次的角力之中,窍衰黑丝总能占据毫厘之差的优势,这倒不是说其力量真就强过星辰之力,而是因为即使是玄窍,也属于窍穴范围。 It indeed to a certain extent, strengthened the resistance ability of immortal aperture strength to Aperture Decline enormously, making the Aperture Decline process become very slow, but is actually not able to prevent occurrence of Aperture Decline essentially. 其的确在一定程度上,极大地增强了仙窍窍衰之力的抗拒能力,令窍衰的过程变得十分缓慢,但却无法从本质上阻止窍衰的发生。 In other words , power of stars in profound aperture, can resist 3rd Decline to strive to cultivator to period of precious time, but if cultivator is unable to find the law of resistance, is eventually difficult to escape the Aperture Decline destiny. 换言之,玄窍中的星辰之力,可以给修士抵御第三衰争取到一段宝贵的时间,但若是修士仍无法找到抵御之法,终究难逃窍衰的命运。 After Han Li looked at the moment, feels somewhat insipidly, then both hands magical formula pinches fiercely, the back golden color ray greatly is suddenly bright, Precious Mantra Wheel howls, after a racing, hovering before his body. 韩立看了片刻后,觉得有些索然无味,便双手法诀猛地一掐,背后金色光芒骤然大亮,真言宝轮呼啸而出,一个急转之后,悬停在了他的身前。 Sees only above treasure wheel 360 groups of Time Dao Mark, simultaneously shines the translucent ray, and spreads intermittent intense Time Principle fluctuations, sets up on the central golden eyeball dangerous, immediately has the golden ray together to spew out, sprinkles, in that locates on immortal aperture. 只见宝轮之上三百六十团时间道纹,同时亮起半透明的光芒,并从中传出阵阵强烈的时间法则波动,悬立中央的金色眼球上,顿时有一道金色光芒喷涌而出,洒落在那处仙窍上。 After the golden light falls, immediately changes to one visible golden gassed threads, in the black gassed thread with immortal aperture pestered mutually in one, like pulling out the radish was ordinary, pulled out these black gassed threads outward leaves. 金光落下之后,立即化作一片肉眼可见的金色光丝,与仙窍中的黑色光丝相互纠缠在了一起,如同拔萝卜一般,将那些黑色光丝向外抽离。 These two side strengths just a contact, Han Li felt that immediately there skin seemed being entrained, does not reap with the blade, but tears general toward below, making him unable to bear hold breath cold air. 这两方力量刚一接触,韩立立即感到那里的皮肤仿佛被人拽着,并不以刀割取,而是生生朝下撕裂一般,令他忍不住倒吸了一口凉气。 One type is hard to describe the feeling of ache, immediately locates immortal aperture from that passed to his sea of consciousness directly. 一种难以言状疼痛之感,顿时从那处仙窍,直接传到了他的识海之中。 A Han Li hastily both hands buckle, and refers to facing forward a finger/refers, golden treasure wheel rotates immediately rapidly, the above Time Dao Mark ray becomes even more bright, but hangs in center the ray of Eye of Truth release, suddenly has the golden crystal silk together to fly to shoot. 韩立连忙双手一扣,并指朝前一指,金色宝轮立即急速轮转起来,上面的时间道纹光芒变得愈发明亮,而悬于正中的真实之眼释放的光芒中,忽然有一道金色晶丝飞射而出。 That golden crystal silk is not the otherness, that Time Principle silk that its using energy untold hardships concentrate, the implication has pure incomparable power of Time Principle together. 那金色晶丝不是他物,正是其费劲千辛万苦才凝出的那一道时间法则之丝,蕴含有精纯无比的时间法则之力 Under it such as like the straight flying arrow, flashes together, injected Han Li that to locate in immortal aperture. 其就如如同一道笔直的飞箭,一闪之下,就射入了韩立的那处仙窍之中。 The gold thread enters the hole, immediately ripples the one/1st level/layer golden color halo, camouflaged entire aperture. 金丝入窍,顿时荡漾起一层金色光晕,将整个窍穴遮蔽了进去。 The black gassed thread in immortal aperture, contains a golden halo side contact of power of magical principle with these, is similar to the snow and ice to meet the scorching sun general immediately, dissipates rapidly, quick was cleansed cleanly. 仙窍中的黑色光丝,与这些包含法则之力的金色光晕方一接触,就立即如同冰雪遇到骄阳一般,迅速消散开来,很快就被荡涤了干净。 This process, is seemingly long, but several breaths actually. 这一过程,看似漫长,但实际不过数息之间。 After black light retreats thoroughly, the surrounding Heaven and Earth spiritual energy wells up to come again crazily, poured into toward immortal aperture. 待黑光彻底退去之后,周围的天地灵气再度狂涌而来,朝着仙窍之中重新灌注了进去。 Made common True Immortal Realm Late Stage cultivator hear look changes the tribulation of Aperture Decline, of under Time Principle silk this Three Great Supreme Principles, unexpectedly so silent in invisible. 令寻常真仙境后期修士闻之色变的窍衰之劫,在这三大至尊法则之一的时间法则之丝之下,竟这般无声无息的化于无形。 This makes in the Han Li heart relax , to continue close eyes cultivation to get up. 这让韩立心中松了一口气,继续闭目修炼起来。 Roughly after half quarter, 36th locates immortal aperture to make a connection finally. 约莫半刻钟后,第三十六仙窍终于打通。 Bang resounds, spreads from Han Li within the body, its body surface 36 locates immortal aperture simultaneously one brightly, the dazzling golden light changes from its whole body shoots up to the sky together, passed over in that matter level dark cloud directly. 一声“轰隆”鸣响,自韩立体内传出,其体表三十六仙窍同时一亮,一道刺目金光变从其周身冲天而起,直接通入了那层层乌云之中。 This......? The tribulation of Aperture Decline passed unexpectedly quickly, the body and under the Time Principle coordination with each other this Profound Immortal, so......” in void of not far away, Daoist Crab sees that unexpectedly, on the face revealed the surprised color rarely, muttered. “这……这是怎么回事?窍衰之劫居然这么快就度过了,这玄仙之体和时间法则相互配合之下,竟然如此……”不远处的虚空中,蟹道人见状,脸上难得地露出了惊讶之色,喃喃自语道。 However since the crisis has relieved, his then body figure flashes, returned to above the green bamboo garret in city edge. 不过既然危机已经解除,他便身形一闪,又回到了城池边缘的青竹阁楼之上。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” In the upper air, the thunderous sound is unceasing, everywhere dark cloud gradually dissipates, revealed is actually not ringing the clear sky, but is surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m) golden thunder pond, inside thunder and lightning condenses liquid, is reflecting the clear wave light. 高空之中,雷鸣之声不断,漫天乌云逐渐消散开来,露出的却不是朗朗晴空,而是一座方圆百丈的金色雷池,里面雷电凝聚成液态,反射着粼粼波光。 Han Li raised head to look at one, lifted the hand to face forward to grasp, has put that fine jade box before in its body, immediately flew into his hand. 韩立仰头看了一眼,抬手朝前一抓,一直放于其身前的那支精致玉盒,立即飞入了他手中。 It wields conveniently, will seal several talisman outside in He body to take off, "Pā", opened the lid. 其随手一挥,将封于盒身之外的几道符箓揭下,“啪”的一声,打开了盒盖。 After seeing only the lid opens, strange medicine fragrance immediately sends out, in the box revealed golden pill of dragon eye size, that takes Golden Immortal Nascent Soul as Golden Soul Pill that the main materials refinement becomes. 只见盒盖翻开之后,一阵奇异药香立即从中散发出来,盒内露出了一枚龙眼大小的金色丹丸,正是那枚以金仙元婴主材炼制而成的金魂丹 Han Li twists pill with two fair fingers gently, after gathering slightly sizes up at present, fiercely raises head, its clothing/taking. 韩立用两根白皙手指轻轻捻起丹丸,凑到眼前略一打量后,猛一仰头,将其服了下去。 As medicine pill coasts following the throat slowly, his chest and belly place shines one group of gentle golden light immediately, as if reflected his whole piece face to coat with the one/1st level/layer gold lacquer. 随着丹药顺着喉咙缓缓滑下,他的胸腹处随即亮起一团柔和金光,映得他整张脸庞都仿佛涂上了一层金漆。 After a strange energy since its chest and belly place produces, has not actually demoted his dantian, but is the direct impact on, flooded into his sea of consciousness all of a sudden, with his divine soul fusion in one. 一股奇异的能量自其胸腹处生成之后,却并未降入他的丹田,而是直冲而上,一下子涌入了他的识海,与他的神魂融合在了一起。 Han Li first felt that a mind sharp stabbing pain, subsequently the whole person becomes incomparably sober, his five feelings in this suddenly, were promoted realm of elusive spatial knowledge suddenly. 韩立先是感到头脑一阵尖锐刺痛,继而整个人都变得无比清醒,他的五感在这一刹那间,被骤然提升到了一种空灵空识的境界 Present world that world, but actually seems not the same world. 眼前的世界还是那个世界,但却似乎又已经不是同一个世界了。 His eyes can see void the spirit strength flow cracks, his both ears can hear the sound that in the air the dust particle collides, his pore seemed opened thoroughly, can feel each wisp of slight wind has delimited the vibration. 他双眼能够看到虚空中的灵力流动痕迹,他双耳能够听到空气中微尘碰撞的声音,他的毛孔仿佛被彻底打开,能够感受到每一缕风丝划过的振动。 Even does not need to use the divine sense investigation, he can detect each corner in this mystical place, current each change, the weak rhythm of Daoist Crab within the body core, listens respectfully to one is not bad. 甚至无需动用神识探查,他就能察觉到这处秘境中的每一个角落,正在发生的每一丝变化,就连蟹道人体内核心的微弱律动,也聆听得一丝不差。 At this moment, his ear moved suddenly, as if under abandoning that side stone platform in botanical garden, what special sound heard, what thing does there as if have? 就在这时,他的耳朵忽然动了一下,似乎在废弃园林中的那方石台下,听到了什么特别的声音,那里似乎有什么东西? When Han Li wants to further eavesdrop on, the boundary of this short spatial knowledge actually vanished, his five feelings returned to again normal, but his divine soul actually becomes concentrates to be solid. 正当韩立想要进一步探听之时,这种短暂的空识之境却消失了,他的五感又再度恢复了正常,而他的神魂却变得越加凝实起来。 The Han Li mind collects immediately, no longer diverts attention, he knows the last mountain pass before achievement Golden Immortal, approached. 韩立心神立即一敛,不再分心,他知道成就金仙之前的最后一道关隘,来临了。 After he deeply inspires, single-handed racket top of the head, the crown of the head starts suddenly, several cuns (2.5 cm), is flown to shoot by villain/tiny person that the one/1st level/layer golden light covers all over the body immediately, its whole body golden light congealing reality, the appearance appearance and Han Li are exactly the same, naturally is his Nascent Soul. 他深吸了一口气后,单手一拍头顶,天灵盖霍然一开,一只数寸大小,通体被一层金光笼罩的小人儿立即飞射而出,其周身金光凝实,面目模样与韩立一模一样,自然正是他的元婴 After Nascent Soul exsomatize, after own mortal body circles in flight one, shoots up to the sky, dug in that golden thunder pond. 元婴离体之后,绕着自己的肉身飞旋一圈后,冲天而起,一头扎入了那座金色雷池之中。 Golden Immortal Nascent Soul is extremely difficult to extinguish kills, when with True Immortal Realm has huge difference, before its reason lies in True Immortal strides in Golden Immortal, the space will have Nine Heavens Thunder Pond to appear, so long as True Immortal Nascent Soul in thunder pond, undergoes the thunder pond golden liquid the baptism, its quality then can have the qualitative leap. 金仙元婴之所以极难灭杀,与真仙境界之时有着天壤之别,其原因在于真仙跨入金仙之前,天上会有九天雷池出现,只要真仙元婴雷池之中,经受住雷池金液的洗礼,其品质便能发生质的飞跃。 Sees only Han Li Nascent Soul to enter in thunder pond, immediately splashed into the wok with cooking oil general like the water drop, making the entire pond boil. 只见韩立元婴一入雷池之内,顿时如同滴水溅入油锅一般,令整个池塘都沸腾了起来。 The purest thunder pond golden liquid surges, such as the startled big wave monstrous waves whip generally to Han Li Nascent Soul tiny person, the latter was actually both hands pinched magical formula, sat cross-legged to sit above the thunder pond liquid level. 最为精纯的雷池金液激荡而起,如惊涛巨浪一般拍打向韩立元婴小人,后者却是双手掐了一个法诀,在雷池液面之上盘膝坐了下来。 As the form golden liquid water surface fluctuating is uncertain, body figure is entirely still, whatever the golden electricity glow knocks down unceasingly on oneself. 其身影随着金液水面起伏不定,身形纹丝不动,任由金色电芒不断打落在自己身上。 Zī lā lā 滋啦啦 The silk threads crowded golden color electricity silk, like one Jin Luyi clothes set on golden villain/tiny person, collided with its golden light mutually, glitters the dazzling ray. 丝丝缕缕密集的金色电丝,如同一件金缕衣裳套在了金色小人身上,与其身上的本身金光相互碰撞,闪烁出耀眼的光芒。 The Han Li main body sits cross-legged to sit, the stance of originally as before maintaining, is shutting tightly both eyes, the brow is tight, the painful color of whole face. 韩立的本体盘膝而坐,依旧保持的原本的姿态,紧闭着双目,眉头紧蹙,满脸的痛苦之色。 At this moment, in his sea of consciousness, similarly is also violent storm, the terrifying appearance of difficult situation. 此刻,在他的识海之中,同样也是一副狂风暴雨,惊涛骇浪的恐怖模样。 Dazzling golden lightnings flash mixed, almost fills up his entire sea of consciousness, each time crack, like chops to hit directly on his divine soul. 一道道令人炫目的金色闪电交杂闪动,几乎将他的整个识海填满,每一次炸响,都如同直接劈打在他的神魂上。 Strokes in each electricity glow that in thunder pond receives regarding Nascent Soul, he can the clear sensation, that the pain of going directly to divine soul, even the ratio skins dismantles is unendurable. 对于元婴雷池之中受到的每一次电芒击打,他都能够清晰感知,那种直达神魂的痛楚,甚至比剥皮拆骨还要难熬。 Regarding the thunder pond refining Nascent Soul incident, are not many, originally is also thinking after tour of conclusion that this Immortal Residence Han Li knows, asks for advice to Daoist Hu Yan well, finally actually wants to be stranded here inadequately muddleheaded, now breaks the boundary. 对于雷池炼婴一事,韩立所知的并不多,本来还想着此次仙府之行结束之后,好好向呼言道人讨教一番,结果却不成想稀里糊涂被困在了此处,现在就破了境。 In fact, regarding True Immortal cultivator, makes a connection with 36 immortal aperture, but was a foot strided in the Golden Immortal threshold, another foot cross, how has looked at the thunder pond refining Nascent Soul result. 事实上,对于真仙修士来说,打通三十六仙窍,不过是一只脚跨入了金仙门槛,另一只脚跨不跨的过,就看着雷池炼婴的结果如何了。 refining Nascent Soul incident, not only looks at the divine intervention, and by artificial. 炼婴一事,既看天意,又靠人为。 Once Nascent Soul enters thunder pond, was equal to entering thunder prison cage, when it reopened all depending on the divine intervention, will have the time short half day to finish, but the time elder will be several days. 元婴一旦进入雷池,就等于进入了一座雷霆牢笼,其何时重开全凭天意,有时间短者半日就会结束,而时间长者则会长达数日。 Often quenchings the time longer, the Nascent Soul upgrading is bigger, but, Nascent Soul cannot undergo collapse destroys the possibility to be bigger. 往往淬炼时间越长,元婴品质提升就越大,但同时,元婴经受不住崩毁的可能性就越大。 But among people the existing difference, some people divine soul were frivolous, Nascent Soul does not solidify, enters thunder pond rashly, is no different brings about own destruction, it simply has not possibly supported in the thunder pond golden liquid the launder of purest nine days of thunder, finally will only end up an infant to destroy the result of person perishing. 而人与人之间本就存在着差异,有的人神魂轻浮,元婴不固,贸然进入雷池,无异于自寻死路,其根本没可能撑过雷池金液中最纯粹的九天雷霆的洗濯,最终只会落得个婴毁人亡的结果。 Han Li is different, his Nascent Soul ordinary True Immortal was strong on many, Divinity Cultivation Technique cultivation to four/4th level, although has not built completely, but divine soul is stabler than many Golden Immortal, in addition has taken Golden Soul Pill, therefore deals with thunder pond refining Nascent Soul, the advantage is more distinct. 韩立不一样,他的元婴较普通真仙本就强上不少,又将炼神术修炼至第四层,虽然还未完全修成,但神魂自是比许多金仙还要稳固,加之服用过金魂丹,所以应对雷池炼婴,优势更为明显一些。 Does not know that his these quenchings, how long will thunder pond continue? 只是不知他这一番淬炼,雷池会持续多长时间? Daoist Crab is waiting and seeing this from afar, the vision is quiet, the look is tranquil, does not know that is thinking anything. 蟹道人远远观望着这一幕,目光寂寂,神色平静,也不知在想些什么。
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