RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#459: 3rd Decline

After 3 days, late in the morning. 三日之后,日上三竿。 The Han Li form reappeared above the Bai Shi (white stone) square. 韩立的身影重新出现在了白石广场之上。 This time he, the double pupil god light/only hidden flashes, limpid exceptionally, regardless of immortal spirit strength in dantian, is the god sea of consciousness strength of divine soul, has adjusted the Peak condition. 此时的他,双眸神光隐闪,清澈异常,不论丹田内的仙灵力,还是神识海中的神魂之力,都已调整到了巅峰状态。 He first is the vision four sweeps, is single-handed lifts, under the sleeve robe raises, golden thunder light flashes together, not far away before the body collects, Daoist Crab body figure appears. 他先是目光四下一扫,接着单手一抬,袖袍一扬之下,一道金色雷光一闪而出,在身前不远处一敛,蟹道人身形从中浮现而出。 „The Fellow Daoist Han appearance is deep, cultivation base strives evidently, may celebrate encouraging.” Daoist Crab sized up Han Li, on the face appeared to wipe the superficial happy expression, said. 韩道友神采湛然,看样子修为又有精进,可喜可贺。”蟹道人打量了一下韩立,脸上浮现出一抹浅淡笑意,说道。 Indeed slightly has the progress. Arrives here already several hundred years of time, does not know that outside situation how, I then plan to try a breakthrough today again to Golden Immortal Realm, has a look whether to have the opportunity to leave here sooner. Although this space seals up, but the break through realm incident has many risk that is difficult to be bright, but also wants exhausted Fellow Daoist Crab again for my protector one or two/just a little.” Han Li said with a smile. “的确略有长进。来到此处不知不觉间已数百载光阴,也不知外面情形如何了,今日我便打算再尝试一番突破至金仙境界,看看能否有机会可以早些离开此处。这处空间虽然封闭,但破境一事还是存在诸多难明的风险,还要劳烦蟹道友再为我护法一二。”韩立笑着说道。 Your relax/rest assured break through realm is.” Daoist Crab nods to say. “你放心破境就是。”蟹道人点了点头道。 Finishes speaking, its whole body golden color electricity glow one bright, during body figure , the whole person integrates to be void in a flash, vanishes to disappear. 话音刚落,其周身金色电芒一亮,身形一晃之下,整个人融入虚空之中,消失不见了。 Han Li sees that the look collected slightly, sits cross-legged to sit. 韩立见状,神色微微一敛,盘膝坐了下来。 Sees only its wrist/skill one revolution, the azure light sprinkles before its together, the 3 - 4 white jade porcelain bottle and a fine jade box appear. 只见其手腕一转,一道青光在其身前洒落,三四个白玉瓷瓶和一个精致玉盒浮现而出。 His palm void move, a stopper of jade bottle flies to fall, middle pale golden pill of dragon eye size grazes, fell into his palm directly. 他手掌虚空一招,其中一个玉瓶的瓶塞自行飞落,当中一枚龙眼大小的淡金色丹丸飞掠而出,径直落入了他的掌心。 This pill is not the otherness, he previously refined with by assisting True Immortal Late Stage cultivator promotes cultivation base Ten Thousand Wheels Pill. 此丹不是他物,正是他此前炼制出用以辅助真仙后期修士提升修为万轮丹 Han Li will twist, put in the mouth, swallowed. 韩立将之捻起,放入了口中,吞服了下去。 medicine pill enters the abdomen, the efficacy accumulated melts immediately, changed to a heat flow, flooded into eight extraordinary meridians in within the body, when compares in takes for the first time that severe impact, has become gentle. 丹药入腹,药力立即蕴化开来,化作了一股热流,涌入了体内的奇经八脉之中,只是相比于第一次服用时的那种强烈冲击,早已变得和缓了许多。 On the one hand this is because this pill takes are too many, had had certain drug resistance in within the body, on the other hand, is because after Great Cycle Star Essence Technique cultivation to great accomplishment, its body and spirit change is dramatic, the flesh physique obtains the strengthening of certain extent, not previously may compared with. 这一方面是因为此丹服用的太多,已经在其体内产生了一定的耐药性,另一方面,则是因为大周天星元功修炼大成之后,其体魄变化显著,血肉筋骨都已经得到了一定程度的强化,远非此前可比了。 Han Li brow slightly one pressed, a finger one after another check, two Ten Thousand Wheels Pill fly to shoot, was swallowed into the abdomen by him. 韩立眉头微微一蹙,手指接连一勾,又有两枚万轮丹飞射而出,被他一口气吞入了腹中。 Then, he closes both eyes, pinches magical formula, cultivation gets up silently. 而后,他才合上双目,掐起法诀,默默修炼起来。 As the intermittent mnemonics recited the sound to get up, the one/1st level/layer gentle golden light from its body surface flood, wrapped his whole body. 随着阵阵口诀吟诵之声响起,一层柔和的金光从其体表泛起,包裹住了他的全身。 Time bit by bit passes , passed ten for several years. 时间一点一滴流逝,不知不觉间,又过去了十数年。 Then, the beforehand Han Li self-torture «Great Cycle Star Essence Technique» that 500 years, are nowadays these ten for several years, how regardless of the time transforms, this ruins small town has actually as if been maintaining the original appearance, when with Han Li just came in almost/the same. 说起来,不论是之前韩立苦修《大周天星元功》的那五百年,还是现如今这十数年,时光不论怎么变换,这废墟小城却似乎一直保持着原来的样子,与韩立刚刚进来时差不多 The although also experiences west livelihood Dongsheng to fall, wind and cloud circulation, but actually never sees the four seasons to take turn, the vegetation ups and downs, the creamy moss that finds at everywhere on including the city, also has been maintaining the dark green deep and dark luster. 其虽然也经历着日月东升西落,风云流转,但却从不见四季交替,草木枯荣,就连城中随处可见的滑腻青苔,也都一直保持着墨绿幽深的色泽。 City edge, above a three/3rd level green bamboo garret, Daoist Crab of yellow robe stands above the roof upturned eave, clothing was blown the clamor to make noise by the fresh breeze, direction of his surface in toward the city, did not have, just likes a statue. 城池边缘处,一座三层青竹阁楼之上,一袭黄袍的蟹道人站立在楼顶飞檐之上,身上的衣衫被劲风吹得咧咧作响,他却一直面朝城中方向,全无所动,宛似一尊雕像。 Finally to......” at this time, him opened the mouth suddenly, said slowly. “终于到了……”这时,他忽然开口,缓缓说道。 Bang! 轰! It finishes speaking, the city center then transmits a loud sound, the entire ruins small town also shakes loudly. 其话音刚落,城池中心处便传来一声巨响,整座废墟小城都随之轰然一震。 Sees only together golden light beam shooting up to the sky suddenly, direct impact beyond the highest heavens. 只见一道金色光柱忽的冲天而起,直冲九霄云外。 Sky over the square, the dark clouds from collect to come layer upon layer in all directions, such as goes full steam ahead, the crazy tumbling surges. 广场上空,层层阴云从四面八方汇集而来,如万马奔腾,疯狂翻滚涌动。 Soon, these dark clouds then change into the diameter to have dozens li (0.5 km) broad dark cloud vortex together fully, roll up and push along, middle has the electric light to flash before unceasingly, resembling is middle detains the innumerable fierce unusual animals, exudes to shout sadly. 不多时,这些阴云便化为一道直径足有数十里之广的乌云漩涡,一圈圈卷动而出,当中不断有电光闪现,似是当中拘押着无数狰狞异兽,发出声声沉闷嘶吼。 Han Li sits respectfully in the golden light beam, the whole body clothing has broken, on the terse actually not exaggerating muscle as if plated one/1st level/layer golds membrane, black hair soars to the heavens but actually vertically, the whole person seemingly seems the angry glare diamond of Buddhism. 韩立正襟危坐于金色光柱之中,浑身衣衫早已破碎,精悍却不夸张的肌肉上仿佛镀了一层膜,一头青丝冲天倒竖,整个人看起来好似佛门的怒目金刚。 Before his body, 35 immortal aperture that makes a connection with, all bloom at this moment the bright ray, center the chest 36th is locating immortal aperture also to have the golden vortex together to condense, from makes a connection thoroughly, only remains separation. 其身上之前打通的三十五处仙窍,此刻全都绽放着明亮光芒,胸口正中第三十六仙窍也正有一道金色漩涡凝聚,距离彻底打通,仅剩一线之隔。 ......” “喝……” At this moment, both eyes that Han Li shuts tightly open the eyes impressively, in the mouth sends out heavenshaking loud calling out. 就在这时,韩立紧闭的双目赫然一睁,口中发出一声震天响的暴喝。 The chest front that vortex golden light splits immediately, revolves fiercely, among surroundings Heaven and Earth the silk threads naked eye obvious Heaven and Earth spiritual energy welled up immediately rapidly, collects to go toward aperture. 其胸前那处漩涡顿时金光一绽,剧烈旋转起来,周围天地间丝丝缕缕肉眼可见的天地灵气立即飞速涌了过来,朝着窍穴之中汇集而去。 Whistling......” “呼呼……” As if there is howling wind sound/rumor to pour into, that locates aperture unexpectedly such as the vast big gully, as if cannot fill up general, must absorb from the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy in all directions continuously, with by consolidating oneself. 仿佛有呼啸风声灌入,那处窍穴竟如汪洋大壑,仿佛根本填不满一般,源源不断得吸纳着来自四面八方的天地灵气,用以巩固自身。 Han Li grave expression, does not have the meaning of relaxation, both hands magical formula to pinch to continue, is guiding the spiritual energy trend, while is controlling the immortal aperture absorbing speed carefully, to prevent its reason foundation not to have been supported steadily badly. 韩立神色凝重,丝毫没有放松之意,双手法诀掐动不止,一边引导着灵气走向,一边小心控制着仙窍的吸纳速度,以防止其因根基未稳而被撑坏。 So one after roughly double-hour, the speed that the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy pours into slows down slowly, that locates the ray on aperture to be getting more and more abundant, and gradually tends stabilizes. 如此约莫一个时辰之后,天地灵气灌入的速度才慢慢减缓下来,那处窍穴上的光芒越越来越盛,并且逐渐趋于稳定下来。 Han Li at this moment has been sweating profusely, the hand that pinches finger joints with the thumb is still not actually willing to have relaxes slightly, momentarily be careful, to guard the accidental/surprised accident to appear. 此刻的韩立早已是满头大汗,掐诀的手却仍是不肯有丝毫放松,随时小心,以防有意外变故出现。 Suddenly, in the upper air hears one bang the loud sound. 突然间,高空之中传来一声轰隆巨响。 Constrains for a long time dark cloud thunder and lightning to erupt finally, together straight such as black thunder pillar of lance, pierces the cloud layer directly, pounds to fall in the overhead toward Han Li. 压抑许久的乌云雷电终于爆发,一道笔直如矛的黑色雷柱,直接刺穿云层,朝着韩立所在当头砸落下来。 Han Li has to alert, lifts single-handed, by the fist that the star light wraps, aims at the upper air to eject ruthlessly. 韩立心生警醒,单手一抬,一只被星光包裹的拳头,对准着高空狠狠击出。 Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang “砰”“砰”“砰”“砰”“砰”“砰”“砰” First even/including seven fists! 一连七拳! Seven several feet star light fist shades, upward depart like lightning, blooms star splendors, seven fist shades links, condensed a stars shines silver light screen. 七只数丈大小的星光拳影,向上闪电般飞出,从中绽放出一圈圈的星辉,将七道拳影连接在一起,凝聚成了一片星光灿烂的银色光幕。 That black thunder column passes through straightly, pounded directly above the silver light screen, had a heavenshaking loud sound. 那道黑色雷柱笔直贯穿而下,直接砸在了银色光幕之上,发出一身震天巨响。 The silver light screen is fierce immediately shakes, the innumerable stars disintegration annihilation, the overall silver light is also lax, especially by the region of thunder column upfront impact, drove out large cave/hole directly. 银色光幕顿时剧烈一震,无数星辰崩碎湮灭,整体银光都随之涣散开来,尤其被雷柱正面冲击的区域,更是直接被轰开一个大洞 Meanwhile, in the dark cloud vortex in upper air, transmits a huger thundering sound, it seemed enraged generally, was together sturdier than previously time of black thunder pillar, rips open the cloud layer again, vertical pounds to fall. 与此同时,高空中的乌云漩涡之中,传来一声更加巨大的轰鸣声响,其仿佛是被激怒了一般,一道比先前粗壮了一倍的黑色雷柱,再次撕开云层,垂直砸落下来。 Daoist Crab waits and sees this from afar, in the eye the golden electricity silk is flashing, body figure flashes to pass. 蟹道人远远观望着这一幕,眼中金色电丝一闪,身形一闪而逝。 Next flickers, his form emerged out of thin air in Han Li with that thunder pillar void, the whole body golden color electric light wound around, suddenly lifted an arm, shook toward golden thunder Zhuying. 下一瞬,他的身影凭空出现在了韩立与那雷柱之间虚空中,周身金色电光缭绕,忽的抬起一臂,朝着金色雷柱硬撼了过去。 Sees only above his arm the one/1st level/layer golden color electric light suddenly for the first time presently, the entire palm changes to giant golden crab pincers suddenly, clamped toward black thunder pillar fiercely. 只见其手臂之上一层金色电光骤然乍现,整个手掌忽然化作一道巨大的金色蟹钳,朝着黑色雷柱猛地夹了过去。 Kā chā 咔嚓 The sound of astonishing thunderclap gets up together, the golden electric light jumps to shoot, black thunder pillar divides into two immediately, cracks suddenly. 一道惊人的霹雳之声响起,金色电光迸射而出,黑色雷柱当即一分为二,骤然崩裂开来。 The place of the disintegration, changes to together the sphere electricity cage directly, entire covered Daoist Crab. 其崩碎之处,直接化作一道球形电笼,将蟹道人整个笼罩了进去。 „Not good......” “不好……” Daoist Crab places to wrap, in the mouth spreads one to call out in alarm, waved to grasp toward the sphere electricity cage outside again. 蟹道人身处雷芒包裹,口中传出一声惊叫,再度挥手朝着球形电笼之外抓了过去。 However, lasted actually already late. 然而,为时却已经晚了。 Sees only outside the sphere electricity cage the black light to rise from all directions, thick such as black electricity cable/search Bengshe of arm, toward sweeps to go , the surroundings void shake that shakes in all directions carelessly, Pī pā makes noise. 只见球形电笼之外乌光四起,一道道粗如手臂的黑色电索迸射而出,朝着四面八方胡乱扫动而去,震的周围虚空震荡,噼啪作响。 This process slow reality illness/quick, electricity cable/search Heibian vertical chops, hit solid on the back of Han Li. 这一过程似缓实疾,其中一条电索黑鞭一个纵劈,就结结实实地打在了韩立的脊背上。 Zī lā lā 滋啦啦 A black spark jumps to shoot, behind Han Li immediately burned black piece. 一阵黑色火花迸射而出,韩立背后顿时焦黑一片。 His brow a wrinkle, looked toward own chest front position immediately hastily. 他的眉头顿时一皱,连忙朝着自己的胸前位置看了过去。 Sees only formation that to locate in immortal aperture, suddenly leaps up such as to send the silk thin the black ray, instantaneous such as the spider web spreads generally, most aperture will dye the pitch-black color. 只见堪堪成型的那处仙窍之中,突然蹿出一条细如发丝的黑色光芒,瞬间如蛛网一般蔓延开来,将大半个窍穴都染成乌黑之色。 In Han Li heart one cold, the pupil shrinks. 韩立心中一凛,瞳孔一缩。 Although has not experienced, but from present, in this Three Declines Aperture Decline, came eventually! 虽然没有经历过,但从眼前的这一幕来看,这三衰之中的“窍衰”,终究还是来了! Although Han Li regarding this early some expectations, but when the matter of it truly occurrence, he presented short being out of sorts. 韩立虽然对此早有预料,但当其真正发生之事,他还是不由地出现了短暂的失神。 Through the ages, there are countless startled certainly colorful cultivator, on a immortal cultivation way, experiences a lot of ups and downs, rises to challenges, in addition all kinds of chance good fortunes, finally break through the bottleneck step by step, goes against heaven's will the line, Transcend Tribulation becomes an immortal, then whets after the countless glorious years, finally emerged from ten thousand immortals, endured True Immortal Realm Peak. 古往今来,有数不尽的惊才绝艳的修士,在修仙一途上,历经坎坷,披荆斩棘,加上各式各样的机缘造化,才终于一步步突破瓶颈,逆天而行,渡劫成仙,而后又经过数不尽的悠久岁月磨砺,才终于从万仙之中脱颖而出,熬到了真仙境巅峰 When will soon bridge over this leaping one step, Golden Immortal that achievement ten thousand immortal focuses attention on, Aperture Decline arrives, the previous pains cultivation all, in this moment, may come to naught completely. 就在即将跨过这飞跃性的一步,成就万仙瞩目的金仙之时,窍衰降临,先前苦心修炼的一切,在这一刻,可能将全部化为泡影。 In the hearsay, Aperture Decline compared with former Two Declines, its oncoming force is not swift and violent, such as the fire sets the prairie afire, after aperture deteriorates, will spread, invades more than 30 immortal aperture that True Immortal cultivator opens laboriously quickly all, causing it to be completely decayed. 传闻之中,窍衰不比前两衰,其来势迅猛,如火燎原,一个窍穴衰败之后,紧接着就会蔓延开来,很快将真仙修士辛辛苦苦开辟出的三十多个仙窍尽数侵染,导致其全部腐朽。 Once all immortal aperture rot, the body of True Immortal will then follow deteriorates, immortal spirit strength diverges all, all cultivation all become the futile effort diligently, finally degenerates into the disabled person thoroughly, the opportunity of staging a comeback did not have. 一旦所有仙窍腐坏,真仙之躯便会紧随其后衰败,一身仙灵力尽数散去,所有修行努力皆成徒劳,最终彻底沦为废人,就连东山再起的机会都没有了。 The Han Li complete mind was located aperture to tow the past by that in the heart somewhat is disturbed, body these immortal aperture, will for fear that be invaded by the black silk one after another, subsequently deterioration one after another. 韩立的全部心神都被那处窍穴牵引了过去,心中不禁有些忐忑,生怕身上这些仙窍,会一个接着一个被黑丝侵染,继而一个接着一个的衰败下去。 This is a very unusual feeling, if not feels personal is unable to realize profoundly. 这是一种十分奇特的感受,若非切身感受无法深刻体会。 Was similar the laborious type a blue lotus, actually in the instance that the flower bud bloomed, was thrown down drop of fatal toxicant, the entire lotus flower from the lotus plumule, received the toxic invasion the flower petal to root completely, rapid corrupt. 就仿佛自己辛辛苦苦种出了一朵青莲,却在花苞绽放的瞬间,被人投下了一滴致命毒药,整株莲花从莲心,花瓣到根枝全部受毒性侵染,迅速腐败。 In he planned when uses power of Time Principle to deal, actually some discovery matter something is not right. 就在他打算动用时间法则之力应对时,却发现事情有些不对劲 aperture of that place half blacking glow consistently is maintaining half black half white color unexpectedly, has not described the potential like the old book in vigorously like the fire. 那处半染黑芒的窍穴居然始终保持着半黑半白之色,并未像古籍中描述的那样势疾如火。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事?
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