RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#458: 500 years

The night falls, in the jet black sky, the innumerable stars appear, the ray is bright. 夜幕降临,漆黑的天空中,无数星辰浮现而出,光芒熠熠。 Han Li sits cross-legged to sit in the Bai Shi (white stone) square center, raises head to look at the sky, the double pupil like the mirror, refracts a star light. 韩立盘膝坐于白石广场中央,仰头望着天空,双眸如镜,从中折射出点点星光。 Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel, each one year has been able to restore one group, the time that must cost is extremely long. 真言宝轮上的时间道纹,每过一年才能恢复一团,所要耗费的时间极长。 In oneself are unable to find the break free way in the situation, Han Li must wait for slowly, during this period plans to continue cultivation Great Cycle Star Essence Technique, opens many profound aperture, and is trying suddenly break through realm, in order to be the Golden Immortal level. 在自己无法找到脱困途径的情况下,韩立只得慢慢等待,在此期间打算继续修炼大周天星元功,来开辟出更多的玄窍,并尝试着突破境界,以求能达到金仙层次。 Sees only it to throw conveniently, one blue crystal light depart from its palm, change to dozens streams light/only, such as flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky sprinkled generally above 81 star aspects. 只见其随手一抛,一片蓝色晶光就从其手心之中飞出,化作数十道流光,如天女散花一般洒落在了八十一个星位之上。 These Heavenly Star Stone just fell into great array, the surface the crystal light flashes immediately, spreads piece by piece the star splendor, shines upon bright as snow the entire square. 这些天星石刚一落入大阵之中,表面立即晶光一闪,从中蔓延出片片星辉,将整个广场都映照得雪亮起来。 Meanwhile, the Han Li opens the mouth spits, seven blue star articulation depart from its continually, in midair turning round one revolution, disperses respectively, hovering in nighttime sky. 与此同时,韩立张口一吐,七枚蓝色星环接连从其口中飞出,在半空滴溜溜一转,各自分散开来,悬停在了夜空中。 Although this Seven Dazzling Star Rings is not part in magical array, but after all is also stars magical treasure, regarding directing the strength of multiple star light, was still of great help, Han Li naturally cannot leave idle. 虽然这七曜星环不是法阵中的一部分,但毕竟也是星辰法宝,对于引聚星光之力来说,仍是大有裨益,韩立自然不会放置不用。 As its sleight of hand pinches, in the mouth resounds the sound of recitation, star splendor ray that above entire great array shines, starts gradually to rise in a big way, bit by bit covered the entire square. 随着其手诀掐动,口中响起吟诵之声,整个大阵之上亮起的星辉光芒,也开始逐渐涨大,一点一点地将整个广场都覆盖了进去。 The Han Li eyes look to the profound curtain of night, he only felt oneself seem pulling closer with the nighttime sky distance fast, these past was seemingly tiny the incomparable stars, unexpectedly became more and more greatly, the ray that above shone also became more and more abundant. 韩立双眼望向深邃的夜幕,他只觉得自己与夜空的距离似乎正在飞快拉近,那些往日看起来渺小无比的星辰,竟然变得越来越大,上面亮起的光芒也变得越来越盛。 Each stars seem like, seems a Sun of micro version, dazzling. 每一颗星辰看起来,都仿佛是一个微缩版的太阳,炫目至极。 At this moment if there is bystander to present, certainly will discover panic-strickenly, in Han Li could not have seen the black pupil, the entire eyeball got made the snow white shape, seemed filled with the bright star splendor. 此刻若有外人在场,一定会惊骇的发现,韩立目中已经看不到黑色的瞳仁,整个眼珠都变作了雪白之状,仿佛盛满了熠熠星辉。 Bang a loud sound! “轰隆”一声巨响! The stars ray suddenly is all over the sky bright, the innumerable snow white star splendors condense from the backdrop above, changes to more than hundred snow white light beams to project from the nighttime sky, overspreads the entire ruins city instantaneously. 满天星辰光芒骤亮,无数雪白星辉自天幕之上凝聚而成,化作百余道雪白光柱从夜空中投射而下,瞬间铺满整个废墟城池。 And by Seven Dazzling Star Rings projects but below seven light beams, appears especially sturdy congealing reality. 其中透过七曜星环投射而下的七道光柱,显得尤为粗壮凝实。 A square fierce tremor that the city center, Heavenly Cycle multiple star magical array is, on all Heavenly Star Stone shines a white light beam respectively, collected to shoot toward the midpoint Han Li spoke. 城池中央,周天聚星法阵所在的广场一阵剧烈颤动,所有天星石上各自亮起一道白色光柱,朝着正中央的韩立辐凑着射了过去。 81 star splendor light beams, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform hit above the Han Li body, immediately made beat a drum the sound. 八十一道星辉光柱,齐齐打在了韩立身躯之上,顿时发出一阵擂鼓般的声响。 In the Han Li mouth exudes one stuffily depressing, the body skeleton is common like the parched beans, makes a series of Pī pī pā pā parched beans sounds. 韩立口中发出一声压抑地闷哼,身上骨骼如同爆豆一般,发出一连串噼噼啪啪的爆豆般声响。 18 profound aperture that above the body surface, condensed before, bloom simultaneously the bright ray, above appears one after another a small-scale vortex, is attracting everywhere star splendor toward condenses. 其体表之上,之前凝聚出的十八处玄窍,同时绽放出明亮光芒,上面接连浮现出一个小型漩涡,吸引着漫天的星辉朝其中凝聚而来。 Powerful power of stars flood, in Han Li profound aperture has a ballooning full feeling immediately, as if the person of full food, has insisted to eat up one table of luxurious feasting again, the taste does not feel better. 一股股强大的星辰之力充斥其中,韩立玄窍之内立即生出一种鼓胀饱满之感,就仿佛已经饱食之人,硬要再吃下一桌鸡鸭鱼肉,滋味并不好受。 In his both eyes flashes through color of the pain, the tooth fastens to nip, whatever has become profound aperture to continue to swallow the star splendor. 他双目之中闪过一丝痛苦之色,牙关紧咬着,任由已成玄窍继续吞噬星辉。 At this moment, under its magical array trembles suddenly greatly, the void vortex gives birth from its together baseless, strength of the invisible attraction howls to give birth immediately, is attracting the white star splendor that overspreads the entire square, gathers toward Han Li on. 就在这时,其身下法阵忽然一阵巨颤,一道虚空漩涡凭空从其身下生出,一股无形的吸引之力顿时从中呼啸生出,吸引着铺满整个广场的白色星辉,朝着韩立身上聚拢而来。 Sees only from the backdrop lets fall, but the below more than hundred snow white light beams, were torn by this strength one, actually had some distortions in abundance, all projected toward Han Li on directly. 只见从天幕上垂落而下的百余道雪白光柱,被这股力量一阵撕扯,竟然纷纷发生了一些扭曲,全都朝着韩立身上直接投射了过来。 Just now Heavenly Cycle Star-Gathering Great Array, like Wang Yanghu sea that more than hundred waterfall irrigation form, but Han Li controls a small boat to float the sea, only needs not slow does not seize anxiously is, but now is different. 方才的周天聚星大阵,如同百余道瀑布灌注形成的汪洋湖海,而韩立则是驾驭着一叶扁舟漂浮海上,只需不急不缓地从中攫取便是,可现在却不同了。 Hundred star splendor waterfalls pour into simultaneously, implication power of stars, compared with does not know the great strength that previously many times, was unbearable engages in factional strife, fell on Han Li. 百条星辉瀑布同时灌注而下,其中蕴含的星辰之力,比先前不知强了多少倍,一股难以承受的巨力倾轧而下,落在了韩立身上。 Han Li by this boundless great strength pressure, the body was leaned forward, the whole person almost crawls. 韩立被这股磅礴巨力一压,身子不由向前一倾,整个人几乎匍匐下去。 The silk threads slender incomparable star Hui crystal silk, pricks his pore every inchs, the blood instantaneously his clothing percolation. 丝丝缕缕纤细无比的星辉晶丝,刺入他的每一寸毛孔,鲜血瞬间就将他的衣衫浸透。 However, after the twinkling, the blood that these seep out was evaporated by the star splendor, vanishes without the trace. 然而,瞬息之后,那些渗出的血液就被星辉蒸发,消失无踪了。 The Han Li tooth fastens to nip, the throat deep place sends out low and deep shouting, both hands presses two knees, the arm blue vein is sticking out suddenly, the tremor supported the body slowly. 韩立牙关紧咬着,喉咙深处发出一阵低沉的嘶吼,双手按着两个膝盖,手臂青筋暴起,颤动不已地将身躯缓缓撑了起来。 His skin had been entered the star of body to shine insightfully, almost got made the translucent shape, was away from the one/1st level/layer clothing, can see the root origin manages and skeleton of his within the body. 其身上皮肤已经被入体的星辉映得通透,几乎变作了半透明之状,隔着一层衣衫,都能看到他体内的根根脉管和骨骼。 At this moment, Han Li lifts the palm to wield suddenly, a ray flies to shoot, changes to a giant screen instantaneously, whistling makes noise circles in flight on, hovering above his top of the head. 就在这时,韩立突然抬起手掌一挥,一道光芒飞射而出,瞬间化作一架巨大屏风,“呼呼”作响地飞旋而上,悬停在了他的头顶之上。 Screen color quiet black insightful, above is mounting glittering and translucent carving blue round beads, seemingly just likes the curtain of night starry sky, actually before him, in that having Great Cycle Star Essence Technique that main hall takes away. 屏风颜色幽黑通透,上面镶嵌着一颗颗晶莹剔透的蓝色圆珠,看起来恍若夜幕星空,却正是他之前在藏有大周天星元功的那座大殿中收走的那块。 Sees only the screen hanging arch, under the projection of star splendor light beam, all blue round beads erupts a radiant ray, a starry sky chart of micro version appears immediately, glitters the bright star glow. 只见屏风悬顶,在星辉光柱的投射下,所有蓝色圆珠爆发出一片璀璨光芒,一张微缩版的星空图立即从中浮现而出,闪烁起熠熠星芒。 Meanwhile, the entire screen becomes even more insightful, finally thorough empty, got made the one/1st level/layer black gauze light screen directly, covered Han Li. 与此同时,整个屏风变得越发通透,最终彻底虚化,直接变作了一层黑纱般的光幕,将韩立笼罩了进去。 Above the serissa fetida splendor falls, making the light screen like sea level general fluctuating uncertain, Han Li by its asylum, the whole body pressure a loosen, becomes no longer unbearable slightly. 满天星辉落入其上,使得光幕如同海面一般起伏不定,韩立受其庇护,周身压力才稍稍一松,变得不再那么难以承受。 He puts out the one breath slowly, in the hand pinches magical formula, both eyes whole, starts to absorb power of stars wholeheartedly. 他缓缓吐出一口气,手上掐出一个法诀,双目一阖,开始全心全意吸收起星辰之力来。 ...... …… The time passes gradually, years circulation. 时光荏苒,岁月流转。 Han Li inspires the star splendor to fill the body from the starry sky at night, daytime takes Heavenly Star Stone as the source, cultivation Great Cycle Star Essence Technique, day after day, is night and day unremitting. 韩立夜晚从星空之中引动星辉灌体,白日间则以天星石为源,日以继夜地修炼大周天星元功,日复一日,从无间断。 In initial several years, Han Li each one year, will have restored one group of Time Dao Mark, subsequently will then interrupt cultivation time, to that botanical garden, is trying Dream Hiding Talisman Mark in break/solve stone platform, finally has achieved nothing. 在最初的数年间,韩立每过一年,就会恢复一团时间道纹,继而便会中断一次修炼,去往那片园林,尝试着破解石台上的梦隐符纹,结果都是一无所获。 After that he knew in the heart that outside Dark Cold Immortal Residence must close, but in here small mystical place has not had any accident, installs the heart on the contrary, coming entire strength cultivator to refine, in a while his condense had/left 19 th profound aperture. 在那之后,他心知外面的冥寒仙府应当早已经关闭,而此处小秘境中没有发生任何变故,反倒安下心,来全力修炼了,没过多久他就凝练出了第十九个玄窍 Later Great Cycle Star Essence Technique cultivation, although said no on problem-free, but has not begun any big twists and turns, Han Li also immersion in, forgot passing of time slowly. 之后大周天星元功修炼,虽然说不上一帆风顺,但也没有再起什么大的波折,韩立自己也沉浸其中,慢慢忘记了时间的流逝。 Among a blink, are 500 years later. 一眨眼间,已是五百年后。 In this day and night, more than hundred star splendor light beams let fall the horizon, the bright as snow ray that sends out will put in order the ruins city, shines like the daytime. 这一日夜里,百余道星辉光柱垂落天际,散发出的雪亮光芒将整座废墟城池,映照得如同白昼。 Han Li sits cross-legged to sit center the square, was covered by the white light beam, the whole body is translucent, seems like on as if the jade carves general, clear insightful, is unspotted. 韩立盘膝坐在广场正中,被白色光柱笼罩,周身透亮无比,看起来就仿佛玉石雕琢一般,晶莹通透,毫无瑕疵。 It originally pitch-black like the black ink long hair, scatters after behind, actually has become like one handful of silver, glittering and translucent carving. 其原本乌黑如墨般的长发,散落在身后,却已经变得如同一捧银色,晶莹剔透。 In its whole body the sides of the small of the back position, the silk threads star splendor condenses behind, exudes the striking blue light, brand-new profound aperture opens. 在其周身身后腰眼位置,丝丝缕缕星辉凝聚,泛起醒目蓝光,一处全新的玄窍开辟而出。 Hence, 36 locates profound aperture to congeal completely, Great Cycle Star Essence Technique until now, cultivates to great accomplishment finally! 至此,三十六玄窍全部凝出,大周天星元功时至今日,终于修至大成 Only listens to ka a light sound. 只听“咔”的一声轻响。 Has covered above the Han Li top of the head, acts black screen that the cushion uses, suddenly disrupts, gathers the star light great column that comes also to disperse slowly, the dim ray that finally changes into one/1st level/layer thin Yanban, dissipated. 一直笼罩在韩立头顶上方,充当缓冲之用的黑色屏风,突然碎裂开来,聚拢而来的星光巨柱也缓缓分散,最终化为一层薄烟般的朦胧光芒,消散了开来。 Entire ruins city ray one dark, returned to the original condition. 整座废墟城池光芒一暗,恢复了原状。 Han Li both eyes open slowly, stood from the ground, above the whole body is covering True Extreme Membrane shining, becoming even more really to congeal to be sincere. 韩立双目缓缓睁开,从地面上站了起来,周身之上笼罩着的真极之膜流光溢彩,变得越发凝实厚重起来。 He lifted the hand to grasp the fist gently, in the ear as if can hear a slight sound, then the palm had the sparkling stone light to condense, seems flooding a strange strength. 他抬手轻轻握了握拳头,耳中似乎能听到一阵轻微声响,便掌心有莹光凝聚,仿佛充斥着一股奇异的力量。 He knows, this was profound aperture just becomes, in within the body power of stars stable reason, will quickly not later have returned to the original condition. 他知道,这是玄窍刚成,体内星辰之力尚未稳定的缘故,之后很快就会恢复原状。 Although previously had a material, knows that this cultivation surely time-consuming many, has not actually thought that such for a long time used...... Han Li to sigh unexpectedly, muttered. “先前虽有所料,知道此次修炼必定耗时不少,却没想到竟然用了这么久……”韩立叹息一声,喃喃自语道。 Then, his eyebrow slightly raise, raised head to look at a profound nighttime sky, suddenly removed backward one step, lifted a fist to attack fiercely toward the upper air. 说罢,他眉头微微一挑,仰头看了一眼深邃的夜空,忽然向后撤开一步,抬起一拳朝着高空中猛击了出去了。 Rumble a loud sound! “轰隆隆”一声巨响! A powerful fist astral qi energy howls, congealed naked eye obvious white astral wind, the direct impact went. 一股强大至极的拳罡气劲呼啸而出,凝成了一道肉眼可见白色罡风,直冲而去。 Void in hears the sound of intermittent thundering, the curtain of night as if must come to the disintegration by this qi energy, during was void formed one probably by the empty region that the fist vigor rumbled, all around air current irrigation entered, howls sound erupted. 虚空之中传来阵阵轰鸣之声,夜幕似乎都要被这股气劲给冲得崩碎开来,虚空之中好像形成了一道被拳劲轰出的空洞地带,四周气流灌注而进,呼啸之声大作 After that white nettle rash departs the number hundred zhang (333 m), the might gradually is weaken, finally dissipated slowly. 那道白色风团飞出数百丈后,威力才逐渐减弱,最终缓缓消散了开来。 Han Li raises head to look at shake void, in the eye is flashing through some colors of satisfaction, took back the palm slowly. 韩立仰头望着震荡不已的虚空,眼中闪过些许满意之色,缓缓收回了手掌。 Just now strikes, he has not put forth the full power, from the qi energy might, does not lose him previously to build half Great Cycle Star Essence Technique vigorously to strike. 方才一击,他并未使出全力,但从气劲威力来看,已经不输他先前修成半部大周天星元功时的倾力一击了。 According to his estimate, if he then to pound that stone platform at this time full power, perhaps does not use again the advancement Golden Immortal level, then can it routing, but this entire small mystical place only fears at the appointed time must also collapse destroys. 按照他的估算,若是他此时便以全力去砸那座石台,或许根本不用再进阶金仙层次,便能将之击溃,只是届时这整座小秘境只怕都要随之崩毁。 The Han Li during technique receive definitely, the body blue light dissipates, True Extreme Membrane of body surface also vanishes does not see. 韩立手中法决一收,身上蓝光消散开来,体表的真极之膜也随之消失不见。 Nowadays, his cultivation base realm had arrived at True Immortal Peak, from the body of achievement Golden Immortal, only remains 36th immortal aperture unable to make a connection. 现如今,他的修为境界已经到了真仙巅峰,距离成就金仙之躯,也就仅剩第三十六仙窍未能打通。 However since profound aperture cultivation had had 36, must concentrate last immortal aperture before this achievement Golden Immortal, naturally is not the difficult matter, only the one who made his some concealed worries was, last in disaster of this Three Declines Aperture Decline. 不过既然玄窍已经修炼出了三十六个,要凝出这成就金仙之前的最后一个仙窍,自然不是什么难事,唯一令他有些隐忧的是,这三衰之灾中的最后一个“窍衰”。 This tribulation evades not to be possible to evade, is he rises into the Golden Immortal level to a roughness, although cultivation profound aperture and grasps power of magical principle to have the benefit, but personally has not seen after all, has not personally experienced, his heart many some not relax/rest assured. 此劫避无可避,是他升入金仙层次必经的一道坎坷,虽说修炼玄窍和掌握法则之力对此皆有裨益,但毕竟不曾亲眼所见,也不曾亲身经历,他心底多少还是有些不放心 Han Li deeply inspires, looks up a glistening white moon. 韩立深吸了一口气,抬头看了一眼皎皎月轮。 Tonight he did not plan to continue cultivation again, body figure lithe one vertical, after whole person grazing of suddenly, flashed, then fell was above roofs of-and-a-half tower tall buildings. 今夜他是不打算再继续修炼了,身形轻盈的一纵,整个人蓦的飞掠而起,一个闪动过后,便落身在了一座半塔高楼的屋顶之上。 He looked up to in the air bright moonlight again, in the eye pupil flashes through a nondescriptive color, later the pitch of roof was lying down slowly, close eyes rests. 他再次仰望了一眼空中的明月,眼眸中闪过一丝难以名状之色,随后就着屋顶的斜坡缓缓躺了下去,闭目休憩起来。
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