RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#457: Worry

Daoist Crab along the overgrown with weeds alley, arrived at the shape such as by the rock of rickets old ape to stop together suddenly, pointed at him saying: Fellow Daoist Han might as well has a look, what is this?” 蟹道人沿着杂草丛生的小路,走到一块形如佝偻老猿的怪石旁蓦然停了下来,指着其说道:“韩道友不妨看看,这是何物?” The Han Li brow wrinkled lightly, went forward quickly, lifts the hand to wipe on the rock, sized up the moment carefully. 韩立眉头轻皱了一下,快步上前,抬手在怪石上抹了一把,又仔细打量了片刻。 Is it possible that is this...... Transforming Barren Stone?” His brow then wrinkles is tighter, some do not determine to say. “这莫非是……化荒石?”他眉头这下皱的更紧,有些不确定道。 correct/good, is this thing.” Daoist Crab nods, said. 不错,正是此物。”蟹道人点了点头,说道。 My divine sense investigates when no wonder, could not discover that here any array fluctuated, originally by this Transforming Barren Stone camouflaging. Cannot think of this thing camouflage array aura the effect, unexpectedly such?” Han Li saying looking pensive. “怪不得我神识探查之时,发现不了此处任何阵法波动,原来都是被这化荒石给遮蔽了去。只是想不到此物遮蔽阵法气息的功效,居然如此之强?”韩立若有所思的说道。 „If only these Transforming Barren Stone, naturally is not enough to make Fellow Daoist Han you unable to detect.” Daoist Crab looked at Han Li one, said. “若只是这些化荒石的话,当然不足以令韩道友你都无法察觉。”蟹道人看了韩立一眼,说道。 Also has what other method to be inadequate?” The Han Li vision flashes, asks. “难道还有什么别的手段不成?”韩立目光微闪,问道。 Daoist Crab has not spoken, directing Han Li to continue to walk toward the jungle deep place, finally two people arrived at a stretch of quite open glade. 蟹道人没有说话,引着韩立继续朝密林深处走去,最终二人来到了一片较为开阔的林间空地。 Han Li enters looks, in the middle of discovery open area burned black piece, the low bush of growth had been fired the ashes by the flame, in the ground exposes together circular stone platform of grinding pan size. 韩立走进一看,就发现空地当中焦黑一片,原本生长的低矮灌木已经被火焰烧成了灰烬,地面上裸露出一块磨盘大小的圆形石台。 The stone platform surface was also burnt burned black one piece by the flame, above engraved the symbol mark design, becomes slurred, was hard to identify. 石台表面也被火焰烧灼得焦黑一片,原本镌刻其上的符纹图案,也都变得模糊不清,难以辨认了。 Han Li sleeve robe one volume, wisp of cool breeze cleanses, ashes dust one volume in stone platform, sweeps entirely falls the one side, revealed the complete picture of entire stone platform. 韩立袖袍一卷,一缕清风荡涤而过,将石台上的灰烬尘土一卷,通通扫落一旁,重新露出了整个石台的全貌。 what is this thing?” Han Li bends down to look, the brow twisted the lump. 这是什么东西?”韩立俯身过去一看,眉头不禁拧成了疙瘩。 Sees only above that stone platform, is engraving nine laminated shapes, if strange rune/symbol mark of flower petal, spells to crowd together is seeming like huge Morning Glory Dream Flower, but in its flower petal texture, is also concealing many complex secrets special rune. 只见那石台之上,镌刻着九片状若花瓣的奇异符纹,拼凑在一起正好像是一朵巨大的梦昙花,而其花瓣纹理之中,则还隐含着许多复杂隐秘的特殊符文 If I have not misread, this is very profound Dream Hiding Talisman Mark, can camouflage the aura fluctuations of many magical treasure and magical array, after the Transforming Barren Stone coordination with each other, then would hardly be investigated by divine sense.” Daoist Crab answered. “若我没看错的话,这是一种十分高深的梦隐符纹,能够遮蔽诸多法宝法阵的气息波动,与化荒石相互配合之后,便几乎不会被神识探查出来。”蟹道人解释道。 Fellow Daoist Crab, since knows that this mark root foot, does have the method of break/solve?” Asking that the Han Li brow tip selects slightly. 蟹道友既然知道此纹根脚,想必已有了破解之法?”韩立眉梢微微一挑的问道。 „The center that Fellow Daoist Han please look at this canna flower trace......” facing the question of Han Li, returning that Daoist Crab shows neither approval nor disapproval said. 韩道友请看这昙花纹路的中央……”面对韩立的问话,蟹道人不置可否的回道。 Han Li moves to the eye to look, sees only there blank, absolutely anything does not have, the brow slightly cannot help but pressed, quite looked puzzled to Daoist Crab. 韩立移目望去,只见那里一片空白,根本什么都没有,眉头不由得微蹙起来,颇为不解地看向了蟹道人 There is Morning Glory Dream Flower pistil whereabouts, was actually destroyed somehow completely, was unable to recognize.” Daoist Crab said slowly. “那里本是梦昙花蕊所在之处,不知何故却被破坏殆尽,已经无法辨识了。”蟹道人缓缓说道。 Han Li hears word, a careful observation, found again there indeed has had been destroyed artificially the trace. 韩立闻言,再一仔细观察,才发现那里的确有被人为破坏过的痕迹。 You, since has recognized this mark origin, even if its has damaging to not be affected much, so long as we obeyed the law break/solve are, is it possible that was this trace also has what strangeness?” A Han Li slightly consideration, says. “你既然已经辨识出了此纹来历,即使其有所残损应当也无大碍,我们只要循法破解便是了,莫非是这纹路还有什么古怪?”韩立略一思量,开口说道。 Fellow Daoist Han may once hear big dream 3000 view? This rune/symbol mark called to have a dream hidden, was because its type was rich, and was changeable. The place of this blank, in trace, as long as rune/symbol mark changes, entire magical array the method of break/solve completely will be different, even if I have about its memory, does not know that the methods of all break/solve, thinks the one by one/each attempt, cannot achieve.” Daoist Crab shakes the head, said. 韩道友可曾听说过‘大梦三千’的说法?这符纹之所以叫做梦隐,便是因为其种类丰富,且变化多端。这空白之处,纹路之中但凡有一处符纹改变,整个法阵破解之法就会完全不同,我即便是有关于它的记忆,也并不知道所有破解之法,就是想一一尝试,都做不到。”蟹道人摇了摇头,说道。 If so, that then can only in the strength broken law, ruin it thoroughly.” After Han Li hesitation moment, said. “若是如此的话,那便只能以力破法,将其彻底毁掉了。”韩立沉吟片刻后,说道。 This...... Fellow Daoist Han you might as well try to try.” The Daoist Crab vision flashes, said. “这个……韩道友你不妨试上一试。”蟹道人目光微闪,说道。 Han Li sees its look to be somewhat strange, then knew in the heart that is not definitely simple, but an intention revolution, whole body golden light flashes, changed to first ten zhang (3.33 m) high Mountain Giant Ape directly. 韩立见其神色有些古怪,便心知肯定没那么简单,但还是心念一转,周身金光一闪,直接化作了一头十来丈高的山岳巨猿 The profound aperture ray one bright, in the mouth sends out low roar, the single arm raised, is gripping tightly a giant fist, pounded toward stone platform above layer on layer/heavily. 其身上玄窍光芒一亮,口中发出一声低喝,单臂提起,紧握着一只巨大的拳头,朝着石台之上重重砸了下来。 Only listens to bang a loud sound! 只听“轰隆”一声巨响! The entire stone platform shakes loudly, a flake gold colored light arc surges, changes to together the hurricane, raids to all directions. 整个石台轰然一震,一片金色光弧激荡而起,化作一道飓风,袭向四面八方。 The place visited flying sand and rocks, forest collapse destroys, after spreading the number hundred zhang (333 m), the momentum rests gradually. 其所过之处飞沙走石,林木崩毁,蔓延开数百丈后,才声势渐歇。 Meanwhile, Dream Hiding Talisman Mark in stone platform, shone a flake gold light suddenly, like the vine general golden color trace, spread following stone platform around, extended the jungle deep place like the spider web generally. 与此同时,石台上的梦隐符纹,也骤然亮起了一片金光,一道道如同藤蔓一般的金色纹路,顺着石台四周蔓延开来,如同蛛网一般延伸进了密林深处。 Han Li this moment incarnation Giant Ape, the natural field of vision looks open extremely, he detected that in the entire city outside botanical garden is correct a gold/metal mark to shine, the trace of that vine shape covered the entire mystical place land unexpectedly, is seemingly dazzling, has a scenery. 韩立此刻化身巨猿,自然视野开阔看得极远,他发觉园林之外的整座城池中都有道道金纹亮起,那藤蔓状的纹路竟然覆盖了整个秘境大地,看起来绚丽夺目,别有一番风景。 According to my estimate, to break open here restriction by the external force, at least needs the Golden Immortal Realm strength. Is I vigorously, but for strikes, is unable to achieve.” After Daoist Crab slightly hesitates, said. “根据我的估计,要想以外力破开此处禁制,至少需要金仙境的实力。就是我倾力而为的一击,也无法做到。”蟹道人略一沉吟后,如此说道。 Can achieve, only feared that cannot do that. Here rune/symbol mark and entire mystical place space are connected, once by the violence its wrecking, only feared that will implicate entire mystical place collapse destroys, when the time comes will have what condition, we are unable to estimate.” Han Li ray flashes, the body figure retraction, returns to the original condition to say. “就是能做到,只怕也不能这么做。此处符纹与整个秘境空间相连,一旦以暴力将其击毁,只怕会连累整个秘境崩毁,到时候会发生什么状况,我们谁都无法预计。”韩立身上光芒一闪,身形回缩,恢复原状道。 Very much so.” Daoist Crab nods, said. “正是如此。”蟹道人点了点头,说道。 Han Li frowned around stone platform walked, above saw the golden light to dissipate, in the heart moved suddenly. 韩立蹙眉绕着石台走了一圈,见其上金光已经消散,心中忽然一动。 Sees only his both hands to pinch magical formula, the back the golden light spout, Precious Mantra Wheel also appears immediately. 只见其双手一掐法诀,背后立即金光喷涌,真言宝轮随之浮现而出。 A line of sight revolution, on Precious Mantra Wheel the gigantic golden eyeball also rotates slowly, will just like the golden ray of essence together, hit in that stone platform. 其视线一转,真言宝轮上硕大的金色眼球也随之缓缓转动,将一道犹如实质的金色光线,打在了那座石台上。 As the golden light falls, the entire stone platform ray flashes, the superficial that matter burned black trace dissipates immediately, becomes pure such as new. 随着金光落下,整座石台光芒一闪,表面那层焦黑痕迹顿时消散开来,变得洁净如新。 But the place of its central that blank, shines a dim ray, the silk threads trace gradually appears, if shape stamen and pistil, complex exceptionally. 而其中心那处空白之处,也亮起一片朦胧光芒,丝丝缕缕纹路逐渐浮现而出,状若花蕊,复杂异常。 When Han Li just wants to examine carefully, the light shadow of that blank actually shivers fast, becomes very unstable. 韩立正想仔细查看之时,那空白处的光影却是快速颤动起来,变得十分不稳定。 Looked at the moment, Han Li only thinks that array eye was colored, in heart one startled, must take back within the body Precious Mantra Wheel reluctantly. 看了片刻,韩立只觉一阵眼花目眩,心中一惊之下,只得无奈地将真言宝轮收回了体内。 What's wrong?” Daoist Crab asked. “如何?”蟹道人问道。 This space is really strange, in ordinary thing, although the implication has power of Time Principle, is extremely weak, I every uses the Eye of Truth investigation one time, finally is fuzzy one piece, does not have to use, this side stone platform is no exception.” Han Li smiles bitterly saying. “这处空间实在古怪,许多平凡之物上,虽然蕴含有时间法则之力,却都极其微弱,我每一次动用真实之眼探查,结果都是模糊一片,全无所用,这方石台也不例外。”韩立苦笑一声的说道。 Your Precious Mantra Wheel not in the Peak condition, after perhaps waits for its power total to restore, then can see this Dream Hiding Talisman Mark complete picture......” Daoist Crab hears word, the consideration moment said. “你的真言宝轮不在巅峰状态,或许等其威能全数恢复之后,便能看到这梦隐符纹的全貌了……”蟹道人闻言,思量片刻说道。 You said that I had previously also thought. Such a the time that comes to require to cost are too really many, the opening instant of Dark Cold Immortal Residence mystical place is limited, once the exit|to speak closure to Northern Cold Immortal Territory, will open next time, does not know that was when?” Han Li hears word, hesitates to say. “你所说的,我此前也已经想到了。只是这么一来需要耗费的时间实在太多,冥寒仙府秘境的开启时间毕竟有限,一旦通往北寒仙域的出口关闭,下次开启,就不知道是何年何月了?”韩立闻言,沉吟说道。 At present only he is worried is, how can come out of now this difficult position, once naturally discovered way of departure, he did not mind that stops over again a period of time in this, after all comes in these in days, actually outside had what him unclear, but wants to come that Qu Ling not to cost lots of time to defend itself in this in vain. 他目前唯一担心的便是,如何才能走出现在这困境,当然一旦发现了离开的途径,他不介意在此再逗留一段时日,毕竟进来的这几日里,外面究竟发生了什么他都不清楚,但想来那渠灵不会白白耗费大量时间在此守着自己。 By the body of your immortal, lifespan is nearly infinite, why to be worried about the time incident? The thickness of here Heaven and Earth vitality, is as good as elsewhere Northern Cold Immortal Territory, you can greatly in this relieved cultivation, when mystical place next opening then.” Daoist Crab said suddenly. “以你这仙人之躯,寿元近乎无限,何必担心时间一事?此处天地元气之浓,丝毫不亚于北寒仙域别处,你大可以在此安心修炼,等到秘境下一次开启便是了。”蟹道人突然说道。 Listened to a Daoist Crab such saying, the Han Li vision to flash, is lost in thought. 蟹道人这么一说,韩立目光微闪,陷入了沉思。 Before provoked Northern Cold Immortal Palace such colossus, his situation was not wonderful, now by Qu Ling to the caring, that is also made his absolutely terrified Feng Tiandu in addition, he may can be the crisis on top of crisis in Northern Cold Immortal Territory. 之前招惹了北寒仙宫这样的庞然大物,他的处境本就不妙,现在又被渠灵给惦记上了,加上那个令他毛骨悚然的封天都,他在北寒仙域可算得上是危机重重了。 In comparison, stays in this mystical place, instead is safer. 相比之下,留在这秘境之中,反而更加安全一些。 Be that as it may, but this Dark Cold Immortal Residence, once closes, actually in the mystical place to have what accident, no one is able to know in advance. Once the environmental deterioration, the situation only feared that the ratio to Qu Ling must be inferior......” the Han Li consideration over and over, still somewhat worried to say. “话虽如此,可这冥寒仙府一旦关闭,秘境之中究竟会有何变故,谁也无法预知。一旦环境恶化,情况只怕比对上渠灵还要不如……”韩立思虑再三,仍是有些担忧道。 What he has not said that if oneself were really stranded on hundreds of thousands of years in this mystical place, although oneself are not necessarily have anything, but the change will be perhaps earth-shaking, Golden Child is under Qu Ling this female threat now, the fortune and misfortune is difficult to predict . Moreover the people of some of his also many being able to put down. 他没有说出口的是,自己若真在这秘境中被困上个数十万年,虽然自己未必会有什么事,但外界的变化恐怕将是天翻地覆的,金童如今正处于渠灵此女的威胁之下,祸福难料,况且他还有不少放不下之人。 In any event, has no way to leave here immediately. The fellow daoist might as well first try to restore the treasure wheel magical powers, perhaps in less than too for a long time, enough saw clearly this Dream Hiding Talisman Mark.” Daoist Crab nods, said. “不论如何,当下是没法离开这里了。道友不妨先试着恢复宝轮神通,或许用不了太长时间,就足够看清这梦隐符纹了。”蟹道人点了点头,如此说道。 Nowadays , can only first this.” Han Li nods to say. “现如今,也只能先这样了。”韩立点了点头说道。 ...... …… Time in a flash, passed several days. 时间一晃,又过去了数日。 The center of this ruins small city, presented a stretch of surrounding area to have several the giant square of width of hundred zhang (333 m) towering fully. 这座废墟小城池的中央,突兀地出现了一片方圆足有数百丈之宽的巨大广场。 The central core has the white flagstone to pave, the sorrel soil that the surrounding was turned newly covers, middle is mixing with many crushed stone rubble and window corner door fragment, obviously was just levelled. 其中央核心地带有白色石板铺就,外围则被新翻出来的红褐色泥土覆盖,当中夹杂着许多碎石瓦砾和窗棱门扉的碎片,显然是刚刚才被平整出来的。 But above the square, is proliferating extremely deep gullies, the mutual involvement, formed trace complicated huge magical array impressively. 而在广场之上,遍布着一道道极深的沟壑,彼此之间相互勾连,赫然形成了一座纹路繁复至极的巨大法阵 This named Heavenly Cycle Star-Gathering Great Array, the appendix in lower half Great Cycle Star Essence Technique end, it assists cultivation this cultivation technique legitimate magical array, was far from past multiple star magical array the class/flow can compare, even Han Li had improved afterward a series of stars magical array, in comparison, still inferior many. 此阵名为“周天聚星大阵”,附录于下半部大周天星元功的末尾,其是辅助修炼功法的正统法阵,远非当年的“聚星法阵”之流可以比拟,即使是韩立自己后来改良过的一系列星辰法阵,与之相比,仍然逊色不少。 Heavenly Cycle Star-Gathering Great Array altogether has 9981 star aspects, uniform distribution around magical array, various can mount Heavenly Star Stone, with by assisting the person of cultivation, faster absorption power of stars. 周天聚星大阵共有九九八十一个星位,均匀分布在法阵四周,其中各能镶嵌一枚天星石,用以辅助修炼之人,更加快速的吸收星辰之力 Han Li estimated that if most starts on use this cultivation, his Great Cycle Star Essence Technique advancement time, at least needs to reduce half, but similarly, needs Heavenly Star Stone of sufficiency, but pain that later in cultivation must bear , before least can be two times. 韩立估计,若是最开始就使用此阵修炼的话,他的大周天星元功进境时间,至少要缩减一半,但同样的,需要有足量的天星石,而之后修炼中所要忍受的痛苦,也至少会是之前的两倍。
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