RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#456: Small town

Han Li only thinks that all around piece is gray and misty, then under the body is sudden, cannot bear face forward to fall qiang, the footsteps first are one empty, subsequently carries out. 韩立只觉四周一片灰雾蒙蒙,接着身下突然一空,忍不住朝前一个跌跄,脚步先是一虚,继而重新落实。 He only felt oneself as if passed through the one/1st level/layer hazy smoke miasma, unknowingly, the whole person appeared in another space. 他只觉得自己仿佛穿越了一层迷蒙烟瘴,不知不觉中,整个人就出现在了另一处空间中。 He rubbed some aches temples, the fuzzy line of sight slowly restored, saw clearly the moss under foot flagstone ground. 他揉了揉有些疼痛的太阳穴,模糊的视线才慢慢恢复,看清了脚下石板地面上的青苔。 After setting out, Han Li one looks toward the side, discovered, only then, Golden Child, Qu Ling and Lu Yuqing with, have not frowned, sighed lightly. 直起身后,韩立往身旁一看,发现只有自己一人,金童,渠灵陆雨晴都没有跟进来,不由眉头一蹙,轻叹了口气。 What he has not thought that with separate so many years Devourer Golden Immortal Golden Child, will have a reunion unexpectedly in this case, although does not have many spoken language exchanges, actually bravely stepped forward to rescue a oneself life in the critical juncture, making his heart not have one of the reason warmly. 他万万没想到的是,与自己失散这么多年的噬金仙金童,竟会在这种情况下重逢,虽然没有过多的言语交流,却在危急关头挺身而出救了自己一命,让他心头没来由的一暖。 After all after arriving at True Immortal World, with human world Spirit World same mistrusting each other, manipulates strategically, entered Spirit Domain World small fox Liu Le'er when except for the beginning of that year, for these years, he has not felt again so by the feeling that the person cared about truly. 毕竟来到真仙界后,与人界灵界一样的尔虞我诈,勾心斗角,除了当年初入灵寰界时的小狐狸柳乐儿,这么多年来,他再也未感受到如此被人真正关心的感觉了。 Naturally, this has also treated as half child to regard in the past related Golden Child with him. 当然,这也与他过去一直将金童当做自己半个孩子来看待有关吧。 Obviously in more than 2000 years, Golden Child should also obtain some chance, the strength increased, can confront unexpectedly such with a Golden Immortal Late Stage powerhouse, but Han Li is at heart clear, it is not the Qu Ling opponent, this female method are many, may compare regarding power of magical principle control not, that only strange Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd. 显然在这两千余年里,金童应该也得到了某种机缘,实力大增,竟可以与一名金仙后期的强者对峙如此之久,但韩立心里清楚,其绝非渠灵的对手,此女手段不少,对于法则之力的操控更远非自己可比,还有那只诡异的玄天葫芦 Now also can only repose in Golden Child can be out of danger, even if the temporary surrender submits to also well, from the previous situation, before Golden Child , seemed then punished spirit pet by this Qu Ling. 如今也只能寄托于金童能够转危为安了,哪怕是暂时的投降屈从也好,从此前的情形来看,金童之前似乎便是被这渠灵收作了灵宠 If Golden Child has an accident, after waiting for another day advancement Golden Immortal, will decide to walk, making Qu Ling this female pay the proper price. 倘若金童有个三长两短,等他日自己进阶金仙之后,定会找上门去,让渠灵此女付出应有的代价。 As for Lu Yuqing this female, when does not know from, he always thought that this female is somewhat strange, where concrete is, he cannot say for a while. 至于陆雨晴此女,不知从何时起,他总觉得此女有些怪异,具体是哪里,他一时也说不上来。 However this female meets by chance with, this time enters Dark Cold Immortal Residence is also the cooperation, therefore on many friendship, this time do not provoke on Qu Ling, although mainly because of own reason, but this female, since the choice follows itself, in order to seek a bigger chance, this kind of risk is also naturally avoidless. 不过此女与自己不过萍水相逢,此次进入冥寒仙府也算是合作关系,所以说不上有多少交情,此番招惹上渠灵,虽然主要还是因为自己的缘故,但此女既然选择跟随自己,以便能寻求更大的机缘,此类风险自然也是无法避免的。 Now are inhaled here bewilderedly, facing the Qu Ling anger, can only make him strive for fortunately. 如今自己莫名其妙被吸入了这里,面对渠灵的怒火,只能让其自求多福吧。 Thought of Han Li in the heart throws temporarily in one side, the vision rotates, takes a fast look around to go toward all around. 韩立将心中念头暂时抛在一边,目光转动,朝着四周扫视而去。 Under this looks, he discovered that oneself is in the middle of an old dwelling garden, all around encircles the courtyard wall and collapsing that house is completely collapses delapidated, above lived completely the dark green moss and weed, does not know how long has left uncultivated. 这一看之下,他发现自己正处在一座老宅庭院当中,四周围尽是颓圮的院墙和坍塌的房屋,上面生满了墨绿色青苔和杂草,也不知已经荒废了多久。 However, when its vision shifts to the garden rear area, his brow actually selects, in the eye flashed through color of the doubts. 不过,当其目光转向庭院后方时,他的眉头却不禁一挑,眼中闪过了一丝疑惑之色。 Sees only behind top right-hand corner that not too big houses, ridge tile float upper air, present collapses the shape of powder, seeming like, looking like imprisoning to be the same by any invisible strength, as if when still stayed is collapsing destroys the condition. 只见身后那座并不算太高大的房舍右上角,一块块屋脊瓦片悬浮高空,呈现出崩散之状,看起来,就像是被什么无形力量给禁锢住了一样,似乎仍保持着崩毁时的状态。 The Han Li intention moves, in both eyes the blue light flashes, divine sense is released externally, investigated the past toward above. 韩立心念一动,双目之中蓝光一闪,神识外放而出,朝其上探查了过去。 After long time, his body figure silent tall Yue, fell above the ridge, put out a hand to grasp gently, float will take in the in the air black tile together, but other rubbles and ridge crushed stones maintained the original condition as before, any was not affected. 半晌后,他身形无声无息的高跃而起,落在了屋脊之上,伸手轻轻一抓,就将一块悬浮在空中的黑色瓦片拿了出来,而其余瓦砾和屋脊碎石依旧保持原状,不受任何影响。 When surprised, stood in Han Li of ridge high place, the vision looked toward the courtyard outside, the eye saw is completely some of house constructions that fell collapsing, the dense and numerous remnants of destroyed buildings, toward have be continuous opened about dozens li (0.5 km) in all directions. 惊奇之余,站在屋脊高处的韩立,目光朝着院落之外望了过去,目之所见尽是些倾倒坍塌的屋舍建筑,密密麻麻的残垣断壁,一直向着四面八方绵延开数十里开外。 During these constructions, everywhere obviously such as this courtyard same strange scene, these damaging pavilions, although cracked the innumerable fragments, but has not actually scattered place, seemed framed in the instance of avalanche, maintains condition that the mist and dust is rising from all directions to hang not to fall. 在这些建筑之中,到处可见如这座院落一样的古怪景象,那些残损的亭台楼阁虽然崩裂成了无数碎片,但却没有散落一地,就仿佛被定格在了崩塌的瞬间,保持着烟尘四起悬而未落的状态。 After Han Li slightly hesitates, both eyes close slowly, boundless such as sea the strength of divine sense spreads immediately toward the surroundings. 韩立略一沉吟后,双目缓缓阖上,磅礴如海的神识之力随即朝着周围扩散开来。 Here region is different before that red soil wilderness, divine sense by any imprisonment, cannot investigate at will. 此处区域与之前那片红土荒原不同,神识不受任何禁锢,能够随意探查。 However, is only a moment later, his both eyes opened the eyes suddenly, in the pupil the blue ray collects all, the look becomes somewhat is strange. 然而,只是片刻之后,他的双目就突然睁了开来,瞳孔之中蓝色光芒尽数敛去,神色却变得有些古怪起来。 Actually this is......” he hesitates the long time, somewhat could not speak. “这究竟是……”他沉吟半晌,却有些说不出话来。 Small of this area, is really not as he expected, his divine sense delays slightly, has passed here sweeps, the surrounding area is about hundred li (0.5 km), the divine thought end place, is some space wall barrier. 这片区域面积之小,实在出乎他的意料,他的神识只是稍稍延展开来,就已经将此处通扫一遍,方圆不过百里,神念尽头处,全是些空间壁障 According to the common sense, he can enter here, then explained that here and outside world is not the complete separation, at least should have the space weakness to exist, so long as found this quarter, he then can break open space wall barrier when necessary, returned to the original region. 按常理来说,他能够进入此处,便说明这里与外界绝非完全隔离,至少应该是有空间薄弱之处存在,只要找到了这处所在,他便能必要时破开空间壁障,回到了原来的区域。 However, just now divine sense investigates, he had not actually discovered that any space fluctuates is big, or the space wall barrier not too stable place exists. 然而,方才一番神识探查,他却并未发现有任何空间波动较大,或是空间壁障不太稳固的地方存在。 The Han Li brow is tight, pinches magical formula single-handed, back golden light spews out, Precious Mantra Wheel appears slowly. 韩立眉头紧蹙,单手一掐法诀,背后一阵金光喷涌而出,真言宝轮从中缓缓浮现。 As in his hand the movement changes, ten several groups of translucent Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel shine one after another, stands at attention that huge hiranyaksha then also to rotate dangerous, projects golden ray that just like the essence. 随着其手中动作变化,真言宝轮上的十数团半透明的时间道纹接连亮起,悬立正中的那枚巨大金目便随之转动起来,从中射出一道道犹如实质的金色光线。 Since is unable to investigate restriction magical array or the hidden space entrance by divine sense, Han Li then has to use Eye of Truth to investigate. 既然以神识无法探查出禁制法阵或者隐藏空间入口,韩立便只好动用真实之眼探查起来。 His flying figure arrives in the midair, is stimulating to movement golden giant eye, fell the line of sight on oneself that piece of garden center that started to present. 飞身来到半空中,催动着金色巨目,将视线落在了自己最开始出现的那片庭院中央。 Under golden ray, on garden flagstone completely empty, does not have slightly unusually. 金色光线之下,庭院石板上空空如也,没有丝毫异样。 The Han Li line of sight moves slowly, arrives in the institute from the ground flagstone the stone table, subsequently moves to the wall near the dead tree, again to two institute side room, is gentle, has not changed. 韩立视线缓缓移动,从地面石板来到院中石桌,继而移动到墙边枯树,再到两院偏房,皆是一片平和,没有丝毫变化。 Until the line of sight of Eye of Truth, moves to that when house that is maintaining the avalanche condition, misty within the golden light had a change, the roof of there avalanche unexpectedly in a piece turns wells up under the golden light, returned to the original condition. 直到真实之眼的视线,移动到那座维持着崩塌状态的房屋上时,濛濛金光中才起了一丝变化,那里崩塌的屋顶竟然在一片翻涌金光下,恢复了原状。 Well, strange! Is it possible that this house actually does contain to have power of Time Principle?” The Han Li brow on selects immediately, surprised. “咦,奇怪!莫非这间房屋竟然蕴含有时间法则之力?”韩立眉头顿时上挑,惊讶不已。 Does not wait for him to go forward to examine carefully, restore house virtual image, starts to flash repeatedly, the image is unable to stabilize. 不等他上前查看仔细,才堪堪修复的房屋虚影,就开始频频闪动,影像始终无法稳定。 Han Li receives Precious Mantra Wheel, before falling was in the main hall, first outside the entire main hall examined, entered in the main hall to search one carefully, had not discovered that was anything contains to have the power of Time Principle thing. 韩立收起真言宝轮,落身在了大殿前,先是将整个大殿外侧查看了一番,又进入大殿内仔细搜索了一阵,并未发现是什么蕴含有时间法则之力的事物。 This blamed , because implication power of Time Principle is extremely weak, therefore isn't able to investigate? Should be insufficient.” In the Han Li heart the suspicion grows thickly, mutters. “这就怪了,难道是因为其中蕴含的时间法则之力太过薄弱,所以无法探查?应该不至于吧。”韩立心中疑窦丛生,喃喃自语道。 After hesitation moment, in his both eyes none flashes, Precious Mantra Wheel appears again, body figure flutters, left this courtyard, grazes to go toward other regions. 沉吟片刻后,他双目之中精光一闪,真言宝轮再次浮现而出,身形飘飞而起,离开了这座院落,朝着其他区域飞掠而去。 Overlooks from the upper air, although the construction of this region is ruined, but the overall distribution is very neat, in the city work place pattern with secular capital city basically agrees, the path that therefore Han Li then spreads across according to the city, investigates the entire city district. 从高空俯瞰下去,这片区域的建筑虽然破败,但整体分布十分规整,与世俗都城中的市坊格局基本一致,故而韩立便根据城中纵横交错的道路,对整座城池分区进行探查。 From the east peripheral work places, he goes toward the west, to maintained the construction of collapsing condition to conduct the quite careful examination along the way, each time by the Eye of Truth examination, it can screen originally the image of complete time fuzzily, but was also like former that mansion, is unable to stabilize. 从东边的外围坊间开始,他一路往西而去,沿途中对一些保持坍塌状态的建筑进行了较为细致的查看,每次以真实之眼查看时,其都能模模糊糊地映出原本完好时候的影像,但也都和之前那座府邸一样,无法稳定。 It seems in this entire city, has weak Time Principle fluctuations everywhere, but cannot achieve to let the degree that the person sensation is. 好似这整座城市中,处处都有微弱的时间法则波动,但都达不到能让人感知到的程度。 Less than the half day time, Han Li searches market of east, south, west, and north four big regions, finally all has achieved nothing. 不到半日时间,韩立就将东南西北四大区域的坊市查了个遍,结果皆是一无所获。 Waited till the evening, that round of sun of horizon gradually becomes fiery red one piece, started to fall toward west mountain. 等到了傍晚,天边的那轮日头逐渐变得火红一片,开始朝着西山下落了下去。 In mansion botanical garden that city south, a weed grows thickly, stands and waits for a long time a nine/9th level high black wooden tower, on the tower has the burn trace, inclined seriously to a side, seeming like will seem collapsing to be momentarily same. 城南,一处荒草丛生的府邸园林中,伫立着一座九层高的黑色木塔,塔身上多有烧焦痕迹,严重倾斜向了一方,看起来就好似随时会坍塌一样。 Han Li one is hand-held the iron stand on spire, stands black tile that withstand/top on the tower, looks into the distance to the setting sun of distant place. 韩立一手扶着塔尖上的铁架,站在塔顶的黑色瓦片上,眺望向远方的落日。 In its side, is standing Daoist Crab that wears a yellow robe, the look is tranquil ; On face does not have any expression. 在其身旁,站着身穿一袭黄袍的蟹道人,神色平静,;脸上没有任何表情。 Fellow Daoist Crab, in this city can the layout, what way have?” The Han Li vision collects, opens the mouth to ask. 蟹道友,这城中布局,可有什么门道?”韩立目光微敛,开口问道。 This city territory distribution, although agreeing without consultation imperial palace number technique, but also is only the rules and regulations that the common city constructs, at least superficially, no special place. As for whether has any special arrangement secretly, the light looks like this, unable to discern anything.” Daoist Crab shakes the head, said. “此城区域分布,虽然暗合九宫数术,但也只是寻常城池构筑的规制,至少从表面上来看,没有什么特别之处。至于暗地里是否有什么特殊布置,光是这样看,也看不出来什么。”蟹道人摇了摇头,说道。 Such being the case, that is exhausted Fellow Daoist Crab you, noses, has a look whether has mechanism magical array that what hidden?” Han Li hears word, after consideration moment, said. “既然如此,那就劳烦蟹道友你,代为查探一番,看看是否有什么隐藏起来的机关法阵?”韩立闻言,思量片刻后说道。 Daoist Crab nods silently, body figure flashed to pass from the wooden tower, vanishes without the trace. 蟹道人默然点了点头,身形从木塔之上一闪而逝,消失无踪了。 Han Li looks that the setting sun afterglow gradually vanishes, both eyes dodge suddenly, the whole person changes to together the azure light, exploded to shoot. 韩立看着落日的余晖逐渐消失,双目忽然一闪,整个人化作一道青光,爆射了出去。 However, after twinkling, in the upper air transmits suddenly bang a loud sound! 然而,才不过瞬息之后,高空中就忽然传来“砰”的一声巨响! Sees only in void of city edge, the azure light flashes together suddenly, a azure form was bonded the numerous ball by the one/1st level/layer invisible wall, dropped. 只见城池边缘的虚空之中,一道青光骤然一闪,一个青色身影被一层无形壁障重重一弹,跌落了下来。 The form naturally is not others, was Han Li. 身影自然不是别人,正是韩立了。 However, does not stare it to crash in the place, body azure light suddenly one bright, goes toward another direction direct impact...... 不过,不瞪其坠落在地,身上青光就骤然一亮,又朝着另一个方向直冲而去…… Time in a flash, already passing several days. 时间一晃,已经过去数日。 Center in this piece of ruins city private residence botanical garden, weeds lush verdant jungle, in the forest is spreading everywhere and adult contour rugged rock , the color is dark, the surface lived completely the creamy moss. 这片废墟城池正中的一座私宅园林中,有一片野草茂盛的青翠密林,林中四处散布着一座座与成人等高的嶙峋怪石,颜色幽暗,表面生满了滑腻的青苔。 On the winding alley between forests, azure yellow two person's shadows walks side-by-side, walks toward the jungle center. 林间的蜿蜒小路上,一青一黄两道人影并肩而行,朝着密林中央走来。 In city secret room restriction are many, but majority are very shallow, value that simply has not been worth inquiring about. Only then here is not quite same, no matter in the forest arranges, is that place dense mark, seems unusual.” Daoist Crab leads the way, while said. “城中密室禁制不少,但大多数都十分粗浅,根本没有值得探寻的价值。只有此处不太一样,不管是林中布置,还是那处密纹,都显得非同寻常。”蟹道人一边引路,一边说道。 Can make Fellow Daoist Crab call that an unusualness, that here might be the mystical place exit|to speak......” Han Li hears word, in the eye flashed through wipes the color of anticipation. “能让蟹道友称上一声非同寻常,那此处就极有可能是秘境出口了……”韩立闻言,眼中闪过一抹期待之色。
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