RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#455: Girls

Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, the brow is actually slightly a wrinkle. 韩立眼见此景,眉头却是微微一皱。 One from exploding three immortal artifact, although made this grey cloud seemingly thin, but had not disrupted unexpectedly. 一下自爆了三件仙器,虽然使这灰云看起来变得稀薄了很多,但竟然仍没有碎裂。 Damn!” “该死!” Qu Ling sees this from afar, in the mouth exudes one to shout angrily. 渠灵远远看到此幕,口中发出一声怒喝。 But it tied down by Golden Child at this moment stubbornly, the golden region is getting bigger and bigger, has the meaning of changing from guest to host unclearly, making her have no time radically to Han Li make a move. 但其此刻被金童死死缠住,金色区域越来越大,隐然有反客为主之意,使得她根本无暇对韩立出手 In the meantime, Han Li turns the hand wields, in the hand are many a thing, is actually Tao Yu that black inkslab immortal artifact. 就在此时,韩立翻手一挥,手中多出一物,却是陶羽的那件黑色砚台仙器 His vision flashed, waves to throw to fly the black inkslab, in the hand pinched finger joints with the thumb. 他目光一闪,挥手将黑色砚台抛飞了出去,手中掐诀一点。 Dazzling sends out from the inkslab black light, is also mixing with an intense principle fluctuation, grade or power, are not the silver bell and other immortal artifact may compare. 刺目黑光从砚台上散发而出,其中还夹杂着一股强烈的法则波动,无论是品阶还是威能,都绝非银色铃铛等三件仙器可比。 Due to some reasons, he has not been going to inkslab thorough sacrificial refining, only reluctantly sacrificial refining less than half, but wants to inspire it from exploding, this is enough. 由于一些原因,他并未将次砚台彻底祭炼,只勉强祭炼了小半,不过想要引动其自爆,这样已经足够了。 Aura that the Qu Ling sense/telepathy black inkslab lends, is a complexion startled, opens the mouth without delay, spouted silver liquid, flashed to integrate in Zhou Heiyan who passed. 渠灵感应黑色砚台散发出的气息,也是面色一惊,二话不说的一张口,喷出了一股银色液体,一闪而逝的融入了身周黑焰之中。 Body week black flame immediately a hold, Golden Child golden spirit domain blocks slightly. 身周黑色火焰顿时一盛,将金童所化的金色灵域略微挡住。 Qu Ling wields single-handed, the emerald green ray flashes, emerald green bottle gourd appears an all over the body, the huge aura that is unable to explain toward sends out suddenly in all directions. 紧接着,渠灵单手一挥,翠绿光芒一闪,一只通体翠绿的葫芦浮现而出,一股无法言喻的庞大气息骤然间朝四面八方散发开来。 Han Li sense/telepathy to this aura, in heart one cold, but he has not stopped in the hand slightly, pinched the magical formula speed instead to speed up several points. 韩立感应到这股气息,心中一凛,不过他丝毫没有停下手中施法,掐动法诀的速度反而加快了几分。 The black inkslab sends out black light even more dazzling, and beats fast. 黑色砚台散发出黑光越发刺目,并且飞快跳动起来。 He a opens the mouth, spouts a blood suddenly, flashes submerges in the black inkslab. 他蓦然一张口,喷出一口鲜血,一闪没入黑色砚台内。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The black inkslab sends out the ray to put suddenly greatly, pounds ruthlessly toward the grey cloud. 黑色砚台散发出光芒陡然大放,朝着灰云狠狠砸去。 Snort “哼” Qu Ling cold snort/hum, counts on the fingers, the Emerald Green Bottle Gourd ray, spouts a green ray, rapid incomparable takes away as many things as possible toward the black inkslab. 渠灵冷哼一声,屈指一点,翠绿葫芦光芒,喷出一道绿色光芒,迅疾无比的朝着黑色砚台席卷而去。 However pitifully late one step. 不过可惜迟了一步。 Bang! 轰隆! The black inkslab in the previous quarter that the green light arrives, explodes loudly, a round of black scorching sun raises instantaneously, innumerable black rune tumbles, lends fearsome aura, and expands fast, then another flashes passes vanishes does not see. 黑色砚台在绿光抵达的前一刻,轰然爆裂来,一轮黑色骄阳瞬间升起,无数黑色符文在其中翻滚,散发出一股可怖之极的气息,并飞快扩大,而后又一闪即逝的消失不见。 Under grey cloud Julie shivers, again fast becomes thin, even appears cracks. 灰云剧烈颤抖之下,再次飞快变得稀薄,甚至浮现出一道道裂纹。 However above this spirit domain really firm incomparable, grey cloud the ray flashes, although only remains light one/1st level/layer, finally still insisted. 不过这灵域实在坚固无比,灰云之上光芒闪动,虽然只剩薄薄一层,最后仍然坚持了下来。 Han Li brow one tight, the opens the mouth spouts a blood again, flashes submerges in Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 韩立眉头一紧,再次张口喷出一口鲜血,一闪没入青竹蜂云剑内。 This sword ray puts greatly, rumble trembles, ruthlessly toward grey cloud Zhan under. 此剑光芒大放,隆隆震颤,狠狠朝着灰云斩下。 Qu Ling sees this, hand during technique definitely change. 渠灵见此,手中法决一变。 A green light revolution that Emerald Green Bottle Gourd sends out, twined Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords. 翠绿葫芦发出的绿光一转,缠绕住了青竹蜂云剑 Be careful, her bottle gourd is not ordinary object, can restrain immortal artifact!” The Golden Child sound resounds in the Han Li heart. “小心,她那个葫芦不是凡物,能收摄仙器!”金童的声音在韩立心中响起。 Han Li hears word, the complexion changes. 韩立闻言,面色一变。 The power and influence scary azure great sword one was twined by the green light, immediately stagnates there, the superficial sword light dissipates rapidly. 威势骇人的青色巨剑一被绿光缠绕,立刻停滞在了那里,表面剑光迅速消散。 The mind relation of Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords and Han Li, one shut off. 青竹蜂云剑韩立的心神联系,被一下切断。 Qu Ling looks to sneer, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb directs. 渠灵面露冷笑,手中掐诀一引。 Twines the Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords green light immediately one thickly, the azure great sword reduces fast, is spinning to fly turning round toward Qu Ling. 缠绕住青竹蜂云剑的绿光顿时一浓,青色巨剑飞快缩小,滴溜溜打着转朝着渠灵飞去。 The Han Li corner of the eye twitches slightly, turns the head not to look fiercely, wields single-handed. 韩立眼角稍一抽搐,猛地转头不看,单手一挥。 Bang! 轰隆! Before his body, azure puts brilliantly, is a azure great sword appears, thick golden electric arc windings, lend the fearsome aura, was not just inferior compared with that , faintly also on strong several points. 他身前青光大放,又是一柄青色巨剑浮现而出,一道道粗大金色电弧缠绕,散发出可怖的气息,比起刚刚那柄丝毫不逊色,,隐隐还强上几分。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this, the whole face startled color. 渠灵眼见此幕,满脸愕然之色。 „It is not good!” She responds immediately immediately. “不好!”她随即立刻反应过来。 However after Emerald Green Bottle Gourd stimulates to movement one time, needs slow some time, can send out the green light again, she also has no alternative at this moment. 但是翠绿葫芦催动一次后,需要缓一段时间,才能再次发出绿光,她此刻也无可奈何。 In the meantime, Han Li another also wields, flashes black light, at the same time huge round wheel appears. 就在此时,韩立另一手也是一挥,黑光一闪,一面巨大圆轮浮现而出。 This round sends out to soar to the heavens the black water glare, the rapid rotation, bursts out fearsome great strength, the nearby also trembles void, is Heavy Water Mantra Wheel. 此轮散发出一道道冲天黑色水光,迅疾转动,迸发出一股股可怖巨力,附近虚空也为之震颤,正是重水真轮 His two pinch finger joints with the thumb, two azure rays fly to shoot, flashes submerged in the azure great sword and Heavy Water Mantra Wheel respectively. 他两手掐诀一点,两道青色光芒飞射而出,一闪的分别没入了青色巨剑和重水真轮之中。 Two treasure rays put again greatly, simultaneously is dividing ruthlessly toward the grey cloud. 两件宝物光芒再次大放,同时朝着灰云所在狠狠劈下。 Meanwhile, the golden thunder light flies to shoot from Han Li within the body together, under flashed changed into a golden king crab, was Daoist Crab. 与此同时,一道金色雷光从韩立体内飞射而出,一闪之下化为了一只金色巨蟹,正是蟹道人 Its whole body thunder puts brilliantly, two great pliers wield, as if two sharp incomparable great edges, cut ruthlessly above the grey cloud. 它全身雷光大放,两只巨钳一挥而出,仿佛两柄锋利无比的巨刃,狠狠斩在了灰云之上。 Rumble a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! “轰隆隆”一声惊天动地的巨响! Remaining that one/1st level/layer light grey cloud disrupt loudly, finally was pierced large cave/hole. 剩下的那一层薄薄灰云轰然碎裂开来,终于被洞穿出了一个大洞 After Daoist Crab strikes, body golden light rapid incomparable gloomy getting down, immortal essence stone in within the body has exhausted. 蟹道人一击之后,身上金光迅速无比的暗淡下去,体内的仙元石已经用尽。 Its body figure in a flash, changes into the golden light to submerge Han Li within the body together. 身形一晃,化为一道金光没入韩立体内。 In the Han Li eye the happy expression flashes, the whole body golden light puts greatly, the revolution Reverse Turning Mantra Wheel magical powers, body figure changes into together the golden light, azure great sword and Heavy Water Mantra Wheel one volume, the electricity from large cave/hole shoots immediately. 韩立眼中喜色一闪,全身金光大放,运转逆转真轮的神通,身形化为一道金光,将青色巨剑和重水真轮一卷,立刻从大洞中电射而出。 Bang! 轰隆! His fly speed is too fast, the direction actually exactly is downward, receives the potential not to live, hit in the ground before golden palace ruthlessly, made a big hole. 飞遁速度太快,方向却恰好是向下,收势不住,狠狠撞进了金色宫殿前的地面中,打出一个大坑。 Han Li turning over stood, looked at one toward the surroundings, will leave toward distant place fly. 韩立翻身站了起来,朝着周围望了一眼,正要朝着远处飞遁离开。 Although escaped from spirit domain, his within the body immortal spirit strength has also bottomed at this moment, is incapable radically again and Qu Ling confrontation. 虽然逃出了灵域,他体内仙灵力此刻也已经见底,根本无力再和渠灵交锋。 At this moment, its golden light puts suddenly greatly, Precious Mantra Wheel appears automatically, blooms the dazzling ray, the extreme twist, above Time Principle silk is the ray puts greatly. 就在此刻,其身上金光陡然大放,真言宝轮自动浮现而出,绽放出耀眼光芒,急速旋转,上面的时间法则之丝更是光芒大放。 On not far away golden color front door also blooms suddenly the dazzling golden light, dazzling. 不远处金色大门上也猛然绽放出耀眼金光,璀璨夺目。 Between both produced the resonance general, simultaneously made humming sound the sound of trembling. 两者之间产生了共鸣一般,同时发出嗡嗡震颤之音。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! Above Precious Mantra Wheel, that Time Principle silk flies to shoot together impressively, flashed to submerge above the golden front door that passed. 真言宝轮之上,那一道时间法则之丝赫然飞射而出,一闪而逝的没入了金色大门之上。 Buzz! 嗡! On the golden front door appears immediately a golden ring design, the radiant golden light flies to shoot together, a lower hood lived in the body of Han Li. 金色大门上立刻浮现出一个金色圆环图案,一道璀璨金光从中飞射而出,一下罩住了韩立的身体。 Han Li only thinks that whole body one tight, seemed covered by a gentle vast invisible strength, immediately somewhat cannot move. 韩立只觉全身一紧,仿佛被一股柔和浩大的无形力量笼罩住了,顿时有些动弹不得。 In his heart one startled, lifts the head reluctantly, goes toward the golden palace big family prestige, the complexion is startled immediately. 他心中一惊,勉强抬起头颅,朝着金色宫殿大门望去,面色顿时一怔。 By this moment front door is also standing impressively a person, previously was only been small too to chase down to flee here by that actually does not know when has returned to here Lu Yuqing. 此刻大门旁赫然还站着一人,正是此前被那只小太斐追杀逃离此处,却又不知何时已回到此处的陆雨晴 This female looks the startled color similarly, looked toward Han Li, small mouth slightly. 此女同样面露惊色,朝着韩立看了过来,小嘴微张。 At this moment, midair grey spirit domain makes several stuffy thunder -like voice. 就在此刻,半空灰色灵域发出数声闷雷般的声音。 The golden light locates in large cave/hole to fly to shoot from that together, changes into the Golden Child form. 一道金光从那处大洞中飞射而出,化为金童的身影。 It seems like somewhat scarred at this moment, in a golden eye microstrip several points of weary color. 它此刻身上看起来有些伤痕累累,一双金色眼睛之中微带着几分疲倦之色。 Not far away, silver light flashes, the Qu Ling form also appears. 不远处,银光一闪,渠灵身影也浮现而出。 This female vision overflowing powder, then gets a panoramic view the following situation, is startled slightly, reveals the color of startled anger, wields single-handed. 此女目光溢散,便将下面的情况尽收眼底,略微一怔之后露出惊怒之色,单手一挥。 The gray light flashes, that gray throne appears again, then fuzzy, integrated in grey spirit domain of top of the head fast. 灰光一闪,那尊灰色王座再次浮现而出,然后一个模糊之下,飞快融入了头顶的灰色灵域内。 Grey spirit domain caves in immediately reduces generally fast, in an instant changes into dozens zhang (3.33 m), the color also becomes extremely rich. 灰色灵域顿时塌陷一般飞快缩小,转眼间化为数十丈大小,颜色也变得极为浓郁。 Bang! 轰隆! A huge pressure sends out from grey spirit domain, causes nearby shivers void, starts storms, toward takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 一股庞然威压从灰色灵域中散发而出,引得附近虚空颤抖,掀起一股股风暴,朝着四面八方席卷而去。 Meanwhile, in spirit domain, giant incomparable gray dragon's head virtual image appears, the surface was covered with sharp thorns, looks extremely fierce, but his both eyes actually tranquil like water, does not have the slight sentiment. 与此同时,灵域之内,一只巨大无比的灰色龙头虚影浮现而出,表面长满了一根根尖刺,看起来极为狰狞,但其双目却平静如水,没有丝毫感情。 While Han Li vision one revolution, falls while the gray dragon's head, that dragon's head actually also happen to looks to here. 正当韩立将目光一转,落在灰色龙头的同时,那龙头却也正好冲这里望来。 The absolutely terrified feeling that in his heart thump, is unable to state clearly raids. 他心中咯噔了一下,一阵无法言明的毛骨悚然感袭来。 At this time, gray dragon's head mouth, in mouth suddenly flood grey, black, white tricolor ray. 就在这个时候,灰色龙头嘴巴一张,口中忽的泛起灰,黑,白三色光芒。 In each ray, contained vast power of magical principle, entirely different, but each other fuses, not the place of conflict. 每一道光芒之中,都蕴含了一股浩瀚的法则之力,彼此之间截然不同,但又彼此融合,并无冲突之处。 Roar!” “吼!” The gray dragon's head exudes a shouting sound that resounds through Heaven and Earth, then dragon mouth, sprays together the thick three-color light-pole, blooms grey that soars to the heavens, the black, white tricolor ray, interlocks the tumbling, shoots to go to Han Li at the illness/quick at the inconceivable speed. 灰色龙头发出一声响彻天地的嘶吼声,接着龙口一张,喷射出一道粗大的三色光柱,绽放出冲天的灰,黑,白三色光芒,交错翻滚,以不可思议的速度冲韩立所在疾射而去。 Han Li this moment whole body could not have moved, can only look helplessly the three-color light-poles fly to oneself, in the heart sends secretly painstakingly. 韩立此刻全身上下已丝毫动弹不得,只能眼睁睁看着三色光柱冲自己飞来,心中暗暗发苦不已。 When this is at a crucial moment, abnormal change breaks out. 在此千钧一发之际,异变突起。 He only thinks that at present the golden light flashes through like the electricity together, the Golden Child form just like flickering to move general, before emerging out of thin air the body . 他只觉眼前一道金光如电般闪过,金童身影宛如瞬移一般,凭空出现了身前。 On Golden Child at this moment the golden light puts greatly, actually just like not the appearance of that golden beetle, but changed into a girl of roughly 8 - 9 year age, top of the head one bunch of golden color hair stand erect high, seems like the powder to carve the jade to carve, appears lovable exceptionally. 此刻的金童身上金光大放,却俨然不是那只金色甲虫的模样,而是化为了一名约莫八九岁年纪的女童,头顶一束金色毛发高高竖立,看起来粉雕玉琢,显得可爱异常。 His body puts on a fine personal golden armor, a pair imitates, if in the black colored glaze bead eye is exuding gold/metal, but the mouth is actually hanging two lines of golden blood, the aura were many compared with the former decline. 其身上穿着一件精致贴身金甲,一双仿若黑色琉璃珠子般的眼睛中泛着一丝金芒,但嘴边却挂着两行金色血液,气息比起之前衰落不少。 Girl grave expression, the lip opening and closing, two fresh-faced arms hold up gently, golden light flashes, turned into the golden color instantaneously, as if general of golden casting. 女童面色凝重,嘴唇轻轻翕动,两只粉嫩的手臂举起,金光一闪,瞬间变成了金色,仿佛黄金铸造的一般。 Her slightly one clenches teeth, two small hands wield fiercely. 她微一咬牙,两只小手猛地一挥。 Bang bang two, the girl two arms blast open impressively, changed into two to have thousand zhang (3.33 m) thick megacryst light fully. “砰砰”两声,女童两只手臂赫然炸裂开来,化为了两道足有千丈长的粗大晶光。 Above two crystal light has the innumerable golden rune high and low beat, after flashing through fused together, changed into a clearer pure fine lace. 两道晶光之上有无数金色符文上下跳动,一闪过后融为一体,化为了一道更为晶莹纯粹的细线。 Dreadful power of magical principle sends out from the clear fine lace, causes shakes void calls unceasingly, welcomed went to that three-color light-pole. 一股滔天法则之力从晶莹细线中散发而出,引得虚空震鸣不断,迎向了那三色光柱而去。 Golden Child, before you......” Han Li look at the girl, in the eye reveals the complex color. 金童,你……”韩立看着身前女童,眼中露出复杂之色。 But at this moment, the command presented that everyone has not thought to happen. 但就在此刻,令在场所有人都没想到的一幕发生了。 Palace golden color front door suddenly resounds one to thunder sadly, the front door that shut tightly opens a slit slightly, lends somewhat strange aura. 宫殿金色大门忽的响起一声沉闷轰鸣,原本紧闭的大门略微打开一道缝隙,从中散发出一股有些古怪的气息。 Covers the Han Li golden light suddenly one brightly, is wrapping his body, after is fuzzy, then flew into the palace, vanishes does not see. 笼罩住韩立的金光骤然一亮,包裹着他的身体,一个模糊后便飞入了宫殿之中,消失不见。
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