RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#454: Assisting

After the azure great silkworm was struck kills, wraps the silkworm cocoon also cuns (2.5 cm) break of that black big streamer, collapses. 青色巨蚕被击杀后,包裹住那黑色大幡的蚕茧也寸寸断裂,崩溃开来。 The black big streamer regained the freedom, immediately changes into a shadow, flew back to the Han Li top of the head. 黑色大幡恢复了自由,立刻化为一道黑影,飞回了韩立头顶。 However has not waited for Han Li to relax, angrily roars transmits from the spirit domain deep place suddenly, making its complexion slightly change. 然而还未等韩立松一口气,一声怒吼陡然从灵域深处传来,让其面色微微一变。 Dares to betray in me, you court death!” “竟敢背叛于我,你找死!” Sees only the silver escaping electro-optic to shoot to come together, flashed then arrived at the vicinity, revealed the Qu Ling form, the complexion pale piece. 只见一道银色遁光电射而来,一闪便到了近处,露出了渠灵的身影,面色铁青一片。 The side comes, then turns the palm, in the hand the red light flashes, had/left a blood red token. 其方一现身,便一翻手掌,手中红光一闪,多出了一块血红色令牌。 Her five fingers grasp fiercely, "Pā", token by crumb. 她五指猛地一握,“啪”的一声,令牌被捏碎。 In the golden beetle eye reveals the color of pain immediately, spouts small golden blood, but next moment, it then returns to immediately normal. 金色甲虫眼中顿时露出痛苦之色,喷出一口小金色血液,但是下一刻,它立刻便恢复了正常。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, immediately stares. 渠灵眼见此景,顿时一愣。 Trivial together control God like controlling me, you were too naive.” In the golden beetle mouth humming sound, body figure changes into gold/metal shadow in a flash, next moment appears side Han Li together. “区区一块控神牌就像操控我,你太天真了吧。”金色甲虫口中嗡嗡一声,身形一晃化为一道金影,下一刻出现在韩立身旁。 „, You are this only Devourer Golden Immortal original master.” The ditch spirit eye light looked at one between Devourer Golden Beetle and Han Li back and forth, the cold sound said. “没想到,原来你就是这只噬金仙的原主人。”渠灵目光在噬金虫韩立之间来回看了一眼,寒声说道。 This golden beetle Han Li previously lost the contact impressively Devourer Golden Immortal Golden Child. 这金色甲虫赫然正是韩立此前失去联系的噬金仙金童”。 I block her, you seize the chance to escape!” Golden Child said to Han Li, the whole body golden light puts greatly, the body increased again much, throws toward Qu Ling. “我来拦住她,你趁机逃出去!”金童韩立说了一声,全身金光大放,身躯再次变大了不少,朝着渠灵扑去。 Han Li facial expression somewhat complex looked at Golden Child one, body azure puts brilliantly, turns around to continue toward front fly to go. 韩立神情有些复杂的看了金童一眼,身上青光大放,转身继续朝着前面飞遁而去。 Gave up any idea of!” The Qu Ling complexion changes, single-handed to a Golden Child point. “休想!”渠灵面色一变,单手冲着金童一点。 A white light flies to shoot, directly soars the golden beetle to go, was before that white rope immortal artifact. 一道白光飞射而出,直奔金色甲虫而去,正是之前那条白色绳索仙器 The white shadow flashes vanishes, then flies to flee from the grey shadow near Golden Child baseless, twined his body like lightning, tying hands. 白影一闪消失,然后凭空从金童附近的灰影中飞窜而出,闪电般缠绕住了其身体,将之五花大绑。 Golden Child fly body figure stopped immediately. 金童飞遁身形顿时停了下来。 Qu Ling make a move has not coped with Golden Child immediately, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb to wield. 渠灵没有立刻出手对付金童,手中掐诀一挥而出。 These grey shades in grey spirit domain start to change immediately, change into bunch of gray flame, entire grey spirit domain changes into a gray sea of fire instantaneously. 灰色灵域内的那些灰影顿时开始变化,化为一团团灰色火焰,整个灰色灵域瞬间化为一片灰色火海。 In this female eye flashes through the ominous light, in the mouth mumbles together, the big piece gray sea of fire howls, takes away as many things as possible toward Han Li. 此女眼中闪过一道凶光,口中念念有词,大片灰色火海呼啸而出,朝着韩立席卷而去。 The Han Li complexion changes, will deal. 韩立面色微变,正要施法应对。 Dazzling golden light fly to shoot from side suddenly, changes into gold/metal shades, batters, tears into shreds the grey flame near Han Li all. 一道道刺目金光突然从旁边飞射而出,化为一道道金影,横冲直撞,将韩立附近的灰焰尽数撕碎。 In the gold/metal shadow, the Golden Child form appears, before two, on the claw grabs a white rope respectively, this rope does not know when cut off. 金影之中,金童的身影浮现而出,两只前爪上各抓着一段白色绳索,这绳索不知何时被斩断了。 „To cope with me with this method, rather also pulled rank.” Devourer Golden Immortal sneers, the first claw wields, throws into the mouth two interruption ropes, several chewed, swallowed. “用这种手段就想对付我,未免也太托大了吧。”噬金仙冷笑一声,前爪一挥,将两截断绳扔进嘴里,几口嘴嚼,咽了下去。 Tenacious incomparable immortal artifact, Borneo pinches in his hands general. 坚韧无比的仙器,在其手中仿佛泥捏一般。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, the double pupil shrinks. 渠灵眼见此景,双瞳一缩。 Golden Child golden light twinkle, the body aura surges upward from time to time, from time to time is hidden fast feebly, strange. 金童身上金光闪烁,身上气息时而高涨,时而又飞快衰弱隐没,古怪之极。 Damn!” In the Qu Ling heart angrily roars. “该死!”渠灵心中怒吼一声。 Arrived at this moment, her had seen, before Golden Child, perhaps has been hiding the true strength. 到了此刻,她已看出,金童之前恐怕一直在隐藏真正的实力。 Han Li deeply looked at Devourer Golden Immortal one, the whole body golden light put greatly, muscle ballooning, body rising big several times, the body surface grew the golden hair, in an instant changed into golden Giant Ape, continued to proceed fly to go. 韩立深深看了噬金仙一眼,全身金光大放,肌肉鼓胀,身躯涨大数倍,体表长出金色毛发,转眼间化为一头金色巨猿,继续往前飞遁而去。 fly to at this moment, him also discovered present spirit domain suppresses enormously to cultivation base, but the suppression of strength of mortal body is very small. 飞遁到了此刻,他也发现了眼前的灵域修为压制极大,但肉身之力的压制却很小。 Changes body Mountain Giant Ape, the Han Li whole body sends out the boundless strength, the rate of progression increases immediately, in an instant clashes to the spirit domain edge. 变身山岳巨猿,韩立全身散发出磅礴的力量,前进速度顿时大增,转眼间冲到了灵域边缘。 The Qu Ling complexion changes, immediately low roar, counts on the fingers. 渠灵面色一变,随即低喝一声,屈指一点。 The crystal light flies to shoot together, fast such as thunder submerges spirit domain edge. 一道晶光飞射而出,迅捷如雷的没入灵域边缘处。 The spirit domain edge gray light flashes crazily, appears instantaneously the one/1st level/layer grey cloud, power of magical principle in flows fast. 灵域边缘灰光狂闪,瞬间浮现出一层灰云,一股股法则之力在其中飞快流淌。 Entire spirit domain changes into a independent space instantaneously thoroughly. 整个灵域瞬间彻底化为一个独立空间。 Bang a dull thumping sound! “砰”的一声闷响! Han Li body straight collision in the grey cloud, actually as if hit in a tenacious incomparable soft wall, was rebounded. 韩立身体直挺挺的撞在了灰云上,却仿佛撞在一面坚韧无比的软墙,被反弹了回来。 His complexion sinks, immediately the opens the mouth blowout azure light, submerges azure big dragon within the body together. 他面色一沉,立刻张口喷出一道青光,没入青色巨龙体内。 In azure great dragon mouth sends out long dragon humming sound, in the huge body the azure electro-optical glow flashes crazily, changes into a azure great sword again. 青色巨龙口中发出一声长长龙吟,巨大身躯上青光电芒狂闪,再次化为一柄青色巨剑。 Han Li two wield, the azure great sword flies to shoot, as if a operates a day of great sword, cuts ruthlessly above the grey cloud. 韩立两手一挥,青色巨剑飞射而出,仿佛一柄开天巨剑,狠狠斩在灰云之上。 Rumble a heaven-shaking loud sound! “轰隆隆”一声惊天巨响! Grey cloud Meng shakes, exudes the layer upon layer wave ripple, but has not disrupted. 灰云猛地震荡起来,泛起一层层水波般的波纹,但并未碎裂开来。 „To escape from my spirit domain, the wishful thinking!” Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, in the mouth exudes one to sneer, two pinch finger joints with the thumb. “想逃出我的灵域,痴心妄想!”渠灵眼见此景,口中发出一声冷笑,两手掐诀。 gray flame in spirit domain gathering of toward Han Li and Devourer Golden Immortal goes, gray flame near both in an instant was rich several times, the flame color turned into the black impressively. 灵域内的灰色火焰朝着韩立噬金仙汇聚而去,两者附近的灰色火焰转眼间浓郁了数倍,火焰颜色赫然变成黑色。 Powerful power of magical principle of several times gushed out from the black flame, raids ruthlessly toward Han Li, this tyranical power of magical principle besides feeble principle, but also were many another strange principle. 一股强大了数倍的法则之力从黑色火焰中涌出,朝着韩立狠狠袭来,这股强横法则之力除了让人衰弱的法则外,还多了另一股诡异法则。 Bang! 轰! power of Time Principle of Han Li body week was defeated loudly, this principle struck loudly in his mind, twined in his whole body various places. 韩立身周的时间法则之力被轰然击破,这股法则轰然击在了他的脑海,缠绕在了他全身各处。 The complexion changes, the gloss on body surface golden color hair impressively fast becomes gloomy, the majestic incomparable body, unexpectedly also the somewhat withered meaning, flowing of immortal spirit strength was slower immediately ten times, the whole body one was incapable intermittently. 其面色为之一变,体表金色毛发上的光泽赫然飞快变得暗淡,原本雄壮无比的身躯,竟然也有些干瘪之意,仙灵力的流动更是立刻迟缓了十倍,全身一阵阵无力。 Moreover, in his heart appears the numerous illusions, as if encounters heart demon to invade general, an hysterical/frenzy tyrannical meaning from his heart flood. 不仅如此,他心中浮现出重重幻象,仿佛遭到心魔入侵一般,一股狂乱暴虐之意从他心中泛起。 In Han Li heart one startled, wants revolution cultivation technique strongly, transfers Time Principle to stop the invasion of spirit domain principle, depresses in the heart to read crazily. 韩立心中一惊,竭力想要运转功法,调动时间法则阻拦灵域法则的入侵,压下心中狂念。 But the feeling of weak hysterical/frenzy cannot contain to spread in his heart, like the flood of bursting a dike, cannot stop. 但无力狂乱的感觉在他心中不可遏制蔓延开来,如同决堤的洪水,根本阻拦不住。 In his double pupil exudes the faint trace red light, and fast becomes rich, slowly floods the entire eye. 他双眸中泛起丝丝红光,并且飞快变得浓郁,慢慢充斥整个眼睛。 Not far away, Golden Child sees with own eyes this scenery, in the golden pupil flashes through an anxiety, body golden light flashes, then must make anything. 不远处,金童眼见此景,金色瞳孔中闪过一丝焦急,身上金光一闪,便要做什么。 At this moment, a surroundings black flame tumbling, changes into a leader black fire dragon, from sweeps across in all directions. 就在此刻,周围黑色火焰一阵翻滚,化为一头头黑色火龙,从四面八方席卷而来。 „To save your original master? Do not presumptuously think, here in my spirit domain, you are honest is treating here!” The silver shadow flashes, Qu Ling appears in the prosperous front, blocked its way. “想要去救你的原主人?别妄想了,此处是在我的灵域之中,你就老老实实在这里待着吧!”银影一闪,渠灵出现在隆前方,拦住了它的去路。 grand Diheng, the body week golden light puts greatly, sword Qi golden light well up from its body crazily, in an instant forms a flake gold light region, immediately stirs the surrounding black fire dragon broken. 隆低哼一声,身周金光大放,一道道剑气般的金光从其身躯狂涌而出,转眼间形成一片金光区域,立刻将周围的黑色火龙搅碎。 Moreover, the golden region rotates fast, forms a golden vortex faintly the appearance, sends out swallowing strength, was cut the broken black flame to swallow much these. 不仅如此,金色区域飞快转动起来,隐隐形成一个金色漩涡的样子,发出一股股吞噬之力,将那些被斩碎的黑焰吞噬了不少。 Prosperous body figure moves, suddenly swooped toward Qu Ling. 紧接着隆身形一动,忽的朝着渠灵飞扑了过来。 In the golden region the ray flashes, two hundred zhang (333 m) size giant crystal glow fly to shoot, cuts one on the left and other on the right to Qu Ling goes, the black flame in place visited spirit domain was easily cut to extinguish. 金色区域中光芒一闪,两道百丈大小巨大晶芒飞射而出,一左一右斩向渠灵而去,所过之处灵域内的黑焰轻易被一斩而灭。 What's wrong, did not save your master, instead pestered me?” Qu Ling giggle smiles, drinks one tenderly, two pinch finger joints with the thumb fast. “怎么,不去救你的主人了,反而来纠缠住我?”渠灵咯咯一笑,娇喝一声,两手飞快掐诀。 Black flame gatherings come, flashes changes into two black rays. 一道道黑色火焰汇聚而来,一闪化为两道黑色光线。 Powerful power of magical principle send out from the heavy line. 一股股强大法则之力从黑线中散发而出。 Qu Ling flicking the fingers, two heavy lines fly to shoot, hit with two giant crystal light in one. 渠灵屈指一弹,两道黑线飞射而出,和两道巨大晶光撞在了一起。 Only listens to bang bang two dull thumping sounds, the crystal light heavy line to dissipate simultaneously. 只听“砰砰”两声闷响,晶光黑线同时消散开来。 He, if even this difficulty could not resist, could not act as my master. I can help his block you, does not let you to his direct make a move. If in the situation he could not so have escaped from this spirit domain, that is his skill is then bad, dying is not here injust.” Golden Child said lightly, before two , the claw wields again. “他若连这点困难都抵挡不了,也做不了我的主人了。我能帮他的就是拦住你,不让你对他直接出手。若如此情况下他还逃不出这个灵域,那便是他本事不济,死在这里也不冤了。”金童淡淡说道,两只前爪再次一挥。 Also is two crystal light flies to shoot, cuts to Qu Ling. 又是两道晶光飞射而出,斩向渠灵 Qu Ling cold snort/hum, two brandish, black flame fly to shoot to come, both tumbling war in one. 渠灵冷哼一声,两手挥舞,一道道黑焰飞射而来,两者翻翻滚滚大战在了一起。 In the Han Li eye the red light is even more rich, both eyes then must change the Cheng Xue red color shortly thoroughly. 韩立眼中红光越发浓郁,双目眼看便要彻底变成血红之色。 At this moment, his spirit sea these static motionless Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords suddenly trembles. 就在此刻,他灵海之中那些静静不动的青竹蜂云剑忽的一颤。 Thick golden electric arcs suddenly appears, exudes the sound of huge thunderclap, as if a Desolate Wilderness giant beast receives the provocation to angrily roar. 一道道粗大金色电弧忽的从中浮现而出,发出巨大霹雳之声,仿佛一头蛮荒巨兽受到挑衅而怒吼。 Han Li places appear immediately Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder, the whole person instantaneously by the golden thunder and lightning package. 韩立身上各处顿时浮现出一道道辟邪神雷,整个人瞬间被金色雷电包裹。 Right noon time alcohol and aura sends out from these Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder, swamps into his mind. 一股正阳醇和的气息从这些辟邪神雷中散发而出,涌入他的脑海。 In the Han Li mind the meaning of hysterical/frenzy reduced immediately, restored some pure brightness, in the eye the blood red color retrogression were many. 韩立脑海中狂乱之意顿时一减,恢复了部分清明,眼中血红之色消退不少。 His both eyes stare fiercely in a big way, low roar, the body golden light puts greatly, Precious Mantra Wheel appears again, fast rotation. 他双目猛地瞪大,低喝一声,身上金光大放,真言宝轮再次浮现而出,飞快转动。 At this moment possibly places the reason in spirit domain, the golden ripple that in the past revolution Precious Mantra Wheel will reappear, had not appeared. 此刻可能是身处灵域内的缘故,以往运转真言宝轮都会浮现出的金色波纹,却是一直没有出现。 power of time gushed out from Precious Mantra Wheel, wraps the whole body of Han Li, resisted power of magical principle in spirit domain again. 一股股时间之力真言宝轮中涌出,包裹住了韩立的全身,将灵域内的法则之力再次抵住。 Meanwhile, he immediately full play Divinity Cultivation Technique. 与此同时,他立刻全力运转炼神术 Cool meanings gradually send out from the mind, depresses the meaning of heart hysterical/frenzy slowly, the feeling of body that being incapable also abates fast, the strength returned his body, the revolution of immortal spirit strength also recovered normally. 一股股清凉之意逐渐从脑海中散发开来,将心底狂乱之意慢慢压下,身上那股无力之感也飞快消退,力量重新回到了他的身体,仙灵力的运转也恢复了正常。 What's the matter......” distant place Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye reveals an unbelievable color. “怎么回事……”远处渠灵眼见此景,眼中露出一丝难以置信之色。 Her cold snort/hum, counts on the fingers. 她冷哼一声,屈指一点。 The black flame of the week branches out one immediately, flashes changes into a black long arrow, above black flame winding. 其身周的黑焰立刻分出一股,一闪化为一支黑色长箭,上面黑色火焰缠绕。 Whiz, the black long arrow flies to shoot, shoots to go toward the Han Li electricity. “嗖”的一声,黑色长箭飞射而出,朝着韩立电射而去。 At this moment, the crystal light flies to shoot to raid from side together, hits with the black long arrow in the same place. 就在此刻,一道晶光从旁边飞射袭来,和黑色长箭撞在一起。 Bang, the crystal light long arrow explodes simultaneously. “砰”的一声,晶光长箭同时爆裂开来。 Haha, we have not decided the victory and defeat, do you want to change the opponent? Accompanies me to continue to hit.” Golden Child laughed, blocks in front of Qu Ling. “哈哈,我们还没有分出胜负,你就想换对手吗?还是陪我继续打下去吧。”金童哈哈大笑,拦在了渠灵前面。 Han Li exhales the one breath, has not paid attention to the battle of distant place, looks suddenly to the front grey cloud, in the eye the stern countenance flashes. 韩立呼出一口气,没有理会远处的争斗,豁然看向前方灰云,眼中厉色一闪。 He a opens the mouth, spouts three azure light suddenly, flashes to submerge the week silver bell that passes, the fang strange sword, in black big streamer three immortal artifact. 他蓦然一张口,喷出三道青光,一闪而逝的没入身周银色铃铛,獠牙怪剑,还有黑色大幡三件仙器中。 Three immortal artifact shake fiercely, sending out to be brighter than the ray of several times before. 三件仙器猛地一震,散发出比之前明亮了数倍的光芒。 The ray is dazzling, hardly may look straight ahead, moreover tumbles to surge violently, is getting more and more fierce. 光芒刺目耀眼,几乎不可直视,而且猛烈翻滚涌动,越来越剧烈。 Goes!” Han Li pinches finger joints with the thumb. “去!”韩立掐诀一点。 Three immortal artifact fly to shoot, changes into three dazzling rays, hits ruthlessly above the grey cloud. 三件仙器飞射而出,化为三道耀眼光芒,狠狠打在灰云之上。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Three immortal artifact bump into the grey cloud, immediately explodes, changes into silver, two black three groups of scorching sun light groups. 三件仙器一碰到灰云,立刻爆裂开来,化为一银,两黑三团骄阳般的光团。 Grey cloud shivers immediately crazily, fast becomes thin, the surrounding black flame was also swept a big stretch of open area, entire spirit domain also shivered fiercely. 灰云顿时疯狂颤抖,飞快变得稀薄起来,周围的黑焰也被扫荡出一大片空地,整个灵域也猛地颤抖了一下。
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