RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#453: Treachery

Han Li wielding these four treasures, cut to kill Combined Essence Five Extreme Mountains that Tao Yu and degree of stoutness guard seizes before and other immortal artifact. 韩立祭出的这四件宝物,正是之前斩杀那陶羽和胖瘦护卫所夺来的元合五极山等几件仙器 His opens the mouth spits, spouts four groups of azure light, submerges in four immortal artifact. 紧接着,他张口一吐,喷出四团青光,没入四件仙器之中。 Under the Combined Essence Five Extreme Mountains turning round revolution, rises fast in a big way, superficial grey Guangda puts, gray light ball one after another flying of innumerable water jar size shoots, hits toward the surrounding grey shadow. 元合五极山滴溜溜一转之下,飞快涨大,表面灰光大放,无数水缸大小的灰色光球从中接二连三的飞射而出,朝着周围灰影打去。 The silver bell also silver puts brilliantly, in ding in the bell deafening sound sound, silver sound waves spread toward all around. 银色铃铛也银光大放,在一阵叮铃震响声中,一圈圈银色声波朝四周扩散开来。 Meanwhile, the fang strange sword and black big streamer also rise suddenly under the spirit mark circulation, send out fang sword Qi and black multi-colored sunlight, sweeps away to go toward the surroundings. 与此同时,獠牙怪剑和黑色大幡也在灵纹流转之下暴涨,散发出一道道獠牙型的剑气和黑色霞光,朝着周围横扫而去。 In these four immortal artifact, besides Yuan about Limitless Mountain, several other Han Li not sacrificial refining, but this moment four simultaneously wielding, with joint forces under the power and influence is also enormous, in addition Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, blocks the surrounding grey shadow immediately again. 这四件仙器之中,除了元合无极山外,其余几件韩立并未怎么祭炼,但此刻四件同时祭出,合力之下威势也是极大,再加上青竹蜂云剑,顿时再次将周围灰影挡住。 However at this moment, Han Li only thinks that at present one gloomy, a body Zhou Huiying fluctuation, giant grey dragon claw searched fiercely. 不过就在此刻,韩立只觉眼前一黯,身周灰影猛地一个波动,一只巨大的灰色龙爪从中探了出来。 This dragon claw by being nervous and troubled to be condensed, but seemingly just like the essence, sturdy incomparable, as if contains the inexhaustible strength, one sword Qi that pierced the fang strange sword, by an irresistible imposing manner, toward the Han Li chest ruthlessly grasps under. 这龙爪由灰气凝聚而成,但看起来恍如实质,粗壮无比,似乎蕴含无穷无尽的力量,一下洞穿了獠牙怪剑的剑气,以一种势不可挡的气势,朝着韩立胸口狠狠的一抓而下。 In the Han Li surface the unusual look does not have slightly, body golden color thunder light flashes, golden puppet appear out of thin air, is Daoist Crab. 韩立面上丝毫异色没有,身上金色雷光一闪,一具金色傀儡凭空浮现而出,正是蟹道人 Puppet two direct, thick thunder and lightning appear, gathered in his hand, condensed a thunder and lightning great axe instantaneously, cut ruthlessly, blocked grey dragon claw. 傀儡两手一引,一道道粗大雷电浮现而出,汇聚到了他的手中,瞬间凝聚成了一只雷电巨斧,狠狠一斩而出,拦下了灰色龙爪。 Rumble a heaven-shaking loud sound! “轰隆隆”一声惊天巨响! The Daoist Crab body trembles, move backwards one step, but that grey dragon claw also shrank suddenly, integrated in the grey shadow. 蟹道人身躯一颤,往后退了一步,不过那灰色龙爪也骤然间缩了回去,重新融入了灰影之中。 Golden Immortal puppet!” Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, eyebrow tips slightly raise. 金仙傀儡!”渠灵眼见此景,眉梢微挑 Immediately this female sneers, two pinch finger joints with the thumb, pats another first five claw grey dragons suddenly again. 随即此女冷笑一声,两手掐诀,猛然再次一拍另一头五爪灰龙。 The gray throne ray puts again greatly, three face puttying mirrors appear from the throne slowly, on each face puttying mirror writes ancient Chinese characters, respectively is fading, crazy, dying. 灰色王座光芒再次大放,三面灰镜从王座后面缓缓浮现而出,每一面灰镜上都写着一个古字,分别是“衰”,“狂”,“死”。 Entire grey spirit domain fluctuates again, all around grey shadow tumbles alternately, making all around grey glow fast richer. 整个灰色灵域再次波动起来,四周的灰影交替翻滚,使得四周的灰芒飞快变得更加浓郁。 Han Li sees this situation, in the heart one cold, will make anything again. 韩立见此情形,心中一凛,正要再做些什么。 But in the meantime, the entire throne shook, the rich grey glow that sent out suddenly dissipates rapidly, making fluctuation grey spirit domain also subside. 但就在此时,整个王座骤然一震,散发出的浓郁灰芒迅速消散,使得原本波动的灰色灵域也平息了下来。 Qu Ling is startled, divine sense sweeps. 渠灵一怔,神识一扫。 Sees only in grey glow that the throne sends out, does not know why can see faintly the faint trace white light is beating, makes faintly ka ka sound. 只见王座散发的灰芒之中,不知为何隐隐能看到丝丝白光在跳动,隐隐发出“咔咔”的声响。 This female sees this situation, immediately stops, simultaneously the opens the mouth puts out a silver light, covered the entire throne. 此女见此情形,立刻停下了施法,同时张口吐出一股银光,笼罩住了整个王座。 Under the throne in this silver light covers, this stabilized, that faint trace white light in grey glow tails off gradually. 王座在这银光笼罩下,这才稳定了下来,灰芒中的那一丝丝白光渐渐变少。 A Qu Ling complexion loosen, but a hand still pinched finger joints with the thumb fast, magical formula submerged in the gray throne, simultaneously another hand wields, single Zhilian shoots, together the azure light and golden light flies to shoot together, changes into a azure great silkworm and a golden beetle. 渠灵面色一松,不过一只手仍飞快掐诀,一道道法诀没入了灰色王座中,同时另一只手一挥,单指连弹,一道青光和一道金光飞射而出,化为一只青色巨蚕和一只金色甲虫。 You two, go to stress to me that person. However the attention do not injure him, this person has big using to me.” Qu Ling told. “你们两个,去将那人给我抓来。不过注意别伤了他,此人对我有大用。”渠灵吩咐道。 The azure great silkworm humming sound complied with one, body figure to turn, flies to shoot. 青色巨蚕嗡嗡答应了一声,身形一扭,飞射而出。 The golden beetle two eyeballs are rotating turning round, sees the distant place Han Li form, has not actually moved. 金色甲虫两只眼珠子滴溜溜转动着,看着远处韩立的身影,却没有动。 You also go!” Qu Ling saw that the golden beetle has not moved, complexion slightly cold, shouting of slightly anger. “你也去!”渠灵看到金色甲虫没有动,面色微冷,微怒的喝道。 Is......” golden beetle languid complies with one, this leisure flies toward Han Li. “是……”金色甲虫懒洋洋的答应一声,这才慢悠悠的朝着韩立飞去。 Qu Ling snort/hum, continued to look to the gray throne, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb is more anxious. 渠灵哼了一声,继续看向灰色王座,手中掐诀更急。 In the distant place numerous grey shades, Han Li erect stimulates to movement five treasures quickly, cuts to extinguish imposing manner slightly some grey shades of weakening, and looks for the opportunity to break out. 远处重重灰影之中,韩立正飞快催动五件宝物,将一波波气势略有些减弱的灰影斩灭,并寻找机会突围而出。 Daoist Crab hidden enters his within the body at this moment again, this trump card he does not dare to use at will, must remain is dealing with just such unknown danger. 蟹道人此刻再次隐入他的体内,这张底牌他不敢随意动用,要留着应对刚刚那样未知的危险。 His complexion at this moment is somewhat pale, some slightly respites. 此刻的他面色有些苍白,略微有些喘息。 Under spirit domain covers, is unable to draw support from any Heaven and Earth vitality, then he not only the magical powers reduce greatly, but also can only rely on its vitality resistance entire spirit domain. 灵域笼罩之下,根本无法借助任何外界的天地元气,如此一来他不仅的神通大减,而且只能凭借本身元气对抗整个灵域 But stimulation of movement Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords and four immortal artifact consumptions are enormous, this moment its within the body immortal spirit strength is only left over less than half. 而催动青竹蜂云剑和四件仙器消耗更是极大,此刻其体内仙灵力只剩下小半。 Moreover, strange power of magical principle transmit from surroundings spirit domain continuously, power of Time Principle of his body week, somewhat cannot resist unexpectedly faintly. 不仅如此,一股股诡异法则之力从周围灵域内持续不断传来,他身周的时间法则之力,竟隐隐有些抵挡不住。 Cannot, probably select to find the way this way to go out!” In the Han Li heart the thought racing, both eyes blue light streams transfers looks toward the surroundings. “不能继续这样下去了,必须点想办法出去!”韩立心中念头急转,双目蓝光流转的朝着周围望去。 Stopping that suddenly, his vision concentrates in somewhere, the whole body put immediately azure brilliantly, flies suddenly toward grey spirit domain edge, two wheels pinch finger joints with the thumb. 突然间,他目光一凝的停在了某处,随即全身青光大放,豁然朝着灰色灵域边缘处飞去,两手车轮般掐诀。 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords flies to shoot to return, humming sound trembles, makes the sound of giant sword howling. 青竹蜂云剑飞射而回,嗡嗡震颤,发出巨大剑啸之音。 Great sword surface azure electro-optical glow also again one bright, as if a azure Sun, in which golden electric light also even more dazzling dazzling. 巨剑表面的青光电芒也再次一亮,仿佛一轮青色太阳,其中的金色电光也越发刺目耀眼。 A Han Li finger to this sword, under the giant sword blade turning round revolution, flashes the azure big dragon that changes into a hundred zhang (333 m) size void impressively. 韩立一根手指冲着此剑虚空一点,巨大剑身滴溜溜一转之下,赫然一闪化为一头百丈大小的青色巨龙。 This dragon whole body is deep green, each scale is flashing dense sword Qi, thick golden electric arcs spread to beat on dragon body, have rumble the thunderous loud sound, the imposing manner was bigger three points compared with the beforehand great sword shape. 此龙全身碧绿,每一枚鳞片都闪动着森然的剑气,一道道粗大金色电弧在龙躯上蔓延跳动,发出隆隆雷鸣巨响,气势比起之前的巨剑形态更大了三分。 The azure big dragon is pleased as punch, when first throws toward front. 青色巨龙摇头摆尾,当先朝着前面扑去。 The front grey shadow swarms the stop, azure big dragon makes threatening gestures, innumerable swift and fierce incomparable sword Qi interweave the twinkle, grey shades will stir cut to extinguish broken. 前方灰影蜂拥阻拦,青色巨龙一阵张牙舞爪,无数凌厉无比的剑气交织闪烁,将一个个灰影搅碎斩灭。 After Han Li follows closely the azure big dragon, other four immortal artifact also fly to shoot to return at this moment, dances in the air in his body week encirclement, keeps off the surroundings grey shadow outside. 韩立则紧随青色巨龙之后,其他四件仙器此刻也飞射而回,在他身周环绕飞舞,将周围灰影挡在外面。 During several breath, he had rushed to the grey spirit domain edge. 几个呼吸之间,他已经冲到了灰色灵域边缘。 But at this moment, the front azure shadow flashes, azure great silkworm body figure strange reappearing, big mouth suddenly. 但就在此刻,前方青影一闪,一只青色巨蚕身形诡异的浮现而出,大口蓦的一张。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The innumerable say/way azure silk flies to shoot from its, dense and numerous interweaving in the midair becomes a azure big net, toward Han Li, when under hood. 无数道青色蚕丝从其口中飞射而出,在半空中密密麻麻的交织成一张青色大网,朝着韩立当头罩下。 The Han Li complexion changes, but places in spirit domain at this moment, moving to be difficult, moves aside not to mention. 韩立面色微变,但此刻身处灵域之内,动弹起来都已经非常困难,躲闪更不用说了。 The azure big net is seemingly common, but sends out special principle fluctuations, once at this moment tied down, wants to leave perhaps difficultly. 青色大网看似寻常,但其中散发出一股股特殊的法则波动,此刻一旦被缠住,想要脱出恐怕困难。 During the consideration, his vision flashes, counts on the fingers a that black big streamer of side. 思量间,他目光一闪,屈指一点身旁的那面黑色大幡。 The black big streamer rises immediately against the wind in a big way, sends out the big piece black multi-colored sunlight, welcomed toward the azure big net. 黑色大幡立刻迎风涨大,散发出大片黑色霞光,朝着青色大网迎去。 a dull thumping sound, the black big streamer was covered by the azure big net. “噗”的一声闷响,黑色大幡被青色大网笼罩住。 The azure big net covers the black streamer, immediately shivers, changes into the innumerable say/way azure silk, moves around the black streamer turning round fast, in an instant changes into a azure silkworm cocoon. 青色大网一罩住黑幡,立刻颤动起来,化为无数道青色蚕丝,围绕着黑幡滴溜溜飞快旋转,转眼间化为一个青色蚕茧。 The black streamer was wrapped in the silkworm cocoon, immediately cannot move. 黑幡被包裹在蚕茧中,顿时动弹不得。 Han Li did not have make a move to break open the silk the meaning, body figure turned fiercely curved, continued to fly to shoot toward front. 韩立却丝毫没有出手破开蚕丝的意思,身形猛地拐了一个弯,继续朝着前面飞射而出。 The azure great silkworm squeak squeak called one, the opens the mouth spinning, at this moment, its gold/metal shadow will dodge again, the golden beetle form appears. 青色巨蚕吱吱叫了一声,正要再次张口吐丝,就在此刻,它身旁金影一闪,金色甲虫身影浮现而出。 Han Li fly body figure one stops suddenly, looks to that golden beetle. 韩立飞遁身形陡然一顿停住,愣愣的看向那金色甲虫。 The golden beetle also looked toward Han Li, in two small eyes ray twinkle. 金色甲虫也朝着韩立看了过来,两只小眼睛之中光芒闪烁。 The azure great silkworm sees Han Li to stop, immediately happy, big mouth, the innumerable azure silks fly to shoot, flashes changes into a azure big net, toward Han Li, when under the hood, the speed also wanted quickly time compared with before. 青色巨蚕看到韩立停下,顿时一喜,大口一张,无数青色蚕丝飞射而出,一闪化为一张青色大网,朝着韩立当头罩下,速度比起之前还要快了倍许。 In the Han Li heart quickly grasps the meaning of something, immediately recover his wits, the vision puts aside from the golden beetle, counts on the fingers to a fang strange sword point. 韩立心中一个激灵,立刻回过神来,目光从金色甲虫身上移开,屈指对着獠牙怪剑一点而出。 The big piece black sword light appears from the fang strange sword, forms one mu instantaneously big or small sword sea, toward the azure big net, keeps off in the top of the head. 大片黑色剑光从獠牙怪剑上浮现而出,瞬间形成一片亩许大小的剑海,朝着青色大网,挡在头顶。 In the azure great silkworm mouth squeak squeak called one, sounds like somewhat the meaning of taunt, mouth, spits again suddenly, spouts azure hurricane. 青色巨蚕口中吱吱叫了一声,听起来似乎有些嘲讽之意,嘴巴再次一张,猛然一吐而出,喷出一股青色飓风。 In the hurricane filled the azure wind blade impressively densely and numerously, the speed is extremely impressively fast, latter sends first to hits toward Han Li from another direction, stopping him to continue to go forward. 飓风之中赫然密密麻麻充满了青色风刃,速度赫然极快,后发先至的从另一个方向朝着韩立打去,阻拦其继续前进。 Nearby golden beetle sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye the ray flashes, the whole body golden light puts suddenly greatly, immediately condenses before two above all claw. 旁边金色甲虫眼见此景,眼中光芒一闪,全身骤然金光大放,随即尽数凝聚到两只前爪之上。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! Before golden beetle two, on the claw appears immediately two magical skill ten zhang (3.33 m) crystal light, lends the sharp incomparable aura. 金色甲虫两只前爪上顿时浮现出两道数十丈长的晶光,散发出锋利无比的气息。 Before beetle two , the claw wields, two crystal light fly to shoot immediately, but the direction is not Han Li, but impressively is azure great silkworm. 甲虫两只前爪一挥,两道晶光顿时飞射而出,但方向并非韩立,而赫然是身旁的青色巨蚕。 The azure great silkworm in great surprise, the body puts suddenly azure brilliantly, the retreat moves aside rapidly, but both distance is too near, the golden crystal light speed is extremely quick. 青色巨蚕豁然大惊,身躯青光大放,后退急速躲闪,但两者距离实在太近,金色晶光速度又是极快。 Only listens to Chī chī two resounding, the aquamarine blood splash, azure great silkworm huge body figure, was cut three sections by two crystal light impressively. 只听“嗤嗤”两声脆响,碧绿色的鲜血飞溅,青色巨蚕庞大的身形,赫然被两道晶光斩成三截。 Flies to fall, but below azure big net and that azure hurricane, scatter fiercely immediately. 飞落而下的青色大网和那股青色飓风猛地一顿,随即飘散。 Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye reveals a happy expression, gratified. 韩立眼见此景,眼中露出一丝喜色,还有一丝欣慰。 Squeak squeak squeak!” “吱吱吱!” In the azure great silkworm mouth squeak squeak yelled rapidly, three sections of remnant bodies still sent out the azure ray respectively, flies toward the distant place. 青色巨蚕口中急速吱吱大叫,三截残躯仍然各自散发出青色光芒,朝着远处飞去。 In fly, three sections of bodies each other splice, wound place creeping motion, impressively slowly fusion. 飞遁之中,三截身躯彼此拼接起来,伤口处蠕动不已,赫然缓缓融合。 The golden beetle sees this, the body next several claw without delay wield simultaneously. 金色甲虫见此,二话不说的身下几只爪子同时一挥。 The 7 - 8 crystal light interlocks to fly to shoot, the speed is extremely fast, fuzzy then appears in various azure great silkworm body week places, cuts suddenly randomly under. 七八道晶光交错飞射而出,速度极快,一个模糊便出现在青色巨蚕身周各处,猛然乱斩而下。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The azure great silkworm body before the crystal light, the frail tofu seems ordinary, crystal light cuts randomly, immediately cut hundred over a thousand it. 青色巨蚕身躯在晶光之前,脆弱的仿佛豆腐一般,晶光一阵乱斩,顿时将其斩成了百上千块。 Golden beetle body figure in a flash, changes into the golden illusory image to fly to shoot together, pierces from the remnant body of azure great silkworm instantaneously, flashes before the form. 金色甲虫身形一晃,化为一道金色幻影飞射而出,瞬间从青色巨蚕的残躯中洞穿而过,一闪现出身影。 In the beetle mouth is holding in the mouth a azure small silkworm impressively, sends out the dazzling azure light all over the body, as if the sapphire carving becomes general, is Nascent Soul of azure great silkworm. 甲虫口中赫然叼着一个青色小蚕,通体散发出耀眼青光,仿佛青玉雕刻而成一般,正是青色巨蚕的元婴 Golden beetle big mouth, then swallows down Nascent Soul of azure great silkworm. 紧接着,金色甲虫大口一张,一口便将青色巨蚕的元婴吞了下去。 It as if also somewhat has not given full expression, the body golden light puts down greatly, spouts together the pale golden multi-colored sunlight from the mouth, under one volume, then inhaled in the azure great silkworm scattered about remnant body the mouth, the big mouth chews. 其似乎还有些意犹未尽,身上金光大放下,从口中喷出一道淡金色霞光,一卷之下,便将青色巨蚕七零八落的残躯吸入了口中,大口嘴嚼起来。 A series of changes are bold, during several breath then finished. 一连串的变化兔起鹘落,几个呼吸之间便结束。
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