RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#452: Imprisonment

Before golden palace door, Qu Ling turned around suddenly, saw the Han Li two people, eyebrow slightly raise, slightly somewhat surprised. 金色宫门前,渠灵蓦然转身,看到了韩立二人,眉头微微一挑,略微有些意外 However next moment, this female vision suddenly becomes sharp, the vision falls on the gray eyeball in Han Li hand, the complexion slowly becomes pale. 不过下一刻,此女目光陡然变得尖锐起来,目光落在韩立手中的灰色眼球上,面色慢慢变得铁青。 Originally is you, killed my another Ox Beast, harms me to consume in this so for a long time!” Qu Ling stops in the hand, turns around, vision such as blade looks at Han Li, saying one word at a time. “原来是你,杀了我的另一头太蜚,害我在此耗费如此长时间!”渠灵停下手上施法,转过身来,目光如刀的看着韩立,一字一顿的说道。 The Han Li mouth somewhat becomes dry, at this moment his where did not have clearly, in the past he returned to Northern Cold Immortal Territory from Spirit Domain World, struck that Ox Beast that killed in the space turbulent flow, good skillful unfortunately this Qu Ling spirit pet. 韩立嘴巴有些发干,此刻他哪里还有不明白的,当年他从灵寰界重返北寒仙域,在空间乱流中击杀的那头太蜚,好巧不巧正是这渠灵灵宠 Looks at the present situation, this Qu Ling as if to the appearance that Ox Beast exceptionally regards as important. 看眼前的情况,这渠灵似乎对那太蜚异常看重的样子。 Escapes separately!” “分头逃!” In his heart the thought racing, said to Lu Yuqing voice transmission, turns around to fly immediately toward the distant place. 他心中念头急转,对陆雨晴传音说了一声,立刻转身朝着远处飞去。 The Lu Yuqing complexion is startled, some as if ravelling situations, but also responds later immediately, body azure puts brilliantly, changes into the azure rainbow to escape together in another direction. 陆雨晴面色一怔,似乎有些弄不明白情况,不过随后也立刻反应过来,身上青光大放,化为一道青色长虹朝着另一个方向逃去。 Also wants to walk?” In the Qu Ling mouth cold snort/hum, lifts the hand to lift, directs distantly. “还想走?”渠灵口中一声冷哼,抬手一抬,遥遥一指点出。 Whiz, a white light flies to shoot from her sleeve, is actually a white rope. “嗖”的一声,一道白光从她袖中飞射而出,却是一根白色绳索。 This rope presents the sparkling stone white, sends out the astonishing spirit strength to fluctuate, mixes with the faint trace principle to fluctuate, impressively is immortal artifact, changes into together the slender white light, pursues toward Han Li. 此绳索呈现出莹白色,散发出惊人灵力波动,其中夹杂着丝丝法则波动,赫然是一件仙器,化为一道纤细白光,朝着韩立追去。 You went to kill that female.” While wielding immortal artifact, Qu Ling told one to small Ox Beast. “你去将那个女子杀了。”在祭出仙器的同时,渠灵对身旁的小太蜚吩咐了一声。 Small Ox Beast hate is looking at Han Li, but it does not dare to defy the orders of Qu Ling obviously, single Zumeng steps on the ground, the body changes into together the yellow shadow suddenly, directly soars Lu Yuqing the escaping direction to pursue. 太蜚怨恨的望着韩立,不过其显然不敢违抗渠灵的命令,单足猛一踩地面,身躯骤然化为一道黄影,直奔陆雨晴所遁方向追去。 In Han Li fly, feeling the aura fluctuation is astonishing behind, and speed is scary, almost suddenly, then to it behind several li (0.5 km) place. 韩立飞遁中,感受到身后气息波动惊人,且速度更是骇人,几乎眨眼间,便到了其身后数里之处。 In his heart one cold, under the back golden light flashes, appears a golden wing, fans fast, making its speed increase unceasingly. 其心中一凛,背后金光闪动之下,浮现出一对金色翅膀,飞快扇动起来,使其速度不断攀升。 In the Qu Ling surface shows an ice-cold smile, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb a point. 渠灵面上露出一丝冰冷笑容,手中掐诀一点而出。 The white rope speed speeds up suddenly, flashes to change into together the fuzzy white shadow, shortly will then catch up with Han Li, in a flash, transforms 5 - 6 strip virtual image fiercely, goes toward the Han Li winding from all around each direction. 白色绳索速度陡然加快,一个闪动化为一道模糊白影,顷刻间便追上了韩立,猛地一晃,幻化出五六虚影,从前后左右各个方向朝着韩立缠绕而去。 In the meantime, Han Li one startled, the sound of body thunderclap is big, on Wind and Thunder Wings appears golden thunder and lightning, a thunder and lightning thunders, his form before the rope closes up, fly. 就在此时,韩立一惊,身上霹雳之声大起,风雷翅上浮现出一道道金色雷电,一声雷电轰鸣,他的身影堪堪在绳索合拢之前,飞遁而出。 next moment, beyond more than ten li (0.5 km) thunder light flashes, the Han Li form appears. 下一刻,十几里外雷光一闪,韩立的身影浮现而出。 His complexion sinks, the space limitation of this situation territory is bigger than Quiet Cold Realm, Thunder Escape also escapes such distance. 他面色一沉,这处境域的空间限制比幽寒境更大,一次雷遁也才遁出这么点距离。 Then wants to run away from my hand by only Thunder Escape Technique, wishful thinking!” Qu Ling transmits from Han Li suddenly behind. “凭借区区一个雷遁术便想要从我手中逃走,痴心妄想!”渠灵突然从韩立身后传来。 In Han Li heart one startled, turns around to examine without enough time behind, the whole body golden light puts greatly, Mantra Wheel virtual image appears, fast rotation. 韩立心中一惊,来不及转身查看身后,全身金光大放,一个真轮虚影浮现而出,飞快转动。 His body figure suddenly becomes fuzzy, on back Wind and Thunder Wings golden electric light again one bright. 他的身形陡然变得模糊,背后的风雷翅上金色电光再次一亮。 A sound of sound thunderclap, the Han Li form disappears again instantaneously. 霹雳之声一响,韩立的身影再次瞬间消失。 This a series of movements, just suddenly were also quicker than several times. 这一连串的动作,比刚刚陡然又快了数倍。 Golden thunder light flashes, the Han Li form appears beyond more than ten li (0.5 km), this turns around to look. 金色雷光一闪,韩立身影出现在十余里外,这才转身望去。 Sees only Qu Ling to stand in the place that he just stood, looks the surprised color. 只见渠灵站在他刚刚站立的地方,面露惊讶之色。 correct/good, cannot think that you have the magical powers of this uniform acceleration, but you yourself hit in the old lady hand today, gave up any idea of that lived again is leaving!” Qu Ling cold snort/hum, the body silver puts brilliantly, condenses a pair of partly visible silver pair of wings. 不错,想不到你还有这等加速的神通,不过今日你自己撞到了老娘手中,休想再活着离开了!”渠灵冷哼一声,身上银光大放,凝聚成一对若隐若现的银色双翼。 A pair of wings show/unfolds, Qu Ling body figure changes into together the remnant shadow suddenly, from vanishes same place does not see. 双翼一展,渠灵身形蓦然化为一道残影,从原地消失不见。 The Han Li complexion changes, in within the body Reverse Turning Mantra Wheel extreme twist, conducts the back on Wind and Thunder Wings the thunder and lightning ray to flash, from vanishes without the trace same place. 韩立面色微变,体内逆转真轮急速旋转,背上风雷翅上雷电光芒一闪,从原地消失无踪。 Has Reverse Turning Mantra Wheel to assist, technique of it that Thunder Escape he displays, by far usually. 逆转真轮相助,他施展的雷遁之术之,远胜平日。 His body figure just vanished, the Qu Ling form then appears in the sky, stretches out a palm, in the five fingers jumps projects five expansion uncertain grey glow, suddenly straight thrust under. 身形刚刚消失,渠灵身影便在上空浮现而出,伸出一只手掌,五指间迸射出五道伸缩不定的灰芒,猛然直刺而下。 However in the instance that five grey glow drop, the Han Li form has vanished does not see, this female actually punctured spatial. 不过就在五道灰芒落下的瞬间,韩立身影已经消失不见,此女却是刺了个空。 The Qu Ling complexion is motionless, transfers to look toward one side. 渠灵面色不动,转首朝着一侧望去。 There golden thunder and lightning flashes, Han Li form staggering reappearing. 那里金色雷电一闪,韩立身影一个趔趄的浮现而出。 Qu Ling sneers, the back silver wing moves, body figure ghost-like vanishes again, speed compared with before, was quicker. 渠灵冷笑一声,背后银翼一动,身形再次鬼魅般消失,速度比起之前,又快了一些。 The Han Li complexion changes, the body golden light and back thunder and lightning shine simultaneously, a thunderclap loud sound, again Thunder Escape. 韩立面色微变,身上金光和背后雷电同时亮起,一声霹雳巨响,再次雷遁而出。 Rumbling the thunderclap loud sound explodes continuously. 轰轰轰的霹雳巨响连续炸起。 In the midair, a gold/metal silver coins ray each other pursues, quickly like lightning. 半空之中,一金一银两道光芒彼此追逐起来,快如闪电。 The silver ray is getting quicker and quicker, moreover is silent, the just liking ghosts and demons are ordinary. 银色光芒越来越快,而且无声无息,浑如鬼魅一般。 During inundates to be spatial at once presents the silver light remnant shadow, old has not dissipated, new then appears again. 一时之间漫空之中出现一个又一个的银光残影,旧的还未消散,新的便再次出现。 The silver light no doubt is peerlessly rapid, but golden thunder light is not inferior. 银光固然迅疾绝伦,但金色雷光也并不逊色。 As the silver ray speeds up, is getting more and more rapid, finally changes into the golden illusory image directly, everywhere dances in the air together, had not been caught up by the silver light slightly. 随着银色光芒加快,也越来越迅疾,最后直接化为一道金色幻影,漫天飞舞,丝毫没有被银光追上。 The thunderclap is thunderously getting more and more crowded, finally even realizes one piece, almost cannot branch out the gap. 霹雳雷鸣越来越密集,最后甚至练成一片,几乎分不出间隔。 Both each other pursue, why did not know, returned to that golden palace nearby region unexpectedly again. 两者彼此追逐,不知为何,竟再次回到了那座金色宫殿附近区域。 In the midair, silver light flashes, the Qu Ling form appears, the brow is slightly pressed, has not continued to pursue again. 半空之中,银光一闪,渠灵身影浮现而出,眉头微微蹙起,没有再继续追逐。 Beyond more than ten li (0.5 km), golden thunder light flashes, the Han Li form appears, some slightly respites, both eyes are staring at Qu Ling stubbornly. 十余里外,金色雷光一闪,韩立身影浮现而出,略微有些喘息,双目死死地盯着渠灵 Qu Ling has not continued to pursue, he then does not have Thunder Escape to leave. 渠灵没有继续追来,他便也没有雷遁离开。 Technique of Reverse Turning Mantra Wheel and Thunder Escape also displays, his immortal spirit strength can also support actually, but so moves high-speed, to the burden of mortal body and spirit is also enormous, even he somewhat cannot endure, must breathe the one breath. 逆转真轮雷遁之术同时施展,他的仙灵力倒是还能支撑,但是如此高速移动,对肉身和精神的负担也是极大,即便是他也有些吃不消,须得喘上一口气。 Cannot think, your small True Immortal also somewhat skill, can always when I soon catch up avoids, it seems like does not use a method is not good.” Qu Ling cold snort/hum, the body silver light flashes again, the form disappears baseless. “想不到,你这小小真仙还有几分本事,总能在我快要追上之时躲开,看来不使出点手段是不行了。”渠灵冷哼一声,身上银光再次一闪,身影凭空消失。 A Han Li brow wrinkle, the body golden light puts greatly, simultaneously a thunderclap loud sound crack, body figure changes into the thunder and lightning, Thunder Escape walks together. 韩立眉头一皱,身上金光大放,同时一声霹雳巨响炸响,身形化为一道雷电,雷遁而走。 But at this moment, void humming sound trembles, big piece gray light appear out of thin air, forms a grey area, covered periphery a about thousand zhang (3.33 m) range instantaneously. 但就在此刻,虚空嗡嗡一颤,大片灰光凭空浮现而出,形成一个灰色区域,瞬间笼罩了周围近千丈范围。 Gray lights dance in the air in the region, the vision institute and place, everywhere is bunch of grey shades, although range, be only about thousand zhang (3.33 m), actually as if become piece of Heaven and Earth, is quite general remote with outside world. 一道道灰光在区域内飞舞,目光所及之处,到处都是一团团灰影,虽然范围只有近千丈,却仿佛自成一片天地,和外面的世界极为遥远一般。 Grey area edge, the golden thunder and lightning appears together, seemed captured in the net fish, whatever its radical distortion struggles, was still forced from void. 灰色区域边缘处,一道金色雷电浮现而出,仿佛被兜在了网里的鱼儿,任凭其剧烈扭曲挣扎,仍然被从虚空中逼迫而出。 The golden thunder and lightning flashes, changes into the Han Li form, on the face full is dignified. 金色雷电一闪,化为韩立的身影,脸上满是凝重。 Domain!” He looks toward the surroundings, loses one's voice to say. “领域!”他朝着周围望去,失声说道。 Han Li beforehand carries out Unusual Alliance assignment, encounters that Northern Cold Immortal Palace Golden Immortal, had once faced the domain magical powers of opposite party, but that time is a false domain, cannot compare with periphery this gray domain completely. 韩立之前执行无常盟任务,遭遇那名北寒仙宫金仙,也曾面对过对方的领域神通,不过那次是一个伪领域,和周围这个灰色领域完全不能相比。 At this moment he places in this gray domain, as if falls into a giant mire, strength of the space, are mixing with power of magical principle, from oppresses to come in all directions, almost makes him unable to move. 此刻他身处这个灰色领域内,仿佛陷入一个巨大泥潭,一股股空间之力,夹杂着一股股法则之力,从四面八方压迫而来,几乎让他动弹不得。 In the domain the innumerable grey shades tumble, as if innumerable ghosts from swarm to throw in all directions toward Han Li. 领域内无数灰影翻滚,仿佛无数鬼影从四面八方朝着韩立蜂拥扑去。 Strange power of magical principle send out from these grey shades. 一股股诡异法则之力从这些灰影中散发而出。 The grey shadow , the Han Li feeling whole body suddenly has not exuded feeling of being incapable, the hands and feet is weak, feeling that within the body immortal spirit strength somewhat cannot raise. 灰影未至,韩立忽的感觉全身泛起一股无力之感,手脚疲软,体内仙灵力也有些提不起来的感觉。 what is this principle?” 这是什么法则?” In Han Li heart greatly cold, in the mouth low roar, the body golden light puts greatly, Precious Mantra Wheel appears, especially above Time Principle silk is intensely bright. 韩立心中大凛,口中低喝一声,身上金光大放,真言宝轮浮现而出,尤其上面的时间法则之丝更是耀眼夺目。 power of Time Principle gush out, wraps his body in inside. 一股股时间法则之力从中涌出,将他的身体包裹在里面。 Although Time Dao Mark little, gushed out power of time on Han Li this moment Precious Mantra Wheel are thin, does not have Deity Manifestation to compare with the periphery gray domain completely, but power of Time Principle takes one of the Three Great Supreme Principles, the weak feeling in within the body also reduces for it big. 虽然韩立此刻真言宝轮上的时间道纹只有少许,涌出的时间之力稀薄,和周围的灰色领域更是完全无法相比,但时间法则之力作为三大至尊法则之一,其体内的疲弱之感也为之大减。 His spirit shakes, two pinch finger joints with the thumb wields. 他精神一震,两手掐诀一挥。 The azure light flashes, a azure great sword appears before the body. 青光一闪,一柄青色巨剑在身前浮现而出。 On the great sword sends out the dazzling azure light, thick electric arc windings, lend the scary aura, cuts four swords toward the body week like lightning. 巨剑上散发出耀眼青光,还有一道道粗大电弧缠绕,散发出骇人气息,朝着身周闪电般斩出四剑。 Four huge sword image appear, cuts in the surrounding grey shadow. 四道巨大剑影浮现而出,斩在周围的灰影上。 Rumble! All around grey shadow tumbles, cleared off by four sword Qi. 轰隆隆!四周灰影翻滚,被四道剑气一扫而光。 However more grey shades continue from swoop to come in all directions, spheres Han Li again. 但是更多的灰影继续从四面八方飞扑而来,再次将韩立围住。 Han Li deeply inspires, the rising spiritedly invincible might, stimulates to movement Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords to divide to cut toward the surrounding sword sword to go, the innumerable grey shades will block all, does not let his near body. 韩立深吸一口气,奋起神威,催动青竹蜂云剑朝着周围一剑剑劈斩而去,将无数灰影尽数挡住,丝毫不让其近身。 The gray domain center, a person's shadow crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is Qu Ling. 灰色领域中心处,一个人影负手而立,正是渠灵 She at this moment somewhat stunned is staring at the distant place and innumerable grey shadow fight Han Li, in the eye full is the color of pleasant surprise. 她此刻有些愕然的盯着远处和无数灰影战斗的韩立,眼中满是惊喜之色。 This is...... power of Time Principle! This person of cultivation unexpectedly is Time Principle, moreover condense had had silk of magical principle! Haha, is really Heaven helps me too!” Qu Ling laughs. “这是……时间法则之力!此人修炼的竟然是时间法则,而且已经凝练出了一丝法则之丝!哈哈,真是天助我也!”渠灵哈哈大笑起来。 After having smiled, she cannot help but looks the color of hesitation, seems somewhat awkward. 笑过之后,她不由得面露沉吟之色,似乎有些为难。 The ditch spirit eye light flash moves, the quickly changes firmly, in the mouth mumbled very much, two wielded. 灵目光闪动,很快变得坚定,口中念念有词,两手挥动。 She the gray light twinkle, a gray throne appears behind. 她身后灰光闪烁,一尊灰色王座浮现而出。 This throne seems like seems in the hearsay the dragon chair between common customs, is very spacious, on the two sides arm rests twined five claw grey dragons respectively, is different from common True Dragon, these two five claw grey dragon manners are fierce, cannot say evil different. 这个王座看起来仿佛是传闻中世俗间的龙椅,很是宽大,两边的扶手上各自缠绕了一条五爪灰龙,和寻常真龙不同,这两条五爪灰龙神态狰狞凶恶,说不出的邪异。 A vast incomparable principle fluctuation sends out from the gray dragon chair. 一股浩大无比的法则波动从灰色龙椅上散发而出。 Qu Ling body figure moved, sits above the chair, the bearing of whole person again changed, on the face covered the one/1st level/layer grey, making the appearance slurred, was full of the dignity, instantaneously the queen who the whole person as if changed into noble cold proud. 渠灵身形一动,坐在了椅子之上,整个人的气度再次一变,脸上蒙上了一层灰色,使得容貌变得模糊不清,充满威严,整个人似乎瞬间化为一个高贵冷傲的女王。 Qu Ling lifts single-handed, raises in first five claw grey dragon's head suffers a relapse a light racket. 渠灵单手一抬,在一头五爪灰龙头上举重落轻般的一拍。 Five claw grey dragons big mouth, spouts one group of rich gray lights immediately, inside innumerable grey rune flash, sends out to fearful power of magical principle richly. 五爪灰龙顿时大口一张,喷出一团浓郁灰光,里面无数灰色符文闪动,散发出浓郁到可怕的法则之力 The gray light flashes integrates in the gray domain, the domain a bright, grey shadow produces immediately fiercely unceasingly, moreover was bigger than time before, swarms to go toward Han Li. 灰光一闪融入灰色领域内,领域顿时猛地一亮,一个又一个灰影不断生成而出,而且比之前更大了倍许,朝着韩立蜂拥而去。 Han Li pressure increases suddenly, the complexion changes. 韩立身上压力骤然大增,面色为之一变。 He loudly shouts, within the body immortal spirit strength revolves all, Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords blooms dazzling azure electro-optical glow, sweeps away to go toward the surrounding grey shadow. 他大喝一声,体内仙灵力尽数运转而起,青竹蜂云剑绽放出更加耀眼的青光电芒,朝着周围灰影横扫而去。 Meanwhile, the Han Li top of the head ray flashes continually, appears one after another four treasures. 与此同时,韩立头顶光芒连闪,接连浮现出四件宝物。 Actually is a grey mini mountain peak, a silver bell, a black fang strange sword, a black big streamer. 却是一座灰色迷你山峰,一个银色铃铛,一柄黑色獠牙怪剑,还有一面黑色大幡。
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