RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#451: Palace

Han Li only thinks vision becomes blurry, in a light shadow transformation, the form has appeared in a brand-new environment. 韩立只觉眼前一花,一阵光影变换中,身影就已经出现在了一个全新的环境之中。 He slightly calms down, the vision four sweep, seeing only all around is topographically flat, an eye of institute and place are completely desolated red soil, above infertile, Shadow of least bit living creature cannot see. 他略一定神,目光四下一扫,只见四周地势平坦,目之所及处尽是一片荒芜红土,上面寸草不生,就连半点活物的影子都看不到。 Lu Yuqing in its side not far away, at this moment also gradually recover his wits. 陆雨晴就在其身旁不远处,此刻也渐渐回过神来 Two people front not far away, not big tornado has curled, in the ground raises red sand mist and dust, in the air is filling one share bleak aura. 两人前方不远处,一道不大的旋风卷过,地面上掀起一阵红沙烟尘,空气中弥漫着一股子荒凉的气息。 The Han Li vision swept slowly to all around, the brow actually cannot bear tightly pressed. 韩立目光缓缓扫向四周,眉头却忍不住紧蹙了起来。 Just now he wants to emit divine sense investigation here, finally actually outside the discovery body by an inexplicable strength imprisonment, acting is unhindered, divine sense is actually not able to disperse outside the body. 方才他想放出神识探查此处,结果却发现身外被一种莫名力量禁锢,行动不受阻碍,神识却根本无法发散出体外。 This Dark Cold Immortal Residence actually big, what kind of quirk so many?” Han Li sighed, could not bear mutter a sound said. “这冥寒仙府究竟有多大,怎的古怪之处这么多?”韩立叹了口气,忍不住喃喃了一声道。 I once glanced through an old book from the father study room in childhood, it is said the Northern Cold Immortal Territory earliest ancient said, is called Dark Cold Immortal Territory, but does not know afterward had what accident, changed the name. If this Dark Cold Immortal Residence with Immortal Territory ancient related, region great and strange many, is not strange.” Lu Yuqing does not have many accident/surprise actually, smiles to say. “我小时候曾从父亲书房中翻阅到一本古籍,据说北寒仙域最早古称,是叫做‘冥寒仙域’的,只是后来不知发生了什么变故,才改了名字。这冥寒仙府若是与仙域古名有关,地域博大且古怪繁多,也就不奇怪了。”陆雨晴对此倒是没有多少意外,笑言道。 Han Li hears word, will start talking, actually suddenly look one stiff, is opening mouth, stops there. 韩立闻言,正要开口说话,却突然神色一僵,微张着嘴,停在了那里。 Big Brother Han, you how?” Lu Yuqing sees that has a scare, is busy at asking. 韩大哥,你怎么了?”陆雨晴见状,吓了一跳,忙问道。 It’s nothing, remembered something suddenly......” Han Li, beckons with the hand, ambiguous say/way. “没什么,忽然想起了一些事情……”韩立顿了一顿,摆了摆手,含糊道。 Lu Yuqing „”, to its said halfly believing and half doubting, has not asked anything. 陆雨晴“哦”了一声,对其所言将信将疑,却也没有多问什么。 A Han Li vision revolution, fluttered to this red soil wilderness deep place directions, the brow actually cannot help but wrinkled. 韩立目光一转,飘向了这片红土荒原深处一个方向,眉头却是不由自主的皱了起来。 In fact, just now breaks his thread of conversation thought that anything does not emit suddenly, but is Precious Mantra Wheel of his within the body. 事实上,方才打断他话头的并不什么突然冒出的念头,而是他体内的真言宝轮 Why does not know, from just now, so long as look to that specific direction, Time Dao Mark on Precious Mantra Wheel will start the twinkle ray, seeming like sense/telepathy was ordinary to power of Time Principle. 不知为何,从方才起,只要自己望向那个特定的方向,真言宝轮上的时间道纹就会开始闪烁光芒,似乎是感应到了时间法则之力一般。 Big Brother Han, divine sense is unable to investigate, where should we then toward walk?” Lu Yuqing sized up one, asked. 韩大哥,神识无法探查,我们接下来该往哪里走?”陆雨晴四下打量了一眼,问道。 First goes to here to have a look.” Han Li hesitant moment, is pointing at the Precious Mantra Wheel sense/telepathy direction, said. “先去这里看看。”韩立犹豫了片刻,指着真言宝轮感应的方向,说道。 Good.” Lu Yuqing looked at his one eyes, the nod said. “好。”陆雨晴看了他一眼,点头说道。 The Han Li palm wields, calls that azure spirit boat, after greeting on Lu Yuqing the boat, then changed to together the flowing light, sped away to go toward the red soil wilderness deep place. 韩立手掌一挥,唤出那艘青色灵舟,招呼陆雨晴上舟之后,便化作一道流光,朝着红土荒原深处疾驰而去。 The altitude flying, the ear bank howling wind sound/rumor is suddenly urgent, the Han Li vision walks back and forth, is taking a fast look around below wilderness land. 高空飞行,耳畔呼啸风声骤然加急,韩立目光逡巡,扫视着下方的荒原大地。 Overlooks from the upper air, the discovery wilderness topography also not really on the vast stretch of flat land, middle may still see that only then one breaks out in the mountain ridge and hill everywhere with ground, but missed far compared with the common mountain, at best was a hill. 从高空中俯瞰,方可发现荒原地势也并非真的就一马平川,当中仍可见到一处处突起与地面上的山梁和山峁,只是比之寻常山岳就差得太远了,充其量不过算是个小山包。 more toward the deep place, the scene in ground becomes more complex, besides these hill high ground, in the land also presents the plain gully that depths varied, seems like the stream erosion to be the result, but middle is dry, cannot see the least bit running water. 越往深处去,地面上的景象就变得越加复杂起来,除了那些梁峁高地以外,大地上还出现了一条条深浅不一的平原沟壑,看起来似乎是流水冲刷所致,只不过当中早已干涸,根本看不到半点流水。 Departs roughly half quarter, Han Li suddenly eyebrow raise, sees the line of sight end, presented red soil ruins of city appearance, the acceleration rushes over hastily. 飞出约莫半刻钟光景,韩立忽然眉头一挑,望见视线尽头,出现了一座城池模样的红土废墟,连忙加速冲了过去。 Close to the city edge, the azure flying boat falls lightly, stops before one ten several feet came to the wide moat. 临近城池边缘,青色飞舟翩然而落,停在了一道十数丈来宽的护城河前。 inside the river naturally is also withered one piece, sees only the crack such as the river bed ground of armor, and has nothing water stain. 河内自然也是干枯一片,只见龟裂如甲的河床地面,并无任何水渍。 Han Li two people lean against a railing to look, sees moat opposite shore city wall tall Zhu, seeming like complete, but above the superficial bricks and stones has crowded fissures, some were delimited by sharp weapon, some were shaken by the great strength, making one look at shocking. 韩立两人凭栏望去,就见护城河对岸城墙高筑,看起来还算完整,只是表面砖石之上多有一道道密集的裂痕,有的是被利器所划,有的则是被巨力震开,令人望之触目惊心。 Two people are speechless, walks toward the city that side along the stone bridge of not far away. 两人一路无言,沿着不远处的一架石桥朝城池那边走去。 When steps onto center the stone bridge, Han Li glimpses above the river bed to reveal the half white bleached bone suddenly, seems like an unusual animals sharp corner/horn, thick such as adult arm, has certain bend curve. 走上石桥正中时,韩立忽然瞥见河床之上露出半截白色枯骨,看起来像是一段异兽尖角,粗如成人手臂,带有一定的弯折弧度。 Han Li stops the footsteps, lifts the sleeve to wield, light/only spreads together azure, seems like that the momentum does not reveal, actually in raised the big piece river bed fill instantaneously, revealed a complete white skeleton. 韩立停下脚步,抬袖一挥,一道青光蔓延而过,看似声势不显,却在瞬间就将大片河床积土掀起,露出了一具完整的白色骨架。 Sees this skeleton complete picture, Lu Yuqing was light well, in the surface flashed through a surprised color. 看到此骨架全貌,陆雨晴轻“咦”了一声,面上不禁闪过了一丝惊讶之色。 Han Li also shows being astonished facial expression. 韩立也是不由露出讶异神情。 That skeleton shape is unusual, how cannot see the original condition, only what can determine, it was size does not lose the Mountain Giant Ape colossus inevitably. 那具骨架形态奇特,根本看不出原貌如何,唯一能够确定的是,其生前必然是一头体型不输山岳巨猿的庞然大物。 Before the Han Li guess was that section of white bones of its sharp corner/horn, was actually its section of tooth. 之前韩立猜测是其尖角的那截白骨,其实不过是它的一截牙齿罢了。 Big Brother Han, what can you recognize this beast are?” The Lu Yuqing doubts said. 韩大哥,你可认得此兽是何物?”陆雨晴疑惑道。 On this beast no least bit aura remains, the only skeleton, what I cannot see am.” Han Li shakes the head, said. “此兽身上无半点气息残留,单凭一副骨架,我也看不出是何物。”韩立摇了摇头,说道。 On his mouth is saying, actually thinks at heart before , sees these murals in the spirit medicine garden nearby main hall, unusual animals that on that draws, seems somewhat similar to this beast? 他嘴上这么说着,心里却不由想到了之前在灵药园附近大殿中看到那些壁画,那上面所绘的异兽,似乎与此兽有几分相似? Associated to the mural on again draws the frigid degree of war, in the Han Li heart suddenly some guess, war that on that mural described, was happening here? 再一联想到壁画上所绘战事的惨烈程度,韩立心中忽然有了一个猜测,难道那壁画上所描绘的战事,正是发生在此处吗? This thought emerges, was given to deny by he himself, the scale of mural war is too big, if really happened here, this city will definitely not have any construction to retain, decides however is razed to the ground thoroughly. 这念头才一兴起,就被他自己给否定了,壁画战事的规模实在太大,若真发生在此处,这座城池绝对不会还有任何建筑保留,定然会被彻底夷为平地。 Two people pass through the stone bridge, before arriving at the city wall entry, raises head to look, sees the top to be stave, the quarry stone is rugged. 两人走过石桥,来到城墙门洞前,仰头望去,就见城头破碎,乱石嶙峋。 Right under the top, is engraving three silver-white large characters: Moon River city. 城头正下方,镌刻着三个银白色的大字:“月河城”。 Across the city gate, just came out of the entry shadow, the Han Li heart palpitates suddenly, could not bear stop the footsteps. 穿过城门,刚刚走出门洞阴影,韩立心头突然一悸,又忍不住停下了脚步。 Ten several groups of Dao mark twinkles on his within the body Precious Mantra Wheel are uncertain, regarding power of Time Principle sense/telepathy, becomes suddenly more intense. 他体内真言宝轮上的十数团道纹闪烁不定,对于时间法则之力感应,忽然之间变得越加强烈起来。 Han Li brow slightly pressed, looks toward the city , in sees is the whole city ruins, everywhere is the remnants of destroyed buildings that collapsing falls, under house wall that collapses delapidated, can see some white bones faintly. 韩立眉头微蹙,朝着城内望去,就见里面已是满城废墟,到处都是坍塌倾倒的残垣断壁,许多颓圮的屋墙之下,隐隐还能看到些许白骨。 And has the monster beast skeleton, there is a human form skeleton, but could not have withstood decayed. 其中既有妖兽骨骼,也有人形骸骨,不过都已经腐朽不堪了。 Two people in the main road along the city turn toward the inner city to hurry, along the road is the so dreary scene, goes straight arrives at the city north core region, saw more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high golden palaces from afar. 两人沿着城中主干道一路向着内城赶去,沿路皆是这般惨淡景象,直走到城北的核心区域,才远远地看到了一座百余丈高的金色宫殿。 Since has compared this all constructions that they see, this golden dome palace preserves was too good, but on the roof the plan has the collapsing sign, above the wall has the fissure. 相比这一路以来他们看到的所有建筑,这座金色的圆顶宫殿保存得实在太好了,只是屋顶上方略有坍塌迹象,墙体之上多有裂痕。 In addition, the golden light outside palace body seems very bright, as if above also plates the one/1st level/layer golden color light membrane, normal reflection solar ray, splendid. 除此之外,殿身外的金光都显得十分明亮,仿佛上面还镀有一层金色光膜,正反射着太阳光芒,熠熠生辉。 Han Li is just about to go forward, storage bracelet in its gives off heat suddenly, inside also transmits abnormal movement. 韩立正要上前,其手上的储物镯就忽然一阵发热,里面也传来一丝异动 His brow slightly pressed, after stopping the footsteps, the palm turned, takes one to glitter the ray aquamarine jade box. 他眉头微蹙,停下脚步后,手掌一翻,取出来了一只正在闪烁着光芒的碧绿色玉盒。 Only listens to Bā da a light sound. 只听“吧嗒”一声轻响。 Han Li turned on that blue emerald box, inside revealed a gray eyeball of round, seems like that the stone carves, the surface has the iron grey halo to ripple unceasingly. 韩立打开了那只碧绿玉盒,里面露出了一颗圆溜溜的灰色眼球,看起来像是石头雕刻出来的一样,表面却不断有灰白色的光晕荡漾而出。 what is this?” Nearby Lu Yuqing sees that somewhat approaches several surprisedly, asked. 这是什么?”一旁陆雨晴见状,有些惊奇地走近几步,问道。 Unusual animals Ox Beast one eye.” Han Li indifferent say/way. “异兽太蜚的一颗独目。”韩立淡然道。 Saw with own eyes that Han Li does not want to say too many appearances, the Lu Yuqing vision collects, then does not have to ask again. 眼见韩立不太想说太多的样子,陆雨晴目光微敛,便也没再多问。 The Han Li vision stared at Ox Beast one eye to examine the moment, discovered that above had the light halo to give birth, many fluctuations have not changed, suddenly could not see what way, must grasp it in the palm, continued to hurry to the direction of golden palace. 韩立目光盯着太蜚独目查看了片刻,发现其上只是有淡淡光晕生出,并没有多少波动变化,一时间也看不出什么门道,只得将其握在手心,继续朝着金色宫殿的方向赶去。 He and Lu Yuqing leads the way, in approaching about golden palace hundred zhang (333 m) the local time, the Han Li eyes narrows the eyes suddenly, a drawing Lu Yuqing, after having moved sideways to arrive at stretch of low wall ruins, hid. 他与陆雨晴一路前行,在临近金色宫殿百丈开外的地方时,韩立忽然双眼一眯,一把拉过陆雨晴,闪身来到了一片矮墙废墟后,躲藏了起来。 That side the golden palace, under dozens zhang (3.33 m) high golden palace door, is standing a silver robe female, it is pinching magical formula, is grasping a incomplete golden color buddhist monk's knife single-handedly, toward palace front door. 在金色宫殿那边,数十丈高的金色宫门下方,正站着一个银袍女子,其正一手掐着法诀,一手握着一柄残缺的金色戒刀,朝着宫殿大门施法。 How is she?” Lu Yuqing by the low wall, looked at one toward that side, some stunned say/way. “怎么是她?”陆雨晴透过矮墙,朝那边望了一眼,有些错愕道。 Han Li hears sound, raises up one finger/refers hastily, gave a keeping silent hand signal. 韩立闻声,连忙竖起一指,做了一个噤声的手势。 Although here divine sense was completely prohibited, but the opposite party after all is Golden Immortal cultivator, they make noise rashly, difficult insurance is not discovered. 此处虽然神识被禁绝,但对方毕竟是金仙修士,他们贸然出声,难保不会被发现。 Female Han Li also knew, is not others, is Qu Ling. 那女子韩立也认识,不是别人,正是渠灵 In his hand on the buddhist monk's knife inscribes one string of plain rune, above is having the silk threads golden ray to jump to shoot, in unusual a circular design with golden palace gate is connected, seems like in restriction in break/solve gate. 其手中戒刀上铭刻有一串古朴符文,上面正有丝丝缕缕的金色光芒迸射而出,与金色殿门上的一副奇特的圆形图案相连,似乎是正在破解门上的禁制 In the Qu Ling hand the buddhist monk's knife, was that leaf of golden palace gate, Han Li feels obvious Time Principle fluctuations from above. 不论是渠灵手中戒刀,还是那扇金色殿门,韩立都从其上感受到了明显的时间法则波动 His brow tight wrinkle, finds out half head cautiously, looked toward that side, this notices in Qu Ling side not far away, is crouching in hiding a strange form. 他眉头紧皱,小心翼翼探出半个脑袋,朝着那边望了过去,这才注意到在渠灵身旁不远处,还有蹲伏着一个古怪的身影。 It squats there, body figure has 7 - 8 zhang (3.33 m) high fully, 1 st looks at as if a yellow tall wall, carefully looks to notice in its exposed body, but also covered entirely strange spirit mark designs. 其只是蹲在那里,身形就足有七八丈高,初一看仿佛一堵黄色高墙,仔细去看才能注意到其裸露的身躯上,还布满了一道道古怪的灵纹图案。 Because is turning away from itself, how although Han Li sees its appearance, but in the mind actually cannot help but appeared another giant form, that in the past by one-eyed giant that he killed Ox Beast. 因为背对着自己,韩立虽然看到其面目如何,但脑海中却不由自主地浮现出了另一个巨型身影,那头当年被他杀死的独目巨人太蜚”。 Although size between these two differs far, but body figure outline and skin color, the body lives some strange spirit mark, almost exactly the same. 这两者之间的体型虽然相差极远,但无论是身形轮廓、皮肤颜色,还是身上生有的古怪灵纹,几乎都一模一样。 Han Li more is the view looks, in the heart had doubts more, looked at that one eye in hand subconsciously. 韩立越是观瞧,心中疑惑越甚,下意识地看了一眼自己手中的那颗独目 At this moment, above that one eye the twinkle uncertain pale colored light was dizzy, emission suddenly the dazzling ray, is similar to a beacon light, shone suddenly during the night. 就在这时,那独目之上原本闪烁不定的淡白色光晕,忽的放射出刺目光芒,就如同一盏明灯,骤然亮在了黑夜之中。 That originally squatted to sit in place strange body figure stands up suddenly, turns around, revealed the ugly face of a collapsing nose and extravagant mouth, above his nose not both eyes, only in within grows gigantic incomparable standing erect one eye. 那头原本蹲坐于地古怪身形霍然站起,转过身来,露出了一张塌鼻、阔嘴的丑陋脸庞,其鼻子上方并无双目,只在正中生着一个硕大无比的竖立独目 It impressively was size small the 1st Ox Beast unusual animals. 其赫然正是一头体型小了一号的太蜚异兽。 Sees only in this beast mouth to exude one to roar, in head one eye the ray flashes, projected sturdy white ray, directly soars Han Li two people hiding place. 只见此兽口中发出一声咆哮,头上独目之中光芒一闪,从中射出了一道粗壮的白色光线,直奔韩立两人藏身之处而来。 „Not good......” “不好……” In the Han Li mouth calls out in alarm one, one a wrist/skill that covers Lu Yuqing, pulls her fiercely, simultaneously tall plunders, avoided that beam, toward leading to that main road in golden palace fell. 韩立口中惊叫一声,一把扣住陆雨晴的手腕,将她猛地一扯,同时高掠而起,躲开了那道射线,朝着通往金色宫殿的那条主干道上落了下去。 Two people body figure, were then completely unmasked thoroughly. 两人的身形,这下彻底暴露无遗了。
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