RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#450: Late one step

Han Li deeply inspires, the wielding sleeve of being without hesitation strokes to go toward Eye of Truth, the golden light flies to shoot from the sleeve together, flashed to submerge in Eye of Truth that passed. 韩立深吸了一口气,毫不迟疑的挥袖朝着真实之眼一拂而去,一道金光从袖中飞射而出,一闪而逝的没入了真实之眼内。 The golden gassed thread in Eye of Truth again one bright, then golden gassed threads fly to shoot. 真实之眼中的金色光丝再次一亮,然后一道道金色光丝从中飞射而出。 These golden gassed thread speed strange quick, spread instantaneously various hazy space places. 这些金色光丝速度奇快,瞬间蔓延到了迷蒙空间各处。 Han Li closes the eye, ten fingers of wheels pinch finger joints with the thumb. 韩立闭上眼睛,十指车轮般掐诀。 Eye of Truth glitters immediately, on these golden gassed threads also shivers gently, as if innumerable keen incomparable tentacles, sensation all in hazy space. 真实之眼顿时闪烁起来,那些金色光丝上也是轻轻颤动,仿佛无数灵敏无比的触手,感知着迷蒙空间内的一切。 Time points pasts, passed the less than half double-hour in an instant, Han Li sat cross-legged to sit, motionless. 时间一点点过去,转眼间过了小半个时辰,韩立就这么盘膝而坐,一动不动。 At this moment, hazy space somewhere suddenly resounds a slight dull thumping sound. 就在此刻,迷蒙空间某处忽的响起一声轻微的闷响。 On a golden gassed thread erupts one group of golden light suddenly, the hazy space near that gassed thread trembles, exudes a wave trace. 一根金色光丝上突然爆发出一团金光,那个光丝附近的迷蒙空间为之一颤,泛起一阵水波般的纹路。 Han Li opens the eye suddenly, looks toward there, simultaneously ten fingers of gearing. 韩立豁然睁开眼睛,朝着那里望去,同时十指连动。 His forehead crystal light flashes, strength of the huge divine thought swarms. 他的眉心处晶光一闪,一股庞大神念之力蜂拥而出。 Nearby hazy space that place fluctuates silver light flashes, is divine thought chain appears, has 8 - 9 fully. 那处波动的迷蒙空间附近银光一闪,又是一条条神念之链浮现而出,足有八九道之多。 The divine thought chain peak is incisive, is glittering the light cold light, pricked in void of fluctuation fiercely. 神念之链顶端尖锐,闪烁着淡淡寒光,猛地刺入了波动的虚空中。 One group of dazzling green lights fiercely from that place void eruption, and twists crazily, appears an extremely pale crack. 一团耀眼的绿光猛地从那处虚空爆发,并且疯狂扭曲,浮现出一道极淡的裂缝。 Han Li eye fiercely one bright, the body ray puts greatly, pours into the flying boat under body all. 韩立眼睛猛地一亮,身上光芒大放,尽数注入身下的飞舟内。 Whiz! 嗖! Azure Glede Flying Boat fuzzy, changed into a green shadow, flies into that crack instantaneously, vanishes to disappear. 青鸢飞舟一个模糊之下,化为了一道绿影,瞬间飞入那处裂缝中,消失不见了。 Around the Han Li hazy illusion vanished without the trace, vision becomes blurry, the flying boat reappears in the vast desert, and has not stopped, continued to fly toward the front. 韩立周围的迷蒙幻境消失无踪,眼前一花,飞舟重新出现在了沙海之内,且没有停止,继续朝着前方飞去。 He sees this situation, this shouted the one breath secretly. 他见此情形,这才暗呼了一口气。 This time illusion not first several times may compare, even he is not nearly able to come out. 这次的幻境远非前几次可比,连他险些也无法出来。 Nearby flying boat, Lu Yuqing facial expression at this moment also peaceful, no longer struggles, pouring is motionless on the ground, as if lethargic sleep in the past. 飞舟一旁,陆雨晴此刻的神情也安静了下来,不再挣扎,倒在地上一动不动,似乎昏睡了过去。 Han Li looked at one toward this female, the color of complexion hesitation. 韩立朝着此女看了一眼,面色沉吟之色。 A moment later, he as if sets firm resolve, waves to make together magical formula. 片刻之后,他似乎下定了决心,挥手打出一道法诀 Lu Yuqing divine thought chain loosens, the superficial crystal light flashes, is hidden to vanish. 陆雨晴身上的神念之链松脱开,表面晶光微闪,隐没消失。 Simultaneously on the Lu Yuqing clear halo also flashes two, vanishes does not see. 同时陆雨晴身上的晶莹光环也闪动两下,消失不见。 Han Li counts on the fingers, the azure light flies to shoot together, submerges the Lu Yuqing forehead. 韩立屈指一点,一道青光飞射而出,没入陆雨晴眉心。 In this female mouth ying~, the long eyelash shivered two, slowly opens the eye, in the eye, although also brings several points of confusedness, but had basically restored the pure brightness. 此女口中“嘤咛”一声,长长睫毛颤动了两下,慢慢睁开眼睛,眼中虽还带着几分迷茫,但已基本恢复了清明。 She shook the head, in the surface changed color suddenly, sat suddenly, somewhat startled looked toward the surroundings. 她晃了晃头颅,面上陡然变色,豁然坐了起来,有些惊慌的朝着周围望去。 Sees the surrounding situation, this female is startled, slowly relaxes. 看到周围的情况,此女一怔,慢慢放松下来。 It seems like Big Brother Han has eradicated that illusion, cannot think of the last mirage illusion before this passageway is so fierce.” The Lu Yuqing station, the facial expression seemed somewhat has a lingering fear, in the mouth said. “看来韩大哥已经破除了那个幻境,想不到这通道前的最后一个蜃楼幻境如此厉害。”陆雨晴站了起来,神情看起来有些心有余悸,口中说道。 Han Li has been observing the Lu Yuqing facial expression, this moment brow wrinkled, without speech. 韩立一直观察着陆雨晴的神情,此刻眉头微皱了一下,没有说话。 Big Brother Han, how?” Lu Yuqing line of sight that notices Han Li to carefully examine, asked. 韩大哥,怎么了?”陆雨晴注意到韩立审视的视线,问道。 It’s nothing, at this moment how do you feel?” Han Li shakes the head, asks. “没什么,你此刻感觉如何?”韩立摇了摇头,问道。 Lu Yuqing hears word is startled, immediately the hand according to the chests and bellies, in the eye revealed a pain, but more is stunned, said: I how injured?” 陆雨晴闻言一怔,随即手按在了胸腹之间,眼中露出一丝痛楚,但更多的却是愕然,说道:“我怎么受伤了?” In that illusion, you were just controlled the mind, suddenly toward my make a move, this Han because it cannot be helped, has to restrain you, when make a move somewhat lost the discretion.” Han Li said slowly. “刚刚在那幻境之中,你被控制了心神,突然朝我出手,韩某出于无奈,只好将你制住,出手之时有些失了分寸。”韩立缓缓说道。 All right, the girl cannot help, always troubles Big Brother Han, is my feelings is.” Lu Yuqing gawked, then quickly beckons with the hand, the apology said. “没事,小女子帮不上忙,老是麻烦韩大哥,是我过意不起才是。”陆雨晴愣了一下,然后急忙摆手,歉意说道。 According to the previous inference, front should then be that passageway. We then take a rest here slightly , to continue to go forward again.” The Han Li vision looks to the front is void, said. “按照此前的推断,前面应该便是那通道所在了。我们便在这里稍作休息,再继续前进吧。”韩立目光望向前方虚空,说道。 Saying, he waves to make together magical formula. 说着,他挥手打出一道法诀 A Azure Glede Flying Boat surface azure light fluctuation, stopped. 青鸢飞舟表面青光一阵波动,停了下来。 Lu Yuqing nods, arrives at the one side to sit cross-legged to sit, takes out under a medicine pill clothing/taking. 陆雨晴点了点头,走到一旁盘膝坐了下来,取出一枚丹药服下。 Around her body appears the one/1st level/layer bright azure light, forms a azure light halo, wrapped the body. 她身体周围浮现出一层明亮青光,形成一个青色光圈,包裹住了身躯。 Han Li looks at Lu Yuqing, in the eye flashes through doubts. 韩立看着陆雨晴,眼中闪过一丝疑惑。 Lu Yuqing just facial expression did not seem like like the pseudograph, the matter in the mirage illusion, this female didn't remember before completely? 陆雨晴刚刚的神情看起来丝毫不像伪作,难道之前在蜃楼幻境中发生的事情,此女完全不记得了? In the Han Li heart the thought rotation, shakes the head quickly, no longer thinks these, but in the heart were many a security. 韩立心中念头转动,很快摇了摇头,不再想这些,但心中却多了一丝警戒。 He flicks the sleeve wields, blue light fly to shoot, falls near the flying boat, is actually array flag. 他拂袖一挥,一道道蓝光飞射而出,落在飞舟附近,却是一杆杆阵旗 The bright blue light sends out from these array flag, forms thick blue light screen, covers Azure Glede Flying Boat. 明亮蓝光从这些阵旗上散发而出,形成一个厚厚的蓝色光幕,笼罩住青鸢飞舟 After completing these, Han Li turns the hand scarlet medicine pill, 做完这些后,韩立才翻手一枚赤红丹药, This medicine pill by the one/1st level/layer rich red halo package, was sent out the remarkable spirit strength fluctuation faintly, Flood Dragon 3 grants his Sky-Reaching Pill. 丹药一层浓郁的赤色光晕包裹,隐隐散发出惊人的灵力波动,正是蛟三赠与他的参天丹 The front break/solve illusion, his within the body immortal spirit strength consumes much, first convenient is passageway is, but must cope with strength unclear Golden Immortal Realm monster beast, must rapidly recovers. 前面破解幻境,他体内仙灵力消耗不少,前方便是通道所在,还要对付一头实力不明的金仙境妖兽,须得快速恢复元气。 Under his opens the mouth takes this pill, sits cross-legged to sit down, the revolution cultivation technique refined efficacy, on the face exudes the one/1st level/layer red light quickly, immortal spirit strength restores immediately fast. 他张口将此丹服下,盘膝坐下,运转功法炼化药力,脸上很快泛起一层红光,仙灵力立刻飞快恢复。 ...... …… Sky over a Dark Cold Immortal Residence black desert, a Green Jade Flying Vehicle azure glittering, proceeds to speed away to go. 冥寒仙府一处黑色戈壁上空,一架碧玉飞车青光闪烁,往前疾驰而去。 Black Rock Desert that here Han Li they just passed impressively. 此处赫然正是韩立他们刚刚通过的黑岩戈壁 On flying vehicle stands a slender man, in the hand holds a white compass, the above red light flashes fiercely. 飞车上站着一个身材修长的男子,手中捧着一个白色罗盘,上面一点红光剧烈闪动。 Really is Divinity Cultivation Technique! Snort! This hits in the this lord hand, gave up any idea of that escapes!” The men raise the head suddenly, looks toward the front. “果然是炼神术!哼!今次撞在本座手中,休想逃脱!”男子豁然抬头,朝着前方看去。 How has not seen his, the Green Jade Flying Vehicle azure glow to put greatly, four wheels rotate crazily, change into four groups of fuzzy azure tornados. 未见他如何施法,碧玉飞车青芒大放,四只车轮疯狂转动,化为四团模糊青色旋风。 The Green Jade Flying Vehicle speed increases suddenly, compared with the beforehand speed quick several times, rapid incomparably goes toward the forward flight. 碧玉飞车速度陡然大增,比之前速度快了数倍,迅疾无比往前飞去。 ...... …… Half double-hour passes by an instant. 半个时辰转眼间过去。 On azure kite flying vehicle, Han Li opens the eye, in the eye projects two none, immortal spirit strength has fully restored. 青鸢飞车上,韩立睁开眼睛,眼中射出两道精光,仙灵力已经完全恢复。 A moment later, on the Lu Yuqing azure light also flashes to receive, seemed like the facial expression also to restore almost/the same. 片刻之后,陆雨晴身上的青光也一闪而收,看起来气色也恢复了差不多 Walks.” Han Li sees Lu Yuqing to receive the merit, waves remove flying boat surrounding restriction, pinches finger joints with the thumb the stimulation of movement flying boat , to continue to go forward. “走吧。”韩立陆雨晴收功,挥手撤掉飞舟周围的禁制,掐诀催动飞舟,继续前进。 In the following time, two people have not spoken, quickly toward forward flight more than double-hour. 接下来的时间里,两人一路都没有说话,很快往前飞了一个多时辰。 At this moment properly speaking is the most deep place of endless vast desert, but the aura of surroundings burning hot gradually is actually weaken, even in the air were many several points of chill/yin cold aura. 此刻按理说已经是无尽沙海的最深处,但周围炙热的气息却在逐渐减弱,甚至空气中还多了几分阴寒气息。 Suddenly, the Han Li pupil shrinks, lifts the hand to wield, Azure Glede Flying Boat stops immediately. 突然间,韩立瞳孔一缩,抬手一挥,青鸢飞舟立刻停了下来。 Sees only in the front ground, appears again a oasis. 只见前方地面上,再次浮现出一片绿洲。 In this oasis surrounding area 40 - 50, was covered with various trees probably green and luxuriantly, is also mixing with some flowers and plants, but is ordinary object. 这片绿洲方圆大概四五十里,葱葱郁郁长满了各种树木,其中还夹杂着一些花草,不过都是凡物 The oasis center is a moon shape lake, inside water quality presents the silver-white color, sends out intermittent radiance, even if at this moment is in broad daylight still conspicuous, seeming like as if is really a crescent moon falls in this endless vast desert. 绿洲中央是一个月亮形状的湖泊,里面的水质呈现出银白色,散发出阵阵光华,即便此刻是大白天也显眼的很,看起来就仿佛真的是一轮弯月落在这无尽沙海中。 This oasis is actually not the illusion, but exists. 这绿洲却不是幻境,而是真实存在的。 The moon lake center has a several feet jet black vortex, the rotation, makes wū wū the sound fast. 月亮湖泊中央有一个数丈大小的漆黑漩涡,飞快转动,发出呜呜的声音。 Spaces fluctuate to send out from the black vortex, vortex deep place appearing intermittently faint trace white light, as if to lead to another world. 一股股空间波动从黑色漩涡中散发而出,漩涡深处隐现丝丝白光,似乎通向另一个世界。 As the surrounding lake water the vortex agitation, Huā huā makes noise. 周围湖水随着漩涡搅动,哗哗作响。 Space passageway!” The Lu Yuqing great happiness, in the mouth shouted lowly. “空间通道!”陆雨晴大喜,口中低呼道。 Han Li has not actually looked to that black vortex, the vision falls on the jungle of lake shore, complexion suddenly slightly changes. 韩立却没有看向那黑色漩涡,目光落在湖泊岸边的一片丛林,面色忽的微微一变。 He waves to receive Azure Glede Flying Boat, body figure flies to shoot under. 他挥手收起青鸢飞舟,身形飞射而下。 Lu Yuqing is startled, immediately routine following. 陆雨晴一怔,立刻习惯性的跟上。 Soon falls the ground, in this female surface revealed the surprised color, body figure one stopped. 快要落到地面,此女面上露出惊讶之色,身形一下停了下来。 Sees only below jungle, is crawling roughly several feet unusual animals. 只见下方一处丛林中,匍匐着一头约莫十几丈大小的异兽。 Before the midair, this beast was blocked by the cover jungle, therefore Lu Yuqing cannot see. 之前在半空中,此兽被茂密丛林挡住,所以陆雨晴没能看到。 This beast taking the form of ox, in the body the muscle ballooning sticks out, looks extremely majestic, the whole body fur/superficial knowledge presents the dark green azure color, as if ancient jade is ordinary. 此兽形似黄牛,身躯上筋肉鼓胀隆起,看起来极为雄壮,全身皮毛呈现出苍青颜色,仿佛古玉一般。 On four hooves the eagle claw sharp claws, are glittering steadily the intermittent cold light, an extremely strong constriction. 四只蹄子上长着鹰爪般的利爪,闪烁着阵阵寒光,给人一种极强的压迫感。 If this beast is also living, deciding however is extremely fierce unusual animals. 若此兽还活着,定然是一头极为厉害的异兽。 However this dark green azure great cow body first separation, a gigantic ox head drops impressively in not far away, the head grows a jet black alone corner/horn, in the cow eye is being full of the alarmed and afraid color, as if before dying, saw anything lets the extremely shocking matter. 然而这苍青巨牛赫然身首分离,一颗硕大的牛头跌落在不远处,头上长着一根漆黑独角,牛眼中充满惊惧之色,似乎死之前看到了什么让其极为震惊之事。 Some it seems like people have come this place before us...... also right, this time several big influences that enters Immortal Residence, know in the endless desert to have passageway to other boundary territories, although they not necessarily have here map, but by their strengths, wanted to find here is not impossible.” In the Lu Yuqing surface surprised collects quickly, said. “看来有人在我们之前来过此地……也对,此次进入仙府的几大势力,都知道无尽沙漠中有通往其他境域的通道,虽然他们未必有此处的地图,但以他们的实力,想要找到这里也不是不可能。”陆雨晴面上惊讶很快敛去,说道。 The Han Li point, the vision fell in the wound of dark green azure great good nape of the neck, the pupil cannot help but congealed. 韩立点了点,目光落在苍青巨牛脖颈的伤口上,瞳孔不由得一凝。 „It is not really simple.” His grave expression, thought aloud in a low voice. “真是不简单。”他面色凝重,低声自言自语道。 The great good wound is smooth and smooth, was broken the head a clean agile blade unexpectedly. 巨牛伤口平整而光滑,竟然是被人干净利索的一刀断首。 Moreover in nearby oasis cannot see the trace that fights, perhaps this great cow monster beast by person kill with one strike. 而且附近绿洲中也看不到打斗的痕迹,恐怕这巨牛妖兽是被人一击斩杀 Although this beast had died, but from this corpse aura, before death strength is not definitely weak. 虽然此兽已经死去,但从这尸体气息看,生前的实力肯定不弱。 Facing Golden Immortal monster beast, can still achieve kill with one strike, person of strength make a move, it can be imagined. 面对一头金仙妖兽,仍然能够做到一击斩杀,动手之人实力之强,可想而知。 Han Li body figure in a flash falling by the great good corpse, putting out a hand suddenly strokes in the wound, contaminated wound blood. 韩立身形一晃的落在巨牛尸体旁,忽的伸手在伤口上一拂而过,沾染了一点伤口的血液。 Then he will moisten the hand of blood, placed under the nose to hear heard, the eye flashed through a none. 然后他将沾了血的手,放在鼻子下闻了一闻,眼睛闪过一丝精光。 Big Brother Han, looks at your appearance, is it possible that you know that is who killed this monster beast?” Lu Yuqing looks at the Han Li strange action, in the surface is somewhat surprised, asks. 韩大哥,看你的样子,莫非你知道是谁杀了这头妖兽?”陆雨晴看着韩立的怪异举动,面上有些惊讶,问道。 Does not know, no matter the what is this person does, relates with us is not big. Since this person killed this monster beast for us, saved our time actually, walks.” On Han Li the azure light flashes, shakes the above bloodstain flies, said. “不知道,不过不管这是什么人做的,和我们关系都不大。此人既然替我们杀了这头妖兽,倒是省了我们一番功夫,走吧。”韩立手上青光一闪,将上面的血迹震飞,说道。 Also yes.” The Lu Yuqing beautiful pupil flashes, nods. “也是。”陆雨晴美眸微闪,点点头。 Two people flying figure falls before the black vortex, looks toward. 两人飞身落在黑色漩涡前,往里面望去。 Does not have any danger.” Han Li sense/telepathy an inside situation, said. “没有什么危险。”韩立感应了一下里面的情况,说道。 Then two people body figure in a flash, changes into two azure light, flashes flew into black passageway. 然后两人身形一晃,化为两道青光,一闪的飞入了黑色通道内。
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