RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#449: Clam shadow numerous

Big Brother Han, this was the 83 rd mirage illusion. From here, starts to transfer to the northeast direction to go forward.” Lu Yuqing also notices the front difference immediately, immediately said. 韩大哥,这是第八十三处蜃楼幻境了。从此处起,开始转往东北方向前进。”陆雨晴也立刻注意到了前面的异样,随即说道。 Han Li hears word, in the mouth mumbled, the body appeared immediately the dazzling golden light, Precious Mantra Wheel also revolves to reappear. 韩立闻言,口中念念有词,身上顿时浮现出耀眼金光,真言宝轮随之旋转着浮现而出。 His two pinch finger joints with the thumb, treasure wheel central appears quickly a giant pupil, is Eye of Truth. 他两手掐诀,宝轮中央很快浮现出一个巨大瞳孔,正是真实之眼 The light golden light sends out from the pupil, looks toward the front. 淡淡金光从瞳孔中散发而出,朝着前方望去。 The Azure Glede Flying Boat surface azure light flashes, the deflection direction, goes toward oasis Northeast fly slightly. 紧接着,青鸢飞舟表面青光一闪,略微偏转方向,朝着绿洲东北方向飞遁而去。 Although Han Li change direction, but the front oasis still appeared in the front, and with the advance of flying boat, starts to increase fast. 虽然韩立改变方向,但前方绿洲仍然出现在了前方,并且随着飞舟的前进,飞快开始变大。 Han Li has not tried to avoid, but was the direct stimulation of movement flying boat entered in the oasis. 韩立并未试图躲开,而是直接催动飞舟进入了绿洲之中。 At present scenery suddenly changes, surrounding wilderness environment disappearance suddenly, the flying boat appears in an oasis. 眼前景色忽的一变,周围的荒漠环境忽的消失,飞舟出现在一片绿洲内。 The seeing place, everywhere is the green and luxuriant cover woods, a lake piece by piece, the moist air heads on, as if arrived in another cool world all of a sudden, the beforehand burning hot feeling is nothing left. 入目处,到处都是郁郁葱葱的茂密树林,还有一片片的湖泊,湿润的空气扑面而来,仿佛一下子到了另一个清凉世界,之前的炎热感荡然无存。 Moreover, the surrounding oasis is still rotating unceasingly, a Heaven and Earth confused feeling, the feeling of dizzy blurred vision. 不仅如此,周围的绿洲还在不断转动,给人一种天地错乱之感,头昏眼花之感。 The Han Li complexion is tranquil, seems to have been unalarmed by strange sights to this situation, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb fast, stimulates to movement Eye of Truth to look toward the surroundings. 韩立面色平静,对这个情况似乎已经见怪不怪,手中飞快掐诀,催动真实之眼朝着周围望去。 Lu Yuqing actually closes the eye immediately, sat cross-legged to sit, revolution cultivation technique, protected the mind. 陆雨晴却立刻闭上眼睛,盘膝坐了下来,运转功法,护住了心神。 Azure Glede Flying Boat steady incomparable goes to the forward flight, not influence that was changed by the environment. 青鸢飞舟平稳无比的向前飞去,丝毫不受周围环境变化的影响。 Flew the quarter of an hour, surrounding oasis suddenly flashes, then probably the bubble disrupts generally layer upon layer, dissipates baseless. 足足飞了一刻钟,周围的绿洲忽的一闪,然后好像泡沫一般层层碎裂,凭空消散开来。 A surrounding scenery flower, returned to the vast desert again. 周围景色一花,再次回到了沙海之中。 Han Li both eyes look straight ahead the front as before, winks has not winked, stimulates to movement Azure Glede Flying Boat to continue to go forward. 韩立双目依旧直视前方,眨也未眨一下,催动青鸢飞舟继续前进。 Cannot think that these mirage illusion are so fierce, is unable to avoid, was lucky has Big Brother Han you, otherwise I, even if there is map, knows that correct route, perhaps is still difficult.” Lu Yuqing shouted the one breath lightly, slowly opened the eye, said with a smile: “想不到这些蜃楼幻境如此厉害,根本无法避开,多亏了有韩大哥你在,否则我即便有地图,知道正确的路线,恐怕也是寸步难行。”陆雨晴轻呼一口气,慢慢睁开眼睛,笑道: Han Li hears word, but light smiles. 韩立闻言,只是淡淡一笑。 Here distance that passageway is not far, news that but according to me obtains, there has a Golden Immortal Realm monster beast guard, wants to enter passageway is not perhaps easy.” Lu Yuqing hesitant, said. “此处距离那通道所在已经不远,不过根据我得到的讯息,那里有一只金仙境妖兽看守,想要进入通道恐怕也不容易。”陆雨晴犹豫了一下,又说道。 „Can you knowledge be what monster beast?” Han Li eyebrow raise, asked. “你可知是何妖兽?”韩立眉头一挑,问道。 „It is not clear, only heard its strength is not weak, guards that passageway not to know many age.” Lu Yuqing shakes the head to say. “不清楚,只听闻其实力不弱,看守那通道已不知多少年岁了。”陆雨晴摇了摇头道。 Might as well, when the time comes adapts to changing circumstances is.” Han Li nod of looking pensive, said slowly. “无妨,到时候随机应变就是。”韩立若有所思的点了点头,缓缓说道。 Lu Yuqing sees with own eyes the Han Li facial expression, in the heart does not have the loosen of reason. 陆雨晴眼见韩立如此神情,心中没来由的一松。 In an instant the big half day time passes by. 转眼间大半日时间过去。 During this period, they met several mirage illusion, Han Li took advantage of Eye of Truth, the breakthrough that one by one/each was shocking but not dangerous. 在此期间,他们又遇到了数处蜃楼幻境,韩立依仗真实之眼,一一有惊无险的突破而过。 According to the Lu Yuqing map on demonstrated that that passageway in already in front not far away. 按照陆雨晴地图上显示,那通道所在已经就在前方不远处了。 Han Li at this moment still in flying boat vanguard, but the brow actually wrinkled slightly. 此刻的韩立仍在飞舟前行,但眉头却微微皱了起来。 These mirage illusion in vast desert, he does not care at this moment, what now his in heart some only scruples is that protects passageway monster beast. 沙海中的那些蜃楼幻境,他此刻已经不怎么在意了,现在他心中唯一有些顾忌的是那守护通道妖兽 If really such as Lu Yuqing this female said that this beast in this guard passageway has not known that many years, what god knows its present is, derived other anything magical powers. 如果真如陆雨晴此女所言,此兽已在此看守通道不知多少年了,天知道其如今已是什么样,是否衍生出其他什么神通了。 During the consideration, the front green shadow flashes, is an oasis illusion appears. 思量间,前方绿影一闪,又是一处绿洲幻境出现。 Han Li quickly stops in the heart the train of thought that body golden light flashes, displays Eye of Truth. 韩立急忙停下心中思绪,身上金光一闪,施展出真实之眼 „Before this is the passageway entrance , the last mirage illusion, does not need to change the direction, straight advance then.” Nearby Lu Yuqing divine sense read a map, said. “这是通道入口前最后一处蜃楼幻境,不用改变方向,笔直前进即可。”一旁陆雨晴神识看了一下地图,说道。 Han Li hears word nods, a Azure Glede Flying Boat azure light hold, changes into the azure shadow to go forward together straightly, then must throw into the front oasis shortly. 韩立闻言点了点头,青鸢飞舟青光一盛,化为一道青影笔直前进,眼看便要一头扎进了前方绿洲内。 But at this moment, the front flashes void continually, is four oasis illusion appears. 但就在此刻,前方虚空连闪,又是四个绿洲幻境浮现而出。 Five oasis illusion present the five pointed star shape, supports one another, simultaneously the ray puts greatly, changes into a huge incomparable green light group impressively instantaneously. 五个绿洲幻境呈现出五角星形状,彼此呼应,同时光芒大放,赫然瞬间化为一个巨大无比的绿色光团。 Han Li and Lu Yuqing see with own eyes this scenery, is startled, but wants to stop the flying boat at this moment already without enough time. 韩立陆雨晴眼见此景,都是一怔,但是此刻想要停下飞舟已经来不及。 Azure Glede Flying Boat flashes submerges in the front green light group, the surroundings scenery changes, the vast desert vanishes again. 青鸢飞舟一闪没入前方绿色光团中,周围景色一变,沙海再次消失。 However this time appears before is actually not that oasis environment, but is a hazy space. 不过这次出现在却不是之前的那种绿洲环境,而是一个迷蒙的空间。 The innumerable green light shadow glitter in the surroundings, interweave the beat, as if one group of messes. 无数绿色光影在周围闪烁,交织跳动,仿佛一团乱麻。 Strength of the powerful incomparable illusion technique from oppress to come in all directions, compared with the beforehand oasis illusion fierce far more than ten times. 一股股强大无比的幻术之力从四面八方压迫而来,比之前的绿洲幻境厉害了何止十倍。 How can......” a Lu Yuqing face be shocking. “怎么会……”陆雨晴一脸震惊。 However this saying has not said, a strong imaginary strength attack comes, to cover her body. 不过她这话没说完,一股强大幻力侵袭而来,笼罩她的身体。 The Lu Yuqing eye becomes the delay immediately, looked at dumbly there, as if had been controlled the mind by here illusion. 陆雨晴眼睛立刻变得呆滞,呆立在了那里,似乎已经被此处幻境控制了心神。 Imaginary strength also come toward the Han Li attack, although his strength of nature resistance above Lu Yuqing, but also feels at this time somewhat strenuously, in the mind an intermittent dizziness feeling raids. 一股股幻力也朝着韩立侵袭而来,虽然他的抵抗之力自然远在陆雨晴之上,但此时也感觉有些吃力,脑海中一阵阵眩晕感袭来。 He deeply inspires, immediately revolves Divinity Cultivation Technique, in the mind surged immediately a cool meaning, ignorant divine sense also restores the pure brightness. 他深吸一口气,立刻运转起了炼神术,脑海中顿时涌起一阵清凉之意,浑噩的神识也随之恢复清明。 At this moment, Lu Yuqing hand and foot suddenly must wave, in the eyes of delay appeared a crazy color. 就在此刻,身旁的陆雨晴手足忽的得舞动起来,原本呆滞的双眼中浮现出一丝疯狂之色。 She turns the head to look suddenly to Han Li, in the eye fills kills intent, in the hand silver light flashes, baseless are many a silver long sword. 她豁然转头看向韩立,眼中充满是杀意,手中银光一闪,凭空多出一柄银色长剑。 The dazzling silver sword light on the sword appears since then, these silver sword light are purely incomparable, moreover presents filiform, as if innumerable silver gassed threads are common. 耀眼银色剑光从此剑上浮现而出,这些银色剑光纯粹无比,而且呈现出丝状,仿佛无数银色光丝一般。 A silver long sword fuzziness, changes into together the fuzzy illusory image, chops toward the Han Li overhead. 银色长剑一个模糊,化为一道模糊幻影,朝着韩立当头劈下。 sword image not, swift and fierce incomparable sword intent already but loudly, as if innumerable heat steel acupuncture above Han Li divine soul. 剑影未至,一股凌厉无比的剑意已经轰然而至,仿佛无数烧红的钢针刺在韩立神魂之上。 Even by the great strength of Han Li divine soul, still a brow wrinkle, could not bear gently snort/hum one stuffily. 即便以韩立神魂之强大,仍然眉头一皱,忍不住轻轻闷哼一声。 Meanwhile in his heart one startled, with the Lu Yuqing peer since, never sees Lu Yuqing to use the sword technique, this female swordsmanship cultivation base is so unexpectedly profound, offended somebody the divine soul situation to sword intent. 同时他心中一惊,和陆雨晴一路同行至今,从未见过陆雨晴施展剑术,此女的剑道修为竟然如此精深,到了剑意伤人神魂的地步。 However this injury, in his naturally also not relax/rest assured eye. 不过这点伤害,他自然还不放心眼中。 But sees his five fingers even/including Dan, five azure sword Qi fly to shoot, one blocks the silver long sword, then must twist it fiercely stirs broken. 但见其五指连弹,五道青色剑气飞射而出,一下将银色长剑拦住,便要猛地一绞将其搅碎。 Who would have thought the Lu Yuqing wrist/skill moves, a silver long sword as if live fish bounces, then inconceivable turns, then works loose from five sword Qi. 哪知陆雨晴手腕一动,银色长剑仿佛一尾活鱼弹跳起来,然后不可思议的一扭,便从五道剑气中挣脱而出。 The Lu Yuqing whole body blooms fiercely the dazzling azure light, the form turning round rotation, vanishes baseless. 陆雨晴全身猛地绽放出耀眼青光,身影滴溜溜一个转动,凭空消失。 Han Li is startled. 韩立一怔。 In next moment, his body week person's shadow rocks, five exactly the same Lu Yuqing emerge out of thin air. 就在下一刻,他身周人影晃动,五个一模一样的陆雨晴凭空出现。 On each Lu Yuqing sends out fierce dense sword Qi, with beforehand entirely different, a silver long sword ray hold in hand, punctures again fiercely toward various Han Li body strategic points, ruthless spicy incomparable. 每一个陆雨晴身上都散发出一股烈烈的森然剑气,和之前截然不同,手中的银色长剑光芒再次一盛,猛地朝着韩立身体各处要害刺下,狠辣无比。 Clang! 铛! Five silver long swords puncture above one/1st level/layer star light epitaxial that in the Han Li body surface appeared, kept off. 五柄银色长剑都刺在了韩立体表浮现的一层星光晶膜之上,被挡了下来。 Meanwhile, Eye of Truth before Han Li body is glittering, sweeps toward five Lu Yuqing. 与此同时,韩立身前的真实之眼金光闪闪,朝着五个陆雨晴一扫。 next moment, Han Li eye one bright, as if understood anything, suddenly opens the mouth. 下一刻,韩立眼睛一亮,似乎明白了什么,蓦然张口。 The thick golden electric arc flies to shoot from his mouth together, Lu Yuqing of rapid incomparable hitting to him. 一道粗大的金色电弧从他口中飞射而出,迅疾无比的打向他左侧的一个陆雨晴 That person of low roar, the arm wields, in the hand the silver long sword changes into the one/1st level/layer thorough silver sword curtain, protects the whole body. 那人低喝一声,手臂一挥,手中银色长剑化为一层绵密银色剑幕,护住全身。 The golden electric arc hits on the sword curtain, immediately a Pī Li Pā Lā resounding, is stirred to break to pieces by sword image impressively about half. 金色电弧打在剑幕上,立刻一阵噼里啪啦的脆响,赫然被一道道剑影搅碎了近半。 But the silver sword curtain also shivers fiercely, finally reached the limit, a "Pā" resounding, is defeated and dispersed. 但银色剑幕也剧烈颤抖,终于达到了极限,“啪”的一声脆响,溃散开来。 That silver long sword in Lu Yuqing hand also disrupts fiercely, changes into the innumerable silver fragments. 陆雨晴手中的那柄银色长剑也猛地碎裂开来,化为无数银色碎片。 The surplus golden electric arcs keep slightly, hit on Lu Yuqing. 剩余的金色电弧丝毫不停,打在陆雨晴身上。 This female body figure such as the broken gunnysack was wasted immediately generally, hits directly in the flying boat cabin. 此女身形顿时如破麻袋一般被打飞了出去,直接撞在飞舟船舱上。 Other four Lu Yuqing body figure shake, then vanishes without the trace. 其他四个陆雨晴身形一抖,然后消失无踪。 After result Lu Yuqing mouth stuffy snort/hum, turns over/stands up to jump again, in the eye ominous puts brilliantly, then must make anything. 结果这陆雨晴口中闷哼一声后,再次翻身跃起,眼中凶光大放,便要做什么。 At this moment, her body week flashes void, thick clear chains appear out of thin air, ties down this female like lightning. 就在此刻,她身周虚空一闪,一根粗大晶莹的锁链凭空浮现而出,闪电般缠住此女。 These chains present the silver white color, clear shines, moreover is partly visible, seems not true body, is divine thought chain. 这些锁链呈现出银白颜色,晶莹发亮,而且若隐若现,仿佛并非实体,正是神念之链 The Lu Yuqing body cannot move immediately, but on the face the hysterical/frenzy facial expression has not returned to normal, was still struggling furiously. 陆雨晴身体顿时动弹不得,不过脸上狂乱的神情并未恢复正常,仍然在奋力挣扎。 In the Han Li mouth read aloud fast recites the incantation, flicking the fingers, several magical formula flew to shoot, submerged various Lu Yuqing body places. 韩立口中飞快诵念咒语,屈指一弹,数道法诀飞射而出,没入陆雨晴身体各处。 In magical formula appearing intermittently innumerable rune, send out strength of the seal. 法诀之中隐现无数符文,散发出一股封印之力。 magical formula enters the body, on Lu Yuqing appears immediately several clear rings, draws out her body firmly. 法诀入体,陆雨晴身上顿时浮现出数个晶莹圆环,牢牢套出她的身躯。 This female protecting body azure light such as the snow and ice vanish with the fire immediately generally all, body one soft, the plump fell down. 此女的护体青光顿时如冰雪遇火一般尽数消失,身子一软,扑通一声倒在了地上。 Sees with own eyes this scenery, the Han Li slight nod. 眼见此景,韩立微微点头。 This is he comprehends Seven Dazzling Star Rings, the strength of imitation imprisonment, homemade a secret technique, it seems like that the effect also calculates that tallies expected. 这是他参悟七曜星环,模仿其中禁锢之力,自创出的一门秘术,看来效果还算符合预期。 Just now, makes in his heart exude doubts. 只是方才的一幕,却让其心中泛起一丝疑惑。 If not that silver long sword quality in Lu Yuqing hand is too bad, is only common magical treasure, even spirit treasure is not, perhaps he could not have taken this female at this moment. 若非陆雨晴手中的那柄银色长剑品质太差,只是一件寻常法宝,连灵宝也算不上,说不定他此刻还拿不下此女。 Lu Yuqing just strength, displayed all the way compared with this, strong were too many. 陆雨晴刚刚的实力,比起她这一路上表现出来,强的太多。 Does this female intend to hide? 难道此女有意隐藏? Han Li deeply looked at this moment already pours in the female one eyes, immediately then puts aside the vision, 韩立深深看了此刻已经倒在的此女一眼,立刻便移开了目光, At this moment he still placed the dangerous situation, may be unable to attend to Lu Yuqing. 此刻他仍身处险境,可顾不上陆雨晴 His body week True Extreme Membrane flashed hidden to go, sits cross-legged to sit, looked toward the surrounding hazy space. 他身周真极之膜一闪隐去,盘膝坐了下来,朝着周围的迷蒙空间望去。 Although this illusion is fierce, but he can look, the surrounding hazy space with the beforehand oasis illusion, is essentially same. 这个幻境虽然厉害,但他能看得出来,周围的这个迷蒙空间和之前的绿洲幻境,本质上是一样的。 Had the experience of these days break/solve illusion, he has the confidence to break through the formation. 有了这些天破解幻境的经验,他有信心可以破阵而出。 In the Han Li mouth mumbled, within the body all immortal spirit strength one all agitated, before integrating, in Precious Mantra Wheel. 韩立口中念念有词,体内所有仙灵力一下全都鼓动起来,融入身前真言宝轮中。 Precious Mantra Wheel sends out the bright golden light immediately, under especially central Eye of Truth golds light streams revolutions, becomes glittering and translucent carving, dazzling incomparable. 真言宝轮立刻散发出煌煌金光,尤其中央的真实之眼光流转之下,变得晶莹剔透,刺目无比。
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