RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#448: rising wind and surging clouds

Why can walk? Stays behind to me.” “干嘛要走?都给我留下吧。” Qu Ling chuckle, element lifts, seemingly superficial flicking the fingers. 渠灵轻笑一声,素手一抬,看似轻描淡写的屈指一弹 The silver electro-optic shoots together, vanishes without the trace fuzzily, next moment emerges out of thin air sky over three Nascent Soul, is actually one hollows out the silver small bottle. 一道银光电射而出,一个模糊消失无踪,下一刻凭空出现在三个元婴上空,却是一个镂空银色小瓶。 The silver multi-colored sunlight flies to shoot from the bottle mouth together, got covers three Nascent Soul all of a sudden. 一道银色霞光从瓶口飞射而出,一下子变笼罩住了三个元婴 The silver multi-colored sunlight institute and place, void immediately becomes heavy incomparable. 银色霞光所及之处,虚空立刻变得沉重无比。 Three Nascent Soul by the silver multi-colored sunlight volume, as if fall into mud Ze immediately, the Nascent Soul surface scarlet light flashes crazily, but cannot move. 三只元婴被银色霞光卷中,立刻仿佛陷入了泥泽中,元婴表面赤光狂闪,但都动弹不得。 On the Nascent Soul small face of Xu Yangzi revealed a ruthless color, the opens the mouth spits. 旭阳子元婴小脸上了露出一丝狠色,张口一吐。 A blood red knife flies to shoot, chops like lightning toward own overhead. 一柄血红小刀飞射而出,闪电般朝着自己当头劈下。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Nascent Soul cleaves in two immediately, half Nascent Soul burns immediately, changes into one group of red flame villain/tiny person, inside innumerable red rune beat. 元婴立刻被劈成两半,一半元婴立刻燃烧起来,化为一团赤色火焰小人,里面无数赤色符文跳动。 Scarlet flame villain/tiny person two wield fiercely, holds the surrounding silver multi-colored sunlight, rips fiercely. 赤焰小人两手猛地一挥,抓住周围的银色霞光,猛地一撕。 Chī la, the silver multi-colored sunlight was ripped an opening immediately. 嗤啦”一声,银色霞光顿时被撕出一道口子。 Xu Yangzi other half Nascent Soul shoots from this opening electricity, then that blood red knife trembles, disrupts to split fiercely, changes into one group of blood light to wrap these half Nascent Soul. 旭阳子另一半元婴从这道口子电射而出,然后那口血红小刀一颤,猛地碎裂裂开,化为一团血光包裹住这半个元婴 Half Nascent Soul speed suddenly quick several times, vanished in the distant place horizon fuzzily. 半个元婴速度陡然快了数倍,一个模糊消失在了远处天际。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye reveals surprised, wanting make a move to intercept is late. 渠灵眼见此景,眼中露出一丝惊讶,想要出手拦截却已经迟了。 She has not cared, counts on the fingers, silver small bottle surface silver light/only one bright, whiz, attracted another two people of Nascent Soul. 她也没有在意,屈指一点,银色小瓶表面银光一亮,“嗖”的一声,就将另外二人的元婴吸了进去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The white iceberg disrupts, the white python head holds storage magical artifact of inside True Flame Sect people, attentive before delivering to the Qu Ling body . 白色冰山碎裂开来,白色巨蟒脑袋托着里面真焰宗众人的储物法器,殷勤的送到渠灵身前。 This female divine sense has swept these storage magical artifact, slightly nodded, waved to receive it all, then patted the head of python, said in a soft voice: 此女神识扫过这些储物法器,微微点了点头,挥手将其尽数收了起来,然后拍了拍巨蟒的脑袋,轻声说道: Today displays correct/good.” “今天表现不错。” In the white python gigantic eye appears the look that flatters, was selecting the head to Qu Ling, then the huge body turns, changes into a white light to fly into a Qu Ling waist white small bag. 白色巨蟒硕大眼睛里浮现出讨好的神色,对着渠灵点了点脑袋,然后巨大身躯一扭,化为一道白光飞入渠灵腰间一个白色小袋。 That azure great silkworm also flew, changes into one group of azure light to submerge on Qu Ling another bag. 那青色巨蚕也飞了过来,化为一团青光没入渠灵身上另一个袋子。 Qu Ling body figure in a flash, next moment appears in the distant place golden color beetle conducts the back. 渠灵身形一晃,下一刻出现在远处金色甲虫背上。 „Do we want to continue to go forward?” Golden beetle mouth, the mouth spits the criticism/human language impressively, the sound has to write clearly immature. “我们是要继续前进吗?”金色甲虫嘴巴一张,赫然口吐人言,声音却有写清脆稚嫩。 Just that three people of Nascent Soul ran away, in your three, is quickest at your speed, Xiaobai (Little White) and Xiaoqing make a move, did your why having nothing to do with stand in the one side?” In the Qu Ling eye cold glow flashes, said. “刚刚那三人元婴逃遁,你们三个中,以你的速度最快,小白和小青都出手了,你为何袖手站在一旁?”渠灵眼中冷芒一闪,说道。 Only three Golden Immortal Nascent Soul, by your magical powers, really want to block them to be easy, has no need for my make a move.” The golden beetle, some laughters of disdaining said. “区区三只金仙元婴,以你神通,真的想要拦住他们轻而易举,根本用不着我出手吧。”金色甲虫顿了一下,有些不屑的嬉笑道。 Snort! Does not want you to think before , is an insect, dares not to listen to the words of old lady. I look at your potential correct/good, spends massive thoughts to cultivate you, must not know good from bad not!” Qu Ling cold sound said. “哼!不要你以为以前是道虫,就敢不听老娘的话。我看你潜力不错,才花费大量心思栽培你,莫要不知好歹!”渠灵冷声说道。 The golden beetle humming sound complied with one, but is obviously perfunctory. 金色甲虫嗡嗡答应了一声,但明显敷衍的很。 In the Qu Ling eye the angry look flashes, but facing the golden beetle she as if accidental/surprised tolerance, depresses in the heart quickly the anger. 渠灵眼中怒色一闪,但面对金色甲虫她似乎意外的宽容,很快压下心中怒意。 Continues to go forward.” She shouted the one breath lightly, said that the sound had returned to normal. “继续前进。”她轻呼一口气,开口说道,声音已经恢复了平静。 The golden beetle also no longer said anything, body golden light flashes, the huge body changes into together the golden light, rapid incomparable shoots the advance toward the forward flight. 金色甲虫也不再多说什么,身上金光一闪,巨大身躯化为一道金光,迅疾无比的往前飞射前进。 Qu Ling sat, the vision looked to the aquamarine bottle gourd in hand. 渠灵坐了下来,目光看向了手中的碧绿色葫芦。 In her hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the gourd mouth azure light flashes, spouts that eight red small banner, falls in her hands. 她手中掐诀一点,葫芦口处青光一闪,喷出那八面赤色小幡,落在她的手中。 In the Qu Ling eye revealed an exciting color. 渠灵眼中露出了一丝兴奋之色。 „A broken bottle gourd has what makes much ado about nothing.” The golden beetle humming sound says. “一个破葫芦有何大惊小怪的。”金色甲虫嗡嗡开口说道。 this treasure and common immortal artifact are naturally no comparison between them! The thing of Profound Heaven raises inborn, contains the unsurpassed magical powers, is worthy of the reputation innate immortal artifact, in one were not many, mostly had been taken away. This bottle gourd gave birth in this does not know many age, the principle of its breeding was this most fundamental secret, was not the thing of ordinary Profound Heaven may compare can it be that! I also comprehend its magical powers now, is so then fierce, waits this time to go back to comprehend well, decides however also has mysteriously.” Although the Qu Ling speech tone is tranquil, but if under listening carefully, may still listen is doping several points of excitement. 此宝和寻常仙器自然不能同日而语!玄天之物天生地养,蕴含无上神通,乃是名副其实的先天仙器,在一界本就不多,大多早已被人收走。此葫芦在此生养了已不知多少年岁,其孕育的法则是这一界最根本的秘密,又岂是绝非普通的玄天之物可比!我现在还只是参悟出其的一个神通,便如此厉害,等此番回去好好参悟一下,定然还另有玄妙。”渠灵说话语气虽然平静,但若细听之下,仍可听出其中掺杂着几分激动。 Hehe, originally this common bottle gourd is so great, fierce, fierce.” The golden beetle two golden color eye pupil turning round revolutions, humming sound said. “嘿嘿,原来这不起眼的葫芦如此了不起,厉害,厉害。”金色甲虫两只金色眼瞳滴溜溜一转,嗡嗡说道。 No matter how said, this time came to really be comes right. Had this Profound Heavenly treasure(s), Supreme Unity Pill went to none other than me! When my advancement Supreme Unity, comprehending this treasure was mysterious, in the future aspires to seize the Great Encompassing impossible matter. If you are dead set on to follow I, in the future will probably have your advantage.” Qu Ling exciting saying, the last few words were under the golden beetle to the body say. “不管怎么说,这次来真是来对了。有了这件玄天之宝,太乙丹非我莫属!等我进阶太乙,参悟了此宝玄妙,往后就是问鼎大罗也非不可能之事。你若死心塌地跟着我,日后少不了你的好处。”渠灵兴奋的说道,最后一句话却是对身下金色甲虫说的。 That first many thanks.” The golden beetle as if does not care, said lightly. “那就先多谢了。”金色甲虫似乎并不在意,淡淡说道。 Qu Ling sees this, a brow cannot help but again wrinkle. 渠灵见此,眉头不由得再次一皱。 Is unappreciative!” She snort/hum, no longer paid attention to the golden beetle immediately, continued to examine in the hand the aquamarine bottle gourd. “不识抬举!”她哼了一声,随即不再理会金色甲虫,继续查看起了手中碧绿色葫芦。 Suddenly, the Qu Ling look moves slightly, vision revolution of falling near aquamarine gourd mouth. 突然,渠灵神色微动,目光一转的落在了碧绿色葫芦口附近。 The entire aquamarine bottle gourd all over the body is only Paris green, as if the jasper carves, but gourd mouth there color was obviously light, did not have thoroughly mature, some slightly slight defects. 整只碧绿色葫芦通体翠绿,仿佛碧玉雕琢而成的,但葫芦口那里颜色明显淡了一些,还没有彻底成熟,略微有些瑕疵。 It seems like or picked early, if the late several tens of thousands years...... might also as well again, after going back, looked for some spirit earth, spirit fluid are pregnant to raise well 1 million years, should be also OK.” In the Qu Ling heart sighed secretly. “看来还是摘得早了些,若是再晚个数万年的话……不过也无妨,回去后找些灵土,灵液好好孕养个百万年,应该也可以了。”渠灵心中暗叹了口气。 This aquamarine bottle gourd is she discovered in a medicine garden, after discovering this treasure, she is wild with joy, although knows perfectly well it thoroughly not mature, after her consideration, picked it immediately. 这碧绿色葫芦是她在一处药园内发现,发现此宝后,她自是欣喜若狂,虽然明知其没有彻底成熟,她一番考虑后,还是当即将其摘了下来。 This bottle gourd has not bred thoroughly maturely is then picked, decides will have some not good effect on this treasure, but she naturally cannot be resigned to make him grow again several tens of thousands years in this, god knows next time will have the opportunity taking. 此葫芦还没有彻底孕育成熟便被采摘,定会对此宝造成一些不好的影响,但她自然不会甘心让其在此再生长个数万年,天知道下次还有没有机会将之取走。 Qu Ling is so thinking, immediately closed the eye, two pinch finger joints with the thumb continues. 渠灵如此想着,随即闭上了眼睛,两手掐诀不止。 Silver light submerge in the bottle gourd, on the bottle gourd appears immediately the light green light. 一道道银光没入葫芦内,葫芦上顿时浮现出淡淡绿光。 ...... …… Sky over a continuous scarlet mountain peak, one crowd of cultivator speed along, is the Dark Blue Stream Palace people. 一片连绵的赤红山峰上空,一群修士飞驰而过,正是苍流宫众人。 The group escaping light link, changes into together the big dragon blue rainbow, proceeds rapid incomparable flying to shoot to go. 一行人遁光连接在一起,化为一道巨龙般的蓝色长虹,往前迅疾无比的飞射而去。 Above below scarlet mountain peak, was covered with the green plant, many spirit grass spirit medicine, some sending out the powerful spiritual energy fluctuates, is in the midair also to be clear about sense/telepathy. 下方的赤红山峰之上,长满了葱翠植物,其中不乏灵草灵药,有的散发出强大的灵气波动,身在半空也能清楚感应到。 The Dark Blue Stream Palace people, especially those True Immortal Realm cultivator often look toward, in the eye reveals the greedy color. 苍流宫众人,尤其是那些真仙境修士不时朝着下方望去,眼中露出眼馋之色。 But flies in frontline Luo Qinghai, the meaning of slightly not having stopped, even even/including head does not have low, goes toward front fly straightly. 但飞在最前方的洛青海,丝毫没有停下的意思,甚至连头也没有低一下,笔直朝着前方飞遁而去。 Others see this, naturally cannot stop the treasure hunt. 其他人见此,自然也不能停下来寻宝。 Palace Master, we as if do not need so to hurry along, under these spirit grass are quite uncommon, some are have the use to us.” Side Luo Qinghai, that white-faced scholar cannot bear say. 宫主,我们似乎没必要如此赶路,下方这些灵草颇为不凡,有些就是对我们也有用处。”洛青海身旁,那个白面书生忍不住说道。 Junior Brother does not need to talk too much, I make the own truth.” Luo Qinghai looked at white-faced scholar one, said slowly. “师弟不必多言,我这么做自有道理。”洛青海看了白面书生一眼,缓缓说道。 Yes.” white-faced scholar is startled, immediately no longer said anything. “是。”白面书生一怔,随即不再说什么。 ...... …… Northern Cold Immortal Palace one group are standing in a deep blue palace front at this moment. 北寒仙宫一行人此刻正站在一座碧蓝宫殿前方。 In the deep blue palace the unusual brightness is faint, obviously inside contained many good things. 碧蓝宫殿内宝光隐隐,显然里面蕴含了不少好东西。 The Northern Cold Immortal Palace people look to the palace, in the eye reveal the greedy color. 北寒仙宫众人看向宫殿,眼中都露出贪婪之色。 Goes, but you only then the time of quarter of an hour, after the quarter of an hour, immediately.” Xiao Jinhan both hands recited backwards from the end, the light instruction said. “进去吧,不过你们只有一刻钟的时间,一刻钟后,立刻出发。”萧晋寒双手倒背,淡淡吩咐道。 Yes.” The Northern Cold Immortal Palace people comply with one, immediately flies toward inside. “是。”北寒仙宫众人答应一声,立刻朝着里面飞去。 Xiao Jinhan stands in the palace entrance, has not gone , the vision looks toward the distant place, the vision twinkle, seems to be pondering anything. 萧晋寒站在宫殿门口,没有进去,目光朝着远处望去,目光闪烁,似乎在思考什么。 ...... …… In a gray sea of clouds, a grey flying boat is braving all hardships proceeds generally fly. 一片灰色云海中,一艘灰色飞舟正乘风破浪一般往前飞遁 In the gray fog in sea of clouds, is glittering black rays, as if black lightnings, often hit toward the grey flying boat, but on the one/1st level/layer light screen by flying boat was blocked. 云海中的灰色云雾内,闪烁着一道道黑色光芒,仿佛一道道黑色闪电,不时朝着灰色飞舟打来,但都被飞舟上的一层光幕挡住。 One crowd of grey robe person's shadows sit cross-legged to sit in the cabin, is the Concealed Tower Sect people. 一群灰袍人影盘膝坐在船舱内,正是伏凌宗众人。 The Feng Tiandu big skinny form sits cross-legged to sit in the cabin center, other person of centered on him, encircled a circle formation. 封天都高大枯瘦的身影盘膝坐于船舱中央,其他人以其为中心,围成了一个圆阵。 The intermittent gray light following the crowd person sends out, seems using what secret technique. 阵阵灰光从众人身上散发而出,似乎在施展什么秘术。 Long time later, Feng Tiandu opened the eye suddenly, deeply frowns. 良久之后,封天都忽的睁开了眼睛,眉头紧锁。 How can, sense/telepathy not arrive at that two Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain aura unexpectedly, actually that person ran up to where goes to......” him to look to hesitate, in the mouth muttered. “怎么会,竟然感应不到那两条隔元法链的气息了,那人究竟跑到什么地方去了……”他面露沉吟,口中喃喃自语道。 ...... …… During Immortal Residence is somewhere void, one group of scarlet light are shuttling back and forth in ten thousand li (0.5 km) sea of clouds with lightning speed generally, suddenly, can escape more than ten thousand li (0.5 km). 仙府某处虚空之中,一团赤光正在万里云海之中风驰电掣一般穿梭,眨眼间,便可遁出不下万里。 In the scarlet light, is wrapping two forms, is actually black bearded old man and a yellow skirt female, is Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni. 赤光之中,包裹着两个身影,却是一名黑须老者和一名黄裙女子,正是呼言道人云霓 Two people are serious, did not say a word, but pinched the law to decide silently, stimulation of movement escaping light vanguard. 二人面色肃然,一言不发,只是默默掐动法决,催动遁光前行。 ...... …… Sky over a swamp, that crowd of Southern Dark Race cultivator were sphered by one crowd of brown Monster Bird. 一处沼泽上空,那群南黎族修士被一群土黄色怪鸟围住。 These Monster Bird length of body 4 - 5 zhang (3.33 m), the head lives the deep green sarcoma, the sharp mouth sharp claws, look extremely fierce. 这些怪鸟体长四五丈,头生碧绿肉瘤,尖嘴利爪,看起来极为凶恶。 These Monster Bird cultivation base are not powerful, but the quantity is big, has several hundred heads fully, moreover speed quickly like lightning. 这些怪鸟修为并不算强大,但数量众多,足有数百头,而且速度快如闪电。 Although Southern Dark Race cultivator strength by far these Monster Bird, but was also entangled by it here, for a while does not seem able to go forward. 南黎族修士虽然实力远胜那些怪鸟,但也被其缠在这里,一时似乎无法前进。 ...... …… At this time, all influence enters Dark Cold Immortal Residence to have many date and time, has penetrated across Immortal Residence, has the chance respectively, or misfortune. 此时,各方势力进入冥寒仙府已有不少时日,都已经深入仙府各地,各有机缘,或者厄运。 The chance deep person, naturally resulted in many treasures, the luck is extremely bad, fallen also has plenty of such people in this. 机缘深厚之人,自然得了不少宝物,运气极差的,陨落于此也大有人在。 Quiet does not know that many years in Dark Cold Immortal Residence, becomes rising wind and surging clouds again. 沉寂不知多少岁月的冥寒仙府内,再次变得风起云涌 In the endless vast desert, one group of azure light proceed to speed along rapidly, is Azure Glede Flying Boat. 无尽沙海之中,一团青光往前迅疾飞驰,正是青鸢飞舟 Han Li stands in the bow, the double pupil blue glow twinkle, often sweeps off toward all around. 韩立站在船首,双眸蓝芒闪烁,不时朝四周扫去。 Lu Yuqing stands side him, in the hand takes that map jade memo. 陆雨晴站在他身旁,手中拿着那块地图玉简 Red in two people of surface vanished at this moment impressively, returned to normal, obviously had found the juicy place according to the map, relieved fire poison in within the body. 二人面上的红色此刻赫然消失,恢复了正常,显然已根据地图找到了水灵之地,解除了体内的火毒 Although after leaving the juicy place, the body will then be poisoned again, so long as calculates the good route all the way as far as possible, is tracking down a everywhere juicy place advance, will then not have the too major problem. 虽然离开水灵之地后,身体便会再次中毒,但只要一路上尽可能计算好路线,追寻着一处处水灵之地前进,便不会有太大问题。 Endless vast desert here makes others dread incomparable strange fire poison, to them, instead is not anything to threaten. 无尽沙海这里让别人畏惧无比的诡异火毒,对他们来说,反而算不上什么威胁。 At this moment, two people had arrived at the endless vast desert deep place, locates the passageway position is not far from that. 此刻,二人已来到了无尽沙海深处,距离那处通道位置已经不远。 Suddenly, the Han Li vision concentrates, looks toward the right front. 突然间,韩立目光一凝,朝着右前方望去。 There distant place appears green, seems an oasis. 那里远处浮现出一点绿色,似乎又是一片绿洲。
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