RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#447: Innate spirit bottle-gourd

Hears Qu Ling this words, Xu Yangzi and other popularity to/clashes upward, almost spits blood, but in heart also alarmed and afraid, as if by prior agreement emits divine sense to investigate on each one. 听闻渠灵此话,旭阳子等人气往上冲,差点吐血,但同时心中也惊惧不已,不约而同的放出神识在各自身上探查。 In the Qu Ling eye flashes through to taunt, lifts single-handed, in the mouth spits one lightly going character. 渠灵眼中闪过一丝嘲讽,单手一抬,口中轻吐一个“去”字。 But before seeing her body , during the both sides are void the ray to flash, a dozens zhang (3.33 m) azure great silkworm, almost/the same big snow white python appear out of thin air, without delay sharply is throwing to go toward Xu Yangzi et al . 但见她身前两侧虚空之中光芒一闪,一条数十丈长的青色巨蚕,一条差不多大的雪白巨蟒凭空浮现而出,二话不说的朝着旭阳子等人所在急扑而去。 The azure great silkworm body is seemingly extremely fat, but whole body sends out the deep black colored light glow, the speed impressively is for faster than on several points the snow white python, flashes then appears before the True Flame Sect people body. 青色巨蚕身躯看似臃肿,但全身上下散发出玄青色光芒,速度赫然比雪白巨蟒更快上数分,一闪便出现在真焰宗众人身前。 Under the mouth, in the mouth the azure glow flashes crazily, the dense and numerous azure silks spewed out, interweave a azure big net, toward Xu Yangzi and the others in a front surface cover under. 其嘴巴一张,口中青芒狂闪之下,密密麻麻的青色蚕丝喷涌而出,交织成了一张青色大网,朝着旭阳子等人所在迎面一罩而下。 These azure silks shine all over the body, glittering and translucent carving, sends out faint trace power of magical principle to fluctuate impressively. 这些青色蚕丝通体发亮,晶莹剔透,赫然还散发出丝丝法则之力波动。 Xu Yangzi and the others saw with own eyes this scenery, in the heart is greatly cold. 旭阳子等人眼见此景,心中都是大凛。 Sun changes!” Xu Yangzi shout loudly, two pinch finger joints with the thumb fast, the opens the mouth spouts an essence and blood, submerges in the top of the head big streamer. “金乌变!”旭阳子大喝出声,两手飞快掐诀,张口喷出一口精血,没入头顶大幡中。 The big streamer surface spirit mark greatly is suddenly bright, exudes the big piece flame light, turned into the golden color instantaneously, and spouts together the golden column of flame. 大幡表面灵纹骤然大亮,泛起大片焰光,瞬间变成了金色,并且喷出一道金色火柱。 Others also set up the notch ** the blood, pinches finger joints with the thumb, the head pushes a bullet into the bore the flame that the streamer sends out also to turn into the golden color all, spouts golden columns of flame. 其他人也立刻口**血,掐诀施法,头顶火幡散发出的火焰也尽数变成金色,喷出一道道金色火柱。 During eight columns of flame in the people top of the head was void to fuse one, changed into one to have golden fire bird of hundred zhang (333 m) size fully, a fresh phoenix coronet, is dragging the long hot feather, especially the under foot grew three feet, seeming like the god was handsome exceptionally. 八道火柱在众人头顶虚空之中融合到了一起,化为了一只足有百丈大小的金色火鸟,头生凤冠,身后拖着长长火羽,尤其脚下长出三只脚,看起来神俊异常。 Golden fire bird raises a light cry, a spacious both wings show/unfolds, threw toward the azure big net of coming. 金色火鸟扬首一声轻鸣,宽大双翅一展,朝着迎面而至的青色大网扑了过去。 The azure big net bumps into golden fire bird, immediately as if bumps into the difficult adversary to burn generally immediately, changed into the curling light smoke to scatter. 青色大网一碰到金色火鸟,立刻仿佛碰到了克星一般立刻燃烧起来,化为了袅袅青烟飘散。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this, eyebrow tips slightly raise. 渠灵眼见此幕,眉梢微挑 Meanwhile, another snow white python also swooped nearby the True Flame Sect people, suddenly big mouth, spouted a thick clear white light. 与此同时,另一条雪白巨蟒也飞扑到了真焰宗众人附近,蓦然间大口一张,喷出了一道粗大晶莹白光。 The white light once were departed, immediately the silent disruption, changes into white misty mist, mixes with white to be icy cold, toward taking away as many things as possible that True Flame Sect and the others blotted out the sky. 白光一经飞出,立刻无声无息的碎裂开来,化为一股白濛濛的雾气,其中夹杂着一块块白色冰凌,朝着真焰宗等人铺天盖地的席卷而去。 The white mist sends out the dreadful cold air, the nearby one seemed to be frozen void. 白色雾气散发出滔天寒气,附近虚空似乎都被一下冻结。 That azure great silkworm strikes inadequately, squeak squeak called one, seems somewhat angry, in the mouth spouts the innumerable azure silks again, as if innumerable azure flying arrows, burr under. 那青色巨蚕一击不成,吱吱叫了一声,似乎有些恼怒,口中再次喷出无数青色蚕丝,仿佛无数青色飞箭,飞刺而下。 The golden beetle under Qu Ling body has not looked dry/does, in the mouth expresses a sharp cry, before two , the claw golden light puts greatly, the crystal light of two hundred zhang (333 m) sizes fly to shoot. 渠灵身下的金色甲虫也没有干看着,口中发出一声尖鸣,两只前爪金光大放,两道百丈大小的晶光飞射而出。 Dodges void, two crystals depending on appear in the True Flame Sect everyone front spatially, interlocks to divide to cut under. 虚空一闪,两道晶光凭空出现在真焰宗诸人前方,交错劈斩而下。 Three big strange beast ejects jointly, the imposing manner is great incomparable! 三大奇兽联手击出,气势自是宏大无比! In the Xu Yangzi eye flashes through a startled color, two wheel pinches finger joints with the thumb immediately, other everyone are also a face with deep veneration . 旭阳子眼中闪过一丝惊色,两手立刻车轮般掐诀,其余诸人也是一脸肃然,。 As the people top of the head big streamer spirit glow becomes dazzling dazzling, golden fire bird also the whole body flame puts suddenly greatly, the turning round revolution, changes into one piece 随着众人头顶大幡灵芒变得刺目耀眼,金色火鸟也蓦然间全身火焰大放,滴溜溜一转,化为一片 ...... …… In the endless vast desert, the Azure Glede Flying Boat proceeding rapid rapid flight shoots. 无尽沙海之中,青鸢飞舟往前迅疾飞射。 Two people had flown the small half day, by Azure Glede Flying Boat flying speed, they have penetrated this endless vast desert quite far distance. 两人已经飞了小半日,以青鸢飞舟遁速,他们已经深入这无尽沙海相当远的距离。 Two people of facial colors at this moment some flood red, Han Li is better, the Lu Yuqing double cheek is red, the body lends unusual burning hot aura faintly. 二人面色此刻都有些泛红,韩立还好一些,陆雨晴双颊通红,身上隐隐散发出一股异样的炙热气息。 Han Li stands in the bow, revolution spirit eye investigates the surrounding sound. 韩立站在船头,运转灵目探查周围的动静。 Well!” His suddenly light well, the vision looked toward the left front. “咦!”他忽的轻咦了一声,目光朝着左前方望去。 There field of vision end appears the fuzzy green, seems like an oasis. 那里视野尽头浮现出一点模糊的绿色,似乎是一处绿洲。 This should then be the mirage illusion in hearsay.” Lu Yuqing says. “这应该便是传闻中的蜃楼幻境了。”陆雨晴开口说道。 Finally presented......” in the Han Li eye none to flash, the faint some meanings of being eager to try. “终于出现了吗……”韩立眼中精光一闪,隐隐有些一丝跃跃欲试之意。 This mirage illusion is fierce, to confirm here position, has to rush. I do not excel to the break/solve illusion, can only ask Big Brother Han.” Lu Yuqing hesitated, said to Han Li. “这蜃楼幻境厉害无比,不过为了确认这里的位置,也只好闯一闯了。只是我对破解幻境并不擅长,只能拜托韩大哥了。”陆雨晴迟疑了一下,对韩立说道。 Nod of Han Li shows neither approval nor disapproval, under the body a Azure Glede Flying Boat azure light hold, the speed sped up again much, speeds away to go in the front oasis direction. 韩立不置可否的点了点头,身下青鸢飞舟青光一盛,速度再次加快了不少,朝着前方绿洲方向疾驰而去。 ...... …… Above the red wilderness, the confrontation was still continuing. 红色荒原上方,交锋仍在继续。 Rumble the heaven-shaking loud sound spreads continuously, causes nearby void and below land shakes. 轰隆隆的惊天巨响连绵传出,引得附近虚空和下方大地都为之震荡不已。 True Flame Sect eight cultivator headed by Xu Yangzi at this moment is a face with deep veneration, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, besides Xu Yangzi and other Golden Immortal, several other people of complexions is pallid one piece. 旭阳子为首的真焰宗八名修士此刻均是一脸肃然,手中掐诀不已,除了旭阳子等三名金仙外,其余几人脸色已是煞白一片。 Hung has changed into the color of pure gold in the hot streamers of several people of top of the heads, the superficial rune circulation has kept, that golden fire bird has been missing, displacing was actually a golden sea of fire of number hundred zhang (333 m) size, kept off before the people body. 悬于几人头顶的火幡早已化为了赤金之色,表面符文流转不停,那只金色火鸟早已不见了踪影,取而代之的却是一片数百丈大小的金色火海,挡在众人身前。 The golden sea of fire flame glow tumbles, attacks to keep off three big strange beast who Qu Ling emits, both sides exhibit the condition of being locked in a stalemate for a while. 金色火海焰芒翻滚,将渠灵所放出的三大奇兽攻击挡了下来,双方一时呈现出相持的状态。 It seems like I underestimates you, but can enter this Dark Cold Immortal Residence, originally on this/should somewhat skill. Happen, making me try this thing the might.” The Qu Ling chuckle, wielded single-handed, that aquamarine bottle gourd in hand threw. “看来是我低估你们了,不过能够进这冥寒仙府,本来就该有几分本事的。正好,让我试试这东西的威力。”渠灵轻笑了一声,单手一挥,将手中的那只碧绿色葫芦一把扔了出去。 Simultaneously one group of fine pure silver light spout from its, flashed to submerge in the bottle gourd that passed. 同时一团精纯银光从其口中喷出,一闪而逝的没入了葫芦之中。 Buzz! 嗡! Originally seemingly ordinary bottle gourd suddenly trembles, immediately blooms the dazzling incomparable green light, size also increases, changes into roughly several feet green great bottle-gourd, the surface covered entirely traces, is all over the body deep green, is ordinary just like the emerald jade carving, the bottle-gourd body slightly shakes, expresses humming sound the trembling cry. 原本看似普普通通的葫芦蓦的一颤,立刻绽放出耀眼无比的绿光,体型也随之变大,化为了一只约莫十几丈大小的绿色巨葫,表面布满一圈圈纹路,通体碧绿,宛如翡翠玉雕一般,葫身微震,发出嗡嗡的颤鸣。 In the trembling whining noise, the green bottle gourd surface flashes, appears one line of tadpole silver spirit marks, the silver light that the sending out selling person is unable to look straight ahead. 颤鸣声中,绿色葫芦表面一闪,浮现出一行蝌蚪般的银色灵纹,散发出让人无法直视的银光。 A huge incomparable principle fluctuation sends out from the bottle gourd, spreads to go toward the surroundings, void also trembles crazily. 一股庞大无比的法则波动从葫芦中散发而出,朝着周围扩散而去,虚空也为之狂颤。 innate immortal artifact!” Xu Yangzi and the others saw this scenery, the complexion in abundance changes. 先天仙器!”旭阳子等人看到此景,面色纷纷一变。 The people have a mind to make anything, but three big strange beast collaborates the potential of attack wave after wave, they are only resist have done utmost, really cannot set aside one point of strength. 众人有心做些什么,但三大奇兽联手攻击之势一波接着一波,他们光是抵挡已经竭尽全力,实在腾不出一分力气。 Qu Ling also received teasing on face at this moment, two pinched finger joints with the thumb fast, simultaneously the opens the mouth spouted several groups of silver light one after another, flashed all submerges in green great bottle-gourd. 渠灵此刻也收起了脸上的调笑,两手飞快掐诀,同时张口接连喷出数团银光,尽数一闪没入绿色巨葫内。 The green light that great bottle-gourd sends out again is immediately richer, almost just like the essence general, the above silver spirit mark distortion rises to shrink erratically, as if living creature creeping motion. 巨葫散发出的绿光立刻再次浓郁了许多,几乎犹如实质一般,上面的银色灵纹扭曲涨缩不定,仿佛活物般蠕动。 a light sound! “噗”的一声轻响! The gourd mouth miraculous glow flashes, a green rainbow sprays, one volume goes to Xu Yangzi et al . 葫芦口灵光一闪,一股绿色长虹从中喷射而出,冲旭阳子等人一卷而去。 In the green rainbow appears impressively a emerald green ring, sends out principle fluctuation that is unable to explain. 绿色长虹之中赫然浮现出一个翠绿圆环,散发出一股无法言喻的法则波动。 Void fulmination! 虚空一声爆鸣! The nearby one collapses void suddenly, the surrounding area the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy within several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) fluctuates all crazily, the innumerable colorful light groups appear, goes toward that emerald green ring billowing gathering, submerges. 附近虚空骤然一下坍塌,方圆数万里内的天地灵气尽数疯狂波动起来,无数五颜六色的光团浮现而出,朝着那翠绿圆环滚滚汇聚而去,没入其中。 The emerald green ring increases faintly several points, sending out power of magical principle is greater. 翠绿圆环隐隐变大几分,散发出法则之力更加宏大。 The green rainbow flashes hits on the golden sea of fire, immediately penetrates, as if pierced a book paper general, appeared in Xu Yangzi and the others the top of the head. 绿色长虹一闪打在金色火海上,立刻穿透而过,仿佛洞穿了一张簿纸一般,出现在旭阳子等人头顶。 Rainbow one volume, the eight hot streamers of top of the head completely covers Xu Yangzi and the others in inside fiercely like lightning. 长虹猛地一卷,闪电般将旭阳子等人头顶的八面火幡尽是笼罩在里面。 In the green rainbow emerald green ring increased suddenly, belayed that eight hot streamer. 绿色长虹里面的翠绿圆环猛然变大,套住了那八面火幡。 The golden flame that on the hot streamer exudes dissipates immediately all, appeared eight big streamer main bodies. 火幡上泛起的金色火焰立刻尽数消散,现出了八面大幡本体。 The emerald green ring flashes, the azure halo that the sending out selling person is enchanted by, eight big streamers reduce immediately fast, change into eight small banner, turning round rotation in green rainbow. 翠绿圆环闪动,散发出让人迷醉的青色光晕,八面大幡立刻飞快缩小,化为八面小幡,在绿色长虹中滴溜溜转动。 Xu Yangzi and the others the complexion drastic change, in just now, them felt that oneself and mind relations of eight hot streamers vanished instantaneously. 旭阳子等人面色剧变,就在方才,他们感觉到自己和八面火幡的心神联系瞬间消失了。 Qu Ling sees with own eyes this scenery, looks color of the satisfaction, waves to make together magical formula. 渠灵眼见此景,面露一丝满意之色,挥手打出一道法诀 The green light rainbow flashes, pours to shoot, submerges in green great bottle-gourd. 绿光长虹一闪,倒射而出,没入绿色巨葫中。 Eight small banner were also being covered by the green light, flew into great bottle-gourd. 八面小幡也被绿光笼罩着,飞入了巨葫内。 Xu Yangzi and the others were at a loss for words, lost eight hot streamers, their front golden sea of fire fluctuation, is defeated and dispersed loudly, changes into everywhere flame to vanish without the trace all. 旭阳子等人张口结舌,失去了八面火幡,他们前方的金色火海一阵波动,轰然溃散开来,化为漫天火光尽数消失无踪。 The golden sea of fire vanishes, three big strange beast attack did not have the hindrance, immediately the electricity shoots under. 金色火海消失,三大奇兽的攻击没了阻碍,立刻电射而下。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The innumerable azure silks sweep across, will also be in the True Flame Sect people in shock to twine instantaneously all. 无数青色蚕丝席卷而下,瞬间将还处于震惊中的真焰宗众人尽数缠绕住。 The True Flame Sect people responded suddenly, will struggle. 真焰宗众人豁然反应了过来,正要挣扎。 The nearby flashes void, two thick megacryst light emerge out of thin air, interlocks like lightning cuts. 附近虚空一闪,两道粗大晶光凭空出现,闪电般交错一斩。 The blood light presently, the True Flame Sect people of unable to move, wrap the Xu Yangzi three people for the first time, the body cut two sections all, the big piece blood stain appears. 血光乍现,动弹不得的真焰宗众人,包裹旭阳子三人,身体尽数一斩两截,大片血污浮现而出。 At this moment, extremely cold white fog is mixing with innumerably icy cold but loudly. 就在此刻,一股极寒白雾夹杂着无数冰凌轰然而至。 Fearsome cold air erupts suddenly, surrounding area several li (0.5 km) white iceberg appear out of thin air, freezes True Flame Sect everyone all. 一股可怖寒气骤然爆发,一块方圆数里大小的白色冰山凭空浮现,将真焰宗所有人尽数冻结。 In giant iceberg, these True Immortal cultivator already all fallen, only then some Xu Yangzi three people of also aura, but cannot move. 巨大冰山内,那些真仙修士已经尽数陨落,只有旭阳子三人还有些气息,但也丝毫动弹不得。 correct/good, correct/good.” Qu Ling sees this, satisfied nod, in the mouth muttered. 不错,不错。”渠灵看到此幕,满意的点了点头,口中喃喃自语道。 At this moment, her brow suddenly wrinkled slightly, in the surface flashed through a paleness. 就在此刻,她眉头忽的微微皱了一下,面上闪过一丝苍白。 Although the aquamarine bottle gourd might is big, even refined, has not stimulated to movement the consumption immortal spirit strength is still quite huge. 碧绿色葫芦威力虽大,即便尚未炼化,催动起来消耗的仙灵力也极为庞大。 She inspires lightly, the complexion quickly gets back, waves to green great bottle-gourd one move of top of the head. 她轻吸了一口气,面色很快恢复过来,挥手对着头顶的绿色巨葫一招。 Great bottle-gourd reduces fast, during several breath changes into the beforehand size, fell into her hand. 巨葫飞快缩小,几个呼吸间化为之前的大小,落入了她手中。 The Qu Ling ice-cold vision looks to the True Flame Sect people in iceberg, will make anything. 渠灵冰冷的目光看向冰山中的真焰宗众人,正要做什么。 In the meantime, on the Xu Yangzi three people of bodies appears suddenly the one/1st level/layer blood-color flame, then burns, changes into three groups of blood-color flame. 就在此时,旭阳子三人的身体上骤然浮现出一层血色火焰,然后自行燃烧起来,化为三团血色火焰。 Three groups of blood-color flame each other link rapidly, a scary strength erupts suddenly. 三团血色火焰彼此迅速连接在一起,一股骇人力量从中猛然爆发。 Ka ka! 咔咔! The giant iceberg trembles fiercely, above appears a crack. 巨大冰山剧烈震颤,上面浮现出一道裂缝。 The snow white python sees with own eyes this scenery, angrily roars, the body white light puts greatly, then must make anything, but is late. 雪白巨蟒眼见此景,怒吼一声,身上白光大放,便要做什么,但已经迟了。 But sees three scarlet light high that crack electricity to shoot, flies to shoot to go toward the distant place, in the scarlet light can see indistinctly is three several cuns (2.5 cm) Nascent Soul. 但见三道赤光从从那道裂缝电射而出,朝着远处飞射而去,赤光中隐约能看到是三只数寸大小的元婴 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 Big azure silk flies to shoot, at an exceptional pace curls toward three Nascent Soul, but just like flickers to move to the speed to compare with Nascent Soul, obviously somewhat was actually less. 一大蓬青色蚕丝飞射而出,以惊人的速度朝着三个元婴卷去,但与元婴犹如瞬移般的速度想比,却明显有些不及了。
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