RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#446: Life and death Great Tribulation

Han Li hears word, put out a hand to receive jade memo from the Lu Yuqing hand, pasted toward the forehead. 韩立闻言,伸手从陆雨晴手中接过了玉简,朝额头贴去。 This map but actually also exhaustive, actually does not know that Han Miss does obtain from where? From that stele?” After long time, Han Li divine sense withdraws from jade memo, handed over it, asked one. “这份地图倒也详尽,却不知韩姑娘是从何处得到的?是从那面石碑上?”半晌后,韩立神识退出玉简,将其递还了回去,问了一句。 Yes. Because had this map, I want to rush to this endless vast desert. However even has the map in the hand, in this endless vast desert, must rely on the Big Brother Han strength.” Lu Yuqing nods, said. “是啊。正因为有了这地图,我才想要闯一闯这无尽沙海。不过即便有地图在手,在这无尽沙海中,还是要借助韩大哥的力量。”陆雨晴点了点头,说道。 Wants place in one's power, I will do everything possible.” Saying that Han Li shows neither approval nor disapproval. “只要力所能及之处,我自会尽力而为。”韩立不置可否的说道。 Spoke this words, his flying boat. 说完此话,他脚下一点飞舟。 Ray that Azure Glede Flying Boat sends out immediately one bright, dug in the boundless vast desert. 青鸢飞舟散发出的光芒顿时一亮,一头扎入了茫茫沙海之中。 Enters the vast desert, two people think immediately periphery suddenly a heat, as if a steamer, making the person chest be somewhat depressed faintly. 一进入沙海,两人立刻觉得周围骤然一热,仿佛进了一个蒸笼,让人胸口隐隐有些发闷。 Miss Lu, first tries to confirm in the position.” The Han Li look has not changed, in the heart is actually one cold, opens the mouth to say. 陆姑娘,还是先设法确认所在位置吧。”韩立神色未变,心中却是一凛,开口道。 Big Brother Han said is, although here does not know the concrete position, so long as meets the place that in 2-3 charts records, should be then OK.” Lu Yuqing nods. 韩大哥说是,这里虽然不知具体方位,但只要遇到2-3处图中所记载的地方,应该便可以了。”陆雨晴点了点头。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The Immortal World mountain range, here appearance of the mountain is somewhere grand, the mountain massif is straight, rare fluctuating . Moreover the mountain peak peak is incisive, as if a great sword points to the vault of heaven. 仙界某处山脉,此处山势雄奇无比,山体笔直,少有起伏,而且山峰顶端尖锐,仿佛一柄柄巨剑直指苍穹。 The mountain range deep place, was situated a grand old castle to construct. 山脉深处,坐落了一片雄伟古堡建筑。 These old castle architectural styles are unique, roof, eave corner/horn, various places decorate, has various sword designs everywhere, the relief. 这些古堡建筑风格独特,无论是屋顶,檐角,还是各处装饰,处处都有各种剑型图案,浮雕。 The big sword, the heavy sword, the thin sword, the short-sword, innumerable sword flooded each corner of this old castle. 大剑,重剑,细剑,短剑,无数的剑型充斥了这片古堡的每一个角落。 Various old castle places are brilliantly illuminated, many people communicated to walk, or sped along in the sky. 古堡各处灯火辉煌,许多人来往行走,或是在天空飞驰而过。 These people wear the dark golden long gown all, the sleeve cuff are embroidering one bear character, seems like a powerful cultivator family. 这些人尽数身穿暗金色长袍,袖口绣着一个‘熊’字,看起来是一处强盛的修士家族。 In an old castle deep place dim secret room, placed one zhang (3.33 m) big or small black stone platform, above is lying down a young men. 古堡深处一个昏暗密室内,摆放了一个丈许大小的黑色石台,上面躺着一名青年男子。 Male both eyes shut tightly, motionless, the body does not have the slight aura to flow out, does not have the least bit vitality, just like a corpse. 男子双目紧闭,一动不动,身上没有丝毫气息流出,更是没有半点生机,俨然是一具尸体。 In corpse all around stone platform, inscribed a mysterious pattern, seems like some special spirit mark. 尸体四周的石台上,铭刻了一圈玄奥花纹,似乎是某种特殊灵纹。 Above young men head, then put a dark azure oil lamp. 青年男子脑袋上方,则放了一盏暗青色的油灯。 Now the flame of this oil lamp very weak, moreover non-stop glittering, as if must extinguish momentarily general. 只是如今这盏油灯的火焰非常的微弱,而且不停闪烁,似乎随时要熄灭一般。 The chest front of man pasted black talisman, above inscribed mysterious rune, sends out a special aura fluctuation. 男子的胸前贴了一张黑色符箓,上面铭刻了一道道玄奥符文,散发出一股特殊的气息波动。 Suddenly, Zhī Ya broke here silence, the secret room front door is opened, two person's shadows in tandem walked. 突然间,“吱呀”一声打破了这里的寂静,密室大门被打开,两个人影一前一后的走了进来。 When first person is the white hair old man, the skin is fair, no wrinkle, young-looking elderly said this appearance. 当先一人是个白发老者,皮肤白皙红润,没有一丝皱纹,鹤发童颜说的正是这个样子。 The white hair old man behind, follows a middle-aged man, this person of cheeks present the strange deep azure, an eye white/in vain is few black, looks extremely strange. 白发老者身后,则跟着一名中年男子,此人脸颊呈现出诡异的深青色,一双眼睛白多黑少,看起来极为诡异。 Two people arrive by stone platform to settle down to stand, the vision looks to that black talisman. 两人走到石台旁驻足而立,目光都看向那黑色符箓 Is today?” The white hair old man says suddenly. “就是今日吗?”白发老者忽的开口说道。 „. I have used first deity manipulated to calculate, is today.” The azure surface man turns the hand to take out a azure abacus shape the thing, above calculate that plans to interlock in the same place, moreover often is skidding. “正是。我已用先天神算计算过,就是今日。”青面男子翻手取出一个青色算盘状的东西,上面一根根算筹交错在一起,而且不时自行滑动着。 Shan'er this child, the aptitude is in our Xiong Family this generation of juniors is best, what a pity is multitudious is the family background, is rough from the small experience, causes its superciliously, these years are not willing to accept the subsidization of family, insisted that must take oneself road. Hopes after this Great Tribulation, he can understand, puts down these senseless insistences.” The white hair old man sighed, said. 山儿这孩子,资质是我们熊家这一代子弟中最好的,可惜是庶系出身,自小经历坎坷,导致其心高气傲,这些年一直不肯接受家族的资助,坚持要走自己的路。希望经过此次大劫,他能明白过来,放下那些无谓的坚持吧。”白发老者叹了口气,说道。 The azure surface man nods, will say anything, brow tip suddenly selects, said: Came.” 青面男子点了点头,正要说什么,眉梢忽的一挑,道:“来了。” He finishes speaking, the black talisman automatic combustion control of suddenly young men chest front, changes into the pitch dark flame. 他话音刚落,青年男子胸前的黑色符箓忽的自动燃烧起来,化为一团漆黑火焰。 Around stone platform pattern, performs is the ray puts greatly, blooms to make a debut black light, forms a black light halo, covers the body of young men. 石台周围的花纹,也尽是光芒大放,绽放出道道黑光,形成一个黑色光圈,笼罩住青年男子的尸体。 The white hair old man sees with own eyes this scenery, immediately counts on the fingers. 白发老者眼见此景,立刻屈指一点。 Flies to shoot together black light, submerges in black flame before the young men body. 一道黑光飞射而出,没入青年男子身前的黑色火焰中。 Flame immediately fiercely one bright, suddenly one split blossoms, changed into five parts. 火焰顿时猛地一亮,忽的一下分裂开花,化为了五个部分。 Several black rays fly to shoot from five groups of flame, each other connection, forms five-star magical array. 紧接着数道黑色光芒从五团火焰中飞射而出,彼此连接,形成一个五星法阵 Hū Hū Hū! 呼呼呼 In secret room immediately cold wind writings, spreads the sound that shrieks and howls wildly faintly, air/Qi of greatly hold chill/yin cold. 密室之内顿时阴风大作,其中隐隐传出鬼哭狼嚎的声音,阴寒之气大盛。 However obviously, that white hair old man and azure surface men did not care at all, the vision closely is staring at five-star magical array. 不过显然,那白发老者和青面男子都对此毫不在意,目光紧紧盯着五星法阵 The magical array central void distortion suddenly, appears one group of black shadows, as if living creature creeping motion. 法阵中央虚空忽的扭曲起来,浮现出一团黑色阴影,仿佛活物般蠕动。 The shadow wriggled the moment, suddenly Chī la splits, space crack appear out of thin air. 阴影蠕动了片刻,突然“嗤啦”一声裂开,一个空间裂缝凭空浮现而出 next moment, one group of golden light depart from the space crack, flashed to submerge within the body of young men passed, was missing. 下一刻,一团金光从空间裂缝中飞出,一闪而逝的没入了青年男子的体内,不见了踪影。 Has not known how long, on the young men appeared immediately the intermittent golden light. 不知过了多久,青年男子身上顿时浮现出阵阵金光。 The white hair old man sees with own eyes this scenery, the eye one brightly, waves to send out a white light, covers the body of young men. 白发老者眼见此景,眼睛一亮,挥手发出一股白光,笼罩住青年男子的身体。 The young men was pale the incomparable complexion, returns to fast normal, his heart also gradually starts bang bang the beat, gradually sends out a vitality. 青年男子原本苍白无比的脸色,飞快恢复正常,其心脏也逐渐开始砰砰跳动,逐渐散发出一股生机。 That oil lamp of male top of the head, at this moment also bright several times suddenly, moreover stabilizes the incomparable, static combustion. 男子头顶的那盏青灯,此刻也忽的明亮数倍,而且稳定无比,静静燃烧。 Has not known how long, the young men eyes moved slightly two, slowly opens. 不知过了多久,青年男子眼睛微动了两下,慢慢睁开。 However his pupil is scattered in disorder, some little time returns to normal. 不过其瞳孔散乱,好一会才恢复正常。 „Is here? It is not right, I......” in his eye have not revealed the surprised color, looks toward the surroundings, sees nearby white hair old man two people quickly. “这里是?不对,我不是已经……”他眼中露出惊奇之色,朝着周围望去,很快看到旁边的白发老者二人。 Patriarch, Fourth Uncle!” His complexion changes, the body moves, then must sit. 族长,四叔!”他面色一变,身体一动,便要坐起来。 Shan'er, Soul-Transfer Technique just completed, your body was unable to move now, well lying down.” The white hair old man puts out a hand the shoulder of holding down young men, in the mouth said. 山儿,转魂之术刚刚完成,你的身体现在还不能动弹,好好躺着。”白发老者伸手按住青年男子的肩膀,口中说道。 The young men lip moved two, had not insisted, lay down. 青年男子嘴唇动了两下,也没有坚持,躺了下去。 Patriarch, what's all this about? Why should I...... return to the family?” The young men asked. 族长,这是怎么回事?我应该已经……为何会返回家族?”青年男子问道。 This was lucky your Fourth Uncle, he then figured out you to hit in the past such life and death Great Tribulation, but when he cannot figure out this tribulation to appear, whose body should on. Therefore in the past you left the family time, he got down Soul-Transfer Secret Technique in your Nascent Soul in secret, once your Nascent Soul receives mortally injured, will then transfer to transmit in the family it automatically, lets your body possession to another body on.” The white hair old man answered slowly. “这都多亏了你四叔,他当年便算出你命中有这样一个生死大劫,只是他也算不出这一劫会何时出现,应在谁的身上。所以当年你离开家族的时候,他暗中在你的元婴内设下了一种转魂秘术,一旦你的元婴受到致命伤害,便会将其自动挪移传送回家族内,让你夺舍到另一具身体上。”白发老者缓缓解释道。 Originally is this, many thanks Fourth Uncle, otherwise little nephew at this moment already fallen.” Young men silent moment, said to the azure surface man. “原来是这样,多谢四叔,否则小侄此刻已经陨落了。”青年男子默然了片刻,对青面男子说道。 Your I am the biological uncle nephew, said these on the outlet.” That azure surface man beckons with the hand. “你我乃是亲叔侄,说这些就外道了。”那青面男子摆了摆手。 Fourth Uncle your innate uncanny prediction, displays every time one time, will lose minimum ten thousand years of cultivation base, this time practices divination the fate for me, loss cultivation base also has 100,000 years at least, going of little nephew how feelings.” In the young men eyes flashes through a complex color, said. 四叔你的先天神算,每施展一次,都会损失起码万年修为,这次为我占卜命数,损失的修为起码也有十万年,小侄怎么过意的去。”青年男子眼中闪过一丝复杂之色,说道。 Only 100,000 years of cultivation base is anything, so long as you can return safely, Fourth Uncle my relax/rest assured.” The azure surface man shows a faint smile, said. “区区十万年修为算什么,只要你能平安归来,四叔我就放心了。”青面男子微微一笑,说道。 Young men dangling view, without speech. 青年男子垂下眼帘,没有说话。 Shan'er, you this time in Northern Cold Immortal Territory, what enemy ran into, can make you suffer so big unexpectedly?” That white hair old man opens the mouth to ask suddenly. 山儿,你这次在北寒仙域,遇到了什么敌人,竟然能让你吃了如此大的亏?”那白发老者忽的开口问道。 The young men hears this words, in the eye severe glow flashes to pass, but crossed had not spoken long time. 青年男子听闻此话,眼中厉芒一闪而逝,但过了良久都没有说话。 Ok, since you are not willing saying that I did not ask, this matter gives you yourself to process.” The white hair old man shakes the head, said. “算了,既然你不愿说,那我也不问了,此事交给你自己处理吧。”白发老者摇了摇头,说道。 Many thanks Patriarch.” The young men nods to the old man. “多谢族长。”青年男子对老者点了点头。 Your this time, since comes back, then temporarily do not leave, we will help you restore cultivation base as soon as possible, moreover Immortal Palace had sent in the imperial edict life several times, you also go first to go to the Immortal Palace assignment, other things, later said slowly again.” The white hair old man also said. “你这次既然回来,便暂时不要离开了,我们会助你尽快恢复修为,而且仙宫已经数次发来诏命,你还去先去仙宫任职,其他事情,以后慢慢再说。”白发老者又说道。 A young men brow wrinkle, silent moment, slowly nods. 青年男子眉头一皱,沉默了片刻,慢慢点了点头。 The white hair old man and azure surface man see this, looks at one mutually, in the eye reveals a happy expression. 白发老者和青面男子见此,互望一眼,眼中都露出一丝喜色。 ...... …… Sky over one red wilderness, red gold/metal two groups of dazzling rays slaughter to spell to fight in this, hit heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. 一片红色荒原上空,一红一金两团耀眼光芒在此厮杀拼斗,打的惊天动地 Two the color ray collides intensely, has a series of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering bangs, trembles void, dreadful hurricanes take away as many things as possible toward the surroundings 两色光芒激烈碰撞,发出一连串惊天动地的巨响,虚空震颤,一股股滔天飓风朝着周围席卷而去 Occasionally 12 rays scatter, rumbles endocraters the ground, raises everywhere red sand mist and dust. 偶尔有一两道光芒散落而下,将地面轰出一个个巨坑,掀起漫天红沙烟尘。 A both sides side of battle is a silver robe female, is Qu Ling. 交战的双方一方是一名银袍女子,正是渠灵 She stands in that golden beetle conducts the back, the golden beetle changes into the hill size at this moment, the whole body sends out the dazzling golden color. 她站在那金色甲虫背上,金色甲虫此刻化为小山般大小,全身散发出耀眼金色。 Has the 7 - 8 person with the other side who it confronts fully, performs all wears the fiery red long gown, on the long gown is embroidering a lifelike hot crow design, is actually True Flame Sect one group, all here, but has not actually seen Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni form. 与之对峙的另一方却足有七八人,尽皆身穿火红长袍,长袍上绣着一只栩栩如生的火鸦图案,却是真焰宗一行人,尽数在此,不过却没有看到呼言道人云霓的身影。 The True Flame Sect people seem like the facial expression are unsatisfactory, especially the Xu Yangzi three people, the clothing damages, can see some bloodstains faintly, as if there is wound in the body. 真焰宗众人看起来气色都是不佳,尤其旭阳子三人,衣衫破损,隐隐能看到一些血迹,似乎有伤在身。 Is headed by the Xu Yangzi three people, the True Flame Sect people encircle a flame profile magical array, the top of the head float a fiery red big streamer, above is burning all the flaming flame. 旭阳子三人为首,真焰宗众人围成一个火焰形状的法阵,头顶尽数悬浮着一面火红大幡,上面燃烧着熊熊火焰。 Flame fly to shoot from eight hot streamers, shoots toward Qu Ling and golden beetle. 一道道火焰从八面火幡上飞射而出,朝着渠灵和金色甲虫射去。 Each sends out the fearsome high temperature, the flame place visited, shivers void. 每一道都散发出可怖的高温,火焰所过之处,虚空为之颤抖。 Standing that Qu Ling is calm and composed even in press of work conducts the back in the golden beetle, in the hand is holding appreciatively a deep green bottle gourd, without make a move. 渠灵好整以暇的站在金色甲虫背上,手中把玩着一个碧绿葫芦,没有出手 Before golden beetle two under her body , the claw wields, the zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang crystal light flies to shoot, like the rain, hits with these red flame crowded in the same place. 她身下的金色甲虫两只前爪挥动,一道道丈许长的晶光飞射而出,密集如雨,和那些赤色火焰撞在一起。 In explode dull thumping sound sound, crystal light flame 22 dissipations, mutual counter-balance. 爆裂般的闷响声中,晶光火焰两两消散,互相抵消。 Qu Ling, our True Flame Sect and you do not have the enmity to be not resentful, why can attack us suddenly?” Xu Yangzi looks at that golden beetle, in the eye the pupil shrinks, immediately exclaimed toward the Qu Ling anger. 渠灵,我们真焰宗和你无仇无怨,为何要突然袭击我们?”旭阳子看着那金色甲虫,眼中瞳孔一缩,随即朝着渠灵怒吼道。 Comes this Dark Cold Immortal Residence, naturally to treasure hunt. However you looked, I only have a person, the efficiency is not really high, therefore before entering Immortal Residence, left behind some marks on you conveniently. Like this after entering Immortal Residence, I do not need is so hurried, only need find you to massacre, the treasure that you found, naturally turns over to me, so treasure hunt both quick and simple, is really a good way is right.” Qu Ling raised the head, unfolded face/color to say with a smile to Xu Yangzi et al . “来这冥寒仙府,自然是为了寻宝。不过你们看,我只有一个人,效率实在不高,所以在进入仙府前,顺手在你们身上留下了一些印记。这样进入仙府后,我就不必如此匆忙,只需找到你们杀掉,你们找到的宝物,自然就都归我,如此寻宝既快又简单,真是一个好办法对不对。”渠灵抬起头,对旭阳子等人展颜笑道。
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