RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#445: Endless vast desert

Actually Han Li has a mind to have a look at this gray cotton cloth tenaciously, increases the strength again, but put forth the full power to him, still could not tear to pieces this gray cotton cloth. 韩立有心想要看看这灰布究竟有多坚韧,再次加大力气,但一直到他使出了全力,仍然撕不破这灰布。 He is reading the gray cotton cloth, in the eye full is curious. 他翻看着灰布,眼中满是好奇。 Slightly hesitates, his flicking the fingers, one group of scarlet flame fly to shoot, wrapped the gray cotton cloth. 略一沉吟后,他屈指一弹,一团赤红火焰飞射而出,包裹住了灰布。 The flame flaming combustion, sends out the burning hot high temperature, but gray cotton cloth in a change does not have as before. 火焰熊熊燃烧,散发出炙热高温,但灰布在其中依旧一点变化也没有。 The divergence flame that Han Li wields single-handed, waves to send out a water glare, covers this thing. 韩立单手一挥的散去火焰,挥手发出一股水光,笼罩住此物。 The faint trace blue light appears in the water, twines the gray cotton cloth. 丝丝蓝光在水中浮现而出,缠绕住灰布。 The gray cotton cloth still did not have a change. 灰布仍然没有一点变化。 The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, five fingers, five golden thunder and lightning appear, lives in the grey fabric covering...... 韩立眉头微皱,五指一张,五道金色雷电浮现而出,将灰布罩住…… After half double-hour, Han Li is looking in the hand the gray cotton cloth, looks helpless color. 半个时辰之后,韩立看着手中灰布,面露无奈之色。 During this period, the method that he almost can think of attempted, even a stone, still extracted the oil. 在此期间,他几乎将能想到的方法都尝试了一遍,就算是一块石头,也榨出了油来。 But the gray cotton cloth is actually the oil salt does not enter, still does not have any sound. 但灰布却是油盐不进,仍然没有任何动静。 Xiong Shan, even if loses everything the thing that is not willing to trade, should have what special place. Ok, later has the opportunity to study again slowly.” Han Li smiles helplessly, received the gray cotton cloth. 熊山即便倾家荡产也不愿换出去的东西,应该有什么特别之处。算了,以后有机会再慢慢研究吧。”韩立无奈一笑,将灰布收了起来。 In the meantime, the azure light ball of Lu Yuqing body week flashed suddenly several, then decomposes, changes into bunch of bright azure light, integrates her body. 就在此时,陆雨晴身周的青色光球忽的闪了几下,然后分解开来,化为一团团明亮青光,融入她的身体。 This female opened the eye, the complexion had restored most probably. 此女睁开眼睛,面色已经恢复了大半。 Big Brother Han, was sorry that made you wait for a long time.” She stands up, said to Han Li. 韩大哥,抱歉让你久等了。”她站起身来,冲韩立说道。 Might as well. And you have a look, whether some means do judge the general position of this region?” Han Li beckons with the hand, swept around one black stone everywhere, looked up dark yellow sky, said. “无妨。你且看看,是否有办法判断出这片区域的大概位置?”韩立摆了摆手,扫了一眼四周遍地的黑石,又抬头望了一眼暗黄色的天空,如此说道。 As far as I know, in Quiet Cold Realm the terrain was complex, the environment varies, the similar desert region has not had one. These situations of the only present seeing, I am unable to analyze that here is where.” Lu Yuqing shakes the head, said. “据我所知,幽寒境内地形本就复杂,环境各异,类似这样的戈壁区域也并未只有一处。单凭现在看到的这些情况,我也无法判断这里是何处。”陆雨晴摇了摇头,说道。 That first looks around, although this place is bleak, but cannot underestimate.” Han Li is saying, waves wielding Azure Glede Flying Boat, steps into its middle course. “那先四处看一看吧,此地虽然荒凉,但也不能小看了。”韩立说着,挥手祭出青鸢飞舟,踏入其中道。 Lu Yuqing naturally does not have the objection, jumped to fall into the flying boat. 陆雨晴自然没有异议,纵身落入了飞舟。 Han Li urges the law to decide single-handed, flying boat surface azure light one bright, flies to shoot to go in some direction. 韩立单手一催法决,飞舟表面青光一亮,朝着某个方向飞射而去。 The storm icefield of here region and front process is the same , has an invisible strength, limited the proliferation of divine sense, by Han Li of divine sense , can only spread several hundred li (0.5 km) away, therefore flying speed of flying boat is not quick. 此处区域和前面经过的暴雪冰原一样,也存在着一股无形之力,限制了神识的扩散,以韩立神识之强,也只能蔓延出数百里远,所以飞舟的遁速不是很快。 After the moment, Han Li eyebrow tips slightly raise, looks in the front direction, Azure Glede Flying Boat under foot also slightly. 片刻后,韩立眉梢微挑,朝着前方一个方向望去,足下的青鸢飞舟也略微顿了一下。 „Did Big Brother Han, is it possible that discover what?” Lu Yuqing asked. 韩大哥,莫非发现了什么?”陆雨晴问道。 Discovered something, but is not very precious. Ok, our go over and take a look.” Han Li nods, the flying boat deviated some directions slightly, flies toward the left front, departed more than 300 li (0.5 km) quickly, stopped. “是发现了一些东西,不过不是很珍贵。算了,我们过去看看吧。”韩立点了点头,飞舟稍微偏离了一些方向,朝着左前方飞去,很快飞出了三百多里,停了下来。 Two people the floating body from the flying boat fly, falls in the ground. 两人从飞舟上飘身飞下,落在地面上。 Below ground grew a big piece of purple black mushroom, each has zhang (3.33 m) permits tall fully, above appears the deep purple round spot pattern, edge presents bright red, seemingly gorgeous incomparable. 下方地面上生长了一大片紫黑色的蘑菇,每一个足有丈许高,上面浮现出一个个深紫色圆斑花纹,边缘处更是呈现出鲜红色,看起来艳丽无比。 This mushroom group area is large, has the mu to control fully, as if a gorgeous sea of flowers grows in this bleak desert, is very towering. 这片蘑菇群占地面积颇大,足有亩许左右,仿佛一片绚丽花海生长在这荒凉戈壁上,很是突兀。 This is cloud mushroom!” Lu Yuqing beautiful pupil one bright. “这是摩云菇!”陆雨晴美眸一亮。 „Did you from this Moroccan cloud Dugu, judge this place position?” The Han Li vision flashes, opens the mouth to ask. “难道你从这摩云毒菇中,判断出了此地的位置?”韩立目光一闪,开口问道。 He had also once looked at the record about cloud mushroom, this mushroom implication is violently poisonous, can be used to refine some toxicants, or violently poisonous attribute magical treasure, but its toxicity is limited, is only effective to True Immortal Realm following cultivator, after True Immortal cultivator remoulds the immortal body, this mushroom invalid is basically right. 他也曾看过关于摩云菇的记载,此菇蕴含剧毒,可以用来炼制一些毒药,或者剧毒属性的法宝,但其毒性有限,只对真仙境以下的修士有效,真仙修士重塑仙体后,此菇已基本无效才对。 correct/good.” Lu Yuqing somewhat exciting saying. 不错。”陆雨晴有些兴奋的说道。 She is saying, turned the hand to take out a blue emerald secret art, waved to make the azure light to submerge together. 她说着,翻手取出了一块碧绿玉诀,挥手打出一道青光没入其中。 Green lights send out from the jade secret art, condenses a deep green light wall. 一道道绿光从玉诀上散发而出,凝聚成一面碧绿光壁。 On the light wall is a map, is pieced together by more than ten different color parts, seeming like incomplete, as if about half of complete map. 光壁上是一副地图,由十几个不同颜色的部分拼凑而成,看起来并不完整,似乎只有完整地图的一半左右。 „Is this your Black Wind Island acquired that map about Quiet Cold Realm?” Han Li sizes up map two, asked. “这就是你们黑风岛收集到的那副关于幽寒境的地图?”韩立打量地图两眼,问道。 Right. According to our Black Wind Island acquired information, in Quiet Cold Realm has the region compositions about hundred different weather environments, what a pity I only attained the map information of more than ten regions.” Lu Yuqing nods, said. “没错。根据我们黑风岛收集到的情报,幽寒境内有近百个不同气候环境的区域组成,可惜我只拿到了其中十几个区域的地图情报。”陆雨晴点了点头,说道。 Han Li nod of looking pensive, the vision walks back and forth back and forth on the light wall. 韩立若有所思的点了点头,目光在光壁上来回逡巡起来。 This map manufacture unusual is fine, lifelike that some environment on each zone of different outlined, can roughly judge the special details in these places from the map only. 这个地图制作的非常精细,各个不同区域上的一些环境都勾勒的惟妙惟肖,单从地图上也能大致判断那些地方的具体情况。 But has not actually discovered just the storm icefield of process, jet black mountain range, the map of black sea area. 但却没有发现刚刚经过的暴雪冰原,漆黑山脉,黑色海域的地图。 „The positions of three regions we passed through before, I do not know, otherwise so will not be previously passive.” land rain as if saw the doubts of Han Li, said. “我们之前经过的三个区域的位置,我都不知道,否则先前也不会如此被动了。”陆雨似乎看出了韩立的疑惑,说道。 We at this moment where?” Han Li also asked. “那我们此刻在什么地方?”韩立又问道。 Arrived at this moment, him had an approximate impression to Quiet Cold Realm. 到了此刻,他才对幽寒境有了一个大致的印象。 Here, this black desert regions named Black Rock Desert, according to our acquired information, in Quiet Cold Realm desert region, although has the 3 - 4 place, but only in this piece of Black Rock Desert grew many cloud mushroom, we should be here.” A Lu Yuqing finger point, aims by an above black region again said. “在这里,这片黑色戈壁地带名叫黑岩戈壁,根据我们收集到的信息,幽寒境内戈壁区域虽然有三四处,但只有这片黑岩戈壁中生长了不少摩云菇,我们应该就是在这里了。”陆雨晴手指再次一点,指向靠上面的的一块黑色区域说道。 Can find the position to be good, a fly has not burst in this Dark Cold Immortal Palace generally, is extremely really dangerous.” Han Li nods to say. “能找到位置就好,没头苍蝇一般在这冥寒仙宫内乱闯,实在太过危险。”韩立点了点头道。 Said, Black Rock Desert is in these more than ten regions the quite safe region. Here did not have previously that cold beast, did not have the storm cold current and other dangers of wide scope.” Lu Yuqing said. “说起来,黑岩戈壁是这十几个区域里比较安全的区域。这里既没有先前那种寒兽,也没有风暴寒流等大范围的危险。”陆雨晴说道。 Our luck correct/good, had not been delivered to the risk area by downloading actually.” Saying that Han Li shows neither approval nor disapproval. “那我们运气倒是不错,没有被一下传送到危险区域。”韩立不置可否的说道。 Big Brother Han this word is not bad, our luck are truly good.” Lu Yuqing actually meaningful laughs, said. 韩大哥此言不差,我们的运气确实很好。”陆雨晴却意味深长的嘻嘻一笑,说道。 „, Miss Lu this words what intent?” Asking that the Han Li frown selects slightly. “哦,陆姑娘此话何意?”韩立双眉微微一挑的问道。 „Did Big Brother Han see this place?” The Lu Yuqing finger aims at the above of black desert region again, there is a big yellow region, is the region of map most edge. 韩大哥看到这个地方了吗?”陆雨晴手指再次指向黑色戈壁区域的上方,那里是一大片黄色区域,是地图最边缘的地带。 „Does here have what specially?” Han Li looked at one, asked. “此处有何特别吗?”韩立看了一眼,问道。 There is a desert land, we called it the endless vast desert, was the end of Quiet Cold Realm land of the polar north.” Lu Yuqing said. “那里是一片沙漠地带,我们叫它无尽沙海,算是幽寒境极北之地的尽头了。”陆雨晴说道。 What's the big deal, is it possible that this endless vast desert has what important treasure?” Asking of some Han Li doubts. “那又如何,莫非这无尽沙海中有什么重宝?”韩立有些疑惑的问道。 There whether has important treasure, I am not quite clear, but Big Brother Han you have also known, in Dark Cold Immortal Residence besides Quiet Cold Realm, actually other position explored boundary territories. But goes to passageway of other boundary territories from Quiet Cold Realm, it is said in this endless vast desert.” Lu Yuqing shakes the head, speaks with confidence. “那里是否有重宝,我不太清楚,不过韩大哥你也已经知道,冥寒仙府内除了幽寒境,其实还有其他位被探索的境域。而从幽寒境前往其他境域的通道,据说就在这无尽沙海中。”陆雨晴摇了摇头,侃侃而谈道。 „Do this words take seriously?” Han Li hears word, in the heart moves. “此话当真?”韩立闻言,心中一动。 Naturally real. Actually in this Quiet Cold Realm various regions, these years had entered Immortal Residence cultivator exploration almost/the same, I then intended to go to other boundary territories to experience, but suffered not being able to find the position of this endless vast desert, cannot think that we rode transmission array to make the mistake, wasn't the mistake arising out of chance circumstances to this, our luck unexpectedly good?” Lu Yuqing exciting saying. “自然是真的。其实这幽寒境里各处区域,这些年来已经被进入仙府修士探索的差不多了,我原本便有意前往其他境域见识一下,只是苦于找不到这无尽沙海的位置,想不到我们乘坐传送阵出了差错,竟然阴差阳错到了这附近,我们的运气难道不好吗?”陆雨晴兴奋的说道。 Pouring is really correct/good. That matter cannot be delayed, this leaves.” Saying that the Han Li vision flashes, turned around to fly back to Azure Glede Flying Boat. “倒真是不错。那事不宜迟,这就动身吧。”韩立目光微闪的说道,转身飞回了青鸢飞舟 In had been collector in innumerable Quiet Cold Realm, he obtains so many treasures, if other had not been transited the territory, does not know many treasure chances. 在已经被收罗了无数次的幽寒境内,他已经得到了这么多宝物,若是其他未被人去过境域,不知其中有多少宝物机缘。 Lu Yuqing also received the azure jade secret art, flew back to Azure Glede Flying Boat. 陆雨晴也收起了青色玉诀,飞回了青鸢飞舟 Han Li makes the azure light, the Azure Glede Flying Boat miraculous glow puts together greatly, the flying boat two sides one flashes to reappear two rows of azure spirit feathers, goes toward the forward flight. 韩立打出一道青光,青鸢飞舟灵光大放,飞舟两边一闪浮现出两排青色灵羽,往前飞去。 Three days later. 三天后。 A vast yellow vast desert appeared in Han Li two people of front. 一片浩瀚黄色沙海出现在了韩立二人的前面。 The seeing place, the gravel in vast desert presents faint yellow, glittering and translucent carving, is reflecting the sunlight of sky, a dazzling feeling. 入目处,沙海中的砂砾呈现出淡黄色,晶莹剔透,折射着天空的日光,给人一种刺目之感。 Meanwhile, heat waves head on, making the person argument become dry, a here vast desert stove is probably common. 与此同时,一股股热浪扑面而来,让人口舌发干,此处沙海好像一个火炉一般。 Was here?” The Han Li vision took a fast look around, asked. “是这里了吧?”韩立目光四下扫视了一圈,问道。 Right, here is the endless vast desert.” Lu Yuqing looks at the front vast desert, the beautiful pupil sparkles, seems somewhat excited. “没错,这里就是无尽沙海。”陆雨晴看着前方的沙海,美眸闪闪,似乎有些兴奋。 This endless vast desert seems like not good, Miss Lu may know that what danger inside has?” Han Li has not entered rashly, sizes up the front vast desert, asked. “这无尽沙海看起来并非善地,陆姑娘可知道里面有什么危险吗?”韩立没有贸然进入其中,打量前方的沙海,问道。 Big Brother Han is sharp-eyed, in this truly is much dangerous. In this desert filled fire poison, so long as steps into, will then be poisoned slowly, even Golden Immortal cultivator is unable to escape by luck.” Lu Yuqing shows a faint smile, said. 韩大哥目光敏锐,这里面确实危险不少。这片沙漠中充满了火毒,只要踏入其中,便会慢慢中毒,即便是金仙修士也无法幸免。”陆雨晴微微一笑,说道。 fire poison? It is not general fire poison.” Han Li brow slightly pressed. 火毒?想必不是一般的火毒吧。”韩立眉头微蹙。 „, The class/flow of common medicine pill is not truly able to reduce and solve, only then found the juicy place in desert, with the aid of the special juicy air/Qi, can gradually neutralize fire poison. If cannot find the juicy place promptly, fire poison is too deep, even Golden Immortal cultivator, still possibly can fallen in.” Lu Yuqing dignified saying. “确实,寻常丹药之流根本无法化解,只有找到沙漠中的水灵之地,借助其中特殊的水灵之气,能逐渐中和火毒。如果不能及时找到水灵之地,中火毒太深,即便是金仙修士,也可能会陨落其中。”陆雨晴神情凝重的说道。 In addition, what but also there is?” Han Li also asked. “除此之外,还有什么?”韩立又问道。 Except for fire poison I, in the desert will it is reported that suffer the mirage illusion from time to time, is quite fierce, will make one lose the direction, is unable to leave this place. Because has fire poison and illusion these two big dangers, this endless desert is ominous outstanding, in the past entered the Dark Cold Immortal Residence person, rarely had the person to dare to visit this place.” Lu Yuqing continues to say. “除了火毒我,据传沙漠内时而会遭遇蜃楼幻境,极为厉害,会让人迷失方向,无法离开此地。正因为有火毒和幻境这两大危险,这无尽沙漠才凶名卓著,以往进入冥寒仙府的人,鲜有人有敢踏足此地。”陆雨晴继续说道。 Such it seems like, here truly is strategic place of a narrow escape. passageway to other boundary territories in this endless desert somewhere?” Han Li nods, immediately asked. “这么看来,这里确实算是一处九死一生的险地。通往其他境域的通道就在这片无尽沙漠的某处?”韩立点点头,随即问道。 passageway in endless vast desert deep place, but Big Brother Han does not need to be worried, in my hand has a map of endless vast desert, so long as we are more careful, looking for a steed with the aid of its picture, must find passageway is not difficult.” Lu Yuqing takes out jade memo, handed over. 通道在无尽沙海深处,不过韩大哥不用担心,我手中有一份无尽沙海的地图,只要我们小心一些,按图索骥,要找到通道并不难。”陆雨晴取出一枚玉简,递了过来。
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