RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#444: Completely empty

After Han Li and Lu Yuqing come to a stop body figure, simultaneously exhale a long breath. 韩立陆雨晴站稳身形后,同时长出了一口气 Although transmission array starts finally, seems like that delivered two people, but the moment actually collapses finally suddenly, two people were transmitted in a space turbulent flow later, was separated with great difficulty. 传送阵虽然最终启动,看似将两人送了出来,但最后关头却突然崩溃,两人随后被传送到了一处空间乱流之中,好不容易才脱离了出来。 The space crack glittered several, closes to vanish suddenly. 空间裂缝闪烁了几下,骤然弥合消失。 Han Li looked at several toward the surroundings, in the surface revealed unusual look, immediately the divine sense release. 韩立朝着周围看了几眼,面上露出一丝异色,当即将神识释放而出。 Lu Yuqing sees the environment, in the eye a loosen, takes out under a deep green medicine pill clothing/taking, on the face the cyanogen twinkle, the complexion was also more attractive. 陆雨晴看到周围环境,眼中一松,取出一枚碧绿丹药服下,脸上青气闪烁,面色也好看了一些。 Where was here is, can it be that spread Dark Cold Immortal Residence?” She slow one breath, this sizes up the environment carefully, somewhat uneasy saying. “这里是什么地方,莫不是被传出了冥寒仙府吧?”她缓过一口气,这才细细打量周围环境,有些惴惴不安的说道。 transmission array has problems, if you get even the smallest thing wrong you will end up making a loss, two people crash into the space storm let alone directly. 传送法阵出了问题,差之毫厘谬以千里,更何况二人是直接坠入空间风暴之中。 Should not have. Although is very thin, but I can also sense/telepathy to the Quiet Cold Realm unique quiet cold air/Qi, we should also in Immortal Residence.” Han Li trades to say. “应该没有。虽然很稀薄,不过我还能感应幽寒境特有的幽寒之气,我们应该还在仙府内。”韩立换换说道。 That is good.” Lu Yuqing relaxes. “那就好。”陆雨晴松了口气。 That located transmission array to destroy, Cold Blood these person of fraught with grim possibilities, will not pursue mostly. We rest slightly in this.” Han Li also said. “那处传送阵已经毁了,血寒那些人凶多吉少,多半不会追上来了。我们就在此稍微休息一下吧。”韩立又说道。 Lu Yuqing is injured at this moment heavily, although he has not been injured, but to be separated from void turbulent flow, his within the body immortal spirit strength almost consumes up. 陆雨晴此刻受伤不轻,他虽然没有受伤,但为了脱离虚空乱流,他体内仙灵力几乎耗光。 Although this place is seemingly bleak, but seems like at present safe. 这地方虽然看起来荒凉,但目前看起来还算安全。 Good.” Lu Yuqing is wishing for earnestly, immediately nods. “好。”陆雨晴正求之不得,立刻点头。 Therefore two people fall in desert, the surroundings arrange/cloth got down several restriction again, later sat cross-legged to sit respectively. 于是两人落在戈壁上,再周围布下了几处禁制,随后各自盘膝坐了下来。 Han Li takes out two immortal essence stone to grip, derives inside immortal spirit strength to supplement itself, within the body immortal spirit strength slowly restores immediately. 韩立取出两块仙元石握住,汲取里面的仙灵力补充自身,体内仙灵力顿时慢慢恢复。 After big half day. 大半日过后。 Han Li opens the eye, the vision is bright, within the body immortal spirit strength has restored all. 韩立睁开眼睛,目光熠熠,体内仙灵力已经尽数恢复。 This time wanderer quiet cold Immortal Residence, encounters various conditions, continually the fierce combat, his within the body immortal spirit strength faintly was pure several points. 此番闯荡幽寒仙府,遭遇各种境况,又连番激战,他体内仙灵力隐隐精纯了几分。 with this thought, he closed the eye, sense/telepathy that located immortal aperture a finally, sign that but still had not actually broken through. 一念及此,他闭上眼睛,感应了一下最后那处仙窍,但却仍然没有丝毫突破的迹象。 He is smiling bitterly shaking the head, transfers to look toward the one side. 他苦笑着摇了摇头,转首朝着一旁望去。 Lu Yuqing is still transporting the merit to sit in meditation at this moment, the whole body was covered by several azure halo, forms a azure light ball, the form looks somewhat dim. 陆雨晴此刻还在运功打坐,全身被数层青色光环笼罩,形成一个青色光球,身影看起来有些朦朦胧胧。 Han Li took back the vision, wields single-handed, the bluish gray flagstone appears in the hand together, «Great Cycle Star Essence Technique» second half magical formula that previously obtained. 韩立收回了目光,单手一挥,一块青灰色石板出现在手中,正是先前得到的《大周天星元功后半部法诀 Before has been busy treasure hunting and fighting, did not have look carefully this second half magical formula with enough time. 之前已经忙着寻宝和战斗,还没有来得及好好看看后半部法诀 During the consideration, his both eyes blue light flashes, looks the flagstone to the hand. 思量间,他双目蓝光闪动,看向手中石板。 Flagstone suddenly increasing several times, the above small character is also in his eyes clearer, maps in his eye. 石板在他眼中陡然变大数倍,上面的一个个小字也更加清晰,映入他的眼中。 Passed a double-hour, the Han Li both eyes blue glow removed, slowly closed the eye. 足足过了一个时辰,韩立双目蓝芒褪去,慢慢闭上了眼睛。 second half «Great Cycle Star Essence Technique», he has understood all, writes down the mind. 后半部大周天星元功》,他已经尽数参透,记入脑海。 Just like first half magical formula, in this second half magical formula, there are to make a connection with 18 profound aperture methods. 和前半部法诀一样,这后半部法诀中,也有打通十八个玄窍的法门。 According to its previous estimate and calculation, so long as can realize this second half magical formula, makes a connection with these 18 profound aperture, breakthrough last immortal aperture should not be a problem. 按其先前的估计和推算,只要能练成这后半部法诀,打通这十八个玄窍,突破最后一个仙窍应该不成问题。 cultivation second half «Great Cycle Star Essence Technique», just like the first half, is receives and instructs the strength of star light to enter the body, makes a connection in within the body profound aperture. 修炼后半部大周天星元功》,和前半部一样,都是接引星光之力入体,打通体内玄窍 However this second half magical formula is very complex, first half far surpass, especially makes a connection with the profound aperture process, is more numerous more and diverse, except for needing the strength of massive star light, but also needs quite long-term hammering body cultivation, its harsh degree, far surpass first half cultivation technique. 不过这后半部法诀很是复杂,远超前半部,尤其其中打通玄窍的过程,也更加繁杂,除了需要大量星光之力,还需要相当长时间的锻体修炼,其苛刻程度,将远超前半部功法 He wishes one could to abandon all trivial matters at this moment, no matter, looks for the place closed-door cultivation self-torture immediately, but in this Dark Cold Immortal Residence obviously is not place of good cultivation, and time is limited, he must help Daoist Hu Yan take what treasure to receive in exchange for following cultivation technique that Precious Mantra Wheel passes through, can only wait for the matter of Dark Cold Immortal Residence to end says again. 他此刻恨不得抛开一切琐事不管,立刻找个地方闭关苦修,但这冥寒仙府内显然不是一个好的修炼之地,且时间有限,他还得帮助呼言道人去取什么宝物以换取真言宝轮经的后续功法,只能等冥寒仙府之事结束再说了。 Han Li deeply inspires, waved to receive the greenish gray flagstone, opened the eye to look void toward the front, in the eye flashed through one to hesitate. 韩立深吸了口气,一挥手将青灰石板收了起来,睁开眼睛朝着前方虚空望去,眼中闪过一丝沉吟。 At this moment does not know that Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni two people where, but treasure that in the opposite party mouth said that is also anything. 此刻也不知呼言道人云霓二人身在何处,而对方口中所说的宝物,又到底是什么。 In this Dark Cold Immortal Residence the situation compared with complex that he imagines, area such big, oneself present these bursts to proceed along no particular course, does not know where looked for them. 冥寒仙府内情况远比他想象的复杂,区域面积如此之大,自己如今这一番乱闯乱撞,也不知到哪里去寻找他们了。 Han Li shakes the head, will close the eye, suddenly eyebrow raise, as if thought of anything. 韩立摇了摇头,正要闭上眼睛,忽然眉头一挑,似乎又想到了什么。 He lifts single-handed, the light golden light flashes through, pale golden storage bracelet appears in his hands, is Xiong Shan storage bracelet. 他单手一抬,淡淡金光闪过,一枚淡金色储物镯出现在他手中,正是熊山储物镯 This thing has not inspected with enough time, thinks that this person is cultivation base not weak sword cultivator, seems like the relations of many chaotic reasoning of cutting without breaking with Lifeless Sword Sect, in addition must step Quiet Cold Palace early, in its storage bracelet should have many good things is. 此物还没来得及检查,想此人身为一名修为不弱的剑修,与无生剑宗似乎有不少剪不断理还乱的关系,加上比自己还要早踏上幽寒宫,其储物镯内应该有不少好东西才是。 In the Han Li heart somewhat is slightly excited, branches out wisp of divine sense, submerges in storage bracelet, on face smile immediately one stiff. 韩立心中略有些激动,分出一缕神识,没入储物镯内,脸上笑容顿时一僵。 Greatly those who are out of its anticipation is, this Torch Dragon Dao Vice-Dao Lord, in solemn True Immortal Realm Late Stage cultivator storage bracelet, is unexpectedly completely empty! 大出其意料的是,这位烛龙道副道主,堂堂一名真仙境后期修士储物镯内,竟然空空如也! Must say that anything is not really absolutely correct, in the corner of storage space, piled up some fragmentary materials and other junks, but is not the precious thing. 要说真的什么都没有也不完全正确,在储物空间的一处角落里,堆放了一些零零碎碎的材料和其他一些杂物,不过都不是什么珍贵的东西。 Takes make a move only perhaps is medicine pill that several bottles restore, several ancient books, even immortal essence stone few, seemingly poor. 唯一拿得出手的恐怕是几瓶恢复的丹药,还有几本典籍,连仙元石都没有几块,看起来寒酸之极。 The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, understands immediately. 韩立眉头微皱,随即明白过来。 Xiong Shan previous time refining up the sword to use all, this several hundred years passes, for this refining up the sword for the second time, exhausts the family property is also normal. 熊山上次炼剑已经倾尽所有,这才数百年过去,为了这第二次炼剑,耗尽家底也属正常。 Perhaps this time enters Quiet Cold Palace, then directly soars the mystical place to go immediately, is collector of the treasure without enough time, therefore in storage magical artifact so will be poor. 其这次恐怕是一进入幽寒宫,便立刻直奔秘境而去,来不及收罗宝物,所以储物法器内才会如此寒酸。 In the Han Li heart somewhat is disappointed, immediately changes mind thinks, exhales the one breath slowly. 韩立心中不禁有些失望,随即转念一想,缓缓呼出一口气。 He obtains in Quiet Cold Palace, but also wants many to be then insatiably greedy again, this is not the good sign. 他在幽寒宫内已经得到了很多,还想再多便是贪得无厌了,这可不是什么好兆头。 Thinks of here, his mood quickly returns to normal, waves to take out the storage bracelet thing, slightly looked greatly, received according to groups. 想到这里,他心情很快恢复平静,挥手将储物镯的东西取出,大略看了看,分门别类的收了起来。 Quick, before Han Li body , was only left over a silver jade box, in the box put three jade memo. 很快,韩立身前只剩下一个银色玉盒,盒子里放了三块玉简 It spoke the truth, he was interested in Xiong Shan cultivation cultivation technique, immediately took up white jade memo, divine sense searches into. 其实说起来,他对于熊山修炼功法还是颇感兴趣,当即拿起一枚白色玉简,神识探入其中。 In this jade memo recorded «Great Destroying Yang Sword Art», metal attribute cultivation technique, can cultivation to Golden Immortal Realm, should be Xiong Shan majoring in cultivation technique. 这枚玉简中记载了一门《大殇阳剑诀》,金属性功法,能修炼金仙境界,应该是熊山的主修功法 This «Great Destroying Yang Sword Art» becomes a lay priest with the sword, according to its description, comprehended power of magical principle is the gold/metal of five elements, not can be stopped, somewhat is but actually similar to Destruction Principle. 这门《大殇阳剑诀》以剑入道,据其描述,参悟的法则之力属于五行之金,锐不可当,与毁灭法则倒有几分相似。 Han Li has not browsed regarding the metal attribute method, now does not plan to study this field of endeavor, therefore this cultivation technique has no function to him actually. 韩立对于金属性法并没怎么涉猎,如今也不打算研究此道,故而这门功法对他倒是没有什么作用。 However rear cultivation technique, recorded some swordsmanship secret techniques and experiences, is worth him studying to refer to one or two/just a little actually. 不过功法最后面,记载了一些剑道秘术和心得体会,倒是值得他研究参考一二 He looked at this cultivation technique from beginning to end, then returned the jade box it, takes up another pale golden jade memo, divine sense submerges. 他将此功法从头到尾看了一遍,便将其放回了玉盒,拿起另一块淡金色玉简,神识没入其中。 In this jade memo recorded one to refine body cultivation technique «Arhat Golden bodies Secret art», when should be Xiong Shan previously climbed the steps outside Quiet Cold Palace, the technique of displayed building up body. 这门玉简中记载了一门炼体功法《罗汉金身诀》,应该就是熊山先前攀登幽寒宫外的阶梯时,施展的炼体之术。 This refining up body cultivation technique is quite uncommon, builds later can display the arhat golden body, the might is big, but wants cultivation this to refine body cultivation technique, must grasp the metal attribute principle. 这门炼体功法也颇为不凡,修成之后能施展罗汉金身,威力不小,只是想要修炼这门炼体功法,必须掌握金属性法则。 Han Li sees here, then without what interest, slightly looked at the content greatly, then puts down it, takes up finally together jade memo, pasted on the forehead. 韩立看到这里,便没有了什么兴趣,大略看了看内容,便将其放下,拿起最后一块玉简,贴在了额头上。 jade memo inside recorded some pill recipe, mostly is metal attribute medicine pill, grade, although non- Dao pill, but actually mostly is Earth rank medicine pill, is actually big regarding the cultivation related cultivation technique True Immortal Realm cultivator use. 玉简里面记载了一些丹方,大都是金属性丹药,品阶虽非道丹,但却大都是地阶丹药,对于修炼相关功法真仙境修士倒是用途不小。 Han Li divine sense drew back, in the eye flashes through doubts. 韩立神识退了出来,眼中闪过一丝疑惑。 In three jade memo not Thousand Edge Spirit Gathering Sword Array about that was the record, is it possible that ruined by Xiong Shan? 三块玉简中都没有关于那“千锋聚灵剑阵”的记载,莫非被熊山毁掉了? During the consideration, he is just about the jade box to receive. 思量间,他正要玉盒收起来。 Well!” “咦!” At this moment, the Han Li mouth light well, took up the jade box to manipulate two. 就在此刻,韩立口中轻咦了一声,拿起玉盒摆弄了两下。 Only heard ka a light sound, the jade box divides into two from the middle, the below also band, inside put a gray thing unexpectedly, seems like a arrange/cloth, folded neat. 只闻“咔”的一声轻响,玉盒从中间一分为二,下面竟然还有一个夹层,里面放了一块灰色东西,看起来像一块布,叠的整整齐齐。 what is this?” Han Li takes up the gray cotton cloth. 这是什么?”韩立拿起灰布。 This gray cotton cloth presents the square shape, dusky, probably for a long time has not washed dirty cleaning rag, but identifies carefully, then can discover that on the gray cotton cloth shows some patterns faintly. 这灰布呈现出四方形状,灰蒙蒙的,好像许久没有洗过的肮脏抹布,不过仔细辨认,便能发现灰布上隐隐透出些许花纹。 These patterns look very strange, is not the common mark spirit mark, is not the talisman spell, with the Han Li experience, does not recognize the origin unexpectedly completely. 这些花纹看起来很是古怪,并不是寻常的阵纹灵纹,也不是符箓符咒,以韩立的见识,竟然完全认不出来历。 However these trace concealment are mysterious, not at fingertips the work of doodle. 不过这些纹路隐含玄妙,并未信手涂鸦之作。 Han Li shakes the head quickly, gave up the matter that thinks deeply about these patterns, then sizes up the gray cotton cloth other places. 韩立很快摇了摇头,放弃了思索这些花纹的事情,转而打量灰布的其他地方。 This thing touches to be very smooth, some slightly cool feelings, do not know that is what material makes. 此物摸起来很是光滑,有些微凉的感觉,不知是什么材料所制。 He tossed about to look at the gray cotton cloth some little time, even used Bright Clear Spirit Eye and Eye of Truth, but has not discovered anything. 他将灰布翻来覆去看了好一会,甚至动用了清明灵目真实之眼,但都没有发现什么。 On the gray cotton cloth does not have any spiritual energy fluctuates, besides these patterns, cannot see other mystery again, probably is together the common gray cotton cloth. 灰布上没有任何灵气波动,除了那些花纹外,再也看不出别的玄妙,好像就是一块寻常灰布。 However this thing by the Xiong Shan so Jane|treasure, but the heavy collection, deciding however is not ordinary object. 不过此物被熊山如此珍而重之的收藏着,定然不是凡物 Han Li looked the color of hesitation, the right hand takes the gray cotton cloth, the finger was not twisting voluntarily. 韩立面露沉吟之色,右手拿着灰布,手指不自觉的捻了一下。 Well!” His eyebrow raise suddenly, looks to the gray cotton cloth in hand. “咦!”他忽的眉梢一挑,看向手中的灰布。 At his strength at this moment, even if only nonchalant rubs, a steel plate also breaks up by rubbing, but this gray cotton cloth unexpectedly just likes the safe/without matter. 以他此刻的力量,哪怕只是不经意的一搓,一块钢板也揉碎,但这灰布竟然恍若无事。 This somewhat was strange! 这就有些古怪了! The Han Li vision flashes, the finger makes an effort to rub slightly, the gray cotton cloth still just liked the safe/without matter. 韩立目光微闪,手指微微用力一搓,灰布仍然恍若无事。 His brow tip moves, increased the strength again, the gray cotton cloth besides stretching straight, was no change, easily withstood his strength. 他眉梢一动,再次加大了力气,灰布除了绷直之外,还是没有什么变化,轻易承受了他的力量。 In the Han Li eye flashes through a none, changes to grab with both hands this arrange/cloth, the both arms make an effort to rip. 韩立眼中闪过一丝精光,改成两手抓住此布,双臂用力一撕。 The gray cotton cloth is even more tight, sign that but has not disrupted as before slightly. 灰布愈发绷紧,但依旧丝毫没有碎裂的迹象。 In the Han Li heart moves, in the eye flashes through a happy expression. 韩立心中一动,眼中闪过一丝喜色。 Other source almost spent 50% strengths, is common spirit treasure is also not necessarily able to tolerate his such a pulls, it seems like that this gray cotton cloth really has mysteriously. 他方才几乎花费了50%力气,就是寻常灵宝也未必能禁得住他这么一扯,看来这灰布果然另有玄妙。
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