RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#443: At a crucial moment

Really has restriction, it seems like Miss Lu spirit eye is keener.” Han Li sees this, eye bright saying. “果然有禁制,看来还是陆姑娘灵目更加敏锐一些。”韩立见此,眼睛一亮的说道。 Where, but discovers a clue by chance, what actually doesn't know behind this restriction is?” Lu Yuqing is startled, saying that smiles reluctantly. “哪里,只是恰巧发现一点端倪,却不知这禁制后面是什么?”陆雨晴一怔,勉强一笑的说道。 Broke open to have a look to know.” Han Li also noticed the non- nature in Lu Yuqing look, but has not cared, turned the hand wields. “破开看看就知道了。”韩立也注意到了陆雨晴神色中的不自然,但也没有在意,翻手一挥。 Buzz! 嗡! A azure great sword appears, sends out the dazzling azure sword light. 一柄青色巨剑浮现而出,散发出耀眼青色剑光。 Above the great sword golden light flashes, appears thick golden electric arcs, changes into a golden color thunder and lightning instantaneously, lends the fearsome destruction aura. 巨剑之上金光一闪,浮现出一道道粗大金色电弧,瞬间化为一柄金色雷电,散发出可怖的毁灭气息。 Han Li pinches finger joints with the thumb, the golden thunder and lightning carries the sound of intense incomparable wind and thunder, cut ruthlessly to the mountain wall. 韩立掐诀一点,金色雷电携带强烈无比的风雷之音,狠狠斩向了山壁。 restriction on mountain wall seemed like sense/telepathy general to the danger, immediately exudes the big piece dazzling white light, formed thick white light screen, inside bunch of white miraculous glows beat, as if the living creature was common, keeps off before the great sword. 山壁上的禁制似乎感应到了危险一般,立刻泛起大片耀眼白光,形成一道厚厚白色光幕,里面一团团白色灵光跳动,仿佛活物一般,挡在巨剑之前。 The golden thunder sword ray puts greatly, cuts ruthlessly on the white light screen. 金色雷剑光芒大放,狠狠斩在白色光幕上。 Kā chā a resounding, seems like extremely mysterious restriction, as if the paper before golden thunder sword sticks general frail, easily was cut broken. 咔嚓”一声脆响,看起来极为玄妙的禁制,在金色雷剑前仿佛纸糊一般脆弱,被轻易斩破。 Bang, the white light screen disrupts, changes into the innumerable white miraculous glows to scatter, reveals not a big mountain valley. “砰”的一声,白色光幕碎裂开来,化为无数白色灵光飘散,露出一个不大的山谷。 A large azure main hall is situated in this, in the main hall main entrance is hanging together the inscribed horizontal tablet, above writes Flying Immortal Pavilion three large characters. 一座颇大的青色大殿坐落于此,大殿正门上悬挂着一块匾额,上面写着‘飞仙阁’三个大字。 Main hall front door ajar, has several points weak white lights to spread from inside indistinctly, mixes with the strength of faint trace weak space to fluctuate. 大殿大门半掩,隐约有几点微弱白光从里面传出,其中夹杂着丝丝微弱的空间之力波动。 The Han Li two people feel the space to fluctuate, in the eye is one happy, immediately flies into the mountain valley, across the palace gate, dropped in the main hall. 韩立二人感受到空间波动,眼中都是一喜,立刻飞入山谷,穿过殿门,落进了大殿之中。 This main hall outward appearance seems like seldom, but among is very spacious, only has one to takeoff three chi (0.33 m) high stone platform, surrounding area several feet. 这座大殿外观看起来煞有其事,但其内很是空旷,只有一个离地三尺高的石台,方圆十几丈大小。 Above stone platform is white magical array, sends out the light white light. 石台之上是一个白色法阵,散发出淡淡白光。 Under Han Li body figure flashes, then appears in stone platform. 韩立身形一个闪动之下,便出现在石台上。 He looked at this white magical array several fast, nod of looking pensive. 他飞快看了这白色法阵几眼,若有所思的点了点头。 This truly is transmission array, should be the exit|to speak of here mystical place space is. 这确实是一座传送法阵,应该就是此处秘境空间的出口所在。 In magical array each node mounted immortal essence stone, has more than 200 fully. 法阵各个节点上镶嵌了一枚枚仙元石,足有两百多枚。 Possibly is because the time is extremely remote, remains immortal spirit strength besides a few immortal essence stone, other has become the transparency. 可能是因为时间太过久远,除了少数几块仙元石还残留一点仙灵力,其他的已经变得透明状。 At this moment, rumble a series of bangs transmit from the top of the head. 就在此刻,“轰隆隆”的一连串的巨响从头顶传来。 The crack has covered entirely the sky at this moment impressively, that four thick light beam suddenly flashes, dissipates. 裂纹此刻赫然已经布满了天空,那四道粗大光柱忽的一闪,消散开来。 The entire mystical place mystical place finally starts truly shatter, together the space crack propagation, has assigned the great peak section region exactly. 整个秘境秘境终于开始真正破碎,一道空间裂缝蔓延开来,恰好划过巨峰顶部区域。 Bang! 砰! The great peak section explodes directly, the innumerable giant stones, small valley was also affected, giant stones such as the rain pounds to fall. 巨峰顶部直接爆裂开,无数巨大石块纷纷而下,小山谷也被波及,一块块巨石如雨砸落。 Quickly!” Han Li loudly shouts, wields single-handed. “快!”韩立大喝一声,单手一挥。 Seven star circular flights shoot, is like lightning turning round a revolution, each other nesting links, forms a bigger ring. 七枚星环飞射而出,闪电般滴溜溜一转,彼此嵌套连接在一起,形成一个更大的圆环。 The dazzling star light sends out from Seven Dazzling Star Rings, forms stars light screen, above innumerable stars designs flash, cover above the mountain valley, blocked all fell the stone. 耀眼的星光从七曜星环上散发而出,形成一片星辰光幕,上面无数星辰图案闪动,遮挡在山谷上方,挡住了所有落石。 Han Li and Lu Yuqing make a move, takes down immortal essence stone that these immortal spirit strength exhaust immediately all, takes out brand-new immortal essence stone to mount. 韩立陆雨晴立刻动手,将那些仙灵力耗尽的仙元石尽数取下,取出崭新的仙元石镶嵌上去。 Mounted new immortal essence stone, transmission array sent out the white light to be bright immediately several times, sent out white lights. 镶嵌了新的仙元石,传送法阵散发出白光顿时明亮了数倍,散发出一圈圈白光。 In Han Li eye slightly happy, will enter into, the brow wrinkled suddenly, stops body figure, looks to a magical array corner. 韩立眼中微喜,正要迈入其中,眉头忽的皱了起来,停下身形,看向法阵的一个角落。 This moment all transmission array marks send out the dazzling white light all, but only there mark compared with other places, dim many. 此刻所有传送法阵的阵纹尽数散发出耀眼白光,但唯独那里的阵纹比起其他地方,黯淡了不少。 Spirit strength flow from here, as if also somewhat reluctantly. 一道道灵力从这里流淌而过,似乎也有些勉强。 Lu Yuqing also noticed here situation, the elegant face changed, anxious saying: Is it possible that is transmission array has the sickness?” 陆雨晴也注意到了这里的情况,俏脸一变,焦急的说道:“莫非是传送法阵有恙?” Han Li has not spoken, two pinch finger joints with the thumb immediately, magical formula submerge in these dim marks. 韩立没有说话,两手立刻掐诀,一道道法诀没入那些黯淡阵纹内。 The mark slightly is immediately bright, but immediately immediately again tarnish, moreover before . 阵纹立刻略微明亮了一些,但随即立刻再次变暗,而且更甚之前。 Saw this situation, Han Li stopped the hand hastily, said: It seems like the time is too long, this transmission array has soon expired.” 见此情形,韩立连忙停下了手,说道:“看来是时间太久,这传送法阵已经快要失效。” That what to do, Big Brother Han do you have the means restore?” Lu Yuqing quickly asked. “那怎么办,韩大哥你有办法修复吗?”陆雨晴急忙问道。 At this moment the entire mystical place collapses is getting more and more fierce, under the great peak on the mountain massif also appears impressively giant cracks, must crash shortly. 此刻整个秘境崩溃越来越剧烈,巨峰下方山体上赫然也浮现出一道道巨大裂纹,眼看也要崩塌。 This somewhat complex, I did not have the ability its restore. Moreover even can restore, does not have the time. However you do not need to worry, this transmission array can also revolve reluctantly, should also be able to use one time.” Han Li hesitates was saying. “此阵有些复杂,我还没有能力将其修复。而且就算可以修复,也没有时间。不过你也不用担心,这个传送法阵勉强还能运转,应该还可以使用一次。”韩立沉吟着说道。 Saying, him is stepping into transmission array immediately. 说着,他立刻踏进了传送法阵 Real? That is good.” A Lu Yuqing facial expression loosen, steps into immediately. “真的吗?那就好。”陆雨晴神情一松,也立刻踏入其中。 In the Han Li mouth mumbled, waved to make together magical formula. 韩立口中念念有词,挥手打出一道法诀 Buzz! 嗡! transmission array the ray puts immediately greatly, dazzlingly bright that the entire main hall shines, fast revolution. 传送法阵立刻光芒大放,将整个大殿都照耀的一片白亮,飞快运转。 Sky over the main hall appears the eye-catching ray, the direct impact horizon, striking incomparable. 大殿上空浮现出夺目光芒,直冲天际,醒目无比。 At this moment, the mountain peak place under of entrance, the void fluctuation, person's shadows appear, is Cold Blood et al . 此时此刻,山峰之下的入口之地,虚空一阵波动,一个个人影浮现,正是血寒等人。 Really is one group of idiots, without me, cannot complete anything, only entrance, spent three talents to find...... Cold Blood to be angry-looking unexpectedly, in the mouth seemed to be reproving to ancient Rogue Master Gu Yan et al . “真是一群蠢货,没有我在,就办不成任何事情,区区一个入口,竟然花了三天才找到……”血寒一脸怒容,口中似乎正在对古骨焰散人等人训斥着。 However his words have not said, sees the mystical place that crashes at present, the sound is mute immediately. 不过他话没说完,看到眼前崩塌的秘境,声音立刻哑了下去。 Others also completely all dumbfounded, silly there. 其他人也尽皆目瞪口呆,傻愣在了那里。 Draws back quickly, here space must crash immediately!” Cold Blood bellows, immediately turns around. “快退回去,此处空间马上要崩塌!”血寒大吼一声,立刻转身。 But the place void fluctuation that they enter has returned to normal, there at this moment is a stable space, where can also the old route return. 但他们进入的地方虚空波动已经平复,那里此刻是一片稳定的空间,哪里还能原路返回。 The Cold Blood complexion changes, the forehead appears instantaneously the cold sweat of one/1st level/layer soybean size. 血寒面色一变,额头瞬间浮现出一层黄豆大小的冷汗。 After a space collapses the strength fearsome, he is clear, even he is still hard to escape by luck. 一个空间崩溃后的力量何等可怖,他非常清楚,即便是他也难以幸免。 Sir, you look there.” Rogue Master Gu Yan -and-a-half fingers of half way up the mountain, there is glittering one group of dazzling white lights, is quite conspicuous. “大人,你看那里。”骨焰散人手一指半山腰,那里闪烁着一团耀眼白光,颇为显眼。 Cold Blood sees with own eyes this scenery, divine sense sends out immediately. 血寒眼见此景,神识立刻散发开来。 Is they! They must leave with transmission array, quick in the past!” In Cold Blood surface suddenly one happy, loudly shouts, body figure changes into together black light, flies to shoot toward main hall there. “是他们!他们要用传送法阵离开,快过去!”血寒面上陡然一喜,大喝一声,身形化为一道黑光,朝着大殿那里飞射而出。 Others fly follow immediately. 其他人立刻飞遁跟上。 In the main hall, Han Li two pinch finger joints with the thumb, stimulates to movement magical array, magical array sends out more and more bright ray. 大殿之内,韩立两手掐诀,催动法阵,法阵散发出越来越明亮的光芒。 Because a magical array corner/horn mark soon collapses, he does not dare to stimulate to movement too quickly. 因为法阵一角阵纹快要崩溃,他不敢催动太快。 Time bit by bit in the past. 时间一点一滴过去。 With the fierce revolution of transmission array, magical array corner there mark fast becomes dim. 随着传送法阵的剧烈运转,法阵角落那里的阵纹飞快变得更加黯淡。 The Han Li corner of the eye shivers, the forehead appears a little bit cold sweat. 韩立眼角颤动,额头浮现出一滴滴冷汗。 The Lu Yuqing vision also looks to there mark, a elegant face also stretches closely. 陆雨晴目光也看向那里的阵纹,一张俏脸也绷得紧紧的。 Suddenly, her tender body shakes, transfers direction of under toward the mountain to look, there is together black light is the head, several other escaping light, rapid incomparable flying shoots. 突然间,她娇躯一震,转首朝着山下方向望去,那里一道黑光为首,还有其他数道遁光,迅疾无比的飞射而来。 „It is not good, was Cold Blood these people pursues!” Lu Yuqing facial expression changing suddenly, shouted lowly. “不好,是血寒那些人追来了!”陆雨晴神情陡变,低呼道。 Han Li concentrates on to stimulate to movement magical array, without paying attention to the surrounding situation, hears word raised the head fiercely. 韩立全神贯注催动法阵,没有注意周围的情况,闻言猛地抬头。 Cold Blood black light has flown outside the main hall at this moment, such as the electricity swoops toward magical array. 血寒所化的黑光此刻已经飞到了大殿之外,朝着法阵如电飞扑而来。 The Han Li pupil shrinks, single-handed pinches finger joints with the thumb like lightning. 韩立瞳孔一缩,单手闪电般掐诀一点。 The mountain valley above stars light screen vanishes suddenly, seven star links appear, blooms the dazzling star light, then vanishes all baseless. 山谷上空的星辰光幕陡然消失,七枚星环浮现而出,绽放出耀眼星光,然后尽数凭空消失。 next moment, seven star links emerge out of thin air before the main hall, submerges Cold Blood fuzzily in black light. 下一刻,七枚星环凭空出现在大殿前,一个模糊没入血寒所化的黑光中。 Angry bellowing, the main hall of entrance Cold Blood body figure appears. 一声愤怒的大吼,血寒身形之大殿门口浮现而出。 His four limbs, the chest, on the lower abdomen and nape of the neck the respective nesting a star link, deeply fell into the body. 他的四肢,胸口,小腹和脖颈上各自嵌套了一个星环,深深陷入皮肉里面。 Any ghost thing!” Cold Blood angrily roars, the body surface black light tumbling, struggles furiously. “什么鬼东西!”血寒怒吼,体表黑光翻滚,奋力挣扎。 The black light dark ink seems to be common, invades seven star links rapidly, the ray that the star light diffusion sent out immediately fast became gloomy, but still imprisoned the body of Cold Blood stubbornly. 黑光仿佛浓墨一般,迅速侵染上了七枚星环,星光散发出的光芒立刻飞快变得暗淡,但仍然死死禁锢住血寒的身体。 A Han Li opens the mouth, spouts one group of azure light to submerge in magical array, in the hand magical formula urges fiercely. 韩立一张口,喷出一团青光没入法阵之中,手中法诀猛地一催。 Buzz! 嗡! White light that transmission array sends out fiercely one bright, finally achieves a critical point. 传送法阵散发出的白光猛地一亮,终于达到一个临界点。 Strength of the space gushed out from magical array, wrap two people. 一股股空间之力从法阵内涌出,包裹住了两人。 Han Li and Lu Yuqing form in a flash, disappears from magical array without the trace. 韩立陆雨晴身影一晃,从法阵中消失无踪。 Limit that but almost at the same time, the mark of transmission array corner also reaches. 但几乎在同时,传送阵角落的阵纹也达到的极限。 A "Pā" light sound, the transmission array corner appears several cracks, there mark thoroughly becomes gloomy. “啪”的一声轻响,传送阵角落浮现出几道裂纹,那里的阵纹彻底变得灰暗。 Then the after white light of entire transmission array sending out flashes fiercely, vanishes all. 然后整个传送法阵散发的白光猛地一闪之后,也尽数消失。 Outside the main hall, Cold Blood black light puts at this moment greatly, in the mouth mumbled fast, inflation that the body jumped. 大殿之外,血寒此刻身上黑光大放,口中飞快念念有词,身躯蹦的膨胀了一圈。 Bang! 砰! The seven star light of imprisoned on him explodes, changes into the innumerable fragments, flies to shoot to go toward the surroundings. 禁锢在他身上的七枚星光爆裂开来,化为无数碎片,朝着周围飞射而去。 Dodges black light, the Cold Blood form appears in the main hall. 黑光一闪,血寒的身影出现在大殿之内。 Looks that the ray all disappears, transmission array of corner/horn disruption, his complexion instantaneously becomes pale, ugly incomparable. 看着光芒全消,一角碎裂的传送法阵,他面色瞬间变得铁青,难看无比。 Rogue Master Gu Yan and the others also fly to shoot at this moment, but, sees the transmission array situation, the complexion suddenly all becomes pale. 骨焰散人等人此刻也飞射而至,看到传送法阵的情况,面色陡然尽数变得惨白。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the meantime, the mystical place collapses finally thoroughly, the big piece void turbulent flow spews out from the space crack. 就在此时,秘境终于彻底崩溃,大片虚空乱流从空间裂缝中喷涌而出。 The entire great peak crashes loudly, the innumerable giant crushed stones tumble, submerges small valley. 整个巨峰轰然崩塌,无数巨大碎石滚落而下,将小山谷淹没。 ...... …… In a dim space, under is vast black desert, in the ground everywhere is the every large or small black stone, occasionally 12 weeds will grow in the rock seam, looks extremely bleak. 一处昏暗空间中,下方是一望无际的黑色戈壁,地面上到处都是大大小小的黑色石头,偶尔才会有一两株荒草生长在岩石缝中,看起来极为荒凉。 The sky presents the dark yellow, a gloomy serious feeling. 天空呈现出暗黄色,给人一种灰暗沉重的感觉。 In dusky midair, suddenly resounds a low and deep thunderous sound. 灰蒙蒙的半空中,忽的响起一阵低沉的雷鸣之声。 Then pitch-black rays appear, forms a several feet black light ball, black lightnings flee in the light ball, sends out strange sound that incites. 接着一道道乌黑光芒浮现而出,形成一个数丈大小的黑色光球,一道道黑色闪电在光球上窜动,发出滋滋的怪异之声。 The black light ball distortion changes, change together several feet space crack suddenly. 黑色光球扭曲变化,忽的化为一道数丈大小的空间裂缝。 Then two rays fly to shoot from inside, immediately appears a form of men and women. 然后两道光芒从里面飞射而出,随即现出一对男女的身影。 Two people of body figure were not steady, staggered, coming to a stop body. 二人身形不稳,踉跄了一下,才站稳身体。 The man is the middle-aged guy, the facial features is dark, only has an eye to be fiery. 男子是个中年大汉,面容黝黑普通,唯有一双眼睛炯炯有神。 The female white teeth star pupil, is handsome, is actually a rare beautiful woman. 女子皓齿星眸,容貌秀丽,却是个罕见的美人儿。 Two people complexion is very ugly, particularly the female, looks pale like the paper, the corners of the mouth appearing intermittently bloodstain. 两人面色都很是难看,尤其是那女子,面色苍白如纸,嘴角隐现血迹。 These two, ride transmission array to leave that space Han Li and Lu Yuqing two people. 这两人,正是乘坐传送阵离开那处空间的韩立陆雨晴二人。
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