RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#442: Avalanche

Han Li static is looking at present, the look somewhat is slightly complex. 韩立静静的望着眼前的这一幕,神色略有些复杂。 After this sword cuts, the golden thunder and lightning on great sword also dissipates all, as if exhausted the strength general. 这一剑斩出后,巨剑上的金色雷电也尽数消散开来,似乎耗尽了力量一般。 But the power and influence of this sword, had several points of past Profound Heavenly Spirit-Slaying Sword meteorology faintly, solely this flying sword then has such power and influence, if the 72 also displays, might big to what degree. 但这一剑的威势,也隐隐有了几分过去玄天斩灵剑的气象,单单这一柄飞剑便有如此威势,若七十二柄同时施展,威力会大到什么程度。 with this thought, in his heart an excitement. 一念及此,他心中一阵激动。 Sole control this flying sword, already almost occupies his immortal spirit strength and divine sense all, perhaps is unable to display other flying swords. 只是单单操控这一柄飞剑,已经几乎将他的仙灵力神识尽数占据,恐怕无法在施展其他飞剑。 Thinks of this, Han Li just the fiery mood extinguishes immediately most. 想到这个,韩立刚刚火热的心情立刻熄灭大半。 In his mind suddenly flashes, recalled that just the flying sword submerged his dantian automatically the situation, the brow tip not independent springing two. 他脑海中忽的一闪,回想起刚刚飞剑自动没入他丹田的情况,眉梢不自主的弹动了两下。 Perhaps the situation is not thinks so? 或许情况不是自己想的这般呢? The Han Li intention moves, wraps in the dantian other 71 flying swords, slightly a stimulation of movement. 韩立心念一动,包裹住丹田内其他七十一柄飞剑,略一催动。 These flying sword surfaces are only the azure light dodge, is motionless. 这些飞剑表面只是青光微闪,却一动不动。 After he slightly hesitates, transfers immortal spirit strength in dantian, urges again fiercely. 他略一沉吟后,调动丹田中的仙灵力,再次猛地一催。 Finally all flying sword surface azure glittering as before, actually just like in his pill Tauchi take root as before general, moves as before also motionless. 结果所有飞剑表面青光闪烁依旧如故,却犹如在其丹田内生了根一般,依旧动也不动。 Han Li sees with own eyes this, sighed, secretly thought. 韩立眼见此幕,叹了口气,暗道一声果然。 The flying sword in dantian at this moment as if becomes heavy incomparable, by his immortal spirit strength at this moment, as if moves the mountain in the ant, did not actuate. 丹田内的飞剑此刻仿佛变得沉重无比,以他此刻的仙灵力,仿佛在蚂蚁搬山,根本驱动不了。 Was good because of Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords and his mind relation still, in the future his strength rises, then can stimulate to movement these flying swords. 好在青竹蜂云剑和他的心神联系仍在,日后等他实力提升,便能催动这些飞剑了。 After he please sighs, no longer demands to have flying sword wielding, then again divine thought centralized in one, again wielding a . 他请叹了口气后,不再强求一下将多有飞剑祭出,转而再将神念集中于一,再次祭出了一柄。 Before his body , the azure light flashes continually several, a azure flying sword appears. 他身前青光连闪数下,一柄青色飞剑浮现而出。 Han Li deeply inspires, in within the body immortal spirit strength good mind strength of divine sense transports/fortunes all, the hand pinches the sword secret art to select. 韩立深吸了一口气,体内仙灵力佳儿脑海中的神识之力尽数运起,手掐剑诀点出。 This Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords surface exuded the bright azure light, the springing two, but is unable to fly to shoot. 这柄青竹蜂云剑表面泛起明亮青光,弹动了两下,但始终无法飞射而出。 On the contrary was he himself because of strength of revolution immortal spirit strength and divine sense in the past, in the mind felt a dizziness suddenly, in his heart one startled, quickly stopped. 反倒是他自己因为仙灵力神识之力运转过去,脑海中骤感一阵眩晕,他心中一惊之下,急忙停了下来。 Han Li waved to receive this flying sword, the vision flashed. 韩立挥手将这柄飞剑收了起来,目光闪动。 It seems like by his present strength, displaying Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords is the limit. 看来以他现在的实力,施展一柄青竹蜂云剑已经是极限。 The azure great sword rotates in the midair slowly, although the surface did not have the wild golden electric arc, still sent out such as mountain Ruhai the pressure. 青色巨剑在半空缓缓转动,表面虽然没有了狂暴的金色电弧,仍然散发出如山如海的威压。 However although only then a , but this by this moment Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords might, was as good the previous whole set flying sword. 不过虽然只有一柄,但这以此刻青竹蜂云剑的威力,丝毫不逊于之前的整套飞剑了。 A Han Li move, the azure great sword flies to shoot , the reduction, changes into a azure small sword to fly into his sleeve fast. 韩立手一招,青色巨剑飞射而下,飞快缩小,化为一柄青色小剑飞入他的袖中。 His body figure in a flash, falls toward below. 身形一晃,朝着下面落去。 A petite person's shadow stands below at this moment, is Lu Yuqing. 一个娇小的人影此刻站在下面,正是陆雨晴 Congratulates Big Brother Han, flying sword power increases.” Sees Han Li to fly, Lu Yuqing welcomed, said with a smile. “恭喜韩大哥,飞剑威能大增。”看到韩立飞下,陆雨晴迎了上来,笑道。 Is the accident of sorts. Since you to here, that beforehand puppet did solve?” Han Li gives a calm smile, ambiguous saying. “都是机缘巧合吧。你既然到了这里,那之前的傀儡都解决了?”韩立淡然一笑,含糊的说道。 Lu Yuqing has not said anything, but nods. 陆雨晴没有多说什么,只是点了点头。 At this moment, all phenomenon of sky vanish all, the entire mystical place becomes peaceful incomparable, the midair was shaken the loose white clouds by Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, slowly restores the original design. 此刻,天空的所有异象尽数消失,整个秘境变得安静无比,半空被青竹蜂云剑震散的白云,又慢慢恢复原样。 It seems like here also has no other treasure, we come in also very long time, although here mystical place entrance secret, but will also be difficult to guarantee Cold Blood these people not to pursue, will leave good of this deep cold palace as soon as possible.” The Han Li vision looked at one, said. “看来这里也没有什么别的宝物,我们进来也很久时间,虽然此处秘境入口隐秘,但也难保血寒那些人不会追进来,还是尽快离开这冥寒宫的好。”韩立目光四下看了一眼,说道。 Lu Yuqing hears this words, is startled slightly, in the surface reveals some hesitates. 陆雨晴听闻此话,微微一怔,面上露出些许迟疑。 Is it possible that didn't Miss Lu have the matter of ending in this?” Han Li sees the Lu Yuqing so facial expression, asked. 陆姑娘莫非在此还有未完之事?”韩立看到陆雨晴这般神情,问道。 No, correct/good that Big Brother Han you said that we are of quicker good departure. However asked Big Brother Han to wait a bit my.” Lu Yuqing said that body figure flies toward the Daoist temple that towers at this moment alone, falls before Founder-Ancestor Hall. “没有,韩大哥你说的不错,我们还是快些离开的好。不过请韩大哥稍等我一下。”陆雨晴说了一句,身形朝着那座此刻孤零零耸立的道观飞去,落在祖师堂前。 She waves to send out a azure light, wraps all here all memorial tablets, received. 她挥手发出一股青光,将这里的所有牌位尽数包裹住,收了起来。 Completes these, she turns around to fly immediately. 做完这些,她立刻转身飞了回去。 Walks.” The Lu Yuqing action, Han Li naturally saw, in the eye appears some surprisedly, but he had not asked, said lightly. “走吧。”陆雨晴的举动,韩立自然都看见了,目中浮现出些许惊讶,不过他也没有多问,淡淡说道。 Said that this words, his body figure flies to shoot, goes toward the mountain under. 说完此话,他身形飞射而出,朝着山下而去。 Lu Yuqing azure light flash moves, with. 陆雨晴身上青光闪动,跟了上去。 Possibly is the white altar in midair destroys, possibly is in sword sea all flying swords vanishes all, midair that infinite sword Qi also does not see. 可能是半空的白色祭坛毁坏,也可能是剑海中所有飞剑尽数消失,半空那种无穷剑气也随之不见。 Did not have that infinite sword Qi of sky, here to fly comfortably. 没有了天空的那无穷剑气,此处已经可以自在飞行。 Two people just flew, a loud sound spreads from the mystical place deep place, probably a giant stuffy thunder is common, entire mystical place also suddenly in a flash. 两人刚刚飞起,一声巨响从秘境深处传出,好像一声巨大闷雷一般,整个秘境随之猛然一晃。 What's the matter!?” The Han Li complexion changes, body figure stopped, looks in the direction that the loud sound transmits. “怎么回事!?”韩立面色微变,身形停了下来,朝着巨响传来的方向望去。 A white light beam appears there, the direct impact horizon goes. 一道白色光柱在那里浮现而出,直冲天际而去。 This white light beam is thick, at least also dozens zhang (3.33 m) thickness, as if holds up a day of great column. 这白色光柱粗大无比,起码也有数十丈粗细,仿佛一根擎天巨柱。 Huge spirit strength fluctuate to send out from the light beam, even Han Li at this moment, still thought that some hearts are startled. 一股股庞大灵力波动从光柱中散发而出,即便是此刻的韩立,也觉得有些心惊。 This......” Lu Yuqing looks at the distant place white light beam, on the face full is the color of shock. “这……”陆雨晴看着远处白色光柱,脸上满是震惊之色。 Bang! 轰隆! Also is a stuffy thunder -like loud sound transmits from another direction, the entire mystical place shakes again suddenly. 又是一声闷雷般的巨响从另一个方向传来,整个秘境再次猛然一震。 Another thick white light beam appears there, similarly soars to the heavens to go. 另一道粗大白色光柱在那里浮现而出,同样冲天而去。 Han Li dance duet looked, in the surface is startled again. 韩立二人转首看了过去,面上再次一惊。 Two light beams support one another faintly, the entire mystical place starts to tremble, the scope is getting bigger and bigger. 两道光柱隐隐彼此呼应,整个秘境开始震颤起来,幅度越来越大。 The entire great peak also rumble rocks, the innumerable crushed stones tumble from the mountain massif, as if stone rain. 整座巨峰也隆隆晃动,无数碎石从山体上滚落而下,仿佛下了一场石雨。 „It is not good, this mystical place could collapse, walks quickly!” The Han Li facial expression changes, shouted suddenly, body azure put brilliantly, under the electricity toward the mountain shot to go. “不好,这处秘境可能要崩溃,快走!”韩立神情一变,豁然喝道,身上青光大放,朝着山下电射而去。 Lu Yuqing hears word, the elegant face also changes, quickly follows. 陆雨晴闻言,俏脸也是一变,急忙跟上。 In fly, in the Han Li mind the thought tumbles, how can like this? 飞遁之中,韩立脑海中念头翻滚,怎么会这样? Was that white altar collapses, triggered the mystical place collapse, was oneself just that void sword, destroyed some important pivot of here mystical place? 难道是那白色祭坛崩溃,引发了秘境崩坏,还是自己刚刚那虚空一剑,破坏了此处秘境的某个重要枢纽? He shakes the head, at this moment thinks again the reason is unnecessary, leave here to as soon as possible wonderfully. 他摇了摇头,此刻再想原因已经多余,还是尽快离开此处为妙。 Han Li azure light again one thick, the speed speeds up immediately. 韩立身上青光再次一浓,速度立刻加快了一些。 At two people of speeds, then flies under the mountain peak in an instant, when arrived previously entered the mystical place place. 以二人速度,转眼间便飞到山峰之下,来到先前进入秘境时的地方。 At this moment, mystical place another direction leapt the third white light beam, the entire space trembled again fierce many. 此刻,秘境另一个方向腾起了第三道白色光柱,整个空间震颤的再次剧烈了不少。 Han Li emits divine sense nearby here also has one to sweep, the complexion sinks slightly. 韩立放出神识在此处还有附近一扫,面色微微一沉。 Here space is steady , there is nothing space passageway that can leave, or transmission array and so on thing. 此处空间平稳无比,根本没有什么可以离开的空间通道,或是传送法阵之类的东西。 He has thought previously here is the access of mystical place, it seems like it was the material is wrong. 他先前一直以为这里便是秘境的出入口,看来是料错了。 Lu Yuqing sense/telepathy arrived here situation, the complexion is also ugly incomparable. 陆雨晴感应到这里的情况,脸色也是难看无比。 Miss Lu, this 3 days I thought that you in have taken a walk in various mountain peak places, may have to discover where has the exit|to speak, or where is somewhat unusual?” Han Li looks suddenly to Lu Yuqing, asked. 陆姑娘,这三日我看你在一直在山峰各处走动,可有发现哪里另有出口,或者哪里有些异样?”韩立豁然看向陆雨晴,问道。 No. Here mystical place seemed to be investigated by that Xiong Shan. I only saw various place some broken constructions, all restriction almost by break/solve, inside also does not have any difference.” Lu Yuqing shakes the head to say. “没有。此处秘境似乎被那个熊山探查了一遍。我只看到了各处一些残破的建筑,所有禁制几乎都被破解,里面也没有任何异样。”陆雨晴摇了摇头说道。 Han Li hears this words, transferring looked that to is void at present. 韩立听闻此话,转首看向眼前虚空。 By his present magical powers, wants to break open void from here, opens space passageway, but also is unlikely. 以他现在的神通,想要从这里破开虚空,打开一条空间通道,还不太可能。 The space stability of Immortal World is incomparable, does not compare Spirit Domain World that lower realm world/interface. 仙界的空间稳定无比,可不比灵寰界那种下界界面 Even if breaks open here space, is still not necessarily able to arrive at outside, perhaps will be involved in the endless void turbulent flow, dies without the burial ground. 而且就算破开这里的空间,也未必就能到达外面,说不定会被卷入无尽虚空乱流,死无葬身之地。 At at this moment, bang a loud sound, mystical place another direction appears the fourth white light beam. 就在此刻,“轰”的一声巨响,秘境另一个方向浮现出第四道白色光柱。 Four thick light beams support one another, the entire mystical place rocks fiercely. 四道粗大光柱彼此呼应,整个秘境剧烈晃动。 Ka ka the grating sound transmits from the top of the head, appears void impressively together the spoken parts mark, as if the mirror surface crack is ordinary, spreads to go toward the surroundings fast. “咔咔”的刺耳之声从头顶传来,虚空赫然浮现出一道道白痕,仿佛镜面的裂纹一般,飞快朝着周围蔓延而去。 Lu Yuqing sees with own eyes this scenery, the complexion suddenly becomes pale. 陆雨晴眼见此景,面色陡然变得苍白。 Here space, since is used to refine the place of sword, that definitely is equipped with the exit|to speak. The matter cannot be delayed, we look around separately.” The Han Li sinking sound said. “此处空间既然是用来炼剑之处,那肯定设有出口。事不宜迟,我们分头四处找一下。”韩立沉声说道。 Finishes barely the words, his body figure flies to shoot to go in a direction. 话音未落,他身形朝着一个方向飞射而去。 Lu Yuqing nods, flies immediately in another direction. 陆雨晴点了点头,也立刻朝着另一个方向飞去。 Just departed a distance, this female stopped suddenly, among the facial expressions appeared some doubts looks, looked toward a great peak half way up the mountain place. 刚刚飞出一段距离,此女忽的停了下来,神情间浮现出些许疑惑神色,朝着巨峰山腰一个地方望去。 She hesitated, body azure puts brilliantly, flies to shoot to go toward there. 她迟疑了一下,身上青光大放,朝着那里飞射而去。 Meanwhile, Han Li along the great peak one side, flies toward the peak. 与此同时,韩立沿着巨峰一面,朝着峰顶飞去。 His divine sense sends out, in the eye the blue glow puts greatly, projects two blue light beams, looks toward under. 他的神识散发开来,眼中蓝芒大放,射出两道蓝色光束,朝着下方望去。 Moreover, in his mouth mumbled, before the body golden light flashes, displayed Eye of Truth, is investigating the surrounding all situations. 不仅如此,他口中念念有词,身前金光一闪,施展出真实之眼,探查着周围的一切情况。 At his speed, investigated some most mountain peaks quickly, body figure stopped suddenly. 以他的速度,很快探查到了大半部分山峰,突然间身形一顿的停了下来。 Continues to go upward, all vegetation that were just eradicated, reveals the bare mountain wall, then can completely understand, anything does not have. 继续往上去,所有的草木被刚刚那场连根拔起,露出光秃秃的山壁,一眼便能看透,什么也没有。 Han Li looks toward the top of the head. 韩立朝着头顶望去。 This will not have the new white light beam to appear, but the void white crack is spreading fast, moreover becomes more and more thick. 这一会没有新的白色光柱出现,但虚空的白色裂纹在飞快蔓延,而且变得越来越粗。 The entire mystical place trembles, but is even more fierce, various places have started storms. 整个秘境震颤的而越发剧烈,各处已经开始掀起一股股风暴。 In Han Li heart one anxious, immediately transfers a direction, investigates the great peak the other aspect. 韩立心中一急,立刻调转一个方向,探查巨峰的另一面。 Big Brother Han, comes here quickly.” At this moment, a sound resounds in his mind, is Lu Yuqing. 韩大哥,快来我这里。”就在此刻,一个声音在他脑海中响起,正是陆雨晴 Han Li is startled, transfers to look toward, body figure in a flash, changes into the azure light to fly to shoot together under. 韩立一怔,转首朝着下方望去,身形一晃,化为一道青光飞射而下。 Lu Yuqing stands in great peak half way up the mountain at this moment somewhere, in eye black glow twinkle, looks to the front side mountain wall. 陆雨晴此刻站在巨峰山腰某处,眼中黑芒闪烁,看向前方一面山壁。 The azure light flashes, the Han Li form appears. 青光一闪,韩立的身影浮现而出。 What did Miss Lu discover?” He looked following the Lu Yuqing line of sight direction, in the eye the blue glow flashes, no discovery. 陆姑娘可是发现什么了吗?”他顺着陆雨晴视线方向看了过去,眼中蓝芒闪动,没有什么发现。 Before his body golden light flashes, Precious Mantra Wheel appears, central Eye of Truth is glittering the innumerable golden luminous spots, looks toward the mountain wall. 他身前金光一闪,真言宝轮浮现而出,中央的真实之眼闪烁着无数金色光点,朝着山壁望去。 next moment, in his surface suddenly reveals a happy expression, flicking the fingers. 下一刻,他面上忽的露出一丝喜色,屈指一弹而出。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! Azure sword Qi flies to shoot together, hits on that mountain wall. 一道青色剑气飞射而出,打在那面山壁上。 sword Qi flashes submerging that passes, vanishes does not see, but the mountain wall surface exudes a white light at once, immediately again strange flashes is hidden does not see. 剑气一闪即逝的没入其中,消失不见,但旋即山壁表面泛起一丝白光,随即再次诡异的一闪隐没不见。
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