RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#441: One the sword swings the vault of heaven

The Lu Yuqing lotus steps move lightly, finally stopped the footsteps in the Daoist temple central Founder-Ancestor Hall advance party. 陆雨晴莲步轻移,最后在道观中央的祖师堂前站停了脚步。 Is looking at the front memorial tablet, her delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle, among the facial expressions looks somewhat absent-minded. 望着前方的一个个牌位,她秀眉微皱,神情间看起来有些恍惚。 At at this moment, bang a loud sound transmits from the midair, as if thunder crack. 就在此刻,“轰隆”一声巨响从半空中传来,仿佛雷霆炸响。 The Lu Yuqing tender body shakes, in the eye restored several points of pure brightness, quickly went out of the Daoist temple, looks toward the midair. 陆雨晴娇躯一震,眼中恢复了几分清明,急忙走出了道观,朝着半空望去。 Since sees only in sea of fire of a dazzling azure light from midair to leap, forms a azure light beam, the direct impact horizon goes. 只见一道耀眼青光从半空中的火海之中腾起,形成一道青色光柱,直冲天际而去。 Huge incomparable sword Qi sends out from the azure light beam, the sea of fire tumbles immediately, the thunder and lightning that the midair drops was also affected by sword Qi, some disorder. 庞大无比的剑气从青色光柱中散发而出,火海顿时翻滚起来,半空落下的雷电也被剑气影响,有些紊乱。 Before the sea of fire, Han Li eye one bright. 火海之前,韩立眼睛一亮。 Does not wait for him to make anything, bang a loud sound , since is the azure light beam leaps from the sea of fire together, sends out fearsome sword Qi to fluctuate. 不等他做什么,“轰”的一声巨响,又是一道青色光柱从火海中腾起,散发出可怖剑气波动。 Then the azure light beam together shoots up to the sky together. 紧接着,一道接着一道的青色光柱冲天而起。 Almost in a flash, 72 azure light beam appear out of thin air, sends out the fearsome sword Qi fluctuation, interwove in the midair in one. 几乎转瞬间,七十二道青色光柱凭空浮现而出,散发出可怖的剑气波动,在半空中交织在了一起。 One clump of flame in scarlet sea of fire as if strong winds, were easily put off by this sword Qi fluctuation, scatter, revealed inside Bai Shi (white stone) altar. 赤红火海仿佛狂风中的一丛火焰,轻易被这股剑气波动扑灭,飘散开来,露出了里面的白石祭坛。 The dark clouds of midair were also stirred broken by 72 dreadful sword Qi, the dissipation does not have the trace. 半空的黑云也被七十二道滔天剑气搅碎,消散无踪。 Great sword Qi starts dreadful hurricane, the billowing air wave to takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 宏大剑气掀起一股滔天飓风,滚滚气浪向四面八方席卷而去。 The Han Li complexion is tranquil, in the hand slightly pinches finger joints with the thumb, the body exudes the rich star light immediately, then concentrates fiercely, changes into the one/1st level/layer star light epitaxial, is True Extreme Membrane. 韩立面色平静,手中略一掐诀,身上顿时泛起浓郁星光,然后猛地一凝,化为一层星光晶膜,正是真极之膜 This membrane just took shape, billowing air wave then but loudly, almost submerges in which Han Li body figure. 此膜刚刚成型,滚滚气浪便轰然而至,几乎将韩立身形淹没其中。 Meanwhile, covers on True Extreme Membrane of its whole body immediately the ray twinkle, makes the Pī Li Pā Lā sound. 与此同时,覆盖其周身的真极之膜上顿时光芒闪烁,发出噼里啪啦的声音。 But whatever these air waves are how great, the Han Li form always stands one's ground steadfastly, even looked that does not look at these air wave one, an eye moves motionless is also staring at that Bai Shi (white stone) altar. 但任凭这些气浪如何宏大,韩立的身影始终岿然不动,甚至看也不看这些气浪一眼,一双眼睛只是动也不动的盯着那白石祭坛。 The hurricane sweeps across, the jungle of under peak changed into the powder in the hurricane all, the ground also scraped off one/1st level/layer, became smooth incomparable. 飓风席卷开来,下方峰顶的密林尽数在飓风中化为粉末,地面也被刮掉了一层,变得平整无比。 That several Daoist temples were also affected by the hurricane, around Daoist temple restriction by Xiong Shan break/solve, must also be started tearing by the hurricane all shortly. 那几座道观也被飓风波及,道观周围的禁制已经被熊山尽数破解,眼看也要被飓风掀起撕裂。 In the meantime, Lu Yuqing drinks one tenderly, in the hand the azure light flashes, that azure feather fan appears, wields fiercely. 就在此时,陆雨晴娇喝一声,手中青光一闪,那柄青色羽扇浮现而出,猛地一挥而出。 A azure hurricane flies to shoot from the feather fan, forms a azure tornado column, covers the entire Daoist temple in inside. 一股青色狂飙从羽扇中飞射而出,形成一个青色龙卷风柱,将整个道观笼罩在里面。 The midair sweeps across, but below hurricane, although feeble many, the azure tornado column that but still attacked trembles. 半空席卷而下的飓风虽然已经衰弱不少,但仍然冲击的青色龙卷风柱震颤不已。 Lu Yuqing complexion one white, the breaking by biting tip of tongue, the opens the mouth blowout blood light has not started suddenly together in the feather fan. 陆雨晴面色一白,猛然咬破舌尖,张口喷出一道血光没入手中羽扇内。 The azure feather fan miraculous glow puts greatly, the above feather spreads the tail to open just like the peacock generally all, later in a series of pū pū in sound air-splitting, lets go to fly to shoot in abundance, integrates in the azure tornado column. 青色羽扇灵光大放,上面的一根根羽毛宛如孔雀开屏一般尽数张开,随后在一连串“噗噗”的破空声中,纷纷脱手飞射而出,融入青色龙卷风柱内。 The tornado column is blue immediately puts brilliantly, moreover before , rose in a big way much, also stabilized. 龙卷风柱顿时青光大放,而且较之前涨大了不少,也随之稳定下来。 The air wave sweeps across quickly, then dissipates slowly. 气浪很快席卷而过,然后慢慢消散开来。 The entire great peak rocks, the rock that the innumerable sizes vary falls in abundance, as if stone rain. 整座巨峰晃动不已,无数大小不一的山石纷纷落下,仿佛下了一场石雨。 After the moment, around the Daoist temple azure tornado dissipates, reveals inside Daoist temple, had not been damaged. 片刻后,道观周围的青色龙卷风消散开来,露出里面的道观,并未受到损伤。 Some Lu Yuqing respites, the chest fluctuates slightly, but the look is quite tranquil. 陆雨晴有些喘息,胸脯微微起伏,但神色却颇为平静。 She turns the hand to take out under a medicine pill clothing/taking, the eye looks toward the midair. 她翻手取出一枚丹药服下,眼睛朝着半空望去。 The sea of fire thunder and lightning phenomenon in midair, vanishes without the trace instantaneously, only has a white altar float in the midair. 半空之中的火海雷电异象,瞬间消失无踪,只有一个白色祭坛悬浮在半空。 In altar float one group of dozens zhang (3.33 m) dazzling azure light, as if a azure Sun, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead. 祭坛之中悬浮着一团数十丈大小的刺目青光,仿佛一轮青色太阳,让人无法直视。 Han Li sees with own eyes this, in the eye reveals the color of pleasant surprise, cannot bear tread the previous step. 韩立眼见此幕,眼中露出惊喜之色,忍不住踏前一步。 At this moment, the azure Sun ray puts suddenly greatly, blasts open, blooms dazzling azure light. 就在此刻,青色太阳陡然光芒大放,炸裂开来,绽放出一道道刺目之极的青光。 Each azure light is together sharp incomparable sword Qi, sends out grating sharp to howl. 每一道青光都是一道锋利无比的剑气,发出刺耳的锐啸。 The white altar is pierced by innumerable sword Qi immediately, was stirred to break to pieces instantaneously, the collapse, changes into the innumerable fragments to scatter loudly. 白色祭坛立刻被无数剑气洞穿,瞬间被搅碎开来,轰然崩溃,化为无数碎片飘散。 The surrounding eight Coiling Dragon great columns cannot escape the misfortune, was pierced by innumerable sword Qi, changes into everywhere metal detritus. 周围的八根盘龙巨柱也没能逃过厄运,被无数剑气洞穿,化为漫天金属碎屑。 Han Li facial expression changing suddenly, body figure shoots, single sleeve wields. 韩立神情陡变,身形倒射而出,单袖一挥。 Dodges black light, Heavy Water Mantra Wheel appears before his body, changes into several feet, the surface appears the one/1st level/layer thick crafty water curtain, keeps off before the body. 黑光一闪,重水真轮在他身前浮现而出,化为数丈大小,表面浮现出一层厚厚黑色水幕,挡在身前。 Rapidness that although he draws back, but still could not catch up with these faster sword Qi, just departed a small section distance then to be caught up, sword Qi hit on Heavy Water Mantra Wheel. 虽然他退的快,但仍然赶不上这些更为迅捷的剑气,刚刚飞出一小段距离便被赶上,一道道剑气打在重水真轮上。 The Mantra Wheel current craze shakes, sends out the loud sound that innumerable gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, the surface flashes black light continually, the big piece water glare was torn, the black water curtain fast becomes thin. 真轮顿时狂抖起来,发出无数金铁交击的巨响,表面黑光连闪,大片水光被撕裂开来,黑色水幕飞快变得稀薄。 Han Li heart during technique urge definitely fast, a body surface thunderous sound sound, pours to shoot, but the speed increases suddenly, flashes departs inside and outside dozens. 韩立心中法决飞快一催,身体表面雷鸣声一响,倒射而出的速度陡增,一闪飞出数十里外。 Azure sword Qi only departs a distance, then dissipation suddenly. 青色剑气只飞出一段距离,便忽的消散开来。 Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, a complexion loosen, waited for a bit, saw with own eyes that does not have sword Qi to fly to shoot to pursue, then waved to receive Heavy Water Mantra Wheel. 韩立眼见此景,面色一松,等了一会,眼见没有剑气飞射追来,便挥手将重水真轮收了起来。 At this moment, the azure light that the distant place azure solar scintillation two, sent out weakens immediately fast, dissipates quickly all. 此刻,远处青色太阳闪烁了两下,散发出的青光立刻飞快减弱,很快尽数消散开来。 72 azure flying sword float in midair, peaceful encirclement becomes. 七十二柄青色飞剑悬浮在半空,安静的围成一圈。 Han Li eye one bright, body figure vanishes in a flash, next moment emerges out of thin air in the azure sword ringside. 韩立眼睛一亮,身形一晃消失,下一刻凭空出现在青色剑圈旁。 After Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords this sacrificial refining, the contour has little change, the sword blade becomes glittering and translucent carving, almost became the translucent shape, in can see indistinctly is flowing partly visible azure air current. 青竹蜂云剑此次祭炼之后,外形没有太大变化,剑身变得晶莹剔透,几乎成了半透明状,隐约能看到里面流淌着一股若隐若现的青色气流。 The huge incomparable spirit strength fluctuates to send out from the flying sword, causes nearby Heaven and Earth spiritual energy to tremble the fluctuation, is centered on the 72 flying sword, forms a huge spirit strength vortex faintly. 庞大无比的灵力波动从飞剑内散发而出,引得附近天地灵气震颤波动,以七十二柄飞剑为中心,隐隐形成一个巨大灵力漩涡。 As if sense/telepathy to the Han Li appearance, a 72 flying sword fuzziness suddenly, changed into a 72 azure light suddenly, just like a Azure Dragon is ordinary, flashes submerges in his dantian. 似乎感应到了韩立出现,七十二柄飞剑忽的一个模糊,骤然化为了七十二道青光,犹如一条青龙一般,一闪的没入他的丹田之中。 Han Li has a scare, but at once sense/telepathy to 72 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords static float in dantian, no abnormal movement, this relaxes. 韩立吓了一跳,不过旋即感应七十二青竹蜂云剑静静悬浮在丹田之中,没有什么异动,这才松了口气。 The flying sword enters the body, he to the Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords situation, sense/telepathy is clearer. 飞剑入体,他对青竹蜂云剑的情况,感应的更加清晰。 After this sacrificial refining, absorbed eternal sword essence, Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords actually had the so big change, was almost it can be said that reborn. 此次祭炼之后,吸收了万古剑元,青竹蜂云剑竟然发生如此大的变化,几乎可以说是脱胎换骨。 By spirit strength total quantity theory of implication, solely one Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, then above that several immortal artifact in far surpass his hand, even his sacrificial refining Heavy Water Mantra Wheel, cannot compare painstakingly. 以蕴含的灵力总量论,单单一柄青竹蜂云剑,便远超他手中的那几件仙器之上,即便是他苦心祭炼重水真轮,也比不上。 However, possibly is because the spirit strength in Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, absorbed numerous sword essence to come, therefore these spirit strength were somewhat scattered in disorder. 不过,可能是因为青竹蜂云剑内的灵力,是吸纳了众多剑元而来,所以这些灵力有些散乱。 This situation, previous time in Heavenly Sword Peak crystal grain Thousand Edge Spirit Gathering Sword Array, after absorbing other flying sword sword essence, has appeared, therefore Han Li had not been worried. 这种情况,上次在天剑峰晶粒千锋聚灵剑阵,吸纳了其他飞剑剑元后,也出现过,所以韩立并未担心。 He looks at the 72 flying sword in dantian, the intention locked a flying sword, wields single-handed. 他看着丹田内的七十二柄飞剑,心念锁定了一柄飞剑,单手一挥。 But before seeing its , the azure light flashes continually several, a azure flying sword appears. 但见其身前青光连闪数下,一柄青色飞剑才浮现而出。 Han Li eyebrow raise, before the flying sword controls as if no , is so handy, has to plant the serious sluggish feeling of brandishing the heavy sword. 韩立眉梢一挑,飞剑操控起来似乎没有以前那么得心应手,有种挥舞重剑的沉重迟滞之感。 He has not cared, Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords power increases, has this situation also to be reasonable, in the future sacrificial refining, should then be able to restore such as beginning. 他也没有在意,青竹蜂云剑威能大增,出现这种情况也在情理之中,日后祭炼一下,应该便能恢复如初。 Han Li pinches the sword secret art, a point. 韩立手掐剑诀,一点而出。 The azure flying sword surface before body exudes a azure light, moved two, but stopped immediately. 身前的青色飞剑表面泛起一阵青光,动弹了两下,但随即又停了下来。 His brow wrinkle, the opens the mouth spouts a azure light, flashes submerges in the flying sword. 他眉头一皱,张口喷出一股青光,一闪没入飞剑内。 The azure light that the azure flying sword surface sends out is brighter, humming sound shivered several, but stops immediately again. 青色飞剑表面散发出的青光更加明亮,嗡嗡颤动了几下,但随即又再次停下。 The Han Li complexion becomes somewhat heavy, two pinch finger joints with the thumb wields, within the body immortal spirit strength revolves all, the palm projects two rich azure light, submerges in the flying sword. 韩立脸色变得有些沉重,两手掐诀一挥,体内仙灵力尽数运转起来,掌心射出两道浓郁青光,没入飞剑内。 Simultaneously divine sense in mind also swarms, flies into the azure flying sword. 同时脑海中的神识也蜂拥而出,飞入青色飞剑内。 The azure flying sword exudes the bright azure light immediately, dazzling, one becomes nimble and resourceful. 青色飞剑顿时泛起明亮青光,耀眼之极,一下变得灵动起来。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! A flying sword distortion, as if a azure spirit snake flies to shoot, and increases suddenly, changes into a hundred zhang (333 m) size the azure great sword, the sword blade blooms up and down the rich incomparable azure sword light. 飞剑一个扭曲,仿佛一条青色灵蛇般飞射而出,并且陡然变大,化为一口百丈大小的青色巨剑,剑身上下绽放出浓郁无比的青色剑光。 Rumble the sound of sword howling sweeps across, void also trembles. 隆隆的剑啸之声席卷开来,虚空也为之震颤。 Dense sword intent sends out from the great sword suddenly, the nearby Heaven and Earth spiritual energy humming sound the fluctuation, goes toward the azure great sword gathering. 一股森然剑意陡然从巨剑上散发而出,附近天地灵气嗡嗡波动,朝着青色巨剑汇聚而去。 The ray that the azure great sword sends out is getting more and more bright, shuttles back and forth in the midair cloud layer, as if a galloping Jiao Yao huge Azure Dragon, sends out intermittent heaven-shaking dragon humming sound. 青色巨剑散发出的光芒越来越亮,在半空云层内穿梭,仿佛一条奔腾矫夭的巨大青龙,发出阵阵惊天龙吟 The white clouds tumbling of midair fluctuates, scatters fast, reveals deep blue incomparable sky. 半空的白云翻滚波动,飞快飘散开来,露出一片碧蓝无比的天空。 A Han Li complexion then loosen, looks that is shuttling back and forth to see the great sword in the clouds, in the eye reveals a happy expression. 韩立面色这才一松,看着在云中穿梭得见巨剑,眼中露出一丝喜色。 Big of this sword might, came as a surprise to his by far, compared with before it great sword technique that 72 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords Integration uses, is not weak. 此剑威力之大,远远出乎了他的预料,比之以前七十二青竹蜂云剑合体施展的巨剑术,也丝毫不弱。 His vision suddenly flashes, two pinch finger joints with the thumb to select fast. 他目光忽的一闪,两手飞快掐诀点出。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! On the azure great sword appears suddenly thick golden electric arcs, compared with beforehand thick several times above, moreover exceptionally dazzling dazzling. 青色巨剑上陡然浮现出一道道粗大金色电弧,比起之前粗大了数倍以上,而且异常耀眼刺目。 The thick electric arc hissing flees on the great sword, as if crazy dragon Ehu runs quickly, wild barbaric aura. 粗大电弧在巨剑上嘶嘶窜动,仿佛狂龙恶虎奔驰,给人一股狂暴野蛮的气息。 The azure great sword changes into golden color thunder sword instantaneously, destroy Heaven and Earth fearsome aura sends out from above. 青色巨剑瞬间化为一柄金色雷剑,一股毁天灭地的可怖气息从上面散发开来。 Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, stares slightly. 韩立眼见此景,微微一愣。 These thick golden thunder and lightning and beforehand Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder are no comparison between them simply, power minimum big several times, moreover gives him an unexplained feeling. 这些粗大金色雷电和之前的辟邪神雷简直不可同日而语,威能起码大了数倍,而且给他一种说不清道不明的感觉。 He looks at the thunder and lightning great sword, the vision flashes, immediately pinching finger joints with the thumb suddenly. 他看着雷电巨剑,目光闪动,随即忽的掐诀一点。 The thunder and lightning great sword that speeds along in the midair stopped, a ray hold who sends out, the great sword brandishes suddenly again, seemed gripped by an invisible great hand, cuts void. 在半空飞驰的雷电巨剑停了下来,散发出的光芒陡然再次一盛,巨剑挥舞,仿佛被一只无形的巨手握住,虚空一斩而出。 Bang! 轰隆! In the great incomparable azure sword Qi flying volume, have several together widely fully, the above golden electric arcs wind around, seemingly scary. 一道宏大无比的青色剑气飞卷而出,宽足有数里,上面一道道金色电弧缭绕,看起来骇人之极。 Azure sword Qi flies to shoot, toward void deeply sentences to beheading, sends out the grating Chī chī sharp sound. 青色剑气飞射而出,朝着虚空深处斩去,发出刺耳的嗤嗤锐响。 The sword Qi place visited, exuded a black spot, as if must be cut to break this side Heaven and Earth general, causes void shivers fiercely the distortion, space cracks continuously appeared to vanish. 剑气所过之处,泛起了一道黑色痕迹,似乎要被斩破这一方天地一般,引得虚空剧烈颤抖扭曲,一道道空间裂缝此起彼伏的浮现消失。 Huge sword Qi flashes submerges the void deep place, vanishes does not see, but the Chī chī sharp sound still transmitted unceasingly, as if entire mystical place also starts to rock slightly. 巨大剑气一闪没入虚空深处,消失不见,但嗤嗤锐响仍然不断传来,似乎整个秘境也开始微微晃动起来。 Some little time in the past, the sharp sound stood still, mystical place again regression in tranquility. 好一会过去,锐响才停歇下来,秘境才重新复归于平静。
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