RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#440: Refining up the sword

Before Han Li, was camouflaged the line of sight by sword sea, waits to see the blood-color sword glow time, has avoided completely without enough time. 韩立之前被剑海遮蔽了视线,等看到血色剑芒的时候,已经完全来不及躲避了。 In this is at a crucial moment, in his heart meditates the mnemonics fast, Divinity Cultivation Technique revolves, Spirit Shock Stab starts suddenly. 就在这千钧一发之际,他心中飞快默念口诀,炼神术运转而起,惊神刺骤然发动。 At this moment, Xiong Shan only thought that in the mind suddenly resounded cold snort/hum, the sound ice was cold, making his entire sea of consciousness flicker the freeze, the whole person presented short being out of sorts immediately. 这一刻,熊山只觉得脑海之中突然响起了一声冷哼,声音冰寒无比,令他整个识海一瞬冻结,整个人顿时出现了短暂的失神。 The blood-color sword glow that straight thrust comes, in approaching Han Li zhang (3.33 m) the place trembles suddenly, also presented the temporary stagnation. 那道直刺而来的血色剑芒,在临近韩立丈许的地方忽然一颤,也随之出现了短暂的停滞。 But is this instantaneous change, changed the entire war! 可就是这瞬间的变化,改变了整个战局! Han Li within the body Precious Mantra Wheel reverses rapidly, the back Wind and Thunder Wings illness/quick fan, within the body Azure Luan bloodlines also stimulate, form fuzzy arrived at one side of the blood-color sword glow, in hand five flying swords centralized in a point toward sword glow, punctured suddenly. 韩立体内真言宝轮急速逆转,背后风雷翅疾扇,体内青鸾血脉同时激发,身影一个模糊就来到了血色剑芒一侧,手中五柄飞剑集中朝着剑芒上的一点,突刺了下去。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”的一声巨响! The blood-color sword glow blasts open loudly, the fierce air wave to swinging, to shake to spit blood to continue Han Li, flies upside down the number hundred zhang (333 m), banged into ten thousand sword mighty currents. 血色剑芒轰然炸裂开来,剧烈的气浪冲荡而出,将韩立震得吐血不止,倒飞出去数百丈,撞入了万剑洪流之中。 Meanwhile, in blood-color sword glow that explodes, pitch-black iron sheets fly to shoot, is colliding in the midair mutually, condensed black iron signboard. 与此同时,爆炸开来的血色剑芒中,一块块乌黑铁片飞射而出,在半空中相互碰撞着,重新凝聚成了一块黑色铁券 a person's shadow also falls qiang to come out from void, the hair is scattered in disorder, ghastly pale look. 一道人影随之从虚空中跌跄出来,头发散乱,面无人色。 It is not others, is Xiong Shan. 不是别人,正是熊山 But saw its chest front to break open a dripping with blood giant cavity, the heart is stirred thoroughly rottenly, above the body proliferated the dark-red lines on face, seemed like, in addition complete, in fact had actually been torn the innumerable blocks by sword Qi. 但见其胸前破开了一个鲜血淋漓的巨大空洞,心脏已经被彻底搅烂了,身躯之上遍布暗红色的细纹,看似尚且完整,实际上却已经被剑气撕裂成了无数块。 His look at this moment is demented, is leaning on the long sword single-handed, in void step by step, moves toward that ten thousand sword iron signboard. 此刻的他神色癫狂,单手拄着长剑,在虚空中一步一步,走向那块“万剑铁券”。 However he steps forward every time one step, forward when close to one inch, flesh then falling same place, waited till iron signboard side, has become emaciated of being worthy of the reputation, only other snow white clear skeleton. 然而他每跨出一步,向前靠近一寸,身上的血肉便会掉落一块,等到了铁券旁边时,已经成了名副其实的形销骨立,仅余下了一副雪白晶莹的骨架。 With a "Pā" sound! 随着“啪”的一声响! That golden color long sword that in the skeleton hand grabs, also cracks, changed into the innumerable fragments, four dispersions fall. 骨架手中抓着的那柄金色长剑,也随之崩裂开来,化为了无数碎片,四散飞落。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! The golden ray departed from the skeleton crown of the head together, turns into several cuns (2.5 cm) golden Nascent Soul tiny person, the whole face looked exhaustedly to the number hundred zhang (333 m) comes to a stop body figure Han Li, in the vision seemed to be the doubts, muttered: 一道金色光芒从骨架天灵盖中飞出,化成了一只数寸大小的金色元婴小人,满脸疲惫地望向数百丈外堪堪站稳身形韩立,目光之中似有疑惑,喃喃道: This...... is the fate............” “这难道……就是命数……吗……” after speaking, this Nascent Soul also changes to a flake gold light, dissipated. 一语说罢,这具元婴也随之化作一片金光,消散了开来。 Han Li is looking out all these, in the heart also sighed. 韩立遥望着这一切,心中也是不由叹息一声。 Regarding Xiong Shan, his in fact not how much hatreds, even in certain levels are also in the person of same belief the person, if not it is too deep to own obsessive thoughts, he is not even willing to have this war. 对于熊山,他事实上并无多少恨意,甚至在某些层面还算是同道中人,若非其对自己执念太深,他甚至根本不愿有此一战。 Xiong Shan dies, upper air sword array instantaneous out-of-control, all hangs the flying sword such as the rainstorm in upper air to crash generally, fell in Lifeless Sword Sea. 熊山一死,高空剑阵瞬间失控,所有悬于高空中的飞剑如暴雨一般坠落而下,重新落回了无生剑海之中。 Han Li body figure grazes on, first is conveniently one move, receives Xiong Shan storage bracelet, latter finds out a palm, one grasps ten thousand sword iron signboard in the hand, later body figure several rises, fell in the hanging altar again. 韩立身形飞掠而上,先是随手一招,将熊山储物镯收起,后又探出一掌,将万剑铁券一把抓在手中,随后身形几个起落,再次落在了悬空祭坛上。 He sized up iron signboard in hand, actually discovered that it seems like threw down and broke together the tiles, above covered entirely the extremely deep fissure, as if he makes an effort slightly, can break off thoroughly broken it. 他打量了一眼手中的铁券,却发现其看起来就像是一块摔碎了的瓷片,上面布满了极深的裂痕,仿佛他稍一用力,就能将之彻底掰碎。 Han Li slightly hesitates, the look moves slightly. 韩立略一沉吟,神色微微一动。 By this time, in his heart somewhat hesitated. 到了此时,他心中不禁有些犹豫起来。 Before he had also looked at all phenomena on earth prospect in that golden light screens, knows how to stimulate to movement this to refine sword array, but somewhat worried that this iron signboard, did not know shatter its hence, but whether also as array pivot, to support is making him complete to refine the sword? 之前他也看过了那片金色光幕中的万象图景,知道如何催动这座炼剑阵法,但又有些担忧这块铁券,不知其破碎至此,还能否作为阵枢,支撑着让他完成炼剑? He thought the moment, sat cross-legged to sit, placed the one side iron signboard, took out medicine pill, after clothing/taking next, close eyes controls one's breathing. 他想了片刻,盘膝坐了下来,将铁券放在一旁,取出一枚丹药,服下后闭目调息起来。 After long time, he stands from the ground, picked up that ten thousand sword iron signboard again, in the mouth put out foul air layer on layer/heavily. 半晌之后,他从地面上站立起来,再次拾起了那块万剑铁券,口中重重吐出一口浊气。 No matter how, tries to try, calculates that completes your unfinished last wish.” Looking that the Han Li vision concentrates to void somewhere, said slowly. “不管如何,还是试上一试,也算完成你未竟的遗愿吧。”韩立目光微凝的望向虚空某处,缓缓说道。 Then, his palm throws, on black iron signboard ray one bright, flew above the altar. 说罢,他手掌一抛,黑色铁券上光芒一亮,重新飞到了祭坛上方。 As in his mouth mumbled, the both hands ten fingers like the wheel change, the cloud cluster under altar were lit again, changed to a scarlet sea of fire. 随着他口中念念有词,双手十指如车轮般变化,祭坛之下的云团重新被点燃,化作了一片赤红火海。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Dark Cold Immortal Residence somewhere. 与此同时,冥寒仙府某处。 In the upper air, ten zhang (3.33 m) Green Jade Flying Vehicle azure glow twinkles, speed past. 高空之中,一架十来丈长的碧玉飞车青芒闪烁,疾驰而过。 Before flying vehicle, a slender male child long/grows body stands, in the hand holds circular Luo Panzhuang magical treasure, above is covering one/1st level/layer white mist, center the actually red luminous spot, flashes unceasingly. 飞车前端,一名身材修长的男子长身而立,手中捧着一个圆形罗盘状的法宝,上面笼罩着一层白色云气,正中处却有一道红色光点,不断闪动。 Well, is it possible that is Samsara Palace these bag or sack insects?” The men somewhat had doubts, mutter the light language. “咦,莫非是轮回殿那些橐虫吗?”男子有些疑惑,喃喃轻语了一声。 It is standing behind the golden armor puppet who two grasp the long halberd, stands out of respect as before motionless, regarding this no least bit response. 其身后站着的两名手持长戟的金甲傀儡,依旧肃立不动,对此没有半点反应。 ...... …… On Lifeless Sword Sect half half way up the mountain, the Lu Yuqing silver long sword holds after behind, raises head to look to the peak. 无生剑宗山腰上,陆雨晴银色长剑倒持在身后,仰头望向峰顶。 The thick fog is camouflaging the field of vision as before, previously above can also hear huge thundering that transmits unceasingly, feels remarkable fluctuation that above transmits, now has actually stood still for a long time. 浓厚的云雾依旧遮蔽着视野,先前还能听到上面不断传来的巨大轰鸣,感受到上面传来的惊人波动,现在却已经停歇了许久。 As if there experienced some accident, but finally returned to again normal. 似乎那里经历了某种变故,但终于再次恢复了平静。 Before her foot, that several wooden puppets the disintegration, had scattered place. 在她的脚边,那几具木质傀儡早已崩碎,散落了一地。 The Lu Yuqing pupil light flashes, after hesitant over and over, lifts the footsteps, starts slowly the stone steps on, is increasingly estranged in the peak direction. 陆雨晴眸光微闪,犹豫再三之后,才抬起脚步,开始缓缓石阶而上,往峰顶方向渐行渐远。 ...... …… How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 Above the hanging altar, the Han Li whole body azure light surges, has been sweating profusely. 悬空祭坛之上,韩立周身青光涌动,已是满头大汗。 His 72 Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, now hovering above altar hollowing out region, arranged some special shape, like sword array, the golden electricity silk surrounded, exudes the sound of intermittent electric current surging. 他的七十二青竹蜂云剑,如今正悬停在祭坛正中的镂空区域上方,排成了某种特别的形状,如同一个剑阵,彼此之间金色电丝环绕,发出阵阵电流涌动之声。 In its under flaming roaring flame, the assorted sword essence light balls float unceasingly on, floods into the sword blade. 在其下方的熊熊烈焰之中,正有一枚枚各色剑元光球不断漂浮而上,涌入剑身之中。 With the lapse of time, sword blade under sword sea are getting fewer and fewer, sword essence that in Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords absorbs are getting more and more, aura that on the 72 mouth flying sword dissipates, becomes more and more abundant. 随着时间的推移,下方剑海中的剑锋越来越少,青竹蜂云剑中吸收的剑元越来越多,七十二口飞剑上逸散出来的气息,就变得越来越盛。 Han Li has been fixing the eyes on all these, his heart is also getting more and more tight. 韩立一直紧盯着这一切,他的心也随之越来越紧张起来。 When final dozens sword essence flood into above the sword blade, was being twined instance that the golden electricity glow decomposition swallows, in the upper air transmits suddenly ka a sound. 当最后数十枚剑元涌入剑身之上,被缠绕着的金色电芒分解吞噬的瞬间,高空之中突然传来“咔”的一声响。 Bad......” the Han Li heart one tight, startled called out immediately. “糟了……”韩立心头顿时一紧,惊叫道。 It finishes speaking, hangs ten thousand sword iron signboard in upper air, in the crack blooms the dazzling golden light, wants the disintegration to come shortly. 其话音刚落,悬于高空中的万剑铁券,裂纹之中就绽放出刺目金光,眼看就要崩碎开来。 Had learning from another's mistakes of Xiong Shan, the Han Li very clear iron signboard collapse destroys consequence, one volume of sleeve robes, want to pull out the altar Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords hastily, escapes to leave. 有了熊山的前车之鉴,韩立很清楚铁券崩毁的后果,连忙一卷袖袍,想要将青竹蜂云剑拉出祭坛,远遁离开。 However, his magical power fluctuated just to touch own life source flying sword, above the sword blade then has mixed together the boundless sword Qi electric light to explode to shoot, made into the smashing his sleeve robe. 然而,他的法力波动刚一触及自己的本命飞剑,剑身之上便有一道混杂着磅礴剑气的电光爆射而出,将他的袖袍打成了粉碎。 His body also feels a numbness, suddenly is unable to move unexpectedly. 他的身躯也随之感到一阵麻木,一时间竟无法动弹了。 In the meantime, on storage bracelet in his wrist/skill, the white light flashes suddenly, the contour is together tall and slender, strange jade token of palm of the hand size, flies, directly soars ten thousand sword iron signboard to go. 就在此时,他手腕上的储物镯上,忽然白光一闪,一块外形细长,巴掌大小的古怪玉牌,从中一飞而出,直奔万剑铁券而去。 That is......” the Han Li vision concentrates, looks to that thing, the doubts said. “那是……”韩立目光一凝,望向那物,疑惑道。 However, was quick he to remember the source of that thing, was from the hand of that Saint Puppet Sect elder Qi Hang. 不过,很快他就想起了那物的出处,正是得自那位圣傀门长老齐珩之手。 When Qi Hang in the past with he battled, had once put forth Seven Kills Sword Array that stemmed from Lifeless Sword Sect, such words it seems like, that strange jade token had the possibility itself is the thing of Lifeless Sword Sect! 齐珩当年与他交战之时,也曾使出过出自于无生剑宗七杀剑阵,这么看来的话,那古怪玉牌很有可能本就是无生剑宗之物! Han Li is surprised, saw that above that jade token the ray greatly is suddenly bright, becomes insightful incomparable, its interior had the golden gassed thread to congeal four ancient seal small characters: 韩立正惊讶间,就看到那块玉牌之上忽然光芒大亮,变得通透无比,其内部有金色光丝凝成了四个古篆小字: Not fresh sword gallbladder “無生劍膽” After the gold/metal character appears, that white jade token then coincides with ten thousand sword iron signboard rays, melts for a body gradually. 金字浮现之后,那白色玉牌便与万剑铁券光芒相合,渐渐融为了一体。 Only listens to bang a loud sound. 只听“轰隆”一声巨响。 Above in the altar backdrop the ray is suddenly dark, a piece does not know that came the strong dark cloud that to cover from where, inside blue and purple ray flashed repeatedly, hears the sound of intermittent rolling thunder. 祭坛上方的天幕之中光线骤暗,一片不知从何处而来的浓重乌云遮盖了过来,里面青紫光芒频频闪动,传来阵阵滚雷之声。 On eight Coiling Dragon great columns that all around encircles, eight dragon head both eyes golden light flashes, as if lived suddenly suddenly generally, sent out the intermittent dreadful arrogance, as if next moment must ascended from eight great columns. 四周围的八根盘龙巨柱上,八颗龙首双目蓦然间金光一闪,突然仿佛活过来了一般,散发出阵阵滔天气焰,仿佛下一刻就要从八根巨柱上飞升而起。 Eight dragon mouth opens, center the position toward the altar emitted the billowing scarlet flame, the big piece roaring flame connected in the midair, changed into a tumbling continuous sea of fire. 紧接着,八张龙口纷纷张开,朝着祭坛正中方位喷吐出了滚滚赤焰,大片烈焰在半空中交汇,化为了一片翻滚不休的火海。 Han Li sees that just recovered the consciousness, then moves sideways immediately, stood dangerous outside the altar. 韩立见状,身体刚一恢复知觉,便立即闪身而出,悬立在了祭坛之外。 In the sea of fire the roaring flame of flaming tumbling falls in torrents, instantaneously entire altar engulf. 火海中熊熊翻滚的烈焰倾泻而下,瞬间将整个祭坛吞没了进去。 Meanwhile, in the upper air transmits a heavenshaking thunderclap, in the blue and purple thunder Baozi dark cloud lets fall together, submerged in the blazing flame, for a very long time. 与此同时,高空之中传来一声震天霹雳,一道青紫雷瀑自乌云之中垂落而下,淹没进了炽烈火焰之中,久久不息。 In the electric light roaring flame, could not have seen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords completely, is divine sense definitely is unable to infiltrate. 电光烈焰之中,已经完全看不到青竹蜂云剑了,就是神识也完全无法渗透进去。 Smelts ten thousand sword the casting sword furnace, hence forms truly! 熔炼万剑的铸剑炉,至此才真正形成! The Han Li look is complex, sat by far hangingly, looks with rapt attention. 韩立神色复杂,远远地悬空坐了下来,凝神望向其中。 The time in a flash, after is 3 days . 时间一晃,已是三日之后。 Around on the altar eight Coiling Dragon great columns, eight dragon head still the big mouth opened, emits the billowing scarlet flame toward the altar. 祭坛四周的八根盘龙巨柱上,八颗龙首仍然大口张开,朝着祭坛喷吐出滚滚赤焰。 Submerges the sea of fire of entire altar, before 3 days was bigger several points. 淹没整个祭坛的火海,比起三日前更加大了几分。 In the midair, blue and purple thunder Bao still let fall from the dark cloud together, rumbles into the blazing flame, the range was also much bigger compared with before. 半空之中,一道青紫雷瀑仍然从乌云中垂落而下,轰入炽烈火焰之中,范围比起之前也更大了不少。 Han Li stands near the sea of fire, the facial expression was gentle, seems like the injury that the beforehand fight received to restore, was only the facial expression somewhat is faintly anxious. 韩立站在火海附近,气色平和,看起来之前战斗所受的伤势已经恢复了过来,只是神情隐隐有些焦急。 This time refine the sword to spend the so long time unexpectedly, was separated from his control completely, wanted to speed up the progress unable to meddle, can only wait for in the one side, Cold Blood and the others had not appeared luckily. 这次炼剑竟然花费了如此长的时间,完全脱离他的掌控,想要加快进度也无法插手,只能在一旁等待着,幸好血寒等人一直没有出现。 Below Daoist temple, a beautiful appearance young girl who wears the black clothes is situated in here smartly, does not know when has arrived here Lu Yuqing. 下方道观之内,一名身穿黑衣的美貌少女正俏立于此处,正是不知何时已来到此处的陆雨晴 This female's various places in the Daoist temple as if strolls takes a walk generally, from time to time settles down before a worn-out garret, from time to time before one already the dry well of crawling full moss squats to sit. 此女在道观内各处仿佛闲庭信步一般走动,时而驻足于一间破旧阁楼前,时而又在一口早已爬满苔藓的枯井前蹲坐下来。 His pair of beautiful pupil is often sizing up the surrounding environment, brings several points of vacant, blur that but also somewhat is unable to state clearly. 其一双美眸不时打量着周围的环境,带着几分茫然,还有几分无法言明的迷离。
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