RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#439: Limit

Han Li sees this situation, in the mouth cold snort/hum. 韩立见此情形,口中一声冷哼。 But sees its body figure slightly one fuzzily, brings a series of remnant shadow exploding shoots towards azure coiled dragon, the palm to hold up extreme twist Heavy Water Mantra Wheel, above black light circles, cuts in two at the waist to go toward Xiong Shan. 但见其身形略一模糊,就带着一连串残影的爆射向青色蟠龙,手掌擎着急速旋转的重水真轮,上面乌光盘旋,朝着熊山腰斩而去。 !” “喝!” In the Xiong Shan mouth calls out one, in whole body black armor fuzzy dark red sword glow flies to shoot immediately, must crush on sword Qi dragon Yazhan of azure coiled dragon instantaneously. 熊山口中暴喝一声,周身黑甲上顿时有一片模糊的暗红剑芒飞射而出,瞬间就青色蟠龙的剑气龙牙斩得粉碎。 It lifts the arm, in the hand the long sword wields, cut layer on layer/heavily on Heavy Water Mantra Wheel. 其抬起手臂,手中长剑一挥,重重斩在了重水真轮上。 Only listens to Zheng a sharp sound. 只听“铮”的一声锐响。 Entire Azure Coils Sword Array disintegrates, all flying sword four dispersions shoot to go, the Xiong Shan form flies upside down, after plundering more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), hovering in upper air. 整个青蟠剑阵分崩离析,所有飞剑四散飞射而去,熊山的身影从中倒飞而出,掠去百余丈后,悬停在了高空中。 What's wrong, whose flying sword is more than with me?” He looks to Han Li, the ridicule says with a smile. “怎么,想跟我比谁的飞剑更多?”他望向韩立,讥讽一笑道。 Then, he raises single-handed, in the long sword the hand ejects, both hands pinch strange magical formula, after the mouth recited one silently, both hands suddenly open, toward void one move. 说罢,他单手一扬,将手中长剑抛出,双手掐出一个古怪法诀,口中默默吟诵一番后,双手霍然张开,朝着虚空一招。 In the black A dark red trace flashes again, in its chest proostracum piece position, appeared a shape such as ancient seal jian the strange trace of character. 其身上黑甲上暗红纹路再次一闪,其胸前甲片位置上,浮现出了一个形如古篆“劒”字的古怪纹路。 Headstrong ancient desolate aura that this mark, one type is hard to describe, immediately sends out from Xiong Shan. 此纹一出,一种难以言状的莽古苍凉气息,顿时从熊山身上散发出来。 Han Li sees that in heart one tight, relates Daoist Crab with the mind hastily, informs him to attack when necessary jointly. 韩立见状,心中不由一紧,连忙以心神联系蟹道人,告知他必要的时候联手出击。 The trim sky suddenly becomes extremely peaceful, even the wind sound/rumor as if solidified. 整片天空突然变得极度安静,连风声似乎都凝固住了。 Zhēng Zhēng Zhēng 铮铮铮 The sound that a metal rubs resounds suddenly, appearing is very towering and sharp. 一阵金属摩擦的声音忽然响起,显得十分突兀和尖锐。 Han Li moves to the eye to look, before seeing , the hovering motionless sword sea conceals sword, has moved at this moment unexpectedly. 韩立移目望去,就见之前一直悬停不动的剑海藏剑,此刻竟然重新活动了起来。 Was different from the former condition, all flying swords in this sword sea all moved, was separated from the sword sea above range, under the one/1st level/layer dark-red sword glow covered, like a reviving ancient times giant beast, searched toward Han Li. 与之前的状况有所不同,这一次剑海中的所有飞剑全都动了起来,脱离了剑海上空的范围,在一层暗红色的剑芒笼罩下,如同一头苏醒过来的远古巨兽,朝着韩立这边探了过来。 You taste the taste of this ten thousand Jiangua body!” On the Xiong Shan face appears to wipe the fierce color, the violent shouts. “你就尝尝这万剑剐身的滋味吧!”熊山脸上浮现出一抹狰狞之色,暴喝道。 Goes “去” As it orders, the upper air sound of sword cry does in a big way immediately, various tens of thousands of flying swords turn out in full strength, blot out the sky to come, not only looks like mighty current racing wells up, and looks like the locust to transit. 随着其一声令下,高空中的剑鸣之声顿时大作,成千上万柄各式飞剑倾巢而出,铺天盖地而来,既像洪流奔涌,又像蝗虫过境。 The Han Li look suddenly changes, sword sea of so huge quantity, so sharp inundation Sky Sword glow, his Precious Mantra Wheel or Heavy Water Mantra Wheel, are impossible to resist. 韩立神色骤然一变,如此庞大数量的剑海,如此锋锐的漫天剑芒,不论是他的真言宝轮还是重水真轮,都决计不可能抵挡得住。 He makes the consideration slightly, had decided on the heart the attention: 他只是稍作思量,就已在心中打定了注意: Escape! 逃! In the final analysis, he comes this, the behavior itself brings back own life source magical treasure Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, since the goal has been achieved now, why also to continue to slaughter again with it? 归根到底,他之所以来此,所为的本就是拿回自己的本命法宝青竹蜂云剑而已,既然现在目的已经达到了,又何必再继续与之厮杀下去? And does not go to think that this matter crosses, Xiong Shan will grow into his trusted aide archenemy surely, first escaped here to say again. 且不去想此事一过,熊山必定会成长为他的心腹大敌,先逃得此处再说。 After the heart fell into a trap decides, Han Li takes back all magical treasure immediately, both hands pinches magical formula, beside the whole body starts to have the sound of thunderclap to get up, a golden thunder array quick formation, will soon start. 心中计定之后,韩立马上收回所有法宝,双手一掐法诀,周身之外开始有霹雳之声响起,一座金色雷阵很快成型,即将发动。 However matter along with not hoping, the time to save thunder array starting, he has not used the strength of Thunder Roc, but used Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder directly, actually eventually was late such a point. 然而事不随愿,为了节省雷阵发动的时间,他没有使用雷鹏之力,而是直接动用了辟邪神雷,却终究还是晚了那么一分。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! The dark red sword light chops together in the sky, golden thunder array that just now takes shape, is defeated and dispersed loudly. 一道暗红剑光当空劈下,才刚成型的金色雷阵,轰然溃散开来。 In a twinkling, dense and numerous assorted flying sword racing wells up, instantaneously Han Li engulf. 霎时间,密密麻麻的各色飞剑奔涌而下,瞬间就将韩立吞没了进去。 The Han Li look changes, actually not panic, the silver light flies to shoot among its sleeves together, changed to a silver bell to fly into the upper air, shaking kept. 韩立神色微变,却没有惊慌失措,一道银光自其袖间飞射而出,化作一枚银色铃铛飞入了高空,摇动不停。 Crowded silver light waves appear from its all around, proliferated to open toward the surroundings, haunched several zhang (3.33 m) silver wave regions. 一圈圈密集的银色光波从其四周浮现而出,朝着周围扩散而开,撑起了一个数十丈大小的银波区域。 Meanwhile, his opens the mouth spurts, seven star circular flights shoot, the star link like lightning is turning round a revolution, each other nesting links, forms a bigger ring, covers above his top of the head. 与此同时,他张口一喷,七枚星环飞射而出,星环闪电般滴溜溜一转,彼此嵌套连接在一起,形成一个更大的圆环,遮挡在他的头顶上方。 The dazzling star light sends out from Seven Dazzling Star Rings, forms stars light screen to cover, above innumerable stars designs flash, with the silver wave region together, protected him in the center. 耀眼的星光从七曜星环之中散发而出,形成一片星辰光幕覆盖下来,上面无数星辰图案闪动,与银波区域一起,将他护在了中央。 Emits these two magical treasure, ten thousand sword mighty currents have come, before arriving at his body . 才堪堪放出这两件法宝之时,万剑洪流已经汹涌而至,来到了他的身前。 Suddenly, his top of the head and all around, was surrounded by crowded sword blade, the silver bell sound was unceasing, the silver wave region that overhung actually still by an cuns (2.5 cm) compression, wore down little, reduced toward Han Li side unceasingly. 一时间,他的头顶和四周,均被密集的剑锋包围,银色铃铛响声不断,撑出的银波区域却仍是被一寸寸压缩,一点点消磨,不断朝着韩立身边缩小。 On stars light screen that on Seven Dazzling Star Rings sends out, makes the intermittent sharp sound, stars luminous spots extinguish one after another, the ray becomes even more is also dim. 七曜星环上散发的星辰光幕上,发出阵阵尖锐声响,一颗颗星辰光点接连熄灭,光芒也变得越发黯淡起来。 The Han Li brow is tight, both hands wield again, Heavy Water Mantra Wheel and Precious Mantra Wheel in tandem, appear simultaneously in his body side. 韩立眉头紧蹙,双手再一挥动,重水真轮真言宝轮一前一后,同时浮现在他身侧。 Sees only his both hands to pinch magical formula, the numerous racket on Heavy Water Mantra Wheel, Mantra Wheel surface black trembles brilliantly, the Water Dao Mark ray illness/quick flashes, boundless incomparable moisture wells up crazily, changes to a pitch-black Water Dragon, broke in ten thousand swords. 只见其双手一掐法诀,在重水真轮上重重一拍,真轮表面乌光大颤,水之道纹光芒疾闪,一股磅礴无比的水气从中狂涌而出,化作一头乌黑水龙,冲入了万剑之中。 The heavy water Black Dragon body is huge, just likes a black great river turbulently, quick runs out of a neutral gear region in the middle of ten thousand swords, Han Li body figure moves, immediately flies to shoot to go toward the neutral gear region. 重水黑龙身躯庞大,恍若一条黑色大江汹涌而过,很快就在万剑当中冲出一条空档地带,韩立身形一动,立即朝着空档区域飞射而去。 Makes fighting of this trapped/sleepy beast also to have what significance?” Xiong Shan sneers, said. “作此困兽之斗还有何意义?”熊山冷笑一声,说道。 Then, he lifted the hand to wipe cheeks unemotionally, in the hand became dark red one piece immediately. 说罢,他面无表情地抬手抹了一把脸颊,手上顿时变得殷红一片。 Stimulates to movement ten thousand sword iron signboard by the secret technique forcefully, does not have the price, in his corner of the eye nostril and ear, have a blood line respectively, such as the earthworm winds to drip generally. 强行以秘术催动万剑铁券,并非全无代价,他的眼角鼻孔和耳内,早已各有一条血线,如蚯蚓一般蜿蜒淌下。 However to him, so long as can kill Han Li, brings back that 72 mouth flying sword, all these were worth. 不过对他来说,只要能够杀了韩立,拿回那七十二口飞剑,这一切就都值得了。 Gathers to me!” In the Xiong Shan mouth calls out! “给我合!”熊山口中一声暴喝! But sees in ten thousand Jiancong by heavy water Black Dragon separated that passageway, both sides innumerable sword blade concentrates suddenly, such as two tall wall close up to come generally, the extrusion approached Han Li. 但见万剑丛中被重水黑龙堪堪分开的那条通道,两旁的无数剑锋骤然一凝,如两座高墙一般合拢而来,挤压向了韩立 Clank “铮铮” An sharp abnormal noise transmits unceasingly, on the two sides sword wall the dark red blood glow becomes even more crowded. 一阵尖锐异响不断传来,两边剑墙上暗红血芒变得愈加密集起来。 Han Li has not departed the hundred zhang (333 m), front sword array has closed up, that heavy water Black Dragon also collapses to disperse under the numerous oppressions, changes to a moisture to flow in Heavy Water Mantra Wheel. 韩立还未飞出百丈,前方的剑阵就已经重新合拢,那头重水黑龙也在重重压迫下崩散开来,化作点点水气重新流回重水真轮中。 Falls into ten thousand sword jungles, his situation is less wonderful, the silver bell or Seven Dazzling Star Rings, can provide to his asylum already not remaining many. 重新陷入万剑丛林之中,他的处境更加不妙,不论是银色铃铛还是七曜星环,能够提供给他的庇护都已经没剩下多少。 Soon, under the sword glow heavy pressure that this two kinds magical treasure is intensifying inevitably unceasingly collapses. 用不了多久,这两样法宝必然在不断加剧的剑芒重压下崩溃。 Ka ka ka “咔咔咔” Transmits from the top of the head along with a slight sound, on that matter stars light screen is arriving at the sword points of several hundred flying swords, above has reappeared the one/1st level/layer fine such as to send the silk the lines on face, must unable to support the disintegration to come shortly. 伴随着一阵细微的声响从头顶上方传来,那层星辰光幕上正抵着数百柄飞剑的剑尖,上面已经浮现了一层纤如发丝的细纹,眼看就要撑不住崩碎开来。 The Han Li vision concentrates, a palm move, on Seven Dazzling Star Rings the ray flashes, all stars rays collect instantaneously, flew toward him on. 韩立目光微凝,手掌一招,七曜星环上光芒一闪,所有星辰光芒瞬间一敛,朝着他身上飞了回来。 Meanwhile, that silver bell also trembles slightly, in the midair circled in flight, returned to his body. 与此同时,那枚银色铃铛也微微一颤,在半空中一个飞旋,回到了他的身上。 next moment, its whole body purple gold ray twinkle, purple Golden Scale laminar levels turned out, cover his whole body, had a head to reappear on his both sides shoulder respectively, the body next two ribs also had the arm that two scales covered to grow respectively. 下一刻,其浑身紫金光芒闪烁,一枚枚紫金鳞片层层翻出,覆盖住了他的全身,在其两侧肩膀上各有一颗头颅浮现而出,身下两肋则也各有两只鳞片覆盖的臂膀长了出来。 The Han Li single-handed move, recalls Heavy Water Mantra Wheel, simultaneously finds out a palm such as the shield to hold generally before the body, another five arms gripped Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords respectively. 紧接着,韩立单手一招,将重水真轮召回,同时探出一只手掌如盾牌一般持在身前,另外五条手臂则各握住了一柄青竹蜂云剑 In its within the body, has not had for a long time has used the Black Tortoise bloodlines also to stimulate, changes to a dark green armor that inlays plain rune/symbol mark, protected his torso. 在其体内,久未动用过的玄武血脉也激发而出,化作一副嵌有古朴符纹的墨绿铠甲,护住了他的躯干。 Han Li and person to the war, grew perceptibly by the mortal body, now cultivation Profound Immortal cultivation technique, also many method in addition hold, his body powerful is not weak in many defense class spirit treasure. 韩立与人对战,本就以肉身见长,如今修炼玄仙功法,又又诸多手段加持,他的身躯之强悍就已经不弱于许多防御类灵宝了。 The Precious Mantra Wheel ray flashes, returns to his within the body, immediately starts to reverse rapidly. 真言宝轮光芒一闪,回到他的体内,立即开始急速逆转。 Han Li body figure flashes, no longer makes the defense condition, but attacks in order to defend, did not draw back entered in ten thousand sword mighty currents that instead entered directly. 韩立身形一闪,不再做防御之态,而是以攻为守,不退反进的直接杀入了万剑洪流之中。 His form like the electricity, brings a series of naked eyes the fuzzy remnant shadow that is difficult to distinguish, shuttles back and forth in sword sea fast. 他身影如电,带着一连串肉眼难辨的模糊残影,在剑海之中飞快穿梭。 His six arms such as the windmill rotates generally, on five Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords the golden electric light flashes crazily, often chops to cut, then dozens zhang (3.33 m) electric lights jump shoot, the flying sword that will approach scatters all. 其六条手臂如风车一般轮转,五柄青竹蜂云剑上金色电光狂闪,每每劈砍而出,便有数十丈长的电光迸射,直将靠近的飞剑尽数打散。 In entire sword sea, the golden ray flashes everywhere, the bellow is unceasing, suddenly does to Han Li not to unexpectedly. 整个剑海之中,金色光芒四处闪动,轰鸣声不断,一时间竟然奈何韩立不得。 In the Han Li heart understands, at present this condition is impossible to continue is too long, after all simultaneously uses so many method consumptions extremely to be really terrorist, once oneself magical power cannot continue, that must die without doubt. 韩立自己心中明白,眼下这种状况不可能持续太久,毕竟同时动用如此多的手段消耗实在太过恐怖,一旦自己法力无以为继,那就必死无疑了。 He so disregards rushes ahead, does not lose the sane hysteria, but to give Daoist Crab restores to delay some time. 他之所以如此不管不顾地冲杀,并非是丧失理智的歇斯底里,而只是为了给蟹道人恢复拖延些时间。 Before, when he started of thunder and lightning, this desire let Daoist Crab again make a move one time, strives some time. 之前,他发动雷电之阵时,本欲让蟹道人出手一次,来争取些时间。 Finally when Daoist Crab make a move, discovered the puppet body that own this fusion comes fell the chain unexpectedly, somewhat cannot support, cannot start the large-scale technique law magical powers. 结果蟹道人动手之际,才发现自己这副融合而来的傀儡身躯竟然掉了链子,有些支撑不住,根本发动不了大规模的术法神通。 Roughly after the quarter of an hour, the Han Li form the speed in the midair shuttling back and forth becomes more and more slow, its azure armor also the densely covered sword mark, on six arms has been the scale cracks, the bloodstain is countless. 约莫一刻钟后,韩立身影在半空中穿梭的速度变得越来越慢,其身上的青色铠甲也早已经密布剑痕,六条手臂上更是鳞片崩裂,血痕累累。 Obviously, by Han Li tyranical of mortal body, some soon arrived in the limit. 显然,以韩立的肉身之强横,也有些快要抵达极限了。 „Didn't Fellow Daoist Crab, have?” In the Han Li heart shouts anxiously. 蟹道友,还没好吗?”韩立心中急切喊道。 Is worse, delays half quarter to say by the mind relation on...... Daoist Crab again well. “还差一些,再拖延半刻钟就好……”蟹道人以心神联系道。 Han Li hears word, in the heart exudes a bitterness and astringency, has not said anything, must clench teeth to insist. 韩立闻言,心中泛起一丝苦涩,却也没有多说什么,只得咬牙坚持。 However, Xiong Shan is actually not willing to give him again the least bit time. 然而,熊山却不愿再给他半点时间了。 Because this actually not he saw through the Han Li intention, because him was also about unable to support. 这倒不是因为他看穿了韩立的意图,而是因为他这边也快支撑不下去了。 His seven orifices blood flows out, cleans radically, the mind becomes somewhat is also murky. 他的七窍鲜血汩汩流出,根本擦拭不及,头脑也变得有些昏沉起来。 Suffered to death......” Xiong Shan from rousing a spirit, in the mouth exuded one to call out, the facial features also slightly twisted obviously. “受死吧……”熊山强自振奋了一下精神,口中发出一声暴喝,五官也略显扭曲。 The sound has not fallen, its whole person body figure fuzziness, gets makes together the blood red ray, fuses together with own life source flying sword, changes into giant blood-color sword glow, directly soars Han Li to explode by potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt shoots to go. 声音未落,其整个人身形一个模糊,变作一道血红光芒,与自己的本命飞剑融为一体,化为一道巨大的血色剑芒,以雷霆万钧之势直奔韩立所在爆射而去。 The blood-color sword glow speed extremely, penetrated in sword sea quickly instantaneously, place visited all flying swords give way to traffic in abundance, direct production a giant cavity, no matter what before it shuttled back and forth the Han Li body . 血色剑芒速度快极,瞬间就穿入了剑海之中,所过之处所有飞剑纷纷避让,直接形成了一个巨大的空洞,任其穿梭到了韩立身前。
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