RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#487: golden clouds pill tribulation

The sudden appearance of Han Li, lets Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni two people is also one startled, obviously they are unable to imagine, why does not see several months, Han Li becomes Golden Immortal unexpectedly, where also did Devourer Golden Immortal of such Golden Immortal rank, looked at the relations intimately also exceptionally. 韩立的突然出现,让呼言道人云霓两人也是一惊,显然他们也无法想象,为何才数月不见,韩立竟成为了一名金仙,又从哪里搞到了这么一只金仙级别的噬金仙,看关系还异常的亲密。 Uncle, how do you come now?” A Golden Child face shuts out complains. “大叔,你怎么现在才来?”金童一脸嫌弃地抱怨道。 Golden Child harbored evil intentions to covet by one crowd of Golden Immortal, has not cared slightly. 金童被一群金仙不怀好意觊觎,丝毫没有在意。 Ok, ate to the full, rest.” Han Li turns to her, saying of blinking. “好了,吃饱了,就休息一下。”韩立转向她,眨了眨眼的说道。 These are my, no one must snatch with me, had not finished eating......” the Golden Child after all not really ignorant child, naturally understands that the meaning of Han Li, slightly pointed at referred to remaining magical array. “这些都是我的,谁也不许和我抢,还没吃完呢……”金童毕竟不是真的懵懂孩童,自然明白韩立的意思,小手指了指残余的法阵 I receive to you, after going back, slowly eats again.” Han Li said with a smile. “我给你收起来,回去之后,慢慢再吃。”韩立笑着说道。 Good.” Golden Child hesitated slightly the moment, said encouragingly. “好吧。”金童略微犹豫了片刻,才勉为其难地说道。 Han Li nods, waves to clash that four -and-a-half white stone columns to make the number magic arts to decide, unexpectedly under glare of the public eye, haughty will all reduce and received. 韩立点了点头,挥手冲那四根半白色石柱打出数道法决,竟在众目睽睽之下,大模大样的将之全都缩小并收了起来。 Has the good thing, remembers that called this fairy.” End, Golden Child took a fast look around Feng Tiandu and the others provocatively, said one haughtily. “有好东西,记得叫本仙女。”末了,金童又挑衅似地扫视了一眼封天都等人,大模大样地说了一句。 Then, the golden beetle that its golden light shines, changes to a thumb size, winds high above in the midair, fell on the ring finger of Han Li left hand, such as a golden ring buckled. 说罢,其身上金光一亮,化作一个拇指大小的金色甲虫,在半空中飞绕一圈,落在了韩立左手的无名指上,如一枚金色戒指扣了上去。 The people look at present this, the look becomes even more complex. 众人看着眼前这一幕,神色变得愈加复杂起来。 Just now only misses flickers, Xiao Jinhan can start back-up, although is not necessarily able to overturn comprehensively, but in the people to the valley will also bring a big trouble absolutely, casualty several people of that is few, annihilating its action was perhaps not necessarily able to be successful. 方才只差一瞬,萧晋寒就能发动后手,虽然未必能够全面翻盘,但也绝对会给谷中众人带来不小的麻烦,死伤几人那是少的,围歼其之举恐怕就未必能够成功了。 Devourer Golden Immortal that this suddenly intrudes bothers, made the lord of this Northern Cold Immortal Palace, one generation of owlet immortal Xiao Jinhan cherished hatred finally Dark Cold Immortal Palace, suffered extreme penalty thoroughly. 正是这突然闯入的噬金仙一通搅局,才令这北寒仙宫之主,一代枭仙萧晋寒最终饮恨冥寒仙宫,彻底伏诛。 But Han Li at this moment suddenly comes, receives lightly it by the stance cloud poor business conditions of Devourer Golden Immortal master, naturally caused their suspicion. 韩立的此刻突然现身,以噬金仙主人的姿态云淡风轻地将其收起,自然更是引起了他们的猜忌。 The Feng Tiandu facial features sink, the eye has the unusual look, high and low sizes up Han Li. 封天都面容微沉,目有异色,上下打量起韩立来。 Qi Tianxiao and others of Concealed Tower Sect, also full is vigilant the color, in the eye more or less revealed some hostilities. 齐天霄伏凌宗之人,也都满是警惕之色,眼中或多或少都流露出了些许敌意。 Southern Dark Race ancient old man and white-haired old woman, looked at each other one mutually, in the vision all revealed some colors of doubts. 南黎族古稀老者鹤发老妪,相互对视一眼,目光之中皆是露出了些许疑惑之色。 Just before entering Dark Cold Immortal Residence, they and True Flame Sect these people have had short happening together, most people to the appearance also some impressions of Han Li this time. 之前在进入冥寒仙府之前,他们与真焰宗那些人有过短暂交集,大多数人对韩立此时的这副容貌还有些印象。 However, when the beforehand memory, this person one trivial True Immortal Realm Late Stage cultivator, had not revealed what outstanding place, never expected that appears now again, is not so unexpectedly simple. 但是,在之前的记忆中,此人不过一名区区的真仙境后期修士,并没有显露出什么出众之处,没想到现在再次出现时,竟然如此不简单。 Tianyu, where did you run up to? Harming this old man one is easy to look.” In the meantime, the black robe old man who Daoist Hu Yan assumes the guise, says suddenly. 天宇,你跑到哪儿去了?害老夫一顿好找。”就在此时,呼言道人扮作的黑袍老者,忽然开口说道。 Han Li hears sound, then smiles to his show/unfolds face, lifts step at a moderate pace walked over. 韩立闻声,便冲其展颜一笑,抬步不紧不慢的走了过去 Others see that on the face reveals a surprise again. 其余众人见状,脸上再次露出一丝诧异。 uncle-master, previously was stranded in a palace, after coming out, sees here somewhat unusually, caught up.” Arrived at the near, Han Li then follows the Daoist Hu Yan words to say. 师叔,先前被困到了一处宫殿中了,出来后就看到这边有些异样,就一路赶了过来。”走到近前,韩立便顺着呼言道人的话说了下去。 On the Daoist Hu Yan mouth had not said that any unnecessary words, by secret technique voice transmission, inquired secretly: Fellow Daoist Lì, this outcome what's the matter? Your cultivation base realm......” 呼言道人嘴上没有说什么多余的话,暗地里却以秘术传音,询问道:“厉道友,这究竟是怎么回事?你的修为境界……” Han Li has, helpless returned to one with voice transmission: I told you truth. I was stranded in a palace, after the flash comes out, turns into Golden Immortal cultivation base, do you believe?” 韩立只得无奈用传音回了一句:“我告诉你实话。我被困于一处宫殿,一瞬间后出来,就变成金仙修为,你信不信?” I naturally do not believe.” Daoist Hu Yan is startled, replies. “我自然不信。”呼言道人一怔,答道。 This moment Yun Ni approaches Daoist Hu Yan voice transmission to say suddenly: Possibly this person of cultivation some samsara dense technique. Before hid cultivation base, seeks sect Formless True Wheel Scripture.” 此刻云霓忽然向呼言道人传音道:“可能此人修炼了某种轮回密术。以前隐藏了修为,来谋取宗门无相真轮经。” Said regarding Han Li, Feng Tiandu and the others naturally cannot believe that not only has not relaxed to his alert, instead expanded Daoist Hu Yan and Daoist Hu Yan liangs person the hostility. 对于韩立所说,封天都等人自然不会相信,所以非但没有放松对他的戒备,反而将敌意扩大到了呼言道人人身上。 The Ouyang Kuishan three people of vision vacillations a moment later, lift the step to move toward Daoist Hu Yan one side not far away suddenly slowly. 欧阳奎山三人目光游移片刻之后,忽然抬步缓缓走向呼言道人一侧不远处。 They know Hu Yan and the others obviously the real status. 他们显然知道呼言等人的真实身份。 No matter they are the having a mind deviation same side old friends, dreaded that the Concealed Tower Sect potential is big, did so chose, the situation in valley because of their choices, changed. 不管他们是有心偏向同门故旧,还是忌惮伏凌宗势大,才做了如此选择,谷中的形势都因为他们的选择,发生了改变。 Just now also together people jointly, starts to play out. 方才还一同联手的众人,又开始剑拔弩张起来。 Feng Tiandu sees that the corners of the mouth brought back wipe the ridicule happy expression, the vision ponder look to Southern Dark Race two people. 封天都见状,嘴角勾起一抹讥讽笑意,目光玩味地望向了南黎族两人。 That ancient old man look looks complex to the old woman, in the eye flashes through some colors of inquiry, the latter shakes the head gently, the choice has not joined either one. 那名古稀老者神色复杂地望向老妪,眼中闪过些许询问之色,后者则是轻轻摇了摇头,并未选择加入任何一方。 The atmosphere in mountain valley, the somewhat becomes subtle time again, in the upper air, suddenly hears one bang loud sound. 就在山谷之中的气氛,再次变得有些微妙的时候,高空之中,忽然传来一声“轰隆”巨响。 The people look in abundance changes, simultaneously looked in the top of the head direction. 众人神色纷纷一变,同时朝着头顶方向望了过去。 Sees only above the vault of heaven the wind and cloud to get up suddenly, the innumerable golden light gather to well up to come, then formed huge incomparable golden cloud clusters quickly. 只见天穹之上风云骤起,无数金光聚涌而来,很快便形成了一片巨大无比的金色云团。 In the cloud cluster the golden light turns wells up, almost camouflaged half sky, making the entire backdrop send out the bright golden light, the intermittent copious incomparable powerful fluctuation aura sent out, inspiring resulted in the surrounding area the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy within dozens li (0.5 km) to surge. 云团之内金光翻涌,几乎遮蔽了半片天空,令整个天幕都散发出煌煌金光,阵阵沛然无比的强大波动气息从中散发而出,引动得方圆数十里内的天地灵气都激荡不已。 Powerful pressure that just like the essence, comes in waves from the upper air, along with dazzling pressure on the entire mountain valley, all thing all mapping a set golden color, seeming like as if will be general that gold/metal Zhi will construct. 一股犹如实质的强大威压,从高空之中滚滚而来,伴随着刺目压向整个山谷,将其中一切事物全都映成金色,看起来就仿佛是金汁浇筑的一般。 pill tribulation is born, is it possible that......” the Han Li vision slightly changes, he is not strange to this, turns the head to look to Daoist Hu Yan, in the mouth mutters asks. 丹劫降世,莫非……”韩立的目光微微一变,他对这一幕并不陌生,转头望向呼言道人,口中喃喃问道。 correct/good, this mountain valley should be Supreme Unity Palace is, but in the palace refining up refines Supreme Unity Pill is. At this moment when the pill success key, this brought in golden clouds pill tribulation.” The Daoist Hu Yan look was invariable, nods, confirmed his suspicion. 不错,这座山谷应该就是太乙殿的所在,而殿中所炼正是炼制太乙丹的所在。此刻正值成丹关键,这才引来了金云丹劫。”呼言道人神色不变,点了点头,验证了他的猜想。 Feng Tiandu shot a look at sky, looked at that white stone wall in a valley, the mountains and rivers drawing ray that but above seeing engraves flashes, the mountain peak shrugs, the rivers murmur, as if lived unexpectedly came general. 封天都瞥了一眼天空,又看了一眼谷内的那座白色石壁,但见其上镌刻的山河图画光芒闪动,山峰耸动,河流潺潺,竟仿佛活了过来一般。 Meanwhile, above covers the white light screen, started unexpectedly becomes richer. 与此同时,覆盖其上的白色光幕,竟然又开始变得更加浓郁起来了。 Haha, here, Fellow Daoist Feng comes to be possible unexpectedly really enough early......” sky over mountain valley transmits a hearty laughter suddenly. “哈哈,竟然在这里,封道友来得可真够早的……”山谷上空突然传来一声朗笑。 The blue water lotus lets fall from the upper air together slowly, after touching the ground, immediately the ray flashes, vanishes does not see. 一道蓝色水莲从高空之中缓缓垂落,触及到地面后,随即光芒一闪,消失不见。 In the ray appears two forms, actually Luo Qinghai and his appearance delicate young disciple Nan Kemeng, as for other Dark Blue Stream Palace people, do not know why has not actually followed. 光芒之中现出两道身影,却正是洛青海和他的那名容貌清秀的年轻弟子南柯梦,至于苍流宫其他人,不知为何却都没有跟随。 After falling to the ground, he took a fast look around mountain valley people one eyes immediately, the vision was indistinct on Han Li stops much flickered. 落地之后,他随即扫视了山谷众人一眼,目光隐约在韩立身上多停顿了一瞬。 Comes also less than Fellow Daoist Luo to come early skillfully, pill tribulation just appeared, you arrived at......” the Feng Tiandu zombie cheeks to pull slightly, the false smile say/way of being worthy of the reputation. “来得早也不及洛道友来得巧,丹劫刚刚出现,你就到了……”封天都僵尸般的脸颊微微扯动了一下,名副其实的皮笑肉不笑道。 It seems like here was the Supreme Unity Palace true position, previously looked for mechanism numerous underwater palaces, was so many time-comsuming, injured many people, finally was not...... was at all right, didn't Fellow Daoist Xiao always for first, how this little while actually see his trace step by step?” Luo Qinghai does not care at all, but sized up in a valley the condition, immediately said. “看来此处才是太乙殿真正的位置所在了,先前找了一处机关重重的水下宫殿,费了那么多功夫,伤了不少人,结果根本不是……对了,萧道友一向步步为先,怎么这会儿却不见他的踪影呢?”洛青海对此毫不在意,只是打量了一下谷中状况,随即说道。 In the Feng Tiandu heart criticizes one old fox, perhaps a heart this old ordinary man has hidden the one side, the entire journey looked on the beforehand conflict, is only waiting for him and Xiao Jinhan fights a mutual wounds, comes out to gather fisherman's profit again. 封天都心中暗骂一声“老狐狸”,心道这老匹夫或许早就潜藏一旁,全程旁观了之前的冲突,只等着他与萧晋寒斗个两败俱伤,再出来收取渔翁之利。 Has not thought, Xiao Jinhan dies that quickly, cannot exhauste other person of many strengths. 只是没想到,萧晋寒死得那么快,也并未能消耗其他人多少实力。 If not for pill tribulation suddenly appears, only feared that he will not come now, but will be waiting for in Concealed Tower Sect and valley others kills a gloom, later comes out. 若不是丹劫突然出现,只怕他现在都不会现身,而是会等着伏凌宗和谷中其他人杀个天昏地暗,之后才出来。 „The Palace Master Xiao expensive/noble human affairs are busy, perhaps resulted in other what big chance, could not have had a liking for here.” Feng Tiandu coldly said. 萧宫主贵人事忙,许是得了别的什么大机缘,已经看不上这里了。”封天都冷冷道。 Regarding Northern Cold Immortal Territory many influences, he can have a liking for the eye only only has Torch Dragon Dao, but in all cultivator, Xiao Jinhan, although the strength is strong, but the weight/quantity in his heart is actually less than Baili Yan. 对于北寒仙域的诸多势力,他唯一能够看得上眼的只有烛龙道,而所有修士之中,萧晋寒虽然实力强劲,但在他心中的分量却不及百里炎 As for Luo Qinghai, he always somewhat looks down upon from the bottom of the heart. 至于洛青海,他从心底里一向都有些看不起。 If so , a good fortune, said actually, some time ago I and Palace Master Xiao also had casual acquaintance.” The Luo Qinghai look is vague, said with a smile. “若是如此的话,也倒是件幸事,说起来,不久前我和萧宫主还有一面之缘呢。”洛青海神色隐晦,笑着说道。 Since Fellow Daoist Luo just arrived here, might as well gives a try, can break in this valley restriction, your excellency is array everyone, should have many means.” The Feng Tiandu vision sinks to say. “既然洛道友刚到此处,不妨试试看,能否破开这谷中禁制,阁下是阵法大家,应该有不少办法。”封天都目光微沉道。 Does not need to spend that matter, since protects Supreme Unity Palace restriction, how can also be my one person can break/solve open? Only fears or needs in the valley numerous position Golden Immortal to assist is.” Luo Qinghai beckons with the hand with a smile, said. “不必费那事,既然是守护太乙殿禁制,又怎会是我一人就能够破解开的?只怕还是需要谷中众位金仙鼎力相助才是。”洛青海笑着摆了摆手,说道。 He finishes speaking, in the upper air the golden cloud cluster starts to contract suddenly, condenses a huge sea of clouds vortex right above the mountain valley, middle the ray rises suddenly, transmits constrains the thunderous sound intermittently. 他话音刚落,高空之中金色云团忽然开始收缩起来,在山谷正上方凝聚出来一个巨大的云海漩涡,当中光芒暴涨,传来阵阵压抑至极的雷鸣之声。 pill tribulation will soon dangle, after this strikes, only feared that medicine pill must take shape, we cannot continue to kill the time in this.” The Luo Qinghai look suddenly changes, on the face the happy expression completely collects, sincere say/way. 丹劫即将垂下,这一击后,只怕丹药就要成型,我们可不能继续在此消磨时间了。”洛青海神色骤然一变,脸上笑意尽敛,正色道。 The Feng Tiandu vision concentrates, nods. 封天都目光微凝,点了点头。 „, The break/solve restriction incident, needs you and others to assist full power, otherwise we are unable to enter in Supreme Unity Palace, can only waste this and other in vain the giant chances.” Luo Qinghai looks to others, the clear and resonant voice said. “诸位,破解禁制一事,需要你等全力相助,否则我们谁都无法进入太乙殿中,只能白白浪费了这等巨大机缘。”洛青海看向其他人,朗声说道。 Therefore, we are willing to assist.” The Daoist Hu Yan look is invariable, said. “既是如此,我们愿意相助。”呼言道人神色不变,说道。 Opens restriction together, this old woman is unobjectionable. However you come in large numbers, once enters, we let alone compete for the chance, is to maintain life also difficultly.” Southern Dark Race white-haired old woman in two Golden Immortal, said at a moderate pace. “一起打开禁制,老身并无异议。但是你们人数众多,一旦进入其中,我们别说争夺机缘,就是保命也难。”南黎族的两位金仙中的鹤发老妪,不紧不慢说道。 Since comes this to seek for the chance, that risk itself is inevitable. If only wants the advantage, does not want to take risk, you can treat greatly in home, waits for the space to fall the pie and that's the end.” Qi Tianxiao spat one lightly, disgruntled say/way. “既然来此寻找机缘,那风险本就是无可避免的。若是只想要好处,不想冒险,那你们大可以待在家中,等着天上掉馅饼就是了。”齐天霄轻啐一声,不悦道。 Sect Master Qi, the words cannot say, your Concealed Tower Sect large number, made other will of the people be awestruck to fear unavoidably. If wants everyone lu strength concentric, only feared that you must yield slightly some.” Luo Qinghai said with a smile. 齐宗主,话也不能这么说,你们伏凌宗人数众多,难免令其他人心生畏惧。若是想要大家勠力同心,只怕你们得稍稍让步一些。”洛青海笑着说道。 Qi Tianxiao hears word, just wants to say again anything, was blocked by Feng Tiandu. 齐天霄闻言,正想开口再说些什么,就被封天都一把拦了下来。 Might as well, since their barbarian race only have two people, but Palace Master Luo also only has two people, then we then define, broken after banning, all sect has two to enter Supreme Unity Palace, how?” Feng Tiandu says. “无妨,既然他们这夷族只有两人,而洛宫主也只有两人,那么我们便限定一下,破禁之后,各方宗门只得有两人进入太乙殿,如何?”封天都开口说道。
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