RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#228: Disparity

How much hot saliva immortal liquor doesn't know in the Junior Brother hand also some?” The straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth asked suddenly. “不知师弟手中还有多少火涎仙酒?”剑眉青年突然问道。 Other person of hears word, looked. 其他人闻言,也看了过来。 One glass of immortal liquor can support the half day, here altogether six people, moreover then must treat for nearly one month in this Mysterious Icy Mountain Range, only by this bottle perhaps insufficient. 一杯仙酒能够支撑半日,这里一共有六人,而且接下来还须得在这玄冰山脉待上近一个月,单靠这一瓶恐怕不够。 relax/rest assured, several altars/jars, enough passed this trial.” Sun Ke hehe said with a smile. “诸位放心,还有几坛,足够度过此次试炼。”孙克呵呵一笑道。 Others immediately a complexion loosen. 其他人顿时面色一松。 Senior Brother Sun this time helps one another, I and other inscriptions felt in heart, in the future the Senior Brother will have anything to need to help, opens the mouth freely.” Another big youth said seriously. 孙师兄此番相助,我等铭感于心,日后师兄有什么事情需要帮忙,尽管开口。”另一个高大青年郑重说道。 Yes, Senior Brother Sun is generous, I and others thanked in this!” Others nod in abundance. “是啊,孙师兄慷慨,我等在此谢过!”其余人纷纷点头。 Your I am a same side , helping the cooperation be natural mutually, spoke discreetly.” Sun Ke replied calmly, in the heart was actually one happy. “你我乃是同门,互帮互助乃是理所应当,诸位言重了。”孙克平静答道,心中却是一喜。 He joined the Torch Dragon Dao date and time is still short, will sell some favors to go out, was good to become friends in some personal connection, although consumed some immortal liquor, was worth. 他加入烛龙道时日尚短,正要卖些人情出去,好结交一些宗内人脉,虽然消耗了一些仙酒,也是值得的。 Meanwhile, in the midair several thousand li (0.5 km) away, on the Han Li face flashes through a happy expression, immediately hesitates. 与此同时,数千里外的半空之中,韩立脸上闪过一丝喜色,随即又沉吟起来。 His side, Su Tongxiao does not know when has actually been missing. 他的身旁,苏同肖不知何时却已不见了踪影。 Sun Ke and the others have not delayed , to continue to go forward, how long without departing, after welcomed entered the mountain range , the true first war. 孙克等人没有多耽搁,继续前进,没有飞出多久,却迎来了进入山脉后真正的第一战。 This is one flock of snow fox, the strength is equivalent to Nascent Soul Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage appearance, the quantity has the 40 - 50 head fully, flows to change into pouncing upon suddenly of tremendous flood tide to come from the both sides mountain ranges, howled to call with one voice, the imposing manner was quite astonishing. 这是一群雪狐,实力相当于元婴期化神期的样子,数量足有四五十头,从两侧山脉中奔涌而出化为一股巨大洪流的猛扑而来,齐声嗥叫,气势极为惊人。 Bai Suyuan and other humanities are talented, in addition beforehand wearing and the immortal liquor warm-up, had a tacit understanding unclearly, immediately in formed a fight formation most in a short time. 白素媛等六人本就实力不俗,加上之前的磨合及仙酒暖身,彼此间隐然生出了一丝默契,当即在最短时间内结成了一个战斗阵型。 Bai Suyuan, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth, the Sun Ke three cultivation base highest people stand in the frontline. 白素媛,剑眉青年,孙克三名修为最高之人站在最前方。 Crescent moon flying sword, purple gold/metal Gun, four throwing knives fly to shoot together almost at the same time. 一道弯月飞剑,一根紫色金棍,还有四柄飞刀几乎在同一时间飞射而出。 Crescent moon flying sword flashes, transforms the hundred zhang (333 m) long silver sword rainbow, the overhead cuts together. 弯月飞剑一闪,幻化成一道百丈长的银色剑虹,当头斩下。 The purple long stick ray puts greatly, several hundred purple stick shades appear, exudes the grating wailing sound, overcomes ruthlessly. 紫色长棍光芒大放,数百道紫色棍影浮现而出,发出刺耳尖啸声,狠狠打下。 Four azure throwing knife surface azure miraculous glows put greatly, rising large number ten times, change into four dozens zhang (3.33 m) azure great edges suddenly, chops to cut under. 四柄青色飞刀表面青色灵光大放,陡然涨大数十倍,化为四柄数十丈长的青色巨刃,劈斩而下。 Dozens snow fox the mighty current as if ocean waves hit on the reef, immediately is shot to fly. 数十头雪狐所化的洪流仿佛海浪撞在礁石上,立刻被弹飞。 When first more than ten Divine Transformation Stage snow fox was attacked to strike to kill by three people, corpse also hit rupturing, following snow fox offensive also for it. 当先的十几头化神期的雪狐被三人攻击击杀,尸体也被打的爆裂开来,后面的雪狐攻势也为之一顿。 However this stop, decided their fate. 不过这一停顿,决定了它们的下场。 Stands other three people after Bai Suyuan three person, at this moment waves. 站在白素媛三人身后的其余三人,此刻纷纷一挥手。 magical treasure rays such as the rain, covered these snow fox monster beast. 一道道法宝光芒如雨而下,笼罩住了这些雪狐妖兽 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The assorted ray interweaves, sends out stuffy thunder -like crack. 各色光芒交织,发出闷雷般的炸响。 A moment later, the magical treasure ray vanishes, dozens snow fox have turned into place the incomplete corpse, the blood incarnadine neighbor a big ground, sends out the intense bloody air/Qi. 片刻之后,法宝光芒消失,数十头雪狐已经变成一地的残缺尸体,鲜血染红了附近一大片地面,散发出强烈的血腥气。 Distant place midair, Han Li slight nod. 远处半空,韩立微微点头。 These person of strain capacities also calculate correct/good, particularly Bai Suyuan and Sun Ke two people, have experienced some life and death in the outside world after all, knows the brutality of immortal cultivation world, with these compared with locally born junior in sect, is eventually different. 这些人应变能力还算不错,尤其是白素媛孙克二人,毕竟是在外界经历过一些生死,知晓修仙界的残酷,与那些在宗内土生土长的小辈相比,终究是不一样的。 Torch Dragon Dao as Northern Cold Immortal Territory large sect, was established the outside world by the predecessor not the unimaginable cultivation environment, the resources treasure had it all, enabling these direct line disciple disciples to promote rapidly, but the disease also appeared. 烛龙道作为北寒仙域大宗,由前人奠定了外界所无法想象的修炼环境,资源宝物一应俱全,使得这些直系门人弟子能够快速提升,但弊病也随之显现。 For the growth of these core disciples, in the sect the high level also took great pains. 为了这些核心门人的成长,宗内高层也可谓是煞费苦心了。 Even immortal, as if still unavoidably vulgar...... 只是即便是仙人,似乎也免不了俗…… Bai Suyuan and the others have not stayed, slightly a conditioning then continues to go forward immediately. 白素媛等人没有多停留,略一修整便立刻继续前进。 At this moment, others from a different world also encountered the monster beast attack. 此时此刻,其他两路人也都遇到了妖兽袭击。 Snow Camel Ridge, Qi Huanyu and the others encountered one flock of snow and ice ominous bird, the head taking the form of condor, the mouth is actually the enormous, opens the mouth spouts white ice arrows. 雪驼岭一路中,戚寰宇等人遭遇了一群冰雪凶禽,脑袋形似秃鹰,嘴巴却是极大,不停的张口喷出一道道白色冰箭。 These ominous bird total quantities have 100 fully, about half have the Divine Transformation Stage strength. 这些凶禽总数量足有一百多头,约有半数拥有化神期实力。 White ice arrows are mixed the extremely cold aura to fall, often leader ominous bird dive under. 一道道白色冰箭间杂着极寒气息落下,不时还有一头头凶禽俯冲而下。 Qi Huanyu wait/etc. everyone counted, although many, moreover in the hand has good magical treasure, but has not experienced many life and death to slaughter mostly. 戚寰宇等人人数虽多,而且手中都有上好法宝,不过大都没有经历过多少生死厮杀。 Ominous bird ice-cold fierce and brutal killing intent, the violent storm attack, making them somewhat handle to guard, by the imposing manner shock and awe, seemed somewhat chaotic. 凶禽们冰冷凶暴的杀意,狂风暴雨般的攻击,令他们有些措不及防,被气势震慑下,显得有些混乱。 Everyone encircles one to stand, various types defend the magical treasure ray to link, formed a hemispheroid guard/shield, resists attack that is dropping. 所有人围成一圈站立,各种防御法宝光芒连接在一起,形成了一个半球形护罩,抵挡着一波波落下的攻击。 Do not fluster, but is some Divine Transformation Stage monster beast! Everyone obeys my instruction, half of people of people continue to support the safety mask, other half of person counter-attack!” The Qi Huanyu complexion somewhat is slightly pale, the sinking sound shouted. “都别慌,不过是些化神期妖兽而已!所有人听从我的指令,一半人的人继续支撑防护罩,另外一半的人反击!”戚寰宇面色微微有些苍白,沉声喝道。 Other humanities are headed by him, at this moment under his shout loudly, in other person actually hearts certain, immediately according to his instruction starts to take action. 其余人本就以其为首,此刻他大喝出声下,其他人倒是心中一定,立刻按照他的指示开始行动。 Bright magical treasure rays fly to shoot, hit in the above white ominous bird, started to counter-attack. 一道道明亮的法宝光芒飞射而出,打在了上空的白色凶禽中,开始反击。 Because although the imposing manner was suppressed, the attack of people seems somewhat soft and weak, the cultivation base disparity is placed there after all. 虽然因为气势被压制,众人的攻击显得有些软弱无力,修为的差距毕竟摆在那里。 The ominous bird of midair start to be shot down. 半空的凶禽开始被击落。 After the quarter of an hour, the fight eventually ended. 一刻钟后,战斗终于结束。 The white ominous bird were struck to kill most probably, remaining escaping. 白色凶禽大半被击杀,剩下的一些逃掉。 Qi Huanyu and the others have not been injured, looks at the surrounding incomplete corpse, the blood smell that in the air fills, although their complexion was still pale, but in the heart actually gradually stabilizes. 戚寰宇等人并没有受伤,看着周围的残缺尸体,空气中弥漫的血腥气味,他们面色虽然仍然苍白,不过心中却逐渐安定下来。 Only one crowd of Divine Transformation Stage monster beast frightens this appearance you, really loses face! You also saw, only need meet head-on calm, these monster beast fear radically insufficient!” Qi Huanyu inspiration morale shouting. “区区一群化神期妖兽就把你们嚇成这个样子,真是丢脸!你们也看到了,只需沉稳迎战,这些妖兽根本不足惧!”戚寰宇鼓舞士气般的喝道。 Other person of hears word, in abundance nod. 其他人闻言,纷纷点头。 Qi Huanyu was just about to say anything again, nearby some practical experience training people went forward, remind: Young Master Qi, here smell of blood is too heavy, good that leaves as soon as possible.” 戚寰宇正要再说些什么,旁边一个有些历练的人上前,提醒道:“戚少,这里血腥味太重,还是尽快离开的好。” Qi Huanyu is startled, immediately understands, leading the people to continue to go forward. 戚寰宇一怔,立刻明白过来,带着众人继续前进。 In the midair, the fluctuation same place, a fuzzy person's shadow appears, is Su Tongxiao. 半空之中,波动一起,一个模糊人影浮现而出,正是苏同肖 He shakes the head, body figure from vanishes in a flash same place. 他摇了摇头,身形一晃从原地消失。 White Fox Valley that situation almost/the same, Tang Chuan and the others do not have practical experience training that many slaughters bloody, facing ferocious monster beast that wells up suddenly, immediately is thrown into confusion. 白狐山谷那一路情况差不多,唐川等人也没有多少血腥厮杀的历练,面对突然涌出来的穷凶极恶的妖兽,顿时一阵手忙脚乱。 However their strength is placed there, in the hand also has good magical treasure, resisted the attacks of these monster beast, after calm engagement, routed it, has not presented what casualties. 不过他们实力摆在那里,手中又有上好法宝,还是抵挡住了那些妖兽的进攻,镇定接战后将其击溃,并没有出现什么伤亡。 Three groups of disciples continue to go forward. 三路弟子继续前进。 In an instant the time of 7 - 8 day passed by, these people along three routes, gradually went down to the Mysterious Icy Mountain Range deep place. 转眼间七八日的时间过去,这些人沿着三条路线,逐渐深入了玄冰山脉深处。 The monster beast strength that as meets along the way is gradually powerful, starts gradually to present the Void Refinement Stage strength monster beast. 随着沿途遇到的妖兽实力逐渐强大,开始逐渐出现炼虚期实力的妖兽 Passed through beforehand several slaughter, Qi Huanyu and the others actual combat response capability compared with before, although promoted much, but facing same level monster beast, still seemed somewhat cramped. 经过了之前的数番厮杀,戚寰宇等人实战应对能力比起之前虽然提升了不少,但是面对同级的妖兽,仍然显得有些局促。 Snow Camel Ridge all the way, Qi Huanyu and the others were blocked by one crowd of monster beast, is actually more than ten giant snow and ice praying mantises. 雪驼岭一路上,戚寰宇等人被一群妖兽拦住,却是十几头巨大冰雪螳螂。 These praying mantises all over the body snow white, covers entirely the frost pattern, the mouth is divided into four petals, two eyes are gigantic, but the evagination, looks quite fearsome, two thick foreleg as if two wide back great edges, lend the piercing cold ice aura. 这些螳螂通体雪白,布满冰霜花纹,嘴巴分成四瓣,两只眼睛硕大而外突,看上去颇为可怖,两只粗大的前肢仿佛两柄宽背巨刃,散发出刺骨的寒冰气息。 Each snow and ice praying mantis has Void Refinement Early Stage cultivation base impressively . Moreover the speed is fast, changes into more than ten snow white illusory images, gathers round Qi Huanyu and the others to attack crazily. 每一头冰雪螳螂赫然都有炼虚初期修为,而且速度迅捷无比,化为十几道雪白幻影,围着戚寰宇等人狂攻不已。 Qi Huanyu they and were the same previously, encircle a circle, body magical treasure unites in together, forms colorful hemispheroid light screen to protect the residence to have the person. 戚寰宇他们和先前一样,围成了一个圆圈,身上法宝联合在一起,形成一个五颜六色的半球形光幕护住所有人。 Before these snow and ice praying mantis not ominous bird can compare, before two , the claw brandishes, pulls out bright as snow blade glow, sends out fearsome sharp to howl, cuts on the spheroidal light screen. 只是这些冰雪螳螂远非之前的凶禽能比,两只前爪挥舞,拉出一道道雪亮刀芒,发出可怖的锐啸,斩在球型光幕上。 These bright as snow blade glow might are enormous, shivering that the light screen hits. 这些雪亮刀芒威力极大,将光幕打的颤抖不已。 Qi Huanyu and the others can ignore the counter-attack, goes all out to pour into respective magical treasure within the body magical power, is maintaining the spheroidal light screen. 戚寰宇等人根本顾不上反击,将体内法力拼命注入各自的法宝中,维系着球型光幕。 Snow and ice praying mantis eye pupil ice-cold, in the mouth actually sends out neighing of bloodthirsty, generally as if before being not aware of fatigue is brandishing two claw, blade light cut in all directions from such as the rain, is getting more and more crowded. 冰雪螳螂眼瞳冰冷,口中却发出嗜血的嘶叫,仿佛不知疲倦一般挥舞着两只前爪,一道道刀光从四面八方如雨斩下,越来越密集。 The spheroidal light screen is not a whole, but is people magical treasure jointly composes, some might small and weak place rays start dimly, must disrupt faintly. 球型光幕本就不是一个整体,不过是众人法宝联合组成,有些威力弱小的地方光芒开始黯淡,隐隐要碎裂开来。 Young Master Qi, what to do? These snow and ice praying mantises are Void Refinement Stage monster beast, the quantity are also many, we possibly are not the opponents!” A tall and thin youngster face is panic-stricken, looks to Qi Huanyu. 戚少,怎么办?这些冰雪螳螂都是炼虚期妖兽,数量又多,我们不可能是对手!”一个高瘦少年一脸惊恐,看向戚寰宇 This person is a direct line later generation of Torch Dragon Dao True Immortal elder, since childhood cultivation in sect, depended on various medicine pill, bon voyage with the current breaks through Void Refinement Stage, simply has not gone outside several times, let alone slaughtered. 此人是烛龙道一位真仙长老的直系后人,从小都在宗门修炼,靠着各种丹药,一路顺风顺水突破到了炼虚期,根本没有去过外面几次,更别说厮杀了。 These days lines , he although is somewhat progressive, but these snow and ice praying mantis ice-cold eyes, full killing intent, makes him tremble from the bottom of the heart. 这几日一路行来,他虽然有些进步,但是这些冰雪螳螂冰冷的眼睛,铺天盖地的杀意,还是让他从心底发颤。 Other person of situation and tall and thin youngster almost/the same, in the heart cannot help but appears a idea. 其他人情况和高瘦少年都差不多,心中不由得浮现出一个想法。 Will they die here? 难道他们会死在这里? with this thought, their facial expression is more flurried. 一念及此,他们神情更加慌乱起来。 "Pā" crack! “啪”的一声炸响! The light screen that white satin magical treasure transforms was cut the broken, spheroidal light screen by the blade glow reveals a gap immediately. 一个白绫法宝幻化的光幕被刀芒斩碎,球型光幕顿时露出一个缺口。 Flying that the bright as snow blade glow seizes every opportunity together shoots to enter, the blood light presently, a pitiful yell sound gets up for the first time. 一道雪亮刀芒见缝插针的飞射而入,血光乍现,一个惨叫声响起。 A person near gap was wasted, on the arm was cut a wound, this person puts on grade not low war armor magical treasure luckily, has not obstructed greatly. 缺口附近的一个人被打飞了出去,手臂上被斩出一道伤口,幸好此人身上穿着一件品阶不低的战甲法宝,并没有大碍。 The Qi Huanyu forehead purple ray puts greatly, the arm wields. 戚寰宇眉心紫色光芒大放,手臂一挥。 Purple magical treasure of round wheel shape flies to shoot, transforms one purple vortex, made up the gap. 一个圆轮形状的紫色法宝飞射而出,幻化出一片紫色漩涡,补上了缺口。 Everyone does not need to worry, this trial assignment True Immortal cultivator protects in secret, will help us remove the unexpected situation, these snow and ice praying mantises should go beyond the range of trial, believes some quick then person of make a move.” The Qi Huanyu speaker said. “大家不用担心,这个试炼任务真仙修士暗中保护,会帮我们排除意外的情况,这些冰雪螳螂应该已经超出了试炼的范围,相信很快便有人出手。”戚寰宇扬声说道。 Hears this words, others the great happiness gets up immediately. 听闻此话,其他人顿时大喜起来。 This matter I also hear to cross, was doubtful, since Young Master Qi said that decides however real.” “此事我也听人说起过,原本半信半疑的,戚少既然这么说,那定然是真的。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” We only have ten people, these snow and ice praying mantis about 20 heads, definitely have actually exceeded the range of trial, that person of how also not make a move.” “我们只有十人,这些冰雪螳螂却有近二十头,肯定已经超过了试炼的范围,那人怎么还不出手。” In the upper air, the Su Tongxiao body changed into one group of fuzzy virtual image, the corners of the mouth twitched, heaved a deep sigh, counted on the fingers. 高空之中,苏同肖身体化为一团模糊虚影,嘴角抽动了一下,摇头叹息了一声,屈指一点。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 Invisible sword Qi fly to shoot baseless, such as a mighty current, pierced the most snow and ice praying mantis. 一道道无形剑气凭空飞射而出,如一股洪流般,洞穿了大半的冰雪螳螂。 These snow and ice praying mantis body quiet rupturing, change into pile of fragment powders, scatters with the wind. 这些冰雪螳螂身体悄无声息的爆裂开来,化为一堆齑粉,随风飘散。 All these happen in the electric light flint, the Su Tongxiao form also disappears in a flash again does not see. 这一切发生在电光火石之间,苏同肖身影也随之一晃再次消失不见。 Qi Huanyu and the others notice quickly, the blade light that outside drops reduced all of a sudden most probably, more than ten snow and ice praying mantises only have few several heads. 戚寰宇等人很快注意到,外面落下的刀光一下子减少了大半,十几头冰雪螳螂只剩下寥寥数头。 Well! How were these praying mantises short of so many all of a sudden?” Saying that a person has doubts. “咦!怎么这些螳螂一下子少了那么多?”一人疑惑的说道。 What leaves, was given to kill, really some people are protecting us in secret!” Another person refutes immediately. “什么离开,是被人给杀了,果然有人在暗中保护我们!”另一人立刻反驳。 In the Qi Huanyu heart is also a loosen, on the face shows the smile, looked only saves several snow and ice praying mantises that to outside, loudly shouted: 戚寰宇心中也是一松,脸上露出笑容,看向外面仅存的几头冰雪螳螂,大喝道: These domestic animals, attack us unexpectedly, killed to me!” “这些畜生,竟然袭击我们,都给我杀了!” The person of side complies with one voice, magical treasure ray volumes to these snow and ice praying mantises. 旁边之人齐声答应,一道道法宝光芒卷向这几头冰雪螳螂。 After several breath, the remaining several snow and ice praying mantises run away except for two, other was struck to kill completely. 几个呼吸之后,剩下的几头冰雪螳螂除了两头逃走的,其余的全部被击杀。 These snow and ice praying mantis two foreleg spirit strength fulls, are the artifact refining good materials, value not poor, even the people on the scene are still quite greedy, immediately is cut to receive by several people. 这些冰雪螳螂两只前肢灵力充盈,是炼器的上好材料,价值不菲,即便是在场众人也颇为眼馋,立刻被几个人切了下来收起。 Walks!” When Qi Huanyu first flies , to continue to fly toward front. “走!”戚寰宇当先飞起,继续朝着前面飞去。 Knows that some truly people protect in secret, in his heart calm, picked up the speed of advance. 知道确实有人暗中保护,他心中大定,加快了前进的速度。
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