RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#229: By being stranded

Just repelled the snow and ice praying mantis in Qi Huanyu and the others shortly, White Fox Valley deep place, Tang Chuan and the others also with one crowd of white ice scorpion fights. 就在戚寰宇等人刚刚击退冰雪螳螂没多久,白狐山谷深处,唐川等人也正在和一群白色冰蝎战斗。 These ice scorpion quantities have 20-30 heads much fully, the strength is also quite strong, Tang Chuan and the others situated in weaker and losing position, many disciples looked the color of being frightened, several wanted weak, but in the scorpion group several fiercest Void Refinement Stage ice scorpions, do not know why vanished suddenly. 这些冰蝎数量不少足有20-30头,实力也颇强,原本唐川等人已然处于下风,不少弟子更是面露惊惶之色,几欲不支了,不过蝎群中几头最厉害的炼虚期冰蝎,不知为何突然消失。 When Tang Chuan and the others great happiness, immediately counter-attacks, cuts to kill these ice scorpions quickly all , to continue to go forward. 唐川等人大喜之余,立刻反击,很快将这些冰蝎尽数斩杀,继续前进。 In the midair person's shadow flitted, the Su Tongxiao form flashes, but presently, vanishes without the trace immediately 半空之中人影一花,苏同肖的身影一闪而现,随即又消失无踪 ...... …… Dozens silver filaments fly to shoot, exudes the resounding Chī chī sound, pierces a body of white ice python, punctures a huge wound. 数十道银色细丝飞射而下,发出响亮之极的嗤嗤声,洞穿一头白色冰蟒的身体,刺出一个巨大伤口。 This Void Refinement Stage ice python sends out a pitiful yell, the huge body falls to the ground loudly, large share blood spring wells up, the python twitched several, was motionless. 这头炼虚期的冰蟒发出一声惨叫,庞大身躯轰然倒地,大股的鲜血泉涌而出,巨蟒抽搐了几下,不动了。 The silver filament flies to shoot to return, changes into a silver flying sword, flies back to side Bai Suyuan. 银色细丝飞射而回,化为一口银色飞剑,飞回白素媛身旁。 Sun Ke and the others stood near Bai Suyuan, encircles a circle, protects it in inside, outside is more than ten Void Refinement Stage pythons, gathers round six people to attack crazily. 孙克等人站在白素媛附近,围成一个圈子,将其护在里面,更外面是十几头炼虚期的巨蟒,围着六人狂攻不已。 Sun Ke and the others also deal with these over two snow and ice pythons at this moment respectively, although situated in weaker and losing position, can support for a while. 孙克等人此刻也各自应付这两头以上的冰雪巨蟒,虽然处于下风,一时还能支撑。 Bai Suyuan cut to kill a python, has not stopped slightly, the jade referred. 白素媛斩杀了一头巨蟒,丝毫没有停顿,玉指一点。 The silver flying sword electricity shoots again, changes into dozens silver sword silk, forms a lotus flower shape faintly, the shoots towards with a python that Sun Ke slaughters. 银色飞剑再次电射而出,化为数十道银色剑丝,隐隐形成一个莲花形状,射向正在和孙克厮杀的一头巨蟒。 In Sun Ke surface one happy, quickly stimulates to movement four azure throwing knives , helping one another full power. 孙克面上一喜,急忙催动四柄青色飞刀,全力相助。 The trial conducted the present to pass for ten days, they went down to the Mysterious Icy Mountain Range deep place, monster beast was also getting more and more fierce, today is sphered by more than ten Void Refinement Stage Intermediate Stage python monster beast. 试炼进行到现在已经过去了十天,他们深入到了玄冰山脉深处,遇到的妖兽也越来越厉害,今日更是被十几头炼虚期中期的巨蟒妖兽围住。 Six people take the bull by the horns, form the circle formation defense, protects to let strength strongest Bai Suyuan, making it leap make a move to attack. 六人当机立断,结成圆阵防御,护住让实力最强的白素媛,让其腾出手来攻击。 Bai Suyuan also not lets people down, uses the secret technique again and again, shows the strong strength, cuts to kill a leader python. 白素媛亦不负众望,连连施展秘术,展现出强大战力,将一头头巨蟒斩杀。 Time points pasts, the war started to reverse to a six people of side. 时间一点点过去,战局开始倒向六人一方。 Dozens sword silk pierce a python body, although has not hit the vital spot, causes its movement. 数十道剑丝洞穿一头巨蟒身体,虽然没有打中要害,也使得其动作一顿。 ! 呼! The thick purple gold color stick shadow drops from the clouds together, hits ruthlessly on the python head. 一道粗大紫金色棍影从天而降,狠狠打在巨蟒脑袋上。 The python head cracks several, white brain fluid mixed blood splash. 巨蟒脑袋裂成好几块,白色的脑浆混杂着鲜血飞溅而出。 Roar!” A white python exudes strange howl, turns around to fly to flee toward the distant place to go. “吼!”一头白色巨蟒发出一声怪异的啸声,转身朝着远处飞窜而去。 The remaining pythons follow immediately, in an instant vanished in the distant place horizon. 剩下的巨蟒立刻跟上,转眼间消失在了远处天际。 Bai Suyuan and the others have not pursued, this time battles their magical power consumption to be enormous, immediately takes out the medicine pill spirit stones to restore silently. 白素媛等人也没有追赶,此番激战他们法力消耗都极大,当即默默地取出丹药灵石恢复起来。 In the midair, Han Li body figure changes into one group of fuzzy virtual image, hides in cloud cluster, slowly nod. 半空之中,韩立身形化为一团模糊虚影,藏身在一个云团之中,缓缓点头。 Above, he does not have make a move. 一路之上,他都没有出手 Bai Suyuan and other will of the people the strategies quite have the good point, just fight, in tactic, although slightly young tender, but considering cultivation base of these people, has calculated very correct/good. 白素媛等人心性智谋都颇有可取之处,刚刚的战斗,战术上虽然略显幼嫩,不过考虑到这些人的修为,已经算很不错了。 How long Bai Suyuan and the others have not stayed, then continues to go forward quickly. 白素媛等人没有停留多久,很快便继续前进。 Han Li body figure moves, with. 韩立身形一动,跟了上去。 But slightly next moment, his facial expression moves looks toward side, that person void flashes, the Su Tongxiao form appears. 下一刻,他神情微微一动的朝着旁边望去,那人虚空一闪,苏同肖的身影浮现而出。 Brother Su, how you came, doesn't protect that person from a different world not to relate?” Han Li said with a smile. 苏兄,你怎么过来了,不去保护那两路人没关系吗?”韩立笑道。 I had eliminated front of two roads basically, is really tired unbearable! Now that two groups of disciples also progress much, should not have the issue. Although this group of child aptitude are excellent, fight is extremely unfamiliar.” Su Tongxiao sighed. “我已经将两条路的前面基本肃清了一下,真是累的够呛!如今那两拨弟子也进步了不少,应该不会有问题了。这帮孩子资质虽然极好,战斗方面却太过生疏。”苏同肖叹道。 They from small long in sect, there is a master gate elder to shelter, has not naturally experienced any big setback.” Han Li said that in the heart quite thinks otherwise. “他们从小长在宗门内,有师门长老庇护,自然没有经历过什么大的挫折。”韩立说道,心中颇为不以为然。 After all in its looks like, has cultivation base spatially, has not actually faced directly the life and death truly the fight story, once suffers the dangerous situation, cannot send to use greatly. 毕竟在其看来,空有一身修为,却没有真正直面生死的战斗阅历,一旦遭遇险境,根本派不上大用。 Fight wants to enhance is not difficult, in sect has Imaginary Nightmare Tower, supplies the true impartation disciple use specially, specifically is used to promote to spar to experience.” Su Tongxiao said. “战斗方面想要提高并不难,宗门内有一座幻魇塔,专门供给真传弟子使用,是专门用来提升斗法经验的。”苏同肖说道。 This place.” Han Li somewhat is slightly surprised. “还有这种地方。”韩立略微有些惊讶。 In sect also some mysterious places, Brother Lì knew slowly.” Su Tongxiao said with a smile. 宗门内还有许多神奇的地方,厉兄慢慢就知道了。”苏同肖笑道。 Han Li nods silently, raising the head suddenly. 韩立默默点头,忽的一抬头。 The Su Tongxiao brow is also a wrinkle. 苏同肖眉头也是一皱。 The front of Qi Huanyu that road, Integration Stage monster beast is approaching fast. 戚寰宇那条路的前方,一头合体期妖兽正快速靠近。 Well, will have Integration Stage monster beast to appear unexpectedly ahead of time.” Su Tongxiao muttered. “咦,竟会有合体期妖兽提前出现。”苏同肖喃喃自语。 The Han Li eye narrows the eyes, the corners of the mouth slightly cannot be checked went up, said: Should be you cleans up two road front monster beast to cause.” 韩立眼睛一眯,嘴角微不可查的上翘了一下,道:“应该是你清理两条路前方的妖兽引起的吧。” Perhaps.” Su Tongxiao said that flying figure will hurry. “或许吧。”苏同肖说了一声,正要飞身赶去。 Qi Huanyu that group of people cope with some Void Refinement Stage monster beast to be difficult continually, let alone Integration Stage, to be cautious, he must look then good. 戚寰宇那群人连对付一些炼虚期妖兽都困难,更别说合体期了,为稳妥起见,他必须要看这才行。 At this moment, his complexion slightly changes, looks toward Tang Chuan there. 就在此刻,他面色微微一变,朝着唐川那里望去。 Almost at the same time, Integration Stage monster beast appears in his divine sense sense/telepathy range, goes toward Tang Chuan there. 几乎在同时,又有一头合体期妖兽出现在他的神识感应范围内,朝着唐川那里而去。 This monster beast is giant bird, the speed is extremely quick, immediately then must bump into. 这头妖兽是一只巨禽,速度极快,马上便要碰到。 Two Integration Stage monster beast!” Su Tongxiao complexion slightly anxious. “两头合体期妖兽!”苏同肖面色微急。 Three road each other distances are quite far, if he first goes to that side Qi Huanyu, Tang Chuan there then without enough time. 三条路彼此距离颇远,若是他先去戚寰宇那边,唐川那里便来不及。 Brother Lì, whether to be able to help, processes Tang Chuan there that monster beast, Su is deeply grateful.” Su Tongxiao looks to Han Li, said. 厉兄,能否请你帮个忙,处理一下唐川那里的那头妖兽,苏某感激不尽。”苏同肖看向韩立,如此说道。 Han Li looked at one toward the front somewhere, in the surface actually revealed the color of feeling embarrassed, after hesitating one next, said: Since Brother Su opened the mouth, this Li then help.” 韩立朝着前方某处望了一眼,面上却露出为难之色,迟疑了一下后道:“既然苏兄开口了,厉某便帮你这个忙吧。” Many thanks Brother Lì, is deeply grateful below.” After Su Tongxiao thanked one, the form flashes immediately, toward the distant place flies to shoot. “多谢厉兄,在下感激不尽。”苏同肖谢了一声,身影随即一个闪动过后,朝远处飞射而出。 Han Li looked at one toward the Su Tongxiao back, slightly hesitates, body figure in a flash, vanished in immediately same place. 韩立苏同肖背影望了一眼,略一沉吟后,身形一晃,随即也消失在了原地。 ...... …… Tang Chuan one line of eight people proceed fly to go, according to the map, is not far from the destination. 唐川一行八人往前飞遁而去,根据地图,已经距离目的地不远。 The line, monster beast on road was short of 70%, they go forward the road naturally are quite smooth. 一路行来,路上的妖兽少了70%,他们前进之路自然是颇为顺利。 monster beast is suddenly scarce, in his reason Tang Chuan heart is clearest, deciding is in secret the True Immortal elder behavior of guard. 妖兽骤然稀少下来,其原因唐川心中最为清楚,定是暗中护卫的真仙长老所为。 However since now no extra worries, whether to capture the leader, then became his present urgent matter. 不过如今既然没什么后顾之忧了,那能否夺得魁首,便成了他眼下的当务之急。 Speed again quickly!” with this thought, Tang Chuan turns the head to shout toward everyone behind. “速度再快一点!”一念及此,唐川转头朝着身后诸人喝道。 He must rush to snow brown profound bear there at the maximum speed, strikes to kill it, other person true impartation disciple inspection failure. 他要以最快的速度赶到雪棕玄熊那里,将其击杀,其他所有人真传弟子考核失败。 As for relying on their eight people whether to strike to kill the snow brown profound bear, he was not worried. 至于凭借他们八人能否击杀雪棕玄熊,他一点也不担心。 Only then there is a that True Immortal elder, will not be killed by that snow brown profound bear to strike by oneself, when the time comes is beyond control that person of not make a move. 只有有那真仙长老在,绝不会让自己被那雪棕玄熊击杀,到时候由不得那人不出手 In Tang Chuan heart self-satisfied, a body Zhou Dunguang hold, the speed sped up several points again. 唐川心中得意,身周遁光再次一盛,速度又加快了几分。 At at this moment, the front sound of distant neighing transmits. 就在此刻,前方一声悠远嘶鸣之声传来。 Although the distance was still very far, but this sound steel needle seems to be grating, lets his eardrum stabbing pain, cannot help but stuffy snort/hum, fly speed immediately one slow. 虽然距离仍然很远,但这声音仿佛钢针般刺耳,让他耳膜一阵刺痛,不由得闷哼一声,飞遁的速度顿时一缓。 Other person of cultivation base are less than Tang Chuan, cannot withstand, called out pitifully, the hand covered both ears. 其他人修为不及唐川,更是不堪,纷纷惨叫一声,手捂双耳 what is this thing?” On the Tang Chuan face changes color. 这是什么东西?”唐川脸上变色。 He finishes barely the words, the left front horizon presents a sunspot, rapid incomparable flying shoots to come, in an instant to the vicinity, is actually fearsome monster beast. 他话音未落,左前方天际出现一个黑点,迅疾无比的飞射而来,转眼间到了近处,却是一头可怖妖兽 This thing have several the hundred zhang (333 m) size fully, the shape like the flood dragon, is fiercer than the flood dragon fearsome, conducts the back steadily a pair of spacious wing, each feather as if sharp sword, on the long tail is covered with the giant spur, especially end is longer the scorpion barb, is glittering the spooky blue light, obviously brings violently poisonously. 此物足有数百丈大小,形如蛟龙,却远比蛟龙狰狞可怖,背上长着一对宽大羽翼,每一根羽毛都仿佛一柄利剑,长长的尾巴上长满巨大骨刺,尤其尾端更长着蝎子般的倒钩,闪烁着幽幽蓝光,显然带着剧毒。 The huge aura sends out from this giant beast, was the Integration Stage degree impressively. 庞大的气息从这头巨兽身上散发开来,赫然达到了合体期程度。 „It is not good, how can be Integration Stage monster beast!” Tang Chuan and the others the complexion big change, explodes toward behind draws back, simultaneously the vision looks toward the surroundings, seems seeking for anything. “不好,怎么会是合体期妖兽!”唐川等人脸色大变,朝着后面爆退,同时目光朝着周围望去,似乎在寻找什么。 The fierce giant beast does not give them the response time, the opens the mouth exudes one to roar. 狰狞巨兽丝毫不给他们反应的时间,张口发出一声咆哮。 The giant sound wave formed the naked eye obvious ripple in the air, covering of blotting out the sky eight people. 巨大声波在空气中形成肉眼可见的波纹,铺天盖地的笼罩住了八人。 Tang Chuan and the others wielding magical treasure without enough time, was also covered by the roaring mighty current, within the body vitality magical power tumbles immediately fiercely, in the seven orifices gushes out the blood. 唐川等人祭出法宝也来不及,便被咆哮洪流笼罩,体内气血法力顿时剧烈翻滚,七窍中都涌出鲜血。 The giant beast both wings wield, thick blue ice cones appear, immediately explodes to shoot, hits to Tang Chuan and the others, then must pierce eight people shortly. 巨兽双翅一挥,一根根粗大蓝色冰锥浮现而出,随即爆射而出,打向唐川等人,眼看便要将八人刺穿。 When the crucial moment, the azure person's shadow emerges out of thin air together before eight people, without delay directs. 就在千钧一发之际,一道青色人影凭空出现在八人之前,二话不说的一指点出。 Dazzling azure light appear, shortly will interweave giant light screen, keeps off before eight people. 一道道耀眼青光浮现而出,顷刻间交织成一道巨大光幕,挡在八人身前。 The roaring mighty current stops suddenly, these ice cones hit above the light screen, the disintegration comes all. 咆哮洪流戛然而止,那些冰锥打在光幕之上,尽数崩碎开来。 The giant beast is startled, the giant eye pupil sees the form that presents at present, feels the huge aura that his body lends, in the eye appears suddenly the panic-stricken color, the both wings shake, flies to escape to go toward the distant place. 巨兽一怔,巨大眼瞳看着眼前出现的身影,感受到其身上散发的庞大气息,眼中陡然浮现出惊恐之色,双翅一震,朝着远处飞逃而去。 That azure form actually under disappears in a flash does not see, next moment emerged out of thin air on the giant beast gigantic head. 那青色身影却是一晃之下消失不见,下一刻凭空出现在了巨兽硕大的脑袋上。 But sees its single-handed, the azure light flies to shoot together, submerges the giant beast head. 但见其单手一点,一道青光飞射而出,没入巨兽脑袋。 Bang! 砰! The giant beast huge body solidifies suddenly, immediately the giant head explodes. 巨兽庞大身躯陡然凝固,随即巨大脑袋爆裂开来。 At this moment, the black spheres departs from the giant beast head, appears in the azure person's shadow body week, the surface flashes black light crazily. 就在此刻,一个个黑色圆球从巨兽脑袋中飞出,出现在青色人影身周,表面黑光狂闪不已。 The azure person's shadow sees this, will fly to shoot to leave. 青色人影见此,正要飞射离开。 ! “噗”的一声! These black round beads explode, changes into bunch of dazzling incomparable black light, each other links, condenses one huge black light, innumerable black rune tumble in inside. 这些黑色圆珠爆裂开来,化为一团团耀眼无比的黑光,彼此连接在一起,凝聚成一座巨大的黑色光阵,无数黑色符文在里面翻滚。 Faint trace power of magical principle sends out from light, a light nearby air one turned into the fine steel to be hard, can see that indistinctly inside azure person's shadow was surrounded firmly. 丝丝法则之力从光阵中散发开来,光阵附近的空气一下变成了精钢般坚硬,隐约能看到里面一个青色人影被牢牢困住。 what is this?” Tang Chuan and the others saw with own eyes this scenery, dumbfounded, does not know that what matter had. 这是什么?”唐川等人眼见此景,一个个目瞪口呆,不知道发生了何事。 Almost at the same time, Snow Camel Ridge deep place. 几乎同一时间,雪驼岭深处。 Qi Huanyu and other disciples terrified-looking hiding behind a short mountain, these people mostly are wounded heavily, as if just experienced intense life and death preying. 戚寰宇等五名弟子正一脸惶恐的躲在一处矮山后方,这些人身上大多负伤不轻,似乎刚刚经历了一场激烈的生死搏杀。 In people midair, four high approximately two cuns (2.5 cm) villain/tiny person, evidently, seem like Nascent Soul of person of previous peer, the mortal body destroyed appearance. 在众人身旁的半空中,还有四个高约两寸的小人,看样子,似乎是此前同行之人的元婴,肉身被毁的样子。 Everyone's vision fell outside short mountain front number hundred zhang (333 m) one huge black light at this moment. 所有人的目光此刻都落在了矮山前方数百丈外的一座巨大黑色光阵。 In the light under ground, is lying down a huge monster beast corpse, above the corpse, Su Tongxiao was being surrounded by black light firmly, the body surface blooms the dazzling ray, struggles furiously. 在光阵下方地面上,躺着一头巨大妖兽的尸体,尸体上方,苏同肖正被黑色光阵牢牢困住,体表绽放出耀眼光芒,奋力挣扎。 However that black light obviously is not common magical array, firm incomparable, although shivers again and again, for a short time does not have the sign of breakage. 然而那黑色光阵显然并非寻常法阵,坚固无比,虽然连连颤动,一时半会没有破损的迹象。
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