RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#227: Three groups

Snow Camel Ridge this route, the Little Sister has also considered, is only the journey, although is short, meets the powerful monster beast probability in midway is also several times of other routes, really some dangers.” Bai Suyuan delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, reveals wipes the slightly timid color. 雪驼岭这条路线,小妹也有考虑过,只是路途虽短,中途遇到强大妖兽的几率也是其他路线的数倍,着实有些危险啊。”白素媛秀眉微蹙,露出一抹微怯之色。 This Junior Sister Bai relax/rest assured, has Qi, will not make the Junior Sister be injured by the least bit absolutely.” The Qi Huanyu hear, patted striking one's chest hastily, guarantees to say. “这个白师妹放心,有戚某在,就绝对不会让师妹受到半点伤害。”戚寰宇听罢,连忙拍了拍胸脯,保证道。 Great Young Master Qi did not fear that the wind and snow too flashed the tongue greatly! Depending on you also dares saying that can protect Junior Sister Bai to be complete?” Has not waited for Bai Suyuan to speak, Tang Chuan also walked, face disdaining color saying. 戚大少爷也不怕风雪太大闪了舌头!就凭你也敢说能保护白师妹周全?”未等白素媛说话,唐川也走了过来,一脸不屑之色的说道。 Senior Brother Tang must say not, Senior Brother Qi is also a good intention.” Bai Suyuan sees that answered with a smile for Qi Huanyu. 唐师兄莫要这么说,戚师兄也是一番好意。”白素媛见状,笑着替戚寰宇解释道。 The latter hears this word, in the heart immediately one warm, to Tang Chuan cold Shengchi: „Did I ask Junior Sister Bai to go together, what matter have your? Is equally cool.” 后者听闻此言,心中顿时一暖,冲唐川冷声斥道:“我请白师妹同往,有你什么事?一边儿凉快去。” Junior Sister Bai, I and Brother Chen they plan to take White Fox Valley this route, the income is not smaller than Snow Camel Ridge that side, the risk can also on small some, after all our final goal that snow bear. The Junior Sister might as well travel together with us.” Tang Chuan has not paid attention to Qi Huanyu, said to Bai Suyuan directly. 白师妹,我和陈师弟他们打算走白狐山谷这条路线,收益不比雪驼岭那边小,风险也能小上一些,毕竟我们的最终目的还是那雪熊。师妹不如与我们同行吧。”唐川没有理会戚寰宇,直接冲白素媛说道。 Bai Suyuan sees that both hands overlapped before the body were twisting twisting, seemed very hesitant. 白素媛见状,双手在身前交叠着拧了拧,显得很是犹豫。 Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan see this, but also thinks that the opens the mouth said anything, this female actually opens the mouth to say suddenly: 戚寰宇唐川见此,还想张口说些什么,此女却突然开口道: I they follow Pine Fruit Valley this route Senior Brother Sun Ke.” “我跟孙克师兄他们走松果岭这条路线吧。” Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan hear, is all startled, the Pine Fruit Valley direction walked has also obstructed toward Sun Ke that and the others, stopped the footsteps, stood in same place. 戚寰宇唐川听罢,皆是一怔,就连已经朝着松果岭方向走去的孙克等人也是不由一窒,停下了脚步,站在了原地。 Inspires with that several rogue cultivator spirits of Sun Ke peer, female cultivator of this journey were not many, overwhelming majorities when the flying boat, have then decided to join Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan one team, now can have a looks best Bai Suyuan peer, naturally was unexpected joy. 孙克同行的那几名散修精神纷纷一振,此次出行的女修本就不多,绝大多数在飞舟上之时,便已决定加入了戚寰宇唐川一队,如今能有一姿容最佳的白素媛同行,自然可谓是喜从天降了。 The only Sun Ke corners of the mouth flash through a forced smile. 唯独孙克嘴角闪过一丝苦笑。 He only thinks peaceful completes this trial, but the least bit does not want to be involved in the disputes of others, but since Bai Suyuan selected his name, they are not good to disregard completely, can only turn around to look toward here. 他只想太太平平的完成此次试炼,可是半点也不想卷入其他人的纠葛之中,但既然白素媛点了他的名,他们也不好就此完全不管不顾,只能转过身朝这边望了过来。 At this moment, Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan look to his vision, has started to brave to be on fire, two people almost simultaneously, are calculating at heart must change the route, walks with Bai Suyuan? 只是此刻,戚寰宇唐川看向他的目光,已经开始冒起火来,两人几乎同时,都在心里盘算着要不要更改路线,和白素媛同走一路? little sister ability is mean, not being able to compare two Senior Brother magic arts excels, therefore a selection safest line is good. Two fellow apprentices all are the outstanding person in our generation, in the Little Sister heart respect, although cannot travel together, but also wants for your air-blowing, not to know that from the bottom of the heart anyone of you can capture this leader?” At this moment, listens to Bai Suyuan to say. “小妹本领低微,比不得两位师兄道法高强,所以还是选取最为稳妥的一条线路就好。两位师兄皆是我辈中的佼佼者,小妹心中敬仰不已,虽不能同行,但也打心底想为你们鼓气,就是不知你们谁能夺得此次魁首呢?”就在这时,又听白素媛说道。 Her superficial words, then eject a crest elevation hat, make comfortable incomparable, eliminated them who two people wear to replace the idea of route. 她轻描淡写的一番话,便将一顶高帽抛出,使得两人戴的舒坦无比,同时也打消了他们更换路线的想法。 They then no one looked at Sun Ke, each other stared opposite party one eyes ruthlessly, said goodbye to one with Bai Suyuan, then brings the respective team, went toward two hardest most and dangerous routes. 他们这下谁也都不去看孙克了,彼此狠狠瞪了对方一眼,与白素媛告别一声,便带着各自的队伍,朝着两条最为艰险的路线而去。 Senior Brother Sun, the Little Sister then follows you to travel together, won't you mind?” After these people walk, Bai Suyuan arrives around Sun Ke and the others, winning smile sweet say/way. 孙师兄,小妹便跟着你们一路同行吧,你不会介意吧?”这些人走之后,白素媛又来到孙克等人跟前,巧笑嫣然道。 Wishes for earnestly.” Sun Ke smiles politely, says. “求之不得。”孙克礼貌地笑了笑,开口说道。 It several people, the complexion one said behind happily several welcome and so on words, and start to introduce oneself. 其身后几人,纷纷脸色一喜的说了几句欢迎之类的话语,并开始自我介绍起来。 Meanwhile, is separated by sky over Setsurei more than hundred li (0.5 km) away, hid aura Han Li and Su Tongxiao stands dangerous in the sky, before the body, is shining the one/1st level/layer light water curtain, image Bai Suyuan and the others who above appears. 与此同时,相隔百余里之外的雪岭上空,掩藏了身上气息的韩立苏同肖悬立当空,身前正亮着一层淡薄水幕,上面显现的图像正是白素媛等人。 This Bai Family little miss, the strongest two competitors, will stir up the hazardous location to come up actually in a few words, plans method all excellent.” Su Tongxiao cannot bear to praise sigh. “这白家小姑娘倒是了得,三言两语就将最强劲的两个竞争对手,激到了危险路线上去,心机手段皆是上乘啊。”苏同肖忍不住赞叹道。 Does not blame others manipulated, only blames itself extremely dull-wittedly.” Han Li has the experience regarding this female all sort of manipulated early, does not find it strange, but said with a smile. “不怪他人算计,只怪自己太过愚钝。”韩立对于此女的诸般算计早有见识,并不觉得奇怪,只是笑着说道。 Haha, Brother Lì this said correct/good, was most difficult to enjoy the beautiful woman graciousness. They resulted in the Bai Family little miss so to hope, but also cannot go all out to compete for the position of this leader?” Su Tongxiao said with a smile. “哈哈,厉兄此言不错,正所谓最难消受美人恩。他们二人得了白家小姑娘这般期许,还不得拼了命去争夺这个魁首之位?”苏同肖笑着说道。 It is said Bai Suyuan ancestor once ancestor, is our Torch Dragon Dao inner gate elder, as if some quite weight/quantity in the gate, hasn't known Brother Su recognizable you?” Han Li as if not want to say in this topic, asking shifting to a new subject. “据说白素媛祖上曾有一位先祖,也是咱们烛龙道内门长老,似乎在门内还颇有些分量,不知苏兄你可认识?”韩立似乎并不想在此话题上多说,话锋一转的问道。 correct/good, his ancestor should be several thousand years ago missing Bai Fengyi elder. He and Elder Qi Liang knows well, although I with it long-standing and deep-rooted friend, once had not but had several reasons in sect.” The Su Tongxiao nod said. 不错,其祖上应该就是数千年前失踪的白奉义长老了。他与祁良长老熟识一些,我虽不曾与之深交,但在宗门之内也曾有过数面之缘。”苏同肖点头道。 Brother Su may know that what matter this white elder had/left in the past, why will suddenly be missing?” Han Li reveals being interested color asking. 苏兄可知道这位白长老当年是出了何事,为何会突然失踪?”韩立露出感兴趣之色的问道。 This...... in sect has wide divided opinions, there is saying that was goes out to carry out assignment accidental/surprised fallen, there is saying that was designed by the foe framed to lose the life...... in my opinion, white elder possibly to break through the True Immortal Realm Late Stage shackles in the past, achievement Golden Immortal Realm, but went to shut the life and death to close somewhere...... was right, in some secret news according to the gate, the white elder kept the Yuan soul lamp in sect not to extinguish.” After a Su Tongxiao slightly consideration, said. “这个嘛……宗门之内众说纷纭,既有说是外出执行任务意外陨落的,也有说是被仇敌设计陷害丢了性命的……在我看来,白长老当年可能为了突破真仙境后期桎梏,成就金仙之境,而去某处闭了生死关……对了,据门内一些隐秘消息称,白长老留在宗门内的元魂灯也并未熄灭。”苏同肖略一思量后,如此说道。 The Han Li hear, only thought that this matter does not seem simple, but that is all, has not been thinking goes into seriously anything. 韩立听罢,只觉得此事似乎并不简单,但也仅此而已,并未想着深究什么。 Su Tongxiao sees in the water curtain Bai Suyuan and the others the forms, vanishes white snow towers that gradually in needle pine trees haunch, cancels the water curtain, says: 苏同肖见水幕之中白素媛等人的身影,渐渐消失在一座座针松树撑起的白色雪塔间,一把将水幕抹去,开口说道: Walks, Brother Lì, we must with.” “走吧,厉兄,咱们也得跟上去了。” Han Li nods, two people also no longer continue to fly, but flies to fall to the mountain forest, toward Bai Suyuan and the others the directions, pursued at a moderate pace, is locking the front three groups of sounds with divine sense by far. 韩立点了点头,两人也不再继续飞行,而是飞落到山林之中,朝着白素媛等人的方向,不紧不慢地追了过去,远远用神识锁定着前方三路动静。 Followed after some time secretly, Han Li brow slightly one pressed, as if detected anything, but then the look then restored as usual. 暗暗跟随了一段时间之后,韩立眉头微微一蹙,似乎察觉到了什么,但接着神色便恢复如常。 ...... …… Sun Ke, Bai Suyuan and other line of six people, along a gradient small mountain road, in the direction low altitude toward Mysterious Icy Mountain Range fly. 孙克,白素媛等一行六人,沿着一条坡度较小的山路,朝着玄冰山脉内方向低空飞去。 This place is seemingly tranquil, but many monster beast are actually good at covering the aura through the snow and ice, if upper air fly, counter- is rashly easy to become the monster beast target, the people had the warning of predecessor, naturally does not dare to brave the merit to covet. 此地看似平静,但却有不少妖兽善于通过冰雪掩盖气息,若是贸然高空飞遁,反容易成为妖兽目标,众人有了前人之鉴,自然不敢冒功贪进。 Perhaps was before discussed that the decided division of labor, Sun Ke took on the mission of opening. 或许是之前商量已定的分工,孙克担起了开路的使命。 His top of the head at this moment float jade bowl-shaped magical treasure, white multi-colored sunlight light lets fall a continuously, covered the whole body, simultaneously four glittering and translucent carving azure throwing knives flew to shoot, gathered round his body to revolve to dance in the air slowly. 此刻的他头顶悬浮着一只玉碗状的法宝,一缕缕白色霞光光垂落而下,笼罩住了全身,同时四柄晶莹剔透的青色飞刀飞射而出,围着他的身体缓缓旋转飞舞。 He still not relax/rest assured, in the hand was also as if raising a surface smooth such as the brown small shield of mirror. 他似乎对此仍不放心,手中还提着一面表面光滑如镜的土黄色小盾。 In it behind, other four male cultivated protecting of various same methods the whole body, a face was vigilant color looked around. 在其身后,其余四名男修同样各施手段的护住了周身,一脸警惕之色的四下张望。 In one group of final, Bai Suyuan grasps a white jade ring, transforms a white halo to cover the body, the body are also many a white gauze clothes, sends out the silver-white luminous spot., 在一行人最后,白素媛手持一个白色玉环,幻化出一个白色光环笼罩住身体,身上也多出一件白色纱衣,散发出点点银白色光点。, Group stands guard, while flies, the speed is not fast, beyond sneak attack that but acts recklessly except for several cultivation base not high monster beast all the way, pours has not encountered any big danger. 一行人一边警戒,一边飞行,速度并不快,但一路上除了几只修为不高的妖兽不知死活的偷袭外,倒也没有遇到什么大的危险。 With the people thorough mountain range, the ambient temperature also becomes more and more low. 随着众人深入山脉,周围温度也变得越来越低。 Pass the heart piercing ice cold aura from underground to gush out, the cold wind that simultaneously are mixing with the snow and ice often howls, since by Sun Ke and the others Void Refinement Stage cultivation base , some feelings of being able to resist, startled unexpectedly has the shiver spirit, can still resist besides Bai Suyuan, on other faces was appears some blues and purples. 一股股透心刺骨的冰寒气息从地下涌出,同时一股股夹杂着冰雪的寒风不时呼啸而过,以孙克等人的炼虚期修为,竟也有些抵挡不住之感,激灵灵打起了冷颤,除白素媛尚能抵御外,其余人脸上更是浮现出些许青紫。 In these person of hearts one startled, transports/fortunes the merit to resist in abundance. 这些人心中一惊之下,纷纷运功抵挡起来。 But this temperature is getting more and more low, they have not actually prepared to ward off the cold thing specially, in the heart regret greatly. 怎奈这温度越来越低,他们却并没有特别准备辟寒之物,心中不禁大为后悔起来。 After all depends upon to transport the merit resistance cold air, consumes large to magical power, does not help the later battle hunt and kill, the one had only known, prepares 1-2 to ward off cold magical treasure, so will not be distressed. 毕竟依靠运功抵御寒气,对法力消耗颇大,不利于之后的交战猎杀,早知如此,多准备1-2辟寒法宝,也不会如此狼狈了。 In some below here spirit liquor, with fire attribute spirit material refinement, regarding warding off some cold functions , if not shut out to taste.” At this moment, then said, later takes out a fiery-red fine beverage bottle that the Sun Ke escaping light stops suddenly. “在下这里有些灵酒,是用火属性灵材炼制的,对于辟寒有些作用,诸位若不嫌弃可以尝尝。”就在此刻,孙克突然遁光一停的回头说道,随后取出一个火红色精致酒瓶。 Spirit liquor......” people look at one mutually, seems somewhat scruple. “灵酒……”众人互望一眼,似乎有些迟疑。 Sun Ke turns the hand to take out a cup, pours one glass of spirit liquor. 孙克翻手取出一个杯子,倒出一杯灵酒。 The liquor fluid presents the bright red color, sends out a flame red light, seemed ordinary in the combustion, making the surrounding temperature just like promote much. 酒液呈现出鲜红之色,散发出一股火焰般的红光,仿佛在燃烧一般,使得周围的温度俨然提升了不少。 Simultaneously strange wine sends out, even the Bai Suyuan eye still shone slightly, in the heart emerges the thought that tastes. 同时一股奇异酒香散发开来,即便是白素媛眼睛也微微亮了一下,心中涌现出尝一尝的念头。 Nice wine!” In the people a straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth as if is also the person of nice wine, praised. “好酒!”众人中一个剑眉青年似乎也是好酒之人,赞道。 „Is Brother Lin also the person of nice wine? If not shut out the liquor to be poor, but also please taste, is greatly helpful regarding the protection against the cold.” Sun Ke handed over the cup. 林兄也是好酒之人?若是不嫌弃酒劣,还请尝尝,对于御寒大有帮助。”孙克将杯子递了过去。 That then many thanks.” Straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth somewhat impatient receiving, tosses down. “那便多谢了。”剑眉青年有些迫不及待的接了过来,一饮而尽。 The liquor fluid enters the abdomen, as if the firing line following the throat, flows in the lower abdomen together, then changes into one group of flame steam, wrapped the stomach. 酒液入腹,仿佛一道火线顺着咽喉,流入小腹,然后化为一团火焰般的热气,包裹住了肠胃。 Immediately this steam explodes, changes into heat flows, such as intelligential swamps into all the limbs and bones, the body becomes lithe incomparable, as if must hike up with the wind. 随即这股热气爆裂开来,化为一股股热流,如有灵性般涌入四肢百骸,身体变得轻盈无比,仿佛要随风飘起。 The straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth whole person seemed struck by lightning general, the whole person there, on the face reveals the color of being infatuated stiffly, some little time restored. 剑眉青年整个人仿佛被雷劈中一般,整个人僵硬在那里,脸上露出陶醉之色,好一会才恢复了过来。 Nice wine, may can be called immortal thick liquid Jone seriously. May I ask Brother Sun, this liquor what name/reputation?” His applause to praise, asked. “好酒,当真可称得上仙浆琼露了。敢问孙兄,此酒何名?”他不禁鼓掌大赞,问道。 This liquor named hot saliva.” Sun Ke said with a smile. “此酒名为火涎。”孙克笑道。 Hot saliva liquor! The good name, to be just appropriate with this liquor, before next also once drank fortunately is the azure pear immortal liquor of names of ten big immortal wine, the flavor also slightly seemed to be inferior compared with your hot saliva.” Straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards youth exciting saying. “火涎酒!好名字,和此酒正贴切,在下以前也曾有幸喝过是十大仙酿之称的青梨仙酒,味道比起你这火涎似乎还略有不如。”剑眉青年兴奋的说道。 This liquor not only the wine taste is beautiful, just like Sun Ke said that had the energy of protection against the cold. 此酒不仅酒味绝美,而且正如孙克所言,具有御寒之能。 At this moment his body is high and low, seemed shone general by the genial sunlight, the cold air drove out completely, in the surface shows the one/1st level/layer red light faintly. 此刻他身体上下暖洋洋,仿佛被和煦阳光普照一般,寒气被驱除殆尽,面上隐隐透出一层红光。 Other three male cultivate/repair to see with own eyes this scenery, was again unsuspicious, begged one glass of spirit liquor, in the surface revealed the color of pleasant surprise. 其他三名男修眼见此景,再无怀疑,纷纷讨要了一杯灵酒,面上露出惊喜之色。 They are not the people of nice wine, regarding wine taste and caring, what is pleasantly surprised is within the body cold air is easily scattered. 他们不是好酒之人,对于酒味并不在意,惊喜的是体内寒气被轻易驱散。 Moreover hot saliva immortal liquor the steam winding in various within the body places, the appearance that will not diverge for a while, then, they then do not need to transport the merit to drive out the cold, even can magical power that will try previously to consume supplement. 而且火涎仙酒所化的热气缠绕在体内各处,一时不会散去的模样,如此一来,他们便可不用运功驱寒,甚至可以设法将先前消耗的法力补充回来。 This hot saliva immortal liquor stamina is prolonged, melts the steam to have the half day, will diverge slowly. Junior Sister Bai, you also come one cup.” Sun Ke said with a smile. “这火涎仙酒后劲绵长,所化热气会存在半日,才会慢慢散去。白师妹,你也来一杯吧。”孙克笑道。 That many thanks Senior Brother Sun.” Bai Suyuan expresses one's thanks said. “那就多谢孙师兄了。”白素媛称谢道。
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