RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#226: Immortal custom

Concrete standard, was judged by you. So long as you think that is they can deal with the matter, does not want make a move. You do not need scruples anything, the true impartation disciple trial must risk neck, some people not to dare to blame you afterward. Although you are the guards, actually is also the examination official, needs to achieve fairly fair. Got it?” The purple robe man said lightly. “具体标准,就由你们二人自行判断。只要你们认为是他们可以应付之事,都不要出手。你们也不必顾忌什么,真传弟子试炼本就要冒着生命危险,事后也不会有人敢责怪你们。你们虽然是护卫,其实也就是考官,务求做到公平公正。明白了么?”紫袍男子淡淡说道。 Yes.” Su Tongxiao and Han Li two people, lowered the head to comply with one hastily. “是。”苏同肖韩立二人,连忙垂首应了一声。 The purple robe man un, looked at white robe young married woman one eyes. 紫袍男子嗯了一声,看了身旁的白袍少妇一眼。 When the young married women when the man look, does not make concessions direct looked at each other one. 少妇在男子望过来时,毫不退让的直接对视了一眼。 The purple robe man has not said anything, turns around, escaping light together speeds away to go toward the distant place. 紫袍男子也没多说什么,一转身,遁光一起的朝远处疾驰而去。 A white robe young married woman then vision revolution swept Han Li two people of one, finally the vision stayed on Han Li, but next moment, then body figure similar revolution flies toward the distant place. 白袍少妇这才目光一转的扫了韩立二人一眼,最终目光在韩立身上停留了一下,但下一刻,便身形同样一转的朝远处飞去。 But in instantly, in Han Li that the young married woman turns around flashes through unusual look, suddenly then restored usual. 而就在少妇转身的刹那,韩立目中闪过一丝异色,眨眼间便恢复如常了。 Gazes after two people of body figure to vanish in the horizon, the Han Li two people raised the head, looked at one mutually. 目送二人身形消失在天际,韩立二人才抬起头,互望了一眼。 Brother Su, that was Dao Lord Ouyang, is it possible that was just situated ninth Dao Lord Ouyang Kuishan?” Han Li asked. 苏兄,刚刚那位欧阳道主,莫非就是排行第九的道主欧阳奎山?”韩立如此问道。 „, In the sect 13 Golden Immortal Dao Lord rotation, hold the sect leader faction every 100000 years in turn. Now wields sect Dao Lord Ouyang. Has not thought, Dao Lord Yun also came unexpectedly together, but also walked not silently, should evidently not relax/rest assured her treasure disciple.” Su Tongxiao nods to say. “正是,宗内十三名金仙道主每100000年一次轮换,轮流执掌门派。现在执掌宗门的正是欧阳道主。只是没想到,云道主竟也一起来了,还一言不发的走了,看样子应该是不放心她那位宝贝徒儿吧。”苏同肖点了点头道。 It seems like they prepared to embark, we also prepared to leave.” Han Li divine sense moves, looked at one to say in the main shrine direction. “看来他们准备出发了,我们也准备动身吧。”韩立神识一动,朝着主殿方向望了一眼道。 In the main shrine in next door, these inner gate disciples, have been led to go toward the palace outside by that Fang Yu. 隔壁的主殿内,那些内门弟子已经出发,由那个方宇带领着朝殿外而去。 Hehe, Brother Lì does not need to worry. When they walk away, we catch up to be able again slowly.” Su Tongxiao actually beckons with the hand to say. “呵呵,厉兄不必着急。等他们走远一些,我们再慢慢赶上去便可。”苏同肖却摆了摆手道。 Finally it finishes speaking, in the side hall person's shadow flitted, a gray-haired old man form appears, the body wear sect elder clothing, is actually a inner gate elder. 结果其话音刚落,偏殿内人影一花,一个灰发老者身影浮现而出,身上穿着宗门长老服饰,却是一位内门长老。 gray-haired old man looked at two people of one quickly, the line of sight put aside from Han Li, falls on Su Tongxiao, is laughing walked over. 灰发老者看了二人一眼,视线很快从韩立身上移开,落在了苏同肖身上,大笑着走了过去 Hehe, the Su elder, your I was really many years have not seen.” “呵呵,苏长老,你我真是多年未见了。” Elder Wang, is really the fortunate meeting.” Su Tongxiao hehe smiles, move forward to meet. 王长老,真是幸会。”苏同肖呵呵一笑,也迎了上去 Han Li saw with own eyes this scenery, in the heart guessed correctly anything faintly, close eyes that immediately feigned ignorance maintained mental tranquility. 韩立眼见此景,心中隐隐猜到了什么,当即故作不知的闭目养神起来。 gray-haired old man has not made the stay, chatted several then to say goodbye to leave with Su Tongxiao, Su Tongxiao delivered to the side hall entrance it. 灰发老者并没有多做逗留,和苏同肖聊了几句便告辞离开,苏同肖将其送到偏殿门口。 When near farewell, gray-haired old man squeezed in storage bag the Su Tongxiao hand calmly, the latter looked that has not looked at one, received. 临告别之际,灰发老者将一个储物袋不动声色的塞入了苏同肖手中,后者看也未看一眼,直接收了起来。 Result that old man front leg just walked, was a middle-aged guy walked, evidently was also a inner gate elder. 结果那老者前脚刚走,又是一个中年大汉走了进来,看样子也是一名内门长老。 „The Su elder, these is really time you are the duty of this Dark Guard.” The guy is only divine sense sweeps, then neglected existence of Han Li automatically, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to Su Tongxiao directly, saying of being all smiles. “苏长老,这一次果然是你任这暗卫之职。”大汉只是神识一扫,便自动忽略了韩立的存在,直接冲着苏同肖拱了拱手,笑容满面的说道。 Elder Fan chatted, by chance for it.” Su Tongxiao is smiling move forward to meet. 范长老说笑了,恰巧为之罢了。”苏同肖笑着迎了上去 The middle-aged guy does not have the talk rubbish smalltalk, took out storage bag directly, gave Su Tongxiao. 中年大汉没有废话客套,直接取出了一只储物袋,递给了苏同肖 In the following time, in this side hall is continuous, came a 7 - 8 wave of people quickly, seems gives the thing, and was slightly a stay then leaves. 接下来的时间里,这偏殿之中可谓是络绎不绝,很快来了七八波人,似乎都是来送东西的,且都是略一停留便离开了。 But in the Han Li heart understands, these people should be elder master gate of these participation trial disciples, coming this to ask to look after the junior or the disciple. 韩立心中明白,这些人应该都是那些参与试炼弟子的长辈师门,来此应该是拜托照看小辈或是弟子的。 These people see themselves, not only unfamiliar, cultivation base also True Immortal Realm Early Stage, these gifts naturally delivered to Su Tongxiao this Intermediate Stage True Immortal hand. 只是那些人见自己不仅面生,修为也不过真仙境初期,那些礼物自然都送到了苏同肖这位中期真仙手中了。 Su Tongxiao all comes are welcome, received all presents all. 苏同肖自是来者不拒,将所有礼品尽数收了下来。 Han Li calmly sits in the one side, from beginning to end has not spoken, in heart actually before estimating that Dao Lord Yun just before leaving words. 韩立就这么静静坐在一旁,从头到尾都没有说话,心中却在揣摩着那位云道主临行前的话。 This female Bai Suyuan that wants to guarantee is complete, has not as if entrusted to give cultivation base higher Su Tongxiao this matter evidently. 此女要自己务必保的白素媛周全,看样子似乎并没有将此事嘱托给修为更高的苏同肖 This somewhat was thought-provoking. 这就有些耐人寻味了。 Brother Lì, I looked at double-hour almost/the same, our then walked.” Su Tongxiao sees no one to come again, immediately greeted a Han Li sound said. 厉兄,我看时辰差不多了,我们这便走吧。”苏同肖见无人再来,当即招呼了韩立一声道。 Good.” Han Li opens both eyes, nods. “好。”韩立睁开双目,点了点头。 ...... …… In Ringing Bell Mountain Range northern standing tall and erect great peak, a blue stone main hall is situated in this. 钟鸣山脉北部一处高耸巨峰上,一座青石大殿坐落于此。 Here is Torch Dragon Dao Near Transmission Pavilion north Ringing Bell Mountain Range. 此处是烛龙道所在钟鸣山脉最北边的一处临传阁 Outside the main hall the cold wind howls, the temperature was lower than other places, the in the air white snow flutters, blots out the sky, a pleasant place boundlessness. 大殿之外寒风呼啸,温度比其他地方低了许多,空中白雪飘扬,铺天盖地,入眼处一片苍茫。 After Han Li and Su Tongxiao go out of the main hall, has not stayed flies directly toward the north. 韩立苏同肖走出大殿后,没有丝毫停留的直接朝着北方飞去。 So after less than half double-hour, two people of escaping light one slow. 如此不过小半个时辰后,二人遁光一缓。 Inside and outside several thousands in the upper air in the front, a giant flying boat brave all hardships is proceeding to speed along in the sea of clouds. 在前方数万里外的高空中,一艘巨大飞舟正在云海中乘风破浪般往前飞驰。 Hehe, going this is relaxed, so long as my two people followed to be then OK slowly. The words saying, Brother Lì also crosses the threshold with Bai Suyuan, being should also less than hundred years, feels our sect compared with it outside world, how?” Su Tongxiao looks to Han Li, asked with a smile. “呵呵,接下去这段还算轻松,我二人只要慢慢跟着便可以了。话说,厉兄既是与白素媛同时入门,距今应该还不足百年吧,觉得本宗比之外界,如何?”苏同肖看向韩立,笑着问道。 In sect the cultivation technique resources use actually completely, but I and others, if wanted to gain one or two/just a little, the price may and big.” Han Li smiles bitterly a sound said. “宗内功法资源倒是一用俱全,只是我等若想要获取一二,代价可并不小。”韩立苦笑一声道。 Brother Lì said is really. Our these do not have the rogue cultivator elder of root foot in the sect, without the special chance, wants scale new heights, is how difficult! When enters sect these to consecrate radically is futile attempt, in the future all need to depend on itself. Arrived this realm, if also wants to have a little advance, has the gold mountain film world also insufficiently to wear down, otherwise Su is also insufficient to cross the threshold for 100,000 years, took this.” Su Tongxiao deeply has self-ridiculing of same feeling to say with a smile. 厉兄所言甚是。我们这些在宗内没有根脚的散修长老,若没有特别机缘,想要更上一层楼,何其困难!入宗时的那些供奉根本是杯水车薪,往后的一切都需要靠自己。到了这个境界若还想有所寸进,就是有金山银海也不够消磨,否则苏某也不至于入门十万年,才堪堪迈出这一步了。”苏同肖深有同感的自嘲一笑道。 „When enters the sect consecrates...... what is this?” Han Li hears word, is startled slightly. “入宗时的供奉……这是什么?”韩立闻言,微微一怔。 Is five hundred top grade spirit stones and three immortal essence stone? May I ask Fellow Daoist Lì, initially when crossed the threshold is who leads?” Su Tongxiao coughs asking. “就是五百极品灵石和三枚仙元石呀?敢问厉道友,当初入门之时是何人引领的?”苏同肖干咳一声的问道。 Qi Liang.” Han Li replied. 祁良。”韩立答道。 Su Tongxiao hears word, made every effort to keep secret looked at Han Li one, actually smiles, has not said anything. 苏同肖闻言,讳莫如深地看了韩立一眼,却只是笑了笑,没有说什么。 However, meaning was actually very obvious, his was telling Han Li, these spirit stones and immortal essence stone by Qi Liang taking away. 不过,这其中的意思却是很明显了,他这是在告诉韩立,那些灵石和仙元石都是被祁良给拿走了。 In the Han Li surface flashes through color of being inwardly angry, but in the heart has not actually started how much mighty waves. 韩立面上闪过一丝愠怒之色,但心中其实并没有掀起多少波澜。 Qi Liang this behavior in Torch Dragon Dao, only feared that is the commonly seen routine matter, listened to a Su Tongxiao such saying, instead warm act relax/rest assured before to Qi Liang. 祁良这种行为在烛龙道内,只怕已是司空见惯的常事,听苏同肖这么一说,反而对祁良之前的热情行径更加放心了一些。 Associated to arrive at some time ago Su Tongxiao the matter of receiving gifts, in the Han Li heart somewhat was unconsciously speechless. 联想到不久前苏同肖的收礼之事,韩立心中不觉有些无语起来。 Has not thought that no matter human world, Spirit World or Immortal World, the general rule is the same, even these True Immortal many acts, unexpectedly on the contrary more and more probably mundane world. 没想到不管是人界灵界还是仙界,通行的规则还是一样的,甚至于这些真仙们的不少行径,竟反倒越来越像是世俗世界了。 Right, Brother Lì may still remember that in the past Vice-Dao Lord Xiong Shan did build up sword failure?” Su Tongxiao thought of anything's saying suddenly. “对了,厉兄可还记得当年熊山副道主炼剑失败一事?”苏同肖突然想到了什么的说道。 „...... Vice-Dao Lord Xiong does not call on me and others do not leak about this matter, we best do not mention.” Han Li pressed frowning, said. “关于此事……熊副道主不是要求我等不要外传么,咱们最好还是不要谈起。”韩立蹙了蹙眉,说道。 Haha...... also your my two people, does not have the bystander, might as well matter. Also, is we do not pass on, now in this matter sect, which elder hasn't known? Has been smiling that kept secret hears.” Su Tongxiao smiles indifferently, saying of thinking little. “哈哈……此间也就你我二人,又没有外人,不妨事。再说了,就是我们不传,如今这事儿宗门内,还有哪个长老不知?早就已经是秘而不宣的笑闻了。”苏同肖无所谓地笑了笑,不以为意的说道。 Han Li hears word, smiles, has not said anything. 韩立闻言,也只是笑了笑,没有说什么。 It is said at that time to arrange sword array, Vice-Dao Lord Xiong borrowed big immortal essence stone from Immortal Essence Hall Elder Mo Xie there, has been falling behind until now not, result first several Yogyakarta results in Elder Mo Xie to come to stop up is wanting the debt, two people also almost begin for this reason, makes very not attractively noisily, in the gate......” “据说当时为了布置剑阵,熊副道主仙元殿摩邪长老那里借了一大笔仙元石,一直拖欠着至今未还,结果前几日惹得摩邪长老上门堵着要债,两人为此还差点动了手,在门里闹得沸沸扬扬,很不好看……” Su Tongxiao seems like in the anecdote to this kind of gate quite craves, said to Han Li randomly. 苏同肖似乎是对此类门内逸闻颇为热衷,东拉西扯地跟韩立说了许多。 Although Han Li this there is no interest, but about safe/without matter, then unintentional guides the topic to the topic that in he cares about, after all he entered a date and time is still short, to does not want to be involved in what dispute. 韩立虽然对此本没有什么兴趣,但一路左右无事,便有意无意的把话题引导到他关心的话题上,毕竟他入宗时日尚短,可不想无意间被卷入什么纷争之中。 At once, two people of probably good friends unseen in several years, keep chatting. 一时之间,二人好像是多年未见的好友,聊个不停。 As front giant flying boat more and more toward north, the temperature becomes also getting more and more cold, the midway also encountered several sleet weather, let be busy with closed-door cultivation cultivation Han Li actually in the past, appreciation mountain forest snowscape. 随着前方的巨型飞舟越来越往北,气温也变得越来越寒冷起来,中途还遇到了几次雨雪天气,倒是让过去一直忙于闭关修炼韩立,久违的欣赏了一次山林雪景。 Among a blink, over half a month on the past. 一眨眼间,大半个月就过去了。 Load bearing Bai Suyuan and other flying boat of numerous inner gate spoiled child, before a Ringing Bell Mountain Range giant mountain range, stopped finally. 承载着白素媛等一众内门骄子的飞舟,也终于在钟鸣山脉北部的一座巨大山脉前,停了下来。 Here this trial in it place, Mysterious Icy Mountain Range. 这里正是这次试炼的所在之地,玄冰山脉 Here is north Ringing Bell Mountain Range the third largest branch vein, extends from south to north, inside is mainly growing a plant of named snowy area needle loosen. 这里乃是钟鸣山脉北部第三大的一条支脉,由南向北延伸,里面主要生长着一种名为雪地针松的植物。 Here sets up tall Zhimi, the leaf becomes needle-shaped, extremely anti- cold, is can few in the plant that in this mountain range grows, covers under the snow white white snow, like white steeples. 此处树高枝密,树叶成针状,极耐寒冷,是为数不多能在这片山脉中生长的植物,覆盖在皑皑白雪之下,如同一座座白色的尖塔。 At this moment, a stretch of open field south mountain range takes, Bai Suyuan and other disciples have gone down the flying boat. 此刻,在山脉南部的一片开阔地带上,白素媛等二十几名弟子已经走下了飞舟。 Fang Yu the flying boat will receive, but, immediately opens the mouth saying: 方宇将飞舟一收而起后,当即开口道: Ok, delivered to here you, my assignment also calculates that came to the end. The map of this place you have, the route of advance on generally has three, is arranged by you, so long as achieves the goal to be able. A month later, I will come back in such you.” “好了,将你们送到这里,我的任务也算告一段落了。此地的地图你们都有,前进的路线大抵上有三条,由你们自行安排,只要达成目标便可。一个月后,我会在此等你们回来。” Then, his then body figure in a flash falling in a short Feng Feng top, selfish close eyes sits cross-legged, not zaili society these inner gate disciples. 说完,他便身形一晃的落在一座矮峰峰顶,自顾自的闭目盘膝,不在理会这些内门弟子了。 Soon, more than 20 people of then assembling in threes and fours in the same place. 不多时,二十余人便三五成群的围聚在一起。 Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan side two people, each one is gathering several people, as if has reached an agreement, must act together. 戚寰宇唐川两人身边,各自都聚集着数人,似乎已经商量好了,要一起行动。 Originally in Morning Sun Hall and Bai Suyuan together that several female cultivator, had joined in two people of teams at this moment respectively, obviously on the previous section of road, has the decision respectively. 原本在朝阳殿白素媛一起的那几名女修,此刻已分别加入了二人的队伍之中,显然在之前的这段路上,已各自有了决定。 Another side, with Sun Ke same is several people of rogue cultivator family background, has stuck together automatically in one. 另一边,和孙克一样是散修出身的几人,也已经自动抱团在了一起。 Qi Huanyu looked at a not far away to glance through the map Bai Suyuan, immediately abandoned people, arrived at her side. 戚寰宇望了一眼不远处正独自一人翻阅地图的白素媛,当即撇下了身边众人,来到了她的身边。 Junior Sister Bai, I and several fellow apprentices have chosen Snow Camel Ridge this route, although is relatively more dangerous, but is recent from the mountain range central snow bear appearing and disappearing region, moreover should have many extra benefits along the way. The Junior Sister might as well with us together, is good to take care.” In the Qi Huanyu handsome facial features reveals wipes the anticipation color saying. 白师妹,我和几位师兄弟已经选好了雪驼岭这条路线了,虽然相对危险一些,但是距离山脉中央的雪熊出没地带最近,而且沿途应该会有不少额外的获益。师妹不如与我们一起,也好有个照应。”戚寰宇俊朗的面容上露出一抹期待之色的说道。
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