RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#225: Also sees Sun Ke

Is old acquaintance. Then, I do obeisance into Torch Dragon Dao with this Bai Suyuan simultaneously, but it seems like does Brother Su also know this female?” Han Li nods, asked. “算是旧识吧。说起来,我和这白素媛是同时拜入烛龙道的,不过看来苏兄也知道此女?”韩立点了点头,反问道。 Although Bai Suyuan natural talent extremely, but crosses the threshold then carries off by that sudden Yun Golden Immortal Dao Lord directly, these years are quite as if low-key in the sect, have not spread what sound, know that the person should not be many are right. 白素媛虽然天资绝顶,但一入门便被那位突然出现的云姓金仙道主直接带走,这些年在宗内似乎颇为低调,并没有传出什么动静,知道之人应该不多才对。 Su a few years ago received a Dao Lord Yun issue assignment, accidentally has seen one side this female. It is said this female present carries Magnificent Moon Immortal Body, cultivation still then has such cultivation base less than hundred years. This time shows talent for the first time, will then became famous quickly, vibrates entire Torch Dragon Dao.” Su Tongxiao to praise sighed. “苏某前些年接过一个云道主发布的任务,偶然见过此女一面。据说此女如今身负月华仙体,修炼至今不足百年便已有此等修为。此次崭露头角,想必很快便会名声大振,震动整个烛龙道。”苏同肖啧啧赞叹道。 Since this Bai Suyuan by the Dao Lord Yun received into disciple, making an exception to promote is true impartation disciple, why will also appear in this trial?” Asking of some Han Li doubts. “既然这白素媛已被云道主收入门下,破格提拔为真传弟子,又为何会出现在这试炼之中?”韩立有些疑惑的问道。 Be that as it may, but the sect custom is not violable. This female in closed-door cultivation, cultivation base has previously reached the Void Refinement boundary now, must pass this true impartation disciple trial, can obtain the qualifications of true impartation disciple truly.” Su Tongxiao said. “话虽如此,但是宗门规矩不可破坏。此女先前一直在闭关,如今修为既已臻炼虚境,也必须通过了这真传弟子的试炼,才能真正获得真传弟子的资格。”苏同肖如此说道。 So that's how it is.” Han Li nod of looking pensive. “原来如此。”韩立若有所思的点了点头。 At this moment, a body figure slightly fat young men walked from Morning Sun Hall, wears the inner gate disciple clothing, as if is also participates in the person of test. 就在此刻,一个身形微胖的青年男子从朝阳殿外面走了进来,身穿内门弟子服饰,似乎也是来参加测试之人。 Finally under when the Han Li vision sweeps at will, in the eye actually flashes through surprised. 结果当韩立目光随意一扫之下,眼中却不由闪过一丝惊讶。 This person is not others, in the past went by boat to arrive in Ancient Clouds Continent Sun Ke together. Also does not know that this child used what method, unexpectedly joined Torch Dragon Dao in this short dozens years, and can also advance into this trial. 这人不是别人,正是当年一同乘船抵达古云大陆孙克。也不知此子用了什么手段,竟在这短短数十年间加入了烛龙道,并且还可以跻身这次试炼之中。 Sees only him, as soon as steps into the main hall, in the palace the vision of people also looked. 只见他一踏进大殿,殿内众人的目光也都随之看了过来。 Stared by the people vision, Sun Ke seems like some is not familiar with, the footsteps stopped slightly, smiles toward the people. 被众人目光一盯,孙克似乎有些不习惯,脚步微微停了一下,朝众人笑了笑。 These status uncommon inner gate disciples sized up Sun Ke one up and down, in the eye reveals some colors of despising, put aside the vision quickly , to continue own topic, only then Bai Suyuan returns to show a faint smile toward Sun Ke. 那些身份不凡的内门弟子上下打量了孙克一眼,眼中露出些许轻蔑之色,很快移开了目光,继续自己的话题,只有白素媛孙克回以微微一笑。 Sun Ke as if also thinks little to people's response, arrived in the palace a corner to stand firm, starts to take a look at all around the environment and people. 孙克对众人的反应似乎也不以为意,自顾自的走到了殿内一个角落站定,开始打量起四周环境和众人来。 In the palace everyone was divided into three distinguishing right from wrong circles, with the largest number of people have the 8 - 9 person fully, almost occupied in the palace half of population, the center is a handsome youngster of brocade robe jade belt, the forehead a little purple mark, is glittering the intermittent purple light, is quite mystical, cultivation base achieved Void Refinement Late Stage. 殿内诸人分成了三个泾渭分明的圈子,人数最多的足有八九人,几乎占了殿内人数的一半,中心处是一个锦袍玉带的俊朗少年,眉心处有一点紫色印记,闪烁着阵阵紫光,颇为神秘,修为达到了炼虚后期 Handsome youngster nearby not far away, stood the 5 - 6 person, gathers round another impressive man. 俊朗少年附近不远处,也站了五六人,围着另一名气度不凡的男子。 This person of skin color slightly black, is slender, the appearance is also quite handsome, is only the facial features is somewhat tall and slender, the whole person lends supple aura, the eye pupil opens and closes has the cold glow to flash through faintly. 此人肤色微黑,身材修长,容貌也极为英俊,只是眉眼有些细长,整个人散发出一股阴柔气息,眼眸开合间隐隐有冷芒闪过。 This black skin man cultivation base also arrived at Void Refinement Late Stage. 这黑肤男子修为也到了炼虚后期 Among the person looks of these two circles most is relaxed, chats, from time to time also some people exude haha the laughter. 这两个圈子的人神色间最是轻松,谈笑不已,时而还有人发出哈哈笑声。 A final circle was Bai Suyuan, the side also gathered round several female cultivator, although the beauty was not bad, but compared with the former pretty unparalleled looks, then somewhat paled by comparison. 最后的一个圈子便是白素媛了,身旁也围着几名女修,虽然姿色也不差,但与前者俏丽无双的姿容相比,便有些相形见绌了。 Bai Suyuan hangs the eyelid, silent, the body sends out a white ray faintly, the whole person seems like as if a snow lotus, calmly puts. 白素媛微垂眼睑,默然无语,身上隐隐散发出一股白色光芒,整个人看起来仿佛一株雪莲,静静盛放。 She is silent, several female cultivator vision actually walk randomly in the palace, often talked in whispers several. 她沉默不语,身旁的几名女修目光却在殿内游走,不时窃窃私语几声。 The handsome youngster and black skin man and side person of chatted, the vision looked unintentionally toward Bai Suyuan, in the look often flashed through fiery. 俊朗少年和黑肤男子和身旁之人谈笑间,目光都有意无意间朝着白素媛这边瞄来,眼神中不时闪过一丝火热。 The remaining several people are ordinary like Sun Ke, silent standing in main hall each corner. 剩下的几人如同孙克一般,沉默的站在大殿各个角落。 Soon, that handsome youngster such as iced the Rushuang beautiful appearance to look at one toward Bai Suyuan again, coughed lightly, took a step walked over. 不多时,那俊朗少年再次朝着白素媛如冰如霜的绝美容颜望了一眼,轻咳了一声,迈步走了过去 Your excellency is Bai Suyuan Junior Sister Bai, was courteous below Qi Huanyu. Has heard the Junior Sister given name, is the Dao Lord Yun apprentice, what a pity throughout the reason one side, was predestined friends miserly until now sees Junior Sister true appearance.” The Qi Huanyu well-mannered smile said that in the tone reveals feeling of the feeling sorry not to have met sooner. “阁下是白素媛白师妹吧,在下戚寰宇有礼了。早就听闻过师妹大名,乃是云道主的入室弟子,可惜始终缘悭一面,直至今日才有缘见到师妹真容。”戚寰宇彬彬有礼的微笑道,语气中流露出一副相见恨晚之感。 Senior Brother Qi was polite, you are the Vice-Dao Lord Qi later generation disciple, the natural talent are outstanding, in our generation of disciples, is known as the name of first eminent, the Little Sister also has hearing early.” The Bai Suyuan beautiful pupil flashes, purses the lips to smile faintly. 戚师兄客气了,你是戚副道主的后辈弟子,天资卓绝,在我们这一代弟子中,素有第一翘楚之称,小妹也是早有耳闻。”白素媛美眸微闪,抿嘴浅笑道。 Qi Huanyu is startled slightly, although he is known as the reputation, but had not been called the first eminent, in the situation that is it possible that in oneself do not know had this reputation? 戚寰宇微微一怔,他虽然素有名声,但是却没有被人称呼第一翘楚过,莫非在自己不知道的情况下有了这个名头? He looks at the young girl who front winning smile is attractive, in the heart secretly rejoices, the honest impolite acknowledgment, said with a smile: Junior Sister too praised, the trivial unwarranted reputation, is worth mentioning. By the talent of extremely Junior Sister, believes that soon then can surpass me.” 他望着面前巧笑倩兮的少女,心中不禁暗喜,老实不客气的承认了下来,笑道:“师妹太夸奖了,区区虚名,何足挂齿。以师妹的绝顶天赋,相信用不了多久便能超过我了。” Snort! The first eminent? When Qi Huanyu you resulted in this title, how Tang has not heard to cross, can it be that to proclaim.” Cold snort/hum transmits from side, was actually that black skin man walked, sneered wear a look. “哼!第一翘楚?戚寰宇你什么时候得了这个称号,唐某怎么没听人说起过,莫不是自封的吧。”一声冷哼从旁边传来,却是那黑肤男子走了过来,面带冷笑。 Qi Huanyu complexion one cold, shot a look at black skin man one eyes, said to Bai Suyuan slowly: Perhaps hasn't Junior Sister Bai recognized this person? This is also our inner gate disciple one, named Tang Chuan.” 戚寰宇脸色一冷,瞥了黑肤男子一眼,对白素媛缓缓说道:“白师妹恐怕还不认得这人吧?这位也是我们内门弟子一员,名叫唐川。” You......” black skin man heard that the word complexion sinks. “你……”黑肤男子闻言面色一沉。 Senior Brother Tang is the Heavenly Pill Hall Tang Jingming elder only son, cultivation Tranquil Roaming Mysterious Technique is inner gate one certainly, how the Little Sister can not know, if there is a chance, but also asked Senior Brother Tang to direct one or two/just a little.” Bai Suyuan such as glancing of water looks to that Tang Chuan, the corners of the mouth goes up slightly, meaning of the thrilling beguiling sends out. 唐师兄乃是天丹殿唐镜明长老独子,所修炼幽游玄功更是内门一绝,小妹岂会不知,若有机缘,还请唐师兄指点一二。”白素媛如水的眼波看向那唐川,嘴角微微上翘,一股动人心魄的狐媚之意散发开来。 Tang Chuan hears Yandun such as the spring breeze blows general, which in the heart also has what anger, beckons with the hand to say again and again: Junior Sister Bai was polite, so long as the Junior Sister opens the mouth, does not have two words below certainly. Actually this Tranquil Roaming Mysterious Technique is wonderful, peeps the access below initially......” 唐川闻言顿如春风拂面一般,心中哪还有什么怒火,连连摆手道:“白师妹客气了,只要师妹开口,在下绝无二话。其实这幽游玄功神妙无比,在下不过初窥门径罢了……” Trivial Tranquil Roaming Mysterious Technique what foot/enough said that I look mediocre.” Qi Huanyu saw that two people discussed the really happy appearance, in the heart does not know why the flame of anger gets up, sneers to say. “区区幽游玄功何足道哉,我看不过如此。”戚寰宇看到二人相谈甚欢的样子,心中不知为何无名火起,冷笑道。 What! You dare to look down upon Tranquil Roaming Mysterious Technique, good, Tang makes you experience today well!” Tang Chuan is angry immediately, the body shines spooky black light, a black fog appears. “什么!你敢瞧不起幽游玄功,好,唐某今日就让你好好见识一下!”唐川顿时大怒,身上亮起一阵幽幽的黑光,道道黑雾浮现而出。 Qi Huanyu does not fear, the forehead mark place actually appears the purple rays of light. 戚寰宇丝毫不惧,眉心印记处却浮现出紫色毫光。 By two people the person also glowers at this moment, in the main hall plays out for a while. 二人身旁之人此刻也纷纷怒目而视,大殿之内一时剑拔弩张起来。 Bai Suyuan Qianqian (shallow) smiles, the lotus steps move lightly, body move backwards with no trace two steps, gave two people to empty a region. 白素媛浅浅一笑,莲步轻移,身子不露痕迹的往后退了两步,给两人空开了一块区域。 presumptuous! Here is Morning Sun Hall, you come this participate in the inspection, fights to mump!” In the main hall resounds a dignified sound suddenly. 放肆!此处是朝阳殿,你们来此是参加考核,还是来争锋斗气的!”大殿内骤然响起一个威严的声音。 An invisible pressure covered the entire main hall instantaneously, made Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan both sides everyone only thinks that the aura stagnated, is almost impossible the move slightest, was apart from two groups of person not far Bai Suyuan is also the complexion exudes flushed. 一股无形威压瞬间笼罩了整座大殿,令戚寰宇唐川双方在内的所有人只觉气息一滞,几乎无法动弹分毫,就连距两拨人不远的白素媛也是面色泛起一丝潮红。 This pressure is fleeting, next moment, everyone then thinks that the action returned to normal. 这股威压只是稍纵即逝,下一刻,所有人便觉行动恢复了正常。 Originally acrimonious tense atmosphere, actually in this alternates tension with relaxation, changed into destroyed. 只是原本剑拔弩张的紧张气氛,却在这一张一弛间,化为了乌有。 The white light flashes, is actually that is called the Fang Yu aspect youth form to come baseless, a Great Ascension Stage aura bald-faced release, causes nearby air humming sound the trembling cry. 白光一闪,却是那名叫方宇的方面青年身影凭空现身,一身大乘期气息毫无掩饰的释放而出,引得附近空气嗡嗡颤鸣。 One of his vision from Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan sweeps, finally seems the profound meaning looked at Bai Suyuan one, then received. 他的目光从戚寰宇唐川身上一扫而过,最后似有深意的看了白素媛一眼,便收了回去。 Qi Huanyu and Tang Chuan see this, each other looks angrily at cold snort/hum one, turns the head to get out of the way. 戚寰宇唐川见此,彼此怒视冷哼一声,转头走开。 Bai Suyuan also lowers the head at this moment slightly, latter fell back on one side. 白素媛此刻也微微低下了头,后退到了一边。 Ok. Now since the person were in attendance, trial this then starts. Before then, I first announced the content of this trial, remember, I only said that was related to the assignment success or failure with your life and death, must listen to me!” Fang Yu has not done to investigate anything, the direct speaker announced. “好了。现在人既然都到齐了,试炼这便开始。在此之前,我先宣布一下此次试炼的内容,记住,我只说一遍,事关任务成败与你们的生死,务必都给我听好了!”方宇倒也没多做追究什么,直接扬声宣布道。 Stood Sun Ke in main hall corner and the others also walked at this moment in abundance, earnestly listened attentively. 站在大殿角落里的孙克等人此刻也纷纷走了过来,认真倾听起来。 Your this destinations are Mysterious Icy Mountain Range, I can lead you to arrive in the mountain range surrounding...... you to need to penetrate, strikes to kill a Integration Stage snow brown profound bear, calculates completes the trial...... during this period, can find the person to collaborate, can strike to kill alone......” “你们这次目的地是玄冰山脉,我自会带你们抵达山脉外围……你们需要深入其中,击杀一头合体期的雪棕玄熊,方算完成试炼……在此期间,可以找人联手,也可以独自击杀……” ...... …… Meanwhile, in side hall. 与此同时,偏殿之中。 Han Li is looking in the main shrine all, in the heart somewhat speechless unconsciously. 韩立望着主殿中发生的一切,心中不觉有些哑然。 These years have not seen, Bai Suyuan this female actually has not changed, is the so strange elf. 这些年没见,白素媛此女倒是一点没变,还是这般古怪精灵。 Then, this female as if started cultivation that Yun Dao Lord cultivation technique, the flattering technique that just now among its frown and smile revealed was really wise, unknowingly made the people of two same rank crash into. 说起来,此女似乎开始修炼了那个云姓道主功法,方才其一颦一笑间流露出的媚术甚是高明,不知不觉就让两名同阶之人坠入其中。 Thinks that by the strength of oneself so huge divine sense, almost fell into attracting of that Dao Lord Yun initially carelessly, these two seem like that has not experienced the emperor spoiled children of many humans affairs is not naturally able to escape by luck. 想到以自己如此庞大的神识之力,当初也差点不慎陷入那云道主的魅惑之中,这两名看似未经历多少世事的天子骄子自然无法幸免了。 Saw with own eyes that Fang Yu starts to announce trial assignment content, he naturally also listens attentively with rapt attention. 眼见那方宇开始宣布试炼任务内容,他自然也凝神倾听起来。 Mysterious Icy Mountain Range...... that is actually not far.” Nearby Su Tongxiao muttered a sound said. 玄冰山脉……那倒是不远。”一旁的苏同肖喃喃自语了一声道。 Han Li nods. 韩立点了点头。 The Ancient Clouds Continent situation, he also basically clarifies now much, Mysterious Icy Mountain Range that in this Fang Yu mouth mentioned called north the mainland in bell, was not too far from Torch Dragon Dao. 古云大陆的情况,他现在也基本弄清了不少,这方宇口中提及的玄冰山脉地处钟鸣大陆北方,距离烛龙道并不算太远。 Moreover the Mysterious Icy Mountain Range not very big mountain range, inside occupies monster beast, although has many, but by their True Immortal Realm cultivation base, nursing these inner gate disciples should be not very difficult. 而且玄冰山脉并不算非常大的山脉,里面盘踞妖兽虽有不少,但以他们两人的真仙境修为,看护住这些内门弟子应该并不是很难吧。 In the Han Li heart is so thinking, suddenly raised the head, looks toward the side hall entrance. 韩立心中如此想着,突然一抬头,朝偏殿入口处望去。 Almost is at the same time, the entrance moves void, two forms appear. 几乎是同一时间,入口处虚空一动,两个身影浮现而出。 When first person is the middle-aged man, a purple robe, the facial features are really ordinary, the aspect thin eyebrow, both eyes are bright, bright, but not dazzling, in the scholarly gives people one type not to get angry, but the feeling of prestige. 当先一人是个中年男子,一袭紫袍,五官甚是平常,方面细眉,双目炯炯,亮而不刺目,儒雅中又给人一种不怒而威的感觉。 Side is a white robe young married woman, the facial features like the picture, the coquettish look like the silk, Dao Lord Yun that had once met impressively in the past, Bai Suyuan master. 旁边是一个白袍少妇,五官如画,媚眼如丝,赫然正是当年曾经见过一面的云道主,白素媛的师傅。 The huge incomparable aura sends out from two people, that scholarly middle-aged man compared with Dao Lord Yun, the bearing is not inferior, faintly also pressed and covered a head. 庞大无比的气息从二人身上散发开来,那儒雅中年男子比起云道主,气度丝毫不逊色,隐隐还压盖了一头。 Dao Lord Ouyang! Dao Lord Yun!” Su Tongxiao stood hastily, submissively good a ritual. 欧阳道主云道主!”苏同肖连忙站了起来,拱手行了一礼。 In Han Li hears Yanxin dark startled, also set out good a ritual. 韩立闻言心中暗惊,也随之起身行了一礼。 „Were you, then Dark Guard of this trial?” The purple robe man opens the mouth to ask slowly. “你们二人,便是此次试炼的暗卫了?”紫袍男子缓缓开口问道。 „.” Han Li and Su Tongxiao said with one voice. “正是。”韩立苏同肖齐声道。 About the trial content, you should also know. In this trial, your assignment, then to prevent to happen accidentally/surprisingly, if the general danger, made these disciples pass by own ability, if their ability were insufficient, died might also as well in the trial. The unfilial juniors, die with it outside, might as well die in sect within/inner.” Purple robe man at a moderate pace saying, in the tone brings unquestionable, even also has some meanings of withering. “关于试炼内容,你们应该也已经知道了。在这次试炼中,你们二人的任务,便是为了防止意外发生,若是一般的危险,就让那些弟子们凭借自己的能力度过,若是他们能力不足,死在试炼中也无妨。不肖子弟,与其死在外面,不如死在宗内。”紫袍男子不紧不慢的说道,语气中带着一种不容置疑,甚至还带着些许肃杀之意。 Opens reports Dao Lord Ouyang, the general danger that you just said that could say is brighter...... we also to comply well.” Su Tongxiao slightly one hesitates, asks. “启禀欧阳道主,您刚刚所说的一般危险,能否说的更明些……我们也好照做。”苏同肖微一迟疑,问道。 ............ ………… New in January/one month started, forgets the language to ask to recommend the ticket and monthly ticket to everyone ^ ^ 新的一月又开始了,忘语向大家求下推荐票和月票哦^^
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