RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#222: The liquor meets the friend

Well! Does your boy also understand the liquor?” Elder Hu Yan light well, slightly surprise looked at Han Li one. “咦!你小子也懂酒?”呼言长老轻咦一声,略微诧异的看了韩立一眼。 Does not dare to say the liquor, slightly knows one or two/just a little.” Han Li said with a smile. “不敢说懂酒,略知一二罢了。”韩立笑道。 He knew not many regarding the liquor, when is the past years crossed Thunderstorm Ocean, often by Sun Ke is drawn together is drinking, Sun Ke knew it to well regarding various types of wines, he was influenced by what one sees and hears, understood. 他对于酒本来所知不多,也就是当年横渡雷暴海洋时,时常被孙克拉着一起喝酒,孙克对于各种酒类知之甚详,他耳濡目染,了解了一些。 But this old man just now to oneself liquor but actually, Sun Ke also asked him to drink by chance. 而这老头方才给自己倒的这酒,恰巧孙克也请他喝过。 When initially drank, did not have today's feeling/reflection so. 只是当初喝时,却没有今日的这般感悟了。 Good, good, I looked your boy is quite pleasing to the eyes, has not thought that is also in the person of same belief the person, that is good., Accompanies this old man to drink several cups well.” The Elder Hu Yan great happiness, sets out to return to the room. “好,好,我原本看你小子就颇为顺眼,没想到也是同道中人,那再好不过。来来来,陪老夫好好喝几杯。”呼言长老大喜,起身返回屋中。 When it comes out again, both hands hold a 7 - 8 different-looking wine pot and drinking utensils, familiar one by one/each set out on the table. 当其再次出来时,双手却捧着七八个样式不同的酒壶和酒具,如数家珍般一一摆到了桌子上。 The wine pots of these attire liquor are all kinds, but the wine glass is unique. 这些装酒的酒壶各式各样,但酒杯更是各具特色。 Copper back, jade cup, wooden cup, stone cup, gold cup wait/etc., in each wine glass, but also inscribed some strange designs, the common decoration, as if rune is not ordinary. 铜樽,玉杯,木杯,石杯,金杯等等,每个酒杯上,还铭刻了一些怪异图案,并未寻常装饰,仿佛符文一般。 Under the Han Li vision sweeps, discovered that these wine pots with the drinking utensils each same are magical treasure, as for having what effect, was unknown. 韩立目光一扫之下,发现这些酒壶和酒具每一样都是一件法宝,至于有什么功效,就不得而知了。 Elder Hu Yan takes out so many different cups, is it possible that each liquor can also is joined to the special drinking utensils?” Han Li looks at the dazzling good wine wine glass, in the heart also had an interest, said with a smile. 呼言长老取出这么多不同杯子,莫非每一种酒还须得配上专门的酒具?”韩立看着琳琅满目的美酒酒杯,心中也起了一丝兴趣,笑道。 That is the natural, so-called good horse equal/match good saddle, the say/way of drinking wine is also so! Only has the good wine, not corresponding drinking utensils, the good good wine will also actually subtract three points of taste. For example this azure pear immortal liquor luster green, must with the jade cup that the azure emerald makes, for example this altar/jar red Sang Xianjiu is famous for the delicate fragrance, must drinks it with the Japanese rhodea vine cup, can add the wine......” Elder Hu Yan to be delighted, talks what type of good wine to match what drinking utensils. “那是自然,所谓好马配好鞍,饮酒之道也是如此!只有美酒,却无相应的酒具,再好的美酒也会减去三分味。比如这青梨仙酒色泽青碧,须得配天青翡翠所制的玉杯,又譬如这坛红桑仙酒以清香著称,须得用万年青藤杯饮之,才能更添酒香……”呼言长老眉飞色舞,大谈何种美酒配什么酒具。 Han Li nods, carries that red Sang wine, initially on the cross-ocean great boat, he and Sun Ke has drunk this type of liquor. 韩立点了点头,端起那红桑酒,当初在跨海巨舟上,他和孙克喝过这种酒。 Superficial, his eye immediately one bright. 浅尝了一口,他眼睛顿时一亮。 Red Sang Xianjiu who on the same day and Sun Ke drank is the thing of its personal collection, the quality certainly not compared with the present difference, was only the present glass of liquor, the wine taste delicate fragrance by far previously. 当日和孙克喝的红桑仙酒乃是其贴身珍藏之物,成色绝不比眼前的差,只是眼前的这杯酒,酒味清香远胜先前。 Han Li drank one, the careful taste, soon discovered the clue. 韩立又饮了一口,细细品味,很快发现了端倪。 In this azure vine cup shows Kofuji aura faintly, twines in the wine taste together, makes this wine taste increase. 这青藤杯中隐隐透出一股古藤气息,和酒味缠绕在一起,才使得这酒味大增。 This red Sang Xianjiu is ferments by Chinese photinia Sang fruit, this fruit is the fire attribute spirit material, the azure vine cup also contains the wood gas, lights a fire by the wood, really the wine and women increase!” He looks the color of admiration. “这红桑仙酒乃是以千年红桑果酿制,此果是火属性灵材,青藤杯又蕴含木气,以木生火,果然酒色大增!”他面露钦佩之色。 Although Elder Hu Yan previously said rationally, in his heart half believing and half doubting, at this moment believes firmly that its said not empty. 呼言长老先前虽然说的头头是道,他心中还是将信将疑,此刻才确信其所言不虚。 correct/good, correct/good, the boy is insightful, tastes this pot flowing light immortal liquor again.” In the Elder Hu Yan eye flashes through an appreciation, takes up a white wine pot, poured one cup of amber browns, the liquor water of shining. 不错,不错,小子有眼光,再来尝尝这壶流光仙酒。”呼言长老眼中闪过一丝赞赏,拿起一个白色酒壶,又倒了一杯琥珀色,流光溢彩的酒水。 In the following time, Han Li tasted several types of good wines one after another, is really the rare good wine. 接下来的时间里,韩立接连尝了几种美酒,果然都是难得一见的美酒。 He to liquor, although only slightly knows one or two/just a little, but is actually excellent audience, that modest easy to learn appearance, causes Hu Yan Daoist Master to nod again and again, in the eye the color of appreciation is stronger. 他对酒道虽只略知一二,但却不失为一个极好的听众,那虚心好学的样子,引得呼言真人连连点头,眼中赞赏之色更浓。 These liquor are not common inferior wine, can be immortal liquor one kind, is of great help to cultivation, is only Han Li after all only then True Immortal Realm Early Stage, drinks so many to get down continually, in the dantian has been full heterogeneous incomparable, perhaps goes must spend a lot of time to be able it thorough refined. 这些酒并非寻常水酒,都算得上是仙酒一类,对修行大有裨益,只是韩立毕竟只有真仙境初期,连饮这么多下去,丹田内已充盈驳杂无比,恐怕接下去要花费不少时间才能将之彻底炼化 After he slightly hesitates, immediately stops the cup not to drink. 他略一沉吟后,当即停杯不饮了。 Elder Hu Yan is actually one after another, the delight of selfish drinking, obviously cultivation base wants on high compared with Han Li many. 呼言长老却是一杯接着一杯,自顾自的喝的不亦乐乎,显然修为韩立要高上不少。 Elder Hu Yan, whether the rest moment, wants to report at some below here also matters.” Han Li waited for the moment, sees the opposite party not to have the meaning of stopping, opens the mouth to urge. 呼言长老,可否歇息片刻,在下这里还有些事想要禀告。”韩立又等了片刻,见对方丝毫没有停下之意,不由开口劝道。 Your boy feels disappointed, good, has the fart to put quickly.” Elder Hu Yan shot a look at Han Li, snort/hum, sat. “你小子真是扫兴,好吧,有屁快放。”呼言长老瞥了韩立一下,哼了一声,坐了起来。 Han Li compensates to smile one, takes out storage magical artifact, handed over. 韩立赔笑一声,取出一个储物法器,递了过来。 Fire Cloud Ridge nearly ten years of mining fire element crystal in inside.” 火云岭近十年开采的火元晶都在里面。” Elder Hu Yan receives, divine sense sweeps slightly, then threw the one side it, turned the hand to take out that azure jade book, outlined above. 呼言长老接了过来,神识微微一扫,便将其扔到了一旁,翻手取出那本青色玉册,在上面勾画起来。 Elder Hu Yan, sect as if attaches great importance to this fire element crystal very much, does not know that what this thing can be used to make? I observe its, although embodiment pure firepower, but the quality of material is frail, is entirely different from the common fire attribute ore, instead is somewhat similar to spirit stones.” Han Li looked at that storage magical artifact one, seemingly optional asking. 呼言长老,宗门对这火元晶似乎很是重视,不知此物可用来做什么?我观其虽然内蕴精纯火力,但质地脆弱,和一般的火属性矿石大不相同,反而和灵石有些类似。”韩立看了那储物法器一眼,看似随意的问道。 Refines one fuel that immortal essence stone uses.” Replying that Elder Hu Yan does not lift. “炼制仙元石用的一种燃料罢了。”呼言长老头也不抬的答道。 Han Li hears word is startled, immediately on the face appears the astonished color, asked: Refines immortal essence stone...... to need to use this fire element crystal?” 韩立闻言一怔,随即脸上浮现出惊愕之色,问道:“炼制仙元石……需要用到这火元晶吗?” Elder Hu Yan looked up his one eyes, somewhat strange say/way: „Don't you know Nine Revolutions Immortal Essence Array?” 呼言长老抬头看了他一眼,有些奇怪的道:“难道你不知道九转仙元阵?” Nine Revolutions Immortal Essence Array?” Han Li looks the vacant color. 九转仙元阵?”韩立面露茫然之色。 This name he truly does not know. 这个名字他确实不知道。 „, You should just join shortly after our sect, where comes?” Elder Hu Yan sizes up Han Li one up and down, asked. “哦,你应该是刚刚加入本宗不久吧,出身何地?”呼言长老上下打量韩立一眼,问道。 Elder mental perception, this Li just joined sect less than hundred years, was born in a Wild Billows Continent remote island.” The Han Li intention slightly revolutions, in the mouth said. “长老慧眼,厉某刚刚加入宗门不到百年,出身于荒澜大陆的一个偏僻小岛。”韩立心念微转,口中说道。 No wonder, Wild Billows Continent there remote very much, truly few person knows. As for this Nine Revolutions Immortal Essence Array, is this Northern Cold Immortal Territory famous one gathers Yuan magical array, this magical array can concentrate 100 top grade spirit stones spirit strength as one in a short time, changes into immortal essence stone.” Elder Hu Yan continues to say immediately. “难怪,荒澜大陆那里偏僻的很,确实少有人知道。至于这九转仙元阵嘛,乃是这北寒仙域大名鼎鼎的一种聚元法阵,此法阵能够短时间内将一百枚极品灵石灵力凝为一体,化为一枚仙元石。”呼言长老随即继续说道。 „, No wonder in Wild Billows Continent there, immortal essence stone like that is so that's how it is rare, as if one were much many to sect here.” Han Li deeply inspires, mutters said. “原来如此,难怪在荒澜大陆那里,仙元石那般罕见,到了宗门这里却似乎一下多了不少。”韩立深吸一口气,喃喃说道。 That is natural, my Torch Dragon Dao Wild Billows Continent that place can compare can it be that.” Elder Hu Yan said proudly. “那是自然,我烛龙道岂是荒澜大陆那种地方能够相比的。”呼言长老傲然说道。 During the speeches, he turned the hand to receive the jade book, has taken the Han Li elder token, counted on the fingers, inside merit were many immediately 180 points. 说话间,他翻手将玉册收了起来,取过韩立长老令牌,屈指一点,里面的功绩点顿时多出一百八十点。 Many thanks Elder Hu Yan! The troublesome elder spends time again, first below arrangement next assignment, then savors these good wines is not late slowly.” Han Li received the token, said again submissively. “多谢呼言长老!麻烦长老再花费一点时间,先给在下布置下一个任务,再慢慢品味这些美酒不迟。”韩立接过令牌,再次拱手道。 Steals one to be lazy rarely, something has been done deliberately your boy in wordy.” “难得偷一会懒,偏生你小子啰里啰嗦。” Elder Hu Yan stared Han Li one, takes out the assignment book, after reading several pages fast, stopped, looked up Han Li one again, said: 呼言长老瞪了韩立一眼,取出任务册,飞快翻看了几页后,停了下来,再次抬头望了韩立一眼,说道: You worry to make three assignment continually, wants to complete quickly, is good cultivation? In view of this, this assignment is suiting you, the time is not long, wants several months the time, enough.” “你这么着急连做三个任务,是想赶快做完了,好回去修炼吧?既如此,这个任务正适合你,时间不长,前后只要数月时间,也就够了。” What assignment is?” Han Li hears word one happy. “是什么任务?”韩立闻言一喜。 This inner gate disciple wants to be promoted true impartation disciple, must through a trial, your assignment is also very simple, escorts some inner gate disciples to attend the true impartation disciple trial in secret.” Elder Hu Yan answered. “本门内门弟子想要晋级真传弟子,须得通过一个试炼,你的任务也很简单,就是暗中护送本门一些内门弟子参加真传弟子试炼。”呼言长老解释道。 Escorts in secret?” Han Li is startled. “暗中护送?”韩立一怔。 correct/good. These inner gate disciples must by oneself strength passed the trial, generally, can not make a move help one another. However the place of trial accidental/surprised quite a lot, will therefore send the one or two/just a little True Immortal elder to follow in secret.” Elder Hu Yan said. 不错。那些内门弟子须得凭借自身实力度过试炼,一般情况下,都不得出手相助。不过试炼之地意外颇多,所以才会派遣一二真仙长老暗中跟随。”呼言长老说道。 So that's how it is, understood below, when this does assignment start?” The Han Li nod asked. “原来如此,在下明白了,这个任务何时开始?”韩立点头问道。 Time also is really skillful, after 3 days. When the time comes you go to Morning Sun Hall, some there people will inform your specific matter.” Elder Hu Yan shook the head to say. “时间还真是巧的很,就在三日之后。到时候你去朝阳殿,那里自会有人告知你具体事宜。”呼言长老晃了晃脑袋道。 Good, many thanks elder.” Han Li slightly one silent, wear a look of gratitude color saying. “好,多谢长老。”韩立微一沉默,面带感激之色的说道。 This is over-fond of wine the old man mouth drunkenly, although is unkind, but to him is correct/good, these three assignment of arrangement said that is not difficult. 这醉醺醺的贪杯老头嘴巴虽然刻薄,不过对他还是不错,安排的这三个任务说起来都不算困难。 Thanked does not need, if later had the leisure, accompanied this old man to drink several cups on the line.” Elder Hu Yan beckons with the hand to say. “谢就不必了,以后若有闲暇,过来陪老夫喝几杯就行了。”呼言长老摆了摆手道。 Certainly.” Han Li smiles, immediately sets out to say goodbye. “一定。”韩立笑了笑,随即起身告辞。 Had/Left the door, he walks toward outside, via that yellow bean place, cannot help but stopped, sized up several. 出了房门,他朝着外面走去,途经那株黄色豆子处,不由得又停了下来,又打量了几眼。 What's wrong, do you also understand Dao soldiers?” The Elder Hu Yan sound resounds, this person does not know when arrived at Han Li unexpectedly behind. “怎么,你也懂得道兵?”呼言长老声音响起,此人不知何时竟然到了韩立身后。 Han Li broadminded one startled, was bullied body such near, oneself had not detected unexpectedly. 韩立豁然一惊,被人欺身如此之近,自己竟没有发觉。 However when he turns around, in the surface had returned to normal, said: 不过当他转过身来时,面上已经恢复了平静,说道: Slightly has hearing, it seems like should Elder Hu Yan be skilled in the technique of this Dao soldiers?” “只是略有耳闻,看来呼言长老应该精通这道兵之术吧?” That is natural, if by Dao soldiers, this old man recognized second, in Torch Dragon Dao no one dares to recognize first!” Elder Hu Yan was a bleary eyes dim appearance, in the tone were many for several points proudly. “那是自然,若论道兵,老夫认了第二,烛龙道内无人敢认第一!”呼言长老还是一副醉眼朦胧的样子,口气中却多了几分傲然。 Has been interested in Dao soldiers below very much, the person but who is skilled in this field of endeavor is few, seeks for advice impossible, does not know whether the elder can direct one or two/just a little, decides however...... the Han Li great happiness below”, said submissively. “在下对于道兵一直很感兴趣,只是精通此道的人很少,求教无门,不知长老能否指点一二,在下定然……”韩立大喜,拱手道。 „To study the technique of my Dao soldiers? It is not good, is not good! This thing I will not teach you, do not think Elder Hu Yan did not wait for Han Li saying that immediately interrupts his words, shook heads. “想学我的道兵之术?不行,不行!这东西我不会教你的,别想了”呼言长老不等韩立说完,立刻打断了他的话,大摇其头。 Leeway that this...... the elder not discussed seriously?” Asking that Han Li some do not lose heart. “这……长老当真毫无商量的余地?”韩立有些不死心的问道。 Elder Hu Yan is just about to flatly refuse, remembers just now two people of having a friendly chat over a cup of wine situations, swallows back to the words of mouth, has saying of profound meaning greatly: 呼言长老正要一口回绝,想起方才二人把酒言欢的情形,到嘴的话又咽了回去,大有深意的说道: This...... is is not completely not good. The this old man entire life has two hobbies ; first, the liquor, its two are the technique of this Dao soldiers, if you can find compared with the this old man hand in these better immortal liquor liquor prescription, pouring is not cannot discuss.” “这个嘛……也不是完全不行。老夫生平有两道嗜好,其一是酒,其二便是这道兵之术,你若是能找到比老夫手中这些更好的仙酒酒方,倒也不是不能商量。” His innumerable years plunder the collection everywhere, only fear entire Northern Cold Immortal Territory also few people by the good wine above him. 他无数年来四处搜刮收藏,论美酒只怕整个北寒仙域也没有几人在他之上。 Han Li looks at the Elder Hu Yan self-confident face, sighed secretly. 韩立看着呼言长老自信的面孔,暗暗叹了口气。 He regarding liquor, although knows not many, could see that Elder Hu Yan is skilled in this field of endeavor extremely, just these immortal liquor all were the peerless good wine, looked for the immortal liquor even better to where? 他对于酒道虽然所知不多,也看得出呼言长老极为精通此道,刚刚那些仙酒无一不是绝世佳酿,到哪里去找更胜一筹的仙酒? This Elder Hu Yan looks like really does not want to teach the technique of that Dao soldiers. 呼言长老看来是真的不想传授那道兵之术。 Good, decides below however seeks attentively, but also looks at the elder to renege on a promise when the time comes not.” Han Li deeply inspires, the sinking sound said. “好,在下定然用心去寻找,还望长老到时候莫要反悔。”韩立深吸一口气,沉声说道。 Although the opportunity is uncertain, but he does not want to give up, at the worst goes to Unusual Alliance to issue assignment, the multi- spend some price, wants to come should not be difficult. 虽然机会渺茫,不过他不想放弃,大不了去无常盟发布任务,多花点代价,想来应该并不难吧。 Snort! this old man always does what has said that the boy does not need to use this method of goading somebody into action, if you really can find liquor prescription, told you technique of Dao soldiers also to have why not?” Elder Hu Yan snort/hum, said. “哼!老夫向来言出必行,小子不必用这激将法,若你真能找到酒方,告诉你道兵之术又有何妨?”呼言长老哼了一声,说道。 „The boy said goodbye.” Han Li shows a faint smile, said goodbye submissively, turns around to depart floating. “那小子就告辞了。”韩立微微一笑,拱手告辞,转身飘然离去。
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