RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#223: Mark

After Han Li left Hundred Liquor Mountain Villa, returned to own cave mansion secret room directly. 韩立离开了百酒山庄后,直接返回了自己的洞府密室。 After the hole restriction all opens, he same place is sitting cross-legged to sit. 将洞内禁制悉数开启后,他在原地盘膝坐了下来。 Previously completed two deacon assignment, although process not too many difficulties, but is actually nonstop oneself tired unbearable. Now since had 3 days to be idle, happen to can these immortal liquor well refined that Old Man Hu Yan there drank, simultaneously rested one or two/just a little. 先前一口气完成了两件执事任务,虽然过程并没有太多困难,但却是马不停蹄的把自己累的够呛。如今既然有了三日空闲,正好可以将呼言老头那里喝的那些仙酒好好炼化一下,同时休憩一二 Finally Han Li just closed both eyes shortly, then opens both eyes suddenly, the complexion slightly changes. 结果韩立刚闭上双目没多久,便豁然睁开双目,脸色微微一变。 storage bracelet no indication on his hand sudden shivers fiercely. 他手上的储物镯毫无征兆的突然剧烈颤动起来。 Does not wait for him to make anything, flashes through together black light, that black long blade departs automatically, immediately changes into a shadow, shoots like the electricity toward the distant place, speed quick astonishment. 不等他做什么,一道黑光闪过,那柄黑色长刀从中自动飞出,立刻化为了一道黑影,朝着远处如电般射去,速度快的惊人。 Because all happen extremely sudden, Han Li has not been at first under blocking that the long blade departs, but responded after immediately, two fierce pinched finger joints with the thumb. 由于一切发生的太过突然,韩立并未在长刀飞出的第一时间将之拦下,但马上反应过来后,两手猛一掐诀。 In the secret room appears to make a debut immediately the azure multi-colored sunlight, blocked in the way of black long blade. 密室内顿时浮现出道道青色霞光,拦在了黑色长刀的去路。 Hū lā! 呼啦”一声! The black long blade surface puts black light greatly, makes the wild animal roared the sound, painting the Black Blade light turnover was uncertain, easily cut azure multi-colored sunlight, but its speed also slightly one slow. 黑色长刀表面黑光大放,发出野兽咆哮般的声音,漆黑刀光吞吐不定,轻易将一道道青色霞光斩开,但其速度也略微一缓。 Han Li golden light puts greatly, Precious Mantra Wheel appears instantaneously, the golden ripple spreads, covered the surrounding ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes instantaneously, covered the black long blade its under. 韩立身上金光大放,真言宝轮瞬间浮现而出,金色波纹扩散开来,瞬间笼罩住了周围十丈范围,将黑色长刀笼罩其下。 Long blade speed immediately again one slow, moreover was all of a sudden slow over three times, then by an invisible suction under one volume, was poured to shoot to return, falls in the Han Li hand. 长刀速度顿时再次一慢,而且是一下子慢了三倍以上,接着被一股无形吸力一卷之下,倒射而回,落在了韩立手中。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! The black long blade exudes the sound of trembling cry, vibrates unceasingly, struggles to continue, but under Han Li grips tightly like the iron hoop five fingers, is unable to work loose a point again. 黑色长刀发出颤鸣之声,不断抖动,挣扎不止,但在韩立如铁箍般五指紧握下,再也无法挣脱一分。 What's all this about?” Han Li sees this, brow tight wrinkle. “这是怎么回事?”韩立见此,眉头紧皱。 Fang Pan has died, this is this child the black long blade in these years, by his careful refined, will have had so the unusual form today? 方磐已死,本属于此子的这柄黑色长刀在这些年里,早已被他仔细炼化过了一遍,今日怎会出现如此异状? In his heart the thought rotates, huge divine sense has searched toward Black Blade. 他心中念头转动间,庞大神识早已朝着黑刀内探去。 next moment, its complexion sinks again. 下一刻,其面色再次一沉。 The black long blade was separated from his control unexpectedly completely, inside exudes invisible strength, stopped his continuation invasion of divine sense. 黑色长刀竟完全脱离了他的掌控,里面泛起一股股无形之力,阻拦住了他的神识的继续侵入。 Snort!” Han Li cold snort/hum, the forehead crystal light flashes. “哼!”韩立冷哼一声,眉心处晶光一闪。 Strength of the more boundless divine sense wells up crazily, changed into ruler permits Chang translucent sword image, after is fuzzy, cut into Black Blade. 一股更为磅礴的神识之力狂涌而出,化为了一口尺许长的半透明剑影,一个模糊过后,斩入了黑刀之中。 Chī la, sword image easily one cuts that invisible strength. 嗤啦”一声,剑影轻易将那股无形之力一下斩开。 This invisible sword image, is the Thoughts Sword Art magical powers. 这无形剑影,正是念剑诀神通。 Han Li divine sense submerged in the black long blade, in restriction layer upon layer across knife, arrives in restriction most deep place quickly, vision becomes blurry, appeared in a black space unexpectedly. 韩立神识没入了黑色长刀之中,穿过刀身内的层层禁制,很快抵达禁制最深处,眼前一花,竟出现在了一个黑色空间内。 Here proliferated the innumerable thick or thin black traces, as if innumerable dense and numerous spider webs, condense huge and numerous and diverse magical array, the magical array center is a black altar/jar. 此处遍布了无数粗细不已的黑色纹路,仿佛无数密密麻麻的蛛网,凝聚成一个巨大而且繁杂的法阵,法阵中心处是一个黑色阵坛。 One group twists black light float in the altar/jar, flashes, the surrounding mark as if echoes general, is flashing. 一团扭曲的黑光悬浮在阵坛内,闪动不已,周围的阵纹仿佛呼应一般,也在闪动不已。 Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, in the heart shakes. 韩立眼见此景,心中一震。 After he obtains Black Blade, careful sacrificial refining, divine thought had also once arrived here. 他得到黑刀后,精心祭炼过,神念也曾抵达过这里。 However at that time here mark not so complex, only then probably 1/3, simply do not have meteorology at this moment, the present situation perhaps is Black Blade core restriction original feature. 但是当时此处的阵纹没有这般复杂,只有大概三分之一,根本没有此刻的气象,现在的情形恐怕才是黑刀核心禁制的本来面目吧。 His vision revolution, looked that is black light to that group. 他目光一转,看向那团黑光。 Under that group black light as has a feeling, the ray flashes, appeared a somewhat dim face, looked toward Han Li. 那团黑光似有所感,光芒一闪之下,浮现出了一张有些朦胧的面孔,朝着韩立看了过来。 This face facial features blur, the eye slightly is only clearer, is thin and long, the shape like the blade edge, inside shows an anger, haughty color. 这面孔五官模糊,唯有一双眼睛略微清楚一些,又细又长,形如刀锋,里面透出一股愤怒,狂傲之色。 Han Li sees this, in the heart moves. 韩立见此,心中一动。 Although this face looked that is not quite clear, but actually absolutely is not Fang Pan. 这面孔虽然看不太清,但却绝对不是方磐 Under his slightly consideration, in the heart immediately suddenly, it seems like that this Black Blade master is not Fang Pan, perhaps is Fang Pan the thing that borrows from that person of hand. 他略一思量之下,心中顿时恍然,看来这黑刀的主人并非是方磐,恐怕是方磐从那人手中借来的此物吧。 Although he careful sacrificial refining this blade, but Black Blade original master, if saved what method to hide, his naturally sense/telepathy. 他虽然精心祭炼过此刀,但黑刀原主人若是存了什么手段想要隐藏,他自然感应不到。 „It is not good!” The Han Li facial expression suddenly changes. “不好!”韩立神情陡然一变。 The black long blade owner stimulates the mark in knife at this moment suddenly, perhaps in the sense/telepathy Black Blade exact location, so that brings back. 黑色长刀主人此刻突然激发刀身内的印记,恐怕是在感应黑刀的具体位置,以便来取回。 If really makes this person look, but was big on the trouble. 若是真让此人找来的话,可就麻烦大了。 Han Li with this thought, in the mouth cried loud and long. 韩立一念及此,口中长啸一声。 next moment, in the black altar the negative crystal light flashes, huge translucent sword image appears, cut ruthlessly to that group was black light. 下一刻,黑色法坛上空晶光一闪,一道巨大半透明剑影浮现而出,狠狠斩向了那团黑光。 The fuzzy face also angrily roars, under flashed changed into a clear jet black chains, was somewhat similar to that Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain, pulls out to sword image. 模糊人脸也怒吼一声,一闪之下化为了一段晶莹的漆黑锁链,和那隔元法链有几分相似,抽向了剑影 Both bumped into ruthlessly in one! 两者狠狠相撞在了一起! Kā chā, the black chains was cut two sections by sword image, immediately bang one sound changed is the innumerable black sparkling stone light, scatters. 咔嚓”一声,黑色锁链被剑影斩成两截,随即“砰”的一声化为无数黑色莹光,飘散开来。 All marks in black space stop glittering immediately, returned to normal. 黑色空间内的所有阵纹立刻停止闪烁,恢复了平静。 Meanwhile, the black long blade also stopped trembling, the superficial ray diverged all, seemingly tame incomparable, as if by thorough refined. 与此同时,黑色长刀也停止了震颤,表面光芒尽数散去,看起来温驯无比,似乎被彻底炼化了。 However on Han Li this moment face has not actually revealed many happy expression, a divine thought revolution looked to the black altar. 然而韩立此刻脸上却并没有露出多少喜色,神念一转的看向了黑色法坛。 In the altar, inscribes to resemble writing non-, resembles the picture non- picture mark, sends out the weak miraculous glow. 法坛之内,铭刻着一个似文非文,似画非画的印记,散发出微弱的灵光。 life source mark!” 本命印记!” His cold snort/hum, the intention urges, sky over the altar flashes again, appears together transparent sword image, cuts ruthlessly in that mark. 他冷哼一声,心念一催,法坛上空再次一闪,浮现出一道透明剑影,狠狠斩在那印记上。 Bang! 砰! Transparent sword image such as chops the iron stone, rebounded. 透明剑影如劈中铁石,反弹了回去。 The life source mark trembles gently, immediately then restores the original design, as if the rock is stable, indestructible. 本命印记只是轻轻一颤,立刻便恢复了原样,仿佛磐石般稳固,坚不可摧。 The Han Li complexion sinks, the look twinkle is uncertain, has not continued to attack, but took back all divine thought directly. 韩立面色微沉,眼神闪烁不定,没有继续攻击,而是直接收回了所有神念 He looks in the hand is grasping the black long blade, the facial expression clearly is cloudy uncertain. 他看着手中握着的黑色长刀,神情阴晴不定起来。 In the Han Li divine thought invasion black long blade, wants to cancel mark at the same time, away Ancient Clouds Continent does not know that beyond many trillion li (0.5 km), have several the black great crane both wings of hundred zhang (333 m) size high and low to unfold fully proceeds to speed along. 就在韩立神念侵入黑色长刀,想要抹去其中印记的同时,距古云大陆不知多少亿万里之外,一只足有数百丈大小的黑色巨鹤正双翅上下展动的往前飞驰。 This crane is covered with jet black Iron Feather all over the body, the top of the head feather is actually the golden color, as if a gold crown is common, the body feather surface black flame is partly visible, especially on two wings is the black flame is richer, condenses two bigger black hot wings around the wing faintly. 此鹤通体长满漆黑的铁羽,头顶羽毛却是金色,仿佛一顶金冠一般,身上羽毛表面黑色火光若隐若现,尤其两只翅膀上更是黑色火光浓郁,隐隐在翅膀周围又凝聚成两只更大的黑色火翼。 The great crane pair of wings fans fast, every time fans one time, then flickers to move proceeds fly to have several hundred li (0.5 km) away generally, quick astonishment. 巨鹤双翼快速扇动,每扇动一次,便瞬移一般往前飞遁出数百里之遥,快的惊人。 One height near zhang (3.33 m), the complexion is sallow, wears the yellow robe guy who the bronze protects the volume, is sitting cross-legged to sit above the black crane back. 一个身高近丈,脸色焦黄,头戴青铜护额的黄袍大汉,正盘膝坐在了黑鹤背脊之上。 Guy body week float yellow array flag, more than hundred, bloom fully yellow misty rays, composes several zhang (3.33 m) yellow magical array, the twinkle of flickering is uncertain, slowly revolution. 大汉身周悬浮了一杆杆黄色阵旗,足有百余杆,绽放出一道道黄濛濛光芒,组成一个数十丈大小的黄色法阵,忽暗忽明的闪烁不定,缓缓运转。 His two pinch finger joints with the thumb, continuous departure of innumerable yellow rune from his hand, after in the air array disk spin, then submerges in its surrounding magical array in abundance, seems using what secret technique. 他两手掐诀,无数黄色符文从其手中络绎不绝的飞出,在空中一阵盘旋过后,便纷纷没入其周围的法阵中,似乎在施展什么秘术。 Bang! “砰”的一声! Yellow great array shakes fiercely, the disintegration disrupts loudly, array flag scatter in all directions to dance in the air. 黄色大阵猛地一震,轰然解体碎裂开来,一杆杆阵旗四散飞舞。 Focal plane guy complexion slightly white, opened the eye. 焦面大汉面色微白了一下,睁开了眼睛。 Damn!” Guy both eyes narrow the eyes, project two cold glow, a low roar sound said. “该死!”大汉双目一眯,射出两道冷芒,低喝一声道。 He wields single-handed, these deflect all around array flag to circle the gathering to return all, submerges in its crown of the head in abundance, is missing. 他单手一挥,那些飞散四周的阵旗尽数盘旋汇聚而回,纷纷没入其天灵盖中,不见了踪影。 „Can't master, lock that person of position?” Black great crane opens the mouth suddenly, makes the sharp sound. “主人,未能锁定那人的位置吗?”黑色巨鹤忽的开口,发出尖锐的声音。 Snort! Missed a point, but also approximately sense/telepathy to the position direction of that boy. Fang Pan that useless people, died then died, but also my Black Emperor Slaughtering Immortal Sabre losing.” Focal plane guy cold -ly snorted and said. “哼!就差了一点,不过也大致感应到那小子的位置方向了。方磐那个废物,死便死了,还将我的黑帝屠仙刃给弄丢了。”焦面大汉冷哼道。 Fang Pan is playboy who depends upon master gate, how can also with the master compared with you.” Great crane some saying of disdaining. 方磐不过是个依靠师门的纨绔,又如何能够和主人您相比。”巨鹤似有些不屑的说道。 No matter how said, Black Emperor Slaughtering Immortal Sabre is my life source immortal artifact, does not may lose, if we had known then should not believe Fang Pan that boy statement of only one of the parties in the past, borrowed him this treasure.” Focal plane guy somewhat annoying saying. “不管怎么说,黑帝屠仙刃可是我的本命仙器,万万不可有失,早知道当年便不该听信方磐那小子一面之词,将此宝借他了。”焦面大汉有些懊恼的说道。 Said, this Han Li also really has good luck ever, in the past had not only died, now also in turn Fang Pan killing. However now master, since went into action, so long as found that boy, has not wanted to pinch then to pinch.” Saying with a smile that the black great crane flatters. “说起来,这韩立还真是命大,当年不仅没死,如今还反过来将方磐给杀了。不过现在主人既然出马了,只要找到那小子,还不是想捏死便捏死了。”黑色巨鹤讨好的笑道。 On this boy does not know that actually to be hiding what secret, makes Fang Pan so rigid unexpectedly, I am curious very! In brief cannot make that old ghost know, but otherwise did not have my anything matter.” The focal plane guy coldly said, the body yellow clothes robe ballooning, huge aura sends out. “这小子身上也不知究竟藏着什么秘密,竟让方磐如此执着,我可是好奇的很呐!总之不能让那老鬼知道,否则可就没我什么事了。”焦面大汉冷冷道,身上黄色衣袍鼓胀,一股庞大气息散发开来。 Nearby air humming sound shivers, has a series of Pī Li Pā Lā bangs. 附近空气嗡嗡颤抖,发出一连串噼里啪啦的巨响。 Black great crane sense/telepathy to the fearful aura that on the guy lends, the head one low, the body could not bear trembles lightly, the speed sped up again. 黑色巨鹤感应到大汉身上散发的可怕气息,脑袋一低,身躯忍不住轻颤了一下,速度再次加快了一些。 ...... …… Han Li is looking in the hand the black long blade, in the heart under the thought rotation, two ten fingers of simultaneous/uniform Dong suddenly, pinches finger joints with the thumb fast. 韩立看着手中黑色长刀,心中念头转动下,两手忽的十指齐动,飞快掐诀起来。 The dazzling azure light erupts from his hand immediately, changes into large azure rune, fell in Black Blade. 耀眼青光顿时从其手中爆发,化为一个个斗大的青色符文,落在在了黑刀上。 The Black Blade surface appears immediately the azure rune design, are getting more and more, in an instant spreads Black Blade each place. 黑刀表面顿时浮现出一个个青色符文图案,越来越多,转眼间遍及黑刀每一个地方。 The black long blade turned into a azure long blade at this moment impressively, aura has not sent out. 黑色长刀此刻赫然变成了一个青色长刀,一丝气息也没有散发出来。 Before this is him, has studied seals the technique of treasure, may specifically be used for seal magical treasure. 这是他以前学过的一门封宝之术,可专门用来封印法宝 After completing these, Han Li took out a black long chest, this thing obviously is also a treasure, the superficial miraculous glow flashes, lends inexplicable aura faintly. 做完这些后,韩立又取出了一个黑色长匣,此物明显也是一件宝物,表面灵光闪动,隐隐散发出一股莫名的气息。 He received the black long blade, turns the hand to take out several seal talisman, pasted altogether above the black box. 他将黑色长刀收了进去,又翻手取出几张封印符箓,一股脑儿贴在了黑匣之上。 Han Li is looking at the black box in hand, the brow slightly wrinkle. 韩立看着手中的黑匣,眉头微皱。 Although he exerted so many seals, however in the heart has not grasped, can isolate the sensation of this blade originally owner thoroughly. 虽然他施加了这么多封印,然而心中还是没有把握,能够彻底隔绝此刀原本主人的感知。 In other words, this thing, if side continues to remain, still had the walked in risk. 也就是说,此物若继续留在身边,仍有被人找上门来的风险。 Although does not know that this blade owner and Fang Pan are what relations, but definitely is the enemy non- friend. 虽然不知道此刀主人和方磐是何关系,不过肯定是敌非友。 Also does not know when that person initially sacrificial refining this blade what uses is what special method, makes mark so stubborn unexpectedly. 也不知道那人当初祭炼此刀时用的是什么特别手段,竟使得其中的印记如此顽固。 According to the estimate of Han Li, in his present cultivation base and method, the words that wants to erase thoroughly, at least must spend over hundred years time, was good with true fire little refined. 韩立的估计,以他如今的修为和手段,想要将之彻底抹除的话,起码也得花费百年以上时间,用真火一点点炼化才行了。 The time price of what a pity like this consuming rather was also too big, this makes him cannot help but in a dilemma. 可惜这样所耗费的时间代价也未免太大了,这让他不由得左右为难起来。
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