RMJTIIW :: Volume #3

#221: Pure cream discuss Dao

After more than one year . 一年多后。 Southwest Ancient Clouds Continent, a continuous mountain range, the surrounding area does not know many ten thousand li (0.5 km). 古云大陆西南,一片连绵的山脉,方圆不知多少万里。 Regardless of the entire mountain range the ground or the mountain peak present the bright incomparable scarlet color, in the mountain range proliferated densely and numerously did not know many craters, often is emitting upward the scarlet magma column of flame. 整个山脉无论地面还是山峰都呈现出鲜艳无比的赤红之色,山脉内更是遍布了密密麻麻不知多少火山口,不时往上喷吐着赤红的岩浆火柱。 The column of flame shoots up to the sky then together, splendid sight, rumble the loud sound is unceasing, the sky fills the scarlet red hot cloud, in the air is flooding the rich sulfur aura. 一道接着一道火柱冲天而起,蔚为壮观,轰隆隆的巨响不断,天空更是弥漫着赤红色的火云,空气中充斥着浓郁的硫磺气息。 The mountain range deep place, the pothole as if honey-combs are densely and numerously ordinary, proliferate in mountain valleys. 山脉深处,一个个坑洞密密麻麻仿佛蜂巢一般,遍布在一座座山谷间。 Here Fire Cloud Ridge. 此处正是火云岭 In the midair the azure shadow flashes, but, Han Li form appear out of thin air, the vision looked at several toward the surroundings, immediately flies to below mine tunnel. 半空中青影一闪而至,韩立的身影凭空浮现,目光朝着周围看了几眼,随即向下方的矿洞飞去。 After more than ten days . 十余日后。 The Fire Cloud Ridge bottom deep place, in the giant mine tunnel, big small two forms high and low are fluttering somewhere, when gathers, fierce disputes. 火云岭地底深处,某处巨型矿洞中,一大一小两道身影正上下翻飞,时分时合,激烈交锋。 Every bumps into one time makes the huge sound, causes the entire mid-hill also to rock fiercely, innumerable every large or small crushed stones such as rain under. 每一次相撞都发出巨大的声音,引得整个山腹也为之剧烈晃动,无数大大小小的碎石如雨而下。 Small form Han Li, his whole body azure light at this moment winds around, ejects fist shades unarmed. 小的身影正是韩立,此刻的他周身青光缭绕,赤手空拳击出一道道拳影。 That say/way huge form is body figure has the 7 - 8 zhang (3.33 m) red lizard of fully, body figure is seemingly keen, and in the mouth often has the burning hot large flame turnover, but is actually not able to hit Han Li. 那道巨大身影则是一头身形足有七八丈的赤色蜥蜴,身形看似灵敏,且口中不时有炙热火舌吞吐,但却根本无法击中韩立一下。 One time is the fist of Han Li every fell in the contrary its, can pound cracks the seemingly hard incomparable red scale. 反倒是韩立的拳头每一次落在其身上,都可以将看似坚硬无比的赤色鳞片砸出一道道裂纹。 Soon, this strength not poor scarlet lizard has then been scarred, whole body scale many disruption. 不多时,这头实力不菲的赤蜥便已是伤痕累累,全身鳞片多处碎裂。 This beast has conceived to quit, but Han Li body figure such as the maggot of tarsal bone, does not give any opportunities. 此兽早已萌生退意,怎奈韩立身形如跗骨之蛆般,根本不给其任何机会。 Bang “砰” Han Li is a fist rumbles, finally this scarlet lizard does not know unexpectedly why does not dodge does not evade, was struck to fly upside down directly, hit ruthlessly to a hole wall. 韩立又是一拳轰出,结果这一次赤蜥竟不知为何不闪不避,直接被击得倒飞了出去,狠狠撞向了一处洞壁上。 His back by the fist hit place, a big piece of scale was disrupted thoroughly, dripping with blood. 其后背被拳头击中处,一大片鳞片彻底碎裂,鲜血淋漓。 When the result scarlet lizard close to the hole wall, a opens the mouth, is spouting red flame suddenly, melted the billowing magma the hole wall instantaneously. 结果赤蜥在接近洞壁时,蓦然一张口,喷出一股赤色火焰,将洞壁瞬间融化成了滚滚岩浆。 Scarlet lizard body suddenly fuzzy, then must drill into the magma. 赤蜥身子蓦然一个模糊之下,便要就此钻入岩浆中。 Finally in the meantime, a giant black blade light illness/quick shoots, but, resembles the slow reality anxious to appear in the scarlet lizard back sores instantaneously, power of magical principle falls in torrents, one changes into a huge great strength to fall on its. 结果就在此时,一道巨大的黑色刀光疾射而至,似缓实急般瞬间出现在赤蜥后背伤处,一股法则之力倾泻而出,一下化为一股庞然巨力落在其身上。 The red giant lizard loses the scale protection, the body immediately by crash of blade light neat incomparable cleaving in two, then a blade light slightly fuzzy revolution, more than ten black blade light flash past, its Nascent Soul has not escaped then to be stirred with enough time crushes. 赤色巨蜥失去鳞片保护,身躯顿时被刀光整齐无比的劈成了两半的坠落而下,接着刀光略一模糊的一转,十几道黑色刀光一闪而过,其元婴未来得及遁出便被搅得粉碎。 The Han Li single-handed move, the black long blade flies to shoot to return. 韩立单手一招,黑色长刀飞射而回。 This red giant lizard causes here mineral lode personnel missing chief criminal, its strength is actually is not very strong, but the body scale is indestructible, and may easily melt the mountain wall the mountain wall goes through in the ground and, starts the sneak attack virtually impossible to guard against. 这头赤色巨蜥正是导致此处矿脉人员失踪的罪魁祸首,其实力其实算不上很强,但身上鳞片坚不可摧,且可轻易融化山壁在地面和山壁内穿行,发动偷袭令人防不胜防。 Even he, still spent half a month time, finally stopped up this beast here. 即便是他,也花了半个月时间,才终于在这里堵住了此兽。 This beast lower abdomen place, the human head size scarlet red crystals tumble, scattered place. 此兽小腹处,一块块人头大小的赤红色的晶体滚落而出,撒了一地。 The crystal presents the translucent shape, the center is glittering one group of flame red light, sends out the burning hot incomparable temperature, as if heat carbon block, but compared with carbon block temperature high more than ten million times is. 晶体呈现半透明状,中心处闪烁着一团火焰般的红光,散发出炙热无比的温度,仿佛烧红的炭块,不过比炭块温度高上千万倍就是。 This was fire element crystal......” Han Li fell, picked up a crystal, muttered. “这就是火元晶……”韩立落了下来,捡起一块晶体,喃喃自语。 The high temperature of his palm to crystal burning hot, seemed to be unresponsive. 他的手掌对晶体炙热的高温,似乎毫无反应。 Han Li looked at two, waves fire element crystal to receive all the ground, 韩立看了两眼,挥手将地面上火元晶尽数收起, His vision has swept on the scarlet lizard immediately, in the hand Black Blade wields lightly several, cuts after his four limbs claw receives, body figure then changes into together azure rainbow, flies to shoot to go in a mine tunnel direction. 他的目光随即在赤蜥身上扫过,手中黑刀轻挥数下,将其四肢爪子斩下收起后,身形便化为一道青虹,朝着矿洞一个方向飞射而去。 ...... …… After more than one year . 一年多后。 Too profound side hall entrance, a person's shadow half step walked, Han Li that the journeys servant servant hurries back. 太玄偏殿门口,一个人影快步走了过来,正是一路风尘仆仆赶回的韩立 Looks at the present construction, he shouted the one breath lightly, has completed two assignment, so long as completes one again, the following more than 100 years, he then can feel at ease to do some of his matters. 看着眼前的建筑,他轻呼了一口气,已经完成了两件任务,只要再完成一件,接下来的一百余年时间,他便能安心去做些自己的事了。 Han Li took a step, will start talking, suddenly was startled. 韩立迈步走了进去,正要开口说话,忽的一怔。 In palace unexpectedly nobody left, that grey robe old man unexpectedly not. 殿内竟然空无一人,那个灰袍老者竟然并不在。 After he slightly hesitates, turned around, put out a hand to block one exactly the young aide who passed through from the palace. 他略一沉吟后,转身走了出来,伸手拦住了一名恰好从殿外走过的青年侍从。 Pays a visit Sir Elder.” The young aide sees the Han Li elder clothing, quickly bows to salute. “拜见长老大人。”青年侍从看到韩立的长老服饰,急忙躬身行礼。 You may know where the elder here side hall did go to?” Han Li asked. “你可知道此处偏殿的长老去了哪里?”韩立问道。 „, You mean Elder Hu Yan, he should Hundred Liquor Mountain Villa at this moment on Hundred Liquor Peak.” The young aide is startled, immediately aims at a nearby mountain peak. “哦,您是说呼言长老,他此刻应该在百酒峰上的百酒山庄。”青年侍从一怔,随即指向附近的一座山峰。 Looks from here, can see the peak to be situated indistinctly a building. 从这里望去,隐约能看到峰顶坐落了一片建筑。 Hundred Liquor Mountain Villa......” 百酒山庄……” Han Li muttered, on the face flashes through a strange expression, after waving sent the youth to leave, without delay flew directly toward that mountain peak. 韩立喃喃自语一声,脸上闪过一丝古怪的表情,挥手打发青年离开后,二话不说的直接朝那座山峰飞去。 He falls above the mountain peak quickly, looks at a present vermilion gate white wall Dazhuang institute, above the front door writes Hundred Liquor Mountain Villa four large characters, flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, beautiful calligraphy. 他很快落在山峰之上,看着眼前的一座朱门白墙的大庄院,大门之上写着“百酒山庄”四个大字,龙飞凤舞,笔走龙蛇。 Four characters are somewhat scattered in disorder, as if after is stewed to the gills, at will general of writing. 只是四个字有些散乱,仿佛是大醉之后随意书写的一般。 Han Li hesitated, launches divine sense, eyebrow raise, that grey robe old man really inside. 韩立迟疑了一下,展开神识,眉梢一挑,那灰袍老者果然正在里面。 He reorganized a clothing, opened the front door to walk. 他整理了一下衣衫,推开大门走了进去。 In the institute was situated a big courtyard, by the courtyard has same bonsai of one row in respectively with the side hall, inside planted various spirit grass, spirit flower, not only spiritual energy abundant, but also sends out an intermittent rich fragrance. 院中坐落了一个大天井,天井两侧各有一排和偏殿内一样的盆栽,里面种植了各种灵草,灵花,不仅灵气盎然,还散发出一阵阵浓郁的芬芳。 The Han Li vision sweeps, eye slightly one bright. 韩立目光一扫,眼睛微微一亮。 In the bonsai of not far away has a green spirit grass, fully person high, above met completely the countless yellow bean. 不远处的一个盆栽中有一株绿色灵草,足有一人多高,上面接满了累累的黄色豆子。 These beans, the soldier bean that snatched from Heavenly Ghost Sect two Great Ascension were quite unexpectedly similar to him initially. 这些豆子,竟跟他当初从天鬼宗两个大乘手里抢来的兵豆颇为相似。 In the Han Li heart moved, sizes up took back the vision some little time, before arriving in the courtyard a main hall, knocks on a door. 韩立心中一动,打量了好一会才收回目光,走到院落内一个厅堂前,敲了敲门。 Elder Hu Yan, younger generation Li Feiyu interview.” 呼言长老,晚辈厉飞雨求见。” Said that this words, he then stands in out of the door waits. 说完此话,他便站在门外等待起来。 A moment later, hall gate Zhī Ya opens, rich wine heads on, Elder Hu Yan complexion tuo is red, the bleary eyes rest in advance, in the hand takes a lush green wine glass. 片刻之后,厅门吱呀一声打开,一股浓郁酒香扑面而来,呼言长老面色陀红,醉眼预睡,手里拿着一个青翠欲滴的酒杯。 „, Is you, then came back quickly.” Fine jade of Elder Hu Yan in the cup ferments tosses down, after pounding a lower jaw, this careless saying. “哦,是你啊,这么快便回来了。”呼言长老将杯中琼酿一饮而尽,砸吧了一下嘴后,这才漫不经心的说道。 Said that this words, he walks toward inside that turns around to swing three to suspend, lay down on a deck chair, takes up a nearby emerald wine pot, in the jade cup the hand fills, raises the head to drink again. 说完此话,他转身一摇三摆的往里面走去,在一个躺椅上躺了下来,拿起旁边的一只翡翠酒壶,将手中玉杯斟满,再次仰首饮下。 Really is the nice wine......” Elder Hu Yan sends out the satisfied sigh. “真是好酒啊……”呼言长老发出满足的叹息。 Han Li enters in the room slowly, sees at present the drunken old man, a brow slightly wrinkle, but then stretches, opens the mouth saying: 韩立缓缓走进屋内,看着眼前醉醺醺的老头,眉头微微一皱,但接着便舒展开来,开口道: Elder Hu Yan, has completed assignment below, was one will soon break through True Immortal Realm scarlet lizard sneak into/submerge Fire Cloud Ridge, already below , except that.” 呼言长老,在下已经完成了任务,是一头即将突破真仙境的赤蜥潜入火云岭,已经被在下除去了。” „, I have received transmit/message...... your boy also correct/good...... to work neatly.” Elder Hu Yan looked that has not looked at Han Li one, during the speeches pours out thought two cups. “哦,我已经接到传讯了……你小子还不错……做事干净利落。”呼言长老看也没看韩立一眼,说话间又自斟自酌了两杯。 Many thanks the elder appreciates, wants to receive assignment below.” Han Li arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the old man, said. “多谢长老赞赏,在下想要接下一个任务。”韩立冲老者拱了拱手,又说道。 Boy, anxious anything! The cultivation ten thousand years, the experience tribulation has become an immortal, obtained unsurpassed lifespan, what is the chart? Is moving mountains to fill the seas, is shifty? Was respected by the world, no matter what Heaven and Earth does ramble? These are as transient as fleeting clouds, is far less than the this old man hand this cup of Forgotten Sorrow Elixir!, Accompanied this old man to drink one cup to say other well again.” Elder Hu Yan laughs, does not know where pulled out another wine glass to fill, patted a chair. “小子,急什么!既已修行万载,历劫成仙,获得了无上寿元,图得是什么?是移山填海,翻云覆雨?还是受世人敬仰,任天地逍遥?这些都不过是过眼云烟,远不如老夫手中这一杯忘忧醍醐!来来来,好好陪老夫喝一杯再说其他。”呼言长老哈哈大笑一声,不知从哪里掏出另一只酒杯斟满,拍了拍身旁的一个椅子。 Although in the Han Li heart is not willing to delay the time in this, but as if thought of anything, sat, took up the wine glass. 韩立心中虽不愿在此耽误功夫,但似乎想到了什么,还是坐了下来,拿起了酒杯。 So, then on thank your for your hospitality.” “如此,那就叨扰了。” This was right, sings while drinking, making merry while one can, what this is this old man is the say/way of immortal! Does!” After Elder Hu Yan took up the wine glass and Han Li bumped one next, tossed down to say. “这就对了,对酒当歌,及时行乐,这才是老夫的为仙之道!干!”呼言长老拿起酒杯与韩立碰了一下后,一饮而尽道。 Han Li sees this, immediately also raises the head to drink the wine. 韩立见此,当即也将杯中物仰首喝下。 This fine jade ferments into the throat, the fresh tasting like the joy, only after thinking is first cool the heat, in the dantian raises immediately a heat flow, toward all the limbs and bones dispersing, the whole person suddenly feels to relax numb incomparable. 这一口琼酿入喉,甘冽如怡,只觉先凉后热,丹田中顿时升起一股热流,朝四肢百骸散开,整个人顿觉放松酥麻无比。 This feeling, seems like to mount the clouds and ride the mist suddenly, near the ear the heavenly music winds around, feeling of the floating desire immortal raids. 这种感觉,就似乎自己突然间腾云驾雾而起,耳边仙乐缭绕,一股飘然欲仙之感袭来。 Nice wine!” Han Li blurted out. “好酒!”韩立脱口而出道。 Haha, refreshed! The average men said that the liquor can disturb the disposition, as everyone knows this is drunk rear area has been able exuberant, but is, this Great Dao 3000, life hundred tastes, perhaps only then after pure cream strength injection, is easier to realize! Your I, although cultivates is the immortal, but this, actually does not become aware is unavailable! Drinks.” Elder Hu Yan haha is smiling, for oneself and Han Li but actually full one cup. “哈哈,爽快!常人道酒能乱性,殊不知这一醉过后方能率性而为,这大道三千,人生百味,或许只有在醍醐灌顶后,才更易体会!你我虽修的是仙,但这道,却非悟不可得!来来,喝酒。”呼言长老哈哈笑着,又为自己和韩立倒了满满一杯。 Han Li hears this words, in the heart cannot help but moves. 韩立听闻此话,心中不由得一动。 Drunk old man's this time words, seems like the nonsense, as if contains some profound meaning. 醉老头的此番话,看似胡言乱语,却似乎蕴含着某种深意。 After oneself return to Immortal World, it may be said that step by step alarmed, in the heart brings a vigilance at times, is unable confidently facing this way of the world myriad, that free and unrestrained immortal who this feeling and looked forward to initially, is widely divergent. 自己重返仙界后,可谓步步惊心,心中时时带着一丝警惕,无法坦然面对这世道万千,这种感受和自己当初憧憬的那种逍遥自在的仙人,可是大相径庭。 But this losing and constraining, after running into this being drunk old man, as if by opposite party glass of liquor, under the words, there is a suddenly seeing the light feeling, making in his heart approve this time words unconsciously. 但这种失落和压抑,在遇到这醉老头后,似乎被对方这一杯酒,一席话之下,有种豁然开朗之感,让其心中不觉认同了此番话。 Oneself from a mountain village boy, since cultivation step by step, frequently in pressure, always flees cultivation is own significance? 自己从一山村小子,一步一步的修行至今,时时刻刻处于压力之中,难道无时无刻的亡命修炼才是自己存在的意义? Since Dao Achievement has become an immortal, may with the Heaven and Earth same longevity, place in large sect now, has 1 million li (0.5 km) territory, oneself as if should also make merry while one can, well enjoyed one. 既然已得道成仙,可与天地同寿,如今又身处大宗之内,坐拥百万里领地,自己似乎也该及时行乐,好好的享受一番了。 In addition, perhaps puts down some shackles, can leave Great Dao to be nearer...... 此外,或许多放下一些枷锁,也能离大道更近一些吧…… No, is not right!” “不,不对!” He shakes the head fiercely, throws to open these thoughts completely. 他猛地摇了摇头,将这些念头全部一抛而开。 At the beginning of that year when entered Immortal World, because perhaps was mistaken that Great Dao became, can free and unfettered Immortal World, this was the victim, severely wounded amnesia, lost Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, Daoist Crab, otherwise with the overcautious personality, how to always come that big cropper? 当年初入仙界之时,或许正是因为误以为大道既成,可以逍遥仙界了,这才遭人暗算,重伤失忆,丢失了青竹蜂云剑蟹道人等的吧,否则以自己一向谨小慎微的性格,岂会栽那么大一个跟头? Oneself just stood firm now, but how really relaxes vigilantly, makes same mistakes over again, making ten thousand years cultivation base destroy in a dynasty? 自己如今刚刚站稳了脚跟,岂可真的放松警惕,再重蹈覆辙,使得万载修为毁于一朝? This Immortal World seems like the world peace and happiness, the actually undercurrent is turbulent, crisis-ridden, oneself must be more careful, the side opportunity can have another day the day of achievement Great Dao! 仙界看似天下升平,实则暗潮汹涌,危机四伏,自己必须要更为小心,方有一线机会能有他日成就大道之日! These thoughts dodge in his heart pass, let its back had/left at the same time, in the heart some faith actually unknowingly became firmer. 这些念头在其心中一闪即逝,让其背后出了一身冷汗的同时,心中某种信念却不知不觉中变得更加坚定了。 Senior this is the azure perry, is really the top grade nice wine.” Han Li carried the wine glass to drink, in the mouth approved one again greatly, but the look actually became the pure brightness to be incomparable. 前辈这是青梨酒吧,果然是极品好酒。”韩立端起酒杯喝了下去,口中再次大赞一声,但眼神却变得清明无比起来。 At this moment, near the ear base heavenly music does not know when could not have heard. 此刻,耳边的靡靡仙乐也不知何时已然听不到了。
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